Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 26, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Bloodstone, Lava Rock and Aragonite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Bloodstone – Centering and grounding. Increases adaptability and organization. Lessens confusion, stress, and anxiety. A stone of courage. Brings renewal by releasing blockages. Heals emotional traumas and grief. It enhances the intellect. It is used to bring energy in many ways, including abundance, success and prosperity.

Lava Rock – Embraces Fire and Earth Energy. When a person is drawn to lava rock it might be because they need the fire or energy in their life. They can be used for grounding, protection and making a connection to the earth. They allow us to “root” scattered energy, find focus and bring balance to our center by embracing practicality. They encourage stimulation. This stone has the nurturing power of Mother Earth. Considered a fiery fertility stone. In Feng Shui, Black lava is used in the area of Career and Life Path as well as the Helpful People and Travel areas.

Aragonite – Their vibration encourages conservation and caring for the earth. Helps the earth. They are said to clear blocked ley lines and aid geopathic stress. Assists healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety. They send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. They relieve anger and resentment, and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Increases energy. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. 

When I drew these stones, I knew they were very transformational, and that we are in a strong period of transformation. The Lava Rock starts as a fluid fire, and hardens into a beautiful healing rock. The crystals are telling me that we are struggling through this transformation. One big reason why, is what we have done to Mother Earth. She is struggling too. It is like, how can you expect your heart to function normally if you are neglecting and ruining your body’s health? We are ruining our planet, and we expect that not to affect us, when we are growths of this planet. Imagine how much potential we could have if we had a fertile, healthy environment to grow and thrive in. If things around us aren’t healthy, the things we consume, the things we breath.. it’s hard for us to be healthy. Consumerism is quickly draining this planet of her precious resources. We are tainting the waters, wasting our food and taking other species down for temporary gain. Not only that, we are hurting ourselves and inviting disease. We need to put energy into loving our planet, like we should be loving ourselves. We need to clean it, and make more sustainable choices. I know people think this concept is so “left wing”, but honestly, it’s just the straight-out truth. We need to do it and we need to get doing it now. We need to avoid toxins. We need to go back to a more simple and natural way of life. We need to embody those very ideals that we want to see reflected around us. If we want to see beauty, happiness and adventure in our life, then we need to find those things inside us and reflect them to the outer world. Show the Earth you will help care for her beauty. Be proud of yourself and be confident and bold. Choose to be happy every moment you can. Take those adventures and grow your soul. It’s a reciprocal relationship, what you get is what you give, so be generous. I am going to use the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck by Stephen Farmer, so let’s see which cards want to go along with this message. 

The winter solstice really reminds me of how our winter is going… it’s never ending! This card is a sign that it’s ok to slow down. That we need to slow down. We need to reflect on where we have been and where we are going. We need to integrate the lessons we have learned. We need to take time to consider what our next goals in life are. If you have been feeling stuck or blocked lately, know that it is ok and that the light will return. We need to realize that the fears we have are illusionary, and find ways to break through them. There is so much promise on the horizon, and we need to breach the water and show up for it when the time comes. We are moving from a phase where we stayed inside of ourselves, but we are preparing to put ourselves out there in a big way, most likely in your career and life purpose. Take time to reflect on your life, on how you could care for yourself better, on how you can love a little more. Make small choices to be more generous to others, to yourself, to the Earth. By loving yourself, you give yourself the confidence you need to come out, to show yourself, and to put on a beautiful display of talent. You have so much inside of you waiting to be explored and discovered. One way you can do this is by having adventures. By exploring the world around you, you somehow explore your inner world… the reciprocal relationship. There is so much beauty on the horizon… this could not be a more gorgeous sunset with the new moon hanging so delicately in the sky. There is so much to look forward to. The couple is embracing each other knowing that everything is going to be great, and all they have to do is be in the moment, appreciate life and be happy. 

Winter Solstice (Reflection) – The midpoint of Winter is not only the shortest day of the year, but also the longest night. The world is very still and the land dormant. Various “festivals of light” are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return. Throughout many cultures there are tales describing this time as the birth of the archetypal Sun King – including the Christian story of Jesus’s birth – representing the hope of renewal from the darkest period of the solar cycle. This image portrays a simple yet powerful representation of the winter solstice. We see a clear reflection of the snowy woods on the still, frozen waters of the lake. The blue tint drapes the scene with an even greater sense of quiet and solace, inviting us to walk very softly lest we disturb the intense yet gentle grace of this scene. The reflection of the trees on the frozen lake reminds us that this is a time for us to go inside – to both our physical shelter as well as our internal world – and there contemplate the season that had passed, the season that it, and the seasons yet to come. Review the past year and ask yourself what the most important lessons you have had to learn are, what you have accomplished, and what dreams and visions you want to manifest in the upcoming year. Whether it has been a relatively smooth ride or a challenging series of events, acknowledge your experience as being the work of Source, no matter what your judgements, fears or joys are. Honour whatever has happened over the previous several months with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go. Allow yourself some solitude so you can spend some quiet, slow time in reflection. Once you feel complete, reflect on your present life, especially focusing on what you are grateful for. When you are finished, consider what is to come – all the different possibilities and potential that exist before you. Allow your imagination to roam without limitation of ambition and see what shows up. Notice how you feel in your body with whatever scenario plays out in your mind. These are previews of that which is gestating, and can manifest and grow when cared for properly. Patience and stillness is called for here, for just as Earth cycles have their own pace, so does this cycle. 

Whale (Breach) – This powerful creature of the ocean takes a few great sweeps with his fins and propels himself briefly out of the waters where he spends the majority of his life. He’s taking a break from the ordinary Earth element in which he lives to exist even for a few moments in the realm of blue skies and sun, having broken through the skin of the ocean in a magnificent display of fullness and strength. All baleen whales breach, but none more spectacularly than the humpbacks, considered the acrobats of this family. They arch, stretch, and twist their bodies even as they approach the surface of the water, in what may be an ancient mating ritual, a form of communication, or even a way to remove parasites. In this image, the humpback whale that has burst out of the ocean expresses an almost palpable feeling of release and joy. Often when we manage to change our environment – to break through illusionary blockages – we experience an intense feeling of relief and can let go of any previously held fears and assumptions of what would happen once we did overcome that barrier, whether it’s material, environmental or mental. Simply getting away from the trance of technology for a few hours and spending time in nature is a breach from the trappings of civilization that can suffocate and prevent us from connecting to earth. It is time to take a break! Not just a coffee break, but a respite from the usual environment you find yourself in. That trip you wanted to take? Go for it. Tired of being indoors? Make a point to go outside. You have become so attached to your surroundings that you have created within them an illusion of safety, yet it is not these things that make you feel safe. Rather, the familiarity you have imbued in your surroundings have generated this false sense of security. Taking time away from the familiar is literally about changing your external environment in a significant way, such as doing something you have always wanted to experience. Another perspective is breaking through the barrier of the beliefs that have constricted you in any way from who you truly are. This is your opportunity to do some intentional breaching of these thought patterns, which will open you to different worlds and perspectives. 

New Moon (Promise) – Gazing at the sliver of the new moon smiling down upon them, the couple embraces each other, welcoming the promise of their love. The fading sun drapes the clouds and waters with its tinge of luminescence, as the crescent opens its arms to the nearby planet Venus, named after the Roman Goddess of love. This is a time for manifestation, beginnings, and renewal, with the promise that our desires will come to fruition. Here Grandmother Moon initiates another lunar cycle, moving from darkness to fullness and back again over approximately one month. Her promise of what is to come is embedded in the first glimmer of her light as she emerges from behind the curtain of darkness that had recently encompassed her. It is a promise that has been kept for as long as she has existed. This is the time to launch a project, a new relationship, or renew something that has been put aside for a later date. With your intention and willingness to allow a full cycle to complete itself, that which you desire will manifest. The seed of that idea is ready to emerge from the darkness of your subconscious into your full awareness. The next step is to put the action into what’s required to fully realize this idea. A promise has two meanings: it can be a commitment and guarantee to yourself (or someone else) that a particular thing will happen, or it can imply that something specific is expected to happen. When your will is aligned with the will of Spirit and your intention is focused upon what you wish to have happen, there will be fulfillment, and the promise is kept. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Want a reading and some makeup? If you place an order for Younique, purchase a kit, or host a show within the next 4 days, you get a free Angel Card & Crystal Reading with me! https://www.youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter! 

Find me here: http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor Twitter @Carriegallop, Check out Younique https://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop, View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 19, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Specularite, Amethyst and Black Tourmaline. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Specularite – Dissolves negativity in all forms. Balances the meridians and yin yang energies. Assists mental functioning, memory and development. Calms the mind and instills deep inner peace. Boosts confidence and self worth. Helpful for past life recall and connection to the energy of the soul, Angelic realm and otherworld communication.

Amethyst – A meditative and calming stone which promotes calm, balance, and peace. It is used to eliminate impatience. Beneficial for legal problems and money issues. Increases spirituality and enhances intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It is used to open one’s channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with Angels. A stone of protection. Promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. Brings emotional stability, inner strength and helps to enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. A well known sobriety stone. It is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking and destructive compulsive behaviours of all kinds.

Black Tourmaline – A protective stone which removes and repels negative energies. Cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It is great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras. Removes fear and boosts self-confidence. Very calming. Those who face challenges from negativity, frequent worrying or OCD can work with Black Tourmaline to help heal these issues. Carry a piece of Black Tourmaline in your pocket to increase physical vitality throughout your day.

We are still very much in need of protection. There are some negative energies either around us, or within us. This may be you or someone else in your life that may be dealing with negative energy in the form of addictions, legal issues, frequent worrying or compulsive disorders. If you find yourself dealing with these types of issues, please do an energy cleansing, cord cutting and shielding of your chakras. (Google some YouTube videos if you need assistance) If this pertains to someone in your life, please still do those things, and do them for that person too (using visualization). This negative energy needs to be transmuted into positivity, into confidence and self-love. Most, if not all, self-destructive behaviours really stem from a lack of self-love. When you don’t love yourself, you don’t honour your body, your mind, or your soul. You allow the negative energy to weigh you down and affect your life in negative ways, such as legal issues, money troubles or addictive behaviours. Only when you have the courage and love for yourself, can you truly know you deserve the best in life. When you believe you deserve the best in life, you get the best out of life. It’s all about the law of attraction, about how we feel, and how much we love. We are creating our lives everyday, and without love and positivity in your life, negativity is bound to breed. It’s not always going to be easy. There is going to be times where you need to dig deep, to hold on to your strength in times where you would give in. The crystals tell me that these issues could stem from many past lifetimes of experiences, so they could be deeply engrained. Don’t be so hard on yourself, just make the decision to move towards healing, and to love yourself. The crystals, Angels and Elemental Spirits are here today to help us cleanse and transmute this negative energy. They are here to calm us, and help us find some emotional flexibility. They will help boost our self-confidence and happiness. They are going to help us move towards the harmony that we seek. Let’s see which cards the Fairies have for us this week.

The Princess of Autumn is our little shove to get our crap together. Get those plans in order, get your emotions in order, get your health in order, get your life in order. You will have wonderful prospects with respect to your career or education, and they will play out perfectly if you can pull up your socks and get it together. You can do this!! And the time IS now. If you keep procrastinating and saying tomorrow, next week, next year, you will just keep doing that and getting nowhere. Make the changes you need to now, and then things will improve! Be fearless and choose happiness. Face those swords like we talked about last week and handle it like a boss. Pursue your dreams, because amazing career opportunities are in the cards. Take back your power and make decisions that empower your life. Be responsible and make good decisions. If you make positive choices in your life, you will be rewarded with abundance. If you over analyze, you just waste time and stay stuck. Do what’s in your heart, that you know is right, and get moving. You are more than capable, and it’s going to benefit you! After you are out of the darkness that you have been hiding in, you will emerge to beautiful gardens teaming with life and beauty, and you will find the power to harness rainbows in your life. Anyone can bounce back from where they have been. Take the hard times and use them as lessons to move forward. The rainbow on this last card is proof that there is beauty and rewards waiting for you, if you can walk yourself out of this storm, and choose a new direction. The crystals will be sending their healing energy to help you find your inner strength.

Princess of Autumn – “You can never know too much!” – or so says our Princess of Autumn. This optimistic and happy young lady simply loves to learn. She’s charming and reliable, upbeat, and so very clever. She does have a bit of a mischievous streak running through her, so you may want to keep an eye out for that! Besides being an absolute joy to be around, she’s also responsible and wise beyond her years. Did we mention that she loves to learn? This gal can be the perpetual student, taking longer than usual to get out into the “real world”. She may also think things through way too long before acting. But when she does move into action, everything will go perfectly! The Ace of Autumn has grown up, and the books that were closed to her before are now open! The knowledge she has gained has provided the abundance accumulating on the desk. Addition meanings of this card: Time to go back to school. Study and research. Seminars or courses. Good news about finances. Needing a push to get started. Working your way up the ladder. 

Ace of Spring – The time to act is now! The fairy of Spring presents you with a wonderful new opportunity that will allow you to achieve what you desire. Your fledgling hopes are now about to take flight, and all that’s needed from you is the courage to see things through. Be daring, be fearless, and then happily pursue your most treasured dreams! If you don’t have every little detail worked out, don’t let that hold you back. All the steps will reveal themselves as you move forward. The youthful fairy in this card is tending to the young Hawthorne tree, which sprang from the Staff of Joseph of Arimathea. The sapling is sparkling with Divine Love, to indicate that your new plans will be fruitful and abundant. Additional meanings of this card: New beginnings. Career changes. Birth announcements. Promotions. 

Seven of Summer – There are pros and cons to virtually every decision. The situation you’re currently in is demanding a choice from you, and procrastination is simply no longer an option. What you decide involves actions that may benefit you physically, emotionally, financially, intellectually or spiritually. Recognizing that you always have a choice is a great realization about your personal power. However, it also means that YOU are responsible for the outcome of your choices. The moment to choose has arrived! You could make a list of every possible alternative and evaluate it, or your could ask God and your Angels for guidance. But the time to choose is now. Daydreaming can be a lovely way to get insight into a challenging situation… or it can be a way to avoid taking action. Make sure that your imaginings serve a productive and positive purpose. Make a plan to put your dreams into action, one step at a time. A fairy allows sunlight to shine through a prism, onto a bed of white roses. The roses indicate that his intentions are pure, but the prism shows that there are many possibilities. Additional meanings of this card: Needing to regain focus. Overanalyzing. Too many choices. Receiving guidance to detox. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter! 

Find me here: http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or  http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor Twitter @Carriegallop, Check out Younique https://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop, View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 12, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Smoky Quartz, Picture Jasper, Tigers Eye and Mookaite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Smoky Quartz – A very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical and psychic protection. It removes negativity and transforms it to positive. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. Used to make wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It also assists in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Enhances and encourages courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Picture Jasper – The swirling patterns and banding that adorn Picture Jasper are said to be images from the past that Mother Earth is willing us to see. It shows hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. It gives us the chance to see the bigger picture and move forward with courage and confidence. Use this stone to begin a new business venture without the fear of failure. A stone of creative visualization, it can be an aide in bringing your goals and dreams into reality. 

Tigers Eye – A stone of protection that is also stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. 

Mookaite – Encourages the desire for new experiences and helps to keep a balance between external activities and the internal response. It imparts a deep calm while encouraging versatility. A stone of strength and decision making. It is said to shield the wearer from difficult situations. Helps us to assess our problems and make appropriate decisions.

We had a beautiful full moon last night! I can already feel we are on an upswing. Spring is coming! I feel like since the last full moon that things have been a little like a roller-coaster emotionally for me. I am glad I am feeling better today and feel like the energy is moving in a more positive direction. I made a huge decision to join Younique Products as an Independent Distributor (Don’t worry, I’m mostly mentioning this as it has to do with the reading! But if you wanna try this awesome makeup or pursue a great opportunity, join me here! https://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop) I have been curious about the products for a long time, and have been putting off splurging on new makeup. With my son fighting cancer, I really needed to pursue an opportunity from home, so I can stay with him as long as possible. After talking to friends who were also holding off on trying Younique, I decided to take the plunge and make a go of it! A friend I know does it, and it has changed her life and her level of confidence. She is very inspiring and I know if she can do it, there is no reason I can’t! I am also going to getting back into doing Angel Card readings for others, so if your interested in purchasing a reading, let me know! These are big steps for me, as I always choose to stay in my comfort zone, to do what’s easy. Work for someone else and get the same pay check every week. Do what someone else tells me to do everyday. I want to change that, not only for me to be able to stay with my son, but to change the way I look at earning a living. I am worth so much more! I am so glad the crystals are here supporting these decisions, and telling of the success and abundance to come. I AM moving forward in my life with courage and confidence! I love my Smoky Quartz Point. For me, it is a Crystal that directs a ton of energy, and I have very intense and vivid dreams when I sleep with it beside my bed. Seeing all of its qualities today reminds me how much I love this crystal. It will help us transmute negative energy into positive, it’s going to comfort us and calm us, helps us attain our goals, and assist us to make all our wishes come true. This week, we are working, we are grinding, we are staying versatile and flexible. We are being strong. Things may not always be easy, but the mookaite will help us recognize problems and mitigate them. We are going to see clearly and move forward confidently. Again, we are reminded abundance, luck and prosperity is on the way! Keep a smile on your face knowing so much good stuff is coming in life!!! Let’s see what cards want to accompany this message. 

I was guided to choose 2 more traditional tarot cards and an Animal Spirit message for the week. To be honest, the Seagull Card scared me a little when I saw it, I even wanted to put it back!! After tuning into it, I realize it’s not forewarning us that we need healing, it’s telling us where we have been to get where we are now. We don’t have to be perfect to have come a long way! It’s telling me that we have been through the rough seas. We are now sitting on the shore, watching the waves calm down and being soothed to our soul. We are watching the seagulls fly free. We are truly healing, deep down in a place where we might not even be consciously aware of. I’m sure the full moon last night assisted with this too, bringing soothing waves of healing and release. The Mookaite Crystal and the Seagull feel very calm to me, like we are finding the calm within us and are able to handle whatever comes our way. We have learned so much from all the storms we have weathered. With all this new business energy, you can be assured things are still going to be coming your way. All you gotta do it deal with it! Don’t stress about it, just handle it. Keep moving forward as best as possible, creating better habits. Like the little old man that doesn’t let anything ruin his good mood, all day, even through the crappiest stuff, he still smiles and finds a reason to joke and laugh, because he’s alive, and life is beautiful, vibrant and colourful. Things don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful, to be appreciated. Life is too short not to appreciate it. If you feel the need to vent or express emotions, make sure to do so, but ensure it is with someone you can trust… the VII of Swords card is suggesting to be wary of who you rely on. It may be better to journal or release emotions when you are alone. When you are strong, and have faith, you know you are never truly alone. The crystals remind us that spirit is always there assisting and comforting you. You truly are strong all on your own, so know this and trust this. The Ace of Wands is perfect confirmation that now is the time to pursue career and business goals and to chase our dreams. Not only will this bring us success, but it can benefit and inspire those around us. The VII of Swords card is a representation of our fears. We are worried the swords are gonna come flyin’ at us. Putting yourself out there can be hard. It’s easier just to avoid everything, and let life pass us by. The truth is, you can’t lose what isn’t yours. Everything happens for a reason. Things that fall away from your life are just part of the natural process, part of a never ending cycle. Yeah, it may hurt… but it doesn’t define you. We let go of things to make way for new things. Face the swords, knowing they can’t hurt you. Even if other people let you down, you can’t be hurt any more than you allow yourself to. You have this strength!!! It’s all about how you choose to live. Have courage and face those swords. Pursue your dreams, handle your business, and your gonna find so much success and happiness! 

Ace of Wands – Now is the time for sending out resumes, starting a new enterprise, or beginning a journey. Your strength uplifts those who lack the resources to solve their problems alone. 

VII of Swords – Making plans becomes problematic. Friends let you down. Don’t rely too much on others. You can’t lose what’s not yours to begin with. Get everything in writing. 

Seagull – The emotional sea that’s hovering just below your consciousness is a well of feelings that needs to be acknowledged and expressed. Expressing emotions doesn’t mean indulging in them compulsively or creating drama around them. If there are tears, let them simply be tears and allow them to flow. Cry or laugh as much as you need to. Explore these feelings by sharing them with someone you trust, or write them in a journal, paying particular attention to the sensations in your body. These sensations are clues to the layers of emotions that are just below the surface of your awareness. By either talking or writing them down, you bring them into your awareness, find relief, and create an opportunity to release them. Don’t let this be a theatrical exercise, one where you act or try to force yourself to feel something you’re not. Make sure that you include a good dose of humour from time to time, particularly if you’re dealing with darker and scarier emotions. It’s not necessary to cleanse that emotional and psychic scars that remain from earlier experiences too frequently, but now is the time to do so. Should you find yourself starting to get lost in the whirlpool of traumatic memory, change the scenery by physically moving or intentionally distracting yourself in someway. It isn’t necessary to cure yourself of the feelings associated with these memories all in one setting; instead, simply relieve some of the pressures that lurk below the surface. Associations: Observant; Swift; Opportunistic; Carefree; Versatile; Resourceful; Intelligence; Scavenging; Communication; Sociable; Protective; Messenger; Emotional; Respect; Fairness

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter! 

Find me here: http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop, Twitter @Carriegallop, Check out Younique https://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop, View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Angel Card Reading – Week of March 5, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Ocean Jasper, Pyrite and Prasiolite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Ocean Jasper – Very soothing and helps to love one’s self as well as others. It heals the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The patterns symbolize that we are all interconnected. A protective stone. Encourages a feeling of joy and elevated spirits. Helps you to release negative feelings, helps you if you need a lift. Helps you to enhance your personal power. Once you understand yourself better, this helps you to have greater self confidence, self esteem and self worth.

Pyrite – Enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding. Brings energies of good luck or good fortune.

Prasiolite – A stone of originality and courage. Fosters self-reliance. A prosperity stone, said to attract abundance. Clears negativity. It can help strengthen and express emotions as well as the mind and will. It is also said to be highly beneficial for prophesy.

Every week I always feel like the reading is aimed at me, so I guess it makes me feel better that I am not the only one going through this stuff. I guess it’s just life, and we really are all inter-connected. These crystals suggest we are feeling down, feeling negative and overwhelmed by life. Honestly… I’ve been feeling it. My 4 year old son is being treated for leukemia, and my 10 year old son has autism, so I have a lot of responsibility to take on. None the less, we are very blessed and life is good. I have been lucky enough to receive a scholarship with Carmel Baird to take a course in Mediumship. It is an exciting opportunity, but I was feeling overwhelmed today, feeling like I’m falling behind, and that I don’t have the time (or peace and quiet) to allow myself to be in the space I need to be to work on this. My moments of quiet are fleeting to say the least. I was feeling a little resentful today… and giving away my personal power! Whatever responsibilities are weighing you down, know that the crystals are protecting us and helping us clear this negative energy. We need to tap into our personal power, and the best way to do this is to lift our spirits and feel joy. Doing something today that makes you feel happy. Coincidentally, I was watching some Joel Osteen on TV this morning, and this was exactly his topic. That we weren’t meant to live life just living out our responsibilities from morning till night. We are here to be happy… to experience joy. We are no good to anyone if we are miserable. We need to love ourselves through these tough times, and find our own personal power. We need to accept responsibility for what we can control. We need to find and create joy all throughout our days. We need to have patience. Use your creativity to lift your energy to a state that is more positive. Prosperity, abundance, good luck and good fortune is in store for us, but we need to stay positive! Let’s see which cards go along with these crystals for this week. 

All my life, it has seemed like the people around me had a clear vision of what they wanted for their life, and I never really felt like I had that. Nothing felt right for me. Most of my old classmates are incredibly successful, and sometimes I’m left contemplating my self-worth and what my special talents and abilities are. It is hard these days with social media, and our constant comparison to how we feel other people live their lives. The crystals are helping us to tap into our special talents and abilities… and the best part? All we have to do to develop our life purpose is live in joy. Do what makes you happy, do what fulfills you, and your path will become clear. Focus on helping others find joy, and you will find that joy too. Everything that you are going through now you are learning from, and it relates to your purpose in life. Maybe work has been stressing you out, and you would way rather be doing something more rewarding that helps others. This may be a good time to do that more. Cupid is telling us that part of the joy we seek is found within the romance in our life, and within the love we give to ourselves and others. Cupid is awakening us to our love for life. We need to make clear and conscious decisions to choose joy and love. Let go of all the things that are bothering us, have forgiveness and patience, and accept love. Choose to be happy. Shake life up a bit. Most of the reason we feel down is because we have conditioned ourselves to feel this way. We have decided that because of the things that have gone on in the past, or how we compare ourselves to others, that we don’t deserve happiness or that someone else is to blame for what we are feeling. We have to let the past go and have forgiveness. I hold a lot of resentment in my life because of the past, and it is something I have to work on constantly. When I feel resentful, it’s easy to go back to those situations and remember all the reasons why I deserve to feel angry or resentful. The problem is that the only thing this does is hurt ourselves. It pushes people away when we wallow in the hurt or resentment. It lowers our vibrations. We have to make the conscious choice to choose happiness, and let the resentment go. It is ok to let go and have fun. Like Joel Osteen said this morning, you can be responsible and still have fun. We all deserve a little fun. Keep working on finding that balance in your day and in your life. Work on releasing those negative emotions and replacing them with happiness, and love. Let those toxic feelings go in exchange for peace. Go find some joy right now! 

Life Purpose – This card comes as a reminder that you needn’t struggle to find your life purpose. Don’t worry about how to make good money in a meaningful career. Don’t concern yourself with quitting or starting jobs or professions. Instead, follow the path of your natural desires, talents, and passions with the full intention of bringing joy to yourself and others. Your life purpose doesn’t need to be defined or pinpointed. It’s a process, not a category. Additional meanings for this card: Give all worries about money or career to God and the Angels. You’re on the right path forward towards your life’s purpose. Focus on one step at a time with respect to your life’s purpose, and release fears about the future to your Angels. What you’re doing right now is part of your life’s purpose.

Cupid – This card comes to you because the Angels see your desire for romance. Instead of fixing the externals in your love life, they assist you internally. The Angels say that romance springs from falling in love with life itself. When you let the Angels awaken this love within you, you naturally attract and experience more romantic love in your relationships. Additional meanings for this card: Surround yourself with romantic beauty such as roses and candles. Give any emotional hurt to the Angels. Ask Archangel Michael to help you release any painful attachments to previous or current lovers. Clearly decide what you desire in your love life. Affirm “it is safe for me to love and be loved”.

Let Your Past Go – You received this card because your thoughts and feelings about the past are holding you back. Your repeating a pattern because of unfinished emotions from your past. This card is a sign to forgive and move on, to stop painful patterns. It doesn’t mean that you need to be with the person you’re forgiven. It simply means that you’ve let toxic feelings go in exchange for peace. Additional meanings for this card: Approach a new situation or relationship with positive expectations. Avoid routines. Speak to a counsellor or support group. Forgive those who hurt you. Forgive yourself. The worst is now behind you. Keep your thoughts about the situation high and bright.

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