New Moon in Taurus – May 7, 2024

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, peaking at 9:21pm MDT, we have a New Moon at 18Β°01’ in the sign of Taurus. πŸŒ‘βœ¨β™‰οΈ

This New Moon is about grounding our dreams and intentions into reality, rooting them with care, love, and trust.

Taurus is a sign of Earth, so make sure to spend some time in nature and get yourself grounded. This is a perfect time to plant seeds.

Taurus is a sign of pleasures and luxury. This New Moon is about stopping to appreciate our lives and the richness that surrounds us right now, and being open to receiving even more. We need to understand how worthy we are, and that we are here on this Earth to enjoy it and be happy.

We are establishing a new level of security in our life, one that we create. We have come to an acceptance of the past so that we can use our knowledge to make healthier and better choices for the future.

This New Moon is about trusting yourself, your direction, and all that you stand for. It’s about feeling secure in your connection to the Universe and utilizing it instead of questioning it.

There are so many beautiful things we are manifesting, including new beginnings, opportunities, and luxuries in life. Make the best of it all. Let go of fears and worries and replace them with faith and trust.

All is well and everything is going to be amazing.

Have a beautiful New Moon! πŸŒ‘ βœ¨πŸƒ

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Taurus? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF you can look over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Taurus, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, prayers, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! πŸ™βœ¨

#NewMoon #Moon #Taurus #Astrology #May #Intentions #Manifesting #Nature #NewBeginnings #FreshStarts #Stability #Security #Change #Acceptance #Peace #Tranquility #Pleasure #Luxury #Opportunities #Creativity #Gratitude #Grounding #Alignment #TendToYourNeeds #Healthy #Roots

Messages From Spirit for August 11, 2023

Messages From Spirit for August 11, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #August11 #Aug11 #Built #Question #Everything #Mission #Changes #Earth #Planet #DontOverAnalyze #Listen #Trust #Intuition #Change #Acceptance #Tolerance #Detach #Understanding #Angels #Respect #LoveYou #Accept #Love #Life #YouAreLoved

Messages From Spirit for June 15, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 15, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June15 #Recognize #DontHoldBack #Powerful #Voice #Spirit #StandUp #Equality #BeAChangeMaker #God #AllLoving #Accepting #Unite #Hearts #Everywhere #Rest #PaidOff #Connection #Connected #AllThings #Awakening #Thought #Actions #Create #Transcend #Limits

Messages From Spirit for June 12, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 12, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June12 #HavePatience #Enter #Deep #Rest #Repair #Regeneration #Acceptance #LetGo #Seed #Sprout #Bud #Bloom #Honor #Endings #BeginAgain #Growth #New #Possibilities #HaveFaith #Surrender #Trust #GreatMystery

Full Worm Moon in Virgo – March 7, 2023

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 peaking at 5:40am MST we have a Full Worm Moon at 16Β°40’ in Virgo. πŸŒ•βœ¨β™οΈ Saturn also moves into Pisces on this day.

Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma, and Virgo is a sign that is responsible, hard working, and organized. With Saturn moving into Pisces, this is a time to look at the responsibility we have within, to take care of our mental health and be responsible for our patterns of thinking and choices we make.

Our thoughts create our reality. If we want to manifest a beautiful and happy future, we have to do the work and make the hard choices, so that can make space to allow that to happen. We can’t be miserable and expect to be happy. We have to take responsibility to make the changes we need if we want to see the results that we are hoping for.

This Full Moon, we are putting in the work to let go of what isn’t serving us, so that we are better prepared to manifest our desires going forward. We are letting go of negative thinking and bad habits, so that we can live our purpose and do good in the world, and receive good karma in return.

Virgo is hardworking and dutiful, so cleaning and organizing is perfect for this Full Moon. Sweep away your troubles and get rid of any clutter. Donate useable items. Smudge yourself and your home. Simplify your life and make room for new things that make you happy.

Virgo is strongly connected to the Earth. Get outside and appreciate nature, especially as Spring is approaching. Buy yourself a plant or some flowers, or get your hands in the dirt and plant some seeds. Spend time with animals.

Virgo is also about physical health, so take good care of yourself. Rest and relax. Get your life organized. Workout. Schedule lots of time for self-care. Refresh yourself with a massage or a haircut. Find ways to clear your mind, like a Sound Bath or energy clearing.

You deserve all the self-care you need, and you are the only one who can make sure it happens. Your choices are yours alone, and this is your life to live. What you do with it is up to you!

Have a beautiful Full Moon! πŸŒ•βœ¨β™οΈπŸ‘πŸ§Ή

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Virgo? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Virgo, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! DM or Email:! πŸ™βœ¨

#FullMoon #Moon #Astrology #Virgo #Clean #Organize #Order #LetGo #Refresh #Donate #Prepare #Clear #Thoughts #Habits #PositiveThinking #Nature #Earth #Animals #Energy #SelfLove #SelfCare #Flow #Security #Acceptance #LevelUp #NewBeginnings #FreshStarts #Creativity #Productivity #MoonMagic

Reading for the week of February 26, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Crackle Quartz, Turquoise, and Peacock Ore. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Crackle Quartz – Activates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It counteracts negativity. It helps you regain positive emotions. It represents the highs and lows of life. The cracks demonstrate flexibility. Crackle Quartz is all about balance. It helps manage emotional and creative energy to keep you level-headed and safe from the potentially destructive nature of dark energy. It helps you learn from the past and move forward with strength and enlightenment. It helps you maintain your focus.

Turquoise – Represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Connects you to the Spirit world. A symbol of friendship that brings peace to the home. Brings luck, success, ambition and creativity. A stone for self-forgiveness and self-acceptance, and the release of useless regrets. It encourages us to honor ourselves as a creation of the Divine.

Peacock Ore – Enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness.

My interpretation of the crystals:

Things have been a little tough lately. Even though there have been moments of fun and happiness, but they seem like they are so few and far between. Sometimes we feel high, and sometimes we feel low, and we just have to go with the flow sometimes. I keep being reassured that blessings are on the way. I saw one reading that said the coming Full Moon we will see some rewards for our efforts. While that would sure be nice, we have to remember that our happiness is in our hands, and if our life isn’t fun or enjoyable or adventurous enough for our fulfillment, then it’s up to us to do something about it. I can sit in my pity party all I want, but that really isn’t going to help. I’ve been trying to decide what I can do for myself where I can actually feel like I’m getting a break or the joy that I seek. It’s up to me to create more of that for myself. No, it’s probably not going to be easy, and there is a million reasons we could make to not do things differently, but ultimately, it’s up to us to make different choices if we want things to change. There have been times in my life that have been so magical.. and there have been times where I feel like I’m losing the magic. We have to keep our thoughts positive with trust that magical moments are coming again. We can’t get sucked into negativity, because that’s not the type of energy we want to reside in. The Crackle Quartz is here to cheer us up and lighten the energy. It’s here to help us regain our positivity and energy. It is going to help us take the lessons from what we’ve gone through and move forward with strength. We have to maintain flexibility and go with the flow and allow for change right now. So many things are shifting. Stay focused on what makes you happy and where you want to go. Stop expending your energy on things that aren’t getting you anywhere, that aren’t true to you or support your light. This is your life and only you get to choose how you live it. Being angry or depressed does not feel good, so try to pull yourself out of it as best as you can. Keep taking steps forward. Get yourself out of the house. Make yourself feel good by taking care of you. It’s really important right now. There is no point of regretting any of it. It all served its purpose and its lessons. What have you learned? What do you really want going forward? Forgive yourself and accept yourself as you are. Stop beating yourself up or trying to be perfect. Those who truly love you will appreciate you for you. You are a creation of the Divine and you should honor yourself and give yourself what you deserve. There is so much ambition and success coming. Use your wisdom and creativity to help you get ahead. Create tranquillity in your life as best as you can. If you have been lacking supportive relationships in your life, put yourself out there and make connections. Be the type of friend you seek. Again, it’s up to you. Our Third Eye and Crown Chakra is wide open, and we are receiving visions, dreams, and knowings of the future. Trust what you see and know. Trust where you know you need to go. Be strong through whatever challenges come your way. Know that good things are definitely on the way. Let’s see what the cards say.

My interpretation of the cards:

We are reminded that love is always around us, even when we feel alone. Wear the crown in your life. Treat yourself like the King/Queen you are. Make your own life beautiful and fun. Use music to make you feel good and remind you of love. Sing your song and be true to yourself. Don’t be scared to share your beauty or your truth. Nightingale reminds us that the Sun will rise again soon. Spring is on the way and we will feel joyful again. You are SO loved and connected to all of life and Spirit. Always look for the love and prosperity that can be shared. Trust that tomorrow is going to be a better day and stay positive. This is your wake-up call, to create a life you love, or you will keep doing the same old. To life live in full color, or stay where it feels like we are drowning. It is a perception and a choice. Things are going to change whether we like it or not, and the more we resist, the more painful it will be when the force becomes stronger. We cannot afford to avoid or deny the reality any longer. Life is passing us by. We have to get honest about how we feel and what we want. We have to confront the truth and allow change to take place. Listen to your instincts about what is coming. Try to make the changes as comfortable as you can. Seek the higher perspective of spiritual truth. Joan of Arc is the epitome of strength. Stay strong and focus on yourself and your true purpose. Release fears that are holding you back and utilize your full power. We may be persecuted, but that only means our truth has power. We have to do what we can, while we can, with what we have. Our truths need to be shared and heard, especially during these tumultuous times in the world. Let them persecute you, because one day they may see the truth of their actions. Follow where your soul is leading you. It can feel like a lonely and misunderstood journey, but people will understand when they see the light. You do not need to defend or prove yourself. All you need to do is believe in yourself and trust in your purpose. Know that the Angels are on your side and thanking you for all the good you have done and will do. You are supported and loved, so keep going. Just keep going. Keep loving yourself. Choose a life filled with love and happiness. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Super New Moon in Pisces – February 20, 2023

On Monday, February 20, 2023, we have a Super New Moon peaking at 12:05am MST at 1Β°21’ in the sign of Pisces. πŸŒ‘βœ¨β™“οΈ

Venus also moves out of Pisces and into the sign of Aries on this day.

We are taking a deep dive into our emotions to find acceptance and validity for everything, so that we can move forward into new beginnings more prepared and evolved.

We are finding the beauty in the totality of it all. Every piece matters.. every moment.. every interaction.. it all serves a purpose.

We are swimming in harmony with the waves of life, instead of resisting them. We are flowing and adapting and evolving.

We are prepared to put in the honest work to reach our goals. We are building a solid foundation for the future. We are utilizing patience and persistence and maintaining trust and faith that our inspirations are leading us to the highest good for all.

Love, passion, and companionship, is intensified in relationships and creative pursuits. Diving deeper means you will get more out of it.

Surface level emotions are not going to cut it anymore. Truth and authenticity will always come to light. Spirit always knows our true intentions.

Manifesting is very powerful on this Super New Moon, so set your intentions with a clear and pure heart. If your motivation is honest and well-intentioned, you will find the blessings that are meant for you.

With a more positive outlook, what is possible for your future? What can you do to contribute to a better future for all?

Wishing you a beautiful New Moon! πŸ’•πŸŒ‘βœ¨

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Pisces? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET! πŸ“

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Pisces, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email! πŸ™βœ¨

#NewMoon #Moon #Pisces #Astrology #Water #Flow #Acceptance #Emotions #Love #Companionship #Compassion #Passion #Creativity #Trust #Faith #Manifesting #Intentions #Imagine #Dream #NewBeginnings #FreshStart #Change #Transition #Desires #Freedom #Excitement #Adventure #Magic #Sensitivity #Healing

Reading for the week of January 30, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Goldstone, Blue Tigers Eye, and Chert. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep some Blue Goldstone with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection.

Blue Tigers Eye – Also called Hawks Eye. High vibe, yet grounded. Enhances connection to personal power and strengthens resolve. Gives insight to help with mental clarity, honesty, and resolve issues. Helps to gain perspective. Reduces stress and attracts abundance.

Chert – Changes a passive life into active. Lets you move forward without being bothered by what’s around you. Good to use when you want to get back into fulfillment of daily life. This stone helps you receive guidance from Heaven and provide you with information at the right time. It will give you the right guide and a lucky chance. Helps improve ability and talents. Stops hesitation.

My interpretation of the crystals:

I feel a lot of gentle empowerment this week. It feels like we are being picked up after a period of exhaustion and/or low energy. The Leo Full Moon is coming up soon, and these crystals are really resonating with the energy we are moving into. Things have been dark and they have been hard. It feels like we are coming out of this darkness and by next week we will be so much more in the light. This β€œdarkness” doesn’t feel bad, it’s not dark in a bad way.. it’s dark in a beautiful and magical way. It’s a feeling of inner reflection, calm, and peace. We have been doing the work and going within to listen to our hearts and intuition about what the next steps are for our lives. We have been questioning what it is we want out of our career, and where we have been placing our energy. We have been asserting our independence, and rightfully so. The only time is now. We are moving forward, and we must do it in our full power. It’s interesting that there has been so many references to night and day, to the sun and the stars lately. We are in the thick of Aquarius season and just came from an Aquarius New Moon, which is very much nighttime, dark, starry sky energy. As we move into the Leo Full Moon, I do feel like our world is going to get brighter. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we know from the messages lately that the Sun will come out again, that things are going to get better, and hopefully very soon for us. It feels like dreaming a beautiful dream, and waking up to find it manifesting in your reality. I really feel like so many of us are going to see our dreams come true, and that is all because of what you believe about yourself. If you believe you can do something, you can absolutely make it happen. If we can face our fears and allow ourselves to be seen and heard, magic can unfold. Lately the energy has been to rest and get ourselves re-energized, and now it is time to take some steps forward. The time is coming very soon. God knows what our deepest wishes are and I do believe we are going to see some dreams coming true in the next while. Manifesting starts with releasing and making space. I think it’s time for us to gain a new perspective on life and realize how blessed we are. We need to truly see our power and our worth. We need to understand our ability to create real change. We have the power to get through any challenge. It’s time for us to start doing things differently and with more love. When we give love, we receive love. We all deserve to be abundant and well-cared for. What we definitely DO NOT need is stress! This world is trying to stress us out around every corner.. but the truth is, we don’t have to buy into it. We don’t have to buy into the societal conditioning and expectations. We don’t need to assume stress is normal or suffer throughout life. We deserve to be the free, nature-based beings we were put on this Earth to be. Not ruled by the almighty dollar.. only ruled by the Sun and Moon. How do you want your life to be? How do you want to live? This is about putting your head down and doing you. It really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Is your heart happy and stress free? That is what matters. You deserve to feel happy and fulfilled every day. Believe in yourself. Believe in the gifts and talents you have to offer this world. Believe that opportunities lie around every corner, and be ready to say Yes. No more hesitating…. Just doing. Even if you are scared, do it anyway. You’ll be proud of yourself and you will grow so much. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards:

The Listen to Your True Feelings Card is all about not being bothered about what other people say or think. Be true to yourself and stand in your own power. You don’t have to do things (or not do them) just because that’s what you think other people want or expect of you. When we find our own unique path, we understand how important and special we truly are. We understand that our happiness matters because we matter. Nobody could see my light when used to hide behind others. Was it a safe place? Maybe. Was it somewhere I was going to grow or find myself? Not really! We have to stop giving in to the peer pressure that pulls us away from our own truth. We have to be strong and make good choices for ourselves. We have to push ourselves to share our unique light and inspirations, it’s where all the growth and beauty is. It’s important we push ourselves to come out of our shell, but we also have to remember that we can’t force things in life. We can do our part and encourage things, but we also have to surrender to the flow of life. Sometimes, when we push too much, we just create more resistance, blockages, and energy drains. This reading is strongly encouraging us to let go of worries and surrender in trust. There is this worried feeling.. like we have lost people, or that we will lose people when we travel down a certain path. Yes, this might happen, but the people that truly love you will always be there for you no matter what. The people that are meant to be in your life will be there. It’s ok to let people go, because if they are meant to return in your life, they will. Surrender. Surrender your expectations. Surrender to the path you are being guided down. Trust in your own purpose and power. It reminds me of the story we read in class today, about a young girl who recognizes everyone else’s abilities and talents, but can’t figure out her own. It spoke to my inner child and reminded me of how I felt most of my life.. like I didn’t fit in… like I was messed up.. like I was unworthy.. and like I would never have an important purpose. After everything I’ve been through, and the beautiful gifts and abilities my eyes have been opened to, I feel incredibly special and worthy. If only I had been able to know this earlier in my life. I am telling you now! Yes, you! Reading this right now! You have an incredible purpose and gifts and abilities to share with the world. If you know what those are, share them! If you don’t, trust that you will soon be shown. By believing in your own self, you inspire and lift others to believe in themselves too. It sounds corny, but it’s absolutely true. It’s our nature as human beings, we are connected. As one of us heals, all of us heal. We have to get out of stress mode, out of fight or flight mode, for our bodies and minds to be healthy. Release the need for certainty and control. Trust that everything always works itself out perfectly. Banish the β€œshoulds” and the β€œmusts”. Free yourself. Enjoy whatever you find yourself doing in this moment. Make changes in your life that support your well-being. You are not a machine, and nobody should treat you as such. If you need a break from something, speak up. Make your needs heard. You do not want to be burned out. Channel your energy in a variety of ways and change things up a bit. Shake the energy up. Bring back a little fun and joy just for you. Care about your own health and happiness, so that others can care for themselves too. Approach others with compassion and kindness. Build self-esteem and positivity in yourself and others. Heal the connection with our fellow brothers and sisters. Life feels so much better when you can approach it from a positive perspective. Getting down on yourself or stressing out just doesn’t help. Find proactive things you can do that will help. Don’t try to control or force others. Just do you, put good out into the world, and trust that it’s all coming back to you in good ways. Accept responsibility and find peace in your heart. Know that whatever you are going through will eventually resolve and everything is going to be ok. When one door closes, another one opens. It’s the cycle of life and nature. Allow it to keep flowing and turning. Be willing to receive the nourishment you deserve and desire. Onward and upward into the next phase of your life! Have a beautiful week and get out and enjoy the stars if you can! Oh, and don’t forget to make a wish!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Messages From Spirit for January 18, 2023

Messages From Spirit for January 18, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #January18 #Jan18 #SeeYourself #Others #Eyes #Angels #UnconditionalLove #Acceptance #Inspire #Lift #Everyone #HighestPotential #Notice #FeelBetter #ThinkPositively

Card Reading for the week of October 31, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Epidot, Atlantisite, and Prehnite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Epidot – Enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. Increases perception and brings spiritual growth. Helpful for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Brings a sense of hopeful optimism, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Clears congestion and energy blockages. Helps to balance and stabilize energy. An excellent stone for connecting with nature and her healing qualities.

Atlantisite – Lowers stress levels. Helps you find inner peace. Stabilizes your moods and helps break away from making poor choices. A good stone for meditation, it helps you access information and wisdom. Increases love and compassion. Enhances your sense of security and helps you establish your personal boundaries. Helps you open your way to Spirit. Removes stagnant energies and brings peace to life. Helps raise your energy. It is also a powerful physical healing stone.

Prehnite – Boosts prophetic abilities. Enhances visualization and spiritual “knowing” and aids in connecting with higher realms. Helps induce lucid dreaming, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced. Prehnite is said to “heal the Healer,” and can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Fosters a strong sense of trust in the Universe. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and of love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. It clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians. It helps you say β€œno”. Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps to remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind.

Life is such a rollercoaster. One minute your way up, enjoying something wonderful, the next minute everything comes crashing down. Life is like the waves and we are just here to ride them while we can. I was feeling sorry for myself today, life has been exhausting and I’m not feeling well. I got a follow-up call from my doctor that sent me into panic mode. I thought about being anxiety ridden for the next week until my appointment, but then I remembered I could look at my own medical reports online. I don’t think the result is too bad, and it was something I had expected. Ok, I can breathe knowing more of what to expect. Then I got a call from the hospital for my son’s next procedure. It’s all a lot some days, but what can you do. All you can do is what you can do. All you can is enjoy the moment and today, and get through whatever comes next. It doesn’t help anything to focus on the next worry or live from one stress to the next. We have to eliminate as much negativity from our lives as possible. We don’t need to feel stuck or depressed or helpless. We need to take our power back to create a life that we love, even if it’s in between hospital visits and medical procedures. Me need to be grateful that we have such good medical care. We need to feel more optimistic about the future. There has been way too much toxic stress in our lives lately. We need to clear our mind and any energy blockages. We need to be able to vibe high as much as possible. What in your life brings you down or holds you back from feeling good or vibing high? If you really want to heal, if you really want things to get better, you have to let go of whatever holds you back. That could be your own thought patterns, it could be past life trauma, it could be relationships, etc. We need to deal with it and cut it out of our life so we can reclaim our peace, stabilize our mind, and lower our stress levels. We need to try to make better, more positive choices that serve our future and support our wellbeing. We have places to go and things to see and do, but we will have a hard time doing that if we allow ourselves to be kept hidden or playing small. We need to raise our own energy and break ourselves out of the cage. We need to set boundaries and learn how to say no and stick to it. We need to increase the love and compassion we have for ourselves, so we can do better now that we know better. There is no point in worrying about the past now.. but if you refuse to listen to your intuition, if you continue to let people take advantage of you, those patterns will continue to repeat and the past remains in the present. Raise your energy so far above the drama. You are so much better than all of it. Make the hard choices you need to, so that you can heal and have the peace and security you seek. Be true to yourself and your inner knowing. You have prophetic gifts and you have seen glimpses of the future. You know there are many wonderful things out there still to experience. Trust in that. Trust that the connections you continue to have in dream time and the Spirit realm are important ones. Trust that everything is working out in your favour, and it always has been. Nothing in life has β€œhappened to you”, it’s happening for you, and leading you to your destiny. When you love something, you have to let it be free and trust that the Universe delivers you exactly what you need. Come to acceptance, release and forgive, but also be strong enough to say β€œno” to that which to longer serves you. Stay true to yourself and what you deserve and desire. Be clear in your heart and mind. Let your Spirit be uplifted and secure knowing it’s all coming in due time. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

When there is a lot going on, it can be stressful, but it can also be exciting and even adventurous. If my life was β€œperfect”, I’d probably never leave home. When we go to the hospital, in between the hard stuff, is lots of good fun stuff… such as adventure, fun, kindness and connection. We make the most of it and that’s what this energy is all about. Nothing is ever easy, but it’s always worth it. Whatever your heart is desiring, go for it. Trust in it. Jump in. Ride the waves. Dive deep and be fearless. I love swimming, and seeing so much water and swimming here is confirming that is something I need to do more of. We need to be more excited to welcome change and go with the flow. We need to be able to find the calm in the middle of chaos and swim with the tides. This is about not allowing anything to hold us back anymore. It’s about our own personal freedom and choice. The freedom to jump at will. Stop waiting for permission and be courageous in the pursuit of your desires. Life bends for the courageous. When you show the Universe you are ready and willing, it meets you half way with opportunities. Take the leap and figure things out as you go. Things are not always smooth sailing, but it teaches us and provides us the necessary experience to navigate future storms. Fall in love with surfing the waves of life. Fall in love with life itself. Seek adventure and be adaptable. Make the most of your life while you are here. Where in your life could you be more courageous? The Message in a Bottle is your sign from Spirit confirming that you are on the right path and to trust your inner knowing and intuition. It is a sign of confirmation to trust yourself and the Universe. This message is pointing us towards our highest good. Have you learned the lessons in your life? Have you received the signs and messages? Have you listened and followed the guidance? Spirit hears you and see what you need. This is your sign that you are absolutely seen and heard. Stop ignoring the signs of what you know you need to do. Stay open to what you can learn from it all. Trust that only good will come from all of it. Align with your destiny and free yourself to walk your own individual path. Expect calls and opportunities that will lead you forward. Spirit will keep speaking louder and louder if you refuse to listen. Pay attention to what you have been overlooking. Experiment with your approach. Allow your energy to work for you, instead of against you. Are you investing your energy into everyone else, so that it is a struggle to give any to yourself? This is a time to invest in YOU. You are the gift. You are the brightest blessing. You are what you’ve been seeking all along. Be open-minded about your place in this world. You don’t have to do certain things out of expectation. You are free to be who you want to be. Try lots of things and explore. Make the most of all the adventure in life. Remember that you are always free to change your mind and try again. As we grow and learn, our opinions and direction may change, and that is perfectly ok. You are a free and sovereign person. You can cross any bridge you find, and you don’t need anyone to come along with you. Life will find a way. It is destiny. Trust in it all. Jump into the eye, and find the beauty anywhere. Be fearless and free. Have a beautiful week!

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