Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 29, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Desert Rose, Polka-dot Rhyolite and Picture Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Desert Rose – Desert Rose is a variety of Selenite. It is a stone of the mind, as well as Angelic stone. It is said to bring mental ability and clarity, as well as perception of all kinds, including intuitive perception. Desert rose is used to quiet worries and still the mind from distractions. It is said to be helpful for the spine and the skeleton in general, and for aligning the spine properly.

Polka-dot Rhyolite – Assists with balance, regeneration and mind abilities. As a balancing stone, it helps you see and understand all the parts of yourself that are out of balance. It then helps you let go of any past blockages. Helpful for anyone working with any type of self esteem issues and procrastination. It is also useful for finding love that is a healthier type of relationship for you. As a regeneration stone, it is useful in all aspects of maintaining or regaining beauty. It can help rekindle a relationship. Where mind abilities are involved, it is useful in most any situation. It can help those using their psychic abilities to connect easier and is a powerful stone for anyone attempting to astral travel or for channeling. It is perfect for use in any sort of working that use elemental forces. As a healing stone, rhyolite helps boost the immune system. It helps cleanse both the liver and kidneys.

Picture Jasper – It is a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the Earth. It is said to promote feelings of responsibility towards the planet, encouraging a need to care for and protect it. Picture Jasper’s grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going. It is said to encourage creative visualization, creativity and business pursuits. It is also said to help alleviate fear. In healing, it is believed to stimulate the immune system, to help clear pollutants and toxins from the body, and to cleanse the kidneys. It is believed to be useful when giving up smoking as it is said to strengthen the resolve.

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been putting myself out there a lot more lately, and trying to not allow fear to control my life. I know with #BellLetsTalk Day, a lot of people stepped out of their comfort zones to share their truths. It is scary trying to put yourself out there! It is easy to just allow things to pass you by. To keep doing the status quo. The crystals are reassuring us that what we are working towards, and how we are putting ourselves out there, is totally worth it. You know where you are heading. We are being guided by the Angels, and our perceptions are clear. You are connecting more deeply to your abilities. The crystals are helping us to alleviate fear. It also helps to cleanse our bodies, to remove toxins and live as purely as possible. Let’s see what cards come for the week.

Wow… these cards are so beautiful to me. Summer is a rich and fulfilling season, and 3 of the 4 cards happen to be summer for this week. The last card fell out and felt like it needed to be included! I love the rainbow energy it holds, that blessings are on the way. Seeds that we have planted are growing rapidly. People may be drawn to spend time near the water. The suit of summer brings us spiritual growth. It seems like this week we are going to have some great family time. I know here in Alberta the weather has been lovely and it’s a wonderful time to get outside with the family. You are supported by those around you and feel connected to your friends and loved ones. You are doing a great job raising your kids and providing them with enriching experiences. Wishes are coming true and dreams are being fulfilled. Moments will be beautiful and magical. Don’t let indecision and fear hold you back. Do what’s best for you, no matter what other people think or believe. Don’t listen to your ego that can hold you back… be guided by your heart and let things flow. The time is now and your path is ready and waiting for you. All you have to do is make the choice to live it. You have the power to have everything you ever dreamed of. 

Ten of Summer – Spending time with your family and loved ones is critical to a rich and happy life. The people you call family may be those you are related to, or they may be people whom you have chosen. Either way, offering love and support to those closest to you, and accepting it in return, is very important. Make space for them in your life. It’s worth investing time and energy into your primary relationships. You can have the happy home life you’re seeking, filled with peace and emotional fulfillment. The couple from The Two of Summer Card have created a beautiful life for themselves and their children. The butterfly boat near the shores of Avalon means that their emotional currents will continue to evolve and thrive. Additional meanings of this card: A happy marriage. People you can trust. Relationships that last. Feeling emotionally content. Raising children wisely. 

Nine of Summer – This is a very magical moment! You have drawn the card of wishes coming true. Allow your heart to be filled with child-like wonder and awe, picture what it is you desire, and then make a wish! You may want to write it down on paper. Place the paper in a special place known only to you, and then release the “how” of the wish’s fulfillment to the Universe. Allow life to be playful! Enjoy the simple things. Go spend time with friends or family in lighthearted and uplifting activities. Have fun! A fairy godmother gifts a young maiden with her fondest wishes come true! Additional meanings of this card: Dreams fulfilled. The end of worry. Abundance and prosperity. Good fortune. Joyfulness. 

Two of Winter – Now’s the time to take action! Indecision has previously held you back, but this is the moment to trust yourself and move forward. Decision-making can sometimes be challenging but your intuition will guide you to the perfect choice. You may be torn between doing what you know is right for you and doing what someone else wants you to do. Chances are, this matter requires you to see your own needs. If you lack clarity, you can ask God, the Angels, and the Fairies to give you a sign, or just listen to your own spiritual guidance. Make your choice with confidence! It may be necessary to compromise with others in order to move forward. Don’t allow past concerns to keep you from attaining your goals. A little fairy boy is faced with a difficult choice. Both make music, but which would truly bring forth the song inside his heart? Additional meanings of this card: Feeling trapped between the intellectual and emotional. Overanalyzing the situation. Ignoring a problem in hopes that it will go away.

Seven of Summer – There are pros and cons to virtually every decision. The situation you’re currently in is demanding a choice from you, and procrastination is simply no longer an option. What you decide involves actions that may benefit you physically, emotionally, financially, intellectually, or spiritually. Recognizing that you always have a choice is a great realization about your personal power. However, it also means that you are responsible for the outcome of your choices. The moment to choose has arrived! You could make a list of every possible alternative and evaluate it, or you could ask God and your Angels for guidance. But the time to choose is now. Daydreaming can be a lovely way to get insight into a challenging situation… or it can be a way to avoid taking action. Make sure that your imaginings serve a productive and positive purpose. Make a plan to put your dreams into action, one step at a time. A fairy allows sunlight to shine through a prism, onto a bed of white roses. The roses indicate that his intentions are pure, but the prism shows that there are many possibilities. Additional meanings of this card: Wishful thinking. Meeting to regain focus. Overanalyzing. Too many choices. Receiving guidance to detox. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 15, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angel Aura Quartz, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and Rhodochrosite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. It is said that it is very helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings. Physically, it is helpful for general health, vitality, and miraculous cure of illness. 

Rose Quartz – Often called the “Love Stone.” A stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. Enhances every type of love: self-love, family, platonic, romantic, and unconditional. Bringing love in to life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz also inspires the love of beauty, in oneself and others, in nature, and especially that which stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word. Rose quartz is a very happy stone. Rose quartz is used to raise self-esteem and gives a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves and thereby find ourselves more worthy. It is used to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief and easing of anxiety. All these things carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, and compassion, enabling us to see the good in both ourselves and others. Physically, Rose Quartz is a beautification stone. It is helpful to clear the skin, reduce wrinkles and promote a soft complexion. Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress. It is especially supportive of the female reproductive system. It assists in alleviating sexual difficulties, post-partum depression, and is thought to help mothers heal after complicated births. 

Clear Quartz – A power stone. It has been called the “Universal Crystal” because of its many uses. It enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one’s environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals. Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Physically, it protects from negative energy. It is a very good stone for astral travel, manifestation, scrying, channeling, dream recall and dream work. Quartz is a Master Healer stone. It is an excellent all purpose crystal healer stone. It is said to amplify healing energy and is used to perform diagnostic healing. It is said to draw out pain. Quartz is used in crystal healing to strengthen all body systems. Quartz is reputed to be particularly effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, intestinal troubles. 

Rhodochrosite – Rhodochrosite is a self-confidence booster. It brings a sense of realistic balance to life. It is also used to help cope with problems in life in a graceful, balanced manner without avoidance or denial. Eases issues caused by past lives. It is used to elevate the mind to a higher plane in meditation and energy work. Rhodochrosite balances and enhances love on all levels. It is also said to be a stone of freedom because of this helping to balance inner conflicts. This can bring a deep sense of happiness and relief from ongoing stress. Physically, it has been considered good for the digestion, the heart, the kidneys, spleen, pancreas, the pulse rate, and the thyroid. It is also used for stress related illness by transforming the energy of the illness with a balanced love of self and the universe.  

The message I am getting from the crystals is one of balance and love. Balance is a quality of every single crystal. It seems like we are giving too much away, and we need to make ourselves more of a priority. We have talents and love to give to the universe, and we can’t do that if we are exhausting and stressing ourselves out daily doing everything for everyone else. I know as a mom, the days to fly by, and it’s easy to give up on the things we love. We need to find the balance in our life so that we can be happy. We need to find the time to express and nurture ourselves, because we have so much to give. We deserve to be happy. You are worthy of investing in yourself. You have beautiful talents and love to share with the world. Let’s see what the cards have to say for the week. 

The cards are telling me that things may have been tough lately. There have been some inner struggles surrounding self-worth. We may be reliving past hurts that affected us in ways we are still processing. I can be a people pleaser, and when the giving/receiving energy is out of balance, it can amplify feelings of resentment and stress. We can find the balance we seek by accepting and making peace with the past. Forgive yourself. Forgive everyone else too. What’s done is done and everyone makes mistakes. That’s how we learn and grow. Let it all go. Start forward on a new path of positivity and love. Accept yourself for the beautiful ever changing spiritual being you are. Step in to the person you want to be, and exude the energy you want to attract in your life. Step into your power and accept the love you deserve. Show yourself love and know you are worth it. Radiate love, and it will come back to you. You have so much wisdom to share, not only from past experiences that you have learned from, but from experiences you are going through presently or have yet to go through. Show yourself love so you can learn and show others the way. Show them the way to happiness. Show them the way to freedom. You are on your way, all you need is love. I am sending so much of it out to you today, and so are the crystals. The energy is amplified by the Clear Quartz crystal. Lots and lots of beautiful love. 💗💝💖💓

Acceptance – You are built to question everything as part of your mission of making healthful changes to this planet. However, this characteristic may cause you to reject a part of your life that’s necessary in order for you to get to the next step. This card is a message for you to search through your life and determine if there is anything (or anyone) you are rejecting. Accepting your life completely is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. While this may not be easy or even seem right, know that you simply cannot change everything you do not like, and certain things must be tolerated in this lifetime. Ask the Angels to bring you strength and comfort to make letting go and accepting easier. 

Apologize – This card asks you to take the high road in this situation and apologize to either the people involved or yourself for things that have been bothering you. Your honesty and fiery nature may inadvertently lead you to say things that might hurt others’ feelings. Saying that you’re sorry is one of the best ways to let the pressure off and defuse tension. Even if you perceive that you’ve done nothing wrong, the Angels ask you to apologize in general for any disappointment or frustration that arose. Be sure to have an honest discussion with yourself or the other person about the underlying feelings that led to the conflict. The Angels certainly don’t want you to cover up your true emotions! Know that while saying sorry may not be easy or even seem fair, in this situation it’s being asked of you because it serves a higher purpose. This is a lesson for you to put aside your pride and do something for the greater good. 

Share Your Wisdom – Within you is ancient and powerful wisdom about the true rules of right and wrong. You came to this planet to make big changes, and you’re not alone in this mission. As you learn more about the changes that should be made to society, this card guides you to share this awareness with like-minded others. The more people who know their true purpose (because people like you awaken them to it), the more effective this collective mission will be. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 8, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Dumortierite, Smoky Quartz and Lapis Lazuli. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Dumortierite – A stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. It is an excellent stone for lifting depression. Due to its energy of self-discipline it is often used in weight loss or attaining ideal weight. 

Smoky Quartz – Is a very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical and psychic protection. It is also an excellent stone for protection from negative energy, as It removes negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforms it to positive energy. It is used in assisting making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Thus, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. Engenders creativity. Assists in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Helpful for enhancing courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming. Helps to relieve grief. 

Lapis Lazuli – Creates a strong spiritual connection. Is a manifestation stone. It is also a powerful crystal for positive or white magic. Helps with dream work. Protects from psychic and physical attacks. A stone of communication that can bring truthfulness, openness, and mental clarity. It is said to enhance creativity. Its energy can help organize daily life as well as organizing and quieting a busy or restless mind. Helps to overcome abuse issues and trauma, as well as depression and grief. Partly this is due to its energy of bringing inner power and hope. This strong inner power can also build courage, confidence, and overcome shyness. Hope brings trust that things will work out in spite of past traumas. It also is used to decrease irritability, whether caused by trauma issues or day to day frustrations.

Sorry I have been on a bit of a hiatus again! With the Christmas season, my son’s cancer treatments, the awful chest cold we had for weeks, and everything else going on in my life, I just haven’t taken the time to sit down with my cards. I prefer to do my card readings when I’m alone, in peace and quiet, and that sure isn’t happening as often as I’d like! I can say all the stress in my life has been wearing me down, and I have been feeling a bit down and depressed lately! The crystals are definitely showing a pattern of stress and depression that they are here to help with. The crystals also show a pattern of protection, so there may be negative people or situations in our life that we require protection from. It also may be our own negativity we require protection from, like being too stressed and worrying all the time. Either way, the crystals are helping to protect our soul, and transmute negative energy into positive. You can tell it’s the new year, everyone is starting their diets and resolutions, and cleaning house. The crystals are enhancing self-discipline and orderliness in life. They are also here to assist you with your weight loss goals. The crystals want us to overcome shyness and have courage. Use your creativity as a means to express yourself, heal and relieve stress. I love to sleep with this particular Smoky Quartz by me, I have intensely vivid dreams, and seeing that the Lapis Lazuli is such a good stone for dreamwork, I will be making sure to have them with me for bedtime. I will be using a more traditional tarot deck I received for Christmas, so let’s see what the cards have to say for the week! 

All three of the cards I have pulled are major arcana cards, representing major lessons to be mastered in our lives, a turning point if you will. Just like the crystals, the Sun card is telling us to have confidence! Express yourself and don’t be sorry for who you are. You are beautiful and bright like the sun. Share that radiance and positivity. This will bring positive things into your life, like a promotion or success! The Tower represents people in your life that put on a pretty front. This could even represent you trying to put on a front. This is a time to be real, a time to be true to yourself. Some people appear to have it all together, but guess what? They don’t, just like you or I, and eventually things come crashing down. Not to hurt anyone, but to reveal the truth. The truth will always come to light. I have a feeling that these are the type of people you would be needing protection from. Don’t be upset if things don’t go your way, or you lose someone from your life. Have faith that what’s real will always prevail. I think this is a message for our inner selves too. We can stress ourselves out thinking we need to keep up to what everyone around us is doing. Eventually, it all falls apart and we need to acknowledge the realness of who we are and what it is that we need. Priorities right! There are only so many hours in a day. Use them to your best advantage. Try to compromise and see the viewpoints of others, but also try to keep a healthy balance of what you need as an individual. The Empress wants us to have courage and go after our goals. Have courage to see past your perceived faults, and know that you are worthy of all your dreams coming true. It is perfectly ok to not be perfect. All those resolutions and dreams you have for the year, get moving towards them. The crystals are assisting with creativity, organization and self-discipline to help you work on your goals. Make sure they are your own dreams though, and not just something you want to do because everyone else you know is doing it. If you follow the crowd and don’t stay true to yourself, things fall apart just like the Tower card. I feel like this is a week of setting the foundations for what is to come for this year, and for this next phase of our life. I read somewhere that the foundation we lay this year will determine the next ten years of our life, so make sure your doing all you can to move toward achieving your dreams and goals. 

The Sun – Any personal growth you achieve now will be linked to self-expression. Say what you feel when you feel it. Accept criticism and admit mistakes. Enthusiasm and self-assurance bring results. A promotion is on the horizon.

The Tower – Everyone wants to be admired. Others embellish the truth, but what’s necessary and real will prevail. Illusions will be shattered, enemies revealed. Don’t be upset if things don’t turn out as planned. Try to compromise and see others’ point of view.

The Empress – Express your ideas and take calculated risks. Getting what you want is your responsibility. Your passions are of primary importance to you now. News of a wedding, pregnancy, or children arrives.

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html