Angel Card Reading – Week of Oct 25, 2015


In a world where we have instant gratification around every corner, our patience gets smaller and smaller. We lose our patience and allow the tiniest things to bother us. When our outlook becomes darker, and you find yourself having trouble staying patient waiting for “better times to come”, we are reminded of the power of prayer, to uplift our spirits and remind us of how much we have to be grateful for right now, in this very moment. By showing gratitude, patience, positivity, and a willingness to try our best to be happy, we send the universe the message that we are ready for all good in our lives. I know I have been struggling this past week.. I find myself losing patience, due to my expectations of others, bringing my thoughts and feelings down. Sometimes, people don’t fulfill our expectations. Most times, it’s not even fair to hold these expectations of them. If you can give the love and compassion you would like to receive, it will come back around. In order to change my mindset, I need to show compassion so that I can receive that compassion in return. I need to show compassion, so that I can keep my own spirit happy, instead of the alternative, being pissed off and miserable and attracting negative energy. Even when people don’t reciprocate, it’s still best to give what you can. The universe sees you giving your best, and you will be rewarded. It is a reward in itself to keep your energy and spirit high. This week is all about raising our own vibrations, through prayer, and showing our patience and compassion. Choosing happiness in this moment, no matter what is going on, is the key to true happiness. 

Pray – Sometimes, we don’t realize how powerful our thoughts and words are. This card reminds you to think positively, because negative thoughts and words can block you from living your purpose and dreams. This is especially true if deep down you believe you don’t deserve what you want, or that achieving it is unrealistic. When you pray, you shift your focus and energy away from what’s not working, and align yourself with God and the Angels. This connects you to your higher self, which knows nothing is impossible. Prayer is an opportunity to lift your vibration higher, to a place of wholeness and healing. The next time your worried, take a few moments to say a prayer and trust you are exactly where your meant to be. 

Patience – This card signals that what you desire isn’t yet ready to emerge in your life. This doesn’t mean it won’t come, it just means not at this current time. While you may feel ready to receive the fulfillment of your wishes, it’s not the right moment. Patience is one of the most important lessons we learn. It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. Be patient with the people and circumstances on your life. The better you get at waiting, the more happiness you’ll have.

Compassion – Treat those around you the way you wish to be treated. How you act affects everyone and everything in your life. This time, show the higher part of yourself. Detach and see the bigger picture. To move forward, you must exude higher energy, because what you give out is what you receive. Check in with yourself to ensure you are treating others with fairness and compassion. 


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels


Angel Card Reading – Week of Oct 18, 2015


It’s my birthday this week, and I was really hoping for a better reading than this! 😳 This weeks reading is telling me that a lot of healing is in order, for all of us. It seems like there may be disagreements in the air, that we are going need to recover from. This is the 3rd week in a row that healer has come up. It is our reminder, that all of us require healing all the time, and that we also are the key to healing, by means of love. To have the best relationship you can with those around you, see the best in them. When you see the best in a person, you are connecting with the pure energy of love. This helps heal you, as well as the other person. Love heals all things, including our fears. I know a lot of people, including myself, struggle with anxiety, depression and other illnesses that are related. This is a result of letting our fear get the best of us. Fear that we aren’t good enough, that our lives aren’t special enough, a fear that we are imperfect, or fall short in some way. When we can look at ourselves, and all that surrounds us (and maybe even scares us) with honest love (seeing the best in everyone and everything) then the fear no longer exists. Take a spider for example. It may terrify you and you may want to rid of it ASAP. But did you ever look at that spider, and realize that she is just like you? That she got up this morning to feed her family and tend to her home. That she is a being equal to you, worthy of love and respect. When you can look at it with this loving equality, it makes it impossible to not understand their purpose or their place. When we truly understand and believe we are capable of anything, nothing can be feared because you know there is nothing to lose. Failures are merely lessons, and there is nothing in this life that we should fear. You have everything to gain by loving life, yourself and those around you. The more love we can give to ourselves and to others is only going to bring more positive things!

Brothers and sisters – sometimes we take stress out on those closest to us. Instead of fighting, take a moment to try to see the best in them. Can you think of a time you felt a lot of love for them? Can you have understanding that we all have bad days and times when we aren’t the most loveable? You can get along better with those around you by thinking and feeling love towards them. The more unlovable someone is, the more they really need it. When people get angry, it’s because they don’t know how to control the stress in their life. Deep down, you all love each other. It doesn’t feel good to stay angry with people, even if they may deserve it. Can you forgive them in the name of peace? Can you be the first one to say “I’m sorry” or “I love you”? This person really needs your love and understanding right now. You have the power to help everyone get along.

Healer – because you are here reading this card reading, I know you guys are out there learning new strategies on how to heal yourselves! This card reminds us again of our power to heal, and to heal others. All we have to do is give our love. Honest, pure, caring love. It is a reminder that by focusing on healing, we are also healing our fears. Love = Healing! 

Love heals fear – people who are angry are really afraid. When someone is being mean or acting like a bully, remember this person is just afraid. If you get angry back, you add to the fear energy. You can heal away anger with your thoughts of love. See the goodness in everyone, including yourself. Especially yourself. No one enjoys being angry. You can help by being kind. Also, be kind to yourself and listen to your inner voice. Love is your best protector, it will keep you strong, no matter what. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels


Angel Card Reading – Week of Oct. 11, 2015

Well, I’m late again folks! So sorry this weeks reading is a couple days late.. With Thanksgiving and travelling to Saskatchewan, and not having a lot of time (and wanting to spend that little time with my family) I decided to do the card reading when I got back home and settled. I debated even doing it at all, but there are still 5 days left in this week… And I’m also glad I did because look at that last card!! This week I feel like we need to release any feelings holding us back, to allow us to truly heal, so we can, in turn, heal and help others. When we can heal, and also give to others, it’s a given that good things will come!! 

Talk about your feelings – you’ve been holding back some feelings and need to let them out. When you talk or write about your feelings, you understand them better. Sometimes you don’t know how you truly feel until you begin talking. It’s not healthy to hold in emotions, especially anger or sadness. Find a trusted person who will listen to you, such as a friend, family member or teacher. Let that person know that you need to talk, and tell them what you need. For instance, if you want them to listen without giving advice, then let them know. If you want them to comfort you, let them know. If you don’t have someone to talk to, or your feelings are too private, then write about them. You can also silently talk to your Angels. They’ll listen with love, help you to feel better, and help you to find answers. 

Healer – after you release those feelings, you will find healing. That person or Angel helped to heal you, and now you can heal others as well. You already know how to heal in many ways, and you’ll learn new ways through books, classes and experiences. Your being asked to trust in your natural healing ability. This doesn’t mean your going around healing everyone like a superhero, being a healer means your open to Divine love coming through you. Seeing love all around you. Passing love on to others. The more faith you have in love, the more powerful your healing abilities become. Ask your Angels to increase your faith and trust. 

Happy Surprise – your in for a treat! Don’t try to guess what will happen, or it wouldn’t be a surprise! Instead, just feel excited and joyous! Happy surprises come in many forms, and you just need to notice them. It might come as a gift, and unexpected kindness, a fresh opportunity, something valuable you find, or some good news! This card also means your dreams are coming true, although they may happen in ways different than you expect. (I know this is true for me!) All of these surprises are gifts of love. Say “Thank You!” and the more gifts you’ll receive! Have faith, because the world really does love to give to you. The world loves it when your happy. 


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels


Angel Card Reading – Week of Oct 3, 2015

I feel like this card reading is telling us all, that we need to keep our thoughts positive and happy. I found it interesting that the card references thinking of happy times, or times that make you smile, as I have been doing this a lot lately. Especially when I listen to music, I find I can really tune into those memories and harness the happy energy, and I do feel happier and more loving all around! Say “YES!” to yourself and your desires, be happy, and in turn, you will heal yourself and you will pass that healing onto others!! 

Happy thoughts – happiness is quite simple actually; it comes from thinking happy thoughts. Can you remember a time in your life when you truly felt happy and free? Think about that memory now, and feel it in your body. The happier you are, even in the face of sadness or adversity, the quicker things will get better in your life. Happiness is a magical energy that attracts pleasant experiences to you, so make sure you are choosing to hold onto only good thoughts! This card also asks you to think happy thoughts about others. You can always choose to see the good or bad in people, including yourself. To have better relationships, focus on the good within yourself and others. This will motivate everyone to act in better ways. When your happy, you lift the mood of everyone around you, which truly brings more happiness to the world. Your happiness helps everyone feel better, and also makes you a healer! What are some happy memories you can think of right now? 

Definitely yes – this card is also about keeping your thoughts positive! It says that what your hoping for will definitely happen, as long as you keep your thoughts positive! Follow your feelings, thoughts, words or visions that tell you to do something. For instance, if you have a feeling to call a friend, do so. Your Angels always guide you to take actions that have a positive and healthy effect on you and others. Set aside doubts and worries, and feel secure that everything is positive. Your desires are going to come true in better-than-expected ways. Imagine your dreams have already come true. You just need to stay filled with faith and hope, and take action when your guided.

Healer – your asked to trust in your power to heal. It isn’t you alone doing the healing work: being a healer means that your open to Divine love coming though – and also through people, animals or situations. You can heal yourself too. The more faith you have in love, the more powerful your healing abilities. Ask your Angels to increase your faith, and they will be happy to do so. 


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels
