My Crystals – Moonstone Pendulum


 Moonstone – A stone of emotional harmony, well being, and good fortune to marriages and love relationships. It is a reflection of the person who owns it. It does not add or detract, only shows how it is. Helps one relax, enjoy life, and to fully love and appreciate others. Associated with the heart chakra. It can help calm responses and avoid overreaction. Helps feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition and psychic abilities. A stone of protection, especially during childbirth, pregnancy and travel. It aids the pituitary gland, digestive system, obesity, water retention, hormonal problems, and menstrual problems. Beneficial to men in opening the emotional self. 

A pendulum is a versatile, typically portable device that utilizes gravity and momentum to respond to energy in a way that is meaningful to the pendulum user, usually responding to yes or no questions.

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My Crystals – Turquoise


Turquoise – A stone for healers, it helps them to understand what is wrong with their patient. It is also beneficial for communicators to get complex ideas across. It combines the powers of the Earth and the Sky. It helps people to understand who they are and where they are, and leads to greater understanding. Healer of the spirit, it provides soothing energy and brings peace of mind.

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My Crystals – Lepidolite


Lepidolite – Aids emotional and mental balancing and stability. Aids sleep, strengthens heart, and is beneficial to blood. Enhances expression of one’s inner light and joy.

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Angel Card Reading – Week of Nov 29, 2015

I apologize to everyone for not doing a reading this past week. I was sick with the flu on Sunday and into the week, and then my kids gave me their cold and sore throat Wednesday, so I was feeling tired all week. I was going to do a reading before this weekend just as a catch up, but I decided it was just fine to give myself the break I need. Let’s see what the cards hold for the week to come. Things have been feeling heavy for me lately.. Now that the full moon has past, hopefully it’s a new beginning for us. I feel like this reading is getting lighter for us. It tells us to go for whatever we are wanting to do. Want to apply for that job, go for it! Wanting to travel? Even if it’s not far, go for it! Explore! Create! Be happy! Just go for whatever your heart is desiring. The Angels are clearly watching over us, protecting us and assisting us, so we can release our worries and enjoy our time on Earth. See yourself, and others, only through the eyes of love. See past errors and judgements, and love everyone, especially yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over past mistakes. Today is a new day, and you can always try again, and make new decisions. By focusing on only love and positivity, it invites more of that into our lives, bringing love and abundance. Don’t worry about what has happened, or what will happen, just enjoy your time now. The best way to get rid of any negative feeling is to.. Play. Have fun. Create something. Be excited for the future. Lift your heart up, so the law of attraction keeps the good stuff coming. Seems like it should be an OK week!

Go for it – the Angels reassure you of a positive outcome, provided you continue to pour love and guided action into the situation. Your on the right path, so go for whatever you heart desires! 

See only love – the Angels gave you this card as a reminder to see yourself, others, and ever situation through their eyes. When you focus on love, anything that’s unloving falls away. It’s like turning on a light to diminish the darkness. Call on the Angels whenever you need help to elevate your vision to a more loving vantage point.

Play – you’ve been working and worrying a lot lately, and your soul cries out for fun. Feelings of fatigue, irritability or depression are additional signs your overdue for some playtime. (Pretty sure I’m long overdue.. 😳) You don’t need to wait until you have a free moment, because you can inject fun into your day today. Simple pleasures, moments of silliness, laughing with a friend or watching a funny movie are examples of ways to have fun that don’t require a lot of time or money. Fun and play are necessary parts of life for children and adults. These types of activities help us live healthier lives, and allow us to attract our desires more quickly. Fun is a part of living a balanced life. You deserve happiness, pleasure and enjoyment. Release any guilt about having fun. Stop what your doing right now, and go do something to have fun! 


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My Crystals – Smoky Quartz Point


Smoky Quartz Point – Is a beautiful meditation tool that grounds and centers you as it raises your vibration, helps to elimate your fears, and enhances awareness of your dreams. Promotes walking softly on Mother Earth, encourages Earth awareness and responsibility, protects your grounding cord & Earth chakra. Teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Relieves pain, including headaches, benefits the reproductive system and the heart. 

A single crystal point is often used in healing. Pointed away, it draws energy off the body. Pointed inward, it channels energy inward.

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My Crystals – Polka-dot Rhyolite


Polka-Dot Rhyolite – It was named “streaming rock” because of its beautiful bands, bubbles and crystal-rich layers that form as lava flows onto the surface of the stone and moves forward. Because of its varied formational traits it represents change, variety and progress. It sparks creativity in individuals who are ready to move forward and make things happen in their life. It allows us to reach out and beyond our capabilities of what we think we can achieve by helping us to break through the mental barriers and to reach a profound and joyous state of knowing. Rhyolite shows us how to relish in the vast potential within ourselves. This is a stone used for meditation, progression in life, focusing on the present moment and resolving issues not yet complete.

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My Crystals – Bismuth


Bismuth – This mineral draws energy from the Crown Chakra to provide wisdom in dealing with our basic needs. Bismuth is said to relieve emotional and spiritual isolation, facilitating a state of oneness, connectedness and serenity. Useful when experiencing change, providing for calmness, vitality and orderliness. Bismuth facilitates the enjoyment of travel, and stimulates group and relationship cohesiveness. It helps to calm unsettling influences that comes with the job and transforms those influences into peaceful co-existence with others.

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Angel Card Reading – Week of Nov 15, 2015

Everyone is relating their readings to the Paris attacks, and as much as I didn’t want to go there, that was the first feelings I got looking at these cards. I feel like we all want to know “what we can do” to make things better, to make this world better. The best thing we can do, is focus on positive, good things. Focus on doing the best we can around us and within ourselves. We operate on a global consciousness, and the more each of us harness our own positive, happy, healing energies, the more we heal collectively. It’s true that watching all the stories over and over imprints pain and fear into our hearts, so make sure to shield yourself from picking these negative energies up. Use these emotions and energy as a source to create. I watch Doreen Virtue’s reading every week. Sometimes after I have done mine, sometimes before, it doesn’t seem to affect how I read my cards. Sometimes the readings coincide, and sometimes they are a little different (usually there is some synchronicity, even if minimal). I happen to watch her reading earlier today, and when the Time to Create card came up, it was not surprising, as she also touched on harnessing our emotions in tough times to create things. Believe in yourself tells us to do just that, to keep believing in the good of man kind, and express that good through the things you do. Shield yourself from other people’s negativity, and/or lack of knowing, and keep pressing forward being the best person you can be. Be the change you want to see in the world. 

Time to Create – This card calls for you to get in touch with your creativity and express yourself through art, inventing, or performing. You have a lot of pent up energy that needs an outlet. It’s time to create something from nothing, knowing that you’re a divine channel of inspiration. They Angels ask you to bring something unique to this planet that can only come from you. Ask them to work through you and together you will make a masterpiece that will bring blessings to the world. Embracing your creativity helps you realize that your ability to manifest in this lifetime is only limited by your imagination. Anything you desire can be yours! 

Believe in Yourself – When you receive this card, the Angels want you to see yourself and your potential the way they do. The view you as an unlimited person, with infinite potential. Right now, the most important thing you can do is realize this for yourself. Ask the Angels to release any doubt or fear you have about life and your path. Those doubts are part of being human, because you’re strongly affected by negative energy. By believing in yourself, you’re telling the angels that you wish to live up to your full potential in this life, and they will take immediate action to guide you accordingly.

Shielding – Although you may be strong at heart, your energy is very sensitive, which is why you feel so intensely in situations where others seem calm. For that reason, this card is asking you to energetically shield yourself from negativity. Know that the Angels are always around you, and their powerful auras are continually at your disposal for energetic shielding. Simply ask Heaven to surround you with angelic light, and know that you’re spiritually and emotionally protected. Anytime you’re in a harsh situation, immediately request that the Angels shield you.


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My Crystals – Smoky Quartz 


Smoky Quartz – Is a beautiful meditation tool that grounds and centers you as it raises your vibration, helps to elimate your fears, and enhances awareness of your dreams. Promotes walking softly on Mother Earth, encourages Earth awareness and responsibility, protects your grounding cord & Earth chakra. Teaches you how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Relieves pain, including headaches, benefits the reproductive system and the heart.


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My Crystals – Selenite 


Selenite Pyramid – Since ancient times, pyramid-shaped objects have been used to elevate consciousness through meditation, increase well being, preserve life forces, and harmonize energies of places and people. Pyramids generate negative ions that have a balancing effect on the electromagnetic field of the body. Selenite crystals help to remove all energy blockages in the body. It can also remove energy blocks in the bodies of other crystals and stones. This makes it excellent for enhancing the properties of other stones and for clearing and charging them. Selenite is also excellent for clearing and purifying jewelry and environments. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity. This clarity enhances mental flexibility and enables strong decision making abilities. Selenite is also a stone of truth and honesty. This promotes good business practices as well as honesty in other types of relationships.


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