Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 24, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Apricot Agate, Pink Opal, and Rose Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Apricot Agate – Balances Yin/Yang energy and helps emotional, physical and mental balance. Helps relieve distress when things seem beyond our control. Strengthens the bond between parent and child. It is a protector of relationships, people and objects.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Rose Quartz – A stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. Enhances every type of love. Bringing love into life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz also inspires the love of beauty, in oneself and others, in nature, and especially that which stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word. A very happy stone. It is used to raise self-esteem and gives a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves and thereby find ourselves more worthy. It is used to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief and easing of anxiety. All these things carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, and compassion, enabling us to see the good in both ourselves and others.

I immediately felt drawn to these crystals and I felt a sense of peace, calm, and extreme self-love and compassion. Times haven’t been easy.. it’s an understatement! When it comes down to it though, it’s all about how we look at it. Our perspective. I have seen some really hard days in my life. I need to be more thankful and appreciative for where I am now and all that I have. I have to enjoy the ride, because that’s what it’s really all about isn’t it? It’s not how far we get, or how much we accomplish… it’s about how happy we are each day. It’s about the love energy we vibrate into the world around us, right now in this moment, in as many moments as possible. It starts with truly loving yourself, and appreciating your unique, individual expression. When you pour love into yourself, it grows beauty all around you. We are coming into a Taurus New Moon (with a Partial Solar Eclipse) next Saturday April 30th, and Taurus is very much about getting grounded and being solid in who we are. We are working so hard to take our power back and make better choices. The best way to do this, is to try to ensure your masculine and feminine energies are in balance. Give, but allow yourself to receive too. Care about others, but care for yourself as importantly. We can only give as much as we are willing to receive. Balancing masculine/feminine is about speaking your truth with respect and assertiveness. It’s about taming your emotional response, without silencing it. It’s about flowing and working with energy in a more effective way. Sometimes, things are going to be out of our control. It’s just the way it is. All we can do it work with it and flow with it, and make the most of each moment despite circumstances. This is about seeing beauty no matter where you find yourself. Each day is a gift and if we are tuning in we can see it and appreciate it. We are protected through all that we are going through. We have people that love and support us, that will always be with us. Have compassion for the people in your life, and receive compassion from others too. We are all imperfect beings, and we are forgiven. As long as we are making an effort to try to put out good energy and karma, as long as we are righting our wrongs and learning, we can continue to grow and flourish. We have a true opportunity to heal our hearts from all we’ve been through. It’s time to stop telling the stories of trauma, and to tell the story of healing. You will have to open your heart and be vulnerable, and you will have to accept and receive love, but you can do it. It’s more than possible… it’s our destiny to evolve and learn that loving ourselves is key to growth and advancement as a human race. You must do your part. Open your heart wide. Give and also receive. Fill your cup so full, so it overflows to all those around you. It is so important that we stop worrying, so we can stop suffering from anxiety. When you feel yourself feeling fearful or anxious, find ways to have more fun with whatever you are doing. Make life funner and lighter. You deserve to be happy and experience joy. A Bull tends to anyone who tries to mess around, but he also takes time to frolic around and enjoy life and love too. The Bull is very balanced and grounded. Be responsible, and even serious when necessary, but when it’s not, let your heart be light. Enjoy life and it’s simple pleasures. Enjoy your family and food and drinks. Enjoy plants and animals. Enjoy nature. We have joy right here and now, we do not need anything more than this moment. Look around you and find the joy. Create some joy and beauty. Enhance every type of love in your life. Love yourself, and watch love bloom all around you. When we remember our worthiness, or strength, there is nothing to fear. I don’t need to be perfect. I am who I am, and I am worthy. Remember your worth. Find ways to let go of stress and enjoy your life. Have compassion, inner peace, and calm. See the good in yourself, and the equal good in everything around you. When you truly want the best for yourself and others, the way we treat each other changes, the whole energy changes. Let go of what causes you anxiety and embrace more things that make you happy. You deserve it. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

Our first card is beauty and devotion. Of course it is, lol. We need to devote ourselves to creating the beautiful lives we deserve. The sparkly triangle tells me that we are evolving upwards in love. We are filling ourselves with beautiful loving energy, filling our cups so that we can share with others. We are creators. We use what we have to create more. To help others and to make life better for us all. To make life more beautiful. It is time for us all to come together with love so that we can make this world a better place. Everything is not set in stone. We can make a difference and make an impact on how things turn out. We can play our part in the symphony to make it even more beautiful. We are being guided by Divine forces to find love and compassion again, so that we can impact the world in beautiful ways. It is time to think about our planet and humanity and serve it in positive ways. We each have a choice and a responsibility to contribute to the greater good. We need to reconnect to nature. It’s funny, if you would’ve asked me ten years ago, if I knew I would be offering spiritual messages based on nature, animals, crystals, and cards, I would have thought you were absolutely nuts. Yet, here we are… Every time I turn to Spirit, every time I receive a sign, the guidance is spot on. There is no need to question it… even though I sometimes still find myself doubting that the messages will be important or resonate… they always do. They always are. There is a great and grand Universe and beings that love us, that supports our growth. We have the opportunity to embrace that and nurture that, or trash it. Take a step back and look at what really matters in the grand scheme of things. This is your life, and you get to nurture and grow whatever it is you choose. Are you following what makes your heart sing? This is your life and you get to choose how you create it. Notice the beauty that exists all around you. This is your beautiful life, your unique expression and creation. When you make your life so beautiful and love it so much, you inspire others to harness their own power of self-love. Come to terms with your past so you can embrace your future with optimism. Find closure and release yourself of guilt and regret. Release all of what weighs on your heart, and give it to Spirit for transmutation. Let your heart be light and open, spacious and willing to allow new to enter your life. Take care of business and be excited about what’s to come. Don’t procrastinate anymore. Even if you have to take baby steps, even if you make mistakes, it’s ok as long as you are trying. Don’t overthink things or let them stress you out. Be happy and grateful and keep going. You have to forgive yourself. If you can’t forgive yourself, how can anyone else, and you will bear the weight of the past on your shoulders. Spirit needs you to be light. Spirit needs you to be open and have room to grow. We have further to evolve, and it’s time to get going. Embrace your gifts and talents and honor yourself. Be proud of how far you’ve come, and keep moving forward. Love yourself and nurture yourself, as well as others. Remember what a true blessing you are to this planet. You are so loved!!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.htm

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below. 

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