Messages From Spirit for February 1, 2023

Messages From Spirit for February 1, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #February1 #Feb1 #Applauded #Persistence #Commitment #Truth #Tenacity #Faith #Rewards #Courageous #Bold #TakeRisks #LiveInTheMoment #BePresent #HereAndNow #YouHaveWhatItTakes #YouHaveWhatYouNeed #LifeWillAlwaysProvide #ShineYourLight

Weekly Card Reading – Week of March 27, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fire Quartz, Goldstone, and Angel Phantom Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fire Quartz – Heals hurt feelings from the past. Brings back the person’s original brilliance. The Holy flame purifies negative energy. Fills you with a warm energy of love and helps you create a bright future. Great stone for willpower, confidence, and inner strength. Helps you stand up for yourself.

Goldstone – Helps with attaining goals. Helps one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can deflect unwanted energies, making it a protection stone. It is used to revitalize one’s energy field. It allows the flow of energy between the spiritual and physical realms. This stone brings good luck and attracts abundance. It enhances confidence. This stone is a great stone that exhibits positive energy. It makes the person creative so that he may improve his life and get it on track. It makes the person happy by inducing positive and happy thoughts.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration assists you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

I couldn’t understand last week why my crystals were blood-related, and it turns out Aries, which this upcoming New Moon is in, rules blood. Unakite is also a crystal for this New Moon, so that all makes more sense now! The New Moon’s energy is strong, and is going to peak in the early hours on Friday, April 1st. These crystals are a continuation of this energy we are in now. We are being called to be strong and confident. We are going to have to stand up for ourselves and set boundaries with others. We have to stand up for our dreams and desires. We have given up so much of our power along the way, and now we need to call it back. This can be done in many ways. Cord cutting, forgiveness for the past, and letting go of hurt and pain are all ways we can get our power and energy back. We can’t let others belittle our ideas or keep us small anymore. We have so many goals to attain, and people to help. We can’t do that if we aren’t allowed, or don’t have time or energy to leave the house. We have a bright future ahead of us! We have to reignite our spark and recharge our energy. Spending time with crystals or being out in nature can be very healing and helpful with revitalizing energy. Red Jasper is actually a crystal that is on my Moon Magic Worksheet ($5 each) and Red Jasper is said to feed you back your own power which may have been lost over time. Let me know if you want a Moon Magic Worksheet! This week, we need to focus on the future and what’s ahead of us. We need to keep our thoughts positive so our future can shine in its brightest light. We need to use our strong willpower to make healthy choice for ourselves. We do have the power to turn any negativity or challenges into something positive. There are opportunities swirling all around us. Are you seeing them and chasing them? Are you putting yourself out there and allowing yourself to be seen? Share your positive energy with the world and show what you have to offer! Be proud of who you are. Use your creativity to get your life on track and make it the best you can. You have so many skills and abilities you can utilize. Doing everything with love and a positive attitude is going to help your karma that much more. Aries can be really driven and powerful, but sometimes too much so. It’s important that we balance our drive with calm and relaxation, or we can drive ourselves right to the crazy house! The Angels are with us now, helping us to find the peace and calm we seek in our life. Watch for the signs and listen for the messages. We are very protected now by Spirit, but it’s also important that we protect ourselves too. We need to place boundaries where people have been overstepping. We need to use our own key to unlock the cages we have kept ourselves trapped in. Freedom is yours, if you are brave enough to step into it. Make sure you are living a balanced life, and taking time for you too. Let go of any guilt or negativity from the past. It’s time to resolve these issues and focus on what’s coming next. What’s behind us pales in comparison to what is coming. Our lives can be so great, if we want them to be! If we work to make them so. Let go of the blame all together. Keep your head up, facing forward, and full of your inherent beauty and power. Stand in your fullness and share who you are unapologetically. Let people take notice. You are a force to be reckoned with, and people will regret what they have done to you, but that is no longer your problem and you don’t need to carry that in your heart any longer. Let yourself step forward into your future in the lightest way possible. Be the light. Share your light. Shine your light. It begs to be seen, so others can be inspired to share theirs too. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

These cards are so perfect. The number 1 and 9 are numbers for this coming New Moon. The 1 card is the Yang card, and this New Moon is on the 1st of the month, of a new Astrological year, at 11 degrees. It is so full of Masculine, powerful, fiery energy. This is about us taking back our own power and energy. It asks us to use our creativity to help ourselves. We have the power to make things happen, we might just have to be a little creative. We are manifesting our ideas and desires. It’s so important to keep our thoughts positive, because the things we manifest can turn into abundant and prosperous opportunities. This is a new time. You are a new person. Leave the past where it belongs. You are the shaper of your destiny now. Abundance is waiting for you to claim it. Make things happen. Be willing to say yes! Keep taking steps on whatever you are working towards, no matter how inexperienced you might feel or think you are. There is only one way forward, and that is by doing. We are right in the middle of where we’ve came from and where we want to go. If you stay in negativity… if you stay small and quiet, and stay where you are, it’s going to be that much harder to realize your dreams or an abundant future. The door is open for you. All you have to do is take action, and make a choice to move. Your dreams are fertile. You are sitting on a nest egg of ideas, many which can prove fruitful. You are supported and guided by Spirit, and you have so much love surrounding you. Most important though, is that you need to believe in yourself. You need to stand up for yourself, get down from where you’ve been hiding, and take the steps forward that are required. Be fully present, and take one step at a time. The more you can stay in the present moment, the less hurt and pain you will feel over the past, and the less anxiety and worry you will feel about the future. All that matters is this very moment and making the best of it. Being happy right now. We might not have everything we desire in this moment, but that is ok. Everything is in Divine timing. Sometimes, the things we think we want, don’t turn out to be what we expect anyway. So trust the Universe, and trust that you have all you need. Trust that everything that is right for you, is here, or is coming, and be satisfied now. Tomorrow is beyond your reach and yesterday is gone. Make the best of today. Cherish and approve of yourself. Give yourself the love you hope for from others. Realize it was never about anyone else at all, and you have always had all you need within you. You are a magnet of love. Believe it and exude it, and trust the energy will be returned to you in its perfect time. Put your focus on YOU and what legacy you want to leave behind. What work have you done that will leave the world a better place? Create your dreams now. Stop waiting on someone else, or more money, or an ideal partner. Just do it and start going. Believe that you are prosperous now. Act as if everything is already happening for you, because it is. What you think becomes your reality. Think about how deserving you are, how loved you are, how abundant and successful you are. Because YOU ARE!! The past or future won’t give you what you need… only you can do that, and you can do that right now, in this minute. Stop longing for the past or something you fantasize would be better. Now is what matters. Loving yourself is what matters. All will be well, and everything will turn out magically in the perfect timing of Spirit. By loving ourselves and appreciating ourselves now, it’s going to create that much more abundance in our future. Believe in what you have to offer, because it truly is magical treasure. This upcoming New Moon is SO powerful for manifesting. We MUST keep our thoughts positive. We must trust that our dreams are coming true. When you work hard and maintain a positive outlook, that’s when you are rewarded. Use your creativity to create abundant opportunities. Trust your intuition to light the way. You will see the rewards of your inner work paying off around you in the world. There is so much good fortune on the horizon. Be confident that success is yours. Believe in it whole heartedly. Don’t forget to enjoy it and share it with others. Treasure that is shared, multiplies like magic. Celebrate love, and all it teaches you, even in its imperfection. Appreciate this life and this moment for all the gifts it gives you, especially the ones you don’t realize you are gaining. Your dreams and ideas are coming to fruition. Creative projects will flourish. You are seeing the evidence of the seeds of prosperity you have planted. Be generous and grateful. Move away from limiting perceptions. Stop allowing your ego, or other people, to tell you or make you feel like you aren’t good enough. You are beyond good enough. You are no longer a victim. You are powerful and there is nothing to fear. Take some risks and get out of your confined cage. Open the door to find the abundance waiting there for you. There is so much love, abundance, and opportunities. Spirit will be guiding us the whole way. Let go of the fear for good, and embrace this beautiful moment now. Embrace your fire and your power. Have a beautiful week and a powerful New Moon!!

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