Weekly Reading for the week of May 30, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite, and Blue Chalcedony. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Lace Agate – A stone of confidence and communication. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It is a support crystal for all caregivers, speakers and teachers, calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Helpful if you struggle to express your emotions. It dissolves old blockage patterns and doubt, and permits new methods of self-expression and growth. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Encourages thinking before speaking.

Amazonite – Assists with telling the truth, even if it’s difficult. Aligns your speech to your higher ideals. Allows for you to remain calm and unemotional. Encourages trusting behaviour. Balances male and female energies and stimulates both sides of the brain. Encourages both intuitive perceptions and reasoning.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

As soon as I started looking up the crystal meanings, I knew it was all about communication. Of course it is! We have a Gemini New Moon today. Myself and a few of my friends have a Psychic Fair we are reading at this Saturday, and I know we are all getting in-tune with the energy that is coming for that too. It is time for us to be confident in our abilities and talents and shine our lights as bright as we can. We need to connect with others. We need to express ourselves. We also need to receive, so that we can continue to shine and give energy to others. Let go of the old programming and negative thought patterns that hold you back. Let yourself work through the initial anxiety and you will find a new level of comfort. Be composed and share your authentic self. If you are speaking your truth, there is nothing that can go wrong. Trust that you will be guided to deliver the appropriate wordings and use your best judgement as well. Exude calm and confidence. Trust in the people around you, that they are there to build you up and support you. I’ve been receiving this message of support and collaboration, and I do feel this Psychic Fair is going to be an amazing group of like-minded souls, and this message confirms that it’s not about competition, but our common goals and soul purpose we have together. Trust in your abilities and let go of the self-doubt. It’s going to be an amazing and beautiful week and event! We need to keep up a positive attitude of gratitude and optimism. Live in the present. Don’t worry about what’s coming next, just trust that you can handle the moment when it arises. There are so many gifts and things to gain when you share the messages of your soul. You change the lives of others, and you heal yourself. Us readers and healers and going to gain a lot from our experience connecting with beautiful souls this weekend! Have faith and trust. Relax and appreciate life and the beautiful gifts it offers. Let go of the things you worry could go wrong, and trust that everything is in its perfect Divine timing and is simply magic! Let’s see what the cards have to add!

I recently purchased these Mediumship Cards, and this card, the “Now I have no pain” card keeps wanting to come through… like a lot. I’ve only used this deck a handful of time and it’s come through on at least 3 occasions. This card is significant to what we are all going through now. We are working on letting go and releasing. We are releasing the weight of the past. We are releasing our guilt and shame, so we can regain our personal power and find true freedom and happiness. The yellow is a significant color for the Gemini New Moon we just had, and it represents the joy, optimism, happiness, and confidence. We are in a phase of fresh growth, blossoming to share incredible beauty and energy. We are not only reflecting the suns light, but we are absorbing it and receiving it. This card is about letting go of the past and transcending your pain. Freeing yourself honestly starts in your own mind. Take responsibility for what you’ve gone through, and see the power you have to make a better choice for yourself today. Being able to receive. Holy Amethyst confirms that you have what it takes to move beyond your current challenges. There is a way to heal, you just have to find the key that works. I think that’s the point of pain, for it to nag you until you have to look at it, until you see it’s true purpose and what you need to give yourself. How can you relieve the pain and improve your life? Allow yourself the rest and care you need. Know that you are important and worthy. Use your thinking to shift things. Listen to affirmations and meditations. Focus on what you desire. Stop associating yourself with your past and the wounds that were caused. Leave them alone and let them heal for good. Focus on keeping your thoughts, feelings, and words loving and positive. Everything comes down to love and learning. Learn from your past fears and lessons so you can move beyond them. You are ready to stand in your power and serve your purpose. You can move beyond unhappiness into glory and abundance. There are so many opportunities for you when you can recognize your full worth. You have so much to offer. Use your thoughts, will, and action to help bring about as many opportunities as possible. You are spiritually wise and you have everything you need to move forward. And everything is coming in Divine time. You have been waiting for the storms to pass and it has been dark. But the time is coming to get through that. All the “no’s” you have heard in your life, all the let downs and disappointments, have brought you here, to this beautiful place, and you are full of wisdom. The beauty is not lost. You have to choose yourself. You have to say “yes” to yourself, and “no” to everything that isn’t serving your path. Say “no” to distractions, to the thoughts that don’t serve you, and to the people who don’t support you. We can’t give our energy away for free anymore. The world needs your love. You have to say “no” so you can be ready to say “yes”. The time is coming where we will be aligned and it will be GO time! When it’s time to go, we are going to grow leaps and bounds. Until then, let go of the stress. There is no need to worry about anything. Relieve your pain. Rest and prepare your energy. Don’t fear, because this time is a gift. Tend to your garden. Get prepared for the future. Clarity will bloom very quickly and we will be called to move fast! Say “no” to anything that doesn’t serve you. Have a beautiful week and I will see many of you lovely souls on Saturday in Mannville! 🥰🙏✨

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If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below. 

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