Full Cold Moon in Cancer – December 26, 2023

On Tuesday, December 26, 2023, we have a Full Cold Moon peaking at 5:32pm MST at 4°57’ in the sign of Cancer. 🌕✨♋️

We are feeling all the feels from this year. We are finally taking a break from the hectic pace of life. We are spending time with friends and loved ones. We are enjoying our homes and the world around us. Our hearts are full. We are grateful for how far we have come, what we have, and where we are at.

Chiron comes out of retrograde on this same day and goes direct in the sign of Aries. Chiron is the Centaur and Aries is the Ram. We are raring to go.. to race towards what we dream about and want to pursue, and there is really nothing stopping us with all the power we have gained. Not only physical power, but mental, emotional, and spiritual power. We’ve come so far and grown so much. We are ready to let go. We are ready for new beginnings and what’s to come.

The Full Moon is the time when we let go of the past and release the things that have been hindering our personal progress. This is the perfect time to let go of anything that’s weighed you down, so you can start the new year with a fresh perspective and confidence.

There really is so much magic, when you believe… when you know it in your heart as truth. Dreams really can come true. Now is an important time to remember that and believe in that. “Believe” is an important word and a great mantra for this holiday season.

The only person stopping you, is you. We have everything we need and we are ready to go. It’s about the choices you make and where those choices will lead you. It’s about your belief in yourself and what you deserve. Try to be intentional with your life to get to a better and happier place. Think about what you really need for 2024, and let go of what you no longer serves you.

Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season and Full Moon! May all of your dreams and wishes come true! ❤️🎄🎅🌕✨

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Cancer? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #Astrology #Cancer #Christmas #BoxingDay #Time #LovedOnes #Friends #Family #Togetherness #Home #Emotions #Sensitivity #Opportunities #Healing #LettingGo #Clarity #Intention #Goals #Desires #Rejuvenate

New Moon in Cancer – July 17, 2023

On Monday, July 17, 2023, we have a New Moon peaking at 12:31pm MDT at 24°55’ in the sign of Cancer. 🌑✨🦀

The next Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st also peaks at 12:31pm MDT. 1231 is a sign that the manifestation of our goals and desires is supported, and to trust in your creative manifesting abilities. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your desires with confidence. Stay focused on what you want and keep your thoughts positive. Believe that you will find success and fulfilment.

This New Moon and the Sun is in the home and family sign of Cancer. There is a lot coming up around inner child healing, and healing mother and father wounds.

It’s not by chance that Drake’s recent concert performance included his younger self. He has come so far in his career. He’s been acting since he was young, and it’s taken him many, many years to get to the status he’s at today. He never gave up on himself.

It’s so important that we use our grit to stay determined towards the things we dream about. Even if those dreams shift and change along the way.

We have to heal so that we can give ourselves and those around us the love they deserve, and find our own joy and freedom again.

Set those intentions and keep working towards them in meaningful and inspired ways. Show the Universe you are ready to share your talents with the world.

Stay true to yourself and love yourself. Never stop believing in yourself and your ability to make your dreams come true.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🌊

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Cancer? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Cancer #July #Manifesting #Intentions #Home #Family #Clarity #Relationships #Intuition #Emotions #ForgiveAndForget #SelfReflection #SelfCare #InTune #Needs #TakeAction #Bold #Ambitious #Desires #Achieve #Greater #Challenges #Communication #Focus #Blessings #Strength #Support

Full Wolf Moon in Cancer – January 6, 2023

On Friday, January 6, 2023, we have a Full Wolf Moon at 16°21’ in the sign of Cancer, peaking at 4:07pm MST. 🌕✨🦀

Cancer is a Water sign that highlights emotions. The Full Moon is a time to release and let go of the past.

We are going to be feeling very sensitive, longing for romance, and feeling nostalgic over the past.

We have to remember that we can’t always get what we want, and we need to trust that there is a reason for everything.

It is important we make responsible, healthy choices for ourselves and prioritize our self-care to get us through challenges and trying times.

We need to lean on the people we do have around us and appreciate the life we live now. We need to treat our home, family, and bodies well.

Let go of the past and stop romanticizing it. Move forward and create an even more exciting future. Believe in your abilities. Focus on all the possibilities that lie ahead of you.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🙏♑️

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Cancer? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #Cancer #Astrology #Home #Family #LettingGo #Release #Past #Responsibility #SelfCare #Love #Attraction #Emotions #Commitment #Sensitivity #Nostalgia #Ideas #Inspiration #Discover #Invent #Communication #Truth #Consideration #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

Micro New Moon in Cancer – June 28, 2022

On Tuesday, June 28th, 2022, we have a Micro New Moon peaking at 8:52pm MDT at 07°22’ in the sign of Cancer. 🌑✨🦀

The sign of Cancer can be emotional and has to do with our home and family life. This New Moon, however, is well-aspected, so the energy feels very positive. It like, all the hard things we’ve been going through are going to be rewarded in some way.

The pain we endure, the storms we go through, inevitably result in some growth and beauty. The storm is required, it is necessary, as part of the bigger picture.

The things we go through help us see life from new perspectives. Even though things haven’t been easy, we know they are serving a deeper purpose. What do you need to focus on now?

Despite the hardships, we are feeling optimistic about the future and the exciting things that await us. There is still so much beauty, so many opportunities, and so many blessings to come.

Love yourself and your life, and let your heart your heal. Take care of yourself and feel good. Spend time with those you love and nurture them. Appreciate your life.

Make sure you are receiving as much as you give, and try to live a balanced life. Be confident and pursue your goals and dreams, and you will see the rewards flow in.

Neptune goes retrograde today, and this will encourage us let go of the fears that have held us back, and help us to see with clarity.

Remember that home is wherever your heart is. Where is your heart calling you home to? What are you feeling guided to do for yourself?

Enjoy this New Moon. Make the best of it and see all the reasons to be positive and have hope. Set your intentions for a beautiful, amazing, abundant future.


Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Cancer? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Contact carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#Astrology #Guidance #NewMoon #Cancer #Home #Family #Comfort #Love #Security #Purpose #Truth #Belonging #Sensitive #Compassion #Clarity #Meaning #Goals #Dreams #Desires #Appearance #Moon #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

Full Wolf Moon in Cancer – January 17, 2022

Monday, January 17th we have a Full Moon peaking at 4:48pm MST. This Full Moon occurs at 27 degrees 50 minutes in Cancer. Cancer rules the 4th house, the house of home and family. 🌕✨🏡

As a reminder, we also have Mercury going retrograde January 14th until February 3rd.

This Full Moon, while very loving and caring, could also be emotional or moody. Just remember when you are having negative thoughts or emotions, that you do have power, and strategies, to try to turn it around. The negative emotions are not going to last forever. Ask for support if you need.

Full Moons are a time to let go of the past and release patterns that aren’t serving us anymore. When negative emotions come up, acknowledge their purpose with compassion and understanding. Take the lesson and leave the rest behind. We have to get honest about where we need to improve. We have to consciously choose to do things differently, or how can anything be different?

We can get pretty comfortable hiding in our shells, living out our same routines. Maybe it’s time to come out and try something new. Maybe its time to see the world in a different way. You, and only you, have the power to change your life.

What can we choose that will make life more fulfilling? We have opportunities every single day to make different choices.

We won’t always get it right, but the more we try, the better off we will be. Small steps can add up quickly. You can never know how something will turn out, unless you try… and you will probably surprise yourself.

You are capable, resilient, and deserving. Love yourself fully. Love your emotions fully. Love your family and your life fully.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🙏


Want to learn more about this Full Moon? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about and work with the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

It’s like Moon Ceremony on paper! 📝

$5/Worksheet or sign up for a year for $100 (CAD) – Released every New & Full Moon!

Message me or contact carrielynngallop@hotmail.com if you want one! Payment accepted by E-transfer or PayPal! 🙋‍♀️

Fun #Learning #Spiritual #Growth #Tools #Guidance #Energy #Astrology #Cancer #FullMoon #Moon #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet #MoonCeremony #MoonChild #Crystals #Colors #Angels #Mermaids #Water #Releasing #Flowers #FengShui #FengShuiCharms #Animals #Numbers #SpiritualWork

New Moon in Cancer – July 9, 2021

We have a New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 9th, peaking at 7:16pm here in Alberta. 🌑✨🙏There are positive aspects to this New Moon, but also some challenges. This New Moon is all about family, friends, and the home. It’s about being comforted by what we have in our life. We may have some emotions coming up around things we want to change in our home, or bringing up issues from our own childhood. Stay open minded and try to go with the flow. Forgive and let go of resentment for your own sake. Thinking and dwelling too much on the past can worsen depression. The way you perceive the world can be very subjective. If things aren’t looking great for you, how can you see things from a different angle, or pivot your stance to make things work better for you. You have what it takes to overcome any potential problems, and you will be better for it. Try not to get bitter. We need to keep our emotions as positive as possible, so we can exude the loving, happy energy that we intend to. Set healthy boundaries and know which situations or people affect your emotions negatively. Trust your intuition, and trust that everything is happening in Divine timing. Trust that everything is working out for you, especially if that is hard to see right now. Help yourself find more balance and bring more light into your life. Have a little fun and enjoy summer! Things should be heating up a bit with Mars and Venus conjuncting in Leo. 😘❤️🙏✨

Do you want to work with this energy further? Get my Moon Magic Worksheet! Only $5(CAD) or sign up for the year for $100!

The Moon Magic Worksheet is a 6-page Printable PDF that tells you all about the sign on Cancer and things that relate to this New Moon. You can learn what Colors, Crystals, Gods/Goddesses, Essential Oils, Flowers, Plants, Herbs, Metals, Charms, and Animals that resonate with this Moon energy. There are affirmations, activities, goal setting questions, journal prompts, prayers, a card of guidance, upcoming astrology, and more!! I call it a Moon Ceremony on paper, that you can do how you want!

Let me know if you want one! 🥰🤗

Astrology #MoonMagic #Moon #MoonMagicWorksheet #Cancer #NewMoon #MoonCycles #Guidance #July #Home #Family #Passion #Relaxation #PositiveChange #NewBeginnings #FreshStart #Spiritual #Summer #Stability #Love #Money #Relocation #Renovations #Flow #UnconditionalLove #Forgiveness #Intentions #Manifesting

Thank you for visiting my page! I hope you enjoyed this post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Full Cold Moon in Cancer – December 29, 2020

We have a Full Cold Moon in the sign of Cancer on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, peaking at 8:30pm MST here in Alberta. 🌕✨❄️ It’s fitting after all the intense energies we’ve had lately, that this is more of a relaxing moon. It’s energy is very feminine, nurturing, loving and caring. It might get emotional, so make sure to rest and observe the emotions that arise. Take good care of yourself. This is a moon to do all your releasing for the year. Let everything go upon the full moon. This is a time to start fresh… just in time for the new year. We are all changing, growing, and evolving so quickly. Things might seem bleak right now, but there is so much promise and hope for the future. There are opportunities and rewards on the way for us. Things are going to change in positive ways. One thing that came up a lot when I was creating the Moon Magic Worksheet is purity and innocence. We are truly getting back to the people we were meant to be all along. You can always begin again, no matter how far you’ve fallen… and this is your chance to do so. You have to be strong and believe in yourself. This moon has a positive sextile aspect to Uranus, which brings intuition, excitement, and stimulating encounters! The moon is also in positive aspect to a star that brings good health, honor, riches, pleasure, and domestic benefits. That sounds pretty good to me! Lol. The point is that you need to stay positive, stay open… stay ready for life to deliver you these gifts and encounters. If you are stuck in a negative mindset.. if you are hiding yourself away.. you are putting up blocks to abundance. Believe they are on the way. Be open and ready. Behave in a way that is deserving, and make positive life choices. Be reminded of the blessings already present in your life. Be grateful for your home and family. Believe in the good things to come. Hold on to hope and love. Take care of yourself and honor your needs. You don’t need to prove yourself to anybody… you only need to soothe your own soul. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says… it matters what is in your heart, what you believe about yourself. Let everything that’s been weighing you down go upon the full moon. Write down what you want to release and burn it. Make sure to clean and organize your home too. Let’s get right and rock 2021. ❤️🌕🥂💪

If you want a copy of my Moon Magic Worksheet, the cost is $5 (cdn). Message me if you are interested!

The Moon Magic Worksheet is a 4 page PDF document filled with items and properties that resonate with this full moon. It has affirmations, journal prompts, goal setting questions, a card pull, ideas to celebrate the moon, and more! It will help you organize your thoughts and set intention to them. It will help you recognize synchronicities that come with this full moon! It will help you understand the energy we are moving through. It is very casual, and something for you to sit with while you honor the moon. It is simply a guide to help us all learn, and connect to the moon!

#FullMoon #Cancer #Releasing #Cleansing #NewBeginnings #Blessings #Grateful #Hope #Joy #Love #Relax #Calm #SelfCare #Emotions #Emotional #Safety #Comfort #Home #Family #Energy #Guidance #Rewards #Choices #Gifts #Positivity #Growth #Change #Freedom #Habits #Encounters

Thank you for visiting my page, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of July 19, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Aquamarine, Larimar and Apatite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Aquamarine – A stone of courage and power. It brings inner peace, hope and self-love. It shields the aura, and is said to bring Angels for guidance and protection. Used to dispel anger and fear. Used for past life recall. A stone of good luck. Helps with calming communication issues.

Larimar – Known as the “Dolphin Stone”. It is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue color of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. It has ability to enhance communication in general, with animals as well as people. A stone of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming and balancing energies. It can help one maintain one’s personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional but inducing calm and finding solutions.

The crystals have very watery energy, and it’s fitting as we start this week off with the 2nd New Moon in Cancer on Monday the 20th. We have so many things we are worrying about. I could start listing them off, and I did… but then I realized that focusing on what’s negative isn’t helping anything. Surely, there have been positive things happen for me this year, despite the happenings of the world! These crystals are reminding us (and especially me) to not give in to fear-based thinking. Don’t listen to the lies your ego tries to tell you. Try not to let things bother you. This New Moon is in Cancer, which is a water sign, and it’s all about going with the flow. You can either flow, or you create resistance. Let go of the things, the beliefs, the fears, that don’t matter. Pray to the Angels for guidance and protection. We are entering a new phase of life where we are taking back our power and our freedom. We deserve to live peaceful lives. Speak your truth when necessary and with grace… but also remember to let some things slide with compassion and forgiveness. We are all in this thing called life together.. whether we want to accept that or not. My quality of life directly affects yours. We all deserve equality. Our consciousness is evolving together. My inspiration and love spreads to others, as their do to others. Make sure you are spreading light and love. We are seeing the truth of ourselves and the truths of others. We have come to an acceptance and we are ready to move forward. We are standing up for what we deserve and what we need. Communication is a huge theme this week. Before you communicate anything, make sure you are in a place of calm and peace. Don’t let your emotions take away from how you feel and what you want to communicate. We are rising up from the poor choices of the past, and the more of us that can change and make this world a better place, the better we will all be for it. We are manifesting on this New Moon, so make sure your intentions are set, and they are clear. Voice them out loud. Say them with acceptance and gratitude, as if the plans are already set in motion. There is a reason for all the crazy stuff happening in the world, and it isn’t all bad. Remember to focus on the positive aspects as much as possible. Let see what the cards say!

Wow. These cards continuously amaze me. As I was saying, there is purpose in all that is going on. If you aren’t happy in your home life, you are going to be facing that… If you have other dreams to chase, this may be a perfect opportunity… Maybe you being stuck at home is keeping you away from harsh energies and allowing you time to heal. Not only are we facing things we need to heal, but our Angels and Spiritual Guides are sending us healing energies. They are surrounding us and protecting us right now. We are in such disharmony with our great Mother Earth, and it is reflected in the disharmony we are experiencing with ourselves, physically and emotionally. How can you allow your body to heal naturally? Letting go of fears, worry and anxiety is the best thing you can do. Get some relaxing healing treatments. Listen to some meditation or music. Visualize yourself surrounded, protected, and energized by Divine light. We have to live with calm and contentedness. We have to soothe our nervous system and have a tranquil heart. Repeat after me: “I take back my vitality and energy and feel more and more healthy each and every day. My body knows how to heal. My body knows how to heal”. Support your mind and body and nourish them well. I know it seems all so overwhelming, but all you have to do is take baby steps. One thing at a time. Small action steps. We can’t exactly see the full picture yet, but we are making our way towards somewhere great. I will always stand by that. I know it and feel it as truth. If you think life isn’t good, I think you need to look at it again. Our soul is calling us to get out there, and we can’t keep playing small. What is one step you can take today to put yourself out there or work towards a dream? What are you waiting for? If it is a message from the Cosmos; consider this it. All this stuff we are going through now, is going to usher in a new time of harmony and balance. The power has been out of control for too long, and karma is coming in to say NO. Those of us who care and who are here to do good for the world, are the light workers that are going to create change. All of us have to say no to the way things have been. We want to live a harmonious existence. We can’t do that now with the restrictive ways of government. We need equality for everyone. When one person gets left behind; we all do. Use your voice for good.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

New Moon in Cancer – July 20, 2020

We have a 2nd New Moon in the sign of Cancer coming up in 2 days. 🌑✨🌊 If you missed writing intentions on the last New Moon, make sure to do it this time! This is a second chance to start again. This is a time to make better choices for the future. It’s not going to be easy though. Unfortunately, the astrology looks very tough. There are going to be obstacles and challenges, and we are going to have to prove our readiness by staying patient, going with the flow, and continuing to put the work in. The hardest choices are usually the most rewarding. Keep moving towards your goals and block out the negativity of others. Make sure you are taking lots of time to yourself for self-care, so you can remain calm and balanced. You are what you make of your life… use this knowledge to keep your emotions in check. It’s really not worth the fight. Let go and let God, and keep pressing on. Stay strong friends! 🌑🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #July #Cancer #Second #Water #Emotions #Frustration #Patience #Negativity #Guidance #Love #Astrology #Home #Family #Career #Authority #Struggle #Empowerment #Stuck #Worry #Loss #Grief #Goals #Bath #Meditate #SelfCare #Relax #Space #Responsibility

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

New Moon in Cancer with Annular Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice – June 21, 2020

We have a New Moon in the sign of Cancer, with an Annular Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice! 🌑🌞🦀 It sounds as special as it is. It’s not going to be easy though. It’s going to highlight areas of our life that are out of balance. Emotional energy is going to be high, so be cautious of how you react to situations, especially as things change. The power is shifting in your life. This is the time to take your power back. Set intentions and affirm how you want to move forward in your life. This is a new phase, where the focus is on us. Where we find happiness for ourselves. Where we live a life of independence and freedom. What choices do you have to make? Make sure you are making them for you. Make sure you are still having fun with it. Make sure you take time for you. Burning yourself out isn’t going to help. Put yourself first. Find the balance that works for you, to help you move forward with stability and happiness. This eclipse is a “ring of fire”, a portal to a new way of being. Utilize it to your highest advantage! 🌑✨💫

#Astrology #NewMoon #Cancer #Moon #Solar #Eclipse #Water #Flexible #Flow #Balance #Independence #Freedom #Allegiance #Change #OpenMinded #Patience #Responsibility #Restriction #Power #Shift #Transfer #Focus #Energy #Progress #Support #Positivity #Solstice

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html