Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 28, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Unakite, Shiva and Smoky Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Unakite – Helps you to visualize the things you desire in your life. Helps balance your emotions, bringing you more into alignment spiritually. It will assist you to sleep better, and will also help to relieve stress. It will help any addictive habits that you have had difficulty dealing with, as it helps you to break through the barriers that are keeping you down. It brings serenity and optimism about the future. This is a good stone to use during the difficult situations the world is undergoing right now. If you have been feeling depressed or feeling that you don’t know what the future holds for you, this stone is here to help you. A stone of love, especially self-love.

Shiva – Charges the Chakras and activates kundalini energy. Boosts vitality. Enhances inner transformation. Helps you to break old patterns and open up new pathways. Strengthens and balances the whole body. Helps to feel unity and the duality of both masculine and feminine.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Sorry I missed doing my reading last week! We were visiting family for Easter and my son (who has leukemia) got sick. Things have been a little crazy and busy and hard for me lately. In April, Jupiter and Pluto went retrograde. Tomorrow, Saturn goes retrograde. All this retrograde energy is forcing us to look at how we deal with situations. They make us go back over things we thought we had dealt with. I am from North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. From January to March 2018, they experienced a suicide epidemic, losing 8 people in the community during that time. A video series was recently released, titled “In My Thoughts” and I’m sure that is forcing a lot of people to have to go back over pain and trauma. Suicide is one of the main reasons I do this work today… it brought me to my spirituality. I lost my Uncle to suicide when I was a teenager. It was my first Mediumship Reading I had that opened my eyes to the truth of the Universe. There is no way that woman could’ve known about those private moments when I was alone… There has to be more to life. Not only that… but how could I have taken it for granted for so long? How could I have not cared about myself or my life? This is why I love that more people are open about spirituality. I truly believe it’s the key to our healing and evolution. We are not hamsters meant to tread on a wheel all day.. we are Gods and Goddesses and should treat ourselves as so. Please, do not listen to false beliefs that tell you that you aren’t good enough. You are so much more than you know…. you are amazing, magical and meaningful. You matter so much to the entire story of life. You deserve everything wonderful. We all feel lost sometimes… it’s easy in a world with 7.7 billion people…. but please know there is so much more to this existence, and your life is absolutely significant. There are good things to come… things will get better. The Unakite is reminding us to focus on everything positive.. on everything you are grateful for. Trust the Universe has a plan for you. We have to break out of addictions and old patterns of thinking. We truly are our only enemy… the only thing to fear is yourself. Once you realize there is nothing to fear, and the only thing stopping you is you… the opportunities become limitless. We have to overcome our mind… our programmed patterns of thinking. Imagine yourself revitalized… full of energy.. ready to create, pursue and crush your goals. We are gearing up for manifesting on the new moon next week, so visualize and wish for everything you want to create in your life. Things might seem hard… but you can do it… and it will be worth it. You can reach your goals and they will bring abundance. Find ways that work for you to heal depression and overcome addictions, and see the world from a calm, serene point of view. Thank the Creator for this existence and be grateful. Use your grief as fuel to power your strength, make a difference and grow. Let’s see what the cards say.

We stress and get depressed because we want life to always be perfect. We want to know where we are going, how we are getting there, how long we are gonna be there, and who we are going with. We want all our activities scheduled and executed accordingly. We want to know how things are going to turn out. We want to trust the people we think we can trust. We can be so sure that we are right sometimes…. but change is inevitable. The more you ignore it, the harder Spirit works to shake your life up for you. That’s the beauty of Spirit. It will turn your life upside down and make you question everything you thought you knew. We want to ignore our intuition when it tells us something or someone isn’t right for us. We want to continue doing what society perceives as perfect or right. The truth is… there is so much beauty in the imperfection. There is so much growth in change. Trust that there is more to life, and that there is a plan for you. Trust that things will always work out. Trust and nurture yourself… allow yourself to feel safe. The world can feel scary sometimes… but we only get 1 short life… are we going to spend it in fear? Or would you rather explore? What would it be like to see things beyond what you have seen? What if you go beyond your boundaries and find a whole new world? Maybe even a whole new you? You can stick to who you have always been and what you have always done, but where is the growth in that? How can you accept more if you do not open your heart to more? Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Be the person you want to be, and do what you want to do. We have to face what scares us and be willing to lose it all in order to gain a new way to being. Don’t waste this life, or waste time being scared. Let life crack you open. Live it as freely and fully as you can. Do everything your soul is calling you to do. We can trust in this guidance. There is so much trust and faith being called for now. There is so much opportunity awaiting us to pursue it. Will you answer the call? Will you actually do something? Will you put yourself out there and try? I hope you do… because you are capable, competent and deserving.

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Pink Libra Full Moon – April 19, 2019

A lovely pink full moon coming up on Friday! The 2nd one in Libra, my sun sign! 💗♎️

#Moon #FullMoon #MoonVibes #MoonCycles #Libra #Pink #Rebirth #Blooming #Goals #Desires #Compassion #Luck #Healing #SelfWorth

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 14, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Labradorite, African Turquoise and Inca Jade. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Labradorite – A stone of transformation and magic. Clears, balances and protects the aura. Provides clarity and insight into your destiny. Attracts success. Reduces stress and anxiety. Increases intuition, psychic development, and esoteric wisdom. Helps with subconscious issues, and provides mental illumination.

African Turquoise – A stone of evolution. Encourages growth, development and positive change. Helps to open the mind to new possibilities and ideas. It brings structure, balance and prosperity. This stone awakens the soul to its intended purpose. Helps to ease mood swings, it encourages acceptance, and helps to soothe feelings of aggravation, resulting in a more optimistic attitude towards life.

Inca Jade – Is said to bring forth in humanity the necessary qualities to make the transition to the next level of spiritual evolution. A calming stone, it helps balances nerves. It releases negative thoughts and irritability. Jade recharges energy, and traditionally guards against illness. Jade is excellent for healing feelings of guilt. It helps you to harness your individuality instead of conforming to the crowd. Green Jade is a crystal of love. It is supportive of new love, and increases trustworthiness and fidelity. It improves dysfunctional relationships. Brings insightful dreams, and improves one’s remembering of dreams and releasing suppressed emotions during dream time. It releases self-imposed limitations and helps facilitate one’s ideals and desires. Jade provides confidence, self-assuredness and self-reliance. Green Jade is perfect for keeping a venture on course, a project on schedule, and life on track.

This week feels much more stable. Things have been pretty rocky lately, with plenty of challenges. We will experience much more clarity and assuredness this week. We are realizing how much we are truly transforming. We have grown so much and we are awakening. We are evolving, even when it sometimes it feels hard to see or believe. We must trust in the greatness of humanity… in the Divine perfection of our Universe. Appreciate your individuality… your beauty and creativity. Understand that nobody else can do things the same way you can, and everything you feel inspired to contribute to this world matters. Our minds are lit up right now, with ideas, dreams and goals. Keep putting yourself and your contributions out there, and you will be seen and noticed. Opportunities for success are abundant now, make sure you are pursuing them. Also, pay attention to your dreams and listen to the messages and lessons they offer. This week feels much calmer, our emotions more stable. Seek as many ways to relieve stress as you can. The best way to let go of stress is to keep an optimistic attitude. Always look at the bright side. It doesn’t help to do anything else. Allow yourself to feel rejuvenated and healed. Allow yourself to truly believe in all available possibilities. Most of all, believe in yourself and the true power you hold. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

The Angels are comforting us, and letting us know that all the struggles we have been experiencing are going to be ok. Take the time to quiet your mind, and find the place where you can relax and let go of stress for a minute. Truly trust that everything is going to work out. Allow yourself to be open to receiving, instead of blocking opportunities by closing yourself off with negative stress. Meditation and quiet relaxation will be very helpful this week. We are all deeply connected to Spirits and Angels. They communicate with us all day long, and we can recognize it if we truly take the time to listen. True story: Just this afternoon, I had what felt like an anxiety attack… I lost my sense of time and started to panic that I had missed medicines to give my son. I quickly realized it was the afternoon, and that in fact, everything was just fine. I was like, “Wow, that was really weird… I felt really weird..”. So I walked out to the kitchen and looked at the stove to confirm exactly what time it was, and it was 4:44. The Angels literally couldn’t have communicated to me any clearer, letting me know there was something different that I was experiencing, and then confirming their presence and making me realize that everything was fine. How synchronistic with these cards. I could go on and on about times when I have felt a nudge to do something, or look somewhere, and have seen the message because I took the time to understand it. I also personally believe that we all have these gifts. Some people say, “No, you are gifted and I could never see that or experience that.” I’m certain… the more you listen… the more you “tune in”… the more you notice. I sometimes find comfort in the hard times, because it means that inevitably, good times are bound to be on the way. Give your problems to the Angels so you can experience the quiet and calm that you desire. Ask them for help to let go. One of the easiest ways to let go of worries is to fun and play. When you are able to let go of your worries, having fun becomes even funner. Find ways to incorporate fun into your day, especially into the mundane parts. Also, taking time to play will allow you to return to your responsibilities with a refreshed energy and perspective. We all deserve a little fun sometimes, and we need to make sure we live balanced lives by incorporating fun as often as we work. Recognize how deserving you are, and feed your soul with fun. Allow yourself to take breaks. The Angels are reinforcing the message that there is nothing to worry about. Do not feel guilty for having fun in your life. It’s why we are here. Do you feel more fulfilled doing your mundane tasks, or when you are laughing and doing what you enjoy? Life is about enjoyment. Appreciate the beauty and enjoy your life. It will contribute to your health in many ways. In fact, letting go of worries and increasing time for play and enjoyment is exactly how you combat anxiety. Relax. The Universe truly is working in your favour, on your behalf. The Angels are supporting you and guiding you. All worrying does is attract more things to worry about. Instead, attract more joy and laughter… more pleasure and abundance. Let go of the worries, and walk a new path, one of positive manifestation. Things can’t always be terrible! Remember that happiness and joy are inevitable! Make more opportunities to experience them, and allow yourself to, guilt-free!

Mantra: I allow myself to receive abundance beyond my wildest dreams.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 7, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sardonyx, Zebra Jasper and Snowflake Obsidian. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Sardonyx – A stone of protection and strength. Holds a vibration of happiness, optimism and confidence. Increases stamina, vigor and self-control.

Zebra Jasper – Encourages us to stop considering failure as an option. Holds the energy of balance, uniting masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies. An anti-apathy stone. It allows you to be optimistic, despite life’s stresses and gives you more initiative to tackle those problems. Encourages you to dream and turn those dreams into reality. A grounding stone, allowing you to tune into Mother Earth and find joy in your surroundings.

Snowflake Obsidian – A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease. Volcanic in origin, Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns.

There has been a strong energy of wanting to give up.. Feelings have been surfacing, asking us to examine our thought patterns and emotions. The crystals make me feel like things are complicated, yet simple at the same time. Things are mostly black and white.. but there are some shades of grey we can’t deny. There is always good within the bad, and bad within the good. This week is about embracing the duality of life, in all aspects. Embodying both masculine and feminine qualities. It’s an understanding that choices can be simple.. but feelings and emotions are not. It’s important that you feel and honour the emotions you experience, while having a higher knowing that this experience also serves you in some positive way, with lessons always being learned. No matter how tough things have been for me, the readings all say we are moving into a positive, abundant and joyful time of life. I choose to believe that and expect that. I have to trust that the energy will pass and work itself out. That things aren’t as bad as they seem, even if they feel really horrible at that moment. When you start to feel renewed, you can look forward to this week with optimism and hope. Yes, things might still get stressful at times, but you will be feeling much better and ready to overcome any hurdles. There is so much optimism for life. Look around and enjoy this moment, enjoy the day, enjoy the week. Get as much joy as you can out of it. Appreciate the beauty and wonder that is life. Allow yourself to be happy, whenever you can, as often as possible. The energy of giving up will be replaced this week with increased optimism and enthusiasm. Keep working on the projects that resonate with your soul.. the ones that truly make YOU happy. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

I’m excited to use these astrology cards. I used them last night doing a reading for myself, and they were amazing. I’m hoping to do some free 1-card readings with them soon, so stay tuned for that!

I feel like Spirit is making us take a deep look at what is and isn’t working in our lives. If there was ever a time to make a change, it is in this fresh Aries New Moon energy! The way you feel about situations gives you insight into things you may need to change or look at differently. What are you asking for and manifesting in your life? What intentions did you set for the new moon? Which way are you trying to move toward? Let your emotions guide you, by clearly showing you what you want and don’t want. There are some domestic issues, making us consider where (and what) home truly is for us. This could indicate a good time to move. It could also mean you have been spending too much time on the home and family matters, and less on the things that give you personal joy and happiness. Maybe you just need to get out of the house for a while! The Fourth House is about who you are at the core, that only a few people in the world truly know and see. Its about accepting yourself as a whole, the good with the bad, the pretty and the ugly.. loving yourself fully and completely.. and considering this same acceptance for those you love and share your home with. Feel what you have to feel, and get over it and get back to love. This is also a message about connecting to your ancestors that contributed to who you are today. I have tracked back my ancestors to the 1700’s, and it’s so interesting to piece together the story of how I came to be, and how it relates to who I am today. I can see how they guide me. Spend time with your parents and take in as much knowledge as you can. There may also be potential issues with financial matters. Make sure you aren’t living in a “lack” state of mind and worrying too much. Trust that abundance and opportunities will present themselves in the best way for your highest good. This week, we need to get in touch with our true selves. Pay attention to dreams as there is a lot going on with them now… integrating past lessons, highlighting trouble areas, and helping us find pathways to move forward. This is about allowing yourself to be seen, especially when you feel vulnerable. Make some space and take some time to process all the things you have been going through. Your feelings will help you understand what’s going on. Find ways to release the energy and get balanced. Let your instincts guide you, and allow your family to support you. Repeat the manta, “Everything is working out for my highest good.” A sincere Thank You to the Universe never hurts either!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 31, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Atlantisite, Tree Jasper, Zoisite, and Chrysoprase. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Atlantisite – Lowers stress levels. Helps you find inner peace. Stabilizes your moods and helps break away from making poor choices. A good stone for meditation, it helps you access information and wisdom. Increases love and compassion. Enhances your sense of security and helps you establish your personal boundaries. Helps you open your way to Spirit. Removes stagnant energies and brings peace to life. Helps raise your energy. It is also a powerful physical healing stone.

Tree Jasper – The “supreme nurturer”. It holds and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity. Encourages abundance and fullness. Used to help with dream recall and shamanic journeying, it is a stone of protection and absorbs all types of negative energies. Balances the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is a stone of strength, courage and determination. Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging ideas into action. It can really assist people who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation.

Zoisite – Transmutes negative energy into positive. Helps you to realize and manifest your own true desires, rather than ones influenced by others or because you are trying to conform to the “norm”. Encourages recover from illness and stress. Helps to release deep seated fears and phobias. Boosts vitality. Helps you see the gift in every breath of life.

Chrysoprase – Connected to nature. Profoundly mood-lifting, cheering, supportive, and healing for the spirit. Helps in times of depression, sadness or coping with the darker, more challenging periods of life. It can help us to let go of anger, and focus on the positive, rather than being overwhelmed by the negative, and remind us of what we have to be grateful for – definitely a “glass half full” sort of crystal. For acceptance and self-acceptance.

I planned to take this weekend to myself to relax, but my son got very sick on Friday. When he gets a fever it can become quite serious very quickly, as he has leukemia. I prayed to Spirit that this fever wouldn’t result in anything serious or mean a hospital stay. So many times I could feel my ego trying to pull me under.. life can be so hard and relentless sometimes… I wanted to succumb to the negativity of everything that wasn’t going my way… but every time my brain started to think that, Spirit whispered that everything was ok, and truly not as bad as it seems. I had to remind myself that things could be worse, and really, I am quite lucky. Spirit answered my prayers, and we didn’t have to stay in the hospital, and it wasn’t anything too serious. There are so many reasons to be grateful. There are moments to enjoy even when life is hectic and busy. It’s really all what you make of it and how you perceive it. I handled my son’s medical needs, and we got through it and moved on with life. I didn’t need to get derailed over that. God rewards our good behaviour and choices. All the readings lately are saying we are moving into a time of more ease and enjoyment. I find myself feeling like I’m waiting and waiting for that ease.. and I’m hoping things will truly lighten up soon. The crystals are helping to relieve our stresses that we are going through. They are helping us to stabilize our moods, so that we can be more calm and handle whatever comes our way. It’s going to help us make wiser choices. Atlantisite is a true connection to Spirit, helping us to access wisdom and guidance. When you need something, you can ask Spirit/God/Angels or whomever you feel comfortable with for help. They are listening and guiding us always. The crystals are also helping to heal, and are offering healing to anyone experiencing illness, including my son. The Tree Jasper is holding us and supporting us through these stressful times. It’s ok to find happiness when things are tough… it’s not only ok, it’s necessary. I might have a lot of challenges in my life, but there is still so much beauty… and that beauty overpowers any challenges I will face. This is about having strength and determination, no matter what. Moving forward, no matter what seems to hold you back. Maybe I don’t always have a lot of time to focus on the things I want, but I can take the time I do have, and make the most of it. It’s about putting your creative self out into the world. What makes you unique? What talents do you have to offer? Make a list of your ideas and start working towards creating them. We have so much to offer, and we need to continue to share ourselves with the world. The future is dependent on our individual creative talents and gifts. The crystals are guiding us to where we need to be, not necessarily where we expect to be. Spirit is shaking up our lives and helping us to evolve, so that we can see pathways we couldn’t see before. The Zoisite is telling me that we will find hurdles and frustrations when we try to do what others expect of us. This is about being true to your own Spirit. What do you feel guided do? Who are you when nobody is watching? What makes you feel the most free and happy? What makes you feel purposeful? I know I have a lot of fears to face if I am going to step fully into the work that is calling me. The Zoisite is helping us to release the fears that hold us back from living to our full potential. The Chrysoprase reminds us that nature is healing and supportive for us. It reminds us that there is no point in being overwhelmed by the negative, and rather choosing to see the positive. We need to accept ourselves and love ourselves for who we truly are, and put our creative talents into the world. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

Don’t be so hard on yourself if you are struggling to make changes in your life. Everything isn’t as easy as it seems like it should be.. and things take time. Some of our choices and behaviours are very deeply rooted, so be patient with yourself. Keep taking small steps, being persistent and continuing to try. The DNA card is about Karma. Yes, God rewards good behaviour… but it’s more than that. God knows our true honest intention. You can go out and do all the do-gooding you want to try to reverse your past karma… but it doesn’t really work that way. Good karma comes when you put yourself out there for the right reasons… when you help others with no expectations of a gain. When you do things simply because it’s the right thing to do. When you love yourself and live with integrity. You have the opportunity within this existence to elevate your consciousness, which will only help you when it comes to your next earthly incarnation. Not only that, but the things we do, how we choose to act, how we choose to feel, gets embedded into our DNA and shared with the next generations. What kind of legacy are you imparting? Weasel is asking you to take time to yourself, and be still and calm. Breathing exercises are great to enhance meditation and to let go of stress. Take time to yourself to find who you truly are deep down at your core… to realize your own truths. Weasel wants you to be an objective observer of life, simply observing experiences instead of allowing your ego to attach itself to desired outcomes and emotions. The Spirit of Fire is here to shake things up and facilitate our transformation. This card confirms that this a time of taking risks, overcoming fears, and breaking out of patterns and conventions. Just because you have always believed something, or done something a certain way, doesn’t mean you should never question why or try new ways. Change your routines and habits. Work to incorporate healthier ways of living, that work for you. This is a Phoenix rising scenario. You have so much beauty and potential, you just have to get through the fire and rise from ashes. You have to be able to see yourself in new ways. You have to choose new responses to life. Take care to keep your energy in balance. There has been a lot around balance the past few weeks. Yes, give of yourself.. but also make sure you are receiving. If you give too much, your flame burns out. If you don’t tend to your flame, it dies. You are worthy, and you have to know this and believe it. Keep your fire alive, and let it burn bright! Allow yourself to receive love and blessings from the Universe and share them with the world.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html