Full Beaver Moon in Gemini – November 27, 2023

On Monday, November 27, 2023, peaking at 2:16am MST, we have a Full Beaver Moon at 4°51’ in the sign of Gemini. 🌕✨♊️

It is called the Beaver Moon because this is the time of year when Beaver’s begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead.

The Farmer’s Almanac also lists other names for this Moon including: the Digging Moon (a Tlingit name), Deer Rutting Moon (Dakota and Lakota), Whitefish Moon (Algonquin), Frost Moon (Cree and Assiniboine), and Freezing Moon (Anishinaabe).

Gemini is a sign of duality. You can’t have one without the other. It’s imperative that you understand all sides of the coin to be successful. You can’t just pretend things are ok, if they aren’t.

The Moon is opposite of Mars and this can bring the potential for arguments and power struggles. We may be feeling controlled or unheard. This Moon is an important time for us to reestablish and maintain boundaries in a compassionate way.

This is your life and you get to choose what you hold on to, and what you let go of. What are you going to do to make the most of your life?

The work is never truly done. When you think you’ve surrendered, surrender more.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🦫

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Gemini? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #Gemini #BeaverMoon #MoonMagic #Twins #Duality #Perspectives #SeeAllSides #FaceTheTruth #Concentrate #HardWork #Success #Desire #Change #Spontaneity #Harmony #StayTrueToYou #Clarity #WhatDoYouTrulyWant #WhatIsntWorking #Info #Light #Dreams #Needs #Plan #Reevaluate #Reestablish #Boundaries

Messages From Spirit for September 11, 2023

Messages From Spirit for September 11, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #September11 #Sept11 #HoldingOn #Release #LetGo #Participate #Engage #PhysicalActivity #Source #SelfCounselling #ClearTheWay #NewMessages #Ideas #Solutions #HealingEnergy #Walk #Run #Swim #Dance #Yoga #Play #PhysicalMotiom #Accelerates #Processing #Releasing #Emotions

Messages From Spirit for March 24, 2023

Messages From Spirit for March 24, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #March24 #Mar24 #Transformation #Change #Shedding #Releasing #NoGoingBack #YouAreDifferentNow #New #Death #Rebirth #Loss #Endings #Discoveries #Growth #Healing #Courage #StayOpen #SayYes #Expand #Trust #Surrender

Reading for the Year Ahead – 2023

The crystals I am working with for this year are Aura Amethyst, Aragonite, and Garnet. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Aura Amethyst – All the benefits of Amethyst while linking to your heart. It is the stone of Universal light. Amethyst itself is meditative, calming and peaceful. It represents spiritual connections, elevation, psychic abilities, intuition, happiness and contentment. Amethyst is stone of sobriety. Aura Amethyst makes you feel more optimistic and joyful just by looking at it. It relaxes fears and lifts spirits. It is extremely calming and encourages peaceful thoughts. It heals tension in the body and reduces anxiety and negativity. Awakens the third eye. It helps you move on from past experiences, giving you a fresh, new perspective on life. Gives you the power to rise above limits and find success.

Aragonite – Encourages conservation and caring for the Earth. Assists healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety. They send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. They relieve anger and resentment, and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Increases energy. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth.

Garnet – A stone of regeneration and energizing. Boosts and revitalizes energy. A protective stone. Excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one’s dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. Builds one’s self-confidence, inspiration, and creativity. Considered a stone of increasing commitment, honesty, hope, and faith. It is a stone of positive thoughts which is said to dispel and relieve depression. Helps you feel emotionally free and peaceful. It lowers inhibitions and feelings of shame to embrace sensuality and sexuality.

My interpretation of the crystals:

This is an interesting mix of crystals. The Aura Amethyst feels very high vibe and light, the Aragonite is very solid and strong, and the Garnet is very deep and passionate. Life is a range of experiences, and this year will be no different, but we are coming into our own personal power in much healthier and stronger ways. We are seeing the light in our heart and becoming more willing to share our beauty and gifts. We are very intuitive and perceptive, not only with our 3rd eye, but also guided by our heart and soul. We are seeing how we fit into this puzzle and how we can contribute the world. When we rise into our power, we become so much more stable and sure of ourselves. It is so much easier to be happy when we love ourselves and see our worth and value, and treat ourselves well. Aura Amethyst is reminding us not to be distracted by substances or shiny things, that the happiness we truly seek comes from within no matter how much we have. It’s all about the way we choose to look at life. We can think that we are never enough and always push, or we can trust that we are enough and be happy and content in this moment without needing for more. We are more spiritually connected than ever, and we need to lean on spiritual practices such as meditation to keep us in the energy and mindset that we want to be in, to help us stay optimistic and feel joyful about life. It sounds much easier than it is… it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the expectations life and society places on us, so do your best not to subscribe to everyone’s else’s ways of living. We don’t have to be busy all the time. We don’t need to do things we don’t want to do. We don’t need to be more than we are now. Everything is fine. Things will be ok. Stressing out or worrying is only going to make things harder and bring you down into depression. It’s important that we stay as light and high-vibe as we can. It’s important that we go easy on ourselves. We do have so many reasons to be optimistic about the future. Life is good and blesses us in so many ways. It is time for us to move on toward our future and our highest potential. That’s why we cant afford to be held back by anyone or anything. Keep your focus on you as the most important priority. Keep making the choices you need for your highest good. It is time to move on from the past. We are so far beyond that now. Try to see things in new ways. You can rise above all of it and find the success you seek. That will be much easier to do if we are feeling good! See the light, share the light, and stay in the light as much as possible. We need to heal and see our true beauty, purpose, and light. If you are feeling angry or resentful, it’s definitely a sign that you need to change up something in your life. Start with yourself and working on improving your confidence and self-worth. In spiritual truth, it really doesn’t matter what anyone does to us, it matters how we respond and what we do for ourselves to change it or make it better. It’s time to see our worth and value so we can go out there and get it for ourselves. There is a strong feeling of independence this year, even if we are in relationships. We are understanding that no one can do for us, the things we need to do for ourselves. We need to get our energy back because we have lots of things to get done! Find ways to revitalize your energy. Protect yourself spiritually. Ground your dreams into this reality by taking steps towards them. We can realize our dreams and be abundant and prosperous. Keep believing in you and what you have to offer. Keep investing in yourself and healing. Utilize your inspiration and creativity. There is a feeling of growing in self-love, and when we do that, those around us will love us that much more too. Some of us will even come into deeper levels of commitment in relationships, but it’s really not about that in the end. All that matters is how we feel within, that we are happy, free, and peaceful. That we embrace all of who we are and what we love. That we allow ourselves to receive what we need. When we light the way in our own hearts, it spreads to the hearts of others like wildfire. How can you expect anyone else to love themselves, if you can’t? We also need to love the Earth, which is our larger body. We are making a difference, and we need to keep doing more to bring the entire planet and Universe into health and harmony. We are on the way, so keep moving and doing good things. Let’s see what the cards say!

My interpretation of the cards:

We are breaking through to new worlds and new perspectives. The Birch trees on the Ace of Swords Card represent birth and new beginnings. The Sword tells us it is time to cut the cords of the past. The Hawk shows us a new vision and perspective and helps us to see more clearly what’s ahead. Clarity is dawning and we have sharper focus. Cut yourself free from attachments or negative situations. Be productive and use your creativity, inspiration, and intellect. Use the Sword of reason to achieve success. We are going to come through victoriously. We are being reminded of our true power. We are co-creating this life. Yes, Spirit is all around us and guides us and supports us, but we also have choice and free will. The Egg tells me we have fertile dreams. The Cheetah shows me that it’s time to go after them. The Owl suggests that we be wise about our course of action and how we handle challenges along the way. We need to be wise about the decisions we are making for our future. We are manifesting and we need to use our creativity and inspiration. Create beautiful days to live a beautiful life. Think beautiful thoughts and choose to see the beauty. You are a product of Divine inspiration, and you have a purpose. It’s important you are listening to your creative inspirations. Know that you are a powerful co-creator and be proud of what you create. Keep your heart open and see your true beauty. The potential for manifestation is unlimited now. Stop trying so hard and just allow life to flow. Just be you and know that is more than enough. Ask for inspiration and take the first step. Spirit is here supporting us and doing their part in it all. There is an aspect of fate. Things will find a way, and it’s really about how we choose to get there and what perspective we will choose to see. Things are changing and sometimes they have to be shaken up to do so. Trust that everything will land where it needs to when you listen to your heart and intuition. We can’t see how we are going to get where we want to be, but we can and will find a way. Keep doing your part to make it happen. Accept the mystery of life and flow with it, see the beauty in it. This card also goes back to feelings of resentment and anger. We have to remember we can’t change or control what anyone else does, only what we do. Looking at the stars on this card, I hear the song “Yellow” by Coldplay. “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you”. This existence, this reality, it is only yours. It is up to you what you do and what you choose and how you look at it. Honor yourself above all else. Love yourself unconditionally. Know that any challenges that arise, you will be better because of them. You are going to flourish. Sometimes things are hard to accept, but fate is a mystery. Sometimes we can’t see the whole picture or why things have to happen as they do. The ways in which we respond to life’s circumstances is how we rise up to greet our destiny. Surrender to acceptance and trust. Life is going to get better, especially by giving yourself more love. The only thing you can control is your own attitude, and things are going to be and feel so much better with a positive one. There is a purpose in everything we have to go through. We did sign up for this and we have been through this before. Remember your gifts. Utilize your intuition and wisdom. If you feel guided to make changes in your life, trust that you are fully capable to do so. Be the wise soul that God intended you to be. Be a part of the change and the betterment of this planet. Learn from the past and usher in a new age. What a wonderful message for 2023! We are breaking through our past limits, and creating a beautiful, fated future together. Wishing you all the best this year! 💕🙏🥳🎉✨

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:


Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:


Moon Magic Worksheet:


Angel Card & Crystal Reading:


Dream Interpretation:


Astrology Natal Chart:


Card Reading for Beginners Course:


Card Reading for the Week of December 11, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Smoky Quartz, Blue Calcite, and Fuchsite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

Fuchsite – A stone of health. Assists with recovery and immunity. Brings awareness about stress and daily routines. Helps one recover from emotional or physical problems. Brings friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness.

My interpretation of the crystals:

There is a lot in the crystals about recuperation, recovery, and immunity, so we are continuing to heal from the physical ailments as well as emotional and spiritual ones too. We are being reminded of how strong we are, and that we are capable of doing all the things that need doing. Not only are we capable, we might even enjoy it. Things have been tough lately and everyone has been overwhelmed by societal expectations. I guess that’s why it’s so important to remember the magic in daily life, so we don’t get sucked down into negativity or depression from the overwhelm and exhaustion. Remember that everything and everyone set up in your path is meant to be, so live each day with curiosity as to what life is teaching you and who it’s bringing to you. You never know what opportunities can arise. Remember that everyday is an adventure, even if it’s just to work and back. There is a reason for you to be there, a purpose to fulfill, and abundance to earn and receive. Try to think positively and elevate your mood as much as possible. Christmas is descending on us quickly, so try to embrace a positive and optimistic mindset and mood. Things haven’t been easy, but everything happens for a reason. Things are never going to be easy all the time, so we have to enjoy the small moments we can, make the most of life, and be happy as much as possible. We have to do the best we can. We have been living in survival mode, but we have to try to pull ourselves out of that. Life is to be enjoyed. We can’t let it pass us by. Be strong and help yourself find tranquility and fulfillment for you. We have to be willing to speak up and speak clearly about our needs. We can make our wishes come true. The Smoky Quartz is probably my favorite crystal. It helps us anchor our wishes and dreams into 3D reality. It is going to help us anchor in more positivity and joy into our life. It is also a stone of wisdom, and it’s going to help us make wise choices for our highest good. It helps us look after ourselves and prioritize our needs, so we are better able to serve our divine purpose in this Universe. We aren’t going to be able to help much if we are depressed and unhealthy. Sobriety is an extremely important message I’ve been getting for many people lately. Staying sober is of utmost importance to living a life with more tranquility. Your inner child wants you to think and feel clearly. It deserves to embrace its inherent innocence. It deserves to feel healthy and emotional ease. We can’t bury the past, no matter how much we want to or try… we have to look at it with love and embrace it for all that it taught us. We have to forgive ourselves and peel back the layers, so that we can release them for good. We are growing spiritually, and if you are living a life where you have to lie or hide, you are going to find yourself anxious and unhealthy. It’s time for us to live lives we can be proud of. It’s time to love ourselves the way we deserve, and the way our future generations deserve. We can recover, but we need to allow our hearts to be lightened. We can’t keep carrying the burdens of the past. It’s time to step up and stop adding to trauma in your life, and work to heal and be healthy instead. It’s time to learn and grow. Soften your heart and be compassionate, towards yourself and those you’ve impacted. This is about taking charge of your life and how you are living, so that you can be your optimal self. So you can bring in everything you want and deserve. If you need to make changes in your life, now is a perfect time. We are being asked to be courageous and show the Universe we are ready. Let’s see what the cards say!

My interpretation of the cards:

Wow. This week is so clearly working on healing the past and our inner child. Mother Mary is the embodiment of love and compassion. She asks you to be compassionate towards yourself, but also those around you. She asks you to embrace your gifts and your talents. She calls for you to honor yourself and your life in every moment. We should be proud of how far we’ve come, no matter what we’ve been through. We have so much yet to see and do, and Mother Mary asks us to continue moving forward with love in our hearts. Mother Mary reminds you that you are a blessing to this Earth. You are deserving and you do deserve to be celebrated. Do the best you can to treat everyone with love, happiness, and compassion. Do what you can to embrace the children in your life too. Bring wonder and merriment to your inner child and the kids around you. Make life better for everyone as much as you can. See your own life through the eyes of a child. Always remember that the world is full of joyful and amazing moments. Embrace the simple pleasures of life. Enjoy the Christmas season. Keep an optimistic outlook. Believe in magic again. Cherish the best parts of your childhood and past. Connect with friends over shared memories. The Six of Summer tells me there is potential for people from the past to reconnect. It is a perfect time during the Christmas season. These reconnections can spark so much simple joy in our hearts. The Six of Summer card tells me that we should embrace the best of what has been, and release the rest with love. Things are different now, and where we are going, we don’t need to bring any negativity. We only need joy, hope, and wonder. Embracing our childlike innocence is going to be important to enjoying this holiday season. We are being held and healed by the Angels. They are sending our inner children so much love. They are with our loved ones in Spirit, sharing in the love and joy we experience. Everyone is innocent in spiritual truth. Everything happens for a reason. What is meant to be, will always find a way. Stop worrying and let go of the pain. Instead, trust and have hope. Lighten your load. Let go of any negativity that may shroud your loving outlook. Make the changes that serve your highest good. Enjoy peace in your heart again. You have endured enough and you are ready and deserving. Allow yourself let go, and to receive the love you’ve always deserved. Let yourself be supported, held, and soothed. Trust that a bright new loving start is upon us. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:


Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:


Moon Magic Worksheet:


Angel Card & Crystal Reading:


Dream Interpretation:


Astrology Natal Chart:


Card Reading for Beginners Course:


Messages From Spirit for November 11, 2022

Messages From Spirit for November 11, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #November11 #Nov11 #Physical #Outlet #Movement #Release #Energy #Emotions #Inspiration #Dance #Workout #Walk #Run #Swim #Yoga #Motion #Processing #Releasing #ShakeUp #Routine #Feel #Positive #Positivity #Health

Archangel Chamuel – Full Moon in Taurus – November 8, 2022

Archangel Chamuel is an Angel for this Full Moon, and his sign is hearts. ❤️

Want to know more about this Full Moon in Taurus? Get my Moon Magic Worksheet! $5 each or $100 to sign up for a year. I release it prior to every New & Full Moon. 🌕🙏✨

#MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet #Angels #Archangels #ArchangelChamuel #Peace #PeacefulRelationships #Forgiveness #ResolveProblems #GetOrganized #Organization #Assistance #Ask #Learning #Tools #Releasing #LettingGo #Cleansing #Clearing #FindingPeace

Card Reading for the week of October 31, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Epidot, Atlantisite, and Prehnite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Epidot – Enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. Increases perception and brings spiritual growth. Helpful for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Brings a sense of hopeful optimism, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Clears congestion and energy blockages. Helps to balance and stabilize energy. An excellent stone for connecting with nature and her healing qualities.

Atlantisite – Lowers stress levels. Helps you find inner peace. Stabilizes your moods and helps break away from making poor choices. A good stone for meditation, it helps you access information and wisdom. Increases love and compassion. Enhances your sense of security and helps you establish your personal boundaries. Helps you open your way to Spirit. Removes stagnant energies and brings peace to life. Helps raise your energy. It is also a powerful physical healing stone.

Prehnite – Boosts prophetic abilities. Enhances visualization and spiritual “knowing” and aids in connecting with higher realms. Helps induce lucid dreaming, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced. Prehnite is said to “heal the Healer,” and can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Fosters a strong sense of trust in the Universe. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and of love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. It clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians. It helps you say “no”. Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps to remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind.

Life is such a rollercoaster. One minute your way up, enjoying something wonderful, the next minute everything comes crashing down. Life is like the waves and we are just here to ride them while we can. I was feeling sorry for myself today, life has been exhausting and I’m not feeling well. I got a follow-up call from my doctor that sent me into panic mode. I thought about being anxiety ridden for the next week until my appointment, but then I remembered I could look at my own medical reports online. I don’t think the result is too bad, and it was something I had expected. Ok, I can breathe knowing more of what to expect. Then I got a call from the hospital for my son’s next procedure. It’s all a lot some days, but what can you do. All you can do is what you can do. All you can is enjoy the moment and today, and get through whatever comes next. It doesn’t help anything to focus on the next worry or live from one stress to the next. We have to eliminate as much negativity from our lives as possible. We don’t need to feel stuck or depressed or helpless. We need to take our power back to create a life that we love, even if it’s in between hospital visits and medical procedures. Me need to be grateful that we have such good medical care. We need to feel more optimistic about the future. There has been way too much toxic stress in our lives lately. We need to clear our mind and any energy blockages. We need to be able to vibe high as much as possible. What in your life brings you down or holds you back from feeling good or vibing high? If you really want to heal, if you really want things to get better, you have to let go of whatever holds you back. That could be your own thought patterns, it could be past life trauma, it could be relationships, etc. We need to deal with it and cut it out of our life so we can reclaim our peace, stabilize our mind, and lower our stress levels. We need to try to make better, more positive choices that serve our future and support our wellbeing. We have places to go and things to see and do, but we will have a hard time doing that if we allow ourselves to be kept hidden or playing small. We need to raise our own energy and break ourselves out of the cage. We need to set boundaries and learn how to say no and stick to it. We need to increase the love and compassion we have for ourselves, so we can do better now that we know better. There is no point in worrying about the past now.. but if you refuse to listen to your intuition, if you continue to let people take advantage of you, those patterns will continue to repeat and the past remains in the present. Raise your energy so far above the drama. You are so much better than all of it. Make the hard choices you need to, so that you can heal and have the peace and security you seek. Be true to yourself and your inner knowing. You have prophetic gifts and you have seen glimpses of the future. You know there are many wonderful things out there still to experience. Trust in that. Trust that the connections you continue to have in dream time and the Spirit realm are important ones. Trust that everything is working out in your favour, and it always has been. Nothing in life has “happened to you”, it’s happening for you, and leading you to your destiny. When you love something, you have to let it be free and trust that the Universe delivers you exactly what you need. Come to acceptance, release and forgive, but also be strong enough to say “no” to that which to longer serves you. Stay true to yourself and what you deserve and desire. Be clear in your heart and mind. Let your Spirit be uplifted and secure knowing it’s all coming in due time. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

When there is a lot going on, it can be stressful, but it can also be exciting and even adventurous. If my life was “perfect”, I’d probably never leave home. When we go to the hospital, in between the hard stuff, is lots of good fun stuff… such as adventure, fun, kindness and connection. We make the most of it and that’s what this energy is all about. Nothing is ever easy, but it’s always worth it. Whatever your heart is desiring, go for it. Trust in it. Jump in. Ride the waves. Dive deep and be fearless. I love swimming, and seeing so much water and swimming here is confirming that is something I need to do more of. We need to be more excited to welcome change and go with the flow. We need to be able to find the calm in the middle of chaos and swim with the tides. This is about not allowing anything to hold us back anymore. It’s about our own personal freedom and choice. The freedom to jump at will. Stop waiting for permission and be courageous in the pursuit of your desires. Life bends for the courageous. When you show the Universe you are ready and willing, it meets you half way with opportunities. Take the leap and figure things out as you go. Things are not always smooth sailing, but it teaches us and provides us the necessary experience to navigate future storms. Fall in love with surfing the waves of life. Fall in love with life itself. Seek adventure and be adaptable. Make the most of your life while you are here. Where in your life could you be more courageous? The Message in a Bottle is your sign from Spirit confirming that you are on the right path and to trust your inner knowing and intuition. It is a sign of confirmation to trust yourself and the Universe. This message is pointing us towards our highest good. Have you learned the lessons in your life? Have you received the signs and messages? Have you listened and followed the guidance? Spirit hears you and see what you need. This is your sign that you are absolutely seen and heard. Stop ignoring the signs of what you know you need to do. Stay open to what you can learn from it all. Trust that only good will come from all of it. Align with your destiny and free yourself to walk your own individual path. Expect calls and opportunities that will lead you forward. Spirit will keep speaking louder and louder if you refuse to listen. Pay attention to what you have been overlooking. Experiment with your approach. Allow your energy to work for you, instead of against you. Are you investing your energy into everyone else, so that it is a struggle to give any to yourself? This is a time to invest in YOU. You are the gift. You are the brightest blessing. You are what you’ve been seeking all along. Be open-minded about your place in this world. You don’t have to do certain things out of expectation. You are free to be who you want to be. Try lots of things and explore. Make the most of all the adventure in life. Remember that you are always free to change your mind and try again. As we grow and learn, our opinions and direction may change, and that is perfectly ok. You are a free and sovereign person. You can cross any bridge you find, and you don’t need anyone to come along with you. Life will find a way. It is destiny. Trust in it all. Jump into the eye, and find the beauty anywhere. Be fearless and free. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:


Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:


Moon Magic Worksheet:


Angel Card & Crystal Reading:


Dream Interpretation:


Astrology Natal Chart:


Card Reading for Beginners Course:


Card Reading for the week of September 19, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Cinnabrite, Snow Quartz, and Mangano Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Cinnabrite – Attracts money and wealth. Willpower to attain and maintain inner freedom. Helps us to fulfill our dreams. Gives strength. Encourages development of intuition and increases spiritual insight. Enhances and invigorates creativity.

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

All white crystals represent purity, and the pink represents sweetness and beauty, which is perfect as we have a Libra New Moon coming up on Sunday. It’s time to refresh and purify our lives. It’s time for new beginnings. Many people have been worried about finances. Trust that if you keep putting the work in and moving forward you will see the rewards more and more. Abundance, money, wealth, fortune… it’s all on our side this week. Keep taking those steps toward earning more money or saving. Keep using your creativity to create more. Let your creativity be reinvigorated. We do have lots of good ideas and inspirations that we can build upon to earn income. Don’t be afraid to start small. Use your willpower to build a life that is more aligned with what you want. If you want more freedom, find more ways to be and feel free. Be strong and keep making the changes you need as you go. Keep growing as a person and allowing yourself to shift and change. See the beauty that you bring to the table as a unique and individual human. It all starts from within us, the white colors of the crystals represent our spirit. Take time for meditation and for going within. I’ve really been enjoying Sound Baths lately… something about the vibrations really allows me to open up, connect, and make those shifts. Google Sound Baths and find one that works for you. The vibration of the sound really clears the energy. Don’t be afraid to look within and see what’s coming up for you. I started Trauma Healing Sessions last week, and that’s been very eye opening for me about how much I do stuff down and not want to talk about… but acknowledging these things and giving them a voice will hopefully allow me to release them for good and feel a lot lighter! Not everyone has to do deep trauma work, but I do believe that it’s in the energy right now for us to look at what’s bothering us deep within, and be able to release some of it and make space for what the Universe is desiring to deliver to us. So we can rise into our power and serve our purpose here on Earth. The Fall feeling in the air is really calling me to go within as well. It’s time to shed our proverbial leaves and bare our branches, ready to tackle the winds of winter and soak up the sun with new growth in spring. Be calm and trust that the Universe has its perfect cycles and everything is in perfect divine timing. Let yourself heal so you can love yourself and your life so much. When we take care of ourselves and give ourselves love, we are better able to receive love from others. Act with loving behaviours towards yourself, others, and your life as a whole as much as you can. Hope for the best in all things. Let go of the anxiety and stress for good and allow yourself to heal. There is nothing to be scared of.. and so many beautiful and wonderful things yet to come. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

I love these cards. You’re Not For Everyone has been coming up a lot in the past 6 months. We can never find true happiness and fulfilment if we are trying to be someone we aren’t. If we are trying to fill certain expectations or moulds that others have set before us. Life is going to be a lot harder to live, if you are living unauthentically. It’s so much easier, and a lot more rewarding, just to be who you are. To be the person you came to this Earth to be. You have nobody to impress. The only person who has to believe in you, is you. You know in your heart what is right for you. Everyone may not understand you… not everyone may like you… but that is perfectly ok, as long as you know who you are. You are the superhero of your life. Your the one who gets to set the GPS and decide on the adventure. You get to create this life however you see fit for you. You have the whole world in front of you. Honestly, that’s such a beautiful thing. My weird life is so beautiful because it’s mine. Stars to me, represent opportunities, and you can see she is creating them from her fingertips, just like magic. When you live your truth authentically and do work that matters to you, you build on a more solid foundation that you can grow and grow from, until the sky is the limit. It doesn’t matter who you think is watching, because people will notice you when you are living in your power and purpose. When you share your heart, you connect with other like-minds and find your people. You don’t ever have to convince anyone of your value. Those who appreciate you will benefit from the gifts you offer… and you have so many gifts to offer the world. You have a trunk full of love, opportunities, abundance, experience, and spiritual connection. You might not even be able to see how much you offer or have accumulated because you’ve been working so hard. Yes, there has been a lot to carry in this life, but Spirit is watching over you and ensuring you are blessed even through all that you endure. See your life as the treasure that it is. Treat people like the treasures they are. Do what you can with what you have, and work on creating and building more. Trust your intuition to guide you towards where you need to be and what you need to do. The hard work you do on improving your inner self will pay off externally. Make sure you share your blessings with others, and let it multiply, like magic. Keep your heart open to love and be willing to learn the lessons. Stop believing that you are “not enough”, which creates the blocks to abundance. Instead, see your true, powerful nature as the energetic creator and manifestor that you are. Stop listening to all the expectations of people around you, and start filling up your own heart. Live your amazing life. Appreciate nature. Appreciate the gift of life. Experience adventure. Explore the world outside of your home and workplace. Get out of your normal routine and find some new inspiration. Allow yourself to be immersed in the Earth’s energy to cleanse, ground, heal, and let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of the past and see today for the treasure that it is. Step into your natural power, and guide energy back into yourself and your life. Have an inspired week and a beautiful New Moon this weekend!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

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Full Harvest Moon in Pisces – September 10, 2022

On Saturday, September 10, 2022, peaking at 3:58am MDT, we have a Full Harvest Moon at 17°40’ in the sign of Pisces. 🌕✨♓️

This Full Moon is very sensitive. Go easy on yourself. Mercury goes retrograde the day before, on September 9th. Don’t get caught up in your emotions and be considerate with your words. Combine your logic with your emotions to make empowered decisions and create positive change in your life.

Also, with the Sun opposite Neptune, we are at risk of self-sacrificing behaviour. Don’t allow yourself to be used, stop being so generous to people who aren’t deserving, and stay away from addictive substances.

The sign of Pisces is all about dreams. We are dreaming change into being. Things may not be exactly how we want them just yet, but we have to trust that things are being aligned for us in the ethereal background.

Find comfort knowing that you can always escape to your dreams. Know that the experiences you have when you dream are just as important, valid, and real, as the experiences you have in daily waking life.

Success is relative and just being alive is a gift. Being able to dream, is a gift. Appreciate today and have gratitude.

Good things are coming for you. Do you believe that? Do you feel resistance when you read that? What is holding you back? If you don’t believe you are cared for, or that you will have enough, or be enough in this life, then how do you think that mindset impacts your future and your ability to manifest?

Now is the time to let it all go on this Full Moon. It’s not about beating yourself up for what you haven’t got “right”. It’s about self-improvement from a place of love for yourself and all of life. It’s about respecting this life we have been given and doing the best we can with it. It’s ok if we’ve made mistakes, all that matters is what we do now.

Replace the negativity with positive energy as much as possible. Be aware of your thought processes and the things you say to yourself.

You are worthy and deserving of everything you desire, and it all starts with loving yourself enough to know that it is true. You are more than worthy. You deserve to be happy and know true joy. You deserve for your dreams to come true.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 💕🙏✨

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Pisces? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Pisces and things that resonate with the energy such as; colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Contact @carriegallopspiritualadvisor or email carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

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