Reading for the week of August 21, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Banded Agate, Blue Calcite, and Angelite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Banded Agate – Called the Earth rainbow. Increases concentration, honesty and memory. It helps bring spiritual experiences into everyday reality. Brings love to the chakras to rid negative energy.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized. Relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

My interpretation of the crystals: When I see blue/grey crystals, they immediately make me think about communication issues. I chose these crystals and was a little like 😬.. but in actuality they are very positive. It’s my mindset and perception that is the problem. It is my expectations and judgments that are the real issue. Maybe things don’t always have to be an “issue”. Maybe it’s time we start trusting that things are going to work out in positive ways. These crystals do make me feel a lot around communication this week. Jobs, friends, love.. there’s lots of things to communicate about, but it feels very positive! Expect positive interactions and communication. This is part of the changes and spiritual ascension we have been undergoing. It’s time to move out of a fear based reality, and into a secure, stable, and balanced one. One that is joyful, caring, and abundant. We have been through so much hard stuff, isn’t it time to appreciate the good things in life? Rainbow energy has been strong for the past month, and continues as we move into a Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces on August 30. We are being reminded of why we are here on Earth. We were made to experience joy and pleasure. It’s actually our nature. Love is the way we get rid of negative energy. When you find yourself thinking negatively, replace it with a loving thought. Our mental capacity is increasing too and we are ready to tackle challenges and move forward. We have the concentration and memory that is optimal to learn new things and get stuff done. Most importantly, we are having honest communications with others about our situations, goals, hopes, dreams, and desires. We are realizing that our dreams can become reality, we just need to find a way and make a plan to get there. We are supported by Spirit as we move through these changes. Watch for the signs, people, and opportunities that resonate with you. Know that every moment in your day is a spiritual one. You can be assertive and you can speak your truth and ask for what you want. There is no need to be shy. You can’t have what you don’t ask for. You can’t manifest something that you can’t imagine for yourself. Let go of the worry and anxiety and find peace. Relax. Trust the Universe. I do feel like the communication that is occuring will be healthy and will help with finding resolution and clearing the air. In the meantime, experience joy as much as you can. Let yourself heal and rejuvenate so you can power forward. Keep focusing on the light and all that’s good. I’ve been saying it for a long time, but I really do feel like amazing things are coming. Keep trusting and visualizing the outcomes you want to see. Know that everything is guided and you are being supported. Let’s see which cards have a message for this week!

My interpretation of the cards: We have to have grace and humility for all the things we have gone through. You have no reason to feel any shame. This human experience can be very challenging, and making mistakes is how we learn and grow. Hold yourself and love yourself. Give yourself the tender, loving care you would give someone else. See everything with love, compassion, and humility. We all carry hurt and are wounded. It is ok to let it go. Keep your heart open, no matter what. What would like be like it you stayed closed off and negative? It wouldn’t feel very good or happy. Use your creative inspirations to help you. Creativity helps you express yourself, it helps you release, and it helps you find solutions. There is lots of creative ideas flowing right now. Use creativity to help you channel your thoughts, or use writing to channel creativity. If you have been feeling stuck, what creative solutions can you try? You never know how something could turn out. Go for it and try it. Find a balance of work and play. Incorporate play into work and work into play. See details in new ways. You have to be willing to try though. You can’t keep doing the same things every day and expecting a different result. Yes, I’m speaking to myself here… super guilty of being a Mom who needs my routine. It’s good for my kids care, but it’s not great for my happiness or satisfaction with life. I’m lacking some adventure, and some joy… but it’s up to me to say yes and make it happen. I have to speak up for my freedom and choose it. We have to speak up about the opportunities we want to pursue too. We have to be willing to say yes and jump in. We can’t keep waiting to feel ready, or waiting for someone to give us permission. We have to give ourselves permission to chase our dreams. We are the only ones who can. Sometimes we have to be courageous, because what is on the other side is worth it. Just do it. Jump in and dive deep. You’ll figure things out as you go. Things won’t always be smooth sailing, but that is ok, because everything is a lesson. I do feel like this is a time of rekindling our love and passion for life. We didn’t come here to just work and die. We came to live and have adventures and fall in love. Live your life to fullest this week and be as happy as you can! Every day on this Earth is a blessing. Have a wonderful week!

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Reading for the week of July 16, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Peach/Pink Agate, Mangano Calcite, and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Pink/Peach Agate – Gentle and nurturing. Boosts creativity. Initiates transformation. Helps resolve emotional issues. Helps overcome negative emotions. Soothes depression and anxiety. Assists with stability and balance. Encourages changes and lasting transitions. Increases friendliness and happiness.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

My interpretation of the crystals: We’ve been in a phase lately where we have needed a lot of rest, self-care, and nurturing. We’ve been through a lot. It is ok to take time to regain your strength and energy. It is not only ok, it is necessary. Things are preparing to move forward though and our energy is increasing again. We have been feeling like being more physically active and health conscious. We have also been finding more peace and calm. This goes hand in hand because if you are stressed out and exhausted all the time, you body will hold onto weight and negativity. When you can find that inner peace and calm, you can allow the energy to flow in ways that serve you much better. Your body can function in healthier ways due to not being in stress response all the time. You will want to eat better because you love yourself and want to feel better. Things don’t have to be perfect, but when you do feel like doing some exercise or eating healthier, make sure you follow through. I do feel like we are moving out of the funk that we have been in. We have to be gentle with ourselves because it has been a lot. We have to resolve those emotional issues so that our energy can flow smoothly and so that we can overcome negativity. If we are stressed out and exhausted all the time, it’s going to be very hard not to feel depressed or anxious. Not everyone can just drop their lives or take a vacation, so it’s important when you find yourself thinking, “well, what am I supposed to do not to feel this way?” It’s important to focus on your mindset and what you are choosing to focus on and think about. Are you dreading life? Or are you choosing to make it fun? When things seem dark or gloomy, become aware of why you are thinking that way and what you could focus on instead. Music is always a big help. We are going through these huge changes and transformations that are going to lead us to happier lives. Keep making positive decisions and being aware of your mindset and your freedom to choose. You have to take care of yourself and make your own happiness a daily priority. The Angels calming and soothing presence is with us today, helping us to find lasting healing. They want us to heal the trauma for good. Let it go with love. The things we’ve done, the things we’ve gone through, they don’t matter as long as we love ourselves. Forgive yourself and love yourself. Stand up for the life you deserve. Have hope for the best in all things. There is nothing to fear in this life, only things to look forward to. Catch yourself when you find yourself experiencing fearful thoughts and question them. Are they truthful? And even if they are, is that where you want to focus your energy on? When you catch yourself thinking a negative or fearful thought, stop yourself and say no to that thought. Call it out for being false. Imagine a big red X through the thought, and then re-frame it. Think of something positive instead to replace it with. I catch myself often saying “it must be nice to have (whatever it is)”. It’s really such a negative statement. I notice it, say no to it and imagine the red X through it, and replace it with “I am deserving of having (whatever it is)”. We deserve to receive and live abundant lives, and we need to truly believe it and see it for ourselves. Stay focused on the positive and pursuing your dreams. Don’t let negative belief systems hold you back. It’s important during this time that we balance our masculine and feminine energies. We need to be able to give, but also receive. We need to go within but also share ourselves in the world. Use your gifts, talents, and intuition to express yourself creatively. Shine your light into the world like a rainbow coming from your heart, and do it fearlessly. You are ready and the world wants to see who you are and they need what you have to offer. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards: The signs are all around us and we’ve been seeing them. We know we are being guided by spirit. Appreciate the signs and trust in them. Trust in yourself and where you know you are going. I love how there is a dark Moon behind her, and we have the New Moon upon us. The Moon’s energy is strong now. It sees our intentions and what we are releasing into the world. Make sure you are keeping your thoughts and intentions positive and beautiful. We have been feeling a bit stuck. The signs are going to show us which direction to go in. Ask Heaven and the Angels for a sign to guide you, and most importantly, don’t ignore it or brush it off when you receive it. There is a lot of change upon us… especially changes that we are consciously choosing. I feel like there are huge blessings waiting for us, but we have to make the hard choices and make the changes spirit wants us to before those stars can align. We have to really think about where we are putting our energy and efforts, and if that is truly leading us where we want to be. It’s ok if things haven’t worked out the way you expected, you always have the freedom to choose again. It can be hard to walk away and go on your own, but sometimes, that’s what’s best. This is about being honest with ourselves, and listening to our intuition. It’s about truly understand what is best for us. Not what makes us look the best. It’s about being able to admit what isn’t working, and what you truly need to be happy. It is hard because things aren’t clear yet. We are in this in-between time where we have to rely on our intuition. It can feel scary and uncertain. We may want to stay where it’s cozy and comfortable, but it may be dark and lonely there. We can’t keep living in this state of fear and worry. It’s not going to help us attract the future we deserve. If we stay stuck away in our rooms, closed off to the world, nobody sees our talent or our truth, and nobody else can help us get where we want to be or offer us the abundance we deserve. Life will pass you by if you stay in this fear. Most, if not all of it, is completely unfounded. You could be happy, but you are choosing fear. You can’t see how bright the future is going to be, so you stay in the dark and miss the opportunity. The world is a vibrant place for you to explore. There is so much to celebrate and enjoy. Stay in your integrity and kindness. Good karma is going to come back to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and express gratitude to those who have helped you along the way. Align yourself with people who have high morals and values. Release yourself from people who don’t. Avoid negativity as much as possible, but it’s important to maintain connections. You don’t have to be alone or feel alone. You can feel healthy and happy and vibrant, like the Queen/King you are. Let go of the worries and things will resolve themselves much easier. Don’t let the stress build up. Take lots of self-care and get lots of rest. Combat the stress with the exact opposite which is nurturing. Try new ways to relieve stress, like healing treatments or body work. Peace is possible, but you have to come out of the fear mindset. We can’t see all of what’s ahead of us, but we have to trust and have faith that it’s going to be beautiful and abundant. Be curious and open to life. Trust in this process of change and growth. We have completed the lessons we have gone through, and it is time to let them go and move forward in a lighter way. It’s ok to not know. There is freedom in not knowing. We have so much power that we can’t even see or realize yet. Tap into the Divine matrix of positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires, and decisions. The seeds we have planted are going to grow in bigger ways than we could imagine. This, or something better. Thank you Spirit. Look at the world through fresh eyes with the spirit of a child. Let the relationships around you mirror truths back to you. Is this what you need? Does it support your values and the energy you want to hold? Keep going and trust that every experience has a purpose and value. Bet on yourself and show your skills and talents. Everything is happening for a reason in perfect Divine timing. Keep going and keep working on the changes you need for yourself. Let go of the expectations and keep your heart open. What is coming is going to be better than we can imagine. Have a beautiful week!

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Card Reading for the Week of December 11, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Smoky Quartz, Blue Calcite, and Fuchsite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

Fuchsite – A stone of health. Assists with recovery and immunity. Brings awareness about stress and daily routines. Helps one recover from emotional or physical problems. Brings friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness.

My interpretation of the crystals:

There is a lot in the crystals about recuperation, recovery, and immunity, so we are continuing to heal from the physical ailments as well as emotional and spiritual ones too. We are being reminded of how strong we are, and that we are capable of doing all the things that need doing. Not only are we capable, we might even enjoy it. Things have been tough lately and everyone has been overwhelmed by societal expectations. I guess that’s why it’s so important to remember the magic in daily life, so we don’t get sucked down into negativity or depression from the overwhelm and exhaustion. Remember that everything and everyone set up in your path is meant to be, so live each day with curiosity as to what life is teaching you and who it’s bringing to you. You never know what opportunities can arise. Remember that everyday is an adventure, even if it’s just to work and back. There is a reason for you to be there, a purpose to fulfill, and abundance to earn and receive. Try to think positively and elevate your mood as much as possible. Christmas is descending on us quickly, so try to embrace a positive and optimistic mindset and mood. Things haven’t been easy, but everything happens for a reason. Things are never going to be easy all the time, so we have to enjoy the small moments we can, make the most of life, and be happy as much as possible. We have to do the best we can. We have been living in survival mode, but we have to try to pull ourselves out of that. Life is to be enjoyed. We can’t let it pass us by. Be strong and help yourself find tranquility and fulfillment for you. We have to be willing to speak up and speak clearly about our needs. We can make our wishes come true. The Smoky Quartz is probably my favorite crystal. It helps us anchor our wishes and dreams into 3D reality. It is going to help us anchor in more positivity and joy into our life. It is also a stone of wisdom, and it’s going to help us make wise choices for our highest good. It helps us look after ourselves and prioritize our needs, so we are better able to serve our divine purpose in this Universe. We aren’t going to be able to help much if we are depressed and unhealthy. Sobriety is an extremely important message I’ve been getting for many people lately. Staying sober is of utmost importance to living a life with more tranquility. Your inner child wants you to think and feel clearly. It deserves to embrace its inherent innocence. It deserves to feel healthy and emotional ease. We can’t bury the past, no matter how much we want to or try… we have to look at it with love and embrace it for all that it taught us. We have to forgive ourselves and peel back the layers, so that we can release them for good. We are growing spiritually, and if you are living a life where you have to lie or hide, you are going to find yourself anxious and unhealthy. It’s time for us to live lives we can be proud of. It’s time to love ourselves the way we deserve, and the way our future generations deserve. We can recover, but we need to allow our hearts to be lightened. We can’t keep carrying the burdens of the past. It’s time to step up and stop adding to trauma in your life, and work to heal and be healthy instead. It’s time to learn and grow. Soften your heart and be compassionate, towards yourself and those you’ve impacted. This is about taking charge of your life and how you are living, so that you can be your optimal self. So you can bring in everything you want and deserve. If you need to make changes in your life, now is a perfect time. We are being asked to be courageous and show the Universe we are ready. Let’s see what the cards say!

My interpretation of the cards:

Wow. This week is so clearly working on healing the past and our inner child. Mother Mary is the embodiment of love and compassion. She asks you to be compassionate towards yourself, but also those around you. She asks you to embrace your gifts and your talents. She calls for you to honor yourself and your life in every moment. We should be proud of how far we’ve come, no matter what we’ve been through. We have so much yet to see and do, and Mother Mary asks us to continue moving forward with love in our hearts. Mother Mary reminds you that you are a blessing to this Earth. You are deserving and you do deserve to be celebrated. Do the best you can to treat everyone with love, happiness, and compassion. Do what you can to embrace the children in your life too. Bring wonder and merriment to your inner child and the kids around you. Make life better for everyone as much as you can. See your own life through the eyes of a child. Always remember that the world is full of joyful and amazing moments. Embrace the simple pleasures of life. Enjoy the Christmas season. Keep an optimistic outlook. Believe in magic again. Cherish the best parts of your childhood and past. Connect with friends over shared memories. The Six of Summer tells me there is potential for people from the past to reconnect. It is a perfect time during the Christmas season. These reconnections can spark so much simple joy in our hearts. The Six of Summer card tells me that we should embrace the best of what has been, and release the rest with love. Things are different now, and where we are going, we don’t need to bring any negativity. We only need joy, hope, and wonder. Embracing our childlike innocence is going to be important to enjoying this holiday season. We are being held and healed by the Angels. They are sending our inner children so much love. They are with our loved ones in Spirit, sharing in the love and joy we experience. Everyone is innocent in spiritual truth. Everything happens for a reason. What is meant to be, will always find a way. Stop worrying and let go of the pain. Instead, trust and have hope. Lighten your load. Let go of any negativity that may shroud your loving outlook. Make the changes that serve your highest good. Enjoy peace in your heart again. You have endured enough and you are ready and deserving. Allow yourself let go, and to receive the love you’ve always deserved. Let yourself be supported, held, and soothed. Trust that a bright new loving start is upon us. Have a beautiful week!

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Card Reading for the Week of December 4, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Lemurian Aquatine Blue Calcite, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Kyanite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Lemurian Aquatine Blue Calcite – Connects to the Throat Chakra. Promotes clear, optimistic, peaceful communication. Develops psychic intuition and clairvoyance. Attunes to Lemuria. Increases emotional intelligence, wisdom, enlightenment, and consciousness. Helps attain emotional balance. It brings deep emotional healing, along with happiness and peace. Harmonizes family energies.

Blue Aragonite – Associated with the Throat Chakra. Encourages you to vocalize your feelings and emotional pain in times where you would normally bite your tongue. Soft and comforting energy. Helps calm and soothe emotions. Helps with facing difficult situations or dealing with traumas. Helps you to become more open with yourself and your hidden emotions, slowly over time releasing these weights. Softens emotional transitions. Helps us to get over things we can’t seem to let go of. Offers patience, intuition, and insight into our emotions. It has a comforting, optimistic, and joyful vibration.

Blue Kyanite – Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

My interpretation of the crystals:

My plate is getting a little full lately, so I am not sure how consistent my Weekly Card Readings will be, but I am going to do my best to keep them up because I do look forward to the guidance they bring. It has been a difficult week.. my family is getting over being sick, the weather has been unbearably cold, and my son has a hospital procedure coming up very soon. Along with other personal difficulties I’ve been dealing with… It’s a lot sometimes. I have been feeling like I’ve had to fight for my rights and my needs lately.. there has been more anger and resentment in my life than I would prefer… but these crystals are making me feel like this week with be much more calm and soothing. Communication is coming up big for the Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, so it’s not a surprise that I chose 3 Blue Crystals that have to do with the Throat Chakra. I have been working hard at releasing trauma from my past too, so these crystals are very relatable to me personally. What we communicate and how we do so is very important to our overall energy. What we say and how we think, affects our reality and how we feel. If we think everything is hard and the the world sucks, you can guess what your experience will be. The crystals and the coming Full Moon are asking us to take a more optimistic and positive approach to our communication and thoughts. It’s important to vocalize our feelings, but we have to make sure we are doing it in ways that will be received the way we need them to be. As my Full Moon post said, being aggressive won’t get us what we want, and we need to take a more subtle approach. We have to look for more ways to find peace within, despite whatever we have going on around us. Although I wish my son didn’t have to go through another procedure, creating resistance doesn’t help. All I can do is embrace the days as they are and get through them as positively as I can. If we want to be happier, we have to find more emotional balance and inner peace. Your spiritual connection and tools such as meditation or sound healing can help you feel more calm and soothed. We have to let go of the heavy emotional burdens from the past, especially with the Full Moon coming up. We don’t need to keep dragging around the past. We have to let our hearts be free to pursue what makes us truly happy. Pray to God, the Angels, your Spirit Guides and Ancestors for guidance and protection. Ask for the help you need to get over the things you are struggling with. Gemini is all about duality and the Yin Yang, so be comforted that when things are hard, that better days are on their way. Trust that love, happiness, and joy will fill your heart again. Think joyful thoughts and live as joyfully as you can. Let the Kyanite remove any blockages and stagnancy from your life. Feel aligned and balanced so that you can experience more tranquility. More importantly, be honest with yourself and live an honest life. God sees the truth of all things, and sees you giving your best and most honest effort. Karma will come to those who deserve it, but that is not for us to judge. All we have to do, is the best we can do for ourselves. I have had the most vivid dreams the past week, and they have been fabulous and so full of love and passion. Make sure you are writing your dreams down in the morning so that you can decipher the symbolism and see the pattern of the messages. Be comforted by your dreams. Trust that what you give, will always be returned to you ten-fold. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

My interpretation of the cards:

I really, really love Rebecca Campbell’s Oracle Card Decks. The Reunion Card reminds us that we have so much support around us. Even if it’s hard for you to see now, we do have Spirits that guide our path and bless our dreams. We are co-creating our lives everyday with the help of Spirit, so we need to appreciate our blessings and the gifts we receive, even if they are as simple as a happy dream. There are also people in our lives that can help us and collaborate with us. You really aren’t alone, and you don’t need to do everything alone or feel alone. The Pink is a very soft and comforting color. It reminds us to love ourselves and appreciate ourselves fully. It reminds us to share our beautiful light, and be people that others can look to for friendship and collaboration. The way the world is now, it feels like it is set up for us to compete with each other. We need to create new ways of living that allow for supporting each other. In spiritual truth, we are not in a competition, we hold keys for each other. The Rose is a prominent symbol on these cards, to remind us of all the love around us, and to appreciate how beautifully we are blooming. We are reminded to bloom bravely, despite the ways of the 3D world. When we see others blooming, we should be proud and supportive, and not jealous or competitive. This comes back to lower forms of thinking. The example I like to use, is sometimes I find myself thinking, “Oh it must be nice to have this or that… your life must be so easy….” But that is such a low-vibe thought. I can create anything that anyone else has ever had, the only one who really holds me back is me. Nobody has it easy, which is why it is so incredibly important that we support and uplift each other. It’s important that we understand our own value, that we are as worthy as anyone else. We do deserve a beautiful life with good things, and we can attain it. It’s starts with how we think and feel about ourselves and our life. You don’t get to blossom and bloom at will… you don’t get to pick and choose how people see you. You have to be authentically you and bloom always. You are just as beautiful and capable of blossoming as any soul. I always say, people can’t know your story or who you are, if you aren’t willing to tell them. I am a very private and introverted person, it wasn’t easy to share my life when my 3 year old son got cancer. It wasn’t easy to share my story or receive support. A lot of times, it’s not easy to share my personal struggles in these readings. I would rather not mention how hard my life can be, but it’s important that I do, so others know they aren’t alone, and that they are as capable as I am to make the changes they need and enlighten their own lives. People can only see your light if you are willing to share it. I don’t do all this spiritual work to prove that I am better than anyone else. I do it to show everyone that they are capable too. Life is not always easy… but we have to maintain our faith and trust. We can go about our lives not trusting others, but that will keep us closed off, and that is not what we really want. What we really want is love, beauty, and openness. Trust that if you keep giving and sharing, that others will do that for you too. The message I’m getting here is that it’s so important for us to keep our hearts open, despite what we have been through. It’s safe to love and trust again. The Holy Grail Card is showing how important it is for us to feel rooted and secure in life. Even if we have reasons to feel insecure, that’s not where our energy or thoughts need to be focused. That isn’t how we bloom. No matter what is going on around us, we always need to derive our safety and security from within. We are always safe in spiritual truth. The Eagle shows that we are being guided and shown visions of where we need to go. It reminds us that we are always protected and watched over. The Eagle is definitely a sign from the Ancestors. The Deer reminds us to have patience and be gentle with ourselves. The Woman holds deep reverence for life and is praying and putting her faith in Spirit. She is spiritually connected and her energy is flowing freely. She is calm and at peace. The Holy Grail Card asks us to go within and derive our peace and security there. We have to connect with grace within ourselves, to see it reflect in the world around us. We can’t hide our intentions or our true thoughts and feelings, that is why it is so important to do the work and truly heal and find the security, beauty, and optimism for yourself. If we keep searching outside of ourselves to be fulfilled, we may never find it. We need to do the spiritual work within. Focus on what really matters. Communicate to yourself with love and positivity. Your life is your canvas. It’s up to you how you live it and create it. Some people don’t want to hear that it is ultimately up to us as how we perceive things… trust me, I know. I could go into victimhood about all the things that have affected me that are beyond my control…. But that does not empower me, nor make my life more beautiful. I have to take accountability for how I want to create my life going forward, and how I want to feel about it. If things aren’t working, it’s up to me to change them. It’s up to me to be open to new adventures. You can stay closed up, or you can bloom. The choice is yours, which is actually very freeing and empowering. Your Life Is A Canvas is the last card in the deck, so it does tell me that we are moving into a new phase with new beginnings, which we can make the most of when we come from an empowered place within. We are manifesting based on what we think and believe. Where do you need to make changes in your thought patterns and the way you communicate about your life? If you think life is crappy, that will come to fruition. It’s never too late to work on shifting your thoughts. When you find yourself thinking a low-vibe thought, imagine a bright red X through the thought and replace it with a positive thought. Keep an open heart and keep working on yourself. Be grateful for all the good that is around you right now, and expect more of it. Are your thoughts dark and lonely? Or are they bright and full of love? What future do you want to create? Work towards creating the life you most long to live. Remember your power to create a beautiful life, and use your creativity to take steps forward. This is a new time, we are birthing a new age. The more we can all come from a place of love and collaboration and not competition, the better our entire world can be. Birth the creations that are in your heart. Create a life full of love and happiness and fulfillment. Dream a new world into being. This doesn’t mean everything is going to be easy. Sometimes, the hardest choices are the ones that are the most fulfilling or rewarding. If we want to step into new ways of being, we have to be willing to do things in new ways. We can’t keep thinking and behaving as we always have, and expect different results. The choice is yours. Will you step into your power and create the life you deserve? It really is up to you, it all starts with you and comes from you. Be of service to the world in a way that delights your heart. Ask for Spirit to show you the way. Have a beautiful week!

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 1, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Yellow Calcite, Amber Aragonite, and Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope. Attracts abundance, prosperity, and positive blessings.

Amber Aragonite – Protects your heart and balances your energy. Relieves stress and calms the mind. Increases opportunities. Awakens your inner power. Helps your strengthen your skills and talents. Helps you to obtain strength and security. Encourages conservation of Earth.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

Welcome to a new month and some wonderful new beginnings. Yesterday, we had a New Moon in Taurus with a Partial Solar Eclipse. We are in a period of transformation, just as winter turns to spring. This is a time of new growth, a time to push ourselves into doing things and going places we haven’t been before. We can’t exactly see where we are going or how we are going to get there, which can induce our anxiety. We have to let go of trying to control every aspect of life. We have to have trust and faith. We have to be willing to let go of the past so we can feel secure and happy today. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone. If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to do what it takes. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable. You have to stand in your power and believe in yourself and what you are doing. We have to replace the fear with faith. We have to stop living in this anxiety response, always waiting for a the next shoe to drop. We have to trust in life and relax… not only for our mental health, but our physical and spiritual health too. It feels so much better to be aligned and balanced. Take ten minutes and google a meditation, maybe specifically for relaxation or breathing. You will feel better after, and it’s one of the best ways to calm that anxiety response down. Life is short and we shouldn’t waste it worrying and stressing. It doesn’t matter how life plays out, because I already know it’s beautiful, it’s going to be beautiful, and I trust that what’s meant for me will always find a way. I am keeping my heart open to receiving all that I desire, and even more. This eclipse season may bring some shakeups in life. Maintain trust that everything is happening for a reason and will serve your highest good. We are levelling up, and in order to step into our full power, we have to make space and let go of the negative thinking, anxiety, and the past. This is a new time, a new you. What you think you are capable of, times that by 10. You will keep surprising yourself and keep rising. Keep an open mind and keep learning and growing, and using what you learn to help others. Have confidence and trust in yourself. You have what it takes to achieve your dreams and so much more. Believe it to be true with your whole heart. Don’t be scared to get out there and try and do. You are ready. Keep building on yourself and your skills and talents. The more trust you have in yourself, the faster you can level up. You don’t need to be disillusioned.. you don’t need to be what someone else is… you only need to listen to the truth in your heart about what is right for you. Focus on what you love, what you are good at, and what makes you happy. Let go of the fear and worries and have more fun with life. Fun is just as important as work. Fun is a stress reliever, and we all need as much stress relief as we can get. You deserve to have fun. Make your days as fun and light as possible. Love yourself, love your life, and make it amazing. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

Unbelievable.. what a perfect card! Saint Germain is here to help you release the past and any negative energy. He asks us to move beyond the day-to-day drama and make our lives more fun and enjoyable. To create our own way and path in life and use our individuality to its full potential. This is an important time of clearing out the past and negative energy so we can make the space to bring in more positivity. New things can’t come in to our lives if we are stuck in our old comfortable ways. We need to be able to have more fun and enjoy our lives. We need to believe in the magic and see it reflected around us. Saint Germain helps us transmute lead into gold, helping us to find the true abundance we deserve. He helps us let go of the weight of outside influences to gather back our own inner drive and power. He helps us to find our freedom. (A Violet Flame meditation would be a great idea!) This energy reminds me of the Kardashians. On the latest episodes they have been talking about how well Kim did on Saturday Night Live and how she harnessed her badass boss bitch energy. Think about how far she has come. She was once someone’s assistant, a normal person. Even with how far she’s come, she was still terrified of doing SNL, fighting anxiety and pushing through fears, and then killing it! Realizing it’s not so scary after all, and that she might even enjoy it. The whole family has stepped into their power and shined their light, despite criticism and negativity. I was checking out pics of Kylie and Kendall from the Met Gala, and I had the inspiration about how far they have come too, from normal little girls, to being huge celebrities in their own right, dressed in the finest gowns. They all deserve to be where they are, because they have worked hard and pushed through insecurities and anxiety for it. As much as I don’t believe that people should hold so much of the wealth, maybe this is part of my own abundance blockages! I do believe that we are all more deserving of this type of energy and that we can create more abundance and beauty in our lives. It We can work towards whatever it is we dream of, even if we don’t know exactly how those dreams will come to reality. All we have to do is keep going and keep growing, shining as best as we can. I can’t believe 6 cards were given, and Spirit wanted to give us more. I swear, they thought it was funny and were trying to make me laugh. Spirit wants us to lighten up. Our fears are unfounded. We have came this far and existed this long.. we are not going anywhere. Even when we do, it is all ok. There is no point in worrying. It is not helping us achieve anything. We are making our fears seem larger than they need to be. This is a time to face our fears and realize they don’t need to trigger us anymore. Yes, challenges and trying times are going to arise in life, it’s inevitable.. but we can handle it. To worry before it’s necessary is not only a waste of energy, it’s attracts negative energy and creates blockages. Deal with your traumas and your past so that you can move forward with power. You have so many amazing ideas and people want to hear what you have to say, so you can’t stay alone in the dark or being quiet any longer. You can’t stay in your fear because we need you in the light. We want to see what you have to offer, despite your anxiety. You need to get out of bed and out into the world. With success comes stress, so find ways to deal with it and let it go. Nurture yourself with lots of self-care. It’s funny that I said earlier about winter turning to spring, and then we get two winter cards and a spring card. We are being reassured that we are on the right path. Difficulties we experience make us stronger, but we do need to let go of the trauma and worry. Instead of worrying what could happen, be grateful for life. Be grateful for your health. Be so grateful, that you want to make the most of your life. Trust in your inspirations and ideas (look at the beautiful snowflakes swirling around her head). Keep taking steps forward and doing the best you can. There is no need for perfection. All we need is for you to be authentically you. Be patient with yourself and with life, and have trust. Good things are coming. Keep moving forward and you will find the satisfaction you have been seeking. Look at the beauty you hold in your hands. You are a beautiful and naturally abundant person. Keep creating beauty in your life. Rewards will be delivered. Keep building on your success and seeking out new adventures. Let your dreams continue to blossom. Act as if things are already happening for you, because they are. Know with certainty who you are and that good things are coming. Chameleon is preparing us for changes that are going to greatly benefit us. Co-create your greatest dream. Have faith in your ability to adapt and grow. Sometimes, we have to just step into the people we want to become. Sometimes, we just have to believe we are, until we gain enough experience to feel completely confident. Keep going. Keep pushing yourself. Take care of yourself and the stresses that may arise, so you can spend the rest of your time in joy. Dream your world into being. This is your life, your world, and your reality. Make it beautiful and happy for you. It’s funny, the Lizard Card asks, “When was the last time you basked in the sun?” And actually, for me, it was on Friday, when I had an incredibly cute Jumping Spider come visit me. I closed my eyes for but a few minutes and awoke to this Spider in front of me. (Check out my Instagram or TikTok for the video!) The Spiritual meaning of the Jumping Spider is that they are the ultimate time weavers, giving us information about where we are putting our energy (the Spider was soaking up some Sun too). Putting your energy into the past can cause depression and into the future can cause anxiety. Be present and calm right now in this moment. Trust that any moment that arises, you can handle. Jumping Spiders are expert manifestors and ask us to tune into our higher goals. Who do you want to be? Who do you feel you are becoming? Let your inspiration flow and dream new dreams. Slow down and close your eyes more often. Appreciate each moment of your beautiful life. Believe in yourself and your ability to create. Keep taking steps and your dreams will become clearer. Dream it and be it – Spirit is daring you to dream big. No more negative thinking! Open your eyes and your mind to a much wider perspective. What if you are already the person you dream of being? How can you exude that more today, in this moment? You are amazing, unique, beautiful, gifted, and creative. Go out there and chase your beautiful life and dreams and enjoy it!

Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏✨

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of June 14, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Cinnabrite, Rhodochrosite, and Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Cinnabrite – Attracts money and wealth. Willpower to attain and maintain inner freedom. Helps us to fulfill our dreams. Gives strength. Encourages development of intuition and increases spiritual insight. Enhances and invigorates creativity.

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope.

The Calcite is a perfect fit for the New Moon and Solar Eclipse we just went through! There are big changes happening! There are so many changes happening in our lives, and also within us. The way we are seeing things, and especially the way we see ourselves, is changing. We are getting better at keeping an open mind. Life is a continuous journey of learning. We are ready to tackle whatever is ahead of us, to get where we want to be. Trust yourself… trust that you have what it takes to overcome anything. Have confidence in yourself and hope for the future. Good things are coming! If you are working hard and being a good person, the money and wealth will show up. You can achieve the things you’ve dreamt of… and even beyond that. Be strong. Invigorate your energy and use your creativity. There is no more need to be insecure. Just be grounded in who you are, and be proud. Show the world what you can do! Take back your power and your self-worth, and make yourself feel good. Let yourself dream and imagine a better day. Face your issues head on. When you deal with your issues, they can be taken off your plate. You can find more balance when there are less things weighing on you. This is a time when we are truly coming into balance, and finding more love on every level. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

We are going through some huge changes now. We are growing so much! It’s easy to be overwhelmed with how things are going to work out. The cards are reminding you to relax, and are reassuring you that everything is going to work out great! The changes we are going through are positive, even if that’s hard to see now. No matter what your situation is, try to relax and trust that everything is ok. This is a key for healing anxiety.. usually if you are suffering anxiety, you are stressing over the future or “could happens”… this is a reminder that we don’t have to worry, and we can handle things if and when they arise. Try to make your days enjoyable, no matter what crap hits the fan. The stronger and more flexible you are with things now, the better you will be at handling challenges in the future. Life is amazing. Each day is a miracle. Remind yourself of all the reasons everything is good. Try to stay positive and happy, because life will be much more enjoyable with that type of outlook! Don’t be afraid of the changes that are coming. You can handle them. This is a new time for you, and it’s all going to work out great. You have matured and you have what it takes to handle anything. Believe in yourself. Let go of the past, and bring in the new. When you embrace change, you inspire others to do the same. Resistance is futile. You have to go with the flow. Change is so exciting…. but even positive changes can create anxiety in us. Lots of self-care is needed right now. Make sure to take time to play, and also take time to talk with trusted friends. Allow yourself to receive support from others. It’s especially required now as things shift and change rapidly. If you learn to enjoy life’s changes, you’ll enjoy life that much more. Don’t let anger and blame hold you back any more. Allow yourself to be freed by forgiving others and cutting those cords. This is also about forgiving yourself. You can’t keep beating yourself up for mistakes that were made… they were all beautiful learning experiences. Now we get to take that wisdom and growth and move forward in our best lives. Take your power back and don’t let anyone ever hold it over your head again. Anger is toxic to your body, and does create stress and anxiety. Everyone is learning as they go through life.. forgive, and move on. Move forward in an empowered, free type of way. Be the boss of your life and run it.

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 16, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Calcite, Yellow Feather Jasper, and Yellow Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope.

Yellow Feather Jasper – Stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra. Amplifies self-confidence, courage and empowerment. Facilitates the release of toxins. Provides protection during Spiritual work. Wind, faith, lightness, mobility, air, flight, joy, contemplation.

Yellow Jasper – A stone of protection. Provides inner strength and mental clarity. It holds a deep connection to the Earth and is good for grounding. Amplifies self-confidence and courage, bringing energy and enthusiasm. Deflects jealousy, and makes an excellent shield if you are the object of petty gossip. Eases chronic worries and self-consciousness about what others say or think, and helps to overcome fears of being alone in public. A good stone for dieting, it lends emotional support and strength in self-discipline, as well as boosting physical energy levels. Soothes the digestive system. Promotes inner strength, helping one to bear life’s frustrating experiences and providing the tenacity and perseverance to overcome them. It encourages enthusiasm and joy, and helps attract positive friendships. Yellow Jasper brings new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light. It adds clarity, zest, optimism, and meaning to your life.

I love yellow crystals. Today, I felt such an earthy energy… a very grounded and beautiful energy. The yellow signifies a sense of optimism, confidence, and happiness. We, as human beings, are being called forth to our destiny. Our inner knowing of what we need to pursue during our time on earth, can no longer be ignored. We are growing in spiritual consciousness, wether you want to jump on the band wagon or drag your heels. We are moving into a new era of social justice, where people will speak their truth with freedom and respect. We are going to come together in love and mutual respect, because we have no other choice if we want a harmonious future for humanity… and we do want that for our future generations. Whatever you are being called to speak upon, share your truth. Even if you think nobody cares or listens, they do, and it does matter. I listened to Episode 11 of BASAC’s podcast yesterday (Battlefords & Area Sexual Assault Centre) and they had a guest on, Krista Fox, who was speaking about Ashley Morin who has been missing from North Battleford, Saskatchewan since 2018. Ashley was a classmate of my sister. She was a bright, athletic, caring young woman. Krista really inspired me, because not only was she speaking up for all Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, but she was speaking up for all missing people as a whole, noting that they are not merely a case number, but they are sons, daughters, siblings, parents… they are real people with hearts and stories to tell. She is doing a walk across Canada to raise awareness for all missing people, and what really stuck with me, was when she said that she had to do something because this can’t and should not keep happening to our people. She is so right. When are we going to stand up and say no more. When are we going to change how we take care of each other. No, not everybody is going to do their part, but the more we stand together in strength and solidarity, the more we can effect change and hold people accountable. Do your part and get involved in your community. Get some cameras installed. Use your voice to effect change. This is a time of power and potential. We are cleaning house (physically and spiritually) and making room for grander things to come. We are making changes in our lives for the better. This is a fresh start. This is a perfect time to step into a new version of you. We have been working hard on healing toxic patterns that we’ve carried, and it is paying off… we are healing. We are expanding, learning, and growing so much. We are motivated for the future and feeling passionate about our dreams and goals. Trust yourself. You can get through any challenges that arise. You are being protected and being distanced from negative energy. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Fill your stomach chakra with hope and joy. It’s summertime. It’s time to be happy and feel childlike wonder again. This will be hard to experience if you are weighed down with worries and stress. Have the strength and clarity to focus your energy on the positives. Have confidence, courage, and enthusiasm. You have the strength and willpower to create the changes you desire. No more being hard on yourself. Love yourself and trust yourself. Get outside and feel connected to the Earth. Ground yourself with activities that keep you feeling calm and peaceful. This is a time to add some positivity and zest to your life. Have some fun. Visit a friend. Try a new activity. Enjoy some lovely summer weather. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

These cards are so beautiful! We are definitely in strong Earth energies. My family can’t really have pets, we are all allergic, but I still LOVE the animal energy in my life. We live out in the country, so everyday I get to have animals visits with snakes, owls, deer, mice, rabbits, foxes, eagles, hawks, moose, birds, cats, etc. I always feel blessed when I have an animal encounter. We are going to benefit a lot this week from spending time with Animals. Animals can help keep us grounded and soothe us in times of stress. They add such beautiful energy to our life, and even provide us much needed guidance. For me, I saw a Hawk a few days ago that flew right in front of our vehicle. Hawks symbolize freedom, flight, and creativity. When you encounter an animal this week, treat it with the respect it deserves. If there is a spider in your home, find a way to remove it and take it outside. Treat other beings with the respect that you would want. This card, Animals, really is reminding us of our connection to Earth, the Universe, and to all things. The natural world is a part of you, and you should feel connected to it. Every animal has its purpose on Earth, as do we. You need to find your gifts and share them. You weren’t born for nothing, and you have a plethora of talents. Put them to use and make something of yourself! We all do our part here, so make sure you are doing yours. This doesn’t mean you have to be something grandeur, it simply is about creating a meaningful life where we care about the Earth and do good things for each other. We have to stand up for the animals too. If they lose their habitats, they lose their ability to play their part, which in turn will affect us as well. We are being reminded that we are no better than any other animal to be on this planet, and we have to work with the animals instead of against them. We have to create this change. Air is telling me that things are in motion. The changes we desire are happening. The things that we have done, have not gone unnoticed. I find the image of the horses very powerful. Every minute, we are a new version of ourselves and have the chance to start again. I sense a different emotion in every image of the horse on the Air card. Remember that emotions will pass, so don’t let them get the best of you. Feel what’s going on, and find the best way to get through it, then be better for it the next minute. We have to be flexible, yet grounded. We have to reach for the sky and for our dreams, while keeping our feet on the ground and obliging to our responsibilities. This is about freedom for all of us on Earth. We have to use our voices and stand up for what we believe in. We also must do it respectfully, so our communication can be effective. Air is also telling us that we gave many great ideas swirling now. Put them to paper. Use them wisely. Make sure you are breathing, that is the most important to stay grounded. Find your own space and make your own choices that are in your best interest. See things differently and be willing to start fresh. The Meadow reminds us, that if we want to actualize our dreams, we are going to have to be Vulnerable. It’s the only way to get to where we are going. We have to stay grounded, and in a place of faith and trust. You might not be able to see the whole path, but you can see the general direction your aiming to go. We can’t control the way things are going to go. We need to be vulnerable, flexible, and allow the Universe to provide even better than we could ever dream of. We need to make the best of things. Enjoy the journey. Revel in the beauty. Take your time and relax along the way. There is no rush. Feel comforted by the sky above. You may still fee vulnerable, just make sure to build your vulnerability on a foundation of trust. There is no room for fears of any kind. Trust your instincts know where you need to go. Trust that not only is it ok, it is encouraged that you relax and enjoy it all. You are in a great place in your life now. Don’t be scared anymore. Take risks where you feel it is appropriate. Do not let conditioned fears ruin your life. Yes, it might get tough, but you have the skills, knowledge, and experience to overcome anything. Trust that you have the strength you need, and be confident in yourself. Confidently allow yourself to be vulnerable. Always holding back from speaking your truth creates an illusion of safety, but you will finally feel free when you can share your authentic truth with the world. There will be nothing left to hide, and only more to experience. The crystals made me feel like we are really enjoying the summer weather this week, and the first line of the Lizard Spirit card says “When was the last time you basked in the sun and allowed yourself to daydream, to imagine who you might be and who you might become?”. This week is important for spending time in nature, at a beach or on the grass, and feel the warmth of the sun, and let your mind wander and dream. That’s where the best insights and inspirations come from. We are dreaming a new existence into reality, all of us together. Imagine how beautiful it can be, if we all dream a beautiful dream? If we all worked together in mutual harmony, for the benefit of all? Visualizing is so important right now, make sure your mindset is on positivity. This is a great time for business inspirations, but also creative ones too! Poetry, music, art, sports. Let yourself truly experience each moment fully and appreciate the revelations that come along. Dream it and be it. Never stop dreaming bigger. Stop focusing on what is wrong, and look at all the things that are right, and all the things you can make better. Honor and trust your ability to dream new dreams, and be new things. We move into a powerful Full Moon and eclipse next week, so use this week to enjoy and get grounded and prepared for things to shift! Have a beautiful week!

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Weekly Card Reading – Week of January 11, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Calcite, Angel Phantom Quartz, and Yellow Feather Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration assisting you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

Yellow Feather Jasper – Stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra. Amplifies self-confidence, courage and empowerment. Facilitates the release of toxins. Provides protection during Spiritual work. Wind, faith, lightness, mobility, air, flight, joy, contemplation.

There are so many things on the horizon… yet, we seem to be feeling stuck or held back. I suppose in these Covid times, it’s hard not to get discouraged, but there are big changes happening right now, and big things coming for us. We’ve been going through this portal of change and expansion. We have to continue putting in the work to clear old thinking patterns and release bad habits. We have to continue to protect ourselves from negativity, for our own health and well-being. Temptation is only a knock away…. you have to be prepared and strong-willed in your response. We have to learn to trust ourselves and stand in our power. There are big things for us to do, so we have to be ready. We have to have confidence and believe in ourselves. We have to have hope for the future. We can’t keep shaming and guilting ourselves for what has happened so far. We have made our mistakes and acknowledged them. It is ok… I promise. Anything can be forgiven, all that matters is what is in your heart today. Sometimes, it is a matter of making a new choice. It’s time to move forward, instead of dwelling on what went wrong or isn’t going right. Get your mind, heart, and body centered, and I guarantee your life will grow more aligned. We have everything we need already. You are already who you need to be. Let yourself bloom… let yourself blossom… let yourself unfold further and further. You are a beautiful being of love. Just keep spreading the love, and it’s all gonna be alright. Let’s see what the cards say.

You guys… these cards… For those of you who don’t know, Rainbow is my personal symbol and reminder of joy. It’s my sign from the Universe that everything is going to be ok. The storm will pass and the rainbow will come out. I shuffled the deck and this card came flying out right away, all by itself, and I just started crying. I have been trying to find more joy in life, especially during these Covid times, but it’s such a perfect reminder that everything is going to be ok. There are Blessings on the way. So I sat here crying looking up at Spirit, like how perfect, and then the Eagle card comes flying out. It looks just like how I was sitting and looking upwards. Spirit is communicating with us all the time. We really are blessed, just to be alive and experience this moment. These cards reminded me that happiness is available to us all, right here and now, in every moment. The Iceberg cards tells us that need to stop hiding ourselves away. The parts of us that we hide, could hold the most potential. We need to let our Spirits soar and know that we can touch the sky. We are vitally connected to life, make sure you are connecting back. Connect with animals and nature as much as possible. Take time to relax and breathe deeply. Make the changes you know you need to make. You can ignore them if you want, but they will make themselves known somewhere, somehow. Life is much better if you tackle what comes at you, and move on. Keep your head up and be strong. Know that you are worth so much abundance, health, and energy. Quit dragging yourself through the mud and holding yourself in the past. Make new choices and be a new person today. Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t, especially and most importantly, you. You can’t hold yourself back anymore. You have goals to work on and dreams to pursue. No more beating yourself up, only fearlessly putting yourself out there and doing the things you love. We are ready and moving onto the Rainbows and Blessings. Thank you Spirit!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 9, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rainbow Moonstone, Mangano Calacite and Quartz Seer Stone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Quartz Seer Stone – Clear Quartz works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz provides clarity in thinking and awareness, improving your memory and providing clarity of thinking.

There is so much power around healing this week. For me, my life has been all over the place. I have been riding some rocky waves lately… but yet, I still feel a sense of calmness and trust. I am happy to report I am feeling much more optimistic today! I am a day later doing this reading than I would’ve liked, but like I said, life has been a little crazy. It is now Tuesday March 10, and the energy is calming down from the Full Moon we had yesterday. Although it’s energies are still strong, for me, they feel more mutable today. When I touched the Seer Stone today, it felt like it was melting (crazy right!), but I think it was a sign of us moulding and shaping our lives, and also a sign of Spring and things melting, changing and growing. Not only is the Moon energy calming, but we are being called to calm our own energy. I get signs all around me everyday, and meditation is a huge message I’ve been getting. We need to do it more! I’m not great at meditating, but I have to try to do it more… and actually, that is my plan for the rest of the day when I am done this. I am going to relax, rest, meditate and heal. Meditating is going to help us feel more balanced. It’s going to help us heal. Healing is another huge thing we are going through now. We truly are learning to heal ourselves, especially our hearts and our minds. We have this new awareness and it is helping us to grow and blossom. I was getting some art supplies out for my son’s school project, and I came across a bunch of magazine clippings I had from doing collages and vision boards. I sat down right then and there are threw together a beautiful piece of art. One of the main images was of a heart with a bandaid. It is amazing how much we have healed and how far we’ve come. The potential we have is incredible. If we can only believe in ourselves. If we can only let go of the ego that shadows us with doubts and hesitation. We have a creative vision that desires to be expressed. If you hold yourself back out of fear of what people might think, you are suppressing your gifts and your true nature. The Rainbow energy is coming in today to sweep us off our feet and give us a much needed pick me up. It’s going to help us clear our energy and uplift us. There is harmony. There is hope. Our wishes can come true. We just need to continue to believe and take steps towards them. We deserve the best, and we need to keep telling ourselves that until we truly believe it. Until it resonates deep in our heart. That’s when things will shift. Great prosperity and abundance is available to us, and we need to keep our thoughts positive to help our manifestation. I’ve been saying it and feeling it for a while, that wonderful things are coming, and it still feels true. Great things are coming.. we must have faith and believe. We must trust that our Angels are with us, guiding us, and helping us on our path. Also, your Spirit Guides too. Ask them to uplift you when you are feeling down. We need to truly love ourselves to be able to give and receive love to others. Loving yourself is what will help you heal from the trauma. When I was sitting down with the crystals, my heart chakra tightened up and felt like it was full of cement. Where we have been hard in our lives, we need to learn to soften. Where we haven’t been able to offer love, we need to try. Mangano Calcite is going to help us heal and open our heart chakras. Be good to yourself because you deserve it. You are a Divine being. Never forget your power in this life to be a force of love. Living in a loving way, and giving that love to the world… being the best person you can be… it will make you feel better and more complete. It will give you the power you desire. Let go of the fear. Know that it is safe to love and be loved. The Seer Stone is helping us to see. There is much more clarity coming this week. Spending time in meditation is going to help that along immensely. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

The first message we get is of the heart chakra. ❤️❤️❤️ It is safe for you to love and be loved. It is a safe to open your heart. It is safe to soften yourself and be vulnerable. The Angels want you to step forward into a life filled with love… a life that you deserve. Everything you need to know, is already within your heart. You just need to trust. The more you open your heart, the more love and joy you will feel. Ask the Angels for their healing. Visualize your heart and life in a beautiful pink bubble of love. Get some rosewater and spray yourself frequently. Keep some roses around. Keep a Rose Quartz near by, or even better, lay with it on your heart and meditate. Let your heart find healing. Focus on being in a state of loving energy as much as you can in your life. You never know who you can help or inspire, just by offering a loving energy. Take care of yourself physically too. Love yourself in all aspects and all ways. Love your life. Love your job. Like Ram Dass says, just love everything. It’s really a key to Spirituality! I have been told I am a Dream Walker, and dream time has been intense this past while, so I am not surprised to see the Dream Traveler card! So many messages are coming through in dreams, so make sure to try to jot them down in the morning. This card is about trusting your intuition more. It’s about trusting that you are on the right path, and that your heart always knows the way. Everything is always in Divine perfection. Even when things feel tough, there is a purpose and a lesson. These are opportunities to prove how you have mastered your emotions and thinking. You are blessed and you are a blessing. I just love that. I truly know in my heart I am blessed, and I recognize blessings all around me. Even though my life didn’t go as I maybe would’ve hoped it did, I know it was all for a reason, and was exactly how it was supposed to be. I am more than blessed and grateful. To show my gratitude, I must co-create with the Universe. I must not hold back my talents and gifts. I must not hide myself away. Sometimes you have to go out onto the wire. You may be vulnerable to others around you. You might also see things from a new point of view. You might see that the things you once feared are more beautiful than you could’ve ever imagined. I always say it, but life is what me make of it. This is a fertile time of opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted. We are being called to follow the inspiration within our hearts to create, however that feels for you! Creating at work, creating content, creating art and music, taking photos, working out, shopping, dressing, visualizing, dreaming… This is about understanding that we are creating at all times. Our Earth was created, and we must continue to create. What do you want to create in your life? Create a reality that you love. Open your heart and allow for inspiration of all kinds. Your love alone is a unique work of art. Keeping your heart open will pay off. Use your talents and explore new ones. Never be fearful of trying! That is how we grow. See yourself in new and exciting ways. Ask Spirit for inspiration. Always be grateful to a higher power for gifting you with this ability to co-create. Align with love to create miracles. It is possible. It’s all possible.. and you have the power to create it! Get out of your head and into your heart, and let the inspiration flow. Have a wonderful week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of February 24, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Celestite, Sodalite and Blue Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Celestite – Connects you to Angels and your Spirit Guides. Brings calm and clarity. Relieves stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviours. Powerful activator of the throat chakra. Provides courage where there are fears. Beneficial for those who are shy. Brings harmony and balance. Opens your mind to communication with higher realms. Helpful during dream time.

Sodalite – It comes from the Latin word ‘sodalitas’ which means comrade, because those who use it will feel like they have a comrade who helps them feel peaceful and heal their aching or troubled hearts. It can help you express all the things that you want to say in the best way possible. It’s an effective stone to end arguments or disagreements. Increases intelligence, clarity and rationality. This stone helps you make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Increases emotional balance and inner peace.

Blue Calcite – Supports peaceful assertiveness. Decreases shyness, promotes ability to speak your needs. Contributes to beginning spiritual growth. Soothes nerves and lifts anxieties. Stone of recuperation. Lowers blood pressure.

The energy is so strong this week! I have so many thoughts going through my mind about this reading, it’s hard to harness it and put it into words. I felt compelled to try a little Palo Santo that I purchased at my beautiful friends store in North Battleford, Saskatchewan (shout out to Luna & Leigh!) to celebrate the New Moon. I ended up doing a small reiki session on myself and noticed there was a lot going on in the throat chakra. It’s no surprise the Celestite is a major throat chakra crystal! We are being called to speak, teach and share. People are standing up for causes that are important to them. It is important that we have compassion for our Planet and our people at this time. It is important we have empathy for those around us. I felt compelled to pull out my Crystal Ball, which is showing me rainbows and stars. There is so much magical energy right now. My kids also left a little tiny Tiger plushie at my desk, and he wanted to stay too! This week is all about signs and communication. It is a week to be courageous, confident and powerful! We have important work to do while we are here on this Earth, and we have to overcome our fears and see beyond them. Life is precious and short, and you need to make the most of today. Who cares what people think of you! It honestly doesn’t matter because there is a well-spring of love inside of you, and you love yourself so much that you are happy no matter what! Then your happiness… it will radiate… and the people around you can’t help but want to feel that way too. Then they can see the happiness, love and the beauty this life has to offer. We have to connect with people. If you don’t want to share your story, how can anyone ever relate to you? I share my story with everyone I meet, because I feel like it’s so important. For people to see, you can go through so many things, and still be happy. Life is always still good. It’s truly what you make it, and that is the key to freedom. If you want to be happy, you have to choose to love yourself and be happy. You have to let go of the ego and insecurity. Only you can! And I know you can. When insecurity, anxiety, depression, or whatever negative emotions creep in, just honour them. Recognize them and give love to them. I didn’t do an Angel Card reading last week, because I was a little busy and honestly kind of dreading the week I had ahead of me. My kid hadn’t been feeling great and we had appointments and procedures at the hospital, and I get a little anxious before procedures and stuff. It wasn’t bad or anything, and I didn’t feel like anything bad was going to happen, in fact, I knew everything was going to be fine. I still just needed this extra space, care and relaxation instead of pushing myself too hard. My readings take a lot of time and energy! I just had to go easy on myself and love myself. Going through Leukemia with my son, it was one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned, is that it is ok to take what you need to. We really don’t have too push so hard, when we are inspired and motivated we will accomplish what we need to! Give yourself space where you can. Find harmony and balance for yourself. Stop looking around at others, or at the World, to make it peaceful for you… you might be waiting a while. Make your world your happy place. There is a lot of people having dreams, and communicating through dreams. I have been having the craziest, intense dreams this past week! I had a dream that I was in “school”, it looked like a school, but we weren’t going to class and we were all in a large common area and in some hallways mingling, and there was like everyone I’ve ever known there, lol! It was crazy, but it was good! It was almost like we were all visiting in Heaven or something!! 😲 If I have been in anyone’s dreams lately, I would love to know! I’ve been told I’m a Dream-walker, so I find dreams very fascinating. Springtime is always a great time for new connections and relationships, and the Sodalite makes me feel like that is happening now. People are finding others they connect with on deeper levels. The Sodalite also reminds me of the work that I am here to do. I want to help others see past their hurts and traumas and find self-love again. I want to help others who experience anxiety and depression. I want to help people who are addicted to drugs love themselves again. I’ve been through so many things in my life, and that’s why I am here doing this work, to help others who need healing too. If you need a friend to understand, I will listen. I am continually reminded that this work I am doing is important, and that I must not give up. There is so much around communication here and these crystals are going to help you express the things you need to say in the best way possible. This Sodalite wants you to let it go. Whatever beef you have from the past, just let it go. Raise yourself up and see yourself from a new level. You’ll be able to see clearly once you get out of the drama and negativity. Focus on yourself and your dreams. Focus on what’s next for you. Things are truly starting to make sense, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have seen glimpses of peace and happiness, and you are making it more and more possible each day! So calm down and do some stuff today that makes you happy. Find ways to laugh and smile. I saw this quote when I was referencing some crystal information about Celestite, it said “Following the words of a wise Irish proverb, the best cures for any ailment is a good laugh and a long sleep. So if you find your happy/sad ratio out of balance, keep a Celestite crystal stone on your nightstand and always be protected by the loving energy of guardian angels, your daily antidepressant.” Now, I’m not saying you have to start believing in Angels if you don’t, all you need to do is have a knowingness in your heart that this Universe is perfect, and that we are watched over and surrounded by energies of love. Whatever that means or feels like to you is perfect! I also got my Celestite at Luna & Leigh, North Battleford, if you are wondering where to get one! This week, we have to recuperate a bit from the stress we’ve gone through. Don’t be scared to give yourself some time and some room to relax. Not only do you deserve it, you need it. It will help you feel more calm and peaceful! 💗 I also just have to say, I am so excited for these cards, lol. I don’t even know why, but I chose the decks last night and I have a wonderful feeling about what’s coming… so let’s see what cards get chosen for this week!

We are so deeply connected to each other, more so than we realize. The energy between us is contagious. When we can harness and share love, everyone (or almost everyone) becomes more loving. We are seeing the shift in people around us too, how they are evolving and awakening their Spiritual gifts. We all have gifts. We all are limitless, beautiful beings. I’ve been thinking a lot about abundance and manifestation lately, which is why I decided to add a 4th Super Attractor card. When I pulled the 3rd card, the Treasure Island card came flying out of the deck and flew right in between my desk and shelf. It was showing the perfection in the message. (Notice how even the way the card flies is a message!) There is abundance coming for us. There is greatness that awaits us. We have to be ready to fill the shoes and use our voices. If you can overcome fear, you get to the other side of the rainbow. The rewards are going to be plenty. You don’t have to bill for your time now. Know that if you are out in the world doing good, that karma is getting ready to make its way back to you. If you are trying your best, you are going to get where you need to be. The Ask for a Sign card is about our connection to Spirit and how we can communicate every day. Remember the crystals said this was about communication! Spirit keeps urging me to tell this story, and this is exactly how Spirit communication works. They put us in situations in life that allow us to see lessons. Long story short, at the hospital a man came in who was being quite dramatic and rude, and I happened to overhear that he was an alcoholic. Listening to this man, I just felt so much compassion for him. He was angry and miserable. I remembered how much I used to drink and how much I hated myself. I felt sorry that he hated life this much, and that he couldn’t see his true worth and ability to be happy. I knew then, that Spirit was showing me this, to show me the pain people go through… to remind me of the pain I went through, and remind me of why I am on this path. That used to me, but I am happy to say that isn’t me anymore. I love myself and don’t ever want that kind of life for me. I don’t want to drown my sorrows or numb my pain. I want to nurture it all. I want to appreciate it all. I am grateful to feel this way. I am grateful that I have been shown these things. I am grateful that I can do healings and readings. I am grateful to know that I am so deeply connected to this Universe and everything within it. Watch for the signs in your life this week. It could be repetitive numbers, songs that come on, animals that show up… it could be anything and anywhere, but it’s up to you to recognize it and know it in your heart. When you start noticing the signs, you notice them more and more. I have been loving this New Moon energy and feeling so good, but I know that hasn’t been the same experience for everyone. If you are feeling stuck or unsure of what’s next for you, ask for a sign. When you see it, be sure to appreciate it. Let it help you, instead of letting your ego take you back down. Honestly, if we understood how much Spiritual support we truly have, if we understood the importance of our capability to love… we would change the world. That’s what the Ace of Summer is all about! Opening your heart to the love all around you. Opening your heart wider and wider. Opening your heart to nature, to friends and family, to strangers, to animals… to everything. Living in the powerful energy of love. I honestly feel like Spirit is giving us so many “keys” to enlightenment this week! Keys to happiness and freedom. This is the beginning of a new relationship with yourself, with others, and with life itself. We are seeing our beauty and grace. We are seeing the greatness of this existence. We are doing the work and finding self-love and trust. We are getting a better understanding of our true Spiritual abilities and nature. The Suit of Summer tells us that this is a rich and fulfilling time right now. All the work we’ve done is going to pay off and provide us with wonderful experiences. We are finding joy in life and strengthening family bonds. We are experiencing our intuitive gifts more fully. We are understanding what truly matters in life. This card is about knowing that you are worthy and deserving of love. When you love yourself, it doesn’t matter who else loves you… but people will be attracted to your energy and return that love to you. You will see more and more love surrounding you. This is about having empathy for those around you. This is about new and strengthening relationships. This Ace of Summer card is also about Spiritual awakenings and using your intuition to guide you. Things are changing! They always do, whether we like it or not! The good news is they are changing for the better. When we do what’s best for ourselves, give our best efforts, and live a life of love.. we get rewarded. I have been feeling it for the last while… abundance is on the way! Not only that, but love and magic too. It’s truly a magical and special time. Positive thinking is paying off. Believe that you deserve good fortune. When you are blessed, you can share those blessings. Treasure Island card tells us we have to follow our intuition to find the way there. Don’t forget to enjoy your life. Share it with others, and watch it multiply. Remember that the people in your life are to be treasured. This is an amazing time for love, whether that is old relationships reigniting or new relationships forming. Keep your heart open everyday, everywhere you go. You never know when a moment, or a meeting, can change your life. Celebrate love and all that it has taught you. Success is yours, all you have to do is go for it. Creative projects will flourish when inspiration strikes. Share the wealth all around. If you are one of the people who hasn’t been feeling great… if you are reading this saying, “Yeah yeah, where’s my treasure? Nothing is ever coming for me…” Then you have to check your thought patterns. What are you attracting with your thoughts? Poverty consciousness and a sense of “not enough” can cast a shadow on your path. These beliefs are exactly what hold people back. Do you really want to proclaim yourself a victim? You need to take accountability to get yourself to a different vantage point and see things with a more optimistic view. It might not always be easy, but it is possible, and the more and more you work on it, the easier it becomes. I still catch myself all the time, it happens! Just remember that you have the power to switch up the energy. Listen to some tunes and feel good. Do things that make you laugh and feel happy. Pamper yourself and relax. Love yourself and enjoy this life. There is so much good, if you can see it!! 💗🙏✨

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