Messages From Spirit for September 28, 2023

Messages From Spirit for September 28, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #September28 #Sept28 #Prayers #Finances #Heard #Answered #Listen #Follow #Gut #Feelings #Quicker #Experience #Improvements #FinancialSituation #LetGo #Fears #Worries #Angels #Trust #Guided #Abundant #Outcome

Card Reading for the week of July 17, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angel Aura Quartz, Quartz Herkimer Diamond, and Snow Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. Helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings.

Quartz Herkimer Diamond – Stimulates psychic abilities, clairvoyance and clairaudience. Raises spiritual vibration. Powerful amplifier. Heals emotional issues. Enhances spontaneity and health. Supports you in letting go of unconscious fears and expanding your being. Purifies your energy.

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels.

I was just sitting here thinking about how much more I’ve grown in my gifts lately. My ears have been ringing like crazy, and just now (and even still) my left ear is buzzing. I have been dreaming a lot this week, and I have not been writing them down like I should be. This morning, I had the thought to write it down, and then brushed it off like I would remember it, lol. Then, when I was choosing my crystals, it reminded me of my dream, because I was dreaming that my white colored crystals got wrecked somehow, and specifically I was holding this Snow Quartz and was like “This used to be my Snow Quartz!”. Even though the dream meaning of that isn’t exactly positive, these crystals are extremely positive. Last week it felt like we are rising in our connection and power, and this week, it feels like we are fully plugged in and ready to go. Our Angels and Guides are with us, protecting us and supporting us on this journey. Angel Aura Quartz is a stone of high spiritual energy. It reminds us that if we want a beautiful life that is balanced and healthy, it is important that we nurture ourselves and our spirituality. I did a reading yesterday and actually made the comment that having a reading is just as good as a counselling session! Even myself, doing this spiritual work and surrounding myself with spirituality, I still neglect myself spiritually. Keep filling your cup. Keep pouring love and healing into your energy. We are so connected with our higher selves and our inner wisdom. It’s important that we don’t lose, neglect, or break this connection (that’s what my dream means, lol). We can lose or break that connection to Spirit and our higher selves if we are neglecting to love ourselves or replenish our energy, and if we aren’t heeding the guidance being provided to us. If we are staying small when we are being called to stand tall, then how can we be on the path of our highest good? These crystals are Angelic and very comforting. They remind us that we aren’t alone and that we are protected. They are inviting us to live our lives with more peace and tranquility. To do that, we need to raise our vibrations and go within to a place of inner calm and stillness. When we quiet ourselves within, we give our heart room to heal. Support yourself by enhancing joy, comfort, and healthy practices. It doesn’t have to be huge, maybe today you make a healthy choice for lunch, or go for a walk. Every little thing makes a difference. Spend the extra minute enhancing the comfort and quality of your day. Take some time to drink water and meditate. Keep working on letting go of fears that hold you back. Expand in who you are. Let yourself be so full of light that you are ever-expanding. Purify your being with light. We are worthy of everything we desire. We have to believe it and work to achieve it. The only thing that can stop us, is our own selves. Better days for finances are on the way, so stay calm and peaceful and don’t worry about money. When you are worried about things you can create blockages. When you find yourself worrying, take time out to meditate and get back to a centered and calm place, where nothing is required to enjoy the moment. We are pure in Spirit. See yourself as so. See yourself as deserving of a beautiful life. Let’s see what the cards say.

We break our connection to Spirit and put up blockages to the Divine flow of abundance when we try to force life, when we work too hard and lose our sense of joy. Joy is absolutely SO important to manifesting. If we are weighed down by so many responsibilities and worries, it’s impossible to enjoy life! Our energy gets dragged down and it becomes very hard for our desires to come to us. Being light is the first step to attracting whatever we desire. Letting go of the need and enjoying life, is key to letting go of the choke hold you have on whatever you are wanting. I get it, as a Mom, we are so busy, and some co-parents can be less than supportive. At the end of the day though, we are responsible for our energy. We are responsible for asking for help when we need it… not only asking, but accepting and receiving the help, however it appears. We can do everything and collect all we can to provide for everyone else, but we get neglected in the mean time. Our clothes get tattered and worn out. Our energy goes down because we don’t feel good about ourselves. We can get so out of balance. It is our responsibility to give to ourselves what we need first. She deserves a new dress and a new pair of shoes, and I bet her work would become that much more enjoyable and fruitful. Everything is happening in Divine timing. Everything is a test of patience. If you have lost your sense of fun, it is your responsibility to rediscover joy for yourself. Nobody can do the work and the healing, except you. Do what you can to reduce stress in your life as much as possible. Take life in an easy, open, and joyful way. Find moments in the day to take breaks. Don’t be afraid to ask God, your Angels & Guides, or other people for help. Clear your schedule and make time for simplicity as much as possible. Reclaim your time for self-nurturing. You are not being fairly treated for all the work you’ve been doing. This card feels like people are under appreciating you. At the end of the day, that’s their own energy and karma to deal with. What is your problem, is asking for the help you need and making sure your needs are taken care of. You are deserving of so much better, so much more support. Believe it for yourself and stand up for yourself. It all comes back to having love for ourselves. When we love ourselves, we wouldn’t allow ourselves to be so ragged and torn up. When we truly love ourselves, we stand up for what we deserve, instead of letting ourselves be walked all over. Let yourself receive love in your heart, from yourself, and from the Universe. There is love and joy in every moment, if you choose to see it, if you choose to create it. If you desire more romance in your life, get dressed up and go meet people.. make some special time for your partner.. etc. Take a step towards that which you desire more of. Take back your power to do your part in creating what you feel you are lacking. Look at where you internally block yourself by thinking thoughts that aren’t loving. Understand that everything we create starts within from our intention. Think positive thoughts to create more love and abundance. Fall in love with your life. See the simple beauty all around you. Let the Angels awaken love within you. When you exude this beautiful love, you will experience more love in your life. This Cupid card also mentions making your day more beautiful by taking time to light candles, add flowers, or listen to music. These are great, simple ways to make your life more joyful and beautiful. Clearly decide what you desire and know that you are safe and deserving to attract it. You know what’s meant for you. You know good things are coming for you. You know your truth. Make sure you are listening to your heart and your intuition. Relax. Try not to worry about anything. As long as you are standing in your truth and power, your destiny will be fulfilled. Trust that your Angels are giving you the courage and protection you need to press forward towards your dreams and goals, and make sure to ask and allow yourself to be supported along the way, especially with joyful moments of play. Have a beautiful week!

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 1, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Yellow Calcite, Amber Aragonite, and Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope. Attracts abundance, prosperity, and positive blessings.

Amber Aragonite – Protects your heart and balances your energy. Relieves stress and calms the mind. Increases opportunities. Awakens your inner power. Helps your strengthen your skills and talents. Helps you to obtain strength and security. Encourages conservation of Earth.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

Welcome to a new month and some wonderful new beginnings. Yesterday, we had a New Moon in Taurus with a Partial Solar Eclipse. We are in a period of transformation, just as winter turns to spring. This is a time of new growth, a time to push ourselves into doing things and going places we haven’t been before. We can’t exactly see where we are going or how we are going to get there, which can induce our anxiety. We have to let go of trying to control every aspect of life. We have to have trust and faith. We have to be willing to let go of the past so we can feel secure and happy today. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone. If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to do what it takes. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable. You have to stand in your power and believe in yourself and what you are doing. We have to replace the fear with faith. We have to stop living in this anxiety response, always waiting for a the next shoe to drop. We have to trust in life and relax… not only for our mental health, but our physical and spiritual health too. It feels so much better to be aligned and balanced. Take ten minutes and google a meditation, maybe specifically for relaxation or breathing. You will feel better after, and it’s one of the best ways to calm that anxiety response down. Life is short and we shouldn’t waste it worrying and stressing. It doesn’t matter how life plays out, because I already know it’s beautiful, it’s going to be beautiful, and I trust that what’s meant for me will always find a way. I am keeping my heart open to receiving all that I desire, and even more. This eclipse season may bring some shakeups in life. Maintain trust that everything is happening for a reason and will serve your highest good. We are levelling up, and in order to step into our full power, we have to make space and let go of the negative thinking, anxiety, and the past. This is a new time, a new you. What you think you are capable of, times that by 10. You will keep surprising yourself and keep rising. Keep an open mind and keep learning and growing, and using what you learn to help others. Have confidence and trust in yourself. You have what it takes to achieve your dreams and so much more. Believe it to be true with your whole heart. Don’t be scared to get out there and try and do. You are ready. Keep building on yourself and your skills and talents. The more trust you have in yourself, the faster you can level up. You don’t need to be disillusioned.. you don’t need to be what someone else is… you only need to listen to the truth in your heart about what is right for you. Focus on what you love, what you are good at, and what makes you happy. Let go of the fear and worries and have more fun with life. Fun is just as important as work. Fun is a stress reliever, and we all need as much stress relief as we can get. You deserve to have fun. Make your days as fun and light as possible. Love yourself, love your life, and make it amazing. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

Unbelievable.. what a perfect card! Saint Germain is here to help you release the past and any negative energy. He asks us to move beyond the day-to-day drama and make our lives more fun and enjoyable. To create our own way and path in life and use our individuality to its full potential. This is an important time of clearing out the past and negative energy so we can make the space to bring in more positivity. New things can’t come in to our lives if we are stuck in our old comfortable ways. We need to be able to have more fun and enjoy our lives. We need to believe in the magic and see it reflected around us. Saint Germain helps us transmute lead into gold, helping us to find the true abundance we deserve. He helps us let go of the weight of outside influences to gather back our own inner drive and power. He helps us to find our freedom. (A Violet Flame meditation would be a great idea!) This energy reminds me of the Kardashians. On the latest episodes they have been talking about how well Kim did on Saturday Night Live and how she harnessed her badass boss bitch energy. Think about how far she has come. She was once someone’s assistant, a normal person. Even with how far she’s come, she was still terrified of doing SNL, fighting anxiety and pushing through fears, and then killing it! Realizing it’s not so scary after all, and that she might even enjoy it. The whole family has stepped into their power and shined their light, despite criticism and negativity. I was checking out pics of Kylie and Kendall from the Met Gala, and I had the inspiration about how far they have come too, from normal little girls, to being huge celebrities in their own right, dressed in the finest gowns. They all deserve to be where they are, because they have worked hard and pushed through insecurities and anxiety for it. As much as I don’t believe that people should hold so much of the wealth, maybe this is part of my own abundance blockages! I do believe that we are all more deserving of this type of energy and that we can create more abundance and beauty in our lives. It We can work towards whatever it is we dream of, even if we don’t know exactly how those dreams will come to reality. All we have to do is keep going and keep growing, shining as best as we can. I can’t believe 6 cards were given, and Spirit wanted to give us more. I swear, they thought it was funny and were trying to make me laugh. Spirit wants us to lighten up. Our fears are unfounded. We have came this far and existed this long.. we are not going anywhere. Even when we do, it is all ok. There is no point in worrying. It is not helping us achieve anything. We are making our fears seem larger than they need to be. This is a time to face our fears and realize they don’t need to trigger us anymore. Yes, challenges and trying times are going to arise in life, it’s inevitable.. but we can handle it. To worry before it’s necessary is not only a waste of energy, it’s attracts negative energy and creates blockages. Deal with your traumas and your past so that you can move forward with power. You have so many amazing ideas and people want to hear what you have to say, so you can’t stay alone in the dark or being quiet any longer. You can’t stay in your fear because we need you in the light. We want to see what you have to offer, despite your anxiety. You need to get out of bed and out into the world. With success comes stress, so find ways to deal with it and let it go. Nurture yourself with lots of self-care. It’s funny that I said earlier about winter turning to spring, and then we get two winter cards and a spring card. We are being reassured that we are on the right path. Difficulties we experience make us stronger, but we do need to let go of the trauma and worry. Instead of worrying what could happen, be grateful for life. Be grateful for your health. Be so grateful, that you want to make the most of your life. Trust in your inspirations and ideas (look at the beautiful snowflakes swirling around her head). Keep taking steps forward and doing the best you can. There is no need for perfection. All we need is for you to be authentically you. Be patient with yourself and with life, and have trust. Good things are coming. Keep moving forward and you will find the satisfaction you have been seeking. Look at the beauty you hold in your hands. You are a beautiful and naturally abundant person. Keep creating beauty in your life. Rewards will be delivered. Keep building on your success and seeking out new adventures. Let your dreams continue to blossom. Act as if things are already happening for you, because they are. Know with certainty who you are and that good things are coming. Chameleon is preparing us for changes that are going to greatly benefit us. Co-create your greatest dream. Have faith in your ability to adapt and grow. Sometimes, we have to just step into the people we want to become. Sometimes, we just have to believe we are, until we gain enough experience to feel completely confident. Keep going. Keep pushing yourself. Take care of yourself and the stresses that may arise, so you can spend the rest of your time in joy. Dream your world into being. This is your life, your world, and your reality. Make it beautiful and happy for you. It’s funny, the Lizard Card asks, “When was the last time you basked in the sun?” And actually, for me, it was on Friday, when I had an incredibly cute Jumping Spider come visit me. I closed my eyes for but a few minutes and awoke to this Spider in front of me. (Check out my Instagram or TikTok for the video!) The Spiritual meaning of the Jumping Spider is that they are the ultimate time weavers, giving us information about where we are putting our energy (the Spider was soaking up some Sun too). Putting your energy into the past can cause depression and into the future can cause anxiety. Be present and calm right now in this moment. Trust that any moment that arises, you can handle. Jumping Spiders are expert manifestors and ask us to tune into our higher goals. Who do you want to be? Who do you feel you are becoming? Let your inspiration flow and dream new dreams. Slow down and close your eyes more often. Appreciate each moment of your beautiful life. Believe in yourself and your ability to create. Keep taking steps and your dreams will become clearer. Dream it and be it – Spirit is daring you to dream big. No more negative thinking! Open your eyes and your mind to a much wider perspective. What if you are already the person you dream of being? How can you exude that more today, in this moment? You are amazing, unique, beautiful, gifted, and creative. Go out there and chase your beautiful life and dreams and enjoy it!

Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏✨

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 24, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Apricot Agate, Pink Opal, and Rose Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Apricot Agate – Balances Yin/Yang energy and helps emotional, physical and mental balance. Helps relieve distress when things seem beyond our control. Strengthens the bond between parent and child. It is a protector of relationships, people and objects.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Rose Quartz – A stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. Enhances every type of love. Bringing love into life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz also inspires the love of beauty, in oneself and others, in nature, and especially that which stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word. A very happy stone. It is used to raise self-esteem and gives a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves and thereby find ourselves more worthy. It is used to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief and easing of anxiety. All these things carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, and compassion, enabling us to see the good in both ourselves and others.

I immediately felt drawn to these crystals and I felt a sense of peace, calm, and extreme self-love and compassion. Times haven’t been easy.. it’s an understatement! When it comes down to it though, it’s all about how we look at it. Our perspective. I have seen some really hard days in my life. I need to be more thankful and appreciative for where I am now and all that I have. I have to enjoy the ride, because that’s what it’s really all about isn’t it? It’s not how far we get, or how much we accomplish… it’s about how happy we are each day. It’s about the love energy we vibrate into the world around us, right now in this moment, in as many moments as possible. It starts with truly loving yourself, and appreciating your unique, individual expression. When you pour love into yourself, it grows beauty all around you. We are coming into a Taurus New Moon (with a Partial Solar Eclipse) next Saturday April 30th, and Taurus is very much about getting grounded and being solid in who we are. We are working so hard to take our power back and make better choices. The best way to do this, is to try to ensure your masculine and feminine energies are in balance. Give, but allow yourself to receive too. Care about others, but care for yourself as importantly. We can only give as much as we are willing to receive. Balancing masculine/feminine is about speaking your truth with respect and assertiveness. It’s about taming your emotional response, without silencing it. It’s about flowing and working with energy in a more effective way. Sometimes, things are going to be out of our control. It’s just the way it is. All we can do it work with it and flow with it, and make the most of each moment despite circumstances. This is about seeing beauty no matter where you find yourself. Each day is a gift and if we are tuning in we can see it and appreciate it. We are protected through all that we are going through. We have people that love and support us, that will always be with us. Have compassion for the people in your life, and receive compassion from others too. We are all imperfect beings, and we are forgiven. As long as we are making an effort to try to put out good energy and karma, as long as we are righting our wrongs and learning, we can continue to grow and flourish. We have a true opportunity to heal our hearts from all we’ve been through. It’s time to stop telling the stories of trauma, and to tell the story of healing. You will have to open your heart and be vulnerable, and you will have to accept and receive love, but you can do it. It’s more than possible… it’s our destiny to evolve and learn that loving ourselves is key to growth and advancement as a human race. You must do your part. Open your heart wide. Give and also receive. Fill your cup so full, so it overflows to all those around you. It is so important that we stop worrying, so we can stop suffering from anxiety. When you feel yourself feeling fearful or anxious, find ways to have more fun with whatever you are doing. Make life funner and lighter. You deserve to be happy and experience joy. A Bull tends to anyone who tries to mess around, but he also takes time to frolic around and enjoy life and love too. The Bull is very balanced and grounded. Be responsible, and even serious when necessary, but when it’s not, let your heart be light. Enjoy life and it’s simple pleasures. Enjoy your family and food and drinks. Enjoy plants and animals. Enjoy nature. We have joy right here and now, we do not need anything more than this moment. Look around you and find the joy. Create some joy and beauty. Enhance every type of love in your life. Love yourself, and watch love bloom all around you. When we remember our worthiness, or strength, there is nothing to fear. I don’t need to be perfect. I am who I am, and I am worthy. Remember your worth. Find ways to let go of stress and enjoy your life. Have compassion, inner peace, and calm. See the good in yourself, and the equal good in everything around you. When you truly want the best for yourself and others, the way we treat each other changes, the whole energy changes. Let go of what causes you anxiety and embrace more things that make you happy. You deserve it. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

Our first card is beauty and devotion. Of course it is, lol. We need to devote ourselves to creating the beautiful lives we deserve. The sparkly triangle tells me that we are evolving upwards in love. We are filling ourselves with beautiful loving energy, filling our cups so that we can share with others. We are creators. We use what we have to create more. To help others and to make life better for us all. To make life more beautiful. It is time for us all to come together with love so that we can make this world a better place. Everything is not set in stone. We can make a difference and make an impact on how things turn out. We can play our part in the symphony to make it even more beautiful. We are being guided by Divine forces to find love and compassion again, so that we can impact the world in beautiful ways. It is time to think about our planet and humanity and serve it in positive ways. We each have a choice and a responsibility to contribute to the greater good. We need to reconnect to nature. It’s funny, if you would’ve asked me ten years ago, if I knew I would be offering spiritual messages based on nature, animals, crystals, and cards, I would have thought you were absolutely nuts. Yet, here we are… Every time I turn to Spirit, every time I receive a sign, the guidance is spot on. There is no need to question it… even though I sometimes still find myself doubting that the messages will be important or resonate… they always do. They always are. There is a great and grand Universe and beings that love us, that supports our growth. We have the opportunity to embrace that and nurture that, or trash it. Take a step back and look at what really matters in the grand scheme of things. This is your life, and you get to nurture and grow whatever it is you choose. Are you following what makes your heart sing? This is your life and you get to choose how you create it. Notice the beauty that exists all around you. This is your beautiful life, your unique expression and creation. When you make your life so beautiful and love it so much, you inspire others to harness their own power of self-love. Come to terms with your past so you can embrace your future with optimism. Find closure and release yourself of guilt and regret. Release all of what weighs on your heart, and give it to Spirit for transmutation. Let your heart be light and open, spacious and willing to allow new to enter your life. Take care of business and be excited about what’s to come. Don’t procrastinate anymore. Even if you have to take baby steps, even if you make mistakes, it’s ok as long as you are trying. Don’t overthink things or let them stress you out. Be happy and grateful and keep going. You have to forgive yourself. If you can’t forgive yourself, how can anyone else, and you will bear the weight of the past on your shoulders. Spirit needs you to be light. Spirit needs you to be open and have room to grow. We have further to evolve, and it’s time to get going. Embrace your gifts and talents and honor yourself. Be proud of how far you’ve come, and keep moving forward. Love yourself and nurture yourself, as well as others. Remember what a true blessing you are to this planet. You are so loved!!

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If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below. 

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Angel Card & Crystal Reading

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Astrology Natal Chart

Card Reading for Beginners Course

Weekly Card Reading – Week of March 27, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fire Quartz, Goldstone, and Angel Phantom Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fire Quartz – Heals hurt feelings from the past. Brings back the person’s original brilliance. The Holy flame purifies negative energy. Fills you with a warm energy of love and helps you create a bright future. Great stone for willpower, confidence, and inner strength. Helps you stand up for yourself.

Goldstone – Helps with attaining goals. Helps one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can deflect unwanted energies, making it a protection stone. It is used to revitalize one’s energy field. It allows the flow of energy between the spiritual and physical realms. This stone brings good luck and attracts abundance. It enhances confidence. This stone is a great stone that exhibits positive energy. It makes the person creative so that he may improve his life and get it on track. It makes the person happy by inducing positive and happy thoughts.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration assists you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

I couldn’t understand last week why my crystals were blood-related, and it turns out Aries, which this upcoming New Moon is in, rules blood. Unakite is also a crystal for this New Moon, so that all makes more sense now! The New Moon’s energy is strong, and is going to peak in the early hours on Friday, April 1st. These crystals are a continuation of this energy we are in now. We are being called to be strong and confident. We are going to have to stand up for ourselves and set boundaries with others. We have to stand up for our dreams and desires. We have given up so much of our power along the way, and now we need to call it back. This can be done in many ways. Cord cutting, forgiveness for the past, and letting go of hurt and pain are all ways we can get our power and energy back. We can’t let others belittle our ideas or keep us small anymore. We have so many goals to attain, and people to help. We can’t do that if we aren’t allowed, or don’t have time or energy to leave the house. We have a bright future ahead of us! We have to reignite our spark and recharge our energy. Spending time with crystals or being out in nature can be very healing and helpful with revitalizing energy. Red Jasper is actually a crystal that is on my Moon Magic Worksheet ($5 each) and Red Jasper is said to feed you back your own power which may have been lost over time. Let me know if you want a Moon Magic Worksheet! This week, we need to focus on the future and what’s ahead of us. We need to keep our thoughts positive so our future can shine in its brightest light. We need to use our strong willpower to make healthy choice for ourselves. We do have the power to turn any negativity or challenges into something positive. There are opportunities swirling all around us. Are you seeing them and chasing them? Are you putting yourself out there and allowing yourself to be seen? Share your positive energy with the world and show what you have to offer! Be proud of who you are. Use your creativity to get your life on track and make it the best you can. You have so many skills and abilities you can utilize. Doing everything with love and a positive attitude is going to help your karma that much more. Aries can be really driven and powerful, but sometimes too much so. It’s important that we balance our drive with calm and relaxation, or we can drive ourselves right to the crazy house! The Angels are with us now, helping us to find the peace and calm we seek in our life. Watch for the signs and listen for the messages. We are very protected now by Spirit, but it’s also important that we protect ourselves too. We need to place boundaries where people have been overstepping. We need to use our own key to unlock the cages we have kept ourselves trapped in. Freedom is yours, if you are brave enough to step into it. Make sure you are living a balanced life, and taking time for you too. Let go of any guilt or negativity from the past. It’s time to resolve these issues and focus on what’s coming next. What’s behind us pales in comparison to what is coming. Our lives can be so great, if we want them to be! If we work to make them so. Let go of the blame all together. Keep your head up, facing forward, and full of your inherent beauty and power. Stand in your fullness and share who you are unapologetically. Let people take notice. You are a force to be reckoned with, and people will regret what they have done to you, but that is no longer your problem and you don’t need to carry that in your heart any longer. Let yourself step forward into your future in the lightest way possible. Be the light. Share your light. Shine your light. It begs to be seen, so others can be inspired to share theirs too. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

These cards are so perfect. The number 1 and 9 are numbers for this coming New Moon. The 1 card is the Yang card, and this New Moon is on the 1st of the month, of a new Astrological year, at 11 degrees. It is so full of Masculine, powerful, fiery energy. This is about us taking back our own power and energy. It asks us to use our creativity to help ourselves. We have the power to make things happen, we might just have to be a little creative. We are manifesting our ideas and desires. It’s so important to keep our thoughts positive, because the things we manifest can turn into abundant and prosperous opportunities. This is a new time. You are a new person. Leave the past where it belongs. You are the shaper of your destiny now. Abundance is waiting for you to claim it. Make things happen. Be willing to say yes! Keep taking steps on whatever you are working towards, no matter how inexperienced you might feel or think you are. There is only one way forward, and that is by doing. We are right in the middle of where we’ve came from and where we want to go. If you stay in negativity… if you stay small and quiet, and stay where you are, it’s going to be that much harder to realize your dreams or an abundant future. The door is open for you. All you have to do is take action, and make a choice to move. Your dreams are fertile. You are sitting on a nest egg of ideas, many which can prove fruitful. You are supported and guided by Spirit, and you have so much love surrounding you. Most important though, is that you need to believe in yourself. You need to stand up for yourself, get down from where you’ve been hiding, and take the steps forward that are required. Be fully present, and take one step at a time. The more you can stay in the present moment, the less hurt and pain you will feel over the past, and the less anxiety and worry you will feel about the future. All that matters is this very moment and making the best of it. Being happy right now. We might not have everything we desire in this moment, but that is ok. Everything is in Divine timing. Sometimes, the things we think we want, don’t turn out to be what we expect anyway. So trust the Universe, and trust that you have all you need. Trust that everything that is right for you, is here, or is coming, and be satisfied now. Tomorrow is beyond your reach and yesterday is gone. Make the best of today. Cherish and approve of yourself. Give yourself the love you hope for from others. Realize it was never about anyone else at all, and you have always had all you need within you. You are a magnet of love. Believe it and exude it, and trust the energy will be returned to you in its perfect time. Put your focus on YOU and what legacy you want to leave behind. What work have you done that will leave the world a better place? Create your dreams now. Stop waiting on someone else, or more money, or an ideal partner. Just do it and start going. Believe that you are prosperous now. Act as if everything is already happening for you, because it is. What you think becomes your reality. Think about how deserving you are, how loved you are, how abundant and successful you are. Because YOU ARE!! The past or future won’t give you what you need… only you can do that, and you can do that right now, in this minute. Stop longing for the past or something you fantasize would be better. Now is what matters. Loving yourself is what matters. All will be well, and everything will turn out magically in the perfect timing of Spirit. By loving ourselves and appreciating ourselves now, it’s going to create that much more abundance in our future. Believe in what you have to offer, because it truly is magical treasure. This upcoming New Moon is SO powerful for manifesting. We MUST keep our thoughts positive. We must trust that our dreams are coming true. When you work hard and maintain a positive outlook, that’s when you are rewarded. Use your creativity to create abundant opportunities. Trust your intuition to light the way. You will see the rewards of your inner work paying off around you in the world. There is so much good fortune on the horizon. Be confident that success is yours. Believe in it whole heartedly. Don’t forget to enjoy it and share it with others. Treasure that is shared, multiplies like magic. Celebrate love, and all it teaches you, even in its imperfection. Appreciate this life and this moment for all the gifts it gives you, especially the ones you don’t realize you are gaining. Your dreams and ideas are coming to fruition. Creative projects will flourish. You are seeing the evidence of the seeds of prosperity you have planted. Be generous and grateful. Move away from limiting perceptions. Stop allowing your ego, or other people, to tell you or make you feel like you aren’t good enough. You are beyond good enough. You are no longer a victim. You are powerful and there is nothing to fear. Take some risks and get out of your confined cage. Open the door to find the abundance waiting there for you. There is so much love, abundance, and opportunities. Spirit will be guiding us the whole way. Let go of the fear for good, and embrace this beautiful moment now. Embrace your fire and your power. Have a beautiful week and a powerful New Moon!!

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of December 5, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Kambaba Jasper, Blue Kyanite, and Dragons Blood. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Kambaba Jasper – Also known as Crocodile Jasper. It is actually fossilized algae. Calms the mind and promotes inner peace. Helps to remove heart blockages and worries. Connects us to nature and allows us to feel more open to receiving love. Supports us and provides insight through tough times. Reduces fear and increase confidence, self-worth, and courage.

Blue Kyanite – Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

Dragons Blood – A tool for manifesting abundance and happiness. Helps us feel more positive and optimistic about the future. Urges us to step into our power and be bold. Represents tough skin with a loving heart.

I haven’t been doing a weekly card reading when we have a Full or New Moon coming up. It just doesn’t make sense when we already have guidance for the energy! I do look forward even more so now to the card readings after the moon, just to see where things are going next. I find these crystals interesting. I am a little bit OCD and tend to grab crystals with colors that “go together”, and these ones today went against that. It reminded me that we need to trust in the guidance we are given. Have you been listening to the guidance? I repeatedly get the message for more joy in my life, but am I actually taking steps to have more joy? I am reminded to let go of the stress, but have I actually been doing things to help me do that? If you haven’t taken some time to meditate, I would recommend doing that! Put on a guided meditation or some nature sounds and let your mind relax and wander. There is so many reasons for us to be feeling fearful… we are bombarded with fearful messaging daily. We can give into those messages, worries, and fears, or we can choose to focus our energy elsewhere. Instead of worrying, choose to be open and allowing. Instead of feeling stressed out, remind yourself that you are safe and everything is ok. We have so much support if we look for it, and are willing to reach out for it. If we choose to stay in our sadness and loneliness and brood about it, it’s going to be hard to feel better or turn things around. We have to be willing to be proactive. We aren’t always going to feel happy or super energetic, so when you do, ride that wave and use that optimism. Plan and envision your future and the steps you could take, or better yet, take an action step. The Blue Kyanite is here to help us remove any blockages and move forward. It helps us speak our truth with clarity. This has also been an intense time of dream work, so pay attention to your dreams and write them down as much as you can. There are messages coming through in your dreams, and I do Dream Interpretations if anyone is interested in finding out what their dreams may represent! We are moving forward into an amazing future. Believe it to be true! You don’t have to be anything more than you are right now. You are as deserving of greatness and abundance just as much as any human. The Dragons Blood is helping us feel more optimistic so we can attract more abundance and prosperity! Again, nothing can change if you aren’t willing to change. If you want to stay small, then it’s going to be hard to attract big things. Let go of the fears. Embrace who you are. Let yourself be happy. Shine your light and believe in yourself. You have light this world needs. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Just let yourself be seen and your voice heard. Be confident in who you are. Trust that you are exactly as you are meant to be, and that great things are on the way for you. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

This is a wake-up call! If you don’t change what your doing, things around you can’t change. With all this Eclipse energy, there have been big shakeups in our lives. This can be a warning, if you have been seeing something coming for a while, or if you have been neglecting to make the changes you need to. This isn’t about freaking out that something bad is coming. This is about taking an honest perspective of your life, and being prepared. It’s about being proactive towards happiness in your life. Use your instincts and inner knowing to help guide you. Seek a spiritual perspective. Don’t let yourself be drowned by the waves. Make decisions to protect your life and happiness. Seek higher ground and higher perspectives. Happiness is available to us and things are getting better! The Hummingbird was on my Moon Magic Worksheet for the New Moon we just had, so it’s no surprise to see it here on this Happy, Happy Card. Joy, opportunities, beauty, abundance… it’s all here for us to enjoy. Are you choosing to recognize it and embrace it? You have the key to happiness, you just need to allow yourself to unlock it. Do what you can to feel beautiful and create a beautiful, colourful life all around you. See the opportunities. Create opportunities. Be ready to fly. Enjoy these moments and feel satisfied with your life. Appreciate the passion, love, and joy. Don’t long to be happy.. be happy right now. Let yourself be feel happy. Do something to make yourself happy. Your happiness is a direct result of your trust and faith in life. Know that all is well. Know that you are safe, and it’s important for you to have fun. Feel good about the people that surround you in your life. The grass is greenest where you stand. Appreciate this moment and all that you have. Happiness attracts more reasons to be happy. Take pride in all you have accomplished, and be thankful for the support you have received along the way. Lighten up and don’t take things so seriously. This Sagittarius energy reminds me of Santa. To be jolly and joyous, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Sometimes we forget how important it is just to be playful and experience joy. You are deserving of happiness and it is never too late to experience it. We have endured a lot. We have been through trauma and barren wastelands. Patience and trust are called for. If things have been tough, trust that good things are on the way. Slow and steady is the way to success. Take the pressure off. Do not be discouraged by slow progression. Things are working themselves out, and will happen much faster and efficiently if you are positively contributing to making things better. You are still growing, and you will bloom. Have trust and faith!

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Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Card Reading – Week of November 21, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fire Quartz, Aragonite, and Angel Phantom Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fire Quartz – Heals hurt feelings from the past. Brings back the person’s original brilliance. The Holy flame purifies negative energy. Fills you with a warm energy of love and helps you create a bright future. Great stone for willpower, confidence, and inner strength. Helps you stand up for yourself.

Aragonite – Encourages conservation and caring for the Earth. Assists healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety. They send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. They relieve anger and resentment, and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Increases energy. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration assisting you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

As we move forward from the powerful Full Moon Eclipse, and as we enter Sagittarius season, we are letting go of the past and the hurt feelings we have carried. It’s been a struggle lately. We haven’t felt as happy, or energetic. Over the next two weeks, we are in a pocket of positive astrology, with very little happening except a couple of good aspects. We are going to find the time for joy. We are going to feel our spark again. Our brilliance will shine! I have done my best to stay calm and patient through the challenges lately, and although I don’t always get it right, I have tried. God/Spirit sees us trying and cares that we are doing our best. As long as you are trying to be a good person in this world, you will be rewarded… you will be revitalized with energy. We do have a bright future. We are still on track for all the amazing things coming for us. Just because things get dark for a while, does not mean the light won’t return. The light will always return, and it’s coming! Be ready and confident to stand in your full authentic power and share your truth and your gifts. Be ready to put in the energy when opportunities arise. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Stand up for your truth and happiness. Your happiness matters, and you do have a choice. If you have been stressed out lately, you need to let go of those emotions and make different choices that will result in more positive emotions. Happiness equals energy. If you want to feel revitalized, spend time with people that make you laugh. Do things you love that make you feel alive. How are you choosing to spend your time? Get your energy up and get motivated and confident. This feels like a great time to start a work-out regimen. Don’t worry about if you will stick do it, just get up and do something. We are so lucky to have an Internet full of free resources. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and this is all about our fire and passion. If you want to feel passion, you have to do the things your passionate about. We got to get our fires ignited so we can passionately pursue our goals, whatever those may be. Understand that spending time stressing or anxious is only wasting time that could be better spent. Yes, it might not always be avoidable, but feel it and move on. Do it anyway and overcome it. I knew this message was coming, because I was watching the Adele One Night Only special, and Adele was quite nervous. It just reminded me that we are all human, overcoming the same struggles, and look what we can achieve when we do. Overcoming our fears is a must if we want to achieve our dreams, and it might not be a one-time thing. It might be a constant choosing of courage over fear. I believe success is a direct result of our courage. We are breaking free from the past and moving forward. We are done blaming and shaming ourselves. It’s time to enjoy life and be happy and fulfilled. Use this positive energy now to find the peace and calm you seek in your life. Make the decisions you need to, to reignite the flame in your soul. Listen to your higher wisdom, and do what you can to improve your life. Be confident in yourself and what you have to offer. Let your fire burn brightly with joy. Let’s see what the cards say!

Life is an unfinished symphony. We keep thinking we know everything, but really, we have no idea. All we can do is make the most of this ride, and enjoy the beauty along the way! We have to stop questioning if we are ready to do something, and just do it. We are all going to make mistakes and take missteps! Don’t put any extra pressure on yourself. Know that we are human and we make mistakes and that’s ok. You can’t move forward from the past if you are always dragging it behind you. You have to let it go, so your journey is less arduous. Close the door on the past and set yourself free. Remember that nothing is wasted. All your past experiences have shaped who you are today, giving you so much depth and beauty. You are not what happened to you. Let go of that baggage. You are safe, free, and protected now. This is about putting our efforts into our creations. Make sure you are following through on projects and ideas, as they could lead to abundance. Take care of things, make lists, pay your bills. Get prepared for the Christmas season. Preparation and planning will help things feel less stressful. This is a time to embrace more peace and calm. Buddha is here blessing us with increased awareness. Buddha wants us to acknowledge our feelings, so that we can move beyond them. This is about moving beyond the limits of fear, so we can focus our energy on positive aspirations. Trust in your connection to Spirit. Trust in your higher wisdom. Trust that you are protected and supported. All suffering eventually comes to an end. Remember that you are part of something greater than suffering. Good karma is on the way. 💕

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook or Twitter, or purchase through the links below!

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Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Card Reading – Week of November 7, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Lace Agate, K2, and Dumortierite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Lace Agate – A stone of confidence and communication. Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness. It is a support crystal for all caregivers, speakers and teachers, calming stress-related situations and overcoming communication difficulties. Helpful if you struggle to express your emotions. It dissolves old blockage patterns and doubt, and permits new methods of self-expression and growth. Promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Encourages thinking before speaking.

K2 – The K2 crystal meaning is associated with the strength and resolve that comes from feeling harmonious and balanced in all aspects of life. It’s the granite that gives K2 its powerful grounding effects, opening the doors to your sharpest intuition. Enhances psychic abilities. Balances Earthly experience with higher consciousness. Opens the crown chakra allowing endless amounts of higher knowledge to spiral down to us.

Dumortierite – A stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. This helps to alleviate fears and live with a sense of courage and peace. Assists with creative expression. Excellent for lifting depression. Assists with detoxification and weight loss.

My interpretation of the crystals:

Most, if not all of us, have been really struggling lately. Struggling to find our purpose… struggling to fully express ourselves… struggling with finances, confidence, guilt, and personal power… Things have been stressful. When we don’t deal with stress and emotions in healthy, proactive ways, it adds to the stress. We can’t stuff down our needs and emotions, or we will explode. Which then causes a bigger mess and more bad feelings. If you need help, you need to ask for it. If people refuse to help, then you have to make changes and find ways to get help. You can keep doing everything, but you can only do that for so long. You are going to exhaust yourself. You won’t be able to maintain, and you definitely won’t be happy. This is a breeding ground for resentment. Happiness is found in balance. Your feelings matter. If you are someone who deals with a lot of stress in your life, you need even more self-care and stress relief. With Covid and financial restraints, it’s been really tough to take care of ourselves the way we would like. Make sure you are doing what you can with what you have. Keep staying positive, trusting that abundance will come in and you will be able to experience more. If we feel bad about all the things going on… we are just going to feel bad. We have to have trust in the future. We have to find ways and reasons to be calm. Find ways to express yourself and release, especially as we move towards a Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse. This is a very important time to let go, to cut ties, and to trust. Let go of the old ways of thinking and belief systems you once gave into. See things from a new point of view. One of the best ways to (actually) achieve this, is to get a reading or healing done. After a reading or healing is always when I feel most energized and free. Remember how far you’ve come, how much you’ve learned. Remember that you don’t have to carry it all with you. Don’t let yourself be bothered. Stay in your own little world and be composed. Think before you speak and demonstrate how capable and mature you are. Remember that every bridge you burn has lasting impacts.. so try not to burn any bridges… instead, build them. Find ways to connect to others and support them. The K2 Crystal is actually helping us to get into our own little bubble of sorts. It is going to help us feel more harmonious and balanced, knowing that we are strong and capable. There have been so many spiritual downloads coming to us lately, so make sure you are open to receiving in every way. Make sure your chakras are open and ready to receive energy of all types. Be open to receiving more abundance and love, but also spiritual gifts and other talents. We have more information that is provided to us from spirit than we realize. We have beautiful insights and teachings that matter, and deserve to be shared. We know more than we think we do… more than the world wants us to believe we do. Allow the knowledge to spiral down from the Universe into your being. Let yourself be inspired and motivated. Brainstorm a list of business ideas or book chapters. Clean up your home and get up-to-date on your book keeping. Some order and discipline will help you achieve your goals much easier. Simply writing down your ideas will ground them into reality, and allow you to keep working with them. Life will be easier and more enjoyable when we feel when are “on top of things”. This will also help us get out of the funk of depression. Accomplishing stuff and staying busy can actually help our minds focus on positive things. When we check some things off, we actually do feel more relaxed. Please don’t confuse this with perfection. We do not need to be perfect, or have anything perfected. We simply need to try. Have fun with something creative. Try writing a song or poem. Draw a picture as a gift for someone. Don’t be scared of some hard work. You might feel more rewarded than you expected. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards:

Empathic Starseed is the need for us to exist in our own energetic bubbles, or we do take on too much negativity from others and the world around us. If people don’t want to work hard, or help out, that is their own karma. We have to trust that God is handling others. We have to keep asking for what we need and expressing ourselves authentically. Just because someone doesn’t want to help you, doesn’t not mean you don’t deserve or need the help. Make sure the people in your life mirror back support and positivity, and help you on your journey. You don’t want to keep floating around in the Universe feeling alone. This is where it becomes important to take back your own personal power. What choices are you making that are causing a detriment to your happiness? What could you do for yourself to feel less alone? How can you make your days fit the type of energy you want? How can you be a little easier on yourself? Sometimes, you have to put your foot down and say no more. Sometimes, you have to take the pressures off your plate for a day. This day in age, there is so much expected of us. Know that it is ok not to have to live up to expectations. Know that it is perfectly ok to exist how you see fit. Let yourself rest until you feel inspired and ready to get back at it. Give yourself the love and care you need. Just make sure you are keeping something for yourself, and not giving all of your energy away. This is about finding better balance, emotionally, mentally, physically, and energetically. We are wired to work hard and get stuff done, but we do require the balance of rest and care. This reading is very much like, “Work hard, but also make sure to rest! Express yourself, but also be calm!” It’s ok to take a break. It’s ok to stop, but we can’t stay there. We need to pick ourselves up and get back to life. We are humans. It’s our human nature to experience a range of emotions and energy. We try to deny these needs thinking we are super-human.. but we are not. We are going to feel things, we are going to feel drained, and we are going to feel energized again. It’s a part of our human cycle, and we need to co-create our life by helping that cycle and maintaining balance. If you have felt out of balance, do what you can and maintain trust that balance will return. If you have been working super hard, take some time off. Get out in nature and appreciate the beauty and the simplicity of life. Yes, it’s great to work hard and accomplish things and use our intelligent, creative minds.. but it’s also good to just be.. to just exist with no expectations. You are so much more than your daily life. Appreciate your beautiful soul and nurture it. Get those readings and healings. Help yourself maintain balance, energy, and happiness in your life. When we take care of ourselves, work hard, and exude happiness and joy, the impossible becomes possible. It’s a magical combination. The Blue Moon card suggests an opportunity is coming around, and you need to be ready for it and work towards it. Dreams can come true. There is so much possibility for the future! Remember that what you visualize and dream about, you can achieve. Believe. Write things down. Take some action steps. Be open to receiving divine support and abundance. Believe in your dreams, and most importantly, yourself. Have a beautiful week!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook or Twitter, or purchase through the links below!

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Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Card Reading – Week of October 24, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Aura Quartz, Iolite, and White Angel Aura Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Aura Quartz – Has the ability to heal the human energy field. Merges with the aura to release any energy blocks and patch up holes in the aura by its color. It enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy. It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. Allows for one to go deep into meditation to receive spiritual attunement. Brings insight, compassion, energy, excitement and joy into life’s experiences. Attracts money.

Iolite – Helpful for re-discovery of self. Helps with addictions. Enhances curiosity and stimulates vision. Clears your thought processes and strengthen your intuition. Enhances spiritual connections. Helps calm down emotions and still your mind. Helps you understand why things happen the way they do, and why people are the way they are. When you’re going through challenging times, this stone helps you find the best solutions. You will not waste time feeling afraid or uncertain because you know that you have what it takes to overcome your challenges.

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. Joyful, happy, and uplifting. Helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings. Helps get emotional body in check and clear the mind. Assists in the transformation of one’s life. Pushes one to take action and do what they love. Keeps one’s goals in check and helps provide a pathway. Nothing is out of reach.

My interpretation of the crystals:

Things have been so hard. I know… I’ve been struggling too. This whole never-ending pandemic is really adding to the already existing trauma in our lives. Mental health is a struggle for all of us on the best of days… let alone year 2 of a pandemic… and it’s about year 5 for me due to my son’s journey through Leukemia. It’s not been easy! The transition to the fall season is always hard too. Seeing things die and get cold. Feeling like we want to retreat. I think it’s natural for us to feel some darker, lower energies, especially being in Scorpio season. The thing is, is that even when it’s hard, it’s still good. We have to appreciate and work with all that we do have. We are still learning and growing and being led to the next rainbow. It’s all a part of the journey and the experiences that help us evolve. Despite all the hardships, I continue to be reminded by Spirit, that there is so much beauty coming. There is. These crystals are some of my favourite for their beauty and spiritual lightness. The Blue Aura Quartz is helping us to heal, by repairing any wounding in our energy fields. It is shining it’s rainbow light into our Spirits to enhance vitality and energy. It is helping us to get aligned with what we want to attract. We want more excitement and joy. We want more money. I always read my crystals before I choose cards, but I have already pulled out some decks to use, and the Super Attractor deck wanted to come for a card of guidance, so I know we need to get our vibes back in alignment because we are attracting things our way! Let go of worries and expect abundance! Trust that things are working out well. Trust that the Universe will provide for you, and make the best with what you do have! This is a time to re-discover who you are, and take stock of your gifts and what you can use to create abundance. You have more power than you realize! You may need to be creative and a little brave! Let go of the fear, knowing that experiences are opportunities for growth. Let go of your addictions, and know that you are safe to be happy. Living a clean and honest life will help to attract the positivity and abundance you desire. Get your mind cleaned up. Think positively and maintain an optimistic outlook. Let yourself be curious about life. Be curious about Spirit and deepen your connection. Take time for meditation and calm your mind. Come to terms with what has happened and let the past go. Move forward with lightness in your heart. You can’t feel better if you keep beating yourself up. God is all-forgiving, and there is a reason for that. As long as you are trying to do better, you can have peace in your heart that you are forgiven. Do what you can to find better solutions. Time wasted beating yourself up is time wasted not healing and moving towards your goals and dreams. We can’t hold ourselves back anymore. God wants to see our light and beauty. God wants to see us happy. God wants to see shine with pride when we overcome challenges and achieve our dreams. We are all pieces of Spirit, every single one of us. Do you really believe we are here to be depressed and unhappy? There is no way! We are here to experience fulfillment, and enlightenment. We are here to realize our gifts and shine our light. It’s ok if it’s not always easy. It’s ok if there is darkness and times that we fail. That’s how we learn to pick ourselves up, and it makes us stronger. Think of all you’ve been through and appreciate your existence. Appreciate that you are still here, to experience another day. To enjoy food and love and sunshine. Pick yourself up and let yourself be happy again. It’s the only way to change the trajectory things have been going. Get that spiral moving back upwards. Let yourself be transformed like the Phoenix rising. Fly out of the darkness and realize your power and beauty. Listen to your heart and live your life how you desire. Remember that the Angels and Spirit are here protecting us and guiding us. Let yourself feel supported. We really can do whatever we put our minds to… so get them in check and focused on things that will brings you abundance and happiness. Nothing is out of reach… just pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Let’s see what the cards say!

My interpretation of the cards:

Wow. We are so protected and safe. We have to trust. Things are going to work out for us. Even if it is in some twisted, unforeseen kind of way. Trust that things are working out. You can’t give up your loyalty every time things get hard.. that’s when it’s called for the most. Stop throwing your hands up and feeling like you can’t trust in life. You are giving away your power. We have lived with our hearts closed off for too long… too afraid to be hurt again. This is a different time, and we are stronger and more sure of ourselves. It’s time to open your heart again and trust that you are safe. Trust that the Universe is a safe place that provides for your needs. Be open to receiving a higher level of support. Allow yourself to be open to receiving magic and miracles. Let the blockages be dissolved and released. We do not have to do life alone, and we have plenty of support around us. Let yourself be loved and allow yourself to express your love. It’s time for a new experience for you, one that is safe and abundant! Hand over your fears and let them go. Trust that they serve as opportunities to bring more love in. When we want to close ourselves off, that’s when it’s most important that we don’t. When we feel most down, that’s when we should be allowing ourselves to receive the most support and love. Pursuing your dreams is going to require you to accept support and also to step out of your comfort zone. It just is! You might as well accept that now. Put yourself out there and make connections. To be successful, you will have to be willing to receive! Visualize what it would be like to receive. Keep visualizing all the ways you could say YES and feel so good about it. Visualize people paying you for your gifts. Visualize how deserving and appreciative you feel to say thank you! We have to face our fears if we want to achieve our dreams. We have to have courage and do the things that make us nervous. We will probably surprise ourselves with the outcome! If we don’t, we will learn a lesson, lol! We know where we are heading, we can feel it intuitively. We just need to stop over thinking and worrying. We are over thinking and worried about things that don’t even matter in the long run. Be willing to lose sight of the shore. Just keep going. Keep picking yourself up and taking steps to move forward. Stop fretting along the way, it’s just depleting your energy. We are already making our way, we just have to keep going. This card “You’re Already Doing It” came up in my last reading, and it’s here to confirm it again. We know great things are coming. Great things are meant for us. Step into that power. Appreciate your gifts and everything in your life. Appreciate the opportunities to learn and attract abundance. The things that scare us, can hold the best growth and wisdom. Focus on positivity and appreciation, and trust in what’s to come. Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of October 11, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Howlite, Purple Agate, and Chevron Amethyst. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Howlite – Reduces anxiety, tension and stress. Helps you sleep better, especially when you have a busy mind. Increases determination to achieve goals. Strengthens memory and desire for knowledge. Teaches patience, and helps to eliminate anger, pain and stress. A calming stone. Helps communication, increases awareness and encourages emotional expression. Strengthens positive character, removing selfishness and greed.

Purple Agate – Connected with the Violet Flame. Stone of meditation and Spiritual transformation . Trust your intuition. Opens the Spiritual floodgates to a realm of endless possibilities. Very loving and heart felt frequency. Balances Yin/Yang. Stabilizes the aura and eliminates negativity. Promotes relaxation and tranquility. Strengthens sight. Overcomes difficulties and creates value.

Chevron Amethyst – Combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. Great for seeing some of the hidden meanings in life. Use it to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Things have been pretty stressful lately with everything going on in the world. We need to find balance and make sure we are considering all aspects and perspectives. We have to make sure we are considering the softer, emotional, spiritual, inner needs, that we so often neglect when only paying attention to the physical. We have to soften our edges and relax a little more. Yes, it’s good to be driven towards our goals, but when we push too hard, we just burnout. A flame has to be tended to, in just the right way. Make sure you are getting the stress relief you need. Make sure you are exercising and sleeping well. The more you rest and keep your stress levels down, the more effective you can be at whatever work you do. The more energy you have, the more you can give. You will have a sharper mind with more clarity and determination. Honestly, you can be angry and stressed out, but it never helps anything. In fact, it makes things much worse. Make sure you are listening to your needs so that you can be proactive on keeping your energy balanced. You will be able to communicate, express yourself, and get along with others much better if you energy is cool and calm. Be considerate of others, while still taking care of you. Use your talents to do good things for the world. We are spiritually evolving as a human race. Many people are already awakened, and more and more are awakening every day. Spirituality is real. Our Spiritual power is real. You can work with it, or you can deny it. The choice is always yours to make. We are transforming, whether we are acknowledging it or not… whether we are flowing with the changes or resisting them. If you want the floodgates to open to the abundance you dream of, you have to pay attention to the spiritual messages and trust your intuition. We need to maintain balance and live from the heart with love. We need to embrace more positivity, faith, and optimism. We need to truly trust that Spirit has our back and that all our needs will be provided for. We prove that by resting, relaxing, and letting go of worries. We can and will overcome our difficulties. Try to allow things to happen with ease. The things we go through only add to our experience in life, and we can use those experiences to create more value and help people. Part of being strong is knowing you deserve better. Don’t allow stress and worry in your life. We have our vision set on our future and on our goals, passions, and desires. We don’t have time or energy to fret or worry. We need to stop feeling bad over the past… Mistakes have been made by all of us. Trust that God has it in his hands. Trust that Spirit is connecting with you everyday, and see the hidden meaning of things (get my Moon Magic Worksheet Oct 15!). We have all kinds of tools and resources that can help us to get out of this funk and moving forward! Book a reading through me, or through any of the talented healers at, and we can help get you on a better track! Even free meditations, workouts, sound healing, etc. that you can find on YouTube, or spiritual pages doing giveaways! There are so many great, and free resources. I always offer a free 1-card mini reading if you are ever needing a pick-me-up and don’t have a lot of money! All you have to do is inbox me and ask for a 1-card reading! ❤️ Remember your power. Remember how strong you are. Naturally. Just how you are right now, with nothing extra required. What do you want for your life? What goals do you have that light you up? You do have the power to attain your goals. Take those action steps and keep going. Trust that you are protected and guided. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

We are already on our path… We are already who we are going to be. Sometimes we need a different perspective. Sometimes, we have to feel lost, to find the direction we want to go. Whatever we have been through, it’s ok. It’s safe to let go of the past so we can walk forward into the future. You don’t have to be defined by what other people might think. Keep being you and doing what you feel inspired to do. Stop overthinking and worrying. Just keep going and keep flowing. Keep moving forward, with balance. We can’t rush or force, but we also can’t do nothing. Keep putting in the work and doing your best. Have faith and trust that everything is working out in your highest good! Worries and stress will only impact your health negatively. Trust that your body is naturally capable to heal you, and that you will feel better. Keep your focus on positivity and health! Eat good food and make choices that are healthy for you. Use exercise as a tool for stress relief. This is about balance and taking care of yourself. Relationship is the balance we hold in our lives, which reflects our relationship with ourselves. If we ignore or neglect areas of our life, it impacts us in other ways. For example, if you choose to live in stress and worry, and neglect self-care or stress relief, eventually, you will get physically sick. When you ignore femininity in your life, it lacks in beauty and and sensuality. If you only care about you, you become glutinous. If you care about others too much, you get burnt out. Balance is so important, especially right now. The better relationship we have with ourselves, the better and more beautiful our life can be. This doesn’t mean you need to do everything differently. It’s doing the good things you do a little more consistently. It’s making small changes and trying new things. It’s being who you are, just trying to be a little better…. So we can be healthy, and have healthy relationships. So we can heal and attract the abundance we deserve in this life. Connect to your Creator. Listen to what he’s trying to teach you. Hear the messages and see the signs. Pray. It doesn’t have to be anything specific, you can practice Spirituality however it resonates with you. A simple and sincere “Thank you” works wonders. When we understand our worth and our power, when we understand how truly loved we are by the Universe, that’s when life blooms. Spirituality is a key to true prosperity. There is fulfilment when you experience Spiritual knowing. Make sure you are not neglecting any parts of yourself, and that you are speaking up for what you want and need. This is a time of more positive relationships, with yourself and others! You are coming out of the darkness and hard times. You are filling your life with beauty, light, and magic. You are doing what you need to do. The card mentions that we just need to hang on a little longer. Have trust and faith. Show the Universe you are patient and willing to do your part in creating a beautiful abundant life. The Angels are helping us and supporting us. Beautiful things are coming. Keep working to do your part in making your life beautiful, and it will all come together in perfect harmony. Have a beautiful week!

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