Messages From Spirit for September 14, 2023

Messages From Spirit for September 14, 2023 ✨

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Sun in Aries / Spring Equinox / Ostara / Astrological New Year – March 20, 2021

Tomorrow we have a few things happening! The Sun moves into the sign of Aries, which also means it’s the Astrological New Year! This is a fresh start for us as we move through a new astrological cycle. 🌞🌱

Last year in March, the energy was tough with the Sun conjunct Chiron and a Capricorn Stellium. This year is shaping up to be much more optimistic, with the Sun being closely conjunct to Venus. 👫

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and brings fresh, motivated energy. Aries is fiery, bold, enthusiastic, and always ready to take action. ♈️🐏

March 20 is also Spring Equinox and the Pagan Celebration of Ostara. This is a time of balance, and a time to celebrate life and Spring! 🐣

In researching the origins of Ostara, I found some conflicting information, as is usually the case when it comes to how holidays came to be.

In some interpretations, Ostara (Eostre or Eastre) is the Germanic Goddess of Spring and dawn. It is said that Pagan Anglo-Saxons held festivals in her honour. The symbols of Ostara are hares/rabbits (fertility), eggs/seeds (creation), serpent/dragon (kundalini energy is high!), flowers, and the colors green, yellow, purple, pink, blue, and orange. This is where coloured eggs and most Easter traditions originated from. It is said that when Catholicism tried to take over, they changed the name to Easter and changed the day it was celebrated to coincide with the resurrection of Jesus.

In the Catholic Faith, there are 2 holidays that get mixed up with the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. The first, occurring on March 25th, is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the day that Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary she was “with child”. This occurs 9 months prior to Jesus’s birth, December 25th.

The other holiday that gets mixed up with this is Easter. Easter too, celebrates the victory of a God of Light (Jesus) over darkness (Death), so it makes sense to be celebrated at this time.

It is said that Easter is named after Eostre, the ancient Teutonic (German) Goddess of the Spring Moon. This coincides with the German Goddess origins of Ostara, except for the fact that Eostre was a lunar Goddess. Eostre is where we get the name Estrogen from, the female hormone. Her holiday, the Eostara, was held on the Full Moon AFTER the Vernal Equinox. Of course, the Church doesn’t celebrate Full Moons, so they chose for Easter to be on the following Sunday. Thus, Easter is always the following Sunday, after the Full Moon, after the Vernal Equinox. It should be noted, that the Church was so adamant about not incorporating Lunar Goddess symbolism, that they added a further calculation; if Easter Sunday falls on the Full Moon itself, the Easter is postponed to the following Sunday.

The other theme we see around Easter, is the decent of the God or Goddess into the Underworld for a period of 3 days. We see this when Jesus died on the cross and went to the Underworld for 3 days until he ascended into Heaven. We also see this in Pagan religion, and other historic traditions too. The fact that we are dealing with a 3 day period, indicates a lunar theme for Easter, and not a solar one.

Another piece of conflicting information said that there is no evidence of Ostara being celebrated at all in Pagan times, and that evidence doesn’t show up until the 1800’s.

It can be hard to pin down the origins of our traditions, but it is quite obvious to me that most, if not all of our traditions, began as an effort to honour nature and it’s cycles. Somewhere along the lines, Ostara became about celebrating Spring, and Eostara is the lunar celebration of the Vernal Equinox. 🌞🌝

Enjoy this time of celebration and growth! Enjoy the increase in the light! Celebrate new beginnings! Look to this next season with optimism and hope. 🌷🐞

Also, on March 21, Venus enters Aries too, ramping up the love energy! It brings a renewal of the heart, and reminds us of our innocence and that we instinctively know what we want. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Happy Spring Equinox! 🌷🌞🌱

#Sun #Moon #Solar #Lunar #Spring #Equinox #VernalEquinox #Ostara #SunInAries #Aries #AriesSeason #AstrologicalNewYear #Information #Info #History #Eostara #Easter #Catholic #Pagan #Traditions #Celebrations #Celebrate #Light #Balance #Hope #Seeds #Intention #Growth #Color #NewBeginnings

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St. Patrick’s Day – March 17

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated as a feast where people wear green and sing, dance, and tell jokes. It is a way to celebrate the coming of Spring, and encourage a bountiful growing year. ☘️🧑‍🎤🌿

St. Patrick was born around the year 387. His father was a deacon and his grandfather a presbyter. Patrick had religious training from infancy. When Patrick was 16, he was carried off by pirates in Britain and sold to a heathen prince in Ireland, where he was made to keep cattle. He spent 6 years in slavery, often naked and hungry. It was there the Lord became real to him and changed his life forever. God was with him and comforted him. St. Patrick prayed many prayers, day and night, and his faith increased. Going through this time, his greatest struggle became his biggest blessing. He became concerned for others, where previously he was only concerned for himself. One night, he heard a voice tell him it was time to leave, so he made his way to a seaport and found passage back to Britain. His life was all about the amazing sovereignty and blessings of God. He believed everyone had a soul that would live forever. Due to his time in slavery, he missed out on a formal education, therefore, he relied on his skilled prayer work. He found himself up against Druidic Shamans and Pagan Kings. Patrick’s belief that the world belonged to God became part of his power. Patrick had a great ability to see God in nature. I find it a bit contradictory that St. Patrick was known for purging Paganism from Ireland, when his beliefs were greatly based upon nature, as are Pagans.

Leprechauns emerged in the 8th-century, when legends about tiny water-dwellers began circulating among the Celts. Their name is thought to come from the word “luchorpán,” meaning small body. They are said to be only 2-3 feet tall. Leprechauns represent moral fables which warn us against trying to get rich quick, taking what’s not yours, or interfering with “The Good Folk” and other magical creatures. 🧚‍♂️🧝‍♂️

The word Shamrock comes from the Gaelic word Seamrog, meaning “little clover”. The three leaves of a shamrock are said to stand for faith, hope and love. A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from. ☘️

Remember to welcome the Celtic Angels. These Angels are sent during this time to remind us of the joining together of old spirituality and new. They are said to start showing up about a week before St. Patrick’s Day, and are out in full force on this celebratory day. 😇

#StPatricksDay #StPatricksDay2021 #History #Info #StPatrick #FourLeafClover #Shamrock #Luck #Lucky #Abundance #Leprechauns #Angels #Celtic #Irish #Feast #Celebrate #Spring #Light #Bountiful #Abundant #Happy #Joyful #Nature #Life #Faith #Hope #Love

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Valentine’s Day – February 14

Some history around the tradition of Valentine’s Day! 💕🙏💗

Wishing you all a beautiful, love-filled Valentine’s Day! 💐💌

#ValentinesDay #ValentinesDay2021 #Cupid #Eros #Gods #Goddesses #Lupercalia #Valentine #Venus #Aphrodite #Kama #Love #Pleasure #Desire #Creativity #Priapus #Flowers #Crocus #Rose #Roses #Birds

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