Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 29, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Merlinite, Specularite, and Pyrite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Merlinite – A stone of duality. Attracts good luck and powerful magic. Puts you in touch with the darker parts of yourself that you have buried deep down in your subconscious. Allows access to shamanic and spirit realms. Improves intuition and communication with higher realms. Brings self-awareness and positive life transformations. Brings peace.

Specularite – Gounding, yet has a high vibration. It helps us identify our talents and put them to best use. Dissolves negativity. Balances the meridians and Yin/Yang energy. Assists mental functioning, memory and development. Calms the mind and brings inner peace. Boosts confidence and self worth.

Pyrite – Enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding. Brings energies of good luck or good fortune.

We have a beautiful Full Moon shining on us right now, and a partial Lunar Eclipse happening through the night. (Starting at 12:32am, peaking at 2:42am, and ending at 4:53am MST) We are really being called forth to shine. The Universe does not want us to hide away or play small anymore. We are coming into a huge season, with eclipses, and alignments, and the age of Aquarius happening on Winter Solstice. If we were ever being tumbled through a wormhole, to come into a new era, that time is now. We are being shaken up, to see where we land. What can you make of your life? How big are you willing to shine? How willing are you to be fully seen? Our darkness can be keys to unlocking the light. Our darkness can be pathways to guide the light. Working with you darkness is always going to be more beneficial than fighting it. We are in this gateway of transformation whether we like it or not, so we would be smart to make the most of it. Create from your pain. Use your emotions to your advantage. Sad songs are always the most soulful. Whatever it takes to create and express yourself, is what you need to do. We need to truly be at peace with ourselves and be aware of how our choices impact our lives. We need to allow ourselves to transform into the best version that we can be. We all have beautiful talents. Put yourself out there and use yours. Help others. Perform. Create. Exercise. Whatever your talents are, use them. Allow yourself to be seen and make connections. We have nothing to lose. Accept yourself fully and let go of the fears. There is nothing to be scared of. Only greatness to achieve. We have to see how much potential there is for us. One right synchronicity and everything could change. Be confident and believe in yourself. Take care of yourself, and help yourself to learn and grow. Find peace and calm and maintain it as much as possible. We have the intelligence, we have the strategy, we have the creativity to get things moving. Don’t let yourself stop yourself. Keep picking yourself back up and loving yourself. You are doing damn amazing. There is so much around luck, magic, and fortune. The tides truly are changing. This is an opportunity to make something of ourselves. Or you can sit around and do the same things you always do. I know there are magical, amazing things coming! I am going to be prepared and keep doing my part to work towards them. The shifting is happening! Let’s see what the cards say.

Honestly, part of doing the work, actually a huge part of doing the work, is self-care. That means that while it’s good to be driven, you also need to take time to rest. You can chase your dreams, but only so hard! You can’t run on empty. Yes, we do need to do the work, but we can’t force anything. Part of allowing abundance in your life, is trusting that it will come naturally. Take a rest. Give your dreams time to arise. Everything is coming, we just have to be bit more patient. Keep working towards thing, and keep putting yourself out there, but remember that rest is also very important to our growth and well-being. Do not feel guilty for resting. It is perfect with this Full Moon, because this card talks about releasing and letting go. This is a huge key to the secret of manifesting abundance. It’s like, you know when you like a boy, and then you finally decide to let it go and stop liking them, and then they like you? Sometimes you just have to let things go, so what’s meant for you can choose you. To allow room for things to come to you. The Moon is really holding us during this time. I can feel it offering us comfort and support. I love all the stars that surround the Moon… that to me is magic and opportunities. They are all around us! You never know when you stars are going to align. But they won’t do anything, unless you do. So you need to come out of the cave. You need to stop hiding and playing small. You need to see your worth and your value. You need to see how talented you are, and how much your talent is appreciated and needed. Expression is a theme of the Full Moon tonight. Share your thoughts, wisdom and expertise with those who need it. Converse and expand your mind. Converse with the Universe and expand your soul. If you understood how deeply connected you are, how special you are, how important you are… you would never hide away. We all have beautiful talents, longing to be seen and appreciated. Only you can be you. It’s so much more important than you think. Using your talents could be life-changing. You will discover your message and purpose. We need you in this World and we need what you have to offer. You can, and will, change somebody’s life. People have paved the way for our evolution, and we need to do the same for the next generations. What do we leave them with, if we are all hiding away in fear? We have to decide what happens next. We need to speak, and we need to be heard. Breath of the Cosmos reiterates that we need to take a break and stop trying to force things to go our way. It’s just not going to work. We can’t resist the flow, or we create resistance. Allow the Universe to move you. Allow the Universe to show you your talents. Stop trying to control everything. Breathe the breath of life instead. We are almost at the Portal. Look at this card. I can’t even believe it’s beauty. Doors are opening and rewards are coming. Are you going to be deserving? Are you going to be ready to receive? Are you going to be able to do the hard work that comes along with it? Your thoughts are so powerful right now, so make sure your mind is right. The mind is also a theme of the Full Moon. Planets are aligning, the card says, and we have the Grand Conjunction coming up on Winter Solstice. So much synchronicity. Your hard work will be rewarded. All the care you give yourself will be appreciated. Everything you have done and gone through will be worth it. You can achieve so much!! So start making your way there. Great leaps and advancements can be made. I don’t know about you, but I’m sure curious and would love to cross through that Portal! Use this moment in time wisely. Set yourself up for success. Don’t lose focus. Work hard and be a good person who does good things. Things are in Full Bloom, and we are going to reap our harvest very soon. Effortless change is possible! Now is the time for changes. What would you most like to experience? What can you do to start making your way to learns that? Who do you see yourself as when you arrive at the Portal? Get ready for magic and abundance as we make our way to the other side. Stay in your magic this week and keep putting yourself out there, doing good things! Have a beautiful week!!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 29, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Merlinite, Specularite, and Pyrite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Merlinite – A stone of duality. Attracts good luck and powerful magic. Puts you in touch with the darker parts of yourself that you have buried deep down in your subconscious. Allows access to shamanic and spirit realms. Improves intuition and communication with higher realms. Brings self-awareness and positive life transformations. Brings peace.

Specularite – Gounding, yet has a high vibration. It helps us identify our talents and put them to best use. Dissolves negativity. Balances the meridians and Yin/Yang energy. Assists mental functioning, memory and development. Calms the mind and brings inner peace. Boosts confidence and self worth.

Pyrite – Enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding. Brings energies of good luck or good fortune.

We have a beautiful Full Moon shining on us right now, and a partial Lunar Eclipse happening through the night. (Starting at 12:32am, peaking at 2:42am, and ending at 4:53am MST) We are really being called forth to shine. The Universe does not want us to hide away or play small anymore. We are coming into a huge season, with eclipses, and alignments, and the age of Aquarius happening on Winter Solstice. If we were ever being tumbled through a wormhole, to come into a new era, that time is now. We are being shaken up, to see where we land. What can you make of your life? How big are you willing to shine? How willing are you to be fully seen? Our darkness can be keys to unlocking the light. Our darkness can be pathways to guide the light. Working with you darkness is always going to be more beneficial than fighting it. We are in this gateway of transformation whether we like it or not, so we would be smart to make the most of it. Create from your pain. Use your emotions to your advantage. Sad songs are always the most soulful. Whatever it takes to create and express yourself, is what you need to do. We need to truly be at peace with ourselves and be aware of how our choices impact our lives. We need to allow ourselves to transform into the best version that we can be. We all have beautiful talents. Put yourself out there and use yours. Help others. Perform. Create. Exercise. Whatever your talents are, use them. Allow yourself to be seen and make connections. We have nothing to lose. Accept yourself fully and let go of the fears. There is nothing to be scared of. Only greatness to achieve. We have to see how much potential there is for us. One right synchronicity and everything could change. Be confident and believe in yourself. Take care of yourself, and help yourself to learn and grow. Find peace and calm and maintain it as much as possible. We have the intelligence, we have the strategy, we have the creativity to get things moving. Don’t let yourself stop yourself. Keep picking yourself back up and loving yourself. You are doing damn amazing. There is so much around luck, magic, and fortune. The tides truly are changing. This is an opportunity to make something of ourselves. Or you can sit around and do the same things you always do. I know there are magical, amazing things coming! I am going to be prepared and keep doing my part to work towards them. The shifting is happening! Let’s see what the cards say.

Honestly, part of doing the work, actually a huge part of doing the work, is self-care. That means that while it’s good to be driven, you also need to take time to rest. You can chase your dreams, but only so hard! You can’t run on empty. Yes, we do need to do the work, but we can’t force anything. Part of allowing abundance in your life, is trusting that it will come naturally. Take a rest. Give your dreams time to arise. Everything is coming, we just have to be bit more patient. Keep working towards thing, and keep putting yourself out there, but remember that rest is also very important to our growth and well-being. Do not feel guilty for resting. It is perfect with this Full Moon, because this card talks about releasing and letting go. This is a huge key to the secret of manifesting abundance. It’s like, you know when you like a boy, and then you finally decide to let it go and stop liking them, and then they like you? Sometimes you just have to let things go, so what’s meant for you can choose you. To allow room for things to come to you. The Moon is really holding us during this time. I can feel it offering us comfort and support. I love all the stars that surround the Moon… that to me is magic and opportunities. They are all around us! You never know when you stars are going to align. But they won’t do anything, unless you do. So you need to come out of the cave. You need to stop hiding and playing small. You need to see your worth and your value. You need to see how talented you are, and how much your talent is appreciated and needed. Expression is a theme of the Full Moon tonight. Share your thoughts, wisdom and expertise with those who need it. Converse and expand your mind. Converse with the Universe and expand your soul. If you understood how deeply connected you are, how special you are, how important you are… you would never hide away. We all have beautiful talents, longing to be seen and appreciated. Only you can be you. It’s so much more important than you think. Using your talents could be life-changing. You will discover your message and purpose. We need you in this World and we need what you have to offer. You can, and will, change somebody’s life. People have paved the way for our evolution, and we need to do the same for the next generations. What do we leave them with, if we are all hiding away in fear? We have to decide what happens next. We need to speak, and we need to be heard. Breath of the Cosmos reiterates that we need to take a break and stop trying to force things to go our way. It’s just not going to work. We can’t resist the flow, or we create resistance. Allow the Universe to move you. Allow the Universe to show you your talents. Stop trying to control everything. Breathe the breath of life instead. We are almost at the Portal. Look at this card. I can’t even believe it’s beauty. Doors are opening and rewards are coming. Are you going to be deserving? Are you going to be ready to receive? Are you going to be able to do the hard work that comes along with it? Your thoughts are so powerful right now, so make sure your mind is right. The mind is also a theme of the Full Moon. Planets are aligning, the card says, and we have the Grand Conjunction coming up on Winter Solstice. So much synchronicity. Your hard work will be rewarded. All the care you give yourself will be appreciated. Everything you have done and gone through will be worth it. You can achieve so much!! So start making your way there. Great leaps and advancements can be made. I don’t know about you, but I’m sure curious and would love to cross through that Portal! Use this moment in time wisely. Set yourself up for success. Don’t lose focus. Work hard and be a good person who does good things. Things are in Full Bloom, and we are going to reap our harvest very soon. Effortless change is possible! Now is the time for changes. What would you most like to experience? What can you do to start making your way to learns that? Who do you see yourself as when you arrive at the Portal? Get ready for magic and abundance as we make our way to the other side. Stay in your magic this week and keep putting yourself out there, doing good things! Have a beautiful week!!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Full Beaver Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse in Gemini – November 30, 2020

We have some big energies upon us, with a Full Moon in Gemini, with a partial Lunar Eclipse coming on Monday! Gemini is airy and logical and has themes of the mind and communication. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that we’ve had an eclipse in the sign of Gemini. The Moon is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, and is connected to Venus opposite Uranus by two quincunx aspects. This can create tension and anxiety. Tension forces us to rethink our strategy. This energy can affect relationships and money… and how they do so depends on how you are adapting and working with the energies and opportunities present in your life. Where is your mindset? Are you stuck in negativity? Are you neglecting yourself or your inspirations? Or are you ready to overcome fears and obstacles and chase your dreams? If you can have patience and take the long way around, if you can make the hard choices, you can make your way to the life you dream of. We are going to need to be flexible and adapt, as things shift and change. We need to work with the changes and stay positive. That is why we are going to do the work now to clear away any baggage (physical, mental, and emotional) that we have accumulated, so that we can use this energy to our best advantage!

This is why I have created something NEW to support you through the Moon phases! I have developed a Moon Magic Worksheet, so you can make the most out of working with the energy of this Full Moon!

The Moon Magic Worksheet includes tons of information about what relates to this Full Moon, and helps guide you to work with the energy.

For only $5 (Canadian) you can get your copy of the Moon Magic Worksheet! Please email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com if you are interested!

Have a magical Full Moon Eclipse! 🌕🙏✨

#FullMoon #Eclipse #Moon #Gemini #LunarEclipse #November #MoonMagic #Magic #Worksheet #LetGo #Nature #Cycles #Release #New #Changes #Adapt #Shift #Flow #Positivity #SelfLove #Power #Affirmations #Energy #Monday #ThankYou #Gratitude #Grateful #Empower #SelfCare

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 22, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Dragon’s Blood, Larvikite, and Yellow Feather Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Dragon’s Blood – Manifestation tool for financial abundance and personal happiness. Helps us to feel more positive and optimistic about the future, especially when suffering from grief and sadness. It urges us to step into our personal power and be bold. Helps stimulate creativity and achieve goals. Provides strength, courage, and purpose to help face difficulties and to heal repressed emotional issues.

Larvikite – A wise and protective stone. Repels all forms of negativity. Cleanses old energy, including karma and past lives. Helps us process the past and release trauma and pain. Gives the gift of self-confidence, self-reliance and resiliency. Strengthens intellectual ability and sharpens psychic powers. Enhances vitality and youthfulness.

Yellow Feather Jasper – Stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra. Amplifies self-confidence, courage and empowerment. Facilitates the release of toxins. Provides protection during Spiritual work. Wind, faith, lightness, mobility, air, flight, joy, contemplation.

I couldn’t help but notice it’s November 22. Number sign 1122 means to trust that life is unfolding in a way that is right for you. You might feel uncertain, but you are not alone. Safely forge ahead at your own pace. You are on the right track and everything is going to be alright. Focus on positive thoughts toward solutions. Your thoughts are the blueprints of your life. Have faith in the Creator’s plan. Concentrate on finding and understanding your purpose in this world. This is a chance for a new beginning. You can move on from the mistakes of the past and build a new life. Keep working towards your dreams. Anything is possible.

This is why I love crystals. I didn’t research the crystals at the store, I just grabbed these ones, and they are so perfect. The Dragon’s Blood is all about personal power, and that has been a huge theme for us! Have you been following through on your intentions? I know for me personally, the process is slow-going, but I have been making progress. I touched my new Calcite crystal when I was choosing crystals, and it felt like it was “almost ready”, maybe it will be next week’s crystal, but it had an explosive change of positive energy. Things are happening, even if we can’t see the whole picture right now. I feel like we are very close to seeing some real results. Connections are forming, here on 3D Earth and also in the Spiritual Etheric Realm. Dreams have been very intense lately! Things are going to be shifting for the better, very soon. Things have been hard, there’s no denying that… and not just for some of us… we are literally ALL going through it. We’ve had to face a lot of issues and go through a lot of challenges. We may be experiencing grief or sadness over a number of things, in any area of your life. These ups and downs, these challenges, are a normal part of life. The stronger you become, the easier it will be to handle any challenge that arises. Think about a powerful CEO. They deal with challenges all day every day. When something arises, they take care of it and handle it. They get it done and off their plate. They work hard, and they don’t complain about every hurdle, because hurdles are not only normal, they are necessary. We are becoming conditioned for greatness… you must not hide yourself away. You must find your gifts, how you can contribute to the world, and share that with authenticity. It makes me unbelievably proud to see people that I’ve done readings or healings for, changing their lives and spreading positivity. It truly is magic when we realize that the only person standing in the way of our happiness is our own selves. When we take responsibility for our own happiness, we can be happy! That is the only thing holding you back from putting yourself out there… worrying what so-and-so might think of you… but this is energy from the past that you need to let go of. You don’t need to feel bound to the past anymore. You’ve paid your dues. You’ve proven yourself and the choices you’re willing to make. Your karmic debt is paid, and we are preparing for life to vault us forward. Who cares what anyone thinks of you anymore. Those people don’t even know you now. We don’t need to carry around guilt or shame anymore. We get to be free and new. It doesn’t matter who wants to be negative, because that energy is on them. We have Spirit on our side! That’s all that matters. Everything we have been through has shaped who we are today, and that is a beautiful thing. You are incredibly resilient, and can achieve any goal you set your mind to. You have the energy, vitality and intellect to overcome anything. This is exactly why you are deserving of all these great gifts. The Larvikite is getting rid of any negativity that may be in your energy, or that anyone has projected on you. It is going to protect you as you move forward. Have confidence in yourself and your gifts. Again, the Yellow Feather Jasper is about confidence, personal power, freedom and happiness. It empowers us to change what isn’t serving us. The lightness of the wind and air in the feather Jasper tells me things are swirling, shifting and changing. Each leaf that falls might not be noticed, but when they are all gone, there will be nothing left to hide. We have to be ready because our time is coming… We are going to have to bare it all. Be ready, and do it with confidence. When in life were you most happy or most confident, and why? How can you live like that again? Or think about life in reverse. Imagine yourself as a senior… what are you most proud of? What did you accomplish? What gifts did you share? How did you impact the world and those around you? Think about the person you would’ve wanted to be, and be that person today. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

The By The Book and the Yang Card came flying out, and I wasn’t going to keep them, but they felt as part of the reading. The By The Book Card tells us that we don’t need to do things by the book. Just because other people think your life should look a certain way, does not mean that it needs to. This also means, we have no right to tell anyone else how to live their life. This card tells us that if we keep putting in the work, we will make our way to success. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to be successful, simply follow in the footsteps of others who have done it before you. Learn from other structures that work. Don’t be impatient. Put the work in and trust the rewards are coming. This is the time to create and put our energy out there. We had the Yin Card previously, and now we have Yang. We are preparing for a big moment. We need to be confident, take action, and make things happen. We are manifesting our thoughts and ideas into form. This is a sign that we have overcome the obstacles and we are now ready. I couldn’t help but notice they were cards 11 and 1. We do have a Deep Knowing of where we are going. I was just chatting on Facebook last week about Owl sightings, then saw another beautiful Owl, so it’s no surprise to see him in this reading. We are so much wiser now. We are intelligent and creative. Our intuition is strong as ever. We are seeing things from all sides, and navigating our journey naturally. Keep opening the door wider and wider. This Deep Knowing card is about encountering people on our path in life that are meant to be. Destiny is occurring, especially in our connections to others and the Spirit world. Follow your inner knowing, and take the risks when you feel guided to. This week is about singing a song only you can sing. It’s about finding what’s right for you, what works for you, what resonates for you. Our inner light is begging to shine. Please don’t let it be dulled by the negativity of others. Now is the time to let the world know who you are. There is so much magic to be experienced. You do not have to meet anyone’s expectations. Don’t get caught up in what is right for others, focus on what is right for you. Living your dreams is all you need to do. Claiming your true, inherent power, is all you need to do. Expressing your full self, no matter who feels fearful. You are created by the same power that creates lightning. Do you see how powerful your potential is? You have the choice in life to harness your power, or not. What you do with your life is up to you. Are you going to let the storm make you feel fearful and scared? Or are you going to enjoy the show? Get prepared, because your act is coming soon! Have a wonderful week!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 15, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rhodochrosite, Pink Opal, and Rhodonite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Rhodonite – A sister stone to Rhodochrosite. Clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. It eases doubts about personal abilities and helps in achieving one’s highest potential. It builds confidence and alleviates confusion. It calms the heart and soothes the mind. Focuses one’s gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. A stone of purpose, cooperation, community, and generosity of spirit. Brings one back to centre during stressful times. Gently releases self-destructive tendencies and festering resentments. Providing a wake-up call to do something positive about things.

The message this week definitely resonates with the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio that we just had! It’s all about balancing and clearing our emotions, having confidence and boldly moving forwards, using our gifts and talents for the betterment of all (especially ourselves). We are seeing things so much more clearly. No longer are we taking a blind eye. The things that once bothered us… the things we thought we would never get over… we are starting to overcome. There will always be challenging days, but things are getting easier! We are starting to see how far we’ve come. The joy is returning, as the Rainbow showed us last week. We truly are healing our subconscious pain. We are facing fears, putting ourselves out there, and making changes in our lives. My spouse always complains about social media… but to me, it truly is what you make of it. My feed is filled with amazing healers and like minded souls, and I feel so much inspiration and a sense of community here. I learn from all of you, and there is a TON of great resources. It’s means so much to be able to share my gifts and help anyone that I can. That’s what this week is about. It’s time to get real with yourself. Are you going to keep dragging your feet and complaining? Or are you going to pick yourself up and start focusing on the positives of life? You are living right now, and that in itself is a miracle. You are here for a reason. What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Do you want to leave behind a Facebook feed of bitching and complaining? Or do you want to leave the World with inspiration and beauty? It’s not up to the Internet… it’s up to you. It’s a choice you make every day. If you are in a habit of thinking negatively, you have to do everything you can to change those thought patterns. Ask yourself when you have those thoughts, are they really true? And are they serving me? Chances are probably not, and probably not. What positive things can you focus on now? What are your gifts? How can you give, and help the people around you? In person, or online! These times have been so stressful and exhausting.. and it’s made me think a lot about how we need to get back to a community way of life. We need to get back to living a more honest and trust worthy way of life. One where we can really rely on all the people around us. It starts with each one of us… working as hard as we can to let go of our own toxic traits and unhealthy belief systems. I see people changing everyday. More and more, I see people caring… I see people believing… I see people truly loving themselves. The more of us that can do this, the more we can change our whole world and way of life. If you are struggling in your life, this is your wake up call. YOU have to make better choices to improve your life. Nobody else can do this for you. It’s interesting because I’ve had the Rhodonite for a long time, but I can’t find any evidence that I have ever used it in a reading before! Give your soul what it needs to heal. Give your soul the love it deserves. Spread that love to others. Let’s spread the love to the whole world. We can do it, together. Let’s see what the cards say!

Mintakan is the very last card in the deck. I always find that to be an auspicious sign. It’s like, we are looking back on our past, longing for the ways things were, or the way they could’ve been, or should’ve been. We long for a time, that isn’t this present time. We long for a place, that isn’t where we are. The thing is… if we wait to feel like we truly “belong”… we might wait forever. Look around you. The place where you are, is actually pretty beautiful. There are many reasons to feel joy and happiness in this space. You create your life, make sure you are creating in a way that feels joyful to you. Make sure you are noticing the beauty and focusing on what’s positive. I was watching The Leo King, and he was talking about going to an astrology conference, and he said, “If you want to be into astrology, just show up and go be that person”. Whatever you want to do, whoever you want to be, just do it! I’m sure some people find new age spirituality to be overwhelming at first, but the more you notice, the more you pay attention, the more things just make sense. It’s a natural growth and learning process. Maybe more of a remembering. I think we all have this internal crisis of feeling like we don’t belong, and that’s a major lesson in life. Can you take responsibility for your life? Can you take your power back and create a life you love? How much abundance and happiness and joy and beauty and wonder can you create for yourself? The bar will just keep getting raised, and it’s such a beautiful thing. There is so much lately about personal power, and taking our power back, using it to our full advantage. We have the power to create the lives we desire, and deserve. Krishna is recognizing our devotion to our Spirit. He reminds us that we can trust in this guidance. We can believe in the beauty and the magic. We can trust in Spirit and the Divine plan. You will be recognized for the hard work you put into changing your life. You are loved by the Universe unconditionally, and you are special. Please see yourself as so. He wears a Peacock Feather, which reminds us to be proud of who we are, and to show our true beauty. Krishna is about choosing love over fear. We will be rewarded when we overcome what scares us. Our worst limitations arise in our own minds, and if we can overcome that, we unlock unlimited potential. It may feel as if you’ve been on a battle field, but Krishna brings us sweet messages of hope. Make the best decisions to honour your life. Trust in your connection to Spirit, because we are all being led on a path of enlightenment to share our gifts and wisdom. The Shekinah Card is our Sacred Self, she is the female voice of Spirit who is here to bring about equality, reminding us that God’s image is not only masculine. We are here to make change, use our voices, and change the world. We are here to unite all of our hearts. This is also about just enjoying life. Bringing joy back into your days. We are here to enjoy life and be happy. We should celebrate our lives and how lucky we are. If you are struggling, you need to channel your emotions into something positive. We do have work to do here on this Earth, but we don’t need to put so much pressure on ourselves. We have to channel our passions and voices in positive ways. We all have to work to make this world more peaceful. Don’t be so hard on yourself.. in fact, go very easy. Things don’t have to be so challenging, and it starts with your perspective. Let it go, and relax. Be guided by your soul with ease and joy. Have a lovely week!

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Super New Moon in Scorpio – November 14, 2020

There might be a lot of crappy things happening in the world right now, but the astrology reminds us that the troubles of today will pass eventually. We need to respond with grace and faith, and keep a positive outlook! 🌈🌞

This is the 3rd and final super new moon of 2020. It’s really so simple… I mean, all we can do is keep doing what we are doing. Moving forward and staying positive. On the other hand, it’s so much more emotional, complicated, and deeper than that… which is a sure sign of Mercury and the Moon in Scorpio. ♏️ Allow this new moon to show you through this time of transformation. 🌑🔥✨

Mars just went direct in Aries, which has lasting positive effects. We are ready to move forward with power and determination.💪Jupiter and Pluto are forming their 3rd and final conjunction. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. We have learned how to adjust to changing conditions, and we understand more fully how to work with the awareness we have gained.🙌 Mercury is direct is Scorpio, making us better at expressing our emotions.👫

Deep faith is found in the darkness. If you face your fears, you will receive boundless rewards. This new moon is an emotional fresh start, and we are ready to move forward. We are going to rise, like a Phoenix from the ashes…🔥 How do you see yourself? Who do you aspire to be?

I highly recommend writing intentions and specific goals on this new moon! 🖊

Wishing you a beautiful new moon! Stay safe ❤️

#ScorpioSeason #Scorpio #NewMoon #SuperMoon #Astrology #Jupiter #Pluto #Mercury #Mars #Aries #Phoenix #Surrender #Transform #Rise #Emotional #Success #FaceFears #Challenges #Obstacles #Overcome #Strength #Wisdom #Growth #Rebirth #NewLife #Purpose #Opportunities #Positivity #Light #Faith

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 9, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Citrine, Bumble Bee Jasper and Angel Phantom Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Citrine – Cleanses and rejuvenates your Spirit. Assists with self-improvement and self-healing. Increases energy and motivation. Encourages a fresh start. Holds the energy of the sun, and helps you feel cheerful.

Bumble Bee Jasper – Clears sacral and solar plexus chakras. Increases manifestation and opportunities. Growth in personal power. Inspiration and creative energy. Try new things and have persistence. A stone of adventure. Quick thinking, decision making, and inner knowing. Enables acceptance of change. Eases stress and worry. Positive disposition. Increases self-esteem. Finding beauty in endings.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration, assisting you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self, to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

The energy has been very up and down for me. I have been feeling so inspired creatively, but seem to lack the time and energy to work on anything. I have enough things to do, that I don’t spend enough time doing! I’ve been struggling a bit to balance all the plates and try to remember where my focus truly is. The awesome thing, is that these crystals make me feel like everything is going to be ok. That is the message I’ve been receiving over the weekend too… Every message I saw reminded me to relax and that things will be ok. The Citrine is absolutely stripping us of the people we used to be. I feel like it’s shaking me up, getting me dressed, and taking me out for a night on the town, lol. It’s reminding us of all the joy that still exists… that we don’t have to take everything so seriously. It encourages us to start fresh, with new, vigorous energy. Imagine that your stomach has a sun inside of it. What does that sun look like? Is it burning bright? Let your personal power be recharged, and feel cheerful about life again. Our Solar Plexus Chakra is the stomach Chakra, and the Bumble Bee Jasper is coming in to clear any stuck energy. We have such an amazing ability to manifest everything we desire, are you seeing all the opportunities and possibilities? This crystal again, is about growing in who we are, in what we love, and in what we create in this world. Our creativity is heightened, how can you use that to your advantage? Maybe you can meet people through a hobby, or start a small business. All it takes is that one connection and everything can change. I used the Bumble Bee Jasper 2 weeks ago, so it really wants us to get out there, try new things, and have some adventure. We need to ease our stress and worry, and stop taking life so seriously. Have a positive self-esteem, love yourself, and feel good about your life. Find beauty in the things that are changing. We can’t feel bad about the past. We’ve done all we could… we did the best we can with what we knew. There is no point beating ourselves up over those mistakes anymore. We have to break free from the past. It’s over… it’s so far gone… yet still we dwell and worry. It’s time to move forward in new ways. Look at all the Divine reasons why things went like this. Maybe it taught you humility, honesty, compassion. There is always a reason for what we go through, and we are meant to experience all the things we do. The thing is… we can’t stay there forever. Things are always changing and evolving, so it’s natural for people and things to change in your life too. We are learning that the only person we have to rely on for a good life, is ourselves. We get to choose our energy and disposition. The Angel Phantom Quartz is connecting you to your higher self, so you can receive the Divine guidance and clarity you require to move forward. Just keep going… and try to be happy about it. Let’s see what the cards say!

The first thing I felt from the Yin card was a loving energy being washed into our lives. Look at the beautiful pink colors and flower petals, and the fountain flowing abundantly. We are being Divinely guided and protected by the Angels and our loved ones. They watch down upon us from the Heavens. Yin is the card number 2, and tells me this week has a lot to do with love, romance and partnerships. This card is about receptivity… being graceful as we await what is coming to us, and also being ready to accept it when it appears. This is about consciously allowing things to flow to you. Remember, you must make space for miracles to appear, so when things are changing, it’s usually a blessing in disguise. This is about not having to force your way through life, but only having to be your true self and seeing the bounty of your authenticity. Let the Universe have it’s way with you. By letting go of control, you allow the Universe to shift things into place for you. You can’t always be the giver… you can’t always lead, always give, always teach. You must also be the student, the open vessel. The one who receives the gift, gesture, or offer in equal measure. Be yourself, and let people come to you. Open up, without demand or expectation. Blessings are on the way. Spirit is showing us again, right now. Rainbows symbolize good luck, abundance, and a bridge to Heaven. We do have what it takes to have everything we ever wanted. If we are honest with ourselves, how much of that do we already have? Appreciate all the blessings in your life, and graciously await all the beautiful blessings to come. This card reminds us that we don’t need to worry. The storm has passed and the beautiful weather is coming. Even though it has been difficult, appreciate all the lessons and purposeful was in what you have endured. It might be hard to understand why we’ve had to go through these things, but have trust and faith in their Divine purpose. Bless your painful experiences and let them go. Rewards are coming for you, be ready to receive them, and don’t feel guilty about it. I find it interesting that the Yin Card looks like an Angelic Heaven, which is bridged by the Rainbow Card to the Tracker Card, which is all about our Earthly pathways. The Tracker Card wants you to focus your energy on the things that make you feel good and creative. If something doesn’t feel good, it’s time to evaluate it’s place on your path. This is about letting go of the past, so we can be carried clearly forward without being side tracked. We have things to do and places to go. Remember what’s truly important to you, and what your truth is. Where your focus goes, energy flows, so make sure you are focused on positivity and abundance! When you direct your thoughts towards good things, it attracts wonderful people and opportunities into your life. Stop focusing on everything that’s challenging you! Concentrate on what you desire. The rest will fall away. I find it funny that I was saying how I’ve been all over the place, and the Tracker Card shows up. Find ways to free up your schedule to include more creativity and joy, and be happy! Have a wonderful week!!

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Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 1, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Orange Calcite, Garnet, and Goldstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Orange Calcite – Energizing and cleansing. Helping mentally, it relieves emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, traumas, harmful thoughts, etc. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Restores mental and emotional equilibrium. Enhances creativity. Helps you take back control of your life. Brings optimism and joy.

Garnet – A stone of regeneration and energizing. Boosts and revitalizes energy. A protective stone. Excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one’s dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. Builds one’s self-confidence, inspiration, and creativity. Considered a stone of increasing commitment, honesty, hope, and faith. It is a stone of positive thoughts which is said to dispel and relieve depression.

Goldstone – Helps with attaining goals. Helps one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can deflect unwanted energies, making it a protection stone. It is used to revitalize one’s energy field. It allows the flow of energy between the spiritual and physical realms. This stone brings good luck and attracts abundance. It enhances confidence. This stone is a great stone that exhibits positive energy. It makes the person creative so that he may improve his life and get it on track. It makes the person happy by inducing positive and happy thoughts.

There has been so much going on lately, and so much energy. I think we have all been feeling it. People have been suffering and breaking down, and experiencing fears of all kinds. What I’ve also seen, is people being resilient, and taking back their power and their joy. I pulled some cards on the Full Moon yesterday, and it was all about reclaiming our power, and claiming our abundance from the Universe. You are the only one who can change things. You have all the power. Are you going to step forward and claim it? Are you going to stand fully in it? The choice is yours. The readings have been telling us, that there is so much beauty and abundance that awaits us. All we have to do is follow our hearts. The Full Moon was a huge releasing point, and over the next couple weeks we will continue to let things go. We have some house cleaning to do, not only in our physical home, but our body, mind and soul. Taking care of ourselves will give us the boost in energy we need. The crystals are going to help us let go of negative feelings, depression, trauma, and fear. We need to take back balance in our lives. We have creative endeavours and goals to pursue in this life, and freeing ourselves from self-imposed limitations is going to be key. How can you change anything, if you are unwilling to change how you look at a situation? What can you do differently this time? You can choose to see your life through a lens of happiness and joy. What can you do today, that brings you true joy? We are very protected by Spirit. We know it and feel everyday. Trusting in that, we can also trust that everything we need will find a way, and that the Universe is always working in our favour. Your dreams can come true, and if you keep working towards them, you will get there. We need to fully commit to life, and trust that the winds of time will carry us where we need to be. We need to use our talents we have been given to shine. Make a commitment to yourself, to believe in your future. You are worthy of amazing prosperity and abundance. Say it over and over again, until you believe it. The more you can focus on the positive, the less energy the negativity gets. We have goals we are going to attain, we just have to stay calm and put the work in. Trust that Spirits is guiding you and assisting you all the way. Ask Spirit to clear and revitalize your energy. We are all needing a little revitalization this week. Do something that makes you feel alive. Be confident in yourself and what you are putting out there, because there is luck and abundance. Do good things and stay on the right path, and everything will work itself out in amazing ways. Be happy and have happy thoughts!! Let’s see what the cards say for the week!

When I was choosing card decks for this week, I could already feel that the Universe “has our back” (last card is from The Universe Has Your Back deck by Gabrielle Bernstein). The Five of Autumn is representing the worries we have been experiencing. Worrying about our careers and how we are going to work, where we are going to work, how to make a decent wage to go to work… there has been so many struggles this year with our governments and Covid, that affects more than just our ability to work. We have been emotionally challenged more than ever. Our energy has been drained. This card asks you to reach out to others, and especially to Spirit, when you need assistance. Do not be scared to ask for what you need. Most times, if you don’t say something, people will never know… and they want to help. Please share your story and allow yourself to be heard. You deserve support. We have an abundant Earth, and we have so many loving souls ready to share. When you are feeling challenged, ask yourself what you could share? Our World has the potential to be so beautiful, if we could only be generous and share with each other, instead of being driven by fear of lack. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture either. Sharing your time with someone, having a conversation, offering a hand, or even a simple smile. It never hurts to be generous… and in fact, I believe it brings way more positive karma back to you. What good is happiness, if no one else around you is happy? This is how we heal our World and our problems. By choosing love, always, no matter what. By standing up for what’s right. By giving to others and being willing to ask for help and accept it. By choosing shared wealth and happiness instead of individual wealth and happiness. I believe it is possible, some how some way, that our Human civilization can get to this point of shared abundance and peace. Until then, onward we must go, each doing our part to better ourselves and the World around us. Don’t we all just want to be happy? How can you make your World a little happier? Do whatever you can, and have a wonderful week!

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Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html