Mercury Retrograde – March 5, 2019

Mercury Retrograde! March 5 💫

#Astrology #MercuryRetrograde #Communication #Creativity #Art #Reflection #Meditation #March

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 26, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Bloodstone, Lava Rock and Aragonite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Bloodstone – Centering and grounding. Increases adaptability and organization. Lessens confusion, stress, and anxiety. A stone of courage. Brings renewal by releasing blockages. Heals emotional traumas and grief. It enhances the intellect. It is used to bring energy in many ways, including abundance, success and prosperity.

Lava Rock – Embraces Fire and Earth Energy. When a person is drawn to lava rock it might be because they need the fire or energy in their life. They can be used for grounding, protection and making a connection to the earth. They allow us to “root” scattered energy, find focus and bring balance to our center by embracing practicality. They encourage stimulation. This stone has the nurturing power of Mother Earth. Considered a fiery fertility stone. In Feng Shui, Black lava is used in the area of Career and Life Path as well as the Helpful People and Travel areas.

Aragonite – Their vibration encourages conservation and caring for the earth. Helps the earth. They are said to clear blocked ley lines and aid geopathic stress. Assists healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety. They send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. They relieve anger and resentment, and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Increases energy. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. 

When I drew these stones, I knew they were very transformational, and that we are in a strong period of transformation. The Lava Rock starts as a fluid fire, and hardens into a beautiful healing rock. The crystals are telling me that we are struggling through this transformation. One big reason why, is what we have done to Mother Earth. She is struggling too. It is like, how can you expect your heart to function normally if you are neglecting and ruining your body’s health? We are ruining our planet, and we expect that not to affect us, when we are growths of this planet. Imagine how much potential we could have if we had a fertile, healthy environment to grow and thrive in. If things around us aren’t healthy, the things we consume, the things we breath.. it’s hard for us to be healthy. Consumerism is quickly draining this planet of her precious resources. We are tainting the waters, wasting our food and taking other species down for temporary gain. Not only that, we are hurting ourselves and inviting disease. We need to put energy into loving our planet, like we should be loving ourselves. We need to clean it, and make more sustainable choices. I know people think this concept is so “left wing”, but honestly, it’s just the straight-out truth. We need to do it and we need to get doing it now. We need to avoid toxins. We need to go back to a more simple and natural way of life. We need to embody those very ideals that we want to see reflected around us. If we want to see beauty, happiness and adventure in our life, then we need to find those things inside us and reflect them to the outer world. Show the Earth you will help care for her beauty. Be proud of yourself and be confident and bold. Choose to be happy every moment you can. Take those adventures and grow your soul. It’s a reciprocal relationship, what you get is what you give, so be generous. I am going to use the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck by Stephen Farmer, so let’s see which cards want to go along with this message. 

The winter solstice really reminds me of how our winter is going… it’s never ending! This card is a sign that it’s ok to slow down. That we need to slow down. We need to reflect on where we have been and where we are going. We need to integrate the lessons we have learned. We need to take time to consider what our next goals in life are. If you have been feeling stuck or blocked lately, know that it is ok and that the light will return. We need to realize that the fears we have are illusionary, and find ways to break through them. There is so much promise on the horizon, and we need to breach the water and show up for it when the time comes. We are moving from a phase where we stayed inside of ourselves, but we are preparing to put ourselves out there in a big way, most likely in your career and life purpose. Take time to reflect on your life, on how you could care for yourself better, on how you can love a little more. Make small choices to be more generous to others, to yourself, to the Earth. By loving yourself, you give yourself the confidence you need to come out, to show yourself, and to put on a beautiful display of talent. You have so much inside of you waiting to be explored and discovered. One way you can do this is by having adventures. By exploring the world around you, you somehow explore your inner world… the reciprocal relationship. There is so much beauty on the horizon… this could not be a more gorgeous sunset with the new moon hanging so delicately in the sky. There is so much to look forward to. The couple is embracing each other knowing that everything is going to be great, and all they have to do is be in the moment, appreciate life and be happy. 

Winter Solstice (Reflection) – The midpoint of Winter is not only the shortest day of the year, but also the longest night. The world is very still and the land dormant. Various “festivals of light” are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return. Throughout many cultures there are tales describing this time as the birth of the archetypal Sun King – including the Christian story of Jesus’s birth – representing the hope of renewal from the darkest period of the solar cycle. This image portrays a simple yet powerful representation of the winter solstice. We see a clear reflection of the snowy woods on the still, frozen waters of the lake. The blue tint drapes the scene with an even greater sense of quiet and solace, inviting us to walk very softly lest we disturb the intense yet gentle grace of this scene. The reflection of the trees on the frozen lake reminds us that this is a time for us to go inside – to both our physical shelter as well as our internal world – and there contemplate the season that had passed, the season that it, and the seasons yet to come. Review the past year and ask yourself what the most important lessons you have had to learn are, what you have accomplished, and what dreams and visions you want to manifest in the upcoming year. Whether it has been a relatively smooth ride or a challenging series of events, acknowledge your experience as being the work of Source, no matter what your judgements, fears or joys are. Honour whatever has happened over the previous several months with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go. Allow yourself some solitude so you can spend some quiet, slow time in reflection. Once you feel complete, reflect on your present life, especially focusing on what you are grateful for. When you are finished, consider what is to come – all the different possibilities and potential that exist before you. Allow your imagination to roam without limitation of ambition and see what shows up. Notice how you feel in your body with whatever scenario plays out in your mind. These are previews of that which is gestating, and can manifest and grow when cared for properly. Patience and stillness is called for here, for just as Earth cycles have their own pace, so does this cycle. 

Whale (Breach) – This powerful creature of the ocean takes a few great sweeps with his fins and propels himself briefly out of the waters where he spends the majority of his life. He’s taking a break from the ordinary Earth element in which he lives to exist even for a few moments in the realm of blue skies and sun, having broken through the skin of the ocean in a magnificent display of fullness and strength. All baleen whales breach, but none more spectacularly than the humpbacks, considered the acrobats of this family. They arch, stretch, and twist their bodies even as they approach the surface of the water, in what may be an ancient mating ritual, a form of communication, or even a way to remove parasites. In this image, the humpback whale that has burst out of the ocean expresses an almost palpable feeling of release and joy. Often when we manage to change our environment – to break through illusionary blockages – we experience an intense feeling of relief and can let go of any previously held fears and assumptions of what would happen once we did overcome that barrier, whether it’s material, environmental or mental. Simply getting away from the trance of technology for a few hours and spending time in nature is a breach from the trappings of civilization that can suffocate and prevent us from connecting to earth. It is time to take a break! Not just a coffee break, but a respite from the usual environment you find yourself in. That trip you wanted to take? Go for it. Tired of being indoors? Make a point to go outside. You have become so attached to your surroundings that you have created within them an illusion of safety, yet it is not these things that make you feel safe. Rather, the familiarity you have imbued in your surroundings have generated this false sense of security. Taking time away from the familiar is literally about changing your external environment in a significant way, such as doing something you have always wanted to experience. Another perspective is breaking through the barrier of the beliefs that have constricted you in any way from who you truly are. This is your opportunity to do some intentional breaching of these thought patterns, which will open you to different worlds and perspectives. 

New Moon (Promise) – Gazing at the sliver of the new moon smiling down upon them, the couple embraces each other, welcoming the promise of their love. The fading sun drapes the clouds and waters with its tinge of luminescence, as the crescent opens its arms to the nearby planet Venus, named after the Roman Goddess of love. This is a time for manifestation, beginnings, and renewal, with the promise that our desires will come to fruition. Here Grandmother Moon initiates another lunar cycle, moving from darkness to fullness and back again over approximately one month. Her promise of what is to come is embedded in the first glimmer of her light as she emerges from behind the curtain of darkness that had recently encompassed her. It is a promise that has been kept for as long as she has existed. This is the time to launch a project, a new relationship, or renew something that has been put aside for a later date. With your intention and willingness to allow a full cycle to complete itself, that which you desire will manifest. The seed of that idea is ready to emerge from the darkness of your subconscious into your full awareness. The next step is to put the action into what’s required to fully realize this idea. A promise has two meanings: it can be a commitment and guarantee to yourself (or someone else) that a particular thing will happen, or it can imply that something specific is expected to happen. When your will is aligned with the will of Spirit and your intention is focused upon what you wish to have happen, there will be fulfillment, and the promise is kept. 

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