Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 16, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Calcite, Yellow Feather Jasper, and Yellow Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope.

Yellow Feather Jasper – Stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra. Amplifies self-confidence, courage and empowerment. Facilitates the release of toxins. Provides protection during Spiritual work. Wind, faith, lightness, mobility, air, flight, joy, contemplation.

Yellow Jasper – A stone of protection. Provides inner strength and mental clarity. It holds a deep connection to the Earth and is good for grounding. Amplifies self-confidence and courage, bringing energy and enthusiasm. Deflects jealousy, and makes an excellent shield if you are the object of petty gossip. Eases chronic worries and self-consciousness about what others say or think, and helps to overcome fears of being alone in public. A good stone for dieting, it lends emotional support and strength in self-discipline, as well as boosting physical energy levels. Soothes the digestive system. Promotes inner strength, helping one to bear life’s frustrating experiences and providing the tenacity and perseverance to overcome them. It encourages enthusiasm and joy, and helps attract positive friendships. Yellow Jasper brings new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light. It adds clarity, zest, optimism, and meaning to your life.

I love yellow crystals. Today, I felt such an earthy energy… a very grounded and beautiful energy. The yellow signifies a sense of optimism, confidence, and happiness. We, as human beings, are being called forth to our destiny. Our inner knowing of what we need to pursue during our time on earth, can no longer be ignored. We are growing in spiritual consciousness, wether you want to jump on the band wagon or drag your heels. We are moving into a new era of social justice, where people will speak their truth with freedom and respect. We are going to come together in love and mutual respect, because we have no other choice if we want a harmonious future for humanity… and we do want that for our future generations. Whatever you are being called to speak upon, share your truth. Even if you think nobody cares or listens, they do, and it does matter. I listened to Episode 11 of BASAC’s podcast yesterday (Battlefords & Area Sexual Assault Centre) and they had a guest on, Krista Fox, who was speaking about Ashley Morin who has been missing from North Battleford, Saskatchewan since 2018. Ashley was a classmate of my sister. She was a bright, athletic, caring young woman. Krista really inspired me, because not only was she speaking up for all Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, but she was speaking up for all missing people as a whole, noting that they are not merely a case number, but they are sons, daughters, siblings, parents… they are real people with hearts and stories to tell. She is doing a walk across Canada to raise awareness for all missing people, and what really stuck with me, was when she said that she had to do something because this can’t and should not keep happening to our people. She is so right. When are we going to stand up and say no more. When are we going to change how we take care of each other. No, not everybody is going to do their part, but the more we stand together in strength and solidarity, the more we can effect change and hold people accountable. Do your part and get involved in your community. Get some cameras installed. Use your voice to effect change. This is a time of power and potential. We are cleaning house (physically and spiritually) and making room for grander things to come. We are making changes in our lives for the better. This is a fresh start. This is a perfect time to step into a new version of you. We have been working hard on healing toxic patterns that we’ve carried, and it is paying off… we are healing. We are expanding, learning, and growing so much. We are motivated for the future and feeling passionate about our dreams and goals. Trust yourself. You can get through any challenges that arise. You are being protected and being distanced from negative energy. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Fill your stomach chakra with hope and joy. It’s summertime. It’s time to be happy and feel childlike wonder again. This will be hard to experience if you are weighed down with worries and stress. Have the strength and clarity to focus your energy on the positives. Have confidence, courage, and enthusiasm. You have the strength and willpower to create the changes you desire. No more being hard on yourself. Love yourself and trust yourself. Get outside and feel connected to the Earth. Ground yourself with activities that keep you feeling calm and peaceful. This is a time to add some positivity and zest to your life. Have some fun. Visit a friend. Try a new activity. Enjoy some lovely summer weather. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

These cards are so beautiful! We are definitely in strong Earth energies. My family can’t really have pets, we are all allergic, but I still LOVE the animal energy in my life. We live out in the country, so everyday I get to have animals visits with snakes, owls, deer, mice, rabbits, foxes, eagles, hawks, moose, birds, cats, etc. I always feel blessed when I have an animal encounter. We are going to benefit a lot this week from spending time with Animals. Animals can help keep us grounded and soothe us in times of stress. They add such beautiful energy to our life, and even provide us much needed guidance. For me, I saw a Hawk a few days ago that flew right in front of our vehicle. Hawks symbolize freedom, flight, and creativity. When you encounter an animal this week, treat it with the respect it deserves. If there is a spider in your home, find a way to remove it and take it outside. Treat other beings with the respect that you would want. This card, Animals, really is reminding us of our connection to Earth, the Universe, and to all things. The natural world is a part of you, and you should feel connected to it. Every animal has its purpose on Earth, as do we. You need to find your gifts and share them. You weren’t born for nothing, and you have a plethora of talents. Put them to use and make something of yourself! We all do our part here, so make sure you are doing yours. This doesn’t mean you have to be something grandeur, it simply is about creating a meaningful life where we care about the Earth and do good things for each other. We have to stand up for the animals too. If they lose their habitats, they lose their ability to play their part, which in turn will affect us as well. We are being reminded that we are no better than any other animal to be on this planet, and we have to work with the animals instead of against them. We have to create this change. Air is telling me that things are in motion. The changes we desire are happening. The things that we have done, have not gone unnoticed. I find the image of the horses very powerful. Every minute, we are a new version of ourselves and have the chance to start again. I sense a different emotion in every image of the horse on the Air card. Remember that emotions will pass, so don’t let them get the best of you. Feel what’s going on, and find the best way to get through it, then be better for it the next minute. We have to be flexible, yet grounded. We have to reach for the sky and for our dreams, while keeping our feet on the ground and obliging to our responsibilities. This is about freedom for all of us on Earth. We have to use our voices and stand up for what we believe in. We also must do it respectfully, so our communication can be effective. Air is also telling us that we gave many great ideas swirling now. Put them to paper. Use them wisely. Make sure you are breathing, that is the most important to stay grounded. Find your own space and make your own choices that are in your best interest. See things differently and be willing to start fresh. The Meadow reminds us, that if we want to actualize our dreams, we are going to have to be Vulnerable. It’s the only way to get to where we are going. We have to stay grounded, and in a place of faith and trust. You might not be able to see the whole path, but you can see the general direction your aiming to go. We can’t control the way things are going to go. We need to be vulnerable, flexible, and allow the Universe to provide even better than we could ever dream of. We need to make the best of things. Enjoy the journey. Revel in the beauty. Take your time and relax along the way. There is no rush. Feel comforted by the sky above. You may still fee vulnerable, just make sure to build your vulnerability on a foundation of trust. There is no room for fears of any kind. Trust your instincts know where you need to go. Trust that not only is it ok, it is encouraged that you relax and enjoy it all. You are in a great place in your life now. Don’t be scared anymore. Take risks where you feel it is appropriate. Do not let conditioned fears ruin your life. Yes, it might get tough, but you have the skills, knowledge, and experience to overcome anything. Trust that you have the strength you need, and be confident in yourself. Confidently allow yourself to be vulnerable. Always holding back from speaking your truth creates an illusion of safety, but you will finally feel free when you can share your authentic truth with the world. There will be nothing left to hide, and only more to experience. The crystals made me feel like we are really enjoying the summer weather this week, and the first line of the Lizard Spirit card says “When was the last time you basked in the sun and allowed yourself to daydream, to imagine who you might be and who you might become?”. This week is important for spending time in nature, at a beach or on the grass, and feel the warmth of the sun, and let your mind wander and dream. That’s where the best insights and inspirations come from. We are dreaming a new existence into reality, all of us together. Imagine how beautiful it can be, if we all dream a beautiful dream? If we all worked together in mutual harmony, for the benefit of all? Visualizing is so important right now, make sure your mindset is on positivity. This is a great time for business inspirations, but also creative ones too! Poetry, music, art, sports. Let yourself truly experience each moment fully and appreciate the revelations that come along. Dream it and be it. Never stop dreaming bigger. Stop focusing on what is wrong, and look at all the things that are right, and all the things you can make better. Honor and trust your ability to dream new dreams, and be new things. We move into a powerful Full Moon and eclipse next week, so use this week to enjoy and get grounded and prepared for things to shift! Have a beautiful week!

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Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of August 26, 2018

I know that I am very late getting to this week’s reading. 🤦‍♀️ I had the best of intentions to prepare it early and have it ready for Sunday, but we have been busy celebrating my son’s 6th birthday and visiting with family and friends before school starts again. I also meant to bring my cards with me, and forgot them at home. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ So while I was visiting in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, I visited a beautiful store that is new to the Battleford’s! It’s called, Luna + Leigh, and it’s run by one of my oldest, and most beautiful friends, Krystle Ma. I have been wanting this Oracle Deck by Kyle Gray for a while now, Keepers of the Light, so I picked them up at her beautiful store. She has all kinds of natural products and beautiful stuff. Her dream catchers are the most beautiful I have ever seen. Check it out here! https://www.facebook.com/luna.and.leigh/ So I figured I might as well do a reading for the rest of this week and try out my new cards!

The crystals I am working with for the week are Peacock Ore, Lava Rock and Dioptase. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Peacock Ore – Enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness.

Lava Rock – Grounds and calms the emotions. A stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment. Lava stones are good for stabilizing and grounding because of the strong connection to the Earth. In folk remedies, it was given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle. A stone of courage and gives people stability as they go through changes in their lives.

Dioptase – Encourages compassion and forgiveness. Encourages you to be aware of the abundance and richness in your life. Helps you to live in the moment, and access past life memories. It will help you more forward if you’ve been feeling stuck, by helping you let go of the past. Help you to find your freedom. Helps you release the things that hold you back from living a full life. Helps you let go of undesirable emotions, such as anger, jealousy and hatred. Powerful for those overcoming abuse or trauma.

So many people have been going through and processing hurts and traumas. The energy has been really tough for everyone lately. Right now we are working to get past that. Things are going to start moving forward quickly, and we are almost there. The Peacock Ore is reminding us, that we can trust ourselves. We aren’t stupid, and we can trust what we see and know. It is also protecting us, from harmful people around us, and also from illness. Take a minute right now, and imagine a bubble/mist/light of green or white that surrounds you with beautiful loving protection. Feel it and be comforted by it. If you have an ailment, imagine green light surrounding that body part. I consider green to be for physical healing, and white for protection. We need to stay calm and grounded. We need to let go of those conditioned ways of thinking, of being so harsh to ourselves, and others! We need to re-birth into a space where we completely and fully love ourselves. If we can act from a calm place of love, things will go better and smoother. The Lava Rock is giving us courage and stability as we navigate these changes. Again, you can’t be so hard on yourself. You have to look around and look at your beautiful life, and feel happy. Life is pretty good, and we are lucky to be here. So the choice becomes yours, do you keep yourself stuck? To see every little flaw or imperfection? Or do you choose to be free? To be whole and complete the way you are? To go after your dreams and put yourself out there? To live life to the fullest? To enjoy this very moment? There really is no other way to live. I was working on a blog post this morning about my teeth whitening experience, which I haven’t posted yet, and that’s what it was about… how I delay enjoyment until everything is perfect. Which is almost never. I have always hated my teeth, and I put off doing so much because of it. When in reality, I know I’m beautiful just the way I am. It’s just a perception of myself, a harsh one. I actually got my teeth whitened by my other long-time friend Adria https://m.facebook.com/whitersmilesbyadria/ in Warman, Saskatchewan. She did amazing, my teeth look way better and helped me feel a little better! It sure made me ponder the importance we place on our appearance, and how our confidence can be affected by how we think we look. Let go of all the insecurities, and know you are worthy and perfect always, and go for your dreams. There is nothing stopping you, but you. Let’s see what my new cards have to add!!

I always worry. Worry worry worry. Worry about everything that isn’t done and isn’t perfect. I worry about how everything will get done. The Holy Spirit wants us to be calm. To know that life will take care of us and that we can expect miracles. We can trust that this will happen naturally, we don’t have to try to force and control. We don’t have to constantly worry. Know that everything in life, really comes back to love. If you can love, life is going to be alright. Odin is again reminding us to trust in our own truth and what we know and see. We need to stop undermining ourselves and see our full value and potential. Trust where you are guided in life. White Eagle is bringing forth our wounds and traumas, even so far back as ancestral wounds. It is safe for them to be released and healed now. We are conscious of them, and can take the lessons we have learned, and see the positivity and heal the wounds with self-love. It’s possible. It’s all possible. And all you have to do is love yourself and your life, right now.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

Younique Makeup http://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

My Photography – Clear Skies

Clear sky - jennifer w sign

Beautiful clear winter skies with the sun shining over Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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Follow me on facebook.com/carrie.gallop or on Twitter @carriegallop


My Photography – Yellow Flower Art

Yellow Tall - Poster Art w sign

A beautiful art rendering of a flower photo that was taken at the Battleford Memorial Rose Garden, in Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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My Photography – Red Bird House

Red Birdhouse - vingette w sign

Another to add to my collection of bird house photos!

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Follow me on facebook.com/carrie.gallop or on Twitter @carriegallop


My Photography – Norsask Bench Battleford, Saskatchewan

Norsask Bench - w sign

A lovely bench in Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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Follow me on facebook.com/carrie.gallop or on Twitter @carriegallop


My Photography – Single Red Flower Art

Single red - poster art w sign

A beautiful artistic rendering of a photo taken at the Battleford Rose Garden, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada, taken in the fall of 2014.

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Follow me on facebook.com/carrie.gallop or on Twitter @carriegallop
