Animal Spirit Card Reading

A card of guidance for anyone that resonates with it. πŸ’—πŸ™πŸŽ

All the planets are now direct and this is a time of forward movement, new freedom, and adventure.

I know a lot of people are going to be travelling soon, and this is a perfect time. πŸ›©οΈπŸš˜

This message can also be about setting yourself free… from perspectives, expectations, perfectionism, control tactics, and perceived limitations.

This is a reminder of your free will, to make the choices that will lead to your empowerment, happiness, and freedom. Sometimes, we do need to make the hard decisions and let go of things that may not be easy for us. You can lead yourself to a better situation and brighter pastures with the choices you make for yourself.

Horse Spirit carries us forward when we are weary. It’s giving us the gentle nudge we need to run free on our own, in whatever direction we choose.

Make a move and enjoy the freedom of letting go of the need to control.

Heal your spirit and remember that your power is greater than you think.

Loosen up, drop the reigns, let go, and prance with others for the fun of it. β€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸš—

Your time is now. Enjoy it. Live life like it’s a vacation. πŸ•ΆοΈπŸŒžπŸ’

#General #Guidance #Oracle #Card #CardReading #Message #Messages #Spirit #Animal #Horse #Freedom #Adventure #Happiness #Fun #Enjoyment #Choice #MakeGoodChoices #Improve #MakeChanges #ForTheBest #NewPossibilities #Travel #Exploration #Life #LiveIt #Now

Messages From Spirit for June 25, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 25, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June25 #Heaven #Earth #You #Perfect #Expression #Conduit #Light #Heavens #Rainbow #Oracle #Angels #Voice #CoCreate #Spirit #Guidance #Within #Heart #Vibration #Rising #Create #HeavenOnEarth #Clear #Vision #Future #Manifesting

Card Reading for the week of November 20, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Oregon Icicle, Green Onyx, and Fancy Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Oregon Icicle – Used for protection, strength, good health, good fortune, and long life. Grounding. Gives courage and helps banish fear. Increases self-esteem. Promotes mental processes and inner talents. Enhances analytical abilities, precision, and perceptiveness. Brings vitality. Helpful to those who are recovering. A nurturing stone. Absorbs and transmutes negative energies.

Green Onyx – Green Onyx embodies the meaning of growth and patience in equal measure. Green Onyx promotes good health and well-being. It encourages self-love and helps people rediscover their purpose for existing. Brings together the mind and body. It helps with meditation. It is said to keep the person hidden from those who seek to harm them. Peace, purity, and mental support. Grounds heart centre. Helps relieve stress, worries, tension, and grief. Associated with intelligence, brain power, memory, increased focus, and awareness. Speak your truth from the heart.

Fancy Jasper – Brings wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. Helps with letting go of bitterness and resentment. Eliminates negativity and strengthens insight. Promotes forgiveness, peace and tranquility. Helps you to lighten up and enjoy yourself more. It can also relieve fear, guilt and frustration, building inner strength and confidence. Helps one to better connect with nature.

My interpretation of the crystals:

I wanted to do my weekly reading today to get some insight into the week ahead, as I am starting a full-time position tomorrow. With my children and my business, it’s going to be a lot! Especially with my kid getting sick on Friday after school! I think he is feeling better though and should be good to go in the morning. It can all be a lot sometimes, but you just have to trust that you can do the best you can and that everything will work out. Health is coming up a lot this week, and I am taking it as a sign that our health will improve and things will be good. Everything is happening for a reason. Things happen in perfect time, so that we can be provided with the abundance and support we need in life. We need to trust that we are protected and guided, and stay grounded. Look ahead to this week with courage, no fear. Believe in yourself and your ability to handle everything in your path. You are capable, competent, and talented. Believe in yourself fully and share your light. You are smart and you do have a good perspective. You will have the energy you need to make it through. Do make sure you are taking the appropriate time to rest and heal yourself too. Try to have some level of healthy balance. Nurture yourself and know you can heal and grow. Transmute any negativity you accumulate in healthy ways, such as through self-care, meditation, and spiritual healing. Maybe when you get home from the day, you spend 20 mins listening to a meditation or sound bath, just to release any negativity and stress from the day. Be patient with yourself and with others. Take life with ease. Rediscover your passion and your reason for living, and walk that path. When you are living in purpose, life doesn’t feel like work or a chore. Stay in your safe, happy bubble and protect your energy. Try to stay away from people who bring negativity. It’s ok to cut people from your life for your own peace and mental well-being. Let go of stress and worry, and know that you can handle whatever comes your way this week. There is no need to be stressed or tense, just focus on what you can bring to life. All you have to do is be yourself. Speak your truth from your heart, and everything will be just fine. Focus on the positivity and peace. Forgive others so you can let go of resentment and fully find peace. Lighten up and enjoy your life. Make it as fun as possible. When we embrace fun, life happens with ease and joy. Having fun helps us let go of the lower emotions, like stress, worry, and resentment. If life feels hard, make it more fun. Make your days enjoyable for you. Enjoy your drive there. Make a delicious coffee. Smile and receive positive energy from others. Be strong and confident in yourself. You are not only going to get through this week, but you are going to rock it like a champ. Take some time to connect and appreciate nature and the beauty of life. Remember how truly blessed you are for all of it. Let’s see what the cards say!

I wanted to use my new deck, The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. This is such a beautiful deck, I really resonate with all her decks. There is a lot of water on these cards, and water is another message that’s been coming up strong for this week. Drink lots of water and spend time in or near water. Water is cleansing and healing and can help us flow with life. There is so much healing happening now. We are being cleansed from the pain of the past. We are being nourished to move ahead on our journey. I love the rainbow energy. Rainbow represents joy, especially after a period of hard times. I have been seeing rainbows a lot, even psychically. The Iris flower was on the Moon Magic Worksheet for the New Moon this week, and it is represented by the Goddess Iris, the Rainbow Messenger of the Gods. She represents new endeavours and links the seas with the sky, the spirit world with the physical world. The Iris flower represents reaching a new level of enlightenment. We have learned from what we’ve been through, and we are healing and growing. There is joy, happiness, and abundance on the horizon. There is a silver lining. Find relief and have hope. Let go of everything you’ve been holding onto and find release. What was once overwhelming will now seem possible. We are growing from the nourishment of the storm, even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. Trust that the times of trial are over and that relief is on the way. The things that have challenged us have finish lines in sight. We are going to experience more ease when we help ourselves heal and choose to release the negativity and pain of the past. Hope is here. You’ve endured the rough seas, and it’s time to enjoy some calm waters. What you’ve learned and how you’ve grown can never be taken from you. Enjoy the warmth of the blessings that life has an in store for you. This phrase was interesting to me, because we have a Sagittarius New Moon this week and it is a Fire sign, all about loving and joyful warmth. New beginnings are not only possible, they are here. Healing is happening now. There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not broken. You are human. Trust the process. Trust that it is safe to trust life again and believe in positivity. Sagittarius is very positive and optimistic, I love to compare it to Santa’s energy. It believes and trusts in the magic of life. Santa eats good food by the fire and enjoys a jolly smile and laugh. We are being reminded that there is so much healing to receive through joy. Things are always going to be ever changing, so embrace it and flow with it. Trust that life is bringing you where you need to be. Let your heart open wider and be authentically who you are. Surround yourself with supportive people who lift you up on your path and believe in you. Embrace all parts of life. Even the hard parts have served you in some way. Take the positivity and the lessons, and wash away anything that doesn’t serve you such as pain, fear, and resentment. No one is immune to the experience of life. We must embrace all parts of it. The only way to the light is to embrace the shadows within. To embrace the storms of life and see the good they serve. Sometimes the challenges liberate us, because they teach us to choose differently. You are not broken. You are healing. Trust in the timing of life. A lot of the healing that is happening is related to our ancestral trauma and to our inner child. We are mending the chain by mending ourselves. By learning to fully love and nurture ourselves, we nurture our inner child. When we experience more joy in life, so does our inner child. So many of us were not taught to see the sacred beauty of life. Every choice you make to see the beauty and appreciate it, to love yourself and your life more fully, the more you grow and heal. Healing is possible, and it is happening. Our Ancestors are watching over us and are so proud of the work we are doing, not only for ourselves, but also in the way we positively impact others and the world as a whole. Healing isn’t one and done… it’s circular, or like a wave. It may come back around again for release. Trust you have what it takes to do the work. Treat yourself with the love you have longed for. Meet yourself where others could not. Treat others with compassion and understanding. The Ancestors are blessing you on your path and in your work. Heal your energy and let it flow. Pray for the guidance and support you need. Trust that you have everything you need to move forward on your path. It is all in perfect timing. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Card Reading for the week of September 12, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fulgurite, Selenite, and Chrysoprase. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fulgurite – Formed from lighting strikes hitting the sand. Awakens one’s sense of higher purpose. Helps with manifestation of one’s power. Kundalini awakening. Purification. Used to β€œblow one’s prayers through”. Clears dysfunctional patterns in emotions.

Selenite – Cleanses and filters your energy. A helpful crystal when there are a lot of things going on in your head. It’s a good stone to have to help you quiet your mind and give you mental clarity. People have a way of filling your head with bad ideas, thoughts, and perceptions. Having selenite in your possession will help cleanse your mind of all this negativity. It balances and stabilizes your body and emotions.

Chrysoprase – Connected to nature. Profoundly mood-lifting, cheering, supportive, and healing for the spirit. Helps in times of depression, sadness or coping with the darker, more challenging periods of life. It can help us to let go of anger, and focus on the positive, rather than being overwhelmed by the negative, and remind us of what we have to be grateful for – definitely a β€œglass half full” sort of crystal. For acceptance and self-acceptance.

It feels like we are wading in some deep waters right now. We are still moving, but we have to get through some stuff and put in some hard work to get where we want to be. The Fulgurite is bringing in some balance and revitalization. It reminds us that yes, things get hard sometimes… Yes we have to work to get where we want to be… but that sometimes Spirit does show us that wishes can manifest. Sometimes, miracles do happen. Dreams can come true. Especially when we speak about it and make our intentions known. The Fulgurite also reminds me that we can let go of things… the past, our intentions, etc., by breathing them out, and in this case, through the Fulgurite. I feel very cleansed and purified by the Fulgurite, and the Selenite is also here to do the same. We need to cleanse our energy and let go of as much emotional baggage as we can. Breath work and meditation can be very helpful now. I’ve been obsessed with Sound Baths lately, try searching them on the internet, or better yet, find an in-person event happening in your area. The Sound Bath vibrations work so well to clear out the stuck energy and you feel so calm and peaceful, yet vibrant after. We need to find some way to calm our minds and stop overthinking things as much as possible. We worry way too much. I am the most guilty person of this, but it is true and we need to stop worrying unless there is a legitimate need for it. We need to make room in our mind and in our physical bodies for new energy and ideas. We definitely need to stop living by anyone else’s expectations. We need to be balanced and stable on our own. Get out into nature if you can, and get grounded. We have to look towards the future with optimism instead of dread. When I envision what each of those pathways look like, I know a vision of optimism is definitely where I want my energy focused. We have so much to be grateful for… so much to live for and work hard for.. so much to enjoy life for.. Accept the things that happen for what they are and deal with them. Try to do your best and to stay out of trouble and live a good life. We can get through these hard times and see the sun again. Help yourself by allowing yourself to receive joy and be grateful for what you have. Let’s see what the cards say!

We are going to have to be assertive and speak up for what we need and believe in. We will have to stand up for ourselves and fight for what we deserve. Defend the things you are passionate about. Don’t allow people to intimidate you or make you feel a certain way. Pay attention to what’s happening and learn from it. Become a better person because of it. We are going to have to use our wisdom to it’s best advantage. Get out in nature and connect to the signs. Reflect within to find the answers you seek. Meditation is going to be very important to get our mind clear and receive the insights we are searching for. We will have to trust our intuition to show us what to build and where to go. If we use our creativity and work hard, and also let others support us, we can build a bright future. The pink and purple tones on the Two of Spring tell me there is so much love, especially self-love, and spiritual growth in our future. We can make great progress if we are willing to put the work in. Find like-minded people with similar goals to share your dreams and offer support and guidance. Know that it is safe to take a chance, and you are worth all the effort you put into your life. Never let anyone make you question your worth. As long as you know it in your heart, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or believes. We just had a powerful Pisces Full Moon, and we are wrapping up a phase of our life. Things are shifting and changing as we move forward, so make as much space as you can by letting things go and clearing things up. Make a plan and be prepared. So many new opportunities are coming our way. We do have power in numbers, so find the people who you can work with and collaborate with. If we work hard, we will be seeing the fruits of our labour very soon. There absolutely is a bright future on the way. Yes, lots of things haven’t gone as we’ve planned or expected, but they have led us here now, and there are so many happy, positive, and exciting opportunities for the future. All that matters is that you are proud of yourself and how far you’ve come. Know that you are deserving of everything amazing and good, just by being your authentic self. Not everyone might appreciate you, but that’s ok. As long as you love yourself and you know you’ve done the best you can, that’s all that matters. Getting up and trying again tomorrow is all that matters. You deserve self-respect, so make sure to stand up for your with assertiveness when necessary. Act with integrity at all times. Stay in your power. Let the Moon guide you through times of darkness. Know that the light is never lost, and we need to keep it burning bright in our soul. Change is inevitable, and all we can do is keep moving forward and trying to do better. Feel contentment with where you are now. Take some time to relax before you move on to the next thing. Give proper time and space to natural cycles. Release, relax, and make space for what’s to come. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Card Reading for the week of August 28, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Puddingstone Jasper, Smoky Quartz, and Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Puddingstone Jasper – Great for stress relief. Calm and nurturing. Helps with anxiety, reducing nightmares, and calming the mind for better study habits. Prevents tissue deterioration of organs and muscles, and strengthens the immune system. Promotes body balance.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

I think we are all kind of waiting for these β€œgood things” that are coming for us, because we have been having a hard time lately. I know I have. Somedays, life just feels sooooo unfair and like nobody gets it. It can be easy to sink into lower vibrations of resentment, anger, and frustration, and would we be entitled to? Honestly, we probably would be. But who are those emotions serving? They really only hurt us and bring us down further. Today, as I was having a pity party for myself and thinking about how I should not do any readings or work today, I was reminded that I should be thankful for what I have and what I can do. I should be thankful for the simple things. I should be thankful that I have crystals, cards, and other tools to help guide me. I should enjoy my life and make the most of it, no matter how small those things are. I don’t need much, I have everything I need for today. I have a great life that I’m sure many people would aspire to have… I need to stop comparing myself to others. I need to work towards creating ways where I can have the freedom and opportunity I need. The more I reject the things that happen, the more I go into self-pity, the more β€œbad” things that happen. It’s a horrible loop that you don’t want to get stuck in. We have to let go of the stress so that we aren’t stuck in this loop. I have to remind myself that there is a lesson in everything. There is a reason why things happen. These things wake us up to the choices we need to make to change these loops. It doesn’t have to mean we have to leave our relationships or change our whole life, but maybe it’s just consciously choosing yourself more. Maybe it’s taking that solo vacation you’ve always wanted to. Maybe it’s time to leave the hubby with the kids for a while. We have to find calm and stress relief in our life, for ourselves, as hard as it may be, if we want a chance to heal and be happy. We have to choose ourselves. We are going to keep feeling like crap, having no energy if we keep running after everyone else and giving it all away. Take time to care for your body. Go to the doctor, get a massage, treat yourself to a spa day. Our Angels are with us and protecting us. We just have to make sure we stay out of the pitfalls of negativity. We have to look at life in the most optimistic way; every single day, despite whatever is going on. Know that everything that is happening is for a reason. Every rejection is a redirection to help us get on the path meant for us. Do not be discouraged. Greatness is meant for you, believe it in your heart. We can reach our goals and make our dreams come true. Start making some plans and taking some steps to make your way there. Remove the things from your life that cause you resentment and comparison. Remember that your life is beautiful, because it’s yours. Good things are coming to us. I know I keep saying it, but it’s true, and the only one who can block it is our own selves, with our own negative beliefs. Believe that so much magic and abundance is on the way to you. Believe that everything you dream of is finding a way to take shape. Trust that you are cared about and provided for. Be wise and prioritize yourself and your needs. Be strong and serene and stay out of negativity. Let yourself be happy and enjoy what is yours right now. We can’t keep β€œwaiting” for good to come, we have to make right now as good as we can. Be honest with yourself about what you need to make your life happier, healthier, and more balanced. Find ways to put more energy back into you. Life wants us to enjoy it and experience fun and pleasure. Nobody wants to get to the end of their life and wish they had enjoyed it more.. which is why we have to do it now. Even if it’s small things. We have to rediscover our joy and what makes us happy. If your life doesn’t feel fun, how can you make it more fun? We have to choose to be optimistic and look at the bright side. We have to focus on all that we want to see come true. Let’s see what the cards say!

The Ancestors are with us, their hand prints remind me of them saying β€œHello!”. The Ancestors Card is reminding us that some of our trauma and negative patterns are present as a result of the past. Again, we have to remember to focus on the positivity, because nothing and no one is ever perfect. Remember the power, strength, and positive energy that your Ancestors bring to your bloodline. We can heal, although it is an ongoing process and we have to put the work in. It’s not always going to be easy. This Card reminds us that every one of us is a special and important piece of this puzzle. The snake reminds us that we have the power to change; and this is a time of great change and transformation. We are awakening to our Kundalini energy, our true passion and purpose. The red color shows me stability and the yellow shows me joy. Things are going to find a way to unwind and work out, especially if you are working towards them proactively with love. There is only 1 Unicorn on the Love Card. This is all about you, finding ways to love yourself and infuse love into your life. To create a loving, safe life around you. Really, it all comes back to how much we are loving ourselves. When we live in an energy of love, everyone else around us feels it and appreciates too. Conversely, if you are living in negative energy, people feel that too, and will reverberate that energy. The answer always comes back to love. Love for yourself. Your mind creates this reality, and the only person you can control is you… so does anyone else really matter anyway? This whole reality is your perception. How do you want to perceive it? You come into this world alone and you leave alone. The perception you have and the choices and growth you make while you are here is up to you! Walk in your wisdom with surety just like the King of Winter. Know your worth and be unbothered by anyone else. If you are struggling in your life, please seek out help. Find a councillor that works for you. Maybe you need some professional advice in some aspect to get your life back on track. Whatever you need, you need to do that for yourself right now. Stop letting someone else have all the power, and take and take and take. If they aren’t willing to share with you as the Queen, that is their own downfall. Stop letting them have all the riches and adorn yourself for once. You are wise. You’ve been through so much. You already know the way. You need to keep marching on. Even if it means you do it alone. Believe you are deserving of love, support, honesty, and transparency. Be strong at heart. Be content with you, in your own happy little bubble, while the rest shows up. You are being supported in love always. Have a beautiful week.

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Card Reading for the week of August 22, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Petrified Wood, Tigers Eye, and Hawks Eye. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Petrified Wood – A stone of transformation and growth. It helps you advance to your chosen level. Helps to feel safe and secure. Calms down survival based fears. Helps us stay at a steady pace. It is a symbol of the power of time. It has been around for millions of years, yet reminds us that nothing is permanent. Just like the wood turned to stone over time, so can our lives change over time. It reminds us of the beauty and power of nature, and of our connectedness.

Tigers Eye – A stone of protection that is also stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. It can also help one see clearly without illusion.

Hawks Eye – Also known as Blue Tigers Eye. High vibe, yet grounded. Enhances connection to personal power and strengthens resolve. Gives insight to help with mental clarity, honesty, and resolve issues. Helps to gain perspective. Reduces stress and attracts abundance.

I can’t help but notice that the crystals and the card decks I have picked out really relate to the Earth energy we are experiencing as we move into a Virgo New Moon this weekend. We are transforming and advancing in our lives. Remind yourself that you are always safe. Stop letting fear get the best of you or hold you back from living to your fullest potential. Keep going, and take steady steps forward. They don’t have to be big steps, even small steps make a difference over time. It is natural for us to change and we should embrace it. Embrace who you are and all that you have to offer this world. Remember that you hold within you the same great power that nature does. You are just as deserving of abundance as anything in this Universe. We are being reminded that we are all connected, and that we have to make good choices, not just for ourselves, but for the highest good of all. Keep yourself protected and grounded. Spend time appreciating nature. Walk this Earth with integrity and confidence. When you use your inherent power in good ways, it’s going to bring you more prosperity and clarity. Don’t be distracted by what you think you need, just focus on what you can do to make life better for everyone. Look at things from the highest perspective you can. If you are stressed out or stuck in negative energy, it’s going to be impossible for good things to flow your way. Believe in your power, and use it for the greatest good you can. Share positive energy with the Earth and all of its inhabitants, and it will come back around to you. Keep stepping up in your life and letting go of the fears and negative belief systems. It’s not easy, but it is worth it in the long run… for the greatest good of all. If I can do it… if you can do it.. we all can do it. Let’s level up together in love for the benefit of human consciousness. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

Things are falling into place because of the growth and changes you are undergoing. You are doing your best not to resist the flow of life, and therefore, are being blessed with great beauty. Let go of any struggles and allow for ease and flow. Enjoy the ride, and everything that you already have and all the beauty that’s all around you. With the New Moon coming up, it’s the perfect time to consider what it is that we want next, and set our intentions towards the goals and dreams we are working towards manifesting. It’s important that we don’t just write out what we want, but that we truly believe we are deserving of it. My friend Loya (Oracle Holistics by Loya) talked in her Facebook Live today about how, if we can’t receive small things such as a compliment or gesture, how are we ever going to receive the big things we want? If we always reject things and push them away, why would we accept big things easily? We say we want these things, but what would it actually feel like if you got them? Would you feel overwhelmed? Would you feel modest? Make sure you fully think through what you desire, so that you can commit to manifesting it fully and being open to receiving it and ready to say β€œyes!” when it is offered to you. Good things ARE coming our way, the better able we are to receive them, the more we can be blessed. The book meaning of this card is funny, because I’ve been having some decision making struggles lately. I worked a psychic fair yesterday and got a healing, and I was hoping she was going to tell me what I needed to do. Of course, she told me I need to go within to gain that clarity. Meditation and visualization are so important right now, particularly for manifesting. Release guilt and fear over any and all things. Yesterday, I rushed home, in typical mom guilt fashion, when what I really needed was to not be rushed for one day. Let go of the guilt and be willing to ask for it and accept what you deserve. Be clear about it. Know that you do deserve the best, because you are connected in oneness and we all deserve a happy, healthy, and good life. The better your life is, the better other peoples lives will be. The Earth is providing so much magic, and offers us everything we need. Trust and believe in the magic of it all. When we do good for the Earth and for it’s inhabitants, the Fairies see it and appreciate it, and will bestow their Earth Magic upon us. I love how the Fairy is connected to the Light, and to the Earth. There is so much healthy growth and connection to beauty in all of these cards. We are being reminded that we have the same magic that the Fairies do. They are a part of us, as we are them. They ask us to reconnect to the Earth and pay attention to the needs of the planet and it’s people. Demonstrate that you care and be consistent. Tend to the Earth, and the people in your life, with loving care and attention, and you will reap the rewards in your life. Make sure to appreciate the Earth this week and get grounded. Stop and smell the flowers. Get your hands dirty or your feet in the sand. Tend to yourself well as a deserving part of this great Universe. Have a beautiful week and a wonderful New Moon! My Moon Magic Worksheet will be out tomorrow!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Messages From Spirit for July 7, 2022

Messages From Spirit for July 7, 2022 πŸ’•βœ¨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July7 #EverythingIsConnected #Stagnant #Growth #Change #Variety #SuperPower #Power #FindYours #UseIt #ShareYourGifts #SpeakOut #CreateChange #ProtectTheEnvironment #TheWorldIsCallingYou

Weekly Card Reading – Week of June 26, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Amber Aragonite, Blue Aragonite, and Rutile Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Amber Aragonite – Protects your heart and balances your energy. Relieves stress and calms the mind. Increases opportunities. Awakens your inner power. Helps your strengthen your skills and talents. Helps you to obtain strength and security. Encourages conservation of Earth.

Blue Aragonite – Associated with the Throat Chakra. Encourages you to vocalize your feelings and emotional pain in times where you would normally bite your tongue. Soft and comforting energy. Helps calm and soothe emotions. Helps with facing difficult situations or dealing with traumas. Helps you to become more open with yourself and your hidden emotions, slowly over time releasing these weights. Softens emotional transitions. Helps us to get over things we can’t seem to let go of.

Rutile Quartz – An energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Assists with mental focus. It is said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Helpful in uncovering the causes of mental issues and hang-ups. Diminishes fears and assists with decision-making processes. Eases loneliness and guilt. It is used to help one get out of a rut in their life as well as for stabilizing emotional and mental processes, clarifying thought patterns and emotional reactions. Increases self-reliance.

I am so sorry I skipped last weeks reading! I really wanted to get it done, but it just didn’t happen! My back has been giving me issues, and I’m still dealing with it today! πŸ™„ A friend and I were chatting this morning, and she is an amazing Registered Massage Therapist, Pranic and Sound Healer (Serendipity Massage in Clandonald!) and we were talking about how body pain always come back to energy. I know exactly why my back is out. It always does this when I feel unsupported, drained, and like I have no energy for my own life, or know how to have fun anymore. When I give up on myself, my body gives up. Your body will force you to rest. It will force you to have to ask for help and delegate responsibilities to others. My back was starting to get better, but I continued to push myself and not rely on anyone else, and here I am. We really have to look at our lives right now and see what’s out of a balance and what’s not working. We have to find ways to balance the scales and optimize our health and harmony. We have to find ways to protect our heart and set boundaries, so we can get our energy balanced. We need to find ways to calm the energy in our days and relieve the stress. We want to exist in flow, not fight or flight mode. When we flow with life, opportunities arise around every corner! You are strong. You are naturally intelligent. You have a tons of skills, some that are yet to be discovered. Let your inner power be awakened… let it rise… You do this by believing in yourself, and having faith that the Universe is always supporting you and providing for you. Trust that there is plenty to go around. Trust that you are worthy and deserving. Remember to be a good person, who does good and helps conserve our great Mother Earth, and that reciprocal good energy will come back to you. Make sure you are using your voice for good. Speak out for yourself and for others. Raise awareness about protecting our planet. Ensure you do so with love, so it can be received in the most effective way. Verbalize your pain. Don’t stuff it down any longer. Let it have a voice so it can leave your body. This is a tough time where we have to verbalize our emotions and make hard changes, to support our energy. The more you resist change… the more you refuse to stand up for yourself… the more pain you will endure. We have to face these situations and traumas. We can’t keep sweeping the past under the rug. We can’t keep letting things slide that are draining us. We have been stuck on these issues for so long… Be open and honest with yourself about what you truly need to change and do for yourself. We can get over these issues and we are going to find a way, it’s just how long it takes us to get there and how many bumps we will endure based on our choices. I just feel Spirit telling me… β€œGirl, get your energy together.” I know I need to make some space and time to do that for myself. There are so many good things on the way. We can already see them coming. We have to keep saying YES to the opportunities and welcoming them. We can’t let anyone else get in the way of what’s coming for us. Let go of the fears and hang ups. Step into your power. You have what it takes to make important decisions and you are going to get through this time. Let go of the fears… and especially let go of guilt. You deserve time and energy too. You deserve a life. You deserve happiness and fun too. Make the changes you need to with no guilt. Fuck the guilt. This is your life. You get to decide how you want to live it. You don’t have to take shit from anyone or let them drag you down. You don’t owe anyone anything. You can get yourself out this rut. Pay attention to your thought patterns that aren’t serving the path to your highest good. If you are thinking β€œI should be doing such and such….” in an obligated way for anyone else, especially someone who doesn’t do the same for you, it’s time to stop. Stop giving away all your energy. It’s precious and it’s Divine. YOU deserve your time. YOU have an important purpose in this world. YOU need to be seen and heard, not put to work like you are Cinderella. Stop letting people treat you that way. Get clear on your thought patterns and intentions for your future. Being independent does not mean that you don’t rely on anyone else. It means that you love yourself enough to know that you deserve to be able to rely on others. That you love yourself enough to surround yourself with people who willingly support you. With the right people supporting you, you can achieve anything. Who is your support team? Where do you need to set new boundaries or change things? You have the power to change your life… or you can resist and choose not to. It’s really all up to you. The power, abundance, opportunities.. it’s all here waiting for you to claim, if you will do what it takes to truly love yourself and believe in your purpose. Let’s see what the cards say.

The Empress Card is so beautiful. Look at her glowing in her power and purpose, with such lavish abundance. There is even a baby! This speaks to birthing new creations, endeavours, and people having babies! The Empress has transformed her energy into lightness, she has grown into a beautiful, glowing butterfly. It’s time to step into our purpose, and it’s such a beautiful and powerful gift. We are going to sort out all the details as we go, just start making things happen! We have what it takes to accomplish our dreams and find great success. It’s time to move forward. No more holding back or procrastinating. Now is the time. Whatever you have to get done in your days, know that nothing can hold you back. You can always find a way to make things happen. Remember that our passion and drive is a good thing, we just have to channel it in positive ways. If we approach things with negativity, we will never get the resolution we seek. Channel your emotions into art, poetry, exercise, or whatever creative endeavour. Remember that if you want to be heard with love, that you also must hear people with love. Let go of the anger and tensions… let it all go. Relax. Live in peace and tranquility. At the end of the day, does any of it really matter? Or does our ego just make it seem like it does? What really matters at the end of the day, is that we are happy and that we have enjoyed our life. That we have experienced fun and joy. I’ve always wanted to swim with dolphins, so this card really resonates with me personally. It seems like an extravagant hope for someone who lives in central Alberta, Canada, lol, but I guess that’s what this energy shift right now is all about. Seeing that we ARE deserving of these β€œextravagant” experiences. They can happen for us and they are going to. We are just as deserving as anyone. Anything is possible if we can open our hearts and believe. We don’t need anyone else to believe in us, only ourselves, but when you do, others will believe in you too. They will want the good energy you have. ** Your power comes from staying centred in joy.** Joy is the ultimate attractor. Not only does it attract amazing energy, but it is our true purpose of life. Creator/God, the Angels, our Ancestors, they all want to see us happy and making the most of our time here on Earth. We have to remove things from our life that take the fun and joy out. We have to make changes that will bring more joy into our life, so we can share that joy with others. Ask the Angels to help you and protect you if you are feeling victimized in some way. Ask the Angels to help you call back your personal power and cut energetic cords you may have with people. If we can find happiness within, our experience will be lighter and more free. This doesn’t mean throw all caution to the wind and ditch your responsibilities, but finding ways to infuse more fun, or take a break, or whatever you need to do. Lovingly release the parts of your life that aren’t joyful. I saw a gopher that had been hit on the highway earlier today, and I had that thought… that any moment could be our last, and we need to be present now. We need to enjoy life right now. When we live in joy, we vibe so high, and magical things become available. Everything clicks into place and aligns with ease. All the things our heart desires can come to us, if we release the expectations from others, and all the conditioning from the past. So how can you have more fun and joy? It’s a good question to ask yourself. Music is a good tool. Friends are good for the soul. Let yourself be free and joyful. Let yourself be open to play and happiness and receiving. Live in your best energy today to create and even more amazing future. Have a beautiful week and New Moon!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of June 5, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Tektite Space, Zebra Jasper, and Hematite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Tektite – Known for raising one’s vibrations and strengthening the aura, making it a wonderful stone for those who are working to spiritually advance in this lifetime. Tektite can activate and enhance psychic abilities, is thought to encourage telepathy, and can help with lucid dreaming and astral travel. Tektite can increase the frequency of synchronicities, making it helpful for manifestation.

Zebra Jasper – Encourages us to stop considering failure as an option. Holds the energy of balance, uniting masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies. An anti-apathy stone. It allows you to be optimistic, despite life’s stresses and gives you more initiative to tackle those problems. Encourages you to dream and turn those dreams into reality. A grounding stone, allowing you to tune into Mother Earth and find joy in your surroundings.

Hematite – Helps absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. A protective stone and very grounding. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration.

We just had the Shine Psychic Fair & Market yesterday in Mannville, Alberta, Canada. A bunch of wonderful readers, healers, and vendors came together and it was a wonderful day for everyone. Shoutout to Oracle Holistics for the beautiful energy healing and the amazing Angel Board she gave me (seen in photos)! These crystals aren’t surprising me, because a lot of people have been experiencing similar energies. We have been pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones, and finding out that we are fully capable. By putting yourself out there in the world and sharing your light and your gifts, you open yourself up that much more spiritually. We are spiritually advancing. Our intuition and psychic abilities are strong. We are ready to step forward on our paths. We are putting in the effort required to manifest our dreams. Our Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ancestors are guiding us so closely right now. There are a ton of signs and synchronicities. Also, pay attention to your dreams and write them down first thing, before you are even fully awake or out of it. Messages are coming through during our dreamtime. We need to stop considering failure as an option. We need to stop doubting ourselves, our gifts, and our natural beauty. The Zebra Jasper asks you to seek balance in your life, in your Yin/Yang energy. If you are too quiet and not demanding enough of what you want, then you need to embrace that energy a little more. If you are too forceful and expectant, maybe you need to relax, let go, and allow for a more natural flow. Yes, life might be hard at times… it’s never going to be completely easy… but it is still beautiful. It is still worth pursuing and exploring. There are still dreams you will be able to make come true. Find joy in your life and allow for ease and flow. Enjoy the simple pleasures and the nature that surrounds you. Appreciate the abundance that is already around you, and be so full of gratitude. If we let the stress and worry get the best of us, we will be depressed and anxious. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Life is meant to be embraced. We don’t have to let stress get the best of us, and we can regain control. I know for myself, I have considerable anxiety. Putting myself out there and participating in a psychic fair is a huge deal for me… but I faced my fears and there was actually nothing to fear at all. There is power beyond the fear, if you are willing to face it and step through it. You have the power to transform your negative thought patterns and habits into a beautiful and positive life. Keep believing in yourself, keep loving yourself, and keep going! Lean on trust and faith and keep shining your light and putting yourself out there. People, and energy, are attracted to bright light. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

We are in a phase of new beginnings. We are moving from darkness to light. We have been courageous, willing to face our inner storms to move beyond them to a new dawn. No matter what we have been through, no matter what we have done, it feels like karma is finally balanced. It feels like a fresh new start with many opportunities. We are reminded that we can create whatever we choose to work towards, whatever kinds of experiences we desire. It’s a time to renew our energy and shine our light into the world. We need to let go of any heaviness we carry from the past. We need to stop identifying with our pains, and see the positive possibilities that lay ahead! We need to believe in ourselves and support ourselves to face the things that we once feared. We need to embark on adventures and experience this life for all it has to offer, while we have a chance. Listen to your intuition and what you feel guided to try or pursue. You never know where something or someone can lead you next. Things are new. They might seem a little sketchy or unstable. Believe in yourself and your ability to endure and overcome. You can be beautiful no matter where you come from. There are so many stars in the sky. Keep growing and you will see the many opportunities and possibilities. You also have many Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors watching over you and shining down on you. Remember how strong you are. Remember that you can grow through anything. You have support around you. You have other like-minded souls experiencing the same energies as you. We are all connected. The more beautiful you can make your life, the more beautiful it is for those around you, and so on. This is about your health. It’s about letting go of the darkness, the bad habits, the negativity. When we do this, we cleanse our own energy, our own neighbourhood, which refreshes our world for the greater good. Your light make a difference. Moths are drawn to the light. Allow people to be warmed by what you have to offer. Surrender your negative thought patterns that tell you, you don’t belong, or that you aren’t good enough. You are beyond good enough. You are good enough, I am good enough, we are enough. Let go of those limiting beliefs. Believe you deserve the world. Believe you deserve all the abundance. Because you do. Moth Spirit again is about balance. Where are your forcing things or placing expectations? Make sure you have balance and moderation in all that you do. Exercise to burn off excess energy. If we are too focused on the outcomes, we are going to be stressed out. If our brains are always in fight or flight mode, our whole body can’t operate properly. Let your body be in a place of calm and balance. Let the good chemicals flow. Banish the β€œshoulds” and β€œmusts” and enjoy what is. Support yourself and your Spirit. Take some time to rest and receive healing. Remember that you are human, not a machine. In order to change, you have to do things differently. If something is seeming to elude you, place that energy into something else that can benefit you. If you are putting too much energy into things that aren’t serving you, you will get nowhere. Surrender, and don’t try to force what isn’t working. You deserve the world. You deserve to have a full cup. It doesn’t have to be only money, but positive energy and love too. Remember that when you benefit, the world around you benefits. We are all deserving human beings. Have a beautiful week!

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Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 22, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Larimar, Aquamarine, and Apatite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Larimar – Known as the “Dolphin Stone”. It is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue color of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. It has ability to enhance communication in general, with animals as well as people. A stone of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming and balancing energies. It can help one maintain one’s personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion.

Aquamarine – A stone of courage and power. It brings inner peace, hope and self-love. It shields the aura, and is said to bring Angels for guidance and protection. Used to dispel anger and fear. Used for past life recall. A stone of good luck. Helps with calming communication issues.

Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

Larimar is the β€œDolphin Stone”, and Dolphin is always my reminder to have more joy. It can be easy to blame life circumstances for us to forget our sense of true joy. Trust me, I’ve been through some things that you would think would completely suck the life out of you…. But they don’t. Hard times remind us exactly why we need to embrace as much joy as possible. We need to lighten up a little. We are the only ones that truly suppress ourselves. You always have the choice and power to choose differently. It is no surprise to see many references to communication, truth, insight, and expression, since we have a New Moon in Gemini coming up. Truth is always going to prevail and the truth will set us free. Once you can be fully seen, you can be free. Liars walk around with dark clouds that follow them… karma waiting around every corner to return the bad energy. It will come back to them. Start living from your heart and communicating your authentic and honest truth. Let the light shine on the darkness so you can be free and weightless. See the reasons to choose a loving and peaceful life. See the many reasons you have to love yourself and your life. Get calm and balance your energies. Harness your power and have courage to face any obstacles you may encounter. Cleanse your body in all ways. Remove energetic blockages. Drink lots of water and spend time in water. Get clear, calm, and in your power, so that you can make the most of your manifestations. Don’t be scared of the truth. Stand up for what you need. Also remember that we don’t have to take life so seriously.. so heavily.. Maintain a broad perspective, be open, and allow things to flow with ease. Look at the messages that may come in your dreams. Write them down very first thing before your eyes are barely awake. You can and will find the solutions you need. You are more than capable. Trust in yourself and love yourself. Trust that you are being guided. Let’s see what the cards say!

Pray reminds us that our thoughts and words are incredibly powerful… always, but especially now. Negative thinking creates blockages that stop you from living your dreams, from living to your full potential. Face those fears and conquer them. Be your own best friend, not your only enemy. Let yourself out of the cage you have kept yourself in, and have a new perspective and control over your life and freedom. Believe in your worth and value. If you truly believe you are undeserving, how could your dreams ever come to you? It all starts with what you believe you deserve in your heart. Know that nothing is impossible, and it’s actually more possible than you realize now. Lift your vibration. Meditate. Pray. Connect and communicate. Allow yourself to be healed, whole, and strong. Let go of worries and trust that everything is exactly how it is meant to be, and that your dreams are coming true. Feel the power of the Angels guiding and directing you. We are awakening. We are being activated. Evolving and growing spiritually is seen culturally as a glamorous thing, when in reality, it can be scary. We have to face fears to level up in growth and confidence. We can’t be scared of our blessings and gifts, just because they don’t appear as we expected. Let go of everything you think you know. Keep your heart open, clean, and ready for new experiences and wisdom. Love yourself and support yourself through these processes and changes. Balance the tough energy with the positive. Focus on the beauty and joy. Enjoy the simple pleasures. Enjoy love and create things with love. See the love in all the experiences, and let them lead you somewhere beautiful. Be grateful for all the beauty around you. God wants us to have all that we dream of… he just needs us to learn the lessons of life that can help us get there. We need to love ourselves and recognize our worthiness. Recognize that we are deserving of luxury, beauty, and sweetness. Doing what we can on our own to make our lives and love sweeter. Time is a precious resource. Make sure you are enjoying this life. Give yourself time without an agenda. Disconnection from the sweetness of life causes more pain than we realize, and it is self-imposed. Trust that you are safe and protected. You don’t need to blow things out of the water every-time. Not everything is the end of the world. Relax a little. Enjoy the pleasures of being human. Focus on what really matters and enjoy your incredible life. When you can manage your emotions, you can expect plenty of positive outcomes! You need to take action and gain control over your emotional fears. Stop letting them hold you back and keep you small. You are worthy, and something exciting lies ahead for you. Have a beautiful week!

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