Weekly Card Reading – Week of March 27, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fire Quartz, Goldstone, and Angel Phantom Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fire Quartz – Heals hurt feelings from the past. Brings back the person’s original brilliance. The Holy flame purifies negative energy. Fills you with a warm energy of love and helps you create a bright future. Great stone for willpower, confidence, and inner strength. Helps you stand up for yourself.

Goldstone – Helps with attaining goals. Helps one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can deflect unwanted energies, making it a protection stone. It is used to revitalize one’s energy field. It allows the flow of energy between the spiritual and physical realms. This stone brings good luck and attracts abundance. It enhances confidence. This stone is a great stone that exhibits positive energy. It makes the person creative so that he may improve his life and get it on track. It makes the person happy by inducing positive and happy thoughts.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration assists you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

I couldn’t understand last week why my crystals were blood-related, and it turns out Aries, which this upcoming New Moon is in, rules blood. Unakite is also a crystal for this New Moon, so that all makes more sense now! The New Moon’s energy is strong, and is going to peak in the early hours on Friday, April 1st. These crystals are a continuation of this energy we are in now. We are being called to be strong and confident. We are going to have to stand up for ourselves and set boundaries with others. We have to stand up for our dreams and desires. We have given up so much of our power along the way, and now we need to call it back. This can be done in many ways. Cord cutting, forgiveness for the past, and letting go of hurt and pain are all ways we can get our power and energy back. We can’t let others belittle our ideas or keep us small anymore. We have so many goals to attain, and people to help. We can’t do that if we aren’t allowed, or don’t have time or energy to leave the house. We have a bright future ahead of us! We have to reignite our spark and recharge our energy. Spending time with crystals or being out in nature can be very healing and helpful with revitalizing energy. Red Jasper is actually a crystal that is on my Moon Magic Worksheet ($5 each) and Red Jasper is said to feed you back your own power which may have been lost over time. Let me know if you want a Moon Magic Worksheet! This week, we need to focus on the future and what’s ahead of us. We need to keep our thoughts positive so our future can shine in its brightest light. We need to use our strong willpower to make healthy choice for ourselves. We do have the power to turn any negativity or challenges into something positive. There are opportunities swirling all around us. Are you seeing them and chasing them? Are you putting yourself out there and allowing yourself to be seen? Share your positive energy with the world and show what you have to offer! Be proud of who you are. Use your creativity to get your life on track and make it the best you can. You have so many skills and abilities you can utilize. Doing everything with love and a positive attitude is going to help your karma that much more. Aries can be really driven and powerful, but sometimes too much so. It’s important that we balance our drive with calm and relaxation, or we can drive ourselves right to the crazy house! The Angels are with us now, helping us to find the peace and calm we seek in our life. Watch for the signs and listen for the messages. We are very protected now by Spirit, but it’s also important that we protect ourselves too. We need to place boundaries where people have been overstepping. We need to use our own key to unlock the cages we have kept ourselves trapped in. Freedom is yours, if you are brave enough to step into it. Make sure you are living a balanced life, and taking time for you too. Let go of any guilt or negativity from the past. It’s time to resolve these issues and focus on what’s coming next. What’s behind us pales in comparison to what is coming. Our lives can be so great, if we want them to be! If we work to make them so. Let go of the blame all together. Keep your head up, facing forward, and full of your inherent beauty and power. Stand in your fullness and share who you are unapologetically. Let people take notice. You are a force to be reckoned with, and people will regret what they have done to you, but that is no longer your problem and you don’t need to carry that in your heart any longer. Let yourself step forward into your future in the lightest way possible. Be the light. Share your light. Shine your light. It begs to be seen, so others can be inspired to share theirs too. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

These cards are so perfect. The number 1 and 9 are numbers for this coming New Moon. The 1 card is the Yang card, and this New Moon is on the 1st of the month, of a new Astrological year, at 11 degrees. It is so full of Masculine, powerful, fiery energy. This is about us taking back our own power and energy. It asks us to use our creativity to help ourselves. We have the power to make things happen, we might just have to be a little creative. We are manifesting our ideas and desires. It’s so important to keep our thoughts positive, because the things we manifest can turn into abundant and prosperous opportunities. This is a new time. You are a new person. Leave the past where it belongs. You are the shaper of your destiny now. Abundance is waiting for you to claim it. Make things happen. Be willing to say yes! Keep taking steps on whatever you are working towards, no matter how inexperienced you might feel or think you are. There is only one way forward, and that is by doing. We are right in the middle of where we’ve came from and where we want to go. If you stay in negativity… if you stay small and quiet, and stay where you are, it’s going to be that much harder to realize your dreams or an abundant future. The door is open for you. All you have to do is take action, and make a choice to move. Your dreams are fertile. You are sitting on a nest egg of ideas, many which can prove fruitful. You are supported and guided by Spirit, and you have so much love surrounding you. Most important though, is that you need to believe in yourself. You need to stand up for yourself, get down from where you’ve been hiding, and take the steps forward that are required. Be fully present, and take one step at a time. The more you can stay in the present moment, the less hurt and pain you will feel over the past, and the less anxiety and worry you will feel about the future. All that matters is this very moment and making the best of it. Being happy right now. We might not have everything we desire in this moment, but that is ok. Everything is in Divine timing. Sometimes, the things we think we want, don’t turn out to be what we expect anyway. So trust the Universe, and trust that you have all you need. Trust that everything that is right for you, is here, or is coming, and be satisfied now. Tomorrow is beyond your reach and yesterday is gone. Make the best of today. Cherish and approve of yourself. Give yourself the love you hope for from others. Realize it was never about anyone else at all, and you have always had all you need within you. You are a magnet of love. Believe it and exude it, and trust the energy will be returned to you in its perfect time. Put your focus on YOU and what legacy you want to leave behind. What work have you done that will leave the world a better place? Create your dreams now. Stop waiting on someone else, or more money, or an ideal partner. Just do it and start going. Believe that you are prosperous now. Act as if everything is already happening for you, because it is. What you think becomes your reality. Think about how deserving you are, how loved you are, how abundant and successful you are. Because YOU ARE!! The past or future won’t give you what you need… only you can do that, and you can do that right now, in this minute. Stop longing for the past or something you fantasize would be better. Now is what matters. Loving yourself is what matters. All will be well, and everything will turn out magically in the perfect timing of Spirit. By loving ourselves and appreciating ourselves now, it’s going to create that much more abundance in our future. Believe in what you have to offer, because it truly is magical treasure. This upcoming New Moon is SO powerful for manifesting. We MUST keep our thoughts positive. We must trust that our dreams are coming true. When you work hard and maintain a positive outlook, that’s when you are rewarded. Use your creativity to create abundant opportunities. Trust your intuition to light the way. You will see the rewards of your inner work paying off around you in the world. There is so much good fortune on the horizon. Be confident that success is yours. Believe in it whole heartedly. Don’t forget to enjoy it and share it with others. Treasure that is shared, multiplies like magic. Celebrate love, and all it teaches you, even in its imperfection. Appreciate this life and this moment for all the gifts it gives you, especially the ones you don’t realize you are gaining. Your dreams and ideas are coming to fruition. Creative projects will flourish. You are seeing the evidence of the seeds of prosperity you have planted. Be generous and grateful. Move away from limiting perceptions. Stop allowing your ego, or other people, to tell you or make you feel like you aren’t good enough. You are beyond good enough. You are no longer a victim. You are powerful and there is nothing to fear. Take some risks and get out of your confined cage. Open the door to find the abundance waiting there for you. There is so much love, abundance, and opportunities. Spirit will be guiding us the whole way. Let go of the fear for good, and embrace this beautiful moment now. Embrace your fire and your power. Have a beautiful week and a powerful New Moon!!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.htm

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 18, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Apatite, Blue Goldstone, and Fluorite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

Stress and anxiety has been very high this past while. We have to be careful when we get into these patches, that we don’t give in to the temptation to try to soothe these issues with negative solutions, such as food, drugs, alcohol, etc. I feel like I’ve been doing better controlling what and how much I eat, but it always seems to be a phase. Eventually, I slip back into using food to cope. We have to be aware of these temptations so that we are ready to consciously choose how we are going to handle them. We have to find better ways to heal ourselves. We have lots of great tools that are readily available and easily accessible. Spending time in nature, placing crystals on you, meditating, exercise, herbs, hands on healing… we have so many things we can do that are much healthier than the coping mechanisms we’ve chosen in the past. A healing treatment is going to balance you and revitalize you! It’s going to feel much more amazing than a hangover. I feel like there is just so many things going on now, inside of us, and outside in our world. We need to make sure we are taking care of both of those things. We are creating our future and the world we live in with each day, with each action and each choice. We have the power to manifest, and the energy is strong for that now. We have to make sure we are focusing on the strength we have now, and not what was lost to the past. The truths you need to see, they will come to the light. You will get the clarity you need. Try to stay calm, and know that you can overcome any challenges that arise. Be open and express yourself. Don’t be scared to try new forms of therapy if you are needing help. Also, look to your dreams when you need answers. Try to keep a dream journal and see what your dreams might be suggesting to you. Try to think positively, because we are manifesting, and our wishes are going to come true. Start preparing yourself now. Start doing things you would need to do if you were in your desired career. Keeping Blue Goldstone at your desk is always a great idea! We are learning and growing, and we are becoming more whole. We are taking a wider view of life and becoming more accepting of all things. We are making better decisions. This is helping us to manifest better lives. We are bringing our dreams, goals, and plans to life. The future is very bright and full of love. Let go of the fears and worry. Everything is going to be amazing. Let’s see what the cards say.

The Five of Autumn reminds us to reach out when we need help. Please remember, that when you purchase a reading from me, I send it by email in writing, so you don’t ever need to have an appointment with me. It can be a great pick-me-up if you are in need of something to reinvigorate you. Also, I ALWAYS offer 1 card for free, so if you are struggling and don’t know if a reading would help, you can always try a 1 card mini reading, all you have to do is reach out and ask. Covid has us all struggling, and money is a real issue, even more than it was prior to Covid. We tend to forget that, even in the worst of times, we have the most amazing beautiful guidance that we can call on for support. Our Angels, Guides, fairies, loved ones that have crossed over… they are around us and they will do what they can to help if you ask. There is this message, not only from me but from other healers too, that Divine support is available to us. Our prayers are being heard. Help can just suddenly appear. Keep watching for the signs of what to do next. Keep asking for help and thanking the Universe for the blessings that show up. By focusing on the negative things in life that make you unhappy, it sets you on the path for more difficulties. Keep your thoughts positive and focused on what you want. Remember that you are manifesting! Don’t fall into the trap of believing you are alone. I have been falling into the loneliness self-pity trap lately, but we can’t give into untrue thinking. In reality, I am blessed with an abundance of amazing friends that support my work and my life. We have to trust in our inherent knowing of what we need for our life. No book or research can tell us the things our heart knows. We already know where we are heading, we’ve been on our way there this entire time. You can trust yourself and your choices. You can trust that you are just as capable as anyone who’s come before you. We can look for answers outside of ourselves all we want. Sometimes, all it takes is looking within. You are listening to your soul now and uncovering the truth of who you are and what you need. You are letting go of the societal conditioning and reverting back to your inherent nature. The fog is clearing and the light has come… and it is shining on you! Follow the yes’ in your soul. It’s interesting this Kuthumi card references Madame Blavatsky, as I was just learning about her in one of Sylvia Browne’s books 2 days ago.

“The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.”

“Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.”

⁃ H. P. Blavatsky

So… how do we overcome getting stuck in patterns of negativity? We have to choose to see only love. We have to have more love for ourselves. We have to give ourselves the love we aren’t getting from others. We need to make ourselves happy. This comes back again to healing ourselves. If you need something, you need to reach out and ask for help. You need to fulfill your needs. You need to get yourself what you need and make it happen. When you are finding yourself in a negative mindset, you will notice your thoughts are revolving around self-talk that’s probably not useful nor true. What is the truth? Ask yourself how you can see the situation with love. How can you see every situation with love? How can you filter your thoughts with love? It will take time, but you can improve your thinking patterns. Catch yourself when you are thinking negatively and cross it out. Replace it with a positive thought. When you focus on love, anything that’s unloving falls away. Turn on the light to diminish the darkness. Remember that you have a choice. Call upon the Angels to help you. Please remember that I am here to help you too. carrielynngallop@hotmail.com. Have a beautiful week!

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Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 23, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Labradorite, Moonstone and Blue Goldstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Labradorite – A stone of transformation and magic. Clears, balances and protects the aura. Provides clarity and insight into your destiny. Attracts success. Reduces stress and anxiety. Increases intuition, psychic development, and esoteric wisdom. Helps with subconscious issues, and provides mental illumination.

Moonstone – Since earliest times, Moonstone has been a tangible connection to the magic of the moon – an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom. Our ties to the moon are strong. As it waxes and wanes in cyclic perfection, it creates the tides and rhythms of our mother, Earth, and influences our behaviors, emotions and spiritual growth. Moonstone calms and encourages, teaching us the natural rhythms of life. It brings soothing, healing, calm energy and helps regain back your power and inner balance. It helps you to see how you are mistreating your personal energy and how to learn to love and heal yourself. It can bring insights into the powerful mysteries of true female power and the essence of all healing.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection.

There is a theme of magic this week, of course…. ❤️🎄🎅 ❤️ I know it’s been a struggle this year getting into the Christmas Spirit, but please enjoy the magical moments. We have gone through so much this year and we have been experiencing so much transformation. For myself, it feels hard to know where I am going lately. No matter how many choices I make, in desperate attempts for consistency and stability, life has other paths and lessons in store for me. Sometimes I question why, or start to worry about my future. Spirit always reminds me, that the future is abundant and there is so much greatness that awaits… and I feel in my heart that this is true.. that I can let go of my worries and live in this moment and trust in life. As long as I am doing the work I need to do, to keep myself healthy and happy, everything will always be ok. There are opportunities coming soon, and they will provide clarity in your life purpose and illuminate the path set out for you. It’s Christmas and a full moon, so the Moonstone is absolutely the perfect crystal! (I didn’t consider any of this when choosing, I fully let my intuition guide my choices). Christmas is a time where we relax and enjoy life for a minute. There are so many gifts in our lives this year.. gifts of love, health, nature, beauty, inspiration, wisdom, prosperity, and the list of blessings could go on… but the biggest gift of all this year, is the love we have learned to have for ourselves. You have seen how you can hurt yourself, and you are learning how to heal. You are taking back your life and your power, and in doing that, opening up and paying attention to the limitless possibilities that surround you. Life really is magical, and the more you see that and appreciate that, the more magic you notice in your life. The stars are reflections of our Ancestors shining down on us during this special season. Wish upon them for what you desire, set the intention, and what is meant to be for you will come. Not only are they helping make our wishes come true, but they are also protecting us from negative energy, allowing us to be more positive. Let’s see what the cards have to say for the week!

Tree is a message of balance. Where are you out of balance? Do you find yourself having too much fun and being irresponsible? Or do you find yourself drowning in responsibility with no chance for having fun? For me, my kids keep me very grounded… too grounded in fact. When you are out of balance, your life can suffer. You have to be responsible and take care of yourself and those around you, but you also need to allow yourself to have fun, and enjoy the magic of life. The tree is the perfect balance of being rooted to our lives, yet being able to expand and reach for the Heavens. In the Tree Card, the leaves are adorned with jewels or sparkles, a very magical expression of the beauty we have to offer the world, especially when we live balanced lives. There is stillness and peace there. There is beauty and wonderment there. Coming into a new year is a perfect time to start working towards a more balanced life. The Princess on the Princess of Summer card is full of magic and patiently waits for love. It is perfect confirmation of the magic this week. This Princess is exactly me… so loving, yet so shy.. a writer and poet.. and daydream extraordinaire! I can sometimes be too compassionate, to people that may not be deserving… so I hold on to faith that God will deliver what is meant for me. The Princess of Summer says, Yes, we may be inexperienced, but that is the point of the journey… to gain experience. Nobody knows everything, and definitely not right away. Learning takes time, so be compassionate for all you have been through. Also, have compassion for others. Turn to trusted friends if you need someone to talk to. Sometimes, venting to friends is the best way to let go of things, or to process how you are feeling. This card also talks about walking in a new path, that we fear our inexperience. It is confirmation that you will have people to help you on your journey. The Weasel is reminding you to take deep breaths, and be fully present in the moment. Take time for meditation, which can help you get grounded. This card is about paying attention to the messages around you, the synchronicities and signs. It’s about being in tune with nature and life. Enjoy the Christmas season and embrace the magic!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of June 3, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Galaxite, Dumortierite and Blue Goldstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Galaxite – Protects, cleans and balances the aura. A stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind. It eases stress and anxiety. Helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion and metabolic illnesses.

Dumortierite – A stone of order. It is used to enhance self-discipline, organizational abilities, and general orderliness. This helps to alleviate fears and live with a sense of courage and peace. Assists with creative expression. Excellent for lifting depression. Assists with detoxification and weight loss.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection. Eases headaches/migraines, helps with eye ailments such as glaucoma or tunnel vision, and alleviates allergies derived from pet dander or dust.

It’s odd because sometimes I do have crystals that I feel like “go together”, like amethyst and rose quartz for example. These ones don’t necessarily stick out to me as “going together” but yet, I see I’ve use the Galaxite and Dumortierite together in a reading, and also the Galaxite and Blue Goldstone together before. Coincidentally, both of those readings were about this phase of transformation we have been going through. I feel like it’s a process that has been going for many months now, but some week’s highlight this more than others. I hate to say it.. but it feels like this is another tough week where we are getting put to the test. We continue on our path of transformation. The energy has been quite heavy lately.. I have been not been feeling great at all! These crystals are here to help us lift the heaviness and depression. This may be a more stressful week of work. I feel with the heaviness and stress also comes migraines and headaches, so be prepared for that. Although this week may be tough, I feel like there will be some doors opening with respect to career and work. While this feels very positive, it can still be stressful. It feels like, life gets challenging, and then you overcome it (as you always do), and then things get better and bam! There’s a new awesome opportunity or bonus or something that shows up. It may come with some serious considerations or stresses, but will be worth it. You can get prepared by cleaning up your life and your house, maybe a fresh haircut or a new outfit. Getting your life organized and in order will help you to clear the energy to allow new opportunities to come to you. Also, don’t forget to ask to Universe for what you want! Make a wish! Writing things down can also help to manifest. Let’s see what the cards have to add for the week.

I’m into a lot of spiritual stuff, but even I sometimes forget how powerful and real it is. I love when Spirit reminds me. ❤️😭 I’m literally in tears and I haven’t even pulled the cards yet. I went to shuffle my deck, and I always keep the cards the same way, and one was facing up. I knew instantly it was a sign. I literally sat here and did my crystal reading with my crystal ball in my hand. I did the crystal reading and thought to myself, oh dear, I hope this is true because I need some new job opportunities soon! Of course, it is the Trust Card. With a beautiful Angel holding a crystal ball of light. Instant tears. I know God is always watching out for me, and I know I just need to keep on going forward and things will all work out for the best. Know that it’s safe to trust in life. It’s another message of getting through the hard times, and having faith that the good times, and positive opportunities, are on the way. It’s reassurance, and love, straight from the Angels, to me, and everyone else reading this. It seriously feels so special to me. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the cards say.

This resonates with me so much, as I went to a psychic fair this past weekend, and I was so flattered, for one, to be asked to come read at the event, but also, when my friends were both talking to each other about how they come to me when they have questions or need advice. Just getting to spend the day with my awesome friends was amazing. I didn’t read at the fair, because I don’t like to make big commitments, as my kids are very reliant on me now (I am an autism mom and cancer Mom). As true as this is, I am also letting my fears hold me back from being who I truly am. As much as I need to be a mom, I need to be who I am meant to be too. I need to accept who I am, as an individual, so I can move forward more authentically. I need to listen to my friends when they say I’m amazing, and believe it for myself too. I need to stop questioning myself and letting fear control my life. So I feel like I just did a reading for myself (??) ha ha, but I’m sure you all can relate to the message. Accepting who you truly are is the first step in moving forward. Maybe you have changed and you are scared other people will have issues with that. Maybe your always the mom, and you need to be a little more of fun you. I think as moms, we strive to try to be perfect, and try to give our kids the easiest, best life we can. In truth, life is never perfect, and there is definitely not as many lessons when things are perfect. You don’t need to try to be perfect, and it’s ok to be who you are, without being a mom. The advice I got from the reading I received at the fair, with the lovely Mary-June Tracy – Guru Mama – was that I need to be who I am, and my partner will love me anyway. Even if I fear they won’t, or if they have fears of me being successful, they are still going to love me anyway. She told me that I look for careers on Main Street, when I belong with the fringe people. I am a creative. It made me consider a lot about who I was really influenced by growing up, almost everyone I know has regular jobs or careers, and although I did have some artistic influence, I feel like I could’ve been exposed to more art/dance, or other influences that may have inspired me to do other things, but everything happens for a reason… and I’m getting there eventually, ha ha. She also told me I need to be who I am, or I am going to explode. It’s funny, because although I’m sure she meant metaphorically, I physically did explode when I had an ovarian cyst rupture, during one of the most emotionally painful times in my life. I literally did explode. It’s really a truth that if you continue to stuff things down, or try to be someone your not, that it always come back to bite you. It’s exhausting, and it will drain you. So get your energy back on track, by accepting yourself and living in your full truth. Don’t hide away because of other people’s expectations of you. Ask the Angels to bring you strength to make letting-go and accepting easier. Have like-minded friends and people in your life, that truly care and support you, that are positive influences. Be sure you don’t have bad energy around you. Most importantly, believe in yourself, you truly can do anything! Wishes do come true!

Prayer: Dear Angels, please help to surround me with positive and loving people, and protect me from negativity. Please help me to release any fear or doubt that I have about my life or my path. Please help me have trust and faith that life is good and that everything will work out. Please help me to believe in myself and my infinite potential. Please bring me strength and comfort to let go of the past and accept my life completely. Please help me to make the best of my life today. Thank you Angels! 💗🙏

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 4, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Goldstone, Lapis Lazuli and Galaxite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection. Eases headaches and migraines.

Lapis Lazuli – Enhances wisdom, memory, intellect and good judgment. Encourages honesty. It is a stone of friendship and brings harmony in relationships. It reveals inner truth, and promotes self-awareness. Helps to relieve suppressed issues. Opens to new ideas, dreams and visions. Lapis releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Expands awareness and enlightenment, enhancing dream work.

Galaxite – Protects, cleanses and balances the aura. A stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind. It eases stress and anxiety. Helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion and metabolic illnesses.

I can’t believe we are into March already… Of 2018! It’s crazy how fast time flies. I feel like there is still a lot of rocky energy going on. There have been patches of fun, but there has also been a lot of tough lessons that we are working through. It’s been quite a rollercoaster. Stressful moments and times of feeling fearful. There is a lot on your mind. I believe it has a lot to do with Astrology, if you watch Nicole Oman’s reading for this week on Facebook, she talks about how we are being carried through this lesson, then retrograding back through it, and going through it a final time to master it. The visualization I just got was that I was being carried down a river, like the river was carrying me through this no matter what, and it was an unforgiving ride. I guess all you can do is try to enjoy it? It’s been tough though, to say the least. Headaches, migraines and stomach issues can be expected when life is in a state of being highly stressful. Do what you can to nurture yourself and try to keep your stress levels down. I love the Blue Goldstone, it is perfect because it represents the stars, and I am a child of the stars. I love, love, love to stargaze. That’s where I go to pray, and talk to Spirit. So it’s a fitting message for me, that I can go outside and look at the stars and wish for what it is I want in life. It just validates me somehow by seeing the meaning of that crystal in this moment. Visualize and ask for those jobs and careers you are wanting, as there may be some changes in the near future. The energy of the Lapis Lazuli is telling me that we are also getting more independent and standing on our own two feet. We are letting go of the past, and allowing for peace and awareness. Spend time with friends. Having that support group, sounding board, and emotional connection is important. This is also a good time to use your mind and be productive. Look for good opportunities! Let’s see what the cards have to say for the week.

Even when things aren’t going great in life, I try to look at the positive, like… if things are this bad, there has to be some good coming!! Lol. So I will be wishing and praying for all the good things. Make sure you are taking lots of time to pray and focus on that which you want to attract and manifest in your life. Stop thinking about all the things you don’t want, and focus on the making things happen that you do want. If you are experiencing disagreements with someone, take the high road and let it go, for the sake of love and peace. I was so validated by the Blue Goldstone, and this Pray card is another validation from Spirit, that they are listening and do hear our prayers. Forgive yourself for everything that’s been going on. Sometimes I ask myself “why me?”. I try to do good and live a good life, and still these seemingly horrible things happen. Forgive yourself, because everything you do is enough. Sometimes, shit just has to happen. Sometimes, we just can’t see those reasons. Those seemingly horrible things can become blessings in disguise. They can become ever changing lessons when viewed from different perspectives. The Angel on the Apologize Card is praying too. Imagine that. This card reminds us to let go of all of the shit. Let go of the heaviness, the pain, the frustrations. Pray to the stars to help you release. Let it all go, because… we would rather allow love. Especially when it feels hard and unfair, we must continue to allow love. The Allow Love Card tells us, when we ask life “why?!” that there are other things going on that we can’t see. When things are tough, there is always a reason and a blessing. If we are busy focusing on the whys, we are focusing on everything we’ve ever done “wrong” or to “deserve this”. We focus on the negatives. If your in a negative vibration, it’s impossible to be in a positive one. Try to stay on the positive side of life, feeling love and letting go of the anger and resentment. Have a little extra compassion and acceptance. Have a little fun with it, too. Think – cruising to your favourite jam kinda vibes. Life is your jam. Rock out and be happy. Don’t forget to pray and wish.

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 21, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Galaxite, Blue Goldstone and Specularite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Galaxite – Protects, cleans and balances the aura. A stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind. It eases stress and anxiety. Helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion and metabolic illnesses.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection. Eases headaches/migraines, helps with eye ailments such as glaucoma or tunnel vision, and alleviates allergies derived from pet dander or dust.

Specularite – Gounding, yet has a high vibration. It helps us identify our talents and put them to best use. Dissolves negativity. Balances the meridians and Yin/Yang energy. Assists mental functioning, memory and development. Calms the mind and brings inner peace. Boosts confidence and self worth.

We are continuing on the journey of transformation. In order to journey down a new path, we must clear out the energy that has kept us where we are now. This means clearing our aura, cleaning our home, cleaning up our lives. We need to look at things from a new perspective, and it may be hard… but that is exactly what will make us feel motivated to make changes in our lives. We need to see the truth, and make decisions that reflect who we are now and who we want to become. We need to be reminded of our self-worth, and how deserving we are to have everything we dream of. Remind yourself of the wishes you hold in your heart. Keep wishing them until you wish them into existence. The crystals are protecting us, and asking us to stay calm during trying moments. Do not let the stress take hold of you, as it will only keep you in the same negative patterns you have experienced. Let the negativity dissolve away, while you focus on you, and everything that you hope and wish for.

The cards are telling me that everything is going to be alright. No matter what comes up for you this week, trust that it will all work out for the best. Don’t freak out, but choose to stay calm and let it go. Everything is milk and honey! Be aware of the blessings all around you, and how abundant life truly is. The rainbows are bringing blessings and there is no reason to let negativity drag us down, because that forces us to live a life of struggle. Let the struggle go and love yourself. “Turn your troubles over to the Divine for healing. That’s all that counts right now.” Release your problems and relax. Trust the Universe is protecting you. Channel your emotions into something positive, this is where opportunity lies. That is why some of the best songs are the most emotional, because all that hurt is channeled into something so positive. It becomes destined for success. The Seven of Spring Card was reversed when I drew it, normally I don’t pay attention to reversed or not, but it felt specific here. It’s like it’s saying, we don’t always have to be so defensive and courageous. It is ok to let things go. It really isn’t going to matter as much as you think it will. You don’t have to prove to anyone else what you deserve. You do not require anyone’s approval to be happy and to know you are blessed. Nobody needs to tell you magical opportunities are on the way for you, all you need to do is believe it for yourself.

Wishing all your magical dreams come true! Have a great week! Carrie

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor Twitter @carriegallop View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 16, 2017 

The crystals I am working with for the week are Cats Eye, Snow Quartz, Labradorite and Blue Goldstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Cats Eye – Stimulates intuition and enhances awareness. A grounding stone with protective energy. Dispels unwanted energy from the aura. Amplifies good luck and fortune. Transforms negative thoughts into positive energy. Brings happiness and serenity, along with optimism, generosity and confidence. Enhances creativity and kindness. Treats eye disorders and improves vision. It relieves headaches, facial and sciatic pain. 

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels. Said to be beneficial for the immune system. 

Labradorite – A stone of transformation and magic. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura, and bring protection. Provides clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attracts success. Used for dreamwork. Reduces stress and anxiety. Enhances self-confidence. Increases intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with subconscious issues, and provides mental illumination. Said to help with eyes, sight, diagnosis, brain, digestion, metabolism.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection. Eases headaches/migraines, helps with eye ailments such as glaucoma or tunnel vision, and alleviates allergies derived from pet dander or dust.

What are we not seeing? Do you know why you can’t see it? Because what your looking for, you can’t see in front of you. What your looking for is within you. Things have been a little hectic lately, and we have been carrying some negative energy around. Maybe rehashing some past hurts, stress patterns, or maybe just feeling low energy. I have a feeling many people have been experiencing headaches, back pains, anxiety, depression and possibly eye or vision issues. Time has been going so quickly, and I feel like this is a week where things can finally slow down, where we can find some calm and peace, and prepare for the season to come. We will always go through patterns of learning and lessons in our life, and things aren’t always going to be smooth. It’s just the way life is. There is always light and dark, black and white, yin and yang. There is always a balance. This week you are going to swing in a more positive direction, finding balance in life by loving yourself and being true to who you are. We are still being protected and working on removing negativity from our lives. Try to live your life as purely as possible, what you eat, what products you consume, what words you listen to and speak. You are transforming in beautiful and magical ways. This week has a calm, feminine energy, and will be perfect for taking time to meditate. You will be given clarity and insight into your destiny, possibly through meditation and/or dreams. Keep a journal beside your bed and jot your dreams down first thing. Creativity is afoot and Divinely inspired ideas will be coming to you, to be expressed through you. You will know these by the way they make you feel, in your heart. You have wonderful and abundant opportunities that will bring good fortune. Make a wish upon the stars, and have faith that your dreams are coming true. Let’s see what cards we have for the week. 

Spider tells us that we need to trust the creative endeavours we are being guided to pursue. Feel like painting? Go buy some paint and canvasses. Don’t wait anymore. Write… write, write, write. Write whatever is in your heart to be shared. Your life experiences inspire and help others. Now is the time for healing. The Spider also represents feminine energy, so there is going to be a lot of sensitive emotions and loving energy this week. The Seagull on the card is just like my vision from two weeks ago. It is time to fly free. It is time to find where YOU want to go, and free yourself from any restrictions you currently feel. Let go of the negativity that keeps you trapped. You will find healing through expressing yourself creatively. Automatically writing what comes to you, without judgment or control, will allow you to bring some issues to the forefront to be healed. By inspiring and enlightening others, you heal yourself. This week is about us taking the time to find our direction, to really consider where we want to go and do. The Cheetah tells us to get clear. Above I just mentioned how I felt like there was no time, but the Cheetah reminds us these are just excuses that hold us back. Get clear on what you desire and want to work towards. Take some time to meditate or dream…  to write… and decide exactly what you want to pursue and get going. Focus on your intentions because things will move quickly. Fortune is going to follow! Don’t be afraid any longer. Be creative and alluring like the Spider. Be free like the Seagull. Be powerful and focused like the Cheetah. Find your light and step into it with confidence. The stars are guiding your path, and the universe is on your side.

Spider – The pulse of creativity is especially strong right now, triggering a not unfamiliar and compelling desire to express yourself through creative writing. Whether or not the tales you weave are true, whether they’re based on actual experience or the imaginings of your fertile mind, each day sit yourself down and pour out the words that come to you. Don’t ponder each sentence or paragraph, just write whatever wants to be written through you. To inspire and enlighten others, you don’t need a profoundly complex tale. Start by describing a personal experience, one where you gained some insight that may also be useful for others. However, don’t focus on how people will respond to your story. Instead, just enjoy the process of writing without judging your work or yourself. Write to express, not too impress. In attempting to write, you may find yourself easily distracted, either with others’ need for your time and attention or with those negative thoughts and beliefs that are the product of judgements and shame that you were subjected to during childhood. A powerful way to release these habitual and self limiting thoughts and feelings is to write about them in story form. As you do so, don’t hold back anything. Through such a catharsis, you heal those words that had originally wounded you. Associations: Creativity. Wisdom. Weaving. Balance. Storytelling. Writing. Connectedness. Inspiration. Femininity. Nurturing. Communication. Imagination. Individuality.

Seagull – The emotional sea that’s hovering just below your consciousness is a well of feelings that needs to be acknowledged and expressed. Expressing emotions doesn’t mean indulging in them compulsively or creating drama around them. If there are tears, let them simply be tears and allow them to flow. Cry or laugh as much as you need to. Explore these feelings by sharing them with someone you trust, or write about them in a journal, paying particular attention to the sensations in your body. These sensations are clues to the layers of emotion that are just below the surface of your awareness. By either talking or writing them down, you bring them into your awareness, find relief, and create an opportunity to release them. Don’t let this be a theatrical exercise, one where you act or try to force yourself to feel something you’re not. Make sure that you include a good dose of humour from time to time, particularly if you’re dealing with darker and scarier emotions. It’s not necessary to cleanse the emotional and psychic scars that remain from earlier experiences too frequently, but now is the time to do so. Should you find yourself starting to get lost in the whirlpool of traumatic memory, change the scenery by physically moving or intentionally distracting yourself in someway. It isn’t necessary to cure yourself of all the feelings associated with these memories all in one setting; instead, simply relieve some of the pressure that lurks below the surface. Associations: Observant. Swift. Opportunistic. Carefree. Versatile. Resource full. Intelligence. Scavenging. Communication. Sociable. Protective. Messenger. Emotional. Respect. Fairness.

Cheetah – Stop deluding yourself by thinking that there isn’t enough time, there are too many other things to do, or you’re not up to the mission that’s calling you to action. These and many other beliefs are delay tactics that keep you from accomplishing what you’re here to do. It’s much too easy to play it safe by staying caught up in the mundane dramas of life rather than honouring Spirits purpose for you by making a run for it. The first step is to write out your intentions as clearly as possible. Keep it nearby and create an appropriate affirmation that you can repeat several times over the course of the day – one that states your intention as if it has already occurred. Then write out a sequence of action steps that will help you move toward your ultimate goal. Don’t be shy or hesitant to think big – bigger than you’ve previously allowed yourself. Once you set the wheels in motion by doing the steps, it’s time to move – not in some frenetic, hurried way, but steady and purposeful, designing much of your activity to support what you need to do. In all this movement, once you’ve successfully achieved a significant piece, take a breather and look back on how far you’ve come. Give yourself a pat on the back with each step that’s accomplished as a way of acknowledging your progress. Go for it! Associations: Speed. Focus. Insight. Passion. Swiftness. Elusiveness. Flexibility. Efficiency. Self-esteem. Powerful. Graceful. Purposeful. Energetic. Sensuous. Accomplishment. Directness.

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Join me with Younique! Let’s create a beautiful abundant team of fabulous spiritual people! The best makeup around and they just released a newer and better Presenter kit! You can buy the kit and do as much or as little with it as you like. Keep it for yourself, make a bit of extra cash and savings on purchases, or go full out! 99$US/119$CDN 

Also, get in on this month’s Kudos special! The Liquid Touch Foundation, Foundation Brush, Concealer and Face Primer for $99US/$119CDN! Available while supplies last! 


If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter! 

Find me here: http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor Twitter @Carriegallop, Check out Younique https://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop, View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 9, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Brecciated Jasper, Yellow Jasper and Goldstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Brecciated Jasper – Enhances organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of wholeness. It aligns the chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of protection. Encourages attunement and communication with animals. It brings happiness, a good outlook on life and eases stress. It brings success in work. 

Yellow Jasper – Helps one to be strong and balanced in the social aspect and protects one’s social welfare. It is a companion stone, helping to guide you through these earth experiences and to keep you moving on your life path. Also a protective stone. It also shields one from negativity, and can protect from depression.

Goldstone – Helps to attain goals. Helps you to stay calm and stabilize emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. Revitalizes one’s energy field. Attracts prosperity. 

The crystals I chose for this week make me feel like things have been a bit scattered lately. In our emotions and in our physical surroundings. There is a sense of overwhelm and frustration. It may feel like there is just not enough time to do everything you want or need to be doing, especially for yourself. The Brecciated Jasper is here to help us get organized, so that we can ensure we also find time to relax. We need to take some time to feel whole. It will help us ease some of the stresses we have been under, and bring a more positive outlook on life. We need to rediscover our happiness. We have been fighting off negativity, maybe from within or from those around us. We are fighting off lower feelings of depression. The crystals are helping to protect us. We need to find that healthy balance of work and play, to be happy in our lives. We need to be social and connect to other people. We need to keep moving forward on our paths, as we are needed in this world and can’t afford to be stuck. Our light is needed. Our love is needed. We have goals that we are going to reach, and prosperity is on the way, so we have to keep going! If you are feeling alone, know the Yellow Jasper is here to walk with you as a companion. Please know that your Spirit is never alone, and that your Angels and loved ones are always with you. The Goldstone will help us to keep calm and stable in our emotions. It will protect us and revitalize us, so that love and joy and can be restored, and maintained. Let see what message the cards hold for the week ahead. 

There is a full moon tonight, and it’s in Libra. There has been a lot of emotions coming up to the surface, leading up to the full moon. These emotions are coming up to be released and healed. The Libra full moon is all about finding balance and fairness in your life. I’ve been feeling it, that’s for sure! All kind of emotions and past patterns are coming up to be acknowledged and dealt with. It’s all about peaceful resolution, and the way to do that is by communication. Talk about your feelings. Stay calm and stable while you communicate with your family. Release stress by talking about your feelings with trusted friends. Just doing this will help you to release and feel better. It’s time to let go of past resentments, anger and blame. The full moon is the perfect time for releasing. If you can, stand out under the moon tonight or tomorrow night, and release everything that doesn’t serve you. Let the moon wash away these past experiences like ocean waves. I also visualized bubbles floating out from me towards the moon, carrying away negativity, emotions and past experiences. Embrace your family and appreciate them. Let go of the past, and allow for healing. Now is the time, so we can keep pressing forward! 

Talk About Your Feelings – This card means that you’ve been holding some feelings inside and need to let them out. When you talk or write about your feelings, you understand them better. Sometimes you don’t know how you really feel until you begin talking. It’s not healthy to hold in your emotions, especially anger or sadness. Find a trusted person who will listen to you, such as a friend, family member, or teacher. Let that person know that you need to talk, and tell them what you need. For instance, if you want them to listen without giving you advice, then let them know. If you want them to comfort you, then let them know. If you don’t have someone to talk to, or your feelings are so private that you don’t want to share them out loud, then you can write about them. You can also silently talk to your Angels or the unicorns. The listen to you with love, and help you feel better and find answers.

Family Culture – Your family’s history affects you in many ways. This card asks you to learn about the stories of your family’s past. Find out which countries your parents and their relatives came from. How did they travel to their current location? What languages have been spoken? What jobs have your family members held? Answers to these questions and more will help you understand yourself better. You can also feel good about your heritage as you learn more about it. And learning about your family will help you feel closer to them. This card also says that your past may be affecting you right now. It asks you to remember anything in prior times related to your present circumstances. For instance, was there an experience in which you were scared or hurt? This card means that you need to clear this past energy, which you can do by talking to someone like a counsellor or trusted friend, writing about it, or asking your Angels to heal you. Perhaps there was an experience so long ago that you forgotten about it? You can ask your inner self, especially as you’re falling asleep, to help you remember whatever you need to know. The most important time in your life is right now, so don’t spend too much time focused on your family’s past. However, learning about it will definitely help you enjoy yourself more right now. So, take the time to ask your family and your inner mind some questions about your past, but put most of your energy into enjoying all the present moments.

Forgive – Are you blaming someone or something? Are you feeling angry? This card tells you that blame and anger are holding you back. Blame takes away your power and gives it to the other person. You have a lot of power, and one way to feel it is by letting your anger go. You don’t need to forgive the other person’s actions if they really hurt you, but you do need to stop seeing that person as an enemy, because this anger is toxic to you and your body. You know that happy thoughts make your life happy. Well, angry thoughts can bring more anger into your life. The unicorns know this isn’t what you want, so they ask you to give your anger to them, and also to your Angels. Being free of anger and blame gives you more power and energy, and makes you feel happy. Are you mad at yourself for some reason? If so, this card means that you need to forgive yourself. You can learn from your past and grow much stronger by letting go of anger towards yourself. You can do this by understanding why you acted as you did. You probably had a good reason for your actions of the time. Now, after thinking about it, you may wish that you had acted differently. But regrets aren’t helpful unless they help you learn. Everyone is learning as they go through life, even adults. Do your best to understand this, and you’ll be able to let go of anger towards yourself and others. This is what it means to forgive. 

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Join me with Younique! The best makeup around and they just released a newer and better Presenter kit! You can buy the kit and do as much or as little with it as you like. Keep it for yourself, make a bit of extra cash and savings on purchases, or go full out! 99$US/119$CDN 

Also, get in on this month’s Kudos special! The Liquid Touch Foundation, Foundation Brush, Concealer and Face Primer for $119/CDN! Available while supplies last! 


If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter! 

Find me here: http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor Twitter @Carriegallop, Check out Younique https://youniqueproducts.com/carriegallop, View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of February 19, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sunstone, Goldstone and Aragonite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Sunstone – Dispels fears and phobias. A leadership stone. Used to decrease stress and lift depression. Brings good luck and abundance, and turns negative energy into positive. It is said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides. Used to increase physical and sexual energy and heal depression, phobias and stress related illness.

Goldstone – Helps attain goals. Helps to stay calm and stabilize emotions. It is an energy generator and deflects unwanted energies, making it useful for protection. Revitalizes the energy field. 

Aragonite – Increases energy, especially with prayer. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. Diminishes anger and relieves stress. It is helpful to those who need to release attachments and issues from the past. A good Earth healer, it encourages conservation of Earth’s precious resources. A grounding stone that creates a deeper connection to planet Earth.  

I wasn’t sure which Angel Card deck I was going to use today, and I thought, I need to do an Animal Spirit Guide or Nature cards today. The crystals I chose are confirming that energy. They want us to connect to our Animal and Spirit Guides, and they want us to connect to the Earth. We need to deepen our connection to our Earth Mother. We have all grown from her and live on her land. We must take care of our home. The crystals make me feel like we’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, letting fears creep into our thoughts. The crystals are here to heal issues from the past, diminish the anger, stress and depression, and dispel our fears. They are going to help turn any negativity into positive energy. Not only will they boost our confidence to help us attain our goals, it looks like we have luck and abundance on our side as well! Let’s see what the cards say for the week. 

 I decided to pull two cards from the Earth Magic deck and one from the Animal Spirit Guide deck, both by Steven D. Farmer. The Winter Solstice card represents a time where we need to go within and reflect on our lives and find who we truly are. A time to reflect on everything we have learned and how that is going to help us in the future. The crystals are going to help us heal any past issues and transmute anything negative into positive. It is a reminder that we always must go through periods of darkness and times of quiet, but that the sun will return. It always does. Good times are coming. It is a positive time where we are getting ready to unfold, to grow into ourselves more confidently and fully. Our paths are going to unfold before our eyes. There are always going to be bumps in the road, and the Boar reminds you to face those problems head on. There is nothing you can’t handle. The cards and crystals want you to have confidence!! It’s a positive and abundant time, and you will emerge victorious! 

Winter Solstice (Reflection) – The midpoint of Winter is not only the shortest day of the year, but it is also the longest night. The world is very still and the land dormant. Various “Festivals of Light” are celebrated, and have been for thousands of years, serving as a reminder that the light will indeed return. Throughout many cultures there are tales describing this time as the birth of the archetypal Sun King – including the Christian story of Jesus’s birth – representing the hope of renewal from the darkest period of the solar cycle. This image portrays a simple yet powerful representation of the winter solstice. We see a clear reflection of the snowy woods on the still, frozen waters of the lake. The blue tint drapes the scene with an even greater sense of quiet and solace, inviting us to walk very softly lest we disturb the intense yet gentle grace of this scene. The reflection of the trees on the frozen lake reminds us that this is a time for us to go inside – to both our physical shelter as well as our internal world – and there contemplate the season that has passed, the season that is, and the seasons yet to come. Review the past year and ask yourself what the most important lessons you have had to learn are, what you have accomplished, and what dreams and visions you want to manifest in the upcoming year. Whether it has been a relatively smooth ride or a challenging series of events, acknowledge your experience as being the work of Source, no matter what your judgments, fears, or joys are. Honour whatever has happened over the previous several months with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go. Allow yourself some solitude so you can spend some quiet, slow time in reflection. Once you feel complete, reflect on your present life, especially focusing on what you are grateful for. When you are finished, consider what is to come – all the different possibilities and potential that exist before you. Allow your imagination to roam without limitation or ambition, and see what shows up. Notice how you feel in your body with whatever scenario plays out in your mind. These are previews of that which is gestating, and can manifest and grow when cared for properly. Patience and stillness is called for here, for just as the Earth cycles have their own pace, so does this cycle. 

Lotus Flower (Unfoldment) – The lotus flowers sits upon one of its leaves, having risen to the surface as the sun – held in the hand of God -invites it upward to the light. This unique plant is rooted in the mud and muck at the bottom of a body of water, it’s stem reaching up to the surface, where the leaves rest quietly. At night the flower closes and sinks below the surface, only to rise with the daylight and once again gradually unfold it’s petals, it’s stem extending above the waterline three feet or more. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path unfolds and opens to the light, then at times gently fold in on itself for proper rest when the daylight fades. This period is just as necessary as the growth, for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment during the day. It’s also just as important that it is rooted, and it is yet another miracle of Nature that something so exquisitely beautiful is formed from the mud and silt at the water’s bottom. Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times whether or not you are aware of it. It is inevitable as long as you put your trust in the hands of the Creator, the one who holds the light. Like the Lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light to fulfill it’s karmic destiny, but even in that process there are periods of darkness and times to rest. It is a natural cycle, one that cannot truly be coerced or halted. It has an innate rhythm of its own, one that is unique to the being that is you. You do not need to strive or be driven by spiritual ambition. It does no good to try to force growth upon yourself – or others, for that matter. Allowing is the key here. Allow the place in you that naturally wants to follow the light to do so while recognizing that even when you have complete faith, you will face challenges and, occasionally, suffering. Your steady faith and love will guide you on your journey of returning to the light.

Boar (Pig) – Whatever difficulties you’re experiencing now, whether with a relationship, career path, or some other concern, dig in and rummage around until you discover how to solve the problem. Then take immediate action to remedy it. Every time you confront adverse situations in this way, you’ll be uprooting those elements in your life that appear to be obstacles to fulfilling your purpose. Life can sometimes be very uncooperative with your rational mind’s sense of order, and will at times even block your demands of how events or experiences should unfold. If you’re living on Earth, you’re going to get your feet muddy sometimes, but it’s no call for panic, crisis, or drama. Instead, take a couple of deep breathes and view whatever problem you encounter as simply something that needs to be taken care of. As the saying goes, there really are no problems – only creative possibilities. Once you have emerged victorious – which means that you either conquered your problem or changed your thinking about how you initially perceived the situation – you’ll experience a surge of power and confidence. Remember that your power originates from Source, expressed through you and as you. When you vanquished the illusion of the situation being a problem, you’ll not only feel a greater sense of relief and freedom, but you also open the way for your heart, mind, and soul to be more in alignment with the Will of Spirit. When you operate from that perspective, you can overcome anything! Associations: Courage; Hospitality; Earthiness; Self-reliance; Protection; Prosperity; Organization; Fierceness; Uprooting; Cleanliness; Determination; Balance; Security; Tenacity

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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