Weekly Card Reading – Week of December 5, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Kambaba Jasper, Blue Kyanite, and Dragons Blood. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Kambaba Jasper – Also known as Crocodile Jasper. It is actually fossilized algae. Calms the mind and promotes inner peace. Helps to remove heart blockages and worries. Connects us to nature and allows us to feel more open to receiving love. Supports us and provides insight through tough times. Reduces fear and increase confidence, self-worth, and courage.

Blue Kyanite – Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

Dragons Blood – A tool for manifesting abundance and happiness. Helps us feel more positive and optimistic about the future. Urges us to step into our power and be bold. Represents tough skin with a loving heart.

I haven’t been doing a weekly card reading when we have a Full or New Moon coming up. It just doesn’t make sense when we already have guidance for the energy! I do look forward even more so now to the card readings after the moon, just to see where things are going next. I find these crystals interesting. I am a little bit OCD and tend to grab crystals with colors that “go together”, and these ones today went against that. It reminded me that we need to trust in the guidance we are given. Have you been listening to the guidance? I repeatedly get the message for more joy in my life, but am I actually taking steps to have more joy? I am reminded to let go of the stress, but have I actually been doing things to help me do that? If you haven’t taken some time to meditate, I would recommend doing that! Put on a guided meditation or some nature sounds and let your mind relax and wander. There is so many reasons for us to be feeling fearful… we are bombarded with fearful messaging daily. We can give into those messages, worries, and fears, or we can choose to focus our energy elsewhere. Instead of worrying, choose to be open and allowing. Instead of feeling stressed out, remind yourself that you are safe and everything is ok. We have so much support if we look for it, and are willing to reach out for it. If we choose to stay in our sadness and loneliness and brood about it, it’s going to be hard to feel better or turn things around. We have to be willing to be proactive. We aren’t always going to feel happy or super energetic, so when you do, ride that wave and use that optimism. Plan and envision your future and the steps you could take, or better yet, take an action step. The Blue Kyanite is here to help us remove any blockages and move forward. It helps us speak our truth with clarity. This has also been an intense time of dream work, so pay attention to your dreams and write them down as much as you can. There are messages coming through in your dreams, and I do Dream Interpretations if anyone is interested in finding out what their dreams may represent! We are moving forward into an amazing future. Believe it to be true! You don’t have to be anything more than you are right now. You are as deserving of greatness and abundance just as much as any human. The Dragons Blood is helping us feel more optimistic so we can attract more abundance and prosperity! Again, nothing can change if you aren’t willing to change. If you want to stay small, then it’s going to be hard to attract big things. Let go of the fears. Embrace who you are. Let yourself be happy. Shine your light and believe in yourself. You have light this world needs. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Just let yourself be seen and your voice heard. Be confident in who you are. Trust that you are exactly as you are meant to be, and that great things are on the way for you. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

This is a wake-up call! If you don’t change what your doing, things around you can’t change. With all this Eclipse energy, there have been big shakeups in our lives. This can be a warning, if you have been seeing something coming for a while, or if you have been neglecting to make the changes you need to. This isn’t about freaking out that something bad is coming. This is about taking an honest perspective of your life, and being prepared. It’s about being proactive towards happiness in your life. Use your instincts and inner knowing to help guide you. Seek a spiritual perspective. Don’t let yourself be drowned by the waves. Make decisions to protect your life and happiness. Seek higher ground and higher perspectives. Happiness is available to us and things are getting better! The Hummingbird was on my Moon Magic Worksheet for the New Moon we just had, so it’s no surprise to see it here on this Happy, Happy Card. Joy, opportunities, beauty, abundance… it’s all here for us to enjoy. Are you choosing to recognize it and embrace it? You have the key to happiness, you just need to allow yourself to unlock it. Do what you can to feel beautiful and create a beautiful, colourful life all around you. See the opportunities. Create opportunities. Be ready to fly. Enjoy these moments and feel satisfied with your life. Appreciate the passion, love, and joy. Don’t long to be happy.. be happy right now. Let yourself be feel happy. Do something to make yourself happy. Your happiness is a direct result of your trust and faith in life. Know that all is well. Know that you are safe, and it’s important for you to have fun. Feel good about the people that surround you in your life. The grass is greenest where you stand. Appreciate this moment and all that you have. Happiness attracts more reasons to be happy. Take pride in all you have accomplished, and be thankful for the support you have received along the way. Lighten up and don’t take things so seriously. This Sagittarius energy reminds me of Santa. To be jolly and joyous, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Sometimes we forget how important it is just to be playful and experience joy. You are deserving of happiness and it is never too late to experience it. We have endured a lot. We have been through trauma and barren wastelands. Patience and trust are called for. If things have been tough, trust that good things are on the way. Slow and steady is the way to success. Take the pressure off. Do not be discouraged by slow progression. Things are working themselves out, and will happen much faster and efficiently if you are positively contributing to making things better. You are still growing, and you will bloom. Have trust and faith!

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Card Reading for Beginners Course:
