Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 31, 2016

Well, we are starting off a new month, and it seems that we have been making progress. Although it feels like we will encounter some bumps this week, maybe feeling overwhelmed or like your not getting to enjoy life, we are reminded that we are making steady progress. No maybe you haven’t hit the lotto, and maybe things seem a little sucky, even though you have been trying so hard to stay positive. Trying your best is all that matters. Even if you can’t see it now, when you look back in the long run, you’ll see what strides you were making in your life at this time, that will lead you into the future to who you want to be. Sometimes it hard to see all the positives, so that’s why it’s good to sit down and make a list. Make a list of all the positive lessons you have learned, all the things your grateful for, and you’ll quickly surprise yourself to realize how blessed you really are. And how we worry needlessly about nothing.. About perfection.. When it is absolutely unnecessary. We all get along pretty well.. We can find anything to gripe or feel bad about. I am so guilty of this, so I’m sure this is getting directed right at me! I worry about the next thing to worry about. I can’t settle down and relax until everything feels done and perfect… I did this today and cleaned endlessly for hours (to make sure I did everything perfectly!) while the rest of my family enjoyed their day. So for today, if you can, relax. Do something that makes you feel good. Count your blessings. Keep the faith that you are on the right path, and are doing well, and appreciate yourself. Appreciate your need to play and enjoy life. Appreciate that you deserve it just as much as anyone else. Do something today just for you, that makes you happy. I have noticed my irritability level rising in the past few days. I haven’t had much time for myself at all, working full time and having kids. I used to regularly get time to myself, and now I am not getting that nearly at all. I try to take time for myself and do things just for me, but sometimes we need to do even more, not just the minimum. It’s such a mom thing to put ourselves on the back burner constantly. This is reminding us, that we deserve to be happy too. We deserve to have the time to know who we are as individuals, and to know what we like to do for fun. I sometimes feel like I don’t even know anymore. This is exactly the purpose of this card. To remind us play is something that we need, in order to live a balanced life and feel happy. Play comes up in my readings more than any other card.. We ALL can get so caught up in life and all our responsibilities, we neglect the child within ourselves that just needs time to play and have fun. Take the time to nurture that child. The third card again reminds us to have faith and trust. Whatever we are going through now is meant to happen, so we can learn and grow. Everything is really a blessing if you can see it that way. 

Steady progress – You drew this card as reassurance that you’re making steady progress. You sometimes harshly compare yourself to others, and feel that you should be farther on your path by now. Yet look how far you’ve come, how many lessons you’ve learned, and how many people you’ve helped! Focus on your progress, instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Each day, take at least one small action step concerning a project that you’re passionate about. You’re on the right path, even if it feels that you’re moving slowly. Praise the light, instead of cursing the darkness. Appreciate yourself. 

Play – The Angels see that you need to play, so they sent you this card. You’ve been working and worrying a lot lately, and your soul cries out for fun. Feelings of fatigue, irritability or depression are additional signs that you’re overdue for some playtime. You don’t need to wait until you have a free moment, because you can inject fun and silliness into your day today. Simple pleasures, moments of silliness, laughing with a friend, or watching a funny movie are examples of ways to have fun that don’t require a lot of time or money. Fun and play are necessary parts of life for children and adults. These types of activities help us live healthier lives, and allow us to attain our desires more quickly. Fun is part of living a balanced life. Stop what you’re doing now, and go have fun! Release any guilt about having fun to the Angels. You deserve happiness, pleasure and enjoyment. 

Blessing in disguise – The Angels sent you this card to help you recognize the blessing in the midst of an apparent challenge. What you’ve appeared to have lost needed to fall away, and will be replaced with something better. Have no fear for your future, but continue praying and following the guidance that comes to you through repetitive feelings, thoughts, visions and words. Release the need to control and predict the outcome to this situation. Trust. 


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Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 24, 2016


I am so excited for this week’s reading.. I watched Doreen Virtue’s reading, just so I would know when I chose my cards how they related to what she got. I also watched a video post by The Healing Path of the Raven & Wolf, and she also hinted to an amazing week ahead, a week of brand new beginnings. A week of amazing revelations and connections. I have been feeling all day that this week ahead is going to be very positive! So I pulled lots of awesome crystals to work with today, crystals of abundance, prosperity, happiness and luck! Of course I pulled the full moon card, as we are going through a full moon right now! So it is important to release all your hurts from your past, and move forward to a brand new future, with a clean slate. You are more than deserving. Good things are coming, and you must have faith and believe that! I was outside shovelling today, and our property is surrounded with large trees. I find the trees so healing. I noticed I had an affinity for trees when I started doing photography. Trees are one of my favourite subjects. They each have such personality, and emotion to express. I felt a comforting sense from the trees today, like they were hugging me, surrounding me with love. I couldn’t help but breathe the air in so deeply, and savour the moment, the beautiful interaction with nature.The Forest card is reminding us to get outside and breathe in that nature energy deeply. Let your soul feel that connection. Give thanks to our Earth for all she provides for us. This card is also a reminder, for us to breathe. Breathe deeply. Notice when your having anxiety, that you are not breathing deep enough, and make a conscious effort to do so. It will help! Make sure to breathe deeply as often as possible! Green man signals new re-birth of life.. A perfect sign after the releasing we will do tonight with the full moon, and also coincides with the other readings presented for this week, that we are starting a whole new chapter in our life! The synergy card to me represents our new fresh energy. This indicates to me that we will be full of energy this week, and will work well with those around us. We will be in harmony with all that surrounds us, including people and nature. Things will just seem to fall into place! This also aligns with the other hints from The Healing Path of the Raven & Wolf, that souls will meet this week, and special, wonderful, synergistic events will unfold! The full moon card also signifies a need to release, and breathe! Take the time to relax and appreciate where you are in life. Appreciate how far you’ve come. Take the time to breathe, relax and enjoy life for a minute. You are changing everyday, and are on your way down a whole new path in life. Enjoy this phase you have completed, and think positively about the future ahead! Breathe deeply, and be excited for all that is to come! 

Forest – Breath – as we make our way across the meadow to the thicker parts of the forest, there’s a subtle shift in the sensations in the body, one that might initially be barely perceptible but soon becomes undeniable. It’s nearly impossible not to take deeper breaths. The richness of the forests oxygen, given freely and generously from the trees (the standing ones) to us, is a natural exchange for the carbon dioxide we release every time we exhale. Further, The animals of the forest participate in this exchange as well, in what is one of the most miraculous and remarkable collaborations between plants and animals that serve to help each other live and thrive. The ratio of this oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange has been in balance for millennia but has been changing quite dramatically in the last several years as carbon dioxide levels have been rising. Still there are many parts of the world where we can still enjoy the refreshing and revitalizing effects of an afternoon enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of a walk in the forest. Through prayer and action, we can express our gratitude to these tree beings for the many gifts they provide, not the least of which is contributing to the very air we breathe. Things are different after a walk in the forest.

Your breathing is too shallow. Although it may feel natural, it is an unhealthy habit that causes this shortness of breath. When you subconsciously shorten your breath, no matter if this is habitual or triggered by some event or circumstance, it activates certain physiological signals that prepare your system for “fight or flight”. Another conditioned response to perceived danger is to hold your breath. This is your survival response, although it does not serve you to do so. So breathe! Inhale deeply, regardless of your concerns, worries, or problems. Then let it go. Next, allow yourself to breathe a little deeper and slower a few times. Remember that every breath you inhale as a gift, and every breath you exhale as a gift. The forest is a clear reminder of how this works. 

Green Man – Synergy – Green man is Earth’s vegetation personified. Although he has many variations, this card depicts a more subtle and embedded representation. In other portrayals, he resembles the face of a man covered in green foliage as branches and vine sprout from every direction. There exists some form of green man throughout history and in a myriad of cultures throughout the world. Often a symbol for the rebirth of life in spring time, he’s also associated with the Lord of the Wildwood. As a representative of the plant kingdom, green man reminds us of the incredible synergy required for Gaia to maintain her delicate and dynamic balance among the various beings on the planet. Synergy is the interaction and cooperation of two or more elements that produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate efforts. We witness this in the complex and cooperative interaction between plants, humans, and animals. Four instance, fruit trees propagate by being eaten by an animal, then in deposits it back into the earth after digestion. As a new plant grows, bees pollinate the flowers, and the cycle begins once again in each or simple yet remarkable synergy. 

You have the advantage of an incredible synergy at this time. The flow of life is guiding you, where things just seem to fall into place as you move about your business. You are in a mutually cooperative interaction with spirit, as your will is aligned with the will of spirit, and your mission is congruent with your sense of purpose. When this is happening there is a synergy, a way that your life force is continually coming into balance with the forces of nature. There is also a synergy between your spiritual awareness and your personal self, or ego. Be aware of the various idiosyncrasies of your ego, and do not take any of them too seriously. Know that your higher self is always looking out for your best interest. In this cycle, tune into that guidance, however it shows up, and you will find that you will move through life with greater ease due to a synergistic balance of forces expressing themselves as you.

Full Moon – Completion – every 29.5 days grandmother moon shines bright and full in the sky, illuminating the landscape with her muted brilliance, casting a delicate canopy over the sky and the physical features of earth. Having gradually etched her way over the last two weeks to fullness, she now stands like a guiding beacon in the night. She has completed this round of her perpetual and periodic monthly journey, and will now start her slow but steady retreat into shadow. In this card, we see the grandeur of the moon at its peak, blazing brightly and creating a silhouette of a tree. This beautiful orb reminds us that all cycles have their time of completion and fulfillment, one that will inevitably be followed by a decrease until yet another cycle is initiated.

You can now take pleasure in knowing that whatever you have been working toward has now reached its culmination. It may have been a relatively brief cycle or a much more extensive one, yet regardless of the length of time you have arrived at the stage of completion. Let yourself feel the contentment and satisfaction of this accomplishment. It is like when you take a deep breath and reach the point where your lungs are pleasantly full and your body is ready to release that breath. It is important not only to enjoy this completion but also to let go and allow yourself to relax afterwards, just like exhaling slowly and consciously. People are much too eager to rush to the next item on the agenda without giving proper time and space to appreciating and honoring the natural cycle of release that follows a point of resolution. Give yourself the time to relax and rest before tackling spirits next assignment.



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Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 17, 2016


I hadn’t watched Doreen Virtue’s reading for this week before I pulled these cards, but I had seen the Facebook post, and the summary of her cards… So when I pulled such similar cards, I just had to go see what her reading entailed! Paying attention to your dreams and visions was a part of her reading, spending time in nature and with animals, and higher wisdom were all a part of her reading! You really can’t make this stuff up Doreen! So this week, make sure you dream big! Pay attention to what you are dreaming. There are messages connected to your dreams, and also to that which you encounter in nature. Pay attention to the plants and animals that you come into contact with. Spend time in meditation, and share your wisdom and what you learn with others, and help them to attain that higher wisdom as well! We saw the most beautiful rainbow today, and it was a huge reminder of the beautiful blessings in my life now, and the blessings that are to come. I wish you all a very blessed week, filled with magic and beauty! 

Dreams – This card guides you to pay attention to the dreams you have, both when you sleep and during your waking hours. They are your connection to your true, fearless soul and your highest potential. This card is a message to let yourself fearlessly dream, even if the contents of your dreams seem unrealistic to your logical mind. Angels are asking you to strengthen this connection to your higher self so that you can bring into your life the miracles you’ve always desired.

Nature – You’re extremely sensitive, and you can unknowingly absorb negative energy (which then affects you and those around you negatively). This limits your understanding of your amazing life purpose. So the angels ask you to step away temporarily and spend time in nature, connecting with this beautiful planet. It’s time for you to explore the world outside your home and workplace. You are so much more then what you experience in your normal daily routine. Allowing yourself to be immersed in the Earth’s energy can be a healing and cleansing experience that will help you ground yourself and release that which no longer serves you.

Share your wisdom – Within you is ancient and powerful wisdom about the true rules of right and wrong. You came to this planet to make big changes, and you’re not alone in this mission. As you learn more about the changes that should be made to society, this card guide you to share this awareness with like-minded others. The more people who know their true purpose (because people like you awaken them to it), the more effective this collective mission will be.


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Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 10, 2016


I did a reading earlier this week, and it was also about retreating, and taking time to decide the next step, so it doesn’t surprise me that this a common message for all of us this week. You learn, change and grow daily, and you have the choice to change every single day. I feel like this reading is telling us that it’s time to re-evaluate who we want to be, and where we are going, based on new values we hold true in our lives now. There is a ton of messages in these cards about positive visualization. Visualize only what you want to happen in your life, do not dwell on negatives. Think about what you truly wish for… Imagine what life would be like if you had everything you ever hoped for.. And imagine it clearly. Every detail. See money and happiness coming to you, however you dream of it. The more we think positively, and expect these things to happen to us, then the more we can trust in the knowing that it WILL come to fruition. Once you can believe it will be true, it’s much easier for it manifest in our lives. Looking for love? Imagine what your spouse will look like, what they will act like.. Imagine the love you will have for them, how you will treat them, and what you will do for them. Imagine what that will feel like when they do the same for you. Feel the love as if it’s already there. Attract it into your life, and expect it to be. You are just as deserving as anybody else on the entire planet, and you deserve the most amazing things, things greater than you can even imagine. I guess that’s one reason I like to watch The Bachelor. These people never dreamed they could have such cool, fun and romantic experiences.. So I use that as a tool to visualize the things I should expect and want in my life. I deserve to have amazingly beautiful experiences, just as much as those people, and I will make my dreams come true. We all have the light. We all deserve to be happy! Beyond our wildest dreams! Once you really find a path in your mind, one that feels exciting and full of love, decide you want to pursue it. What will it take to find love? Is it getting out and meeting new people? Is it having more courage to talk to someone you already know? Make the decision to go for it. What will it take to get that beautiful 2 story home, with a pool and a gorgeous yard? (Even this isn’t detailed enough.. See every single little detail you want) What will it take to go on that vacation you have dreamed of? Make a decision to apply for that side job, pick up a few extra shifts to save up. Make a decision to cut something out, and be able so save for something else you desire. Make a clear decision, and make a clear first step to making your dream come true. Show the universe your willing to take those steps, and do your part, and ask the universe for assistance too. Know that you are a part of all-that-is, and that you do have the power to make any dream come true. 

Imagine – When you imagine your dream coming true, you help to make it happen. This card asks you to think of a wish that you really want, and imagine it has come true. Next, close your eyes and notice how your body feels when you think about your wish. How do you feel – excited, happy, nervous or some other way? Do you feel tingles anywhere in your body? What else do you feel? Now, notice what you see when you imagine your wish coming true. What people, colours and things do you see? What do you see yourself doing as your wish comes true? What else do you see? Then, listen for any words you hear in your mind. What do you hear? What do you think it means? At this point, focus on your thoughts as you think about your dream. Do you have any ideas? Anything else that you think? When you imagine your dream coming true, and notice all your feelings, thoughts, words, and visions, you help make it happen! This is the power of the human imagination. It is sometimes called “faith”. You may be surprised when your wish comes true in a better way than you think. Let yourself see all sorts of wonderful dreams and wishes. And have faith that they’ll come true in ways beyond your greatest imagination! 

Light – Everyone has a beautiful light within them, no matter what they look like or how they act. This light is pure. The more you focus on the light with others, the more you can help them be healthy and happy. You can also protect your loved ones, yourself, and your belongings by imagining them surrounded by light. This card may mean that you or someone you love is in a situation with harsh energy right now, and they need extra spiritual protection. Imagine them in an eggshell covering of light in your favourite colour. White light to protect, green light to heal, and purple light for a better nights sleep. As you focus on seeing and feeling light within yourself and everyone, you’ll notice a positive change in your life. For example, people will treat you better, your family members will seem happier, and you’ll sleep better at night.

Decide – As you go through life you gain more responsibilities, one of the biggest is to decide what you want. You’re now in a time where you could go in a few different directions, depending upon your decisions. In other words, you must decide, what’s next for me? It’s not always easy to make decisions. Fortunately, you have help. You can call upon Heaven to guide you, as well as trusted friends, family members, and experts. You can also try on your future. This means closing your eyes and imagining the different possibilities for yourself, and the noticing how each choice feels. Which one makes you feel happiest? Which choice makes you feel loved and safe? Which one feels like it would be most helpful to yourself and others? Always choose the path where you can do the most good in the world. If you ever feel stuck, as if your life isn’t moving along smoothly, you need to make some decisions about what you want. Decisions are magical, in that they get things moving again. If you don’t like the direction your life is going, you can examine your decisions to see if they need changing. The best decisions or make you feel happy, and will make the people around you feel happy too.


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Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 3, 2016


Sorry I missed last week’s reading.. I forgot my cards at my parents house over the holidays! I feel like it was a sign, to take a break and enjoy the season and New Year’s with my family. 

This week’s card reading to start off the year is just beautiful. Love and compassion for ourselves and others, blessings after the storm, and spiritual unfoldment. For anyone who had a bit of a rough year last year, it appears the storm is over, and if we give ourselves and others the love we all deserve, then there are wonderful blessings that will show up. Most importantly, in the form of our spiritual growth. We are all beautiful, and once we can embrace our love and compassion, most importantly for ourselves, that beauty will unfold in our lives. It is inevitable if you trust in our Creator and give the love we were meant to. Love yourself and others is the message for this week, and really is a message to kick off our New Year! 

Love (Compassion) – In this beautiful Image, we see hands reaching toward each other through a heart. The Green field surrounding them is the color of the fourth, or heart, chakra. It’s when we feel love in our heart center that we not only naturally emit the healing energy of compassion, but we also attract love and compassion. Studies by the Heart Math Institute reveal that the electrical signals from the heart are up to 60 times stronger than the brain’s, and the magnetic field is as much as 5000 times more powerful. It’s a given that are thinking patterns affect our feelings and, in turn, our reality. What we put out, whether it’s love, fear, empathy, sadness, and so forth, contains an incredible amount of power to shape and influence our reality. When the focus of our attention and intention is love and compassion, we recognize no separation between self and other.

All wounds stem from the illusion of separation from Source and all of creation. The route to healing this wound is through cultivating love and compassion for every being on this planet, including yourself. Not a bland standard of unquestioned acceptance, but a heartfelt sense of profound relatedness to whatever you perceive as apart from yourself. True compassion requires not only the feeling of warmth that emanates when you are in touch with your heart center, but in act of kindness, even if this simply means being a fully attentive listener. Respect the fact that your heart is a giver (putting out electrical energy) and a receiver (drawing in magnetic energy). These energies are best sensed by attending to the steady flow of your breathing, while also noticing your heart area. Righteousness, fear, anger, and judgment are some common ways to block your natural desire to love. Forgiveness is not only letting go of judgment, but also seeing through the illusion, that you and all-that-is are separate. Look about you and inside of you, and do your best to love whatever you see.

Rainbow (Blessings) – A rainbow is created by the collaboration of sunlight and water in the atmosphere. The water droplets become tiny prisms that collectively diffuse and disperse light into a ribbon of colors that is the essence of every hue we’re capable of perceiving on this planet. Rainbows symbolize many things, including good luck, a bridge to heaven, and abundance. It’s difficult for any of us to ignore the majesty of a rainbow and the gentle power inherent in it’s display. It’s such a simple blending of the elements coming together in perfect visual harmony to create one of the most beautiful sights in all of Creation. Although there are diverse meanings attributed to the sight of a rainbow, a common thread is that it offers blessings. The artist of this image created this rainbow to commemorate a friend who had just died. She worked on it whenever she felt her love and appreciation for her friend, the blessings he brought to the world and into her life, often after a spell of tearful grief.

The storm has passed, and it is time to enjoy the refreshing beauty of the cycle, even though it has been difficult to appreciate any sense of purposefulness in what you have endured lately. You can now, as they say, count your blessings. Do not just look at the “brighter side” adhering to some academic mantra that has no heart or depth, but do so slowly and with genuine gratitude that is expressed up close and personal. This ever-evolving process of life itself is a blessing, and opportunity to exist as a human being on earth. The planet is a beautiful garden, even if it does not always appear to be so. Sometimes it is only when you look back at a memory of an experience that you can truly see the blessings that have come from them. Bless your difficult or painful experiences, and let them go.

Lotus Flower (Unfoldment) – The lotus flower sits upon one of its leaves, having risen to the surface as the sun – held in the hand of God – invites it upward toward the light. This unique plant is rooted in the mud and muck at the bottom of the water, it’s stem reaching up to the surface, where it’s leaves rest quietly. At night the flower sinks below the surface, only to rise with daylight. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path unfolds and opens to the light, then at times gently folds in on itself for a proper rest when the daylight fades. This period is just as necessary for growth, for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment that day. It’s also just as important that it is rooted, and it is yet another miracle of nature that something so exquisitely beautiful is formed from the mud and silt at the water’s bottom.

Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times, wether or not you are aware of it. It is inevitable as long as you put your trust in the hands of the Creator, the one who holds the light. Like the lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light to fulfill its karmic destiny, but even in that process there are periods of darkness and times to rest. It is a natural cycle, one that cannot be truly coerced or halted. It has an intimate rhythm of its own, one that is unique to you. You do not need to strive for spiritual growth, or be driven by spiritual ambition. It does no good to try to force growth upon yourself. Just be your beautiful self, and love yourself and the world around you as much as you can. Allowing is the key here. Allow the place in you that naturally wants to follow the light, to do so, while recognizing that even when you have complete faith, you will face challenges and, occasionally, suffering. Your steady faith and love will guide you on your journey of returning to the light.


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