Daily Angel Card Reading – November 30, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Ametrine, Galena and Charoite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Ametrine energies are said to stimulate the intellect and rid the aura of negative energy. It is also said to be helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Ametrine is used to aid in meditation, boost psychic abilities, relieve tension, disperse negativity and help to eliminate prejudice.

Galena – Galena is a stone of harmony and is said to bring healing, calmness, efficiency, receptivity, communication and insight. It is used for detoxification of all kinds. 

Charoite – A stone of transformation and a stone of power. In particular it transforms negative emotions such as anger and fear into positive feelings. As part of the transformation process it allows release of those negative emotions. It is also a stone of inspiration, bringing enhanced creativity, spiritual growth, and showing new possibilities even in old situations. This is a stone that allows us to see clearly which brings with it enhanced self-esteem. It can enhance or bring courage, inner strength, and appropriate assertiveness.

Again, it seems like we are working through the negativity and working on healing. We are going through a process of transformation. We will soon be seeing the positives and new possibilities. We need to remain steadfast in our courage and assertiveness. Let’s see what card gets drawn for today.

The card for today is Think About It. We have been going through a lot of stuff lately, and we have a lot on our mind. Try to transform the negative thoughts into more positive ones. It’s time to take a step back and try to see things from a fresh perspective. Don’t make any hasty decisions today. This is a time to slow down, try to see all avenues and options, and turn negatives into positives. There is always something to be grateful for. Gratitude exercises are the perfect way to reshape your perspectives, and be reminded of the positives! Once you have a clear and positive mindset, then you can move forward making the changes in your life that will benefit you in a positive way. 

Think About It – This card asks you to step back from your current path or thought process and review the situation you are asking about. There’s an unseen aspect, and the Angels guide you to slow down so you can move forward with the whole picture in sight. This card can also be cautionary, if you were about to make a radical change impulsively. While it may still be the best path, this card asks you to look into alternatives first. You’re exquisitely sensitive to energy, and your mission is to heal and transform negative energy into positive. However, there’s always a better way to do so. This card asks you to research your options for making healthful changes that are part of your mission. 

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 29, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Jasper Mookaite, Leopard Skin Jasper, Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Jasper Mookaite – Use to connect with elemental Earth powers for increasing self-confidence, self-worth, and to realize one’s full potential. An ideal tool for overcoming procrastination by revealing the true reason for avoiding certain tasks and bringing the motivation needed to resolve the issue. Its constant energy keeps one focused and grounded while soothing the mind and quieting distracting thoughts. It is great for focusing on a specific goal or for a motivational boost in the workplace. It emanates the energy of animal knowing, or instinct, and may be used to amplify one’s own instincts when making decisions.

Leopard Skin Jasper – Is a stone of shamanic journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect with one’s animal totems or “power” animals. It makes it easier for one to take proper responsibility. It is said to bring energies of success in work or business. Helps with creative visualization. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun. 

The crystals have been suggesting we are in need of protection lately. I was guided to use 3 types of Jasper today, and Jasper are stones of protection. There has been a lot of fear, worry, depression, negative thinking and nightmares lately. I know.. I have been experiencing all of the above, very much so the last couple days. I also see discussions surrounding these feelings within my spiritual groups, so I know it’s an energy we are all experiencing in our own ways. I know for sure that one of the reasons I have felt so down is because I lack proper balance in my life when it comes to having fun. I am on duty 24/7 and even when I have a few mins, I’m so tired, I have given up even trying to have fun. When you live in an unbalanced state, negativity and physical issues are bound to occur. I’m currently experiencing back spasms, and I know this is a physical manifestation because I don’t ask for help or delegate enough. It is the universes way of saying, I’ll make you stop going and make you have to ask for help. When you are unbalanced, it also affects your relationships with others. Today, we need to take proper responsibility for our lives, and our happiness. I see this applying to work too, we may need a motivational boost. We may need to set some boundaries with those around us. Try to have some fun in your work day and at home later. Try to find some balance. Believe me, I’m the worst for this, it goes in one ear and out the other, I think it’s a mom thing. I guess that’s why I need to keep hearing it and working on this. With the Leopard Skin Jasper and it’s ability to connect us with our power animals, I think I will use the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer. Let’s see which card is for today.

The card for today is Polar Bear. Again, this is symbolizing us taking responsibility for ourselves and speaking our truth, with respect. Show up, be present and ask for what you want. Don’t get upset over the outcome, even if things don’t work out how you would want, you are still expressing your needs and making them known. I feel like today is another struggle for balance. We want to have certain things in life, but yet someone else has power to help facilitate our needs, or not. I feel like by the end of the day, things will be smoothed over and there will be some fun to be had… but likely there will be some type of conversation or struggle before things work themselves out. Dalmatian Jasper will help you see things clearly, ground you, and protect you. Leopard Skin Jasper will help you accept responsibility. The Jasper Mookaite will remind you of your self-worth and help you with decision making. Mookaite activates the Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of will and personal power, therefore assisting you to express yourself from your heart and from a place of power. Remember that things will work themselves out, and that you will get passed this, so maybe knowing that, it can help you avoid over-reacting, and calmly assert your needs. 

Polar Bear – When you express yourself from your heart and from a place of power, it’s an unbeatable combination. You don’t need to growl or bully, nor do you need to fade into the background and deny yourself the opportunity to directly affect the situation. By showing up and being completely present, even when your simply listening, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Ask for what you want, and see what happens. Don’t get worked up about how it turns out. You may or may not get what you want, but at least your chances are much better if you ask. As for setting boundaries with others, such as saying no to requests and demands, when you do so, they may respect those boundaries or try to test them. If they do test the limits you’ve set, stand your ground and be clear. Approach the situation with the purity and innocence of a child and the focused intensity of a true warrior – one who doesn’t speak or act from anger, but from a place of truth and dignity. Know that when you do so, you’ll have nothing to fear. Associations: fearlessness, purity, leadership, powerful, provider, self-control, strength, wisdom, nobility, conversation, intensity, playfulness, adaptability

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 28, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Chrysocolla, Aquamarine and Inca Jade. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Chrysocolla – A stone of harmony. It can be used to purify a place or remove negativity from a person. It is a very gentle stone and its energy works in a gentle, harmonious way. It can help ease fear, anxiety and guilt, and bring hope. It is also used to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth.

Aquamarine – Known as a stone of courage and fortitude that can bring great power. It brings inner peace, hope and self-love, gives shielding for the aura, and is said to bring Angels for their guidance and protection. As such, it is an excellent crystal for meditaiton. Aquamarine is used to dispel anger and fear. It is also said to be a wonderful good luck stone. Aquamarine is reputed to assist with calming communication issues. Protector of water. 

Inca Jade – Is said to bring forth in humanity the necessary qualities to make the transition to the next level of spiritual evolution. Emanates energies of healing, higher consciousness, inner clarity, strength, the power of manifestation and unconditional love. 

These crystals are sending a clear message to me. That we need to purify ourselves as humans. We need to interact with the Earth in a gentle and harmonious way. We need to have courage, and we are protected by our Angels. We need to dispel our fear, and calmly communicate our need to protect our water and our Earth. We need to evolve to the next level of human consciousness so that we can overcome issues of greed, fear and destruction of the planet. The spiritual forces of Earth are begging us. We need to have unconditional love for everyone on planet Earth, and for the Earth itself. Let’s see which card will be pulled for today. 

Wow. Looks like the weekend fun is over, and it’s time to get back to dealing with the issues at hand. The Eagle has come today to communicate and connect with us. The crystals clearly indicated a connection with Mother Earth and a message for us humans to smarten up. This card is so beautiful to me, the aboriginal man looks up to the Eagle, willingly eager to take any message or guidance the wise bird brings to us. He is open to connecting with the spirit of this animal. This warrior is here willing to do whatever it takes to protect his land. We need to be forever grateful towards Aboriginal cultures for staying true to the beliefs of protecting our land and spirituality. Other cultures have lost these priorities to be replaced by the greediness of modern day culture. We are losing our connection to the Earth. We want to keep advancing, when maybe what is truly needed is to go back to the simple ways of life. A life where things are less complicated, and more meaningful. We need to be reminded that we are living beings, no less than any other living being on this planet. We DO have the responsibility to protect all of life on this planet. We need to stay connected to Mother Earth, or we not only lose the planet we live on, we lose ourselves and our future. We are one with the entire planet, and we cannot afford to lose sight of this. I don’t think a more perfect card could’ve come today to accompany the crystals. 

Eagle – Here the man and the Eagle make contact through their eyes and spirits. The man has performed a ceremonial calling to Eagle brother, who now comes to him as a familiar friend. It’s an intimate relationship between human being and feathered being, one of both spirit and flesh. Yet it’s ultimately this deep spiritual kinship that connects them, formed from their recognition of the sacredness of this bond. Eagle spirit is often associated with the highest and noblest, encouraging us to let our spirits soar. Through this communion, we know that we can touch the sky. We know that we can be more than just two legged creatures clinging to the ground. Were intimately related to all of life on the planet, and it’s through communing with any expression of life that we realize how vitally connected we are. Whenever you experience a heartfelt communion with some physical expression of life – plants, animals, human, or anything else – it is only then that you can truly feel how your life force is similar to the life force that is all around you. It is only a matter of the differences in form. An essence is articulated into the physical world in a multitude of ways that is the same in everything and everyone, although it manifests in various shapes and characteristics. This essence is spirit emanating from the core of all things. Communion with nature is essential for you now. Take some time to do an open eyed meditation with any nearby animal or plant. Relax your body as much as possible, breathe consciously, and keep your attention on the life form you are communing with. After a few moments, you will notice a sense of the boundaries dissolving, and melding of the “I” and “Thou”. You may even receive messages or impressions as you find yourself in the flow of unspoken communication.

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 27, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Mookaite, Amber and Rutile Quartz . I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Mookaite – It carries an invigorating frequency of strength and vitality, and increases Life Force within the physical body. An Aboriginal Mother Earth stone, it is a healing stone, and empowers one to feel and connect with the electromagnetic energy currents of the Earth. It enables one to utilize these positive energies to increase one’s will and focus one’s personal power. Mookaite promotes an ageless spirit willing to accept change and seek new experiences, and awakens one’s natural instincts in knowing the right direction to take.

Amber – Gives a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the same time. It is said to help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. It is reputed to cleanse its environment by drawing out negativity, and to relieve physical pain the same way. It is used mystically to bring the energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, romantic love, sensuality, purification, balance, healing and calmness.

Rutile Quartz – Is reputed to be an energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Assists with mental focus. It is said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz said to be particularly effective for getting things moving energetically. It can help slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance. It is reputed to diminish fears and be excellent at assisting with decision-making processes. It is said that it can also ease loneliness and relieve guilt thereby bringing happiness. It can help get out of a rut in life. Used for meditation, spiritual communications, and dream work. 

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been experiencing a lot of physical pain, especially last night and today. The Mookaite is here to heal our body and soul. The Amber is going to draw out the pain and assist with healing. The Rutile Quartz is here to balance our chakras and stabilize energies. I also had crazy dreams last night, and I believe the Rutile Quartz is here to help understand the dreams, and also give us protection. Let’s see which card I will pull for today. 

Again, two cards wanted to come. I pulled it out and I was sure there were 2 stuck together. They did not want to come apart! I debated on putting one back, but was reminded they are both there for a reason. I liked doing the readings weekly, as it gave a good overview of what we were going through at that time. Doing the readings daily, you do see a lot of the same messages carrying over, as we continue to deal with certain situations in our life. Honeybee is here today to remind us again, to give compassion and forgiveness freely to others. This is really a key to happiness. If we can just let go, forgive and heal, we can focus on moving forward in a positive manner. The crystals are definitely here today to help with healing yourself and regaining some balance in your energy. Another thing that helps with healing? Expressing yourself creatively. That is the message the unicorn delivers for us today. Have fun. Enjoy the weekend. Do something that indulges your creativity and imagination. Do something that brings out the magical side of you. Express yourself through whatever art you enjoy, such as singling, painting, ceramics or pottery, working with crystals, Christmas crafting, whatever it is that fills your heart up. Maybe it’s time to turn on the Christmas tunes and do some baking or crafts. I love the message the Unicorn brings. People always ask me why I don’t turn my photography or spiritual work into a business. I have gotten my feet wet, and learned exactly what the Unicorn is reminding us. We don’t always need to do things for money, money is not the reward. The reward is being able to express ourselves for who we are, instead of who we are expected to be. Once you make something a job, it takes the fun out of it. So today, no matter how you are choosing to express yourself, do so without any expectations and just enjoy the time you spend doing something you enjoy. Let go of anything that is holding you down, forgive yourself and others, and lift yourself up by being creative and indulging yourself! 

Honeybee – To reap all the sweetness that life has to offer, focus on compassion and forgiveness. Compassion means that you have heart felt empathy for the suffering and misfortune of others, yet remain somewhat detached so that you don’t take on their sorrow and distress as your own. Forgiveness requires that you first acknowledge and accept responsibility for your judgments, rather than pretending they don’t exist or professing to always sustain a nonjudgmental attitude. The next step is to release those judgements. To do so, think of someone, past or present, with whom you have judgements or criticisms. Trust that the first person that comes to mind is the appropriate one to start with. Consider two or three specific criticisms that you have about this individual, preferably captured with one word, such as selfish or cold. Find a quiet place, go inside yourself, and look for that part of you that’s exactly like what you’re judging in that other person. It may be a very prominent part of yourself or a rather small aspect. You may identify it by recalling times when you behaved in ways that resemble what you’re criticizing. Once you discover that part of you, simply say to it: “I love you and forgive you”. If necessary, repeat this two or three times and notice any emotions that come up. In the coming days, be aware of any feelings that arise that may be associated with this experience. Practice this at least once daily for the next few days, and watch what happens. Associations: Productivity, community, cooperation, sweetness, love, compassion, forgiveness, rhythm, awakening, nature, poetry, mother goddess, royalty, nutrition

Unicorn – Whatever the artistic vehicle through which you express your most creative self, whether it’s drawing, poetry, painting, music, acting, or any other form of creative expression, make it a priority in your life by devoting some time, energy, and perhaps even money towards this artistic pursuit. Let the longing of your heart determine what the form of your imaginative expression is, but let it be one that elicits passion and purpose. Allow it to evolve as needed, without exceeding to any internal perfectionism about the end product. The process itself is where the magic is. Left that alone be your satisfaction and delight and you’ll be pleased with the results. Whether this avocation continues as a hobby or turns into something you receive compensation for, never do it only for the money. There’s no need to act out the starving artist scenario, but when you make monetary rewards your primary goal, you risk stifling the creative pulse that emanates from the core of who you are, potentially compromising the integrity of your artistic gift to the world. Should you ever be uncertain about following your passion with this kind of expression, take some time to observe children. Notice how innocently and imaginatively they play in their world, particularly when unhindered by social restrictions and artificial boundaries. This is a reflection of the magical child who’s inside you, begging to explore and be expressed. So have fun! Associations: Magic, mysticism, virtue, honesty, purity, inspiration, protection, restoration, manifestation, power, gentleness, humility, healing, unity

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 26, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Tiger’s Eye, Goldstone & Red Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Tiger’s Eye – A stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger’s eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger’s eye boosts confidence. 

Goldstone – Is said to help attain one’s goals. Goldstone is also said to help stay calm and stabilize emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one’s energy field.

Red Jasper – Is called the stone of fairness and justice because its energy is used to decrease injustice and help in unfair situations. Meditating with red jasper is especially helpful for gaining insight on how to ameliorate unfair situations. Red jasper energy is said to have a stabilizing effect, and help you take all of your energy and use it in a balanced manner. Used in dream work, red jasper can enhance dream recall and the ability to glean information pertinent to waking life from those dreams. Red Jasper is used for protection. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion.  

All 3 of these stones are protection stones. It seems you may find yourself in an unfair situation, where you have to make a responsible choice with compassion. You have the power to be a positive participant in this situation, and keeping a positive stance will bring you more luck and prosperity. Also, this could mean you require protection while you are dreaming. Let’s see what the cards have to say for today. 

There were 2 cards that wanted to come today. The Ocean and Fresh Air. I don’t know about you, but I dream of the ocean. I believe the Goldstone is here to help us attract our dreams, so I hope you all enjoy a wonderful vacation by the Ocean very soon! Or at least I hope you have good dreams about it! 😊 The Ocean is a wave of healing that is here to wash over us, to help us heal from everything we have been going through lately. Try to spend time in water or near the water. Wash away your worries. Get outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Exhale deeply and release. Feel the healing like waves. Mother Nature wants you to get outside and connect with her, and feel her regeneration and love. Spending time in nature will make you feel stable, protected and grounded. Whatever unfair situation you may find yourself in, you can be the fresh air, and handle the situation with grace and compassion. 

The Ocean – The deep blue sea speaks to your soul, healing and soothing you. Even the act of imagining yourself dipping into it’s healing womb brings about desirable effects. Better yet, spend time physically near the ocean. Allow its power and beauty to wash away all cares and concerns. This card comes to you because of your connection with the ocean. It’s a sign that you need to spend more time near the sea, perhaps during vacation or as a homebase. The angels will help with this endeavour if you ask and allow them to. The ocean air and water inspires and heals you. Additional meanings for this card: Take sea salt baths to detoxify. Drink more water. Connect with dolphins another sea dwellers. You have an ocean related past life. Learn a water sport such as diving, sailing or snorkelling.

Fresh Air – Your body needs refreshment from oxygenated air generated by grass, trees, plants, and flowers. Spent time outside today, as near to mother nature’s cradle as possible. Open your curtains and windows to refresh your home as well. The Angels sent you this card because you need some fresh air. You’ve been indoors for too long, and your body and soul crave oxygen. Open the windows in your home and office to air them out. Then go outside yourself and breathe deeply. If you live in the city, make an escape to the country as soon as possible to breathe some much needed fresh air. Keep plenty of live plants in your home and office to ensure the steady circulation of oxygen. Additional meaning for this card: Exercise outdoors. Get some sunshine, or travel to a sunny environment. Spend some time around trees or plants. Reconnect with nature. Bring some fresh air into a stale situation or relationship.
Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 25, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Rainbow Moonstone, Angel Aura Quartz and Bismuth. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Rainbow Moonstone – Encourages introspection and judgment, yielding easier decision making. It enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Able to open one up to increased synchronicity. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. Rainbow Moonstone helps us to remember our true nature. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress. Helps to balance hormones and menstrual cycles.

Angel Aura Quartz – Carries a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood. Angel Aura assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations and attuning to one’s spiritual purpose. It is a marvelous aid for recognizing beauty, from Nature and Spirit, from within, and in others. Angel Aura is an all-healer, harmonizing one’s energy field with the physical body. 

Bismuth – Rainbow colored Bismuth can be a wonderful stone to use for focus, visualization and shamanic journeying. It can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities while at the same time increasing your energy levels to deal with them. Bismuth relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. It is a stone of transformation and change, helping to adapt to change with calm assurance. Bismuth encourages cohesiveness in groups and relationships. 

When considering which crystals I was going to choose for this reading, I knew for 2 days which ones I wanted. There is a happy “rainbow” energy for Friday! We may have a lot to do, but Bismuth is sending you energy to deal with your responsibilities. The Rainbow Moonstone is helping you deal with any stress. There will likely be time spent with family and friends. Bismuth is relieving any feelings of loneliness and will help you get along well with whoever you are planning to spend your time with. You should be in a pretty good mood! You also should see a lot of synchronicity and beauty around you today, so pay attention! Let’s see which card is meant for today.

The card for today is Grandparent. You may be spending your time tonight or this weekend with a Grandparent. Also, I believe this tells us that the signs and synchronicity we encounter are messages from a grandparent. It is very reflective of family time spent together. It also reminds us to continue being good people, and doing the best we can. That’s all our grandparents want for us is to be happy and healthy. If you are needing help in any area of your life, ask your Grandparents for help. Enjoy your day and time with family, watch for synchronicity and beauty, and be the best person you can be! 

Grandparent – This card wants you to know that your grandparent loves you very much. You have a special bond with a grandmother or grandfather, and their love is helping you right now. No matter what, you and your grandparents will always be connected by this love. You will always love and help each other, even if you’re far away from each other. That’s because the special bond you share travels everywhere, even from Heaven! Your love makes your grandparent very happy. He or she is also very proud of you, and wants to help you discover your hidden talents. If you’d like help from this grandparent, just ask! You can ask for help by holding a silent mental conversation, by writing a letter, or by asking directly. Your grandparent will do whatever is possible to help, and probably will help you in an even better way than you could’ve imagined. The best way you can help your grandparent is by being a happy and healthy person. Take really good care of yourself, do the right thing, and you’ll continue to make your grandparent very proud of you in all ways. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Daily Angel Card Reading – November 24, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Tree Agate, Snow Quartz and Snowflake Obsidian. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Tree Agate – Assists with introspection and self-discovery. It can give a wider viewpoint of the world. Relieves tension, fever and skin eruptions. It also brings plentiful crops and prosperity, including an abundance of love. Tree Agate is said to be a stone that brings good fortune.

Snow Quartz – Snow quartz is a stone that brings good fortune. It is also a calming and soothing stone. Snow quartz is helpful for meditation, and looking within. Physically, it is said to be particularly beneficial for the immune system.  

Snowflake Obsidian – A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation (office, commute, home, etc.) presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease. Volcanic in origin, Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns. Physically, Snowflake Obsidian is associated with the skeletal and vascular systems, and is said to support smooth skin. 

The crystals for today are again reminding us to find and maintain balance. This has been a theme for the past few days. No matter what arises, we need to stay in our center, the place where we are not bothered by other people’s negativity. The place where we can let go of our own anger and resentments. Meditation and going within is also coming up a lot, so it’s time to get introspective about what you really need to release stress. Spend some time in meditation. Go get a reiki or energy healing treatment. I see skin issues and immune systems coming up within these crystals. Anyone who is struggling with breakouts or being sick often needs to pay attention to the level of stress in your life. It’s so hard once stress takes over, to be aware of it and to actually make it go away. You need to do proactive things to reduce stress in your life. If you can help yourself to be more balanced, your skin will clear up, and your immune system will function better. You will no doubt encounter negativity from others or even yourself today, and you need to let that go and keep centred. These crystals are here to send you calming and balancing energy. They are also here to send you love and prosperity. Let’s see which card is going to come up for today. 

Mountain is the card that came up for today. How beautiful. We overcome so many mountains in life, every single day we are overcoming our own fears, challenges and emotions. Mountains are symbolic of strength. Mountains are also a place where people go for solace and rejuvenation. There is a place within you that is immovable. This is where your strength lies, and where you can always go when you need to overcome obstacles and emotions. This is a beautiful card of going within and finding the mountain of strength and resilience that lies within you. A message of finding the beautiful place within you where you can escape it all, where you can be happy and whole. You don’t have to be passive in any sort of way, you absolutely need to be vigilant regarding everything going on in your life. This card is just reminding you of that inner strength, and your ability to be able to go within to find the place where you can not be disturbed. Finding the place within in you that is solid. A place where you can trust in life and find healing. A place where you feel strong and nothing can change that. Go within today, as many times as you may need, and find that inner strength. Don’t feed into other people’s negativity, or even your own. Managing life’s stress is needed to maintain balance and help heal yourself. Keeping positive is guaranteed to bring good karma and abundance back to you. 

Mountain – (Strength) – The massiveness of the mountain in this image – bearing blankets of snow as particular hues from the sun reflect from its body – evokes a sense of impenetrable and immoveable strength and stature. A mountain’s quiet, resolute immensity leaves us in awe and inspires us to reach for greater heights. Yet, it can also pose challenges. It makes no sense to deny the strength you have at the cost of allowing yourself to be reactive and subject to external influences far beyond what is healthy for you. Imagine yourself as a mountain of strength, solidly grounded in the earth, your head held high as if you were touching the sky. Do so without straining, just as the mountain itself does not strain. The current situation calls for you to be vigilant, but not to the point of fear or paranoia. Be that rock of strength that you are capable of becoming. The solidness of your resolve will be clearly communicated when you model yourself after the towering immensity of a mountain, impenetrable and inscrutable. Standing steady like a rock is what is called for at this time.

This last line really stood out to me… “Standing steady like a rock is what is called for at this time.” My prayers are being sent to Standing Rock and everyone who is out there fighting for the well being of planet Earth, and all it’s inhabitants. I pray for the President to step in and do the right thing, and put a stop to the pipelines once and for all. Can’t you see our desperation! It is time, and we can no longer risk the health of our planet. We need to move toward a future where we are not dependant on oil and chemicals. We need a future free from the clutches and control of corporations. Stand steady and strong Standing Rock. My prayers are with all of you, and our dear Mother Earth. Thank you for your strength and bravery. 

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 23, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Blue Kyanite, Fuchsite and Peacock Ore. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Blue Kyanite – Blue Kyanite is good for working with the Throat Chakra and communication issues. Blue Kyanite helps to speak one’s truth with clarity. Blue Kyanite also facilitates an alignment of all the subtle bodies, creating a larger and stronger aura. An excellent Third-Eye Chakra stone, Blue Kyanite can pull very high vibrations in through this chakra to be processed as messages from other realms. It can also transfer a high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation. Blue Kyanite can also be used to promote lucid dreaming and astral travel. Kyanite aligns all of the chakras, and can be used to open them. Kyanite also aligns all layers of the aura. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body. Kyanite clears and calms you in preparation for meditation, and assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall. 

Fuchsite – It is sometimes called the “stone of health” in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress, pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness. 

Peacock Ore – Enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see psychically. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness. Physically it is used in crystal healing to align the body’s cellular structure, eliminate toxins, promote hair growth, assist with healing bronchitis, other lung disorders, and help heal and protect from highly infectious diseases, fevers and inflammation. 

The feeling I get from the crystals is that we are going to be dealing with some aspect of our health today. Doing energy work and healing your chakras and aura helps your whole body to be more balanced. Try to eliminate toxins in your environment, and keep an eye out for fever and illness. Let’s see what card I pull for the day. 

The card for today is Opportunity to Forgive. Forgiveness is a huge part of our healing and health, and also a huge part of the balance we require in life. You may have been having some emotional wellness issues lately, the card yesterday encouraged us to keep finding balance and working on maintaining wellness. When we hold resentment or anger towards someone, it keeps a negative energy, or block, in our aura. Like a stain you need to work to remove. The Blue Kyanite is coming in today to help heal and smooth the aura, to allow for forgiveness and healing. Let go of all negativity you are holding on to, wether it be a bad habit, or just bad feelings you are holding on to. Having a reiki or energy healing treatment can help you relax and assist with allowing these things be released and healed. However, you don’t need to run out and get a treatment to do this. Even some deep breathing can help you release. I like to stand outside and breathe in the air deeply, and then exhale and release everything on my chest. I continue to do this until I feel clearer. When you hold blockages in your energy, it can also manifest into physical illness. Healing your energy can only help when it comes to healing your physical body. Forgive the past and everyone in your life. When you release negative thoughts and energy, you lift yourself to a place of peace and compassion. This allows you to help offer support and healing to others. Healing the world of its problems starts with healing ourselves. We need to show ourselves and others compassion and forgiveness in order for healing to occur. Focus on love. 

Opportunity to Forgive – This situation brings you the opportunity to heal, grow, and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person’s inner divine light and goodness. We will help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings, and energies, and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion. The Angels sent you this card because they see that you’ve grown weary of a recurring negative pattern in your life. To break the cycle it’s important for you to release all toxic thoughts about the current situation and relationship. You can do this by breathing deeply, and on each exhalation, giving your fears, worries, anger, and other painful emotions to the Angels. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you were condoning the other person’s behavior. It just means that you’re unwilling to carry toxic feelings and thoughts about him or her. Release, be free, and experience positive patterns through forgiveness. Additional meanings for this card: Avoid blaming yourself or others. As you release anger a creative resolution to the situation will appear. There are hidden blessings in this relationship and situation. Focus upon desires instead of fears or judgments.

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 22, 2016

The crystals I am working with today are Blue Flame Aura Quartz, Tangerine Sun Aura Quartz and Star Ruby. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Blue Flame Aura Quartz (also known as Titanium Aura) – Has the ability to heal the human energy field. It enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. Titanium (Flame) Aura allows for one to go deep into meditation to receive spiritual attunement. Overall this crystal is one that brings insight, compassion, energy, excitement and joy into life’s experiences. It is capable of carrying higher frequency range, excellent for trance channels, mediums, psychics and maintains grounding while in a higher state of consciousness.

Tangerine Sun Aura Quartz – This crystal has a dynamic energy, connected to higher forces and deeply supportive of spiritual exploration. It is great for visualization and gaining profound insight. A six-sided form is ideal for opening a blocked or un-awakened Third Eye. Use to disperse dark moods and uplift the spirit. It makes one more responsive and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges with equanimity and cheerfulness. Tangerine Aura unites the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras to provide a cleansing, energetic flow throughout the body and to stimulate one’s creativity. 

Star Ruby – Star Ruby carries the same properties as a normal Ruby but it is thought to have stronger healing and magical energies. It is said to assist in recognizing the true abundance available within ones life. It is also said to help recognize and release suppressed anger. Ruby healing properties – Ruby has always been a talisman of passion, protection and prosperity. It actively stimulates the Base Chakra, increasing vitality and chi, the life-force energy, throughout the physical body and into the spirit. It promotes a clear mind, increased concentration and motivation, and brings a sense of power to the wearer, a self-confidence and determination that overcomes timidity and propels one toward prosperity and achievement. Stone of love and passion. 

The crystals are making me feel like there is a very exciting, creative and passionate energy going on today. I feel very connected to higher beings when working with these crystals, and they have a message that is very high vibration. Love, passion and creation. Let me see what the card is that goes along with this message. 

The card I pulled for today is the Queen of Summer. Summer is a rich and fulfilling season. We often spend time near or in the water, also symbolic of emotion. It is a time of wonderful experiences. Summer is a suit of emotional wellbeing, family bonds and joy in life. In the depths of our emotions, we experience our intuition and psychic gifts more fully. And so this suit brings us spiritual growth that leads to an understanding of what really matters in our lives. We are learning what really matters in our lives. We are learning what is most important is self-love, and growing as a human beings and spiritual beings. We have learned that we have to balance ourselves to be emotionally well and whole. We have learned to love and appreciate our families and friends that surround us. We are doing the work and we are growing. The crystals and the card is telling me we need to keep taking the time we need, to spend time honing our creative spirits, to reenergize our souls, and to find the emotional balance we need so that we can raise our level of consciousness. If your not doing enough of that, do something today that is just for you, that makes you feel happy, relaxed, creative and allows you to express yourself. Spend time in water. Maybe have a bath with some earphones in, and listen to some music or meditations. Spend some time with your significant other, today is a great day for love. Listen to your heart. Make sure to take the time you need, so you can create the beauty you need in your life, and allow yourself to grow spiritually. You have things to teach others as well. Fill up your cup so you can fill up the cups of others too. 

Queen of Summer – The queen of summer is beautiful and serene. You enter her presence and a sense of calm envelops you. She radiates love and peace. She also knows what you’re thinking! Extremely intuitive, she understands your heart better than you do. This queen has a deep love for friends and family and will be there for you. In fact, she’s pretty much there for everyone. Tenderhearted and charitable, she can give too much. For this reason you may experience the queen of summer as and exhausted and conscious person. She has given a great deal and hasn’t always been given to in equal measure. She has experienced loss. And in that loss, she may have become wiser and more discerning about whom she lets in. The queen stands in a field, surrounded by other fairies. The sunflowers indicate she can create happiness, which is why so many are vying for her attention. Additional meanings of this card: A close and trusted friend. Taking on an important cause. Protecting those who need assistance. Being sure to give and receive. A spiritual teacher.

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