Full Moon Reading – October 31, 2020

Some cards of inspiration and guidance on this beautiful Full Blue Moon in Taurus! 🌕♉️✨

We are being reminded that the Universe is abundant by nature, and we are just as deserving of prosperity and happiness. We don’t have to do anything special to be loved. Be productive, but there is no need to rush. Take everything in, and appreciate it for what it is. Let yourself enjoy some sweet treats tonight and indulge a bit! We are here on this Earth to experience pleasure, and the Taurus Full Moon is a great time for it. When you treat yourself good, the Universe meets you there and also treats you good. This goes for other people in your life too. It’s about the vibration you put out. What do you want to get back?

The Panther Spirit is so powerful, and begs you to reclaim and stand in your power. Look how adorned she is, and very sacred. There is so much soul in her eyes. Also, did you notice it’s card number 44? A perfect Divine sign that our Angels are with us now. It takes courage to face challenges and to look at ourselves and where we need to change… but now is the time. We are changing wether we like it or not… so you can work with it, or you can create resistance and chaos.

You have to take a risk right now to put yourself out there. You are braver and stronger than you know, and you can overcome anything. You need to trust in this.

Have the courage to be your full self and make the most out of this life! The Universe is waiting for us. The Universe has big plans for us all. It’s time for us to step up to the plate, and claim our divine birthright of abundance, by standing in our full power.

Stand out under the Moon tonight if you can, and feel the Moon’s energy and vibration. Connect and sync your body and energy to it. We are all connected and related in this existence of life.

We are all deserving of love and abundance! Yes, especially you.

Put yourself out there, and never be scared. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. 🌕🙏✨

#FullMoon #Reading #Taurus #BlueMoon #Panther #Spirit #Reclaim #Claim #Power #Universe #BigPlans #Abundance #Energy #Vibration #Love #Productive #Create #Rich #Relaxed #PutYourselfOutThere #Manifest #Create #StandInYourPower #BeYou

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Full Blue Hunter’s Moon in Taurus – October 31, 2020

We have a Full Halloween Blue Moon in Taurus peaking on October 31 at 8:49am MDT here in Alberta, Canada. 🌕♉️ This is a micromoon, which means it’s further from the Earth than usual. This Full Moon is exactly conjunct (beside) Uranus. Uranus is the Planet of breakthroughs and breakdowns, limitlessness, and being an outsider. Uranus seeks to push past limitations.

The energy is rare and powerful. There are definitely some difficult aspects, but the rewards are there for those who work hard. Expect big headlines. We can no longer turn a blind eye to things we’ve been avoiding. Things are going to come to light, and they might shock you. We may be taken by surprise, but if we reflect, we will realize the signs were there all along.

What are we going to do about it now? Your power is held in what you choose each moment. Are we going to let ourselves get pulled into negativity? Or are we going to take the high road? Release the expectations you have of how everything should go. Great things are coming if you are willing to stay positive and put yourself out there to rise to the challenge.

If you aren’t sure where you are at with someone, this Full Moon should bring that clarity. We are getting the information we need to start moving forward on our path. We might not be able to let go of everything today… but over the next month there will definitely be changes and releasing to be done.

Emotions can be heightened, so be aware of how you are feeling. There is good potential for outbursts and relationship issues, so try to find patience as you navigate those challenges. You may need to step away and be alone for a while. We may be feeling unsettled and restless. We also may feel frustrated, sad, and alone.

Make sure you are doing what you can to spin the energy in a positive direction. Find support from like minded friends. Get a reading or healing treatment. Stay proactive and ahead of the issues. When you start feeling anxiety or frustration, try to do something that can turn it around. Go take a hot bath or go workout. We really need to focus on ourselves and keeping ourselves happy.

We are leading the charge to our destiny. You can stay small if you want, but then you might never have a chance to get where you want to be. If you are brave and face your fears for your own betterment, I guarantee you will be on the receiving end of positive surprises and news.

Of course, with this amplified double Full Moon Halloween energy, it is the perfect time to celebrate and connect to the Spirit realm. If we can make death a beautiful thing, there is nothing to be afraid of. Love death so much… love the pain.. and let yourself be reborn. (See my weekly Angel Card for October 25! The Circle of Life card told us to celebrate death and see it as a never-ending cycle to be honoured. I also got the Ceremony card, so we should really celebrate and do some sort of ritual or sign of gratitude).

Stay positive and harness the beautiful, magical, and abundant energy of this Full Moon! Make sure to connect to your Spiritual Self, and thank the Universe for this beautiful gift of life. 🌕🙏✨

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #HuntersMoon #BlueMoon #Taurus #SecondMoon #Ceremony #Celebrate #Gratitude #Energy #Truth #Light #Reality #Power #Choice #Freedom #Revelation #Illumimation #Clarity #Unexpected #Surprises #Manifestation #Release #Balance #Alchemy #Impulsive #Anxious #Spiritual #Guidance

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of October 25, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Smoky Quartz, Bumble Bee Jasper & Shungite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Bumble Bee Jasper – Clears sacral and solar plexus chakras. Increases manifestation and opportunities. Growth in personal power. Inspiration and creative energy. Try new things and have persistence. A stone of adventure. Quick thinking, decision making, and inner knowing. Enables acceptance of change. Eases stress and worry. Positive disposition. Increases self-esteem. Finding beauty in endings.

Shungite – It is an extraordinarily positive stone, and using it may bring you a variety of blessings. This is an amazing stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is one of the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers.

The transition into Scorpio season has been a difficult one for me personally. The energy has been very emotionally challenging. We have to remember that everything we are going through, is shining a light on deeper issues. Anxiety is super high right now. There are a million reasons to worry. As much as we try to brush it off, eventually it gets heavier and heavier. The good news is that we are making our way to a Full Blue Moon on Halloween, and this is going to be a culminating point of beautiful release. As much as we’ve been feeling down, crappy or depressed, I do believe we are going to be experiencing some relief soon. We have to protect ourselves from outside sources of negativity. We have to stay grounded and keep moving forward, no matter how hard things get. We can survive whatever is coming our way, and we do have the ability to transmute negativity into positivity. You can make the best of any situation! We are on the path to reaching our goals and making our wishes come true. I feel like this week, we are going to get over some hurdles of fear, and push ourselves forward. We are going to be reevaluating, what it is that really makes us happy. What do we actually need? More importantly, what do we not need? Do what you can to make improvements in your life and overcome any negative situations that have been plaguing you. We are so strong after all that we have been through. What’s left to hold you back? There really is nothing. When you truly accept that, you can do anything. When you understand your true power and potential, you unlock huge opportunities. Any creative endeavours you have been feeling inspired to pursue, please do it. Stick to it and be persistent. Seek some adventure in your life! If it’s hard to get out of the house, find some opportunities at home! Check out some virtual experiences, find a chat group for like minded people, or just try some new crafts at home! This is a time of change, and we have to accept it and flow with it. We have to let go of stress and worry for our wellbeing, and try to keep a positive outlook. Believe in yourself, and feel all the good things coming for you. See the beauty in what is ending, and allow it to make space for beautiful new energy to come in. The Shungite is extraordinarily positive, and is bringing us blessings and reminding us how blessed we are. We are caring about our health, mentally, physically and emotionally. We are removing toxins and allowing our environment to be a place of healing. We truly do have so many positive dreams and blessings coming our way. Try to remember that when things get tough. It won’t last. It never does. The beauty is coming… it’s already here. Believe it to be true, and see it all around you. Let’s see what the cards say!

With the Full Blue Moon coming up this Saturday, October 31, it is the perfect time to have some kind of ceremony. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, even spending a few minutes under the moon, thanking the Universe and breathing out all things that no longer serve you. Breath is key to the actual experience of Spirit, and creating a ceremony is a vehicle that supports this. Spirit is going to be with us, especially so, on this moon. They want to commune with us. Sometimes we lose sight of our Divine connection, and this is a perfect time to be reconnected. Sacred ceremony is a prayer in action. Try to incorporate some kind of ceremony this Full Moon. When you experiences blocks, negativity and frustrations in life, it’s probably true that you have drifted further away from Spirit. It is important to regain your Spiritual power, which is an important piece to complete wellness. The Circle of Life reminds us, this is just the ebb and flow of life, and the good always returns. Please continue on this journey. All parts of the journey have beauty and grace. Honor all aspects of your life. Please remember that all things are possible. Open yourself up and be ready and willing to receive. The Four Winds are bringing your dreams to fruition. Where we have experienced challenges, things are going to change! A Medicine Wheel would be a great thing to add to your Full Moon Ceremony. The Vulture reminds us that nothing is ever wasted. All of our efforts and emotions serve a purpose to learning our life lessons. Even the worst of experiences have some kind of positive deduction. What seems hideous has it’s own beauty and purpose. Nature sees value in everything that exists. You may not see the beauty in your circumstances now, but some day you will. How can you build with what you have? How can you grow from where you are now? How can you transmute your pain into something that benefits you? Wisdom and understanding will serve you on your journey wherever you go. What is decaying is only changing forms. Support new growth. All that you wish to deny or discard has value and purpose. No pain was ever in vain, and no experience wasted. Use what you have learned to do better and create something better. The alchemy of transformation is a gift from Spirit. Vulture Spirit wants you to know that you embody beauty, and the alchemical transformation of the past is happening already. Hang in there. We are getting through this. You are so loved, and so much beauty is waiting to come out of all of this! Have a beautiful week and a magical Full Moon!!! 🙏🌕✨💫

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of October 18, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Iolite, Blue Calcite and Blue Lace Agate. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Iolite – Helpful for re-discovery of self. Helps with addictions. Enhances curiosity and stimulates vision. Clears your thought processes and strengthen your intuition. Enhances spiritual connections. Helps calm down emotions and still your mind. Helps you understand why things happen the way they do, and why people are the way they are. When you’re going through challenging times, this stone helps you find the best solutions. You will not waste time feeling afraid or uncertain because you know that you have what it takes to overcome your challenges.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

Blue Lace Agate – A stone of confidence and communication. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It is a support crystal for all caregivers, speakers and teachers, calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Helpful if you struggle to express your emotions. It dissolves old blockage patterns and doubt, and permits new methods of self-expression and growth. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Encourages thinking before speaking.

It’s actually my birthday this week, 1021 is a number sign I receive often! 🎂🎁🎉 Unfortunately, the energy around my birthday has always felt tough, and this year feels no different. There is so much going on right now. Not only with Covid, elections, social issues and injustices, etc… there is also the intense New Moon we just had, leading up to a Blue Full Moon on Halloween. There is also a lot going on in the astrology and in the electromagnetic field. There is a lot of crazy energy all over. We really are in a pivotal time right now. Things are shifting and changing. With these changes, we have the opportunity to redefine our lives and who we want to be. Things have been tough, and many people are finding themselves stuck in additive or obsessive behaviours. The Iolite is here to help us clear and relax our minds. You already know the answer to your issues, and you know what you need to do. Remember to handle yourself the best way you can, because that’s all you can do. It might be frustrating and unfair to see someone else handle themselves the way they do, but those life lessons are on them. They won’t be able to turn a blind eye forever, and that’s between them and karma. There is no point of feeling afraid or uncertain now. All we can do is peacefully assert our point of view, and trust that we will be seen and heard, and valued for who we are. We may not be understood today, but someday that could change. The beauty about change, is that there is so much growth. I feel so many of you beautiful souls out there truly transforming into such beautiful, healthy versions of yourself. (My ear was just ringing like crazy!) Try to calm your nerves and anxieties. Trust that everything will work out, and there is no need to stress. We need to keep ourselves healthy, relaxed and stress free… as much as possible during these times. The Blue Lace Agate is here to help us express ourselves. It’s going to help us calm our emotions and communicate more effectively. We deserve loyalty and honesty, in all our friendships and relationships. The Blue Lace Agate is going to help us dissolve any blockages, beliefs or patterns that aren’t serving us. It’s time for new growth and new ways of self-expression. It’s time for us to step fully into our beautiful selves. Into our full power and potential. Keep your inner stability and composure. Show the Universe you are ready to overcome these challenges for good. Let’s see what the cards say!

Time for a Nap card is our sign that we need to be relaxing and restoring ourselves right now. With so much going on, we need to retreat and rest. We need to keep our stress levels down as much as possible. Let the cares of your world go… especially if there are so many things you feel you should be worrying about. Try your best to let them go. Worrying does not help anything, and never will. When you can get into a state of non-worry, one of non-attachment and flow, you actually open yourself up to a whole world of receiving! When you free yourself of expectations; you make space for even better to enter your life. A busy mind can block you from inner wisdom. Allow dreams time to surface, and ideas to flow through you. You don’t have to make plans right now. Just relax, and enjoy your life as it is. Take a nap. Beautiful renewal will take place all by itself. Patience is key right now. Everything will happen it is Divine time. For now, just rest. Break up your busy schedule, and meditate. Let go of any attachment to outcomes. Epiphanies have an amazing way of arising when you aren’t focused on your to-do list. You are a human being. You do not have to go-go-go all the time. It’s time to take a break. All these things going on, is all a part of our evolution and growth. There are things happening behind the scenes, we might not even be aware of. Futures are being rewritten with each change we make. We are healing during this time. This is about healing ourselves of the unhealthy patterns and habits we are addicted to. This is about healing trauma that no longer has to dictate how we feel. Sometimes, things have to break, so they can heal and shift into something different. All we need to do is take the lessons, and let other people deal with their own karma. This is about letting go of old ways of being that no longer serve you. We are gearing up for a huge release on the Halloween Blue Full Moon. This Break The Chain card is also reminding us, that we can’t change other people. All we can do is the work for ourselves. Look at your life and ask yourself how you want it to be? Free up as much energy and space as you can. Now is the time to dream a new future into being. Seek out support if you are needing it. Allow Love is kind of about life being unfair. How and why can things be the way they are sometimes? When we keep faith that the Universe is always looking out for our best interest, and that the things that happen do so for a reason, then we can look at the situation through a lens of love. This card is about understanding that people are just trying their best, and trying to have compassion. Maybe you don’t understand their motivations. It’s ok, and you don’t have to. All you have to do is have compassion for their choices and trust that they are learning what’s meant for them to learn. There are going to be so many things in life that seem unfair. Try to see everything through a lens of love. Also know, it’s ok to be protective of love and insist that it’s genuine, in all your relationships in your life. We are allowing love, not any lower energies! Do the people in your life really want the best for you? Only you truly know. Everything is going to unfold as it needs to, just focus on doing what you can to be a good person and make good choices. Keep moving forward this week, take lots of time to rest and rejuvenate yourself, and allow love in. See you next week for the Full Moon!!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of October 4, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Turritella, Ocean Jasper and Botswana Agate. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Turritella – Deeply connected to the earth and home, to one’s personal roots and ancestry, even the events of one’s past. It is a survival stone, one of strength and protection. Ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing. Protects against danger, alleviates fears, and keeps the connection to loved ones at home. Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. Agate stops the burning desires for things we do not need, and assists those juggling commitments or multiple jobs.

Ocean Jasper – Increases expression of love in words and actions. Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one’s life. Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace. This powerful stone lifts negativity so one can fully appreciate blessings. Encourages a feeling of joy and increases optimism. Enhances your personal power, helping you understand yourself better, have greater self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.

Botswana Agate – A comfort stone, beneficial in overcoming depression, and being strong during grieving. It helps alleviate obsessive thoughts and destructive mental patterns, and assists in overcoming fears, such as agoraphobia and panic attacks. A stone of protection and luck. Helpful for finding partners who are in tune and share their dreams. Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. Encourages security and self-confidence. Encourages you to see the bigger picture in life.

I used the Turritella and Ocean Jasper together back in September 2018, the week of the 23rd. This is an excerpt of what we were going through then:

“Everyday, we are at war with ourselves. Some days are better than others. Some days, there are so many reasons to feel sad and frustrated. Some days we are exhausted. Still, we must forge on, and there is definitely no reason that we need to be miserable and angry. Every single day, we have to remember why we choose to be happy. We have to appreciate all the things we do have. When things get tough, and you want to break down and quit, you have to find a more optimistic perspective. It might not always work, but at least keep trying, and do your best. Surely, you will experience a shift in your reactions and mindset. It doesn’t serve you, in any way, to wallow over the past. Positivity is the way forward. Find the humour, or a way to laugh.. it’s truly the best way to shift your perspective.”

The energy lately has been so intense. Deep shifts are happening within us and are being reflected in our outer world. Feelings that have been bubbling deep down inside, are demanding to come out to be expressed and released. You can only ignore the truth for so long. Truth always eventually comes to the light. If you have been ignoring your own needs, they are going to be screaming out to you now. You are likely feeling irritable and exhausted. You’ve done so much, for so long. I hear you and I see you. We mustn’t allow ourselves to wallow there though. We are strong and we can do all that is required of us. We just have to pace ourselves, and never give up. Yes, we deserve to relax more and have more prosperity, and we have to trust that is coming. For now, we have to keep working with what we have, where we are. It’s going to be much easier to manifest a positive attitude over a lottery win. Which one would serve you better in the long run? We don’t need to long for all the extra things in life. We need to find satisfaction in what we have right here and now. We have what we need, and we don’t need to constantly live in fear. The important thing to look at now is our own thought processes. The pressures we put on ourself. We have to understand that we are the ones who create our own happiness. If you are going to work all your life and not put your foot down for what you deserve, then nothing is going to change. If you are going to allow yourself to struggle and stress endlessly, life is going to be hard. You have to make the changes you need. It might not be easy, but only you understand the needs of your soul, and only you can change the way things are. Brainstorm some ideas of things you can change to create a happier life. What do you love to do? What do you want to do? Write it down. Remind yourself of your goals and inspirations. Find ways to start incorporating those ideas into your life. We need to start living a more relaxed life, which in turn will open us up to receiving more. Appreciate blessings and joy, and be happy. When we are truly happy… when we let go of the fears and worry… we have so much self-confidence and self-worth. When you love yourself, you appreciate yourself and the moments you have here. You want to make the best of it. This is where your power lies. In the choice… in the conscious choosing of being happy and healthy. You can overcome depression and anxiety. Grief can heal. Obsessive thoughts and fears can be soothed. It’s not always going to be easy, and there will be bumps in the road. The more you practice, the easier it will be to continue to heal. We are protected, we are safe, and we are lucky. We are coming into our maturity, and we are composed and ready. Be confident. Create opportunities. See the bigger picture in life, with optimistic positivity. Let’s see what the cards say!

The Harmony card is asking us to create more harmony for ourselves. Music is a great tool when you need to express your emotions or even change how you are feeling. Use music to feel… good, or sad, happy or nostalgic.. whatever you need to feel, there is music that can help you. I find this card especially interesting, as Elf Angels Creations store in Lloydminster, Alberta, had a sound healing last night with Denise Tournier from Energized Mandalas. She played a beautiful crystal harp. The sound was so angelic and powerful. You can watch the video on Elf Angels Creations Page on Facebook where she demonstrates her tools and plays some music. It is fitting to see this card after watching such beautiful sounds. This card is about creating a harmonious life with the people around us. This is about letting life flow through us, and making the best of it. Creating with what we have. This card tells us we are moving into a phase of harmony and balance. The hard part is going to be maintaining those things. There are always going to be bumps in the road. It’s about learning that, even when things get hard, we still have our own harmonious life we can create. When you are feeling down, remember a time when you felt amazing. What can you do to feel more like that today? The Spirit of Fire is this transformation we have been going through. It’s about facing our fears and letting go of the old beliefs and experiences. This is about trying new things. It’s about creating new habits and lifestyles and believing in yourself. You are a thunderbird rising from the ashes, who are you going to be now? How do you appear as you visualize yourself rising from the fire? Make small changes to work towards that vision of yourself. This is about balance. You have to take care of others, but you also have to take care of you. “Fire that burns too brightly, burns out… but a fire that’s left to smoulder, dies.” The Camel is here to remind us of our resiliency. It feels like this journey has been so long and hard. Things can look bleak. If you take time to rest, you can look to your inner resources for satisfaction. You can realize that in this moment, in the now, things are always ok. Use music, meditation, visualizing and dreaming, to create any reality you choose. You can call on the wealth of knowledge you have accumulated to help you overcome anything with courage and determination. What have you got to lose? First, identify where you want to go. Make a list of those dreams and goals, no matter how spectacular they are. Then, proceed slowly towards those goals, making small steps and adjusting as you go. Cast away fears, doubts and hesitations as they arise. Know that all is well and you are protected at all times. Call upon your Spirit Guides and Angels to help you and continue to guide you forward. You have what it takes, and you will get through this! That is why we need to make the most of it… make the best of it.. I feel so many good things are on the way for us. If you keep putting in the work… being a good person… and letting the stress go.. you will live a harmonious life. Keep taking those steps and moving forward!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html