Full Wolf Moon & Lunar Eclipse – January 10, 2020

We have a full moon and lunar eclipse happening in a couple days. 🌕💫 We are ready to step up and take charge of our lives. We are ready to let go of what isn’t good for us. Things may come up that test us… Recognize when you are feeling heightened and remind yourself it is a test… and rise to the challenge. Handle whatever comes up with grace and poise. The full moon is traditionally a time to release and let go. This full moon is the first of 2020 and is very powerful, so it is also a good time to set your intentions for the future. Remind yourself everyday of who you are and what your doing it for, and keep moving forward. Always remember that you got this. This Full Moon is what you make of it.. if you let drama pull you into negativity.. if you let your mind spin out of control.. you mind find yourself feeling depressed. It’s time to live from the heart. There is a portal open and available to you. It’s up to you to let go of what isn’t good for you. It’s up to you to open your heart and be happy. Wishing you a beautiful full moon! 💖

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #Wolf #Lunar #Eclipse #Cancer #January #Intense #Emotional #Heart #Clarity #Freedom #Relationships #Balance #LetGo #Release #Portal #Inspiration #Changes #Love

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