New Moon in Taurus – April 22, 2020

Although the Moon itself is in a positive position for home life and finances, there are many challenging aspects to this Moon. 🌑💫✨ Last month’s Moon cycle was focused around healing. This month, we move into letting go of those fears and wounds for good. We are being forced to look within ourselves and make new choices for our life. We are seeing how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown. We have the power too choose how we flow through life. We get to choose how we react to the events going on in the World. What kind of karma do you want coming back to you? The choice is yours! Not choosing is a choice too. Don’t let negativity pull you under. Remind yourself of the grace and beauty of this World, and be grateful. What are you needing to choose for yourself to be happy and healthy? What type of freedom do you need to live your full truth? The key word for this New Moon is freedom. We have so many restrictions getting to us all. How can we unlock our inner freedom? How can we create freedom right where we are? How can we free ourselves without worrying about the things (and people) we can’t control? What seeds do you want to plant for the future? Now is the time to be making a plan and taking small steps to work towards that. Finding small ways to create more freedom and joy in your life, no matter what is going on around you. Yes, there is a lot of crazy and scary things going on right now. Yes, our lives our changing rapidly… but there is so much beauty in change. As always, the energy is what you make of it! Try to make the best of it and stay positive. If you keep waiting for life to be perfect, happiness will continue to elude you. Find it right now within yourself. Create it for yourself in your daily life. It’s all up to you! You have the power to change your life. Don’t be scared of your power. Use it to conquer your fears and be happy! Life is good, no matter what. ❤️🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #MoonCycles #Taurus #Change #Challenges #Freedom #Choice #Power #Frustrated #Isolated #Isolation #Rebellious #Happy #Happiness #Restriction #Lonliness #Depression #Anxiety #Flexibility #Patience #Health #Desire #Intention #Emotions #Goals #Astrology #April

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Full Pink Super Moon in Libra – April 7, 2020

We are already in the Full Moon energy, which peaks tomorrow evening around 8:35pm (GMT). It is the closest to Earth and largest Moon of the year. This brings in lots of energy around us and can bring up lots of energies from within us. This moon is highlighting changes we need to make in our lives and showing us where we need to heal. The more awareness we can have for our emotional states, the happier we can be! Don’t let your mind run wild with worries, stress and frustration. Find ways to focus on yourself and what you can do to make your life better. What can you do to fill your life with beauty each day? What can you do to make a difference? It doesn’t have to be complicated. Being of service is a wonderful way to live in the moment, help others, and to realize our true purpose. Make sure to treat yourself to lots of self-care to help you get through this time. Get outside the next few nights, take deep breaths, and let it all go to the Universe. Release emotional baggage and cleanse yourself in the Moon’s light. It should be nice and bright, let’s hope for clear skies! 🌕✨💫

Happy Full Moon! 💗🙏🌸

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #SuperMoon #Libra #Balance #Service #Mindfulness #Ego #Now #Healing #Light #Beauty #Collaboration #Cooperation #Success #Compassion #SelfCare #Responsibility

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Astrology – April 2020

Astrology for April 2020 💫🌝🌜🌚🌛✨ We are on a rollercoaster ride of transformation and change. We get put on these crazy paths because we would never feel motivated to change without them. Tough lessons teach us the most about ourself and our life. They teach us things we couldn’t have learned without the life experience. Just when we think we are getting things mastered, there is another lesson of growth to go through. Welcome the challenges with open arms. Show the Universe you are ready and willing to make your life the best it can be, despite whatever circumstances are going on. 🌙✨

#Astrology #April #Venus #Love #Light #Discover #Discovering #Sense #Enlightenment #Lessons #Maturity #Responsibility #Clarity #Communication #Grounding #Needs #Reflection #Tranquility

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