Full Worm Moon in Libra – March 28, 2021

We have a beautiful Full Worm Moon on March 28, peaking at 12:48pm MDT at 8 degrees Libra. Some are calling this a Super Moon, some say it’s almost a Super Moon. 🌕✨♎️

The Sun, Venus, and Chiron are all together at 8 degrees Aries, opposite of the Moon. The Moon is also trine Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius, forming a Kite shaped pattern, bringing healing, protection, and harmony. 💕🙏

This Moon is about embracing the full you. Acknowledging everything you’ve been through, the good and the bad. It’s about appreciating both the darkness and the light. It’s about finding the good in all of it. It can be so easy to lose our perspective. In order to gain a healthier perspective, we have to heal our wounds… or at least do our best to work with them.

This Moon is about letting go of the past, and taking responsibility for where we are now. This Moon is about acknowledging our deep wounds and working hard to let them go for good. We need to stand in our full and true power and take charge over our future.

Libra and Aries are the classic relationship polarity, with Aries being the 1st House about “me”, and Libra being the 7th House about “we”. This Moon is a good time for relationships, but there also may be some tensions lingering. We might be struggling with balancing our own needs with those of others. It’s important to be diplomatic and be able to compromise. Just make sure you dont bend farther than you can afford to.

We have to be flexible and go with the flow. Just be sure that your needs are being considered as well. Libra can be too much of a people-pleaser at times, and will do anything to keep the peace, even to their own detriment.

This is the perfect time to look at your closest relationships and address any issues. Big emotions may be coming to the surface. Try to keep your calm. The energy of Libra should allow for a peaceful outcome.

Libra is all about love and we are realizing that the only love that truly matters it the love we have for ourselves. We are in charge of our own happiness. If your life isn’t working, you need to find a better balance or a new way. It’s up to you to make the changes you need to get where you want to be. It’s up to you to be the person you want to be… Balanced, peaceful, and whole. 🌕✨♎️

✨ If you want to learn more about this Full Moon, get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

$5 each or you can subscribe for a year for $100! (CAN) Let me know if you are interested! 🙏 carrielynngallop@hotmail.com

#FullMoon #Libra #Sun #Aries #Chiron #Trines #Kite #Healing #Protection #Harmony #Space #New #Acknowledge #Wounds #Wounding #InnerChild #Balance #Choices #Decisions #Guidance

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 21, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fulgurite, Blue Flame Aura Quartz, Opalite, and Tanzine Aura Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Fulgurite – Formed from lighting strikes. Awakens one’s sense of higher purpose. Helps with manifestation of one’s power. Kundalini awakening. Purification. Used to “blow one’s prayers through”. Clears dysfunctional patterns in emotions.

Blue Flame Aura Quartz (also known as Titanium Aura) – Has the ability to heal the human energy field. They merge with the aura to release any energy blocks and patch up holes in the aura by its color. It enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. Titanium (Flame) Aura allows for one to go deep into meditation to receive spiritual attunement. Overall this crystal is one that brings insight, compassion, energy, excitement and joy into life’s experiences. It is capable of carrying higher frequency range, excellent for trance channels, mediums, psychics and maintains grounding while in a higher state of consciousness.

Opalite – Harness your personal power. Increases self-esteem and self-worth. Unleash your inner strength. Calming and soothing. Connects you to the Spirit world. Balances energy and removes blockages. Heals emotions. Clears trouble from your heart and creates peace. Resolves hurts by helping you to let go. Offers compassion, kindness and gentleness. Promotes a positive outlook.

Tanzine Aura Quartz – Holds a high level of Spiritual awareness. Powerful when developing psychic abilities. Enhances connection to Spirit. Raises vibration. Opens the 3rd eye. The gateway to astral travel, it induces lucid dreaming to experience blessings, gain knowledge and reach enlightenment. Places the mind’s knowledge under the possession of the heart’s wisdom. Connects with nature Spirits to accumulate wisdom.

The Fulgurite is a very special crystal to me, and I haven’t used for a reading yet. It is very delicate and precious. It is formed from lightning strikes hitting sand. It is used for blowing your wishes through. I felt I needed to use it as a special added crystal today, and I made sure to blow some special wishes through for all of us. What I’m hearing from Spirit, is “makes wishes”. We are leading into a Full Moon in a week, and we just had the Vernal Equinox, and this is a perfect time for new beginnings. Its a time of manifestation. It’s time to dream big and wish big, and keep working towards making those dreams and wishes come true. The crystals are all very special and beautiful for this week. The Aura Quartz’s always tell me there is beautiful, highly spiritual energy that is present. I believe this past year, even with all of its struggles, has helped us all to grow, especially in spiritual ways. With the freshness and optimism of Spring, we are entering into a new season of growth, and are going to continue to evolve even more. We are starting to understand our true purpose in life. We are understanding our inherent power, and how much ability we have to manifest the life of our dreams. We are recognizing the dysfunctional patterns in our lives and working hard to change them. As always in the Spring time, Kundalini energy is very high. Romance and love is the air. Just remember to honor your innocence and purity. You do not have to be something just because someone else might expect you to be. Honor yourself and your boundaries. We are all pure in our hearts, and nobody, or anything we’ve ever done, can take that away. You can reclaim your purity and innocence whenever you want, however you feel you need to. People have tainted us in the past, with their expectations, indiscretions, or just plain carelessness… but that doesn’t mean we have to live with that or carry that pain around forever. You are not what they made you out to be. You are as innocent and precious at the 5 year old version of you. We can go back to a time before there was this hurt and pain. We can reverse the effects of the damage that had been done to us. We can clear these dysfunctional patterns once and for all. It starts with a new decision. It starts with a declaration of intention and personal power. It starts with you consciously choosing freedom. If you have grown from your past and you are better because of it; it has to reflect in your choices and your boundaries. These crystals are healing our aura and energy body. We have to be disciplined with our minds, emotions, and physical bodies. We need to take time to slow down, to meditate, to relax, to take back control of our mindset. We are evolving and our spirituality is being awakened. We have to do our part and ensure we that aren’t closed off from receiving the things we actually want in life. There are so many gifts being delivered to you, in many ways. Are you taking advantage of the insights you’ve received to improve your energy? Are you living your life with purpose? Are you infusing it with love and joy? Spring is the perfect time to be optimistic. Stand in your power and believe in yourself. You can have the life you desire! But you need to get your energy balanced, and remove the things that are holding you back. You have to allow yourself to heal. Truly and fully heal, so that you can let go of these burdens for good. Just because some things went to shit in the past, does not mean everything is destined to go to shit. You need to believe in the good. You need to put all your energy there. Have compassion and kindness for everyone, especially yourself. Those things weren’t easy to go through… but you are here… you have learned.. and you have the opportunity to make the changes you desire. Raise your vibes in any ways that you can. Let yourself feel good. Experience blessings and welcome more into your life. Connect with nature in a reciprocal relationship, and let the Universe guide the way. Let’s see what the cards say!

It’s time to let go of the anger from the past for good. Letting it fester and broil underneath the surface is not helping anyone, especially you. It’s safe to let go of the past, for good. If you are angry at yourself for choices you made, have compassion that you’ve done the best you could, and acknowledge that you hold the power to make new choices for yourself going forward. It’s always tempting to say “F the world”, and close your heart off… but that’s not where you find the beauty.. it’s not where you find the power or spiritual enlightenment. That comes from you opening your heart, and living a life of love, even if you feel vulnerable. Blame and anger and holding you back, and keeping you in a negative energy state. Being free of anger gives you more power, energy, and happiness. If we want success, if we want happiness, we have to be dedicated to that and disciplined in our approach. We can’t continue doing the things that we know don’t work, and hoping they do. The Chariot is a major arcana card of forward movement in our life. We have a lot on our plates and a lot to balance. Stay centred, strong, and determined. Remain steadfast in your purpose. Don’t allow others to steer you off-course. You can accomplish so much!! This is a time to work on the things you feel inspired to, and put your work out there! It is time for you to be seen and celebrated. Keep working on what you are passionate about. Be genuine and optimistic in your dealings with others too. Just because you have been hurt in the past, doesn’t mean you will always be treated that way. This is about keeping your chariot under control and on track. If you are going to win this race, you have to allow yourself to be seen. You can’t dim your light and hide away. This especially resonates with me, because I have been struggling to promote myself and my spiritual work. As I’ve been told in many readings, I’m not here on this Earth to do mainstream work, and that is why I’m coming across so many challenges in my life. It would be easy to go work for someone else every day and make my paycheque, but I have something much deeper, much more spiritual, to fulfill here in my time on Earth. God gave me these challenges so I would be forced to rethink my life and how I approach it. I have been challenged to change my thoughts about how I think about myself and my spiritual gifts. We were all born to shine bright! How can you shine bright in your life? The don’t dim to fit in card, again, is telling us not to let other people steer us off course. If people in your life are challenging you, you need to shine anyway! If others don’t want to be around, that is their loss! We all need to shine bright and inspire everyone else to shine their bright light too. Relationships can challenge this notion of who is shining brighter, but true loving relationships will have compassion and allow the other person to shine, while themselves finding inspiration to do the same in their own way. This is about letting go of any jealousy, and offering only support and love going forward!! No more anger, jealousy, resentment, shame, or blame! From now on, when you find yourself thinking about these things or feelings these emotions, release them with compassion. Understand that you don’t need to identify with them. Make a new choice! To shine no matter what!! Sending you all love and wishing you a beautiful week filled with blessings!

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Sun in Aries / Spring Equinox / Ostara / Astrological New Year – March 20, 2021

Tomorrow we have a few things happening! The Sun moves into the sign of Aries, which also means it’s the Astrological New Year! This is a fresh start for us as we move through a new astrological cycle. 🌞🌱

Last year in March, the energy was tough with the Sun conjunct Chiron and a Capricorn Stellium. This year is shaping up to be much more optimistic, with the Sun being closely conjunct to Venus. 👫

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and brings fresh, motivated energy. Aries is fiery, bold, enthusiastic, and always ready to take action. ♈️🐏

March 20 is also Spring Equinox and the Pagan Celebration of Ostara. This is a time of balance, and a time to celebrate life and Spring! 🐣

In researching the origins of Ostara, I found some conflicting information, as is usually the case when it comes to how holidays came to be.

In some interpretations, Ostara (Eostre or Eastre) is the Germanic Goddess of Spring and dawn. It is said that Pagan Anglo-Saxons held festivals in her honour. The symbols of Ostara are hares/rabbits (fertility), eggs/seeds (creation), serpent/dragon (kundalini energy is high!), flowers, and the colors green, yellow, purple, pink, blue, and orange. This is where coloured eggs and most Easter traditions originated from. It is said that when Catholicism tried to take over, they changed the name to Easter and changed the day it was celebrated to coincide with the resurrection of Jesus.

In the Catholic Faith, there are 2 holidays that get mixed up with the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. The first, occurring on March 25th, is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the day that Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary she was “with child”. This occurs 9 months prior to Jesus’s birth, December 25th.

The other holiday that gets mixed up with this is Easter. Easter too, celebrates the victory of a God of Light (Jesus) over darkness (Death), so it makes sense to be celebrated at this time.

It is said that Easter is named after Eostre, the ancient Teutonic (German) Goddess of the Spring Moon. This coincides with the German Goddess origins of Ostara, except for the fact that Eostre was a lunar Goddess. Eostre is where we get the name Estrogen from, the female hormone. Her holiday, the Eostara, was held on the Full Moon AFTER the Vernal Equinox. Of course, the Church doesn’t celebrate Full Moons, so they chose for Easter to be on the following Sunday. Thus, Easter is always the following Sunday, after the Full Moon, after the Vernal Equinox. It should be noted, that the Church was so adamant about not incorporating Lunar Goddess symbolism, that they added a further calculation; if Easter Sunday falls on the Full Moon itself, the Easter is postponed to the following Sunday.

The other theme we see around Easter, is the decent of the God or Goddess into the Underworld for a period of 3 days. We see this when Jesus died on the cross and went to the Underworld for 3 days until he ascended into Heaven. We also see this in Pagan religion, and other historic traditions too. The fact that we are dealing with a 3 day period, indicates a lunar theme for Easter, and not a solar one.

Another piece of conflicting information said that there is no evidence of Ostara being celebrated at all in Pagan times, and that evidence doesn’t show up until the 1800’s.

It can be hard to pin down the origins of our traditions, but it is quite obvious to me that most, if not all of our traditions, began as an effort to honour nature and it’s cycles. Somewhere along the lines, Ostara became about celebrating Spring, and Eostara is the lunar celebration of the Vernal Equinox. 🌞🌝

Enjoy this time of celebration and growth! Enjoy the increase in the light! Celebrate new beginnings! Look to this next season with optimism and hope. 🌷🐞

Also, on March 21, Venus enters Aries too, ramping up the love energy! It brings a renewal of the heart, and reminds us of our innocence and that we instinctively know what we want. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Happy Spring Equinox! 🌷🌞🌱

#Sun #Moon #Solar #Lunar #Spring #Equinox #VernalEquinox #Ostara #SunInAries #Aries #AriesSeason #AstrologicalNewYear #Information #Info #History #Eostara #Easter #Catholic #Pagan #Traditions #Celebrations #Celebrate #Light #Balance #Hope #Seeds #Intention #Growth #Color #NewBeginnings

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St. Patrick’s Day – March 17

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated as a feast where people wear green and sing, dance, and tell jokes. It is a way to celebrate the coming of Spring, and encourage a bountiful growing year. ☘️🧑‍🎤🌿

St. Patrick was born around the year 387. His father was a deacon and his grandfather a presbyter. Patrick had religious training from infancy. When Patrick was 16, he was carried off by pirates in Britain and sold to a heathen prince in Ireland, where he was made to keep cattle. He spent 6 years in slavery, often naked and hungry. It was there the Lord became real to him and changed his life forever. God was with him and comforted him. St. Patrick prayed many prayers, day and night, and his faith increased. Going through this time, his greatest struggle became his biggest blessing. He became concerned for others, where previously he was only concerned for himself. One night, he heard a voice tell him it was time to leave, so he made his way to a seaport and found passage back to Britain. His life was all about the amazing sovereignty and blessings of God. He believed everyone had a soul that would live forever. Due to his time in slavery, he missed out on a formal education, therefore, he relied on his skilled prayer work. He found himself up against Druidic Shamans and Pagan Kings. Patrick’s belief that the world belonged to God became part of his power. Patrick had a great ability to see God in nature. I find it a bit contradictory that St. Patrick was known for purging Paganism from Ireland, when his beliefs were greatly based upon nature, as are Pagans.

Leprechauns emerged in the 8th-century, when legends about tiny water-dwellers began circulating among the Celts. Their name is thought to come from the word “luchorpán,” meaning small body. They are said to be only 2-3 feet tall. Leprechauns represent moral fables which warn us against trying to get rich quick, taking what’s not yours, or interfering with “The Good Folk” and other magical creatures. 🧚‍♂️🧝‍♂️

The word Shamrock comes from the Gaelic word Seamrog, meaning “little clover”. The three leaves of a shamrock are said to stand for faith, hope and love. A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from. ☘️

Remember to welcome the Celtic Angels. These Angels are sent during this time to remind us of the joining together of old spirituality and new. They are said to start showing up about a week before St. Patrick’s Day, and are out in full force on this celebratory day. 😇

#StPatricksDay #StPatricksDay2021 #History #Info #StPatrick #FourLeafClover #Shamrock #Luck #Lucky #Abundance #Leprechauns #Angels #Celtic #Irish #Feast #Celebrate #Spring #Light #Bountiful #Abundant #Happy #Joyful #Nature #Life #Faith #Hope #Love

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 14, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Flame Aura Quartz, Lepidolite, and Blue Kyanite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Blue Flame Aura Quartz (also known as Titanium Aura) – Has the ability to heal the human energy field. They merge with the aura to release any energy blocks and patch up holes in the aura by its color. It enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. Titanium (Flame) Aura allows for one to go deep into meditation to receive spiritual attunement. Overall this crystal is one that brings insight, compassion, energy, excitement and joy into life’s experiences. It is capable of carrying higher frequency range, excellent for trance channels, mediums, psychics and maintains grounding while in a higher state of consciousness.

Lepidolite – A stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It brings hope in dark times by lending a sense of balance and calm. Lepidolite is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. Psychically, lepidolite is used for dreamwork, rebirthing, and is also good for dream recall. It softens the impact of these experiences so they can be easily received. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success in business or career. Emotionally, lepidolite is one of the best healers. It decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions.

Blue Kyanite – Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

We have been on a crazy path, especially the last couple years. The thing is, crazy isn’t always so bad. Craziness serves a purpose. It shakes us awake and forces us to decide how we carry on. It’s true what they say, that no decision is a decision in itself. Now, let me be clear: some days, we just have bad days. They are inevitable. Somedays, we can’t shake it off. We might even have bad weeks, or bad months. Eventually though, it is your responsibility to consciously decide how you proceed with your life. You can keep doing the same things, and suffering the same consequences. You can be mad, and rant at the way the world is… but do those things make you feel better? Do they put you in a place to feel positive about your life and opportunities to come? If you are focusing on all the things that are wrong with you… that are wrong with the world… you ARE going to be in a negative head space and feel stressed. You have to focus your attention on what’s positive, on what’s working for you. Better yet, let your attention go off of everything (I highly suggest reading Ekhart Tolle – The Power of Now). Just exist in this moment. Let the sun shine on your skin. Remember how lucky you are to exist in this moment and breathe this fresh spring air… How lucky we are that we can listen to music that soothes our soul… How lucky are we that we get to know love… The choice is up to you.. if you are willing to open up and do the work or not. Healing is available, if you choose it.. if you allow it. If you can let go of those things that make you feel bad and bring you down. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and move on… don’t look back and drag your baggage around with you. You don’t have to be defined by your bad days. We have to let it go to move on. We can allow ourselves to be filled with vitality and spiritual grace. We can exude the energy we want to see in the world… especially if it’s hard to see right now. We have the power to make change.. to be the change we need to see. Don’t waste your life being mad about everything that isn’t right. Enjoy these moments and all that you do have. We aren’t living this life to be miserable. Imagine how you will feel in ten or twenty years time… you will look back on this younger version of yourself and wish you lived your life to the fullest… you will wish you loved.. you will wish you did all the things you had the chance to. So do it. Right now. Today. This week. This year. Just be happy and do things you want to do. Stop putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. We need to be calm and have trust and faith in the future. There is hope in these dark times, and we will get through this. Be patient, optimistic, and love yourself. Dreams have been intense lately with all the Piscean energy. Use your dreams to help you manifest and experience joy. We don’t have to be running around all crazy. We can handle what we need to, and enjoy the rest. If we can stay balanced and handle life in the best way possible, we are going to see a lot of success. Try to keep your mindset positive. Like I said, it’s not always going to be possible, but at some point, it is a choice you are making. A choice that you can change at anytime! Mental illness is not a choice, but choosing to stay in negativity over it, is. Do what you need to do to get better and heal. Stop being mad and angry over what has been. Let it go. Let yourself be someone new, right this very moment. Let yourself find new definitions for yourself. Come at your life from a more tranquil place. If you have been feeling blocked in your life, these crystals are giving you the green light and the healing you need to move forward. Do you accept it? Will you step into this wholeness and power?

These cards are so beautiful, and the colors are very Piscean and dreamy. These images show me people stepping into their fullness and power. We need to explore who we really are. We think we are so smart and we have it all figured out.. but, what if, we haven’t even scratched the surface? What if who you are is so much deeper, and magical, and layered, than you could ever believe? I can’t help but notice the 2 different coloured Angel wings. This, to me, reminds me how we all come from so many places. We are all parts of each other, and we are all parts of so many people (and angels, and spirits, and beings). So many things came together to create you, so you could be here, right now. How magical is that? If life feels like it hasn’t been working out for you, you need to try a new approach. Help your energy to work for you, instead of against you. If you shift your mood and energy, you are going to benefit a lot more. If you dread everything in your day, you have to find new ways to love it. Play music while you work, sip coffee, day dream, treat yourself to a nice lunch or supper, spend some time in nature. Make your life a moving prayer… your OWN prayer! Do things that make you happy and that work for you. One thing that works for me, is spending time outside under the stars each night. No matter how rough of a day it was, I always find myself with immense gratitude under the stars. The best thing? I get so many signs in return! You have to be open minded about where you perceive you fit in the world. Just because you’ve believed yourself to be one thing, doesn’t mean you can’t be another, or many things! Just because you don’t believe in spirituality, doesn’t mean you aren’t a spiritual being! You can try anything you want and be anyone you want to be. There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind or changing course in life. Life is a never ending adventure of learning and growing, and we should never stop. Opinions change all the time as knowledge broadens. Sometimes we get so caught up in the mundane workings of modern day society, we forget that we are simply cosmic beings growing on this planet. Yes, learning is important… working to provide for our family is important… but we weren’t meant to be guilted and worked endlessly. We were designed to love and be happy and create and enjoy our existence. And yes, the world around us can be very frustrating with all the rules and bs that goes on.. but you have to put yourself above that. You have to refocus your attention on what really matters. You have to remember that your happiness and joy matters. If you have been feeling off lately, it’s because your energy is not going somewhere it will serve you well. Reconnect with your heart. Reconnect with what matters to you and what you want. Reconnect with how you want to feel. Sometimes, I think back to the time in my life when I felt the happiest and healthiest, and then I try to be more like that version of myself. Devote your life to what YOU care about. YOU are in charge. This is your life. Plant your soul’s seeds and sing to them with deep devotion. Live your life according to what makes you feel alive. Let yourself get your sparkle back in any and every way possible! We just had a New Moon in Pisces with a Venus and Neptune conjunction, so it’s not surprising to see Lady Venus here with a message! Especially a message of downloads and understanding. We have been going through these transformations and upgrades. The Angels understand what we have been going through and are guiding us closely. Truths have been revealed, about yourself and others. Deep insights are coming in. What have you been doing with them? What we do with our life is ultimately up to us, so take what you are being given and find ways to work with it, and enjoy it! Venus is bringing love in relationships, but especially love for our own selves. We have been shown just how much capacity we have to love. We are being shown how much potential we have to make an impact and a difference. We have been shown how many opportunities there are to live abundant lives. There have been so many signs given to us, so make sure you are paying attention! Lady Venus is helping us to understand ourselves deeper than we have before. She is helping us open up to our true spiritual nature and understand our connectedness to all things. Do you see these 3 beautiful beings on these cards? They are connected to you, just as everything else is in this world. You hold this same beauty and potential, these same gifts, whether you choose to believe it or not. Let your life being adorned in light, let your heart grow, let your mind expand, and let your Spirit be lifted.

Thank you for visiting my page, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

New Moon in Pisces – March 13, 2021

The Pisces New Moon is on 03-13-2021 and peaks at 3:21am MST here is Alberta. The Sun and Moon are at 23 degrees. That’s a lot of 3, 2, & 1’s! 3 is also a lucky number for this New Moon! “Angel Number 321 encourages you to step in the direction of your desires with confidence and optimism, with the belief that you will find success and fulfilment. You are in the right place in life to pursue your dreams and desires.” 🌑🙏✨

This New Moon in Pisces is very dreamy, and it’s all about pursuing our desires. There is a positive aspect to the Venus and Neptune conjunction, creating a positive atmosphere for love. Just be careful of being too optimistic… make sure you are listening to your intuition and gut feelings about people, because there is a possibility to be deceived. We can get too carried away in our hopes and dreams that we ignore the reality of a situation. Make sure you aren’t over-idealizing romantic interests! Having an unrealistic expectation of love has the potential to be expose you to disappointment. 🧐

Nonetheless, this is a great time to improve relationships and create new ones! The New Moon is always the perfect time for a fresh start. March is the only month of 2021 where there are no planets retrograde (April 27 Pluto goes Retrograde), so this is a time of forward motion and looking to the future. 🔮

With the New Moon conjunct Venus, it’s bringing love, peace, beauty, and harmony. This is a great time for friendships and relationships. It’s also a great time to have fun and relax. 👭🧖‍♀️

The Sun conjunct Neptune is boosting our intuition and sensitivity. Pay attention to who you spend your time with, or who affects your energy negatively. People may try to take advantage of your kindness. Make sure you invest in people who are beneficial to your life. 🙏

Venus conjunct Neptune is bringing new relationships and helping us improve our existing ones. This alignment is romantic and dreamy and enhances our imagination and creativity. ✍️🧚‍♀️

As always, be aware of how you are using your energy, and try to approach your life in a balanced way. Too much dreaming and relaxing isn’t a good thing either! 🙇‍♀️

Make sure you use this energy to be creative as much as possible! Set intentions for the life you desire, use your imagination, and try to think positively! 🧜🙏


If you want to work with this energy more or learn all about different items that relate to this New Moon, get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 4 page printable PDF document that you can sit with and work on as you learn about the New Moon and things that relate to the sign of Pisces! Learn about the sign of Pisces, crystals, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, numbers, and more! There is affirmations and goal setting questions. There are suggestions of what to do, and what not to do! There is a card of guidance, and information about upcoming astrology. It really has it all!

Let my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET guide you on this beautifully creative New Moon! 🌑🙏

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET costs $5 per Moon or you can sign up for a year for $100! Canadian funds. Payment accepted by e-transfer or PayPal.

#NewMoon #Moon #Pisces #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet #Beautiful #Dreamy #Dreams #Goals #Magic #Magical #SelfImprovement #Create #Creative #Music #Art #Love #Intuition #BodyMindSoul #Clarity #Guidance #Assistance #Angels #NewPerspective #Light #Changes #Compassion #Relationships #Happiness

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Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 1, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Atlantisite, Labradorite, and Snakeskin Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Atlantisite – Lowers stress levels. Helps you find inner peace. Stabilizes your moods and helps break away from making poor choices. A good stone for meditation, it helps you access information and wisdom. Increases love and compassion. Enhances your sense of security and helps you establish your personal boundaries. Helps you open your way to Spirit. Removes stagnant energies and brings peace to life. Helps raise your energy. It is also a powerful physical healing stone.

Labradorite – A stone of transformation and magic. Clears, balances and protects the aura. Provides clarity and insight into your destiny. Attracts success. Reduces stress and anxiety. Increases intuition, psychic development, and esoteric wisdom. Helps with subconscious issues, and provides mental illumination.

Snakeskin Jasper – A protective and calming stone. Guards against negativity, shields from psychic attacks, and also protects from temptations which would be harmful or damaging. Helps with dream recall and offers insight into difficult situations. An anti-anxiety stone, it assists in times of worry or conflict.

I don’t know about you guys, but I had a rough couple of days. I woke up with a migraine on the day of the Full Moon, and have been in a terrible mindset. Now I know why my guidance has been to keep your thinking positive! I do know how very hard that can be, when everything seems to be stacked against you. We do have to find ways to lower our stress levels. I just did a reiki treatment for someone else, but honestly, I am feeling so much better now. More energized and refreshed. You may have to find someone to do healing for you. If you can’t afford a session, find a friend you can trade for something. Even just spending time with friends is going to be helpful and uplifting. When our mood is in a negative space, of course we tend to make further bad choices. When your in the fog, it can be hard to see your way out. Please remember that I always offer a free card of guidance if you are ever in need. All you need to do is ask. Helping to find answers and ask for information can help you with making choices. Maybe it’s boundaries you need to set. You need to do whatever it takes to have more peace in your life. Our energies have been kind of low, so we need to increase the love and positivity! This really is an excellent time to have an energy healing treatment. We are going through these extreme changes in our lives, and we need to keep ourselves clear and balanced and protect ourselves. We don’t want any negative influences holding us back. What’s most important now, is removing sources of stress from our lives. We can’t use our minds, intellect and intuition, in the most advantageous ways if we are consumed by stress and anxiety. We aren’t doing ourselves or our energy any favours by coming from a place of stress and anxiety. It’s not necessarily going to be easy to remove all the stress from your life, but it is important that you try. You will be able to grow and transform much more freely if you aren’t held back. That’s why we must protect ourselves and our energy. We must protect ourselves from sources of negativity, especially from temptations to do things which could be harmful or damaging. We need to let go of the stress and worry. Let go of the conflict. Live from a centered place of peace and calm. It’s going to be easier said than done, but we have to try. Pay attention to your dreams and the messages and insight they have to offer. Let’s see what the cards say.

These cards are interesting. Things have been really tough lately, for all of us. These cards are reminding us, that in our hearts, we are all children of life. We are always protected, loved, and guided by the Universe. This card, We The Hathors, is a tender, nourishing card reminding you to receive the deep love of our Great Mother’s embrace. We are being guided to rest more. Create more. Allow ourselves to be held more. To hold, and to be held. We all have our place in life. You are more held than you could possibly imagine. Take comfort in the presence of Spirit. If you are struggling in any way, you’re being reassured that everything will work out. Open yourself to receive. Let love flood to you from every direction. Let yourself be nourished and protected. Birth new creations and new life. The Change In Directions card also holds this same message. There is so much change going on, and we need to open our hearts with the willingness of a newborn child, unaffected by life’s hurts, only knowing love. Focus on the path that brings you happiness, and trust that you are protected. We have learned and grown so much. We really are on a new trajectory. The old ways you used to live are of no interest anymore. You are longing for more like-minded people in your life, and interests and passions that resonate with where you are now. The Angels are guiding us through this time, and the Law Of Attraction ensures you will have everything you need. Believe in the wonderful opportunities and relationships that are coming to you now. You are blessed, no matter what is going on, no matter how things seem. Things are working out for you, so believe it and keep your thoughts positive. This could mean new projects and ideas are underway, you could be starting a new phase of your life, or this can also indicate the arrival of a pregnancy, birth, or child! The last card is the Justice Card, which is a major arcana card. This indicates a major turning point in our lives. The 8 is a very lucky number that I’ve been seeing a lot lately, and was a lucky number for this past Full Moon! 8 is the sign of infinity. This is about standing firm in your beliefs and in your goals and dreams. Do not let other people try to sway you out of your beliefs. This is about being fair to everyone, while staying true to yourself and pursuing your dreams and goals. This card assures us that things will turn out in our favour. This card also reminds me of the theme of Karma from the Full Moon.. if we have been fair and objective, if we have done the work and made positive choices, Justice will be served and we will be on the right side of karma. In this card, the fairy twins stand before Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur. This sword is known to only avail those who were worthy and true of heart. You are worthy. Believe in your worthiness and stand in your power. Trust in your ideas and guidance. Get clear on your goals. Stand up for what’s right and make well thought out decisions. If you are doing what you truly believe is right, you can’t go wrong. Let your life bloom into a beautiful garden. Have a beautiful week!

Thank you for visiting my page, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html