Angel Card Reading – Week of Dec 20, 2015

It is no surprise, this Christmas week is filled with messages of love. 💝 Even though some of us may struggle with feelings of loneliness, struggle to be around certain family members, or may be just dealing with challenges, these cards remind us to open our hearts and appreciate all that we do have in our life. The more you open your heart, the more love you are able to give and receive. Don’t worry about the future, just live in the now, enjoy Christmas time, focus on appreciation, giving love, and being your best self, and everything else will follow. It’s not about monetary meaning, it’s not about worrying how we will pay back our credit cards, or worry if we got good enough presents! It’s about giving our time, love and appreciation. Rekindle your love with your spouse. Think about them this holiday season. Enjoy this time you have off to be with your family, and especially your spouse. Continually breathe life and love into your relationship, and it will flourish. What a great message of the importance of love and relationships during this week of such a special holiday! Merry Christmas everyone!! 

Heart Chakra – The angels give you this card because the answer to your question rests within your heart. The more that you open your heart, the more love, joy, and peace you’ll feel. You can open your heart chakra by asking the angels to send their healing energy, by visualizing your heart surrounded by pink light, by inhaling the fragrance of pink roses, by holding or wearing rose quartz crystal, and by focusing on love. Send light and love to your heart chakra.

Life Purpose – this card comes as a reminder that you needn’t struggle to find your life purpose. Don’t worry about how to make good money in a meaningful career. Don’t concern yourself with quitting or starting jobs or professions. Instead, follow the path of your natural desires, talents, and passions with the full intention of bringing joy to yourself and others. Your life purpose doesn’t need to be defined or pinpointed. It’s a process, not a category. Give all worries about money or career to God and the angels. Your on the right path towards your life’s purpose. Focus on one step at a time with respect to your life’s purpose, and release fears about the future to your angels. What you’re doing right now is part of your life’s purpose.

Wedding – you received this card because the topic of marriage is related to your question. There’s either a wedding in your near future (yours or someone else’s), or the angels are suggesting a renewal of vows to keep romance alive in your present marriage. This doesn’t have to be a specific ceremony, but just making time and paying attention to your spouse. This card is surrounded with love and positive energy, so there’s no need to worry about it’s message. Be open to love, romance, and possibilities, and enjoy your days!


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Angel Card Reading – Week of Dec 13, 2015

This week, I’m feeling a lot of heavy feelings, specifically guilt over the past, and not feeling “as far ahead” in life as we would like to be… Especially as another year comes to a close, it’s easy to feel the pressure… Did I do enough? Am I where I hoped I would be? Please know you are understood. You are free to let go of the past, everything you did then served a purpose and everything you’ll do going forward serves a purpose. Your free to choose who you are in every single moment. Think about who you really want to be going forward. Don’t let your ego tell you that you need one thing or another, because so and so has done it… Decide what’s right and true for you in your heart! Think about what you really want. Think about your goals and how you can take steps to help them come to life. You have the ability to manifest anything you desire, just keep your thoughts positive and love yourself. Be who you are, knowing you are loved, and knowing you are a piece of every great and amazing thing in this universe. Know that you can have everything and more, you are just as deserving as anyone else. When you truly believe your deserving in your heart, everything you dream will become reality. It all starts and ends with love. 

You are understood – The Angels send you this card because every aspect of your personality and existence makes perfect sense to them. You may feel flawed or that you’ve made mistakes. This card reminds you that nothing is a mistake. Everything is a divine appointment. Know that Heaven and the Angels see you as a perfect being, and they have been with you every step of your life. They know who you are, and they see your divine perfection. The Angels completely understand why you have made every decision you have made. Allow yourself to revel in the comfort of knowing that there’s a force much bigger than any human on this planet, and this force sees you as a flawless soul doing the best you can.

Manifest – you have innate manifestation abilities that you can use to improve your situation. The act of manifestation is more than just dreaming about what you desire in life – it’s deciding your dreams have already come true on the spirit level, and trusting they will appear in material form. This cards asks you to be aware of how much your energy (your thoughts and feelings) affects the reality around you and to realize the importance of believing in yourself. When your using your natural manifestation power, you feel complete trust and know that every day is preparing you for the next chapter in your life. 

Self-reflection – this card asks you to review your life. The angels guide you to see yourself as the spiritual warrior you truly are. It’s so easy to look back on your actions and feel guilt for things you have done. But that time has passed, and you don’t need to bring that energy with you going forward. See yourself as a divine soul whose doing the absolute best you can, given the circumstances of your existence. Your designed to fight against that which no longer serves humanity, and this requires nothing more than being yourself. Admit what’s most important to you, and ask the angels to guide you with these goals and wishes.


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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Angel Card Reading – Week of Dec 6, 2015

I have been feeling a little off the last couple weeks, being sick and feeling tired and unmotivated. This reading sure speaks to me.. And why wouldn’t it… It is intended for all who read it to take something from it. I watched Doreen Virtue’s reading for this week, and it was very positive. I believe it reflects similarly in this reading. It’s saying that yes, sometimes things are hard. Yes, sometimes you feel like you don’t fit in. Yes, sometimes we struggle to find true and honest friendships. But it is ok!!! It is ok to be you… Keep being you exactly as you are… Keep giving yourself the love you truly deserve.. Everything else will come, and it’s coming. Don’t give in to peer pressure, and poor friendships, just for a quick sense of companionship that will be short lived. Don’t settle. Be true to who you really are. When you do this, you tell the universe you are only willing to accept people in your life who love the person you are. You are worthy of love, the greatest love. Keep being a good person, making the best choices you can, and then… YES!! Everything you desire will come to fruition. Even better than you can expect. Keep your thoughts positive and set aside doubts! 

It’s ok to be different – Everyone wants to be liked, so it’s normal that you want to fit in with other people. You may compare yourself to others and feel like you don’t belong. You may even feel that you’re not as good as other people. This card is here to tell you that your special talents are needed in this world. You don’t need to change in order to please others. If you try to be different from who you really are, you won’t be happy and you won’t make true friends. But if your inner voice tells you to improve yourself through learning new skills and taking care of your body, then your being good to yourself. This will lead you to true friends who really love you as you are! As long as you feel good about yourself, your doing well. The best way to do this is to tell the truth, treat people with kindness, keep your promises, and do the work that you need to do. You needn’t be perfect, wear the latest styles, or be the most popular person. Just trust that God made you exactly how your supposed to be, and make the best of what you got.

Listen to your true feelings – Someone might ask you to do something against your better judgement. You may be tempted to give in, to please this other person. You might worry that if you say no, the other person won’t like you anymore. This card reminds you it’s very important to listen to your true feelings before taking any action. You must choose for yourself what’s right and wrong. If you feel confused, talk to someone you trust. In the end, you must decide for yourself what’s right for you. This choice must come from your inner voice, not from outside pressure. Choose the path that makes you happiest in the long run. Some choices only feel good temporarily, then afterward you feel let down. The best choices make you happy for a long long time. To hear your true feelings, make some quiet time. Close the door, turn off all noise, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Then ask a question in your mind and listen. Listen to your body, heart and mind. Write down anything you see, think or feel. Take the action that you know in your heart is right. 

Definitely yes – What your asking about will definitely happen, provided you keep your thoughts positive. You can bring about your desires more quickly by paying attention to thoughts, feelings, words or visions that repeat themselves to you. When this inner guidance asks you to take positive action, it’s important for you to do so. For instance, if you have a feeling to call someone, then make that call. Your Angels will always guide you to take actions that have positive and healthy effects on you and others. This card asks you to set aside doubts or worries, and to feel secure that everything is positive. Your desires are going to happen, and probably in better-than-expected ways. Imagine that your dream has already come true, using your inner vision and your feelings as you do. You just need to stay filled with faith and hope, and take action when your guided. 


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