New Moon in Capricorn – January 11, 2024

On Thursday, January 11, 2024, we have a New Moon peaking at 4:57am MST at 20°44’ in the sign of Capricorn. 🌑✨♑️

This year is calling us to get down to business and get going. We can’t waste time being shy or fearful. We have to understand what we truly deserve and be confident about making it happen for ourselves.

We need to stop underestimating ourselves. We are wasting our lives away, underutilizing our talents and gifts because we are scared to be seen, to be rejected, or to receive harsh criticism. What have you really got to lose? Who cares who doesn’t like you, when you have the ability to help so many.

I almost quit my spiritual work this past year. I just don’t want to juggle so many things, and something had to give. I want to focus my efforts and energy where they are most appreciated and reciprocated. I had a psychic/medium reading recently, and she said that I should be using my powerful psychic gifts and helping others. She told me to get a Mentor and that my business would be thriving in a short amount of time with the right support and effort. It’s not surprising to see the message of getting a Mentor in this New Moon energy as we plan for the year ahead and work towards our goals and dreams.

We are so close to the success we seek. We can’t give up right before the dawn. Don’t turn the movie off before it gets to the best part. Do what you need to do, for you, to make your dreams come true.

It’s all possible. Set your intentions for the year ahead. Keep your mindset positive. Make a plan to work your way towards your goals. Keep things simple, practical, and attainable. Focus on what really matters, on what you truly want, despite any obstacles that may present themselves. Know that you can overcome anything.

Things are shifting and changing. You, the world, and society as a whole are transforming. Pivot yourself in a direction that serves your highest good and greatest purpose, and you will see the path appear ahead of you. Trust it will be filled with blessings along the way.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🐐

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Capricorn #MoonMagic #NewYear #Intentions #Manifesting #Happiness #Joy #Abundance #Obstacles #Challenges #Trust #Faith #Positivity #Optimism #Goals #Dreams #Desires #Plans #Skills #Focus #WorkHard #LawOfAttraction #BeHappy

Reading for the week of October 1st, 2023

I wanted to do a quick reading for the week ahead. This week feels like we really have to manage our stress. Look to your parents for support, comfort, and guidance, and also nurture your own inner child. Give yourself rest, comfort, and play. Forgive your parents for any issues from the past and trust that they are doing the best they can, as are you. Think happy thoughts as much as possible. Think about all the things that make you smile and feel better. Think about things in positive ways. Focus on the lessons learned. Try to let go of worry and replace it with trust. Trust that you can relax. Trust that you can get through this. Trust that everything is going to be amazing. Remember that all you need is love. When you feel scared or stressed out, come back to love. Contribute to the world in loving ways, and you can help bring yourself back to love. Focus on love and let it grow. Love yourself the most. Know that you deserve happiness and things that make you smile. Remember that smiling is contagious. When you are happy, everyone else will be happier. Keep it as light as you can this week! 💖🙏✨

Find me here:

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Moon Magic Worksheet Subscription link

Moon Magic Worksheet

Angel Card & Crystal Reading

Dream interpretation

Astrology Natal Chart

Card Reading for Beginners Course

Super Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius – August 1, 2023

On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, we have a Super Full Sturgeon Moon peaking at 12:31pm MDT at 9°15’ in the sign of Aquarius. 🌕✨♒️

The peak time occurs at the same time as the previous New Moon in Cancer at 12:31pm MDT. 1231 is a sign that the manifestation of our goals and desires is supported, and to trust in our creative manifesting abilities.

Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your desires with confidence. Stay focused on what you want and keep your thoughts positive. Believe that you will find success and fulfilment.

Don’t ever think about yourself negatively. 1231 is a sign of hope and change. It’s time to make a fresh start and embark on a new chapter in life.

Aquarius is the Water Bearer that fills the cups of humanity with wisdom and pours out grand visions of a better and brighter future for everyone. The water from the vessel washes away the past, leaving room for a fresh, new start. It reminds us to give ourselves what we need to grow.

This is the second closest Super Moon this year (357,530km from Earth), with the closest being the August 30th Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces (357,344km from Earth). Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, where we return to the Divine. This is going to be a powerful month of letting go, releasing, igniting change, and being reborn.

Mars is in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus, encouraging us to take calculated risks to help see our goals to completion. This aspect encourages the success of the things we start now. Believe in yourself and keep your intentions pure. Take the lead, make important decisions, take action, and increase your wealth.

Mercury is in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, which is balancing the force. It’s the “darkness” that keeps us weighed down and the enemy that we have to face and learn to love. It’s that nagging voice in our head that reminds us we are never good or worthy enough. It is known for making us see the worst in life.

While Mars trine Jupiter says “Yes! Take that risk!”, Mercury Opposite Saturn is like, “Hold up, are you sure you want to do that?” It feels like nothing comes easy… but then again, maybe it’s not supposed to. The key to risk taking right now is having the consideration and awareness to make sure that you are taking the risks that are absolutely 100% right for you. Sometimes we have to take a risk to create the changes we need.

This powerful Super Full Moon is the perfect time to release anything that is holding you back. It’s a great time to heal and let go, so you can allow for new growth and energy. It’s perfect to clean the slate and start fresh.

Utilize the Aquarian energy to let go and detach. Free yourself from the weight of the world. Care about yourself for a minute, and consider what you can do for you, that will benefit the highest good of all. Let Aquarius fill your cup with life force energy so that you can proceed on and share your talents and energy with others.

I don’t know exactly what’s coming, but I know there are good things on the way. Trust in the goodness of life and contribute to it. Believe in it and support it. Share your wisdom, knowledge, and love with everyone around you. Trust that everything is going to be amazing.

Have a powerful Super Full Moon! 🌕✨🐟 Sending my love always! 💕🤗

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Aquarius? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET! 📝

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Aquarius, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! (CAD) Email:! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #SuperMoon #Astrology #Sturgeon #Aquarius #August #Changes #Emotions #Serious #Thinking #Considering #Priorities #Emotional #Freedom #Understand #Feelings #FreeYourself #Negativity #Optimism #Hope #Positivity #Actions #Successful #Success #Abundance #Luck #High #Energy #Faith

Messages From Spirit for July 24, 2023

Messages From Spirit for July 24, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July24 #Angels #Blessing #Courage #Strength #Protection #Feel #Peace #Comfort #Positivity #Imagine #DeepBlue #Cloak #ProtectingYou #Guided #StepForward #Accept #Opportunities #Offers #Walk #Spiritual #Path #HelpOthers

Reading for the week of July 16, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Peach/Pink Agate, Mangano Calcite, and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Pink/Peach Agate – Gentle and nurturing. Boosts creativity. Initiates transformation. Helps resolve emotional issues. Helps overcome negative emotions. Soothes depression and anxiety. Assists with stability and balance. Encourages changes and lasting transitions. Increases friendliness and happiness.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

My interpretation of the crystals: We’ve been in a phase lately where we have needed a lot of rest, self-care, and nurturing. We’ve been through a lot. It is ok to take time to regain your strength and energy. It is not only ok, it is necessary. Things are preparing to move forward though and our energy is increasing again. We have been feeling like being more physically active and health conscious. We have also been finding more peace and calm. This goes hand in hand because if you are stressed out and exhausted all the time, you body will hold onto weight and negativity. When you can find that inner peace and calm, you can allow the energy to flow in ways that serve you much better. Your body can function in healthier ways due to not being in stress response all the time. You will want to eat better because you love yourself and want to feel better. Things don’t have to be perfect, but when you do feel like doing some exercise or eating healthier, make sure you follow through. I do feel like we are moving out of the funk that we have been in. We have to be gentle with ourselves because it has been a lot. We have to resolve those emotional issues so that our energy can flow smoothly and so that we can overcome negativity. If we are stressed out and exhausted all the time, it’s going to be very hard not to feel depressed or anxious. Not everyone can just drop their lives or take a vacation, so it’s important when you find yourself thinking, “well, what am I supposed to do not to feel this way?” It’s important to focus on your mindset and what you are choosing to focus on and think about. Are you dreading life? Or are you choosing to make it fun? When things seem dark or gloomy, become aware of why you are thinking that way and what you could focus on instead. Music is always a big help. We are going through these huge changes and transformations that are going to lead us to happier lives. Keep making positive decisions and being aware of your mindset and your freedom to choose. You have to take care of yourself and make your own happiness a daily priority. The Angels calming and soothing presence is with us today, helping us to find lasting healing. They want us to heal the trauma for good. Let it go with love. The things we’ve done, the things we’ve gone through, they don’t matter as long as we love ourselves. Forgive yourself and love yourself. Stand up for the life you deserve. Have hope for the best in all things. There is nothing to fear in this life, only things to look forward to. Catch yourself when you find yourself experiencing fearful thoughts and question them. Are they truthful? And even if they are, is that where you want to focus your energy on? When you catch yourself thinking a negative or fearful thought, stop yourself and say no to that thought. Call it out for being false. Imagine a big red X through the thought, and then re-frame it. Think of something positive instead to replace it with. I catch myself often saying “it must be nice to have (whatever it is)”. It’s really such a negative statement. I notice it, say no to it and imagine the red X through it, and replace it with “I am deserving of having (whatever it is)”. We deserve to receive and live abundant lives, and we need to truly believe it and see it for ourselves. Stay focused on the positive and pursuing your dreams. Don’t let negative belief systems hold you back. It’s important during this time that we balance our masculine and feminine energies. We need to be able to give, but also receive. We need to go within but also share ourselves in the world. Use your gifts, talents, and intuition to express yourself creatively. Shine your light into the world like a rainbow coming from your heart, and do it fearlessly. You are ready and the world wants to see who you are and they need what you have to offer. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards: The signs are all around us and we’ve been seeing them. We know we are being guided by spirit. Appreciate the signs and trust in them. Trust in yourself and where you know you are going. I love how there is a dark Moon behind her, and we have the New Moon upon us. The Moon’s energy is strong now. It sees our intentions and what we are releasing into the world. Make sure you are keeping your thoughts and intentions positive and beautiful. We have been feeling a bit stuck. The signs are going to show us which direction to go in. Ask Heaven and the Angels for a sign to guide you, and most importantly, don’t ignore it or brush it off when you receive it. There is a lot of change upon us… especially changes that we are consciously choosing. I feel like there are huge blessings waiting for us, but we have to make the hard choices and make the changes spirit wants us to before those stars can align. We have to really think about where we are putting our energy and efforts, and if that is truly leading us where we want to be. It’s ok if things haven’t worked out the way you expected, you always have the freedom to choose again. It can be hard to walk away and go on your own, but sometimes, that’s what’s best. This is about being honest with ourselves, and listening to our intuition. It’s about truly understand what is best for us. Not what makes us look the best. It’s about being able to admit what isn’t working, and what you truly need to be happy. It is hard because things aren’t clear yet. We are in this in-between time where we have to rely on our intuition. It can feel scary and uncertain. We may want to stay where it’s cozy and comfortable, but it may be dark and lonely there. We can’t keep living in this state of fear and worry. It’s not going to help us attract the future we deserve. If we stay stuck away in our rooms, closed off to the world, nobody sees our talent or our truth, and nobody else can help us get where we want to be or offer us the abundance we deserve. Life will pass you by if you stay in this fear. Most, if not all of it, is completely unfounded. You could be happy, but you are choosing fear. You can’t see how bright the future is going to be, so you stay in the dark and miss the opportunity. The world is a vibrant place for you to explore. There is so much to celebrate and enjoy. Stay in your integrity and kindness. Good karma is going to come back to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and express gratitude to those who have helped you along the way. Align yourself with people who have high morals and values. Release yourself from people who don’t. Avoid negativity as much as possible, but it’s important to maintain connections. You don’t have to be alone or feel alone. You can feel healthy and happy and vibrant, like the Queen/King you are. Let go of the worries and things will resolve themselves much easier. Don’t let the stress build up. Take lots of self-care and get lots of rest. Combat the stress with the exact opposite which is nurturing. Try new ways to relieve stress, like healing treatments or body work. Peace is possible, but you have to come out of the fear mindset. We can’t see all of what’s ahead of us, but we have to trust and have faith that it’s going to be beautiful and abundant. Be curious and open to life. Trust in this process of change and growth. We have completed the lessons we have gone through, and it is time to let them go and move forward in a lighter way. It’s ok to not know. There is freedom in not knowing. We have so much power that we can’t even see or realize yet. Tap into the Divine matrix of positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires, and decisions. The seeds we have planted are going to grow in bigger ways than we could imagine. This, or something better. Thank you Spirit. Look at the world through fresh eyes with the spirit of a child. Let the relationships around you mirror truths back to you. Is this what you need? Does it support your values and the energy you want to hold? Keep going and trust that every experience has a purpose and value. Bet on yourself and show your skills and talents. Everything is happening for a reason in perfect Divine timing. Keep going and keep working on the changes you need for yourself. Let go of the expectations and keep your heart open. What is coming is going to be better than we can imagine. Have a beautiful week!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Moon Magic Worksheet Subscription link

Moon Magic Worksheet

Angel Card & Crystal Reading

Dream interpretation

Astrology Natal Chart

Card Reading for Beginners Course

Reading for the week of July 10, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Pink Opal, Tree Jasper, and Aquamarine. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Tree Jasper – Jasper, in general, is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It holds and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity. Tree Jasper encourages abundance, growth, and fullness. Used to help with dream recall and shamanic journeying. A stone of protection, it absorbs all types of negative energies. Balances the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is a stone of strength, courage and determination. Stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging ideas into action. It can assist people who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation.

Aquamarine – A stone of courage and power. It brings inner peace, hope and self-love. It shields the aura, and is said to bring Angels for guidance and protection. Used to dispel anger and fear. Used for past life recall. A stone of good luck. Helps with calming communication issues.

My interpretation of the crystals: We are going through a huge phase of change and transformation, and we are changing not only our bodies, but more importantly, what’s within. We have been working so hard to heal our emotions, subconscious pain, and trauma. We are healing our hearts so we can live the lives we truly deserve. Be gentle with yourself and have lots of compassion. Every time you find yourself worrying about something, lovingly let it go to the Angels and know that they have your back and that there is no need to worry. Know that you don’t want to exist in fear and worry energy. Show the Universe that you are ready to choose differently. Choose to be as peaceful as possible. Come back to your center. Create a life that is tranquil, serene, and supports joy. What do we want? More joy. We deserve to be happy and joyful, and sometimes, that gets lost. It’s not our fault. Life is hard. But when we realize we have lost our joy, it is up to us to do what we have to do to get it back and create more. Balance is a term that I believe is misunderstood. Balance doesn’t mean that I spend 25% of my time at work, and 25% of time on my family, and 25% on myself, etc. Balance is more about meeting your needs and desires. What you do you need more of in your life right now? Maybe you’ve been neglecting your health and you need to spend more time being conscious of diet and exercise. Maybe you’ve been working too hard and you need more time sleeping and relaxing. Maybe you just need a little more “me time”. Whatever it is that you need, it’s up to you to make it happen. This is your life and if there is something you want, it’s up to you to go out there and go get it. Use your creativity and determination. It’s not by chance that I recently came across a TedX talk about what makes kids and people successful. It wasn’t how smart they were, or how well off they were. It was about how much grit and determination they had. If they wanted something bad enough, they wouldn’t stop till they achieved their dreams or something even better. Ask the Universe for what you want with an open heart. “This or something better” is a great phrase to use when asking the Universe for something. Then, you have to trust that the Universe will deliver you exactly what you need, exactly when it is meant for you. Things haven’t been easy… they have been pretty stressful… but change doesn’t usually come about easily. Especially during Cancer season when we would rather stay in our shells and keep everything exactly the same. There is comfort in safety, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It becomes bad when it gets out of balance and we choose to stay in our comfort zones too much. Then we close ourselves off from opportunities and chances for the Universe to deliver to us. If you wish that the world would deliver you amazing abundance, but you can’t even accept a small gift from someone, how can you receive unlimited abundance? The art of receiving is so much harder than we think it is. We think, oh yeah, I would love to win the lottery… but would you really? Now you have to manage those expenses and investments and hire people to help you and make sure you spend it wisely. It’s actually a lot of responsibility. Maybe we are better off living a simpler life? Maybe we have all we really need? Maybe we should be more grateful and joyful right here and now? We think we want all these things outside of ourselves, that they will make us happy, but what if that isn’t true? What if we had the ability to be happy and joyful all along? This phase is about understanding that we are already complete. It’s about giving ourselves and those we love genuine nurturing care without an agenda. We deserve an abundant life, and that all starts with what within us. It starts with how we perceive our lives. Do we appreciate the abundance we already have? Abundance can be personal growth, it can be food, it can be happiness, etc. Remember your true dreams and what’s important. Remember how lucky you are. Part of nurturing yourself is protecting yourself from negativity. Keeping those positive vibes despite whatever is going on will make life so much better and more abundant. Do your best to balance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Where do you need to focus more attention to? Be strong and courageous and use that determination to get though these challenges and find the success you seek and deserve. We can get where we want to be and we can achieve the goals that truly matter to us. Use your creativity and imagination to come up with new ideas and steps you can take to proceed forward. Trust your intuition and take action where you feel inspired. Stay focused and find ways to motivate yourself. Determination and grit is going to be key to getting what we want. Use your power. Understand how truly powerful you are. Love yourself fully and have hope for the future. Optimism and positive thoughts go so far for our general happiness. Just knowing that good things are coming can make us feel excited and inspired. Keep reminding yourself how lucky you are. I always love that quote, “the best days of our life are still ahead of us”. I believe it and I’ve seen it. There is so much good to come, so keep going and be strong. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards: This is a new age we are birthing, and all the things we are inspired to do and create are a part of the plan. To be honest, I’ve always felt like I struggled with “finding my place in life” and feeling like I never fit in. Everything always happens for a reason, and there is a reason I was meant to feel this way. My path wasn’t going to be an easy one to find… especially if I am subscribing to all these 3D beliefs and expectations. I was born to do this work. I was born to be free. I was born to show others that it is perfectly ok, it is natural to desire to be free. I was born to show other people that they can heal and change, and that is why I had to go down paths that were so hard, and really look at my life and decide to create change. I’m not perfect, and I’m not at my destination yet.. I still have quite far to go and many lessons to fully integrate, but I’m trying, and that’s all we can really do. The reason I wasn’t meant to fit in, was so that I would recognize when I did. I have to give a quick shout out to Vicky Marshall at Shine in Mannville, Alberta. Every year she hosts a Psychic Fair & Market that is always so well-attended. I am a very introverted person, and I wasn’t sure I was going to get out of my comfort zone and do readings in-person, but Vicky kept offering me space each year and giving me the gentle encouragement and support that I needed. Not only is Vicky amazing, but all the Readers and Healers that attend this event, I am just so proud to be around. Last year was my first year, and this year, I finally had that realization that I did fit in here and I did belong. Even my spouse said it was cool to see me there with all those other amazing people. I am stepping into my purpose and power, but it isn’t easy… especially with all the trauma I’ve gone through. It’s easy for me to want to retreat and not be seen, but at the end of the day, I know I’m here to be a change-maker and to help bring this new spiritual age of consciousness to more and more people in a simplified and relevant way, in the way I authentically know how. I often think about timeline shifting, and what that would mean if we just clicked into a slightly different timeline and things changed by a varying degree, one that we almost don’t realize while we are living it out. It’s like waking up one day and things are different, but how would we really know that? This is what it feels like, like we are slowly coming through this veil and then one day things will click into this new timeline. I do feel like this happens often, but I also feel like the more spiritually conscious people we have in the world, the more we can upgrade our timeline, vs downshifting. It’s like a bikes gears, we could go up or down, depending on what our intentions are as a planet. If we are rich and drowning our sorrows, is that the type of energy that will bring about great, positive change? Or would our vibration as a whole be better off if we were all more centered and balanced and content within? Vibrations are rising. We had that message today from the Messages From Spirit. Make sure you are contributing to the positive energy of the planet. Harness and channel your energy. Truly believe in the energy you possess. You do matter and you are magic. The stars shine down on you to guide you and inspire you. We have to have determination and faith in ourselves and the future, to get where we want to be. I do feel like big things are coming for us. The introvert in me gets nervous thinking about that, but I know deep down that I have a purpose to serve and fulfill, and I will do my best to be ready to do that and shine my light as much as I can. We have to walk our path whether we feel ready or not, because now is the time. There is no other time. This is your time. Do what you feel inspired to do. Help in the ways you feel guided to help. Let the past keep falling away and continue to rise in your power. Trust that the roads are appearing in front of you as you make your way. You don’t have to believe the same things you’ve always believed. You can trust yourself and believe in yourself. You can love yourself and appreciate yourself. You can believe you are important and that you have special gifts to offer this world. Find ways to connect with people and help them. Trust that what you put out will come back around to you in some way. How do we trust something we can’t see, that we have never seen before? That’s the exact point of trust. You have to trust before it happens. You have to allow space and faith that things are happening as they need to. You have to trust that your inspirations serve a purpose. You have to trust that what you have to share is important. I’m almost done working on the Moon Magic Worksheet for the upcoming New Moon in Cancer, and this New Moon is very focused around the home and family, but particularly the inner child and Mother and Father wounds. There is an essence of forgiveness we need now, in order to truly let go of the past and be free. To be free to move forward and be free of pain and guilt. We have to let go of the negativity to feel joy again. Trust that your parents did the best they could with what they knew. Trust that you have done the best you can. Trust that everyone is learning and growing and working together to build a life that is even more supportive, loving, and inspired. Trust that your parents love you and that they did the best they could. Yes; there were probably many times your inner child needed something different, or something more…. But we can forgive them and know that not only where they different people then, but society was different. That’s why we are creating this new reality where we are making new choices about what is socially acceptable. Where abuse is no longer ignored and tolerated. Where mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness is cared for and prioritized. Let your parents love you however they can, and encourage them and help them to grow and expand in new ways. Focus on the love in all of your relationships. Pretend you are watering your relationships with a canister of love. If your parents are no longer with us in the physical, know that you are loved purely and wholeheartedly from Heaven. Your parents will always love you, no matter what. Heal your inner child and let them know they are safe to expand and experience joy again. Help everyone feel better by helping yourself to feel better. We were fated to be here in this time and space, but we do have a conscious choice over how we experience it and relate to it. We can trust, or we can be fearful, it’s really almost that simple. We can step into our power and purpose or we can stay hidden and nothing changes. Know that these changes, these opportunities that are coming your way, are going to help you grow and become something more than you knew you could be. This, or something greater… and you are going to do great things. Your path and purpose is important and is going to help others and impact the world in a positive way. Everything that’s happened is for a reason. Remember that you are an important part of this plan. You have a part to play that matters. If you don’t do it… if you choose riches over sharing your gifts spiritually.. it might change everything. It might shift our timeline. We want to go up and we want to go higher. It feels so good to be full of passion and purpose. Don’t let the doubt and fears hold you back. Trust that you matter. Trust that people will benefit from what you create and put out there. Trust that you deserve abundance and blessings in the most healthy ways. I never fit in because how could I even fathom this amazing greatness that awaits my path now? How could I even believe I hold the gifts that I do? It’s taken me time to see the road appearing ahead. It’s taken me time to claim my power and authenticity. I am worthy and I am special, and you are too. You are part of the great plan for all of us. How do you feel inclined to contribute or help others? Face fear and go forward anyway. Once you get through it, it will be so worth it. It’s all a part of the plan. Have a beautiful week!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Moon Magic Worksheet Subscription

Moon Magic Worksheet

Angel Card & Crystal Reading

Dream interpretation

Astrology Natal Chart

Card Reading for Beginners Course

Messages From Spirit for July 2, 2023

Messages From Spirit for July 2, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July2 #Healing #Heal #Repair #Renew #Replenish #Heart #SelfCare #Maintenance #Work #Vitality #Rise #Space #Nourish #WellBeing #Vulnerability #Necessary #Tender #Emotions #BeGentle #LetGo #Past #StepIntoTheNew #UnburdenYourself #Prosperity #Positivity

Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius – June 3, 2023

On Saturday, June 3, 2023, we have a Full Strawberry Moon peaking at 9:41pm MDT at 13°17’ in the sign of Sagittarius. 🌕✨🏹🍓

This Full Moon is also sometimes known as the Rose Moon, the Berries Ripen Moon, the Birth Moon, the Egg Laying Moon, the Hatching Moon, the Mead Moon, or the Honey Moon.

This is definitely being felt as a “sweet” Moon bringing relaxation and joy, and with a passionate trine to Mars it brings romance and adventure. It’s a beautiful time to connect and enjoy the company of others.

There are so many good things heading our way, but are we willing to face the tests and overcome the obstacles that undoubtedly will arise along the way?

This Full Moon is really about taking back our power and allowing ourselves to live in our full light. It’s about facing what keeps us in the darkness, so we can shine bright and be comfortable in our own skin.

What good are dreams if we are always living our fears, or living based on other people’s expectations of us. There is no freedom, no authenticity, no originality.

If you are feeling held back by something, what is one small thing you can do for yourself to help you feel more free and happy?

Sagittarius is a very jovial sign, and it reminds us of the importance of passion, joy, and happiness.

What is life is we aren’t pursuing the things we love and dream about? Our intuition knows so much more than we give it credit for. Sometimes the most original pathways are yet unpaved.

Be brave and keep going where you know you need to be. Celebrate yourself and make the most of this day. You truly do deserve it.

It’s also a perfect day to come see me for a reading, in-person, JUNE 3, 2023, in Mannville, Alberta at the Rec Centre for the Shine’s Psychic Fair & Market from 10am-4pm! 😃🙏✨

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🏹

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Sagittarius? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that you can look over and work with as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Sagittarius, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Strawberry #StrawberryMoon #Sagittarius #Astrology #Guidance #Sweet #Cheerful #Joyful #HighSpirited #Adventure #Curiousity #Explore #Expand #Collaborate #Connect #Communicate #Romance #Passion #Goals #Life #Meaning #Optimism #Believe #Faith #Positivity #Obstacles #Desires #Hope #Discover

Messages From Spirit for April 20, 2023

Messages From Spirit for April 20, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #April20 #Apr20 #NothingIsWasted #Nature #Value #EverythingHasValue #Exists #Things #PassOn #Support #NewLife #Negativity #Transmuted #Positivity #Beneficial #Wisdom #Power #CoCreate #Better #Embody #Beauty #Transformation #Past #Happening #HangInThere #YouAreSoLoved

Full Pink Moon in Libra – April 5, 2023

On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, peaking at 10:34pm MDT, we have a Full Pink Moon at 16°07’ in the sign of Libra. 🌕✨🌸♎️

Libra is a sign all about balance. It’s Divine counterpart is Aries, where the Sun is currently located opposite from the Moon.

It’s a cosmic dance of give and take, of dark and light, of good times and bad.

Mercury is in Taurus sextile to Saturn in Pisces which has us ready to get organized and on track, feeling disciplined with a clear mind. We are ready to tackle any obstacle that stands in the way of our happiness and chase our dreams.

We have gained so much strength and courage. We are ready to weather any storm to get to the rainbow. We truly understand that we need the rain to grow.

Libra is a sign of love, partnership, and romance. It’s no coincidence that the Libra Full Moon falls in the midst of Spring energy. Love and partnerships are definitely highlighted now.

We have to remember that at the end of the day, it’s only about us. It’s about what we do to create a beautiful life for ourself. It’s about the support we seek and allow ourselves to receive. It’s about choosing to heal and maintain a positive and optimistic outlook for the future and appreciating all we have right now.

Relationships are a Divine reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Give yourself the love you need and deserve. Fill your cup and then share it with everyone around you. Self-love is very important as we move forward. Only when we love ourselves can we truly love another.

The Full Moon is a time of letting go, so let go of the past and all that no longer serves you. Let go of any energy you no longer need, so you can fly free… so you can love yourself fully. Be willing to see the beautiful future in front of you.

We are moving into a Hybrid Solar Eclipse along with the next New Moon on April 19th, so now is the time to get those crystals cleansed and charged and the energy released!

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨💕⚖️

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Libra? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Libra, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #PinkMoon #Libra #MoonMagic #April5 #Balance #Harmony #Peace #Love #Feelings #Emotions #Connection #GetOrganized #MakeSpace #Clean #Clear #Release #LetGo #Past #Pain #Trauma #New #Positive #Positivity #Optimism #Support #Dedication #Choice