Full Snow Moon in Virgo – February 27, 2021

We have a Full Snow Moon at 8 degrees Virgo in 2 days! On February 27th the Full Moon will peak at 1:17am MST here in Alberta. πŸŒ•βœ¨β™οΈ

Virgo has a need for order, structure, and routines. Pisces, which the Sun is now in, represents disorder, spirituality, and the infinite. It is important we find a healthy balance of both. Balance is a huge theme lately. How are we balancing our personal needs with our responsibilities? How our we finding freedom within restriction?

Things might be tense leading up to the Full Moon, but things should calm down. Express yourself and let things get out of your system, just make sure to exercise care as you do so. Work hard, but take time for self-care too.

Remember that you are deserving of abundance. The things we think about now have great impact and importance. Things are changing, and they might not be easy. We have to maintain trust and faith that everything is working out in our highest good.

This Full Moon is about releasing the blocks that keep us from our higher self and higher wisdom. This is why we have to release our ego, and live from the heart. We have to embrace every moment and make the best of it. We have to make healthful changes in our lives so that we can be truly happy and experience vitality. We have to think more positively. The Full Moon is harmonious to Uranus, suggesting easy acceptance of change and progress!

It’s important to go with the flow and trust in the Universe. This is a time of fulfillment from what was started at the New Moon! If you kept your intentions from the New Moon, burn them during this Full Moon and release them with faith and trust.

We are strong, independent, courageous, and capable human beings. The only person holding us back is our own selves. How can you can you release what holds you back on this Full Moon?

If you want to dive deeper into this, get my Moon Magic Worksheet! πŸŒ•βœ¨βœοΈ

It’s a 4 Page Printable PDF with tons of information about items and properties that relate to this Full Moon. It has affirmations, goal setting questions, releasing, prayers, do’s and don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more! Cost is $5(CAD) each, or you can sign up for 12 months for $100(CAD)! Let me know if you are interested! πŸ™βœ¨

I personally, have a Virgo Moon, and people with a Virgo Moon are known for their intellect, curious mind, and intuition. ❀️ I have been loving learning and creating these Moon Magic Worksheets! I also do Natal Chart Readings if anyone wants to learn more about their own chart!

Wishing you all a beautiful Full Moon! πŸŒ•πŸ™βœ¨ Let go of those limiting beliefs! β€οΈπŸ™

#FullMoon #Moon #Virgo #Astrology #MoonMagic #Earth #Practical #Reliable #HardWork #Grounding #Grounded #Creative #VirginMary #Maiden #Beauty #Purity #Tranquility #Mindset #Positivity #Crystals #Plants #Affirmations #Releasing #LetGo #Change #HigherSelf

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

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