Super New Moon in Scorpio – November 4, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021 we have a Super New Moon peaking at 3:14pm MST here in Alberta. 🌑✨🦂 It is occurring at 12 Degrees 39 Minutes in Scorpio, opposite Uranus.

This is the 1st of 2 Super New Moons, when the Moon is closest to the Earth, called Perigee. Even though the New Moon is not visible to us because it is next to the Sun, the energy is enhanced because of the it’s closeness to Earth.

So……. Coming up we have a Super New Moon Nov 4th…. a Micro Full Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse Nov 19th…. and then another Super New Moon Dec 4th in Sagittarius with a Total Solar Eclipse! 😲 We will be able to see the Partial Lunar Eclipse here in Alberta on Nov 19th, which begins at 11:02pm, peaking at 2:02am, and ending at 5:03am. The Total Solar Eclipse on Dec 4th won’t be visible here.

These are powerful energies for transformation and change. With all the retrograde energy we just went through, we are ready to integrate what we have learned and move forward. It’s going to take some work and it might not be the easiest process… but trust that it is underway.

The Moon’s alignment with the Sun is what makes a New Moon ideal for manifesting and setting intentions, bringing energy for growth and new opportunities. With this Super New Moon and eclipses approaching, we need to make sure our intentions are clear and positive. We have to be ready to stand strong with faith and optimism.

Get lots of quiet time and sleep. I personally believe resting and sleeping are a powerful tool for manifestation. You are showing the Universe that you have trust and faith… that you are safe to rest and take care of yourself while magic happens in the background.

This energy honestly, looks pretty intense… at least until after the next Full Moon. It looks a lot more positive after that, and I do believe things are going to turn around! Treat this time like a test that you are ready to ace! Be ready when the challenges come, and smile knowing you are ready. Trust that good things are on the way. You got this! 💕🙏✨


Want to know more cool stuff about this Moon and work with the energy further?


The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Scorpio, the element, modality, polarity, symbol, constellation, house ruled, ruling planets, colors, crystals, Rune stones, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, yoga poses, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, prayers, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

It’s like Moon Ceremony on paper! 📝

$5/Worksheet or sign up for a year for $100 (CAD) – Every New & Full Moon – Payment accepted by e-transfer, PayPal, or pay through the following links:

Moon Magic Worksheet Subscription link

Moon Magic Worksheet

Contact or message me if you want one! 🙋‍♀️🙋

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of October 24, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Aura Quartz, Iolite, and White Angel Aura Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Aura Quartz – Has the ability to heal the human energy field. Merges with the aura to release any energy blocks and patch up holes in the aura by its color. It enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy. It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. Allows for one to go deep into meditation to receive spiritual attunement. Brings insight, compassion, energy, excitement and joy into life’s experiences. Attracts money.

Iolite – Helpful for re-discovery of self. Helps with addictions. Enhances curiosity and stimulates vision. Clears your thought processes and strengthen your intuition. Enhances spiritual connections. Helps calm down emotions and still your mind. Helps you understand why things happen the way they do, and why people are the way they are. When you’re going through challenging times, this stone helps you find the best solutions. You will not waste time feeling afraid or uncertain because you know that you have what it takes to overcome your challenges.

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. Joyful, happy, and uplifting. Helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings. Helps get emotional body in check and clear the mind. Assists in the transformation of one’s life. Pushes one to take action and do what they love. Keeps one’s goals in check and helps provide a pathway. Nothing is out of reach.

My interpretation of the crystals:

Things have been so hard. I know… I’ve been struggling too. This whole never-ending pandemic is really adding to the already existing trauma in our lives. Mental health is a struggle for all of us on the best of days… let alone year 2 of a pandemic… and it’s about year 5 for me due to my son’s journey through Leukemia. It’s not been easy! The transition to the fall season is always hard too. Seeing things die and get cold. Feeling like we want to retreat. I think it’s natural for us to feel some darker, lower energies, especially being in Scorpio season. The thing is, is that even when it’s hard, it’s still good. We have to appreciate and work with all that we do have. We are still learning and growing and being led to the next rainbow. It’s all a part of the journey and the experiences that help us evolve. Despite all the hardships, I continue to be reminded by Spirit, that there is so much beauty coming. There is. These crystals are some of my favourite for their beauty and spiritual lightness. The Blue Aura Quartz is helping us to heal, by repairing any wounding in our energy fields. It is shining it’s rainbow light into our Spirits to enhance vitality and energy. It is helping us to get aligned with what we want to attract. We want more excitement and joy. We want more money. I always read my crystals before I choose cards, but I have already pulled out some decks to use, and the Super Attractor deck wanted to come for a card of guidance, so I know we need to get our vibes back in alignment because we are attracting things our way! Let go of worries and expect abundance! Trust that things are working out well. Trust that the Universe will provide for you, and make the best with what you do have! This is a time to re-discover who you are, and take stock of your gifts and what you can use to create abundance. You have more power than you realize! You may need to be creative and a little brave! Let go of the fear, knowing that experiences are opportunities for growth. Let go of your addictions, and know that you are safe to be happy. Living a clean and honest life will help to attract the positivity and abundance you desire. Get your mind cleaned up. Think positively and maintain an optimistic outlook. Let yourself be curious about life. Be curious about Spirit and deepen your connection. Take time for meditation and calm your mind. Come to terms with what has happened and let the past go. Move forward with lightness in your heart. You can’t feel better if you keep beating yourself up. God is all-forgiving, and there is a reason for that. As long as you are trying to do better, you can have peace in your heart that you are forgiven. Do what you can to find better solutions. Time wasted beating yourself up is time wasted not healing and moving towards your goals and dreams. We can’t hold ourselves back anymore. God wants to see our light and beauty. God wants to see us happy. God wants to see shine with pride when we overcome challenges and achieve our dreams. We are all pieces of Spirit, every single one of us. Do you really believe we are here to be depressed and unhappy? There is no way! We are here to experience fulfillment, and enlightenment. We are here to realize our gifts and shine our light. It’s ok if it’s not always easy. It’s ok if there is darkness and times that we fail. That’s how we learn to pick ourselves up, and it makes us stronger. Think of all you’ve been through and appreciate your existence. Appreciate that you are still here, to experience another day. To enjoy food and love and sunshine. Pick yourself up and let yourself be happy again. It’s the only way to change the trajectory things have been going. Get that spiral moving back upwards. Let yourself be transformed like the Phoenix rising. Fly out of the darkness and realize your power and beauty. Listen to your heart and live your life how you desire. Remember that the Angels and Spirit are here protecting us and guiding us. Let yourself feel supported. We really can do whatever we put our minds to… so get them in check and focused on things that will brings you abundance and happiness. Nothing is out of reach… just pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Let’s see what the cards say!

My interpretation of the cards:

Wow. We are so protected and safe. We have to trust. Things are going to work out for us. Even if it is in some twisted, unforeseen kind of way. Trust that things are working out. You can’t give up your loyalty every time things get hard.. that’s when it’s called for the most. Stop throwing your hands up and feeling like you can’t trust in life. You are giving away your power. We have lived with our hearts closed off for too long… too afraid to be hurt again. This is a different time, and we are stronger and more sure of ourselves. It’s time to open your heart again and trust that you are safe. Trust that the Universe is a safe place that provides for your needs. Be open to receiving a higher level of support. Allow yourself to be open to receiving magic and miracles. Let the blockages be dissolved and released. We do not have to do life alone, and we have plenty of support around us. Let yourself be loved and allow yourself to express your love. It’s time for a new experience for you, one that is safe and abundant! Hand over your fears and let them go. Trust that they serve as opportunities to bring more love in. When we want to close ourselves off, that’s when it’s most important that we don’t. When we feel most down, that’s when we should be allowing ourselves to receive the most support and love. Pursuing your dreams is going to require you to accept support and also to step out of your comfort zone. It just is! You might as well accept that now. Put yourself out there and make connections. To be successful, you will have to be willing to receive! Visualize what it would be like to receive. Keep visualizing all the ways you could say YES and feel so good about it. Visualize people paying you for your gifts. Visualize how deserving and appreciative you feel to say thank you! We have to face our fears if we want to achieve our dreams. We have to have courage and do the things that make us nervous. We will probably surprise ourselves with the outcome! If we don’t, we will learn a lesson, lol! We know where we are heading, we can feel it intuitively. We just need to stop over thinking and worrying. We are over thinking and worried about things that don’t even matter in the long run. Be willing to lose sight of the shore. Just keep going. Keep picking yourself up and taking steps to move forward. Stop fretting along the way, it’s just depleting your energy. We are already making our way, we just have to keep going. This card “You’re Already Doing It” came up in my last reading, and it’s here to confirm it again. We know great things are coming. Great things are meant for us. Step into that power. Appreciate your gifts and everything in your life. Appreciate the opportunities to learn and attract abundance. The things that scare us, can hold the best growth and wisdom. Focus on positivity and appreciation, and trust in what’s to come. Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏

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Full Blood Moon in Aries – October 20, 2021

On October 20th, we have a Full Blood Moon at 27 degrees 26 minutes Aries peaking at 8:57am MDT here in Alberta, Canada. 🌕✨❤️🔥🐏 This Moon is also known as the Hunter’s Moon.

The Libra Sun faces opposite to the Aries Moon, and the Aries-Libra polarity is a relationship axis. Aries represents the “self,” and Libra represents the “other.” Aries is about self-assertion, Libra is about compromise. How can we find more balance of the two?

We have to understand that our needs are important. We can’t just live to serve others endlessly, or we become drained. We have to make sure we are going after what we want, while still considering the needs of those around us.

Express your feelings and let them out. Allow yourself to receive energy and abundance without guilt or hesitation.

What do you need to let go of? How can you feel more free and light? What lights you up and how can you live in that energy?

Aries is all about standing in your full power and confidence. Go after what you want, without guilt. Pursue your dreams and goals with no doubt that you are beyond capable.

Libra is there to remind you not to forget about the “other(s)” in your life. The choices we do make have ramifications. Be considerate of how certain choices might affect you in the long run. Find balance and take the best approach.

When we are driven by ego, we don’t care how we get there or who we hurt. When we allow ourselves to be more balanced with Libra, we can take time to weigh the pros and cons.

Always remember that you matter. Your light matters. What brings you joy and fulfilment is key to your purpose. Keep putting your talents out into the world. Let your light be seen and felt. Keep shining bright and moving forward! 🌕✨🙏


Have a beautiful Full Moon! 💕🌕🙏


If you want to work with the Moon energy further, get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that easily prints on 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Information about the sign of Aries, the element, modality, polarity, symbol, constellation, house ruled, ruling planets, colors, crystals, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, prayers, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

It’s like Moon Ceremony on paper! 📝

$5/Worksheet or sign up for a year for $100 (CAD) – Released every New & Full Moon – Payment accepted by e-transfer and PayPal.

Contact or message me if you want one! 🙋‍♀️🙋

#FullMoon #Aries #Moon #October #Red #BloodMoon #Romance #Relationships #Collaborations #Emotions #Energy #Drive #Confidence #Ambition #Overcome #Obstacles #Strength #Brave #Determined #Release #Shift #Express #Happiness #Desire #Balance #Purpose #Spiritual #Guidance #Astrology #MoonMagic

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of October 11, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Howlite, Purple Agate, and Chevron Amethyst. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Howlite – Reduces anxiety, tension and stress. Helps you sleep better, especially when you have a busy mind. Increases determination to achieve goals. Strengthens memory and desire for knowledge. Teaches patience, and helps to eliminate anger, pain and stress. A calming stone. Helps communication, increases awareness and encourages emotional expression. Strengthens positive character, removing selfishness and greed.

Purple Agate – Connected with the Violet Flame. Stone of meditation and Spiritual transformation . Trust your intuition. Opens the Spiritual floodgates to a realm of endless possibilities. Very loving and heart felt frequency. Balances Yin/Yang. Stabilizes the aura and eliminates negativity. Promotes relaxation and tranquility. Strengthens sight. Overcomes difficulties and creates value.

Chevron Amethyst – Combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. Great for seeing some of the hidden meanings in life. Use it to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Things have been pretty stressful lately with everything going on in the world. We need to find balance and make sure we are considering all aspects and perspectives. We have to make sure we are considering the softer, emotional, spiritual, inner needs, that we so often neglect when only paying attention to the physical. We have to soften our edges and relax a little more. Yes, it’s good to be driven towards our goals, but when we push too hard, we just burnout. A flame has to be tended to, in just the right way. Make sure you are getting the stress relief you need. Make sure you are exercising and sleeping well. The more you rest and keep your stress levels down, the more effective you can be at whatever work you do. The more energy you have, the more you can give. You will have a sharper mind with more clarity and determination. Honestly, you can be angry and stressed out, but it never helps anything. In fact, it makes things much worse. Make sure you are listening to your needs so that you can be proactive on keeping your energy balanced. You will be able to communicate, express yourself, and get along with others much better if you energy is cool and calm. Be considerate of others, while still taking care of you. Use your talents to do good things for the world. We are spiritually evolving as a human race. Many people are already awakened, and more and more are awakening every day. Spirituality is real. Our Spiritual power is real. You can work with it, or you can deny it. The choice is always yours to make. We are transforming, whether we are acknowledging it or not… whether we are flowing with the changes or resisting them. If you want the floodgates to open to the abundance you dream of, you have to pay attention to the spiritual messages and trust your intuition. We need to maintain balance and live from the heart with love. We need to embrace more positivity, faith, and optimism. We need to truly trust that Spirit has our back and that all our needs will be provided for. We prove that by resting, relaxing, and letting go of worries. We can and will overcome our difficulties. Try to allow things to happen with ease. The things we go through only add to our experience in life, and we can use those experiences to create more value and help people. Part of being strong is knowing you deserve better. Don’t allow stress and worry in your life. We have our vision set on our future and on our goals, passions, and desires. We don’t have time or energy to fret or worry. We need to stop feeling bad over the past… Mistakes have been made by all of us. Trust that God has it in his hands. Trust that Spirit is connecting with you everyday, and see the hidden meaning of things (get my Moon Magic Worksheet Oct 15!). We have all kinds of tools and resources that can help us to get out of this funk and moving forward! Book a reading through me, or through any of the talented healers at, and we can help get you on a better track! Even free meditations, workouts, sound healing, etc. that you can find on YouTube, or spiritual pages doing giveaways! There are so many great, and free resources. I always offer a free 1-card mini reading if you are ever needing a pick-me-up and don’t have a lot of money! All you have to do is inbox me and ask for a 1-card reading! ❤️ Remember your power. Remember how strong you are. Naturally. Just how you are right now, with nothing extra required. What do you want for your life? What goals do you have that light you up? You do have the power to attain your goals. Take those action steps and keep going. Trust that you are protected and guided. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

We are already on our path… We are already who we are going to be. Sometimes we need a different perspective. Sometimes, we have to feel lost, to find the direction we want to go. Whatever we have been through, it’s ok. It’s safe to let go of the past so we can walk forward into the future. You don’t have to be defined by what other people might think. Keep being you and doing what you feel inspired to do. Stop overthinking and worrying. Just keep going and keep flowing. Keep moving forward, with balance. We can’t rush or force, but we also can’t do nothing. Keep putting in the work and doing your best. Have faith and trust that everything is working out in your highest good! Worries and stress will only impact your health negatively. Trust that your body is naturally capable to heal you, and that you will feel better. Keep your focus on positivity and health! Eat good food and make choices that are healthy for you. Use exercise as a tool for stress relief. This is about balance and taking care of yourself. Relationship is the balance we hold in our lives, which reflects our relationship with ourselves. If we ignore or neglect areas of our life, it impacts us in other ways. For example, if you choose to live in stress and worry, and neglect self-care or stress relief, eventually, you will get physically sick. When you ignore femininity in your life, it lacks in beauty and and sensuality. If you only care about you, you become glutinous. If you care about others too much, you get burnt out. Balance is so important, especially right now. The better relationship we have with ourselves, the better and more beautiful our life can be. This doesn’t mean you need to do everything differently. It’s doing the good things you do a little more consistently. It’s making small changes and trying new things. It’s being who you are, just trying to be a little better…. So we can be healthy, and have healthy relationships. So we can heal and attract the abundance we deserve in this life. Connect to your Creator. Listen to what he’s trying to teach you. Hear the messages and see the signs. Pray. It doesn’t have to be anything specific, you can practice Spirituality however it resonates with you. A simple and sincere “Thank you” works wonders. When we understand our worth and our power, when we understand how truly loved we are by the Universe, that’s when life blooms. Spirituality is a key to true prosperity. There is fulfilment when you experience Spiritual knowing. Make sure you are not neglecting any parts of yourself, and that you are speaking up for what you want and need. This is a time of more positive relationships, with yourself and others! You are coming out of the darkness and hard times. You are filling your life with beauty, light, and magic. You are doing what you need to do. The card mentions that we just need to hang on a little longer. Have trust and faith. Show the Universe you are patient and willing to do your part in creating a beautiful abundant life. The Angels are helping us and supporting us. Beautiful things are coming. Keep working to do your part in making your life beautiful, and it will all come together in perfect harmony. Have a beautiful week!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Card Reading – Week of October 3, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Kambaba Jasper, Zoisite, and Malachite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Kambaba Jasper – Also known as Crocodile Jasper. It is actually fossilized algae. Calms the mind and promotes inner peace. Helps to remove heart blockages and worries. Connects us to nature and allows us to feel more open to receiving love. Supports us and provides insight through tough times. Reduces fear and increase confidence, self-worth, and courage.

Zoisite – Transmutes negative energy into positive. Helps you to realize and manifest your own true desires, rather than ones influenced by others or because you are trying to conform to the “norm”. Encourages recovery from illness and stress. Helps to release deep seated fears and phobias. Boosts vitality. Helps you see the gift in every breath of life.

Malachite – A stone of transformation, good fortune, prosperity & abundance. This is a transformation of lack into abundance. Invites business opportunities. Brings self-confidence and success. These vibrations release and diffuse those of victimization by demonstrating the power of oneself. It helps balance pure love, romance, and one’s own well-being. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It brings inner peace and hope, including relief from anxiety and stress.

I love the energy of the Kambaba Jasper. This is the first time I’ve used it since I got it. It very much holds the energy of the Crocodile, which at first I thought to have a negative connotation, but the Crocodile is a very swift, agile, and powerful creature. Do you think the Crocodile is out there questioning his own power? Living in fear? Heck no!! He’s chilling, unless someone gets up in his space, then he stands in his power. They snap up opportunities without a sense of guilt or pressure. With things being as hard as they have been, this feels like a message for us to be thick-skinned… to lay low until our time to come back out is here. This is about protecting yourself. You do not have to allow anyone in your personal space that you do not consent to. If things seem to be working against you, reach out for help, find people who can help you, and don’t quit until are where you need to be. As hard as things have been, only WE have the power to get our mind right and make the best choices we can for ourselves. Worrying doesn’t do anything but further hurt us or stress us out. Let go of the worries and stress when you feel them arising. It’s like, Dory from Finding Nemo. We can have lots of real issues going on around us, but being stressed out and upset doesn’t help us. We just have to keep swimming. We are being called to put ourselves out into the world and share our light and energy, but you can’t do that if you don’t have any. Make sure you are filling your cup and receiving what you need. Take care of yourself, so you can share your gifts with the world. This, in turn, creates opportunities and abundance! Good things are coming for us, believe it to be true. Keep doing what you know is right and working towards a better tomorrow for yourself. It hasn’t been easy, and we have been conditioned by society our entire lives. Particularly to believe we are never good enough… but we are. Right now, today, in this moment. You are enough, you are deserving, you are capable, you have purpose. Whatever you feel passionate about pursuing, chase those desires. You don’t have to do things the way society tells you to. You can step into the person you want to be, right now. You can decide to let stress go and practice techniques to work on that. You can realize that stress is making you sick and keeping you anxious, and by letting it go you can feel lighter and happy. Please don’t get me wrong, it’s not 100% a choice… but there is choice involved. Choose happiness and optimism more! You can recover from things that have been hindering you. Let go of the fears and negativity. They aren’t true, and they aren’t serving you. Your gifts… your light… that’s what will serve you, and all of humanity. When you are stressing and living in fear, you are bringing your energy wayyyy down. When you live in light with positivity (as much as possible), you raise your vibrations, giving yourself revitalized energy and attracting wonderful things. Gratitude can help us live in the light. By realizing how blessed we are already, right now, helps us bring in more light. Life is a gift and we have to make the most of it. Don’t waste it away believing that people don’t want to see you or hear your voice. Let yourself been seen and heard. Let yourself be supported. Allow yourself to receive. Good things are coming. The Malachite is a sign of that. We are doing the work to step out of lack mentalities and into a mindset of abundance and worthiness. The relief from our stressors is coming, so try to be as patient as you can. Everything is going to be ok. Do what you can to help things get better. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim. Be sure of who you are and what you want. Use your voice, create opportunities and say yes to partnerships and collaborations. Business opportunities are on the way! Step into your power and confidence, and let fear be a thing of the past. You are magical and powerful, and you got this. Make sure to set positive intentions this week for the New Moon in Libra! Let’s see what the cards have to add!

We always want to be “done”, or be wherever we perceive we should be… but life doesn’t really work like that. Life is an ever changing journey, no matter how sure we think we are. Things change, people change, life changes. There are many things we can’t control. Life is an unfinished symphony, and the quicker you adapt to playing the notes that are available to you, the better music you will hear. This is about unfinished business in your life, and unhealed emotions. We have to be able to fully let go of the past, or perhaps what we have now, if we want to make room for something more that we desire. If you are dragging around attachments from the past, that energy is seen and felt here and now, and can block you from receiving even greater things here and now. We can’t live in a victim mentality over the past anymore. Yes, we have been hurt, but those people were probably hurt too. Let it go and move on. Be free and make emotional space. Accept where you are now, and be ok with it. In fact, love it! Let this symphony end on a high note. Love everything for what it has been, and be open to the most amazing possibilities in the future. The big blue egg she sits on represents fertility, communication, and spiritual protection. Your spirit guides are there making sure you don’t fall off. The birds are showing you the way to freedom. Let your heart be light, and use music to help you do that. If you want your energy to be light, it has to be free from worries. Let them go. Also, tie up loose ends and take care of business so that you can breathe and relax. Don’t over think things, just do what you gotta do. Be flexible. Deal with stuff and it comes, and you will feel better about it. We can’t stay stuck doing the same things and handling things the same way, thinking the same way, because it’s not working. We have to let ourselves grow. We have to let our minds grow. Be adaptable, without compromising yourself. Be flexible, for your own highest good. You can’t always be right. You can’t always know how everything will play out. It’s ok to compromise. It’s ok to follow your heart. Be open to all possibilities now! Be ready to say YES when you are presented with opportunities to receive! Set your intentions this New Moon, and ask for what you want to manifest or something better! Be willing to bend a little, to enjoy miraculous results. No more being rigid. Lighten your heart. Life is going to speed up. Things are going to be moving forward very soon… likely in the next 2-3 weeks. Antelope reminds you that you are a powerful co-creator! Make sure you are using the energy of the Moon and setting your intentions. Make sure you are visualizing a life you deserve, allowing space for even greater. It’s time to take steps towards your dreams. Don’t be scared to make a move or say yes. Let go, and enjoy the ride. Let go of worry, and be present. Make the most of this day and this life. Breathe deeply, and move forward with veracity! Have a beautiful week and New Moon!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

New Moon in Libra – October 6, 2021

October 6, peaking at 5:05am (MDT) here in Alberta, we have a New Moon at 13 degrees Libra. 🌑✨⚖️ The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars are all in the sign of Libra.

Libra is the epitome of balance. Libra is all about partnerships and relationships, so business and romance are highlighted themes now.

This energy can be super positive, or it can bring up our shadows. This can be a time of fresh starts in amazing ways, or very challenging ways. It really depends on where we are and what we are needing to learn. No matter where you find yourself, do your best to bring balanced and intentional energy to the table. Try to contribute to some positive karma in the long run.

This is a time to set our intentions towards the fresh starts that will bring us more harmony. This is a time to be bold in the pursuit of our goals and dreams. We know what we deserve and we know we are worthy and capable. We have so many ideas and talents. Have confidence in your ability to make informed and fair decisions. Trust your intuition when it comes to taking chances, and trust that the risks you take will pay off.

We can’t hold ourselves back out of fear anymore. We have to make sure we aren’t doing things just because everyone else expects us to. What do you need? It’s all about balance. Allow yourself to receive, so you have energy to give to others. Make sure you are being fair, especially to yourself.

Don’t neglect yourself or let your negative emotions build up, or they can come out as anger or outbursts. Make sure you are finding healthy ways to release and process your emotions. Express all sides of yourself. Find an activity, like art, exercise, meditation, or therapy, that helps you.

Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius is reminding us that we live in an abundant world. We have to let go of the lack mentality and understand how worthy and deserving we are. We don’t need to suffer or beat ourselves up. We don’t need to deny ourselves or expect the worst. Question your old belief systems and let them go. What if amazing things could happen? Fill yourself with light so you can share it with the world.

We have a bunch of planets in retrograde, but by the Full Moon on the 20th, 4 of them will have gone direct. Things are going to get easier and get more clear. The time to set positive intentions is now!

October 20th, we have a Full Blood Moon in Aries! We will be called to step forward even more so on our path. Stay in your power and know your worth! Let go of the fear and go for it. 💕🙏✨

Want to know more about this New Moon? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET! 📝

Only $5 per worksheet or $100 (CAD) to sign up for the whole year. Released every New & Full Moon and sent as a PDF Document. Payment accepted by e-transfer or PayPal.

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET has tons of info including information about the sign of Libra, colors, crystals, angels, gods/goddesses, essentials oils, plants, flowers, animals, and so much more. It has personal questions and a card pull. It has a prayer and information on what you can do to celebrate the Moon. It has a place to set intentions. It shows upcoming astrology and what planets are retrograde. It’s a deeper dive into the Moon energy and a fun way to learn! It’s like a Moon Ceremony on paper!

Let me know if you are interested!

Have a magical New Moon! 🌑✨🙏

NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet #Libra #Energy #Balance #Relationships #Partnerships #Communication #Spiritual #Guidance #Abundance #Fun #Learning #Spirit #Angels #Crystals #Optimism #NewBeginnings #Intentions #Goals #Growth #Wisdom #Confidence #Passion #Desires

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