Angel Card Reading – Week of May 29, 2016

The crystals I am using this week are as follows, from left to right then top and bottom:

Pietersite – Links the everyday consciousness to the spiritual. Connects us to the Heavens.

Aragonite – Self-Worth. Stabilizing stone that centres and grounds your energy. Useful during stressful times. Brings energy to your body. 

Carnelian – Is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. 

Tiger’s Eye – Is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. 

Unakite – Can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from heart chakra, lift your spirits when you are feeling down, help you to see the beauty in life, and uncover deception.

Smoky Quartz – Is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. Alleviates depression.

Aragonite – This is the same and the pink coloured pointy Crystal, just in different form. For self-worth and stabilizing. 

We were just talking about trips to the ocean at work last week. My coworker had just got back from whale watching out on the BC coast, and it sparked a reminder in me, of how much this is a priority for me. It reminded me that I am a priority, and I deserve to do things in life that help me to experience, learn, grow and heal. I am dying to go to the ocean, and I WILL make that happen as soon as possible! Even if we aren’t going to be able to jet off to the ocean this week, this card reminds us to find healing and cleansing in the water. Drink lots of water, swim, bath. Connect with the water and be grateful for its power. The Family card is saying we need to find peace within our family units. Be more forgiving than usual. Be more caring and understanding. The Angels are going to be there to help everyone understand, heal and grow. I have been missing all my family and friends back in my hometown, and this card is reminding me that I need to make visiting them a priority as well. Ask the Angels for any help you are needing. Ask them for protection and healing for yourself or others. Ask them for strength to conquer the challenges of this week, and to find the beauty amidst those challenges. Ask them for time to do everything you want and enjoy. I know they are with me to assist me with courage and confidence to face the next phase of my life. Thank you Angels for guiding my life and providing assistance in all ways. 

The Ocean – This card comes to you because of your connection with the ocean. It’s a sign that you need to spend more time near the sea, perhaps take a vacation or as a homebase. Angels will help with this endeavour if you ask and allow them to. The ocean air and water inspires and heals you. Take a salt bath. Drink more water. Learn a water sport. 

Family – This card means that questions you have could be related to a family issue. It could be that some healing work is needed concerning one particular family member. Or this card may signal a need for more family togetherness, such as spending an evening or a holiday together. Your Angels will guide you through this passage. It’s time to face old feelings so they can be released and cleared. Release any unwanted patterns by forgiving yourself or family members.

Ask – This card serves as a reminder to ask your Angels for help more often. The Angels can help with any and all areas of your life, including bringing you ideas, courage, faith, confidence, and clarity. They can also help with all material needs, such as money, time, health, and vitality. Ask for whatever you need. Instead of complaining, ask for help. Ask the people in your life to help you. Delegate. Hire others to assist you. Request help from your Angels for everything, no matter how small or large.


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Angel Card Reading – Week of May 22, 2016

The crystals I am using this week are:

Desert Rose is used to dissolve “programs” we have put upon our selves that are outdated or over-used. 

Goldstone helps you to stay calm and stabilize emotions. It’s helps to attain goals. Symbolizes prosperity to me. 

The Crystal Geode connects us to Earth, and symbolizes the beauty held within a hardened exterior. 

Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. Alleviates depression. This is a favourite stone of mine.

Polka-dot Rhyolite represents change, variety and progress. It sparks creativity in individuals who are ready.

Smoky Quartz again.

Ocean Jasper is a marvelous stone for cultivating patience and coping with change, and encourages giving service to others. 

There is a lot of change to come this week… And communication will go along with it. I could feel major tension in my throat chakra while doing my reiki, and these stones are very representative of change. Let’s see what the cards say. 

This week feels like there is a lot of business and work related communication and decision making, and the weekend feels like time to work on our communication at home. Blue Heron is telling us to take a stand in our lives. Do what feels right for you, no matter what everyone else thinks around you. It seems like there will be definite changes in our lives this week, one where we need to pay attention to the details, and make careful consideration. No matter how people around you are making you feel, make the choice that feels right for you. Mouse not only says to look at the fine details of the situation, but also at the truth behind people’s actions all around you. Don’t just take their words or advice at face value, but really decipher them for truth. Gorilla is a reminder to make time for the people that truly matter to us, our family and friends. Show your appreciation for them, and build your connection by being a good listener and allowing them to open up, and the weekend coming up will be a perfect time to make this happen. (I said there was going to be lots of communicating this week!) Remind your family of how much you love them, by truly listening and allowing them to express themselves. Keep your relationships strong and healthy! 

Blue Heron – Trust your deepest sense of knowing what the right action is and do it, and don’t rely on others to tell you what to do or how to act. Not everyone will approve of the decisions you make, and if your choice goes against the grain of what people expect from you, you’ll no doubt run into strong criticism and judgment. Stand still, look around you, and breathe. You’re doing just fine in spite of other’s assessments of you. Besides, your greatest and most fulfilling support will come from a place inside that guides you by revealing signs that tell you what path to follow. Heeding the signs helps your soul be in alignment with spirits intent for you. You may have to get both feet in the water and wade through the dregs of other people’s disapproval, asserting yourself where needed. Practical optimism and clarity of purpose will always dissipate any tendencies toward cynicism or self-pity. Trust in your inner knowing, and let that be the source of your strength to help keep you moving forward.

Mouse – Pay closer attention to other people’s body language, how they move, their gestures, facial expressions, and general posture. When you focus not only on what individuals are saying but also on their body language, you’ll find that you have considerably more information that you can use to understand what they’re really communicating. For body language typically reveals far more about people than what their verbally expressing. Sit back wherever there are people around, and simply observe for a while. Look to see if what others say is congruent with their body language, and watch for any discrepancies. In other words, don’t always take people at their word. Also pay closer attention to agreements and contracts right now take your time to completely understand any agreement, finding out as much as you can by asking questions and consulting friends and experts to get their advice. Be careful, however, not to get bogged down into much detail. Walk that fine line between scrutinizing a contract for an inordinate amount of time, thus remaining stuck in indecisiveness due to your need to be 100% certain that you’ve covered everything, and rushing into something impulsively and reflexively based on emotional appeal.

Gorilla – The bond between family members can gradually decay and become stultified unless it’s continually nourished with loving attention, and one of the simplest most elegant ways of showing that attention is to listen compassionately to those you care about the most. Otherwise, you risk taking them for granted, assuming they’ll always be there and that they’ll know you love them. Take time to have a conversation, starting with relatively superficial topics, and moving into more in-depth, personal themes, adding your own tidbits, but primarily focusing on what the other person has to say. Show your spouse, partner, children, parents, or elders you your love by listening and really hearing what they have to say about how they feel and what they think. This not only generates a deeper, more lasting affection between you and the other person, but far exceeds glibly saying “I love you” with no real feelings behind it. People are constantly changing and evolving, adding new experiences and insights. Who someone is today, while built on a foundation of a core-self, changes and is continuously elaborating on that core-self. Find the newness and freshness in those you love, which includes both your biological and marital families, as well as your close friends whom you’ve informally adopted as family.


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Angel Card Reading – Week of May 1, 2016

I chose the following crystals this week, which happened to be Earthy tones, that go right along with the Earth Magic deck I am going to use today. Starting from left to right:

-Bloodstone for circulatory health, and to keep our blood flowing. It helps to improve determination and personal power.

-Bronzite is a protective, grounding mineral that is used to restore harmony and self confidence in situations where you feel overwhelmed or powerless.

-Banded Agate is a healing stone for body, mind and spirit. It can increase concentration, honesty and memory. Banded Agate also protects the wearer from psychic attack, thereby preventing negative energy from harming you.

-Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. Alleviates depression.

-Carnelian stimulates ambition and drive, so it will aid you in manifesting what you require to move onto your desired path forward in life. 

-Desert Rose is very gentle and it teaches one that life is worth all of its ups and downs. 

-Malachite for luck, prosperity and abundance! 

-Crazy Lace Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. 

If you read my last blog post, you will see I have been feeling drained lately, depleted and sick. Lotus Flower is the perfect card, that reassures me this time of rest and retreat was part of my growth.. Part of a bigger picture. Lotus flower tells me we are all going through something.. We are going through these things because we are unfolding, learning lessons and becoming a better people every day. The Full Moon card shows me we will complete this phase of unfoldment, and this energy of feeling down, stuck or struggling, will soon come to completion. We will have a new fresh perspective in our lives, and may see things change by the end of this week. I feel like we will have better insight into the direction we are moving, and into the people we want to become. I have been feeling quite stuck again lately, like I’m at a standstill again. Like I have had zero time for me (or my spiritual work!), barely time to rest before its on to the next duty. I know, poor me right! Perspective is confirming exactly what I already know.. My point of view is way off. I have a beautiful life, a beautiful home, beautiful gifts, a beautiful family… I really am so blessed. I have been so focused on what I am lacking, what I am not receiving, what I am unhappy with, that I am continually pushing away happiness. Choosing perfection over living in the now, and it’s only perceived perfection. Nothing is ever really perfect. Who cares that my house is always clean, when I have no time for anyone to come over and actually spend time with me! I will be thankful to see this week through, and see what pushes me to view my life from a deeper, fresher perspective. I am sincerely looking forward to it! Doreen Virtue’s reading for this week referenced signs, so watch out for signs and symbols from spirit all week! You’ll know them when you see them! Have a great week of growth and unfoldment! 

Lotus Flower (Unfoldment) – The lotus flower sits upon one of its leaves, having risen to the surface as the sun invites it upward toward the light. At night the flower sinks below the surface, only to rise with daylight. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path unfolds and opens to the light, then at times gently folds in on itself for a proper rest when the daylight fades. This period is just as necessary for growth, for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment that day. Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times, wether or not you are aware of it. Like the lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light to fulfill its karmic destiny, but even in that process there are periods of darkness and times to rest. It is a natural cycle, one that cannot be truly coerced or halted. It has an intimate rhythm of its own, one that is unique to you. You do not need to strive for spiritual growth, or be driven by spiritual ambition. It does no good to try to force growth upon yourself. Just be your beautiful self, and love yourself and the world around you as much as you can. Allowing is the key here. Allow the place in you that naturally wants to follow the light, to do so, while recognizing that even when you have complete faith, you will face challenges and, occasionally, suffering. Your steady faith and love will guide you on your journey of returning to the light.

Full Moon (Completion) – Every 29.5 days Grandmother Moon shines bright and full in the sky, illuminating the landscape with her muted brilliance, casting a delicate canopy over the sky and the physical features of Earth. Having gradually etched her way over the last two weeks to fullness, she now stands like a guiding beacon in the night. She has completed this round of her perpetual and periodic monthly journey, and will now start her slow but steady retreat into shadow. In this card, we see the grandeur of the moon at its peak, blazing brightly and creating a silhouette of a tree. This beautiful orb reminds us that all cycles have their time of completion and fulfillment, one that will inevitably be followed by a decrease until yet another cycle is initiated. You can now take pleasure in knowing that whatever you have been working toward has now reached its culmination. It may have been a relatively brief cycle or a much more extensive one, yet regardless of the length of time you have arrived at the stage of completion. Let yourself feel the contentment and satisfaction of this accomplishment. It is like when you take a deep breath and reach the point where your lungs are pleasantly full and your body is ready to release that breath. It is important not only to enjoy this completion but also to let go and allow yourself to relax afterwards, just like exhaling slowly and consciously. People are much too eager to rush to the next item on the agenda without giving proper time and space to appreciating and honouring the natural cycle of release that follows a point of resolution. Give yourself the time to relax and rest before tackling spirits next assignment.

Milky Way (Perspective) – The Milky Way is said to be one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. It contains between 200 to 400 billion stars, the one most familiar to us being the sun. The oldest star in our galaxy is 13.2 billion years old – said to be nearly as old as the universe itself – and the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Distances are measured in light years, and the Milky Way galaxy is believed to be 100,000 light years in diameter. The enormity and vastness stagger the mind and challenge the imagination, yet it also gives us some notion of where we fit in all this. Considered from this perspective, our usual frame of reference is put to the task. We’re faced with a choice of abandoning our myopic vision in favour for seeing and accepting the bigger picture, or we can just allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by a sense of smallness and helplessness. Yet know that we are composed of material from those very stars that inhabit the Milky Way. Thus, we’re connected to Earth and the entire universe at all times, in life and death. You have lost your perspective, so it is time to step back, breathe, and allow yourself to detach in order to gather information from your senses and regain your perspective about this situation. Detachment does not mean you no longer care – it simply indicates that you are looking at things from a different point of view. It is an outlook that is not clouded by emotions, judgement, or attachment to outcome, but instead maintains a non-reactive awareness of these things. The Witness, that internal aspect of yourself that simply observes everything in your life, offers his or her eyes here. Through these lenses of pure awareness, you can examine all aspects of your experiences – physical, emotional, and mental – without denying anything. By doing so, you will come to understand a greater perspective than is typically justified by the ego, which allows you to see what is before you with clear vision and an open mind. 


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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels