Weekly Card Reading – Week of May 1, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Yellow Calcite, Amber Aragonite, and Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Calcite – Cleansing, big changes, and fresh starts. Clears out old energy patterns. Mental expansion and learning new skills. Protective against negative energies. Increases motivation and drive. Enhances trust in oneself and strength to overcome setbacks. Increases self-confidence and hope. Attracts abundance, prosperity, and positive blessings.

Amber Aragonite – Protects your heart and balances your energy. Relieves stress and calms the mind. Increases opportunities. Awakens your inner power. Helps your strengthen your skills and talents. Helps you to obtain strength and security. Encourages conservation of Earth.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

Welcome to a new month and some wonderful new beginnings. Yesterday, we had a New Moon in Taurus with a Partial Solar Eclipse. We are in a period of transformation, just as winter turns to spring. This is a time of new growth, a time to push ourselves into doing things and going places we haven’t been before. We can’t exactly see where we are going or how we are going to get there, which can induce our anxiety. We have to let go of trying to control every aspect of life. We have to have trust and faith. We have to be willing to let go of the past so we can feel secure and happy today. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone. If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to do what it takes. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable. You have to stand in your power and believe in yourself and what you are doing. We have to replace the fear with faith. We have to stop living in this anxiety response, always waiting for a the next shoe to drop. We have to trust in life and relax… not only for our mental health, but our physical and spiritual health too. It feels so much better to be aligned and balanced. Take ten minutes and google a meditation, maybe specifically for relaxation or breathing. You will feel better after, and it’s one of the best ways to calm that anxiety response down. Life is short and we shouldn’t waste it worrying and stressing. It doesn’t matter how life plays out, because I already know it’s beautiful, it’s going to be beautiful, and I trust that what’s meant for me will always find a way. I am keeping my heart open to receiving all that I desire, and even more. This eclipse season may bring some shakeups in life. Maintain trust that everything is happening for a reason and will serve your highest good. We are levelling up, and in order to step into our full power, we have to make space and let go of the negative thinking, anxiety, and the past. This is a new time, a new you. What you think you are capable of, times that by 10. You will keep surprising yourself and keep rising. Keep an open mind and keep learning and growing, and using what you learn to help others. Have confidence and trust in yourself. You have what it takes to achieve your dreams and so much more. Believe it to be true with your whole heart. Don’t be scared to get out there and try and do. You are ready. Keep building on yourself and your skills and talents. The more trust you have in yourself, the faster you can level up. You don’t need to be disillusioned.. you don’t need to be what someone else is… you only need to listen to the truth in your heart about what is right for you. Focus on what you love, what you are good at, and what makes you happy. Let go of the fear and worries and have more fun with life. Fun is just as important as work. Fun is a stress reliever, and we all need as much stress relief as we can get. You deserve to have fun. Make your days as fun and light as possible. Love yourself, love your life, and make it amazing. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

Unbelievable.. what a perfect card! Saint Germain is here to help you release the past and any negative energy. He asks us to move beyond the day-to-day drama and make our lives more fun and enjoyable. To create our own way and path in life and use our individuality to its full potential. This is an important time of clearing out the past and negative energy so we can make the space to bring in more positivity. New things can’t come in to our lives if we are stuck in our old comfortable ways. We need to be able to have more fun and enjoy our lives. We need to believe in the magic and see it reflected around us. Saint Germain helps us transmute lead into gold, helping us to find the true abundance we deserve. He helps us let go of the weight of outside influences to gather back our own inner drive and power. He helps us to find our freedom. (A Violet Flame meditation would be a great idea!) This energy reminds me of the Kardashians. On the latest episodes they have been talking about how well Kim did on Saturday Night Live and how she harnessed her badass boss bitch energy. Think about how far she has come. She was once someone’s assistant, a normal person. Even with how far she’s come, she was still terrified of doing SNL, fighting anxiety and pushing through fears, and then killing it! Realizing it’s not so scary after all, and that she might even enjoy it. The whole family has stepped into their power and shined their light, despite criticism and negativity. I was checking out pics of Kylie and Kendall from the Met Gala, and I had the inspiration about how far they have come too, from normal little girls, to being huge celebrities in their own right, dressed in the finest gowns. They all deserve to be where they are, because they have worked hard and pushed through insecurities and anxiety for it. As much as I don’t believe that people should hold so much of the wealth, maybe this is part of my own abundance blockages! I do believe that we are all more deserving of this type of energy and that we can create more abundance and beauty in our lives. It We can work towards whatever it is we dream of, even if we don’t know exactly how those dreams will come to reality. All we have to do is keep going and keep growing, shining as best as we can. I can’t believe 6 cards were given, and Spirit wanted to give us more. I swear, they thought it was funny and were trying to make me laugh. Spirit wants us to lighten up. Our fears are unfounded. We have came this far and existed this long.. we are not going anywhere. Even when we do, it is all ok. There is no point in worrying. It is not helping us achieve anything. We are making our fears seem larger than they need to be. This is a time to face our fears and realize they don’t need to trigger us anymore. Yes, challenges and trying times are going to arise in life, it’s inevitable.. but we can handle it. To worry before it’s necessary is not only a waste of energy, it’s attracts negative energy and creates blockages. Deal with your traumas and your past so that you can move forward with power. You have so many amazing ideas and people want to hear what you have to say, so you can’t stay alone in the dark or being quiet any longer. You can’t stay in your fear because we need you in the light. We want to see what you have to offer, despite your anxiety. You need to get out of bed and out into the world. With success comes stress, so find ways to deal with it and let it go. Nurture yourself with lots of self-care. It’s funny that I said earlier about winter turning to spring, and then we get two winter cards and a spring card. We are being reassured that we are on the right path. Difficulties we experience make us stronger, but we do need to let go of the trauma and worry. Instead of worrying what could happen, be grateful for life. Be grateful for your health. Be so grateful, that you want to make the most of your life. Trust in your inspirations and ideas (look at the beautiful snowflakes swirling around her head). Keep taking steps forward and doing the best you can. There is no need for perfection. All we need is for you to be authentically you. Be patient with yourself and with life, and have trust. Good things are coming. Keep moving forward and you will find the satisfaction you have been seeking. Look at the beauty you hold in your hands. You are a beautiful and naturally abundant person. Keep creating beauty in your life. Rewards will be delivered. Keep building on your success and seeking out new adventures. Let your dreams continue to blossom. Act as if things are already happening for you, because they are. Know with certainty who you are and that good things are coming. Chameleon is preparing us for changes that are going to greatly benefit us. Co-create your greatest dream. Have faith in your ability to adapt and grow. Sometimes, we have to just step into the people we want to become. Sometimes, we just have to believe we are, until we gain enough experience to feel completely confident. Keep going. Keep pushing yourself. Take care of yourself and the stresses that may arise, so you can spend the rest of your time in joy. Dream your world into being. This is your life, your world, and your reality. Make it beautiful and happy for you. It’s funny, the Lizard Card asks, “When was the last time you basked in the sun?” And actually, for me, it was on Friday, when I had an incredibly cute Jumping Spider come visit me. I closed my eyes for but a few minutes and awoke to this Spider in front of me. (Check out my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cc8-qxqgl2p/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= or TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLGw78Ak/ for the video!) The Spiritual meaning of the Jumping Spider is that they are the ultimate time weavers, giving us information about where we are putting our energy (the Spider was soaking up some Sun too). Putting your energy into the past can cause depression and into the future can cause anxiety. Be present and calm right now in this moment. Trust that any moment that arises, you can handle. Jumping Spiders are expert manifestors and ask us to tune into our higher goals. Who do you want to be? Who do you feel you are becoming? Let your inspiration flow and dream new dreams. Slow down and close your eyes more often. Appreciate each moment of your beautiful life. Believe in yourself and your ability to create. Keep taking steps and your dreams will become clearer. Dream it and be it – Spirit is daring you to dream big. No more negative thinking! Open your eyes and your mind to a much wider perspective. What if you are already the person you dream of being? How can you exude that more today, in this moment? You are amazing, unique, beautiful, gifted, and creative. Go out there and chase your beautiful life and dreams and enjoy it!

Have a beautiful week! 💕🙏✨

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If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below. 

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Imbolc – Feb 1-2

Imbolc or Imbolg, also called Saint Brigid’s Day, is a Gaelic traditional festival. It marks the beginning of spring, celebrating light and fertility, honouring the first stirrings of life. It is held from February 1st and goes until sundown on February 2nd, which is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The earliest mentions of Imbolc in Irish literature date back to the 10th century.

Imbolc represents purification, renewal, reflection, fertility and illumination. As the days begin to grow longer and with the return of the Sun, Imbolc is the time to visualize life flourishing with abundance, creativity and renewed strength.

To celebrate Imbolc, focus on celebrating the Goddess Brigid. For Christians, it is the feast day of Saint Brigid. To celebrate this time, you can set up an altar with the symbols of Brigid, like a corn husk or straw doll, white flowers, a bowl of milk, and candles. It is a perfect time to plants seeds or bake. Have a nice feast. Light candles or turn lights on in every room after sunset to celebrate the return of the light. Imbolc is a Fire Festival and fire of all kinds is associated with Brigid – the fire of creativity, the protective hearth fire, and her fire wheel – the Brigid Cross, which heralds her as a Sun Goddess.

Some altar items for inspiration:

  • Incense. Myrrh, frankincense, and musk are good for creating a ritual space. Basil, rosemary, and cinnamon are good for uplifting energy
  • White, red, or orange candles
  • Sun symbols
  • Snowdrops (first flower of spring) or daffodils
  • A tabletop fountain
  • Something woolen or a sheep figure
  • A triskele or other triple goddess symbol
  • Early greens like wild garlic
  • A blue cloth representing flowing water
  • Crystals with solar or passionate associations: citrine, garnet, amber, sunstone


  • Bannock – A traditional skillet bread
  • Butter – In some traditions butter was churned the same day of the festival
  • Milk – You can drink it, or use it in a spiritual bath. Milk and butter are associated with Brigid’s healing and protective powers
  • Pancakes – Whether plain or with berries, the shape of pancakes evokes the sun
  • Cheese – Rich sheep’s cheeses harken back to Imbolc’s origins
  • Colcannon – A traditional Irish dish made with potatoes and greens
Imbolc #Spring #Celebrate #Light #Fertility #Abundance #Spiritual #Celebration #Tradition #Brigid #Goddess #TripleGoddess #Milk #Cheese #Food #Alter #SaintBrigid #Purification #Renewal #Reflection #Illumination #ReturnOfTheLight #Springtime #Abundance #Creativity #Strength

New Moon in Aries – April 11, 2021

On Sunday, April 11, the first New Moon of Spring peaks at 8:30pm here in Alberta, Canada, at 22 degrees Aries. Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and is a Cardinal Fire sign, which is all about leadership, courage, and moving forward. 🌑♈️🔥🐏

A New Moon represents the start of a lunar cycle, so this is a huge time of new beginnings and fresh starts. We are entering into a new phase of our life… a new chapter. This New Moon is a blank slate, a chance to start over again. We get to choose what we do with it. 💃💇‍♀️🧘

Make sure you use this opportunity to make everything more beautiful. Speak softly and encouragingly to yourself… make strong and positive choices that benefit your well-being… stay true to the things you want and where you want to be. 💞👩‍💻👩‍🎨

At the time of this New Moon, we have Venus, Mercury, Chiron, the Sun, and the Moon, all in the sign of Aries, making for some strong fire energy. The energy of fire is about passion, moving forward, and allowing our desires, rather than our fears, to guide the way. 🔥👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Fire energy can be impulsive, which can actually help us to move forward and shift out of any stagnancy we may be experiencing. 🙋‍♀️😴

This New Moon brings strong forward-moving energy. Use courage and good judgment to take advantage of opportunities, especially for personal growth. This Moon is great for overcoming personal limitations, such as shyness and depression. It is also good for breaking barriers to progress! 🏃‍♀️👍

If you have an opportunity that you are hesitating on because it seems out of your comfort zone, now is the time to overcome that. Making choices to get out of your comfort zone can help you grow immensely as a person and see more of your true potential. You will be much better off taking chances than continuing to do what you have always done. 🗣👫🥀

You don’t need to live in fear. Have optimism that you can handle anything, and that things will work out. Whatever you are pursuing, have confidence and go for it. Have a beautiful, and fiery, New Moon! 🌑✨💫🔥💥

If you want to learn even more about this New Moon in Aries, get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET! 🌚💫📝

For $5(CAD) you get a 4-page PDF document filled with items and properties that relate to this New Moon in Aries. Learn about the sign of Aries, Gods/Goddesses, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Crystals, and more! It has affirmations and goal setting questions! It has DO’s & DON’TS and upcoming astrology!

I call it a Moon Ceremony on paper, and the best part is, you get to do it your own way, in your own time. ❤️

If you are interested in my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET, please let me know! Message me or email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com

#NewMoon #Moon #MoonMagic #Aries #Fire #MoonMagicWorksheet #New #Beginnings #FreshStart #Red #Manifesting #Abundance #Prosperity #Goals #Dreams #Challenges #Achievements #Confidence #Courage #Intentions #Changes #Betterment #SelfCare #SelfLove #Choices #Drive #Ambition #Ideas #Create #Opportunity

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Eastertime – April

Easter Sunday is coming up this Sunday here in Canada, falling on April 4. I can’t help but notice it is on 4/4. Number 4 reminds us that the Angels are with us, guiding us, and working hard on our behalf. 😇

We are moving on to new beginnings. We did our releasing and got balanced during this past Full Moon in Libra. Now, we are heading into a New Moon in Aries, where we will take charge toward the future. 💪

Easter is a time of resurrection, renewal, and rebirth. It is a time to accept everything you’ve been through and to step forward into your true power and potential. We are all forgiven. We have learned our lessons. The past can be let go of. 🙌

You are deserving of boundless abundance. Believe it and see it. Thank God, and Jesus for it. 🙏

Enjoy this time celebrating Easter however possible with your friends and family! Feast, decorate, and celebrate. Allow your energy to be refreshed and renewed. Let your faith be reignited. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🍞🪨

Wishing you all a Happy Easter!


#Easter #EasterTime #Pascha #Resurrection #Christian #Jesus #Crucifixion #HolyWeek #TheLastSupper #GoodFriday #EasterTide #Passover #Exodus #Ascension #Heaven #Freedom #Forgiveness #NewLife #Rebirth #Spring #EasterEggs #EasterBunny #Feast #Decorate #Eggs #Gifts #Flowers #Eostre #April #Learn

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Sun in Aries / Spring Equinox / Ostara / Astrological New Year – March 20, 2021

Tomorrow we have a few things happening! The Sun moves into the sign of Aries, which also means it’s the Astrological New Year! This is a fresh start for us as we move through a new astrological cycle. 🌞🌱

Last year in March, the energy was tough with the Sun conjunct Chiron and a Capricorn Stellium. This year is shaping up to be much more optimistic, with the Sun being closely conjunct to Venus. 👫

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and brings fresh, motivated energy. Aries is fiery, bold, enthusiastic, and always ready to take action. ♈️🐏

March 20 is also Spring Equinox and the Pagan Celebration of Ostara. This is a time of balance, and a time to celebrate life and Spring! 🐣

In researching the origins of Ostara, I found some conflicting information, as is usually the case when it comes to how holidays came to be.

In some interpretations, Ostara (Eostre or Eastre) is the Germanic Goddess of Spring and dawn. It is said that Pagan Anglo-Saxons held festivals in her honour. The symbols of Ostara are hares/rabbits (fertility), eggs/seeds (creation), serpent/dragon (kundalini energy is high!), flowers, and the colors green, yellow, purple, pink, blue, and orange. This is where coloured eggs and most Easter traditions originated from. It is said that when Catholicism tried to take over, they changed the name to Easter and changed the day it was celebrated to coincide with the resurrection of Jesus.

In the Catholic Faith, there are 2 holidays that get mixed up with the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. The first, occurring on March 25th, is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the day that Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary she was “with child”. This occurs 9 months prior to Jesus’s birth, December 25th.

The other holiday that gets mixed up with this is Easter. Easter too, celebrates the victory of a God of Light (Jesus) over darkness (Death), so it makes sense to be celebrated at this time.

It is said that Easter is named after Eostre, the ancient Teutonic (German) Goddess of the Spring Moon. This coincides with the German Goddess origins of Ostara, except for the fact that Eostre was a lunar Goddess. Eostre is where we get the name Estrogen from, the female hormone. Her holiday, the Eostara, was held on the Full Moon AFTER the Vernal Equinox. Of course, the Church doesn’t celebrate Full Moons, so they chose for Easter to be on the following Sunday. Thus, Easter is always the following Sunday, after the Full Moon, after the Vernal Equinox. It should be noted, that the Church was so adamant about not incorporating Lunar Goddess symbolism, that they added a further calculation; if Easter Sunday falls on the Full Moon itself, the Easter is postponed to the following Sunday.

The other theme we see around Easter, is the decent of the God or Goddess into the Underworld for a period of 3 days. We see this when Jesus died on the cross and went to the Underworld for 3 days until he ascended into Heaven. We also see this in Pagan religion, and other historic traditions too. The fact that we are dealing with a 3 day period, indicates a lunar theme for Easter, and not a solar one.

Another piece of conflicting information said that there is no evidence of Ostara being celebrated at all in Pagan times, and that evidence doesn’t show up until the 1800’s.

It can be hard to pin down the origins of our traditions, but it is quite obvious to me that most, if not all of our traditions, began as an effort to honour nature and it’s cycles. Somewhere along the lines, Ostara became about celebrating Spring, and Eostara is the lunar celebration of the Vernal Equinox. 🌞🌝

Enjoy this time of celebration and growth! Enjoy the increase in the light! Celebrate new beginnings! Look to this next season with optimism and hope. 🌷🐞

Also, on March 21, Venus enters Aries too, ramping up the love energy! It brings a renewal of the heart, and reminds us of our innocence and that we instinctively know what we want. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Happy Spring Equinox! 🌷🌞🌱

#Sun #Moon #Solar #Lunar #Spring #Equinox #VernalEquinox #Ostara #SunInAries #Aries #AriesSeason #AstrologicalNewYear #Information #Info #History #Eostara #Easter #Catholic #Pagan #Traditions #Celebrations #Celebrate #Light #Balance #Hope #Seeds #Intention #Growth #Color #NewBeginnings

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of February 15, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Jasper Mookaite, Aragonite, and Bronzite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Jasper Mookaite – Increases self-confidence, self-worth, and realizing one’s full potential. An ideal tool for overcoming procrastination by revealing the true reason for avoiding certain tasks and bringing the motivation needed. Its constant energy keeps one focused and grounded while soothing the mind and quieting distracting thoughts. It is great for focusing on a specific goal or for a motivational boost in the workplace. It emanates the energy of animal knowing, or instinct, and may be used to amplify one’s own instincts when making decisions.

Aragonite – Encourages conservation and caring for the Earth. Assists healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety. They send light out in a variety of different directions, to create an outcome of heightened light and energy in their surroundings. They relieve anger and resentment, and they are known to help you if you have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings. Increases energy. Boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth.

Bronzite – Promotes peace and harmony, increases compassion and forgiveness. Helps you stay calm, maintain composure and harness your temper. Helps boost harmonious energy. Helps fatigue.

We are feeling so tired and depleted of energy! Covid is dragging on and on… things are so restrictive and making money just isn’t happening the way it used to. People are feeling the stress and anxiety. The message I have been getting is that we need to get creative in coming up with ideas to generate income. I always seem to have this outlook that earning money is so “hard”…. but why? Why do I think that? Why do I not believe in my worth and value? Why do I not believe I will be fully supported by the Universe? Why do I not believe that I am truly deserving of limitless abundance? Why??? I’m not exactly sure of the answer to that, but all that really matters is the realization that I don’t have to have that outlook anymore! My new outlook: Making money is easy! Money comes to me easily! People are happy to pay me for my talents. Truly believe that you are deserving of being showered in money, because you are!! How can you follow your passion and create a niche for earning money? Believe in yourself and realize your full potential! Stop procrastinating, and just do it. Get creating. Get experience. This is a great time to be setting positive goals for the future. The Aragonite is healing us and our surroundings. We need to let go of the resentments. Honestly. Keep trying to let them go for good. Spend time relaxing and allowing yourself to heal. You need to let go of stress and negativity, so you can have the energy you need you need to more forward. Believe in yourself. You can do this. Stay calm and composed. You can handle whatever challenges arise. Have compassion and forgiveness. Promote peace and harmony. You get to direct the energy of your life, making it harmonious! Let’s see what the cards say!

These cards are beautiful. We got the lucky Rabbit! Not only is it a time of luck, but it’s also a sign of Spring! The Rabbit is leading you out of the darkness and into the light. Life is a fertile and beautiful experience, but you can’t see that if you hide yourself away. Take risks in being vulnerable and creating new things! This is a new time, a new beginning. Spring is the best for that! Whatever you plant, whatever you are working hard towards, will be bountiful. There are no mistakes.. only tremendous possibility. Have trust and faith in life, and let yourself be playful. The Pig is very interesting to me, because I was dreaming about it last night. It’s odd, this week I’ve been dreaming, and then remembering my dreams during the day when I do a certain task. When I saw this Pig card, I remembered I was dreaming about a Pig. This card is about using our mind wisely. Are you using it to worry and feel resentful and dwell on the past? Or are you using your mind to dream, create, love, and think positively? Look at the energy on the Crown and 3rd eye Chakras. Use your mind and intuition to help you! Use it to create and manifest. This is about finding intelligent solutions to your problems. This is about expanding our mind even farther, being open and receptive to learning more, and becoming more. Use your mind to generate ideas and formulate plans. Anything is possible, if this Pig can learn to fly. Otter Spirit is here to comfort us, and remind us that we are never alone. Even if we are separated from people we love, the bonds and connections are always there. Spirit is always with us, guiding us. You have many friends and community members that appreciate you and love you. Lean on friends for support and encouragement during this time. Be present with those you care about and make time for them. When you do reach out to your friends, you will be reminded how many people truly love you. You are never alone, ever. You are always loved. See the love available in all directions. Have a beautiful week!

Thank you for visiting my page, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Full Worm Super Moon in Virgo – March 9, 2020

We have a Full Moon in Virgo coming up tomorrow! 🌕🐛 It is called the Worm Moon because it is a time when the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw. Earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins. The 1st of 3 Super Moons, this Virgo Full Moon is full of energy and emotion. This Full Moon is cleansing us with it’s powerful light and drawing out the things we are ready to let go of. Feel all the emotions that are wanting to be expressed and let them out. Come to full acceptance of your past and what has happened, and let it go. Move forward with a clean slate and fresh energy. It is the perfect time, with Spring Equinox approaching on March 19th. Mercury Retrograde ends on March 10th, the day after the Full Moon. This is illuminating and bringing awareness of what needs to be seen. What is being shown to you? When you are feeling fearful, find reasons to have faith. Keep practicing shifting your energy and making it work better for you. Virgo is all about being practical, logical and systematic. How can you make your life work for you? How can you change old patterns of thinking? How can you change your habits to benefit you? You are in control of your life. Take the lessons from your past and use them to propel you forward on your journey. Focus on turning your energy inward to find clarity and awareness. Clean out your life in every aspect over the next few weeks. Wishing you all a wonderful Full Moon! 💗🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #MoonCycles #SuperMoon #Virgo #March #Illumination #Realization #Awakening #Strength #Wisdom #Healing #Transformation #Energy #Health #Care #WellBeing #Acceptance #Intuition #Dreams #Ego #Heart #Spring #New #Healing #Faith

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 17, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Puddingstone Jasper, Opalite, and Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Puddingstone Jasper – Great for stress relief. Calm and nurturing. Helps with anxiety, reducing nightmares, and calming the mind for better study habits. Prevents tissue deterioration of organs and muscles, and strengthens the immune system. Promotes body balance.

Opalite – Harness your personal power. Increases self-esteem and self-worth. Unleash your inner strength. Calming and soothing. Connects you to the Spirit world. Balances energy and removes blockages. Heals emotions. Clears trouble from your heart and creates peace. Resolves hurts by helping you to let go. Offers compassion, kindness and gentleness. Promotes a positive outlook.

Clear Quartz – A power stone. It has been called the “Universal Crystal” because of its many uses. It enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one’s environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals. Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Physically, it protects from negative energy. It is a very good stone for astral travel, manifestation, scrying, channeling, dream recall and dream work.

There has been a lot going on lately. People are very busy with work and school. This week is really about stepping in to your full power and potential. Just because things are busy, doesn’t mean you don’t have a little bit of time you can carve out for self-care and stress relief. It’s a perfect synchronicity that I just finished watching the latest season of Queer Eye, and it was the perfect reminder of the care we should have for ourselves. I just love that show… those men are doing some wonderful things in this world. This week, you need to take little moments of joy and stress relief for yourself. Take care of yourself. Maybe meditate, book a massage or even go to the gym. There is a big message here about taking care of our bodies. We are going to have some renewed energy with spring, so use it while you got it! We need to find all the strategies we can to help ourselves stay calm and relaxed. This is how you combat anxiety. The busier I get, the more anxious I feel. Find ways to clear your schedule and do things that make you feel happy and relaxed. Today is St. Patrick’s Day, and we have a Super Full Moon in Libra and Spring Equinox in a few days, this is a time of very amplified, fresh, lucky energy. There is so much opportunity right now, make sure you are putting yourself out there to be seen. This week is about knowing your self-worth. Truly knowing what you deserve and being relentless in the pursuit of your own happiness. It’s about removing blockages that keep you stuck in old patterns. As a perfect example, this week in class, I was talking with another student about luck. She was saying how unlucky she is.. and I could literally feel the bad vibrations those words were giving off. I used to think that about myself all the time.. my sister was always the one who would win stuff! Now, I’ve stopped saying that to myself, and I know how truly lucky I am. I know deep down that God has blessings waiting to surprise me around each corner. I more than think it, I know it to be true and trust it with my full heart. I believe this is truly the key that has unlocked so many blessings for me in the past 5 years… and now I often win stuff! I’ve changed the way I look and think about myself, and it truly is magical. Let your hurts be healed… see yourself as whole, and magical, and amazing. Live the best life you can. I don’t often use my Unicorn cards, but whenever I do, they make their energy known. I knew when I found this Opalite Crystal this week, that the Unicorns definitely have a message. Let’s see what the cards say!

This is why I love cards. I flipped the first card and was like, hmmm, I don’t know how that will fit in? Then I flipped the second card, grounding, and I laughed because grounding was a word I wrote down before I even started, and I didn’t touch on with the crystals. It’s like a reassurance that Yes, there is a message from the Grandparent Card that someone here needs to hear. I know I can trust whatever these cards have to bring up, and I know the message they want me to share with the Grandparent Card. What changed my life 5 years ago, and helped me to see the true beauty in myself, was a Mediumship Reading I had. Not only did she tell me about my beautiful dreams and aspirations, she connected with my Uncle I lost to suicide when I was 15. He wasn’t just my uncle, he was my Godfather, my friend and kindred spirit. She connected with him and knew things that nobody knew but me… moments that weren’t even spoken aloud, but were felt. What I’m getting at, is that our loved ones are truly around us always, supporting us and watching over us. The best part is, you don’t have to do anything special to communicate with them. A loving thought, a heartfelt note, even a simple feeling, they will know. They know our inner motivations and who we are at our core. They see what we go through. They always love us and want the absolute best for us. This was the greatest gift my Uncle could’ve given me, to find my self-worth and see how much I truly have to offer to this world. Without that reading, I wouldn’t be healing myself, and I wouldn’t be here doing this reading for you all. Talk to your loved ones who have crossed over… treat them as if they are still near, because they are. They are so proud of how you have gotten through everything, and for everything you have accomplished and are achieving now. In the Spirit world, we have access to any soul we are connected to, and your family and loved ones are always close to you. Their love is helping you right now. They want you to fully appreciate your true self-worth. They want you to make the most of your life. They love to see you taking care of yourself. I love how the Tree Card is talking about balance between Heaven and Earth. It’s confirming the very real connection we have. It’s reminding us of the balance we need within. Giving of ourselves, but more importantly, being able to receive. Standing firm, yet expanding into newness. I love the gems that adorn the tree leaves, a symbol of your true beauty to unfold. This is about being calm, centered and balanced. Some great ways to get grounded: Spend time in nature breathing deeply, place your hand or back to a tree, or visualize roots coming from your feet all the way down to the center of the Earth. Allow yourself to be filled up with good energy. I am excited to be using this new astrology deck I got, and The Fifth House Card is about the best things in life. It’s about using our creative talents that make us feel proud or special. It’s about having fun and pursuing hobbies. This is about enjoying the delights of life. Letting your inner child laugh and run free. This is very much a card of romantic energy, very fitting for spring time. Enjoying the wonderful things in life, let’s us know who we are, and gives us a sense of happiness, personal power and potential. It makes us enjoy being alive. The cards are saying you should love yourself and release your joy and passion for life. There is so much potential right now… I literally can’t stress it enough!! So much opportunity and potential. Create and let your creations be seen. “All you have to do is believe you are truly worth it.” Really. That’s it. The magical key to happiness lies in your beliefs about yourself. Believe the best, most magical, most lucky things about yourself!!

Here are some affirmations, repeat each one 3 times or more, in your head or aloud.


⁃ I am so lucky.

⁃ I win all the time.

⁃ I am blessed.

⁃ My life is abundant.

⁃ Life has happy surprises waiting for me around every corner.

⁃ I love myself.

⁃ I am beautiful.

⁃ I believe in myself.

⁃ I am worthy of amazing and wonderful things.

⁃ I am free to be who I am and be happy.

⁃ I am loved.

⁃ I am appreciated.

⁃ Good things come to me.

⁃ Opportunities open up for me.

⁃ I have so much energy.

⁃ I take good care of myself.

⁃ I take good care of my body.

⁃ I am happy and joyous.

⁃ Life is magical.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Spring Equinox & Full Moon in Libra – March 20, 2019

Let everything go on this full moon, and enter spring with fresh energy! 💧🌱☀️🌕🌎

#FullMoon #Astrology #Forecast #Guidance #Moon #MoonCycles #Spring #SpringEquinox #New #Positive #Potential #Activation #Energy

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 10, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Dioptase, Ruby on Matrix and Peacock Ore. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Dioptase – Encourages compassion and forgiveness. Encourages you to be aware of the abundance and richness in your life. Helps you to live in the moment, and access past life memories. It will help you more forward if you’ve been feeling stuck, by helping you let go of the past. Help you to find your freedom. Helps you release the things that hold you back from living a full life. Helps you let go of undesirable emotions, such as anger, jealousy and hatred. Powerful for those overcoming abuse or trauma.

Ruby on Matrix – Helps you find new paths in life and gives you the energy you need to walk them. Helps to transform one’s life to a more desirable state. Useful when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. Helps you to realize love within yourself and express emotion.

Peacock Ore – Enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness.

When I look at these crystals.. the energy I feel is… rough. Things have been cold, hard and tough…. dull and dreary. It’s the people who can see beneath the surface and appreciate the little things, that see the gems hidden with the hard rock. There is beauty and abundance within all the hard times we experience. There is always an unseen gift or benefit. Finding ways to look at the bright side is how we shift our perspective. The Ruby is no less a Ruby, just because it is stuck within the rock… it is still beautiful Ruby.. waiting to be uncovered and appreciated. Have compassion for yourself for everything that isn’t seemingly going “right”, and instead, choose to focus on everything that is. Recognize how truly beautiful you are, and what a gift it is to walk on this Earth. I have been watching One Strange Rock on Netflix, and I always love a good reminder of what an extraordinary gift it is for us to be alive and experiencing this reality. Make sure you don’t waste it. Find your freedom and experience everything you can. Live your life to the fullest, as much as you possibly can. This isn’t about doing extravagant things, it’s about appreciating this moment right now, whatever you are doing. How can you make the best of it? We are still working through our past traumas, and we are almost there… we can sense the freedom. Keep letting go of the past and seeing yourself as being healed. Forgive yourself. You can’t afford to hold yourself back anymore. There is so much more to life, that is longing for you. You have so many wonderful things to accomplish and experience. The Ruby on Matrix is giving you energy and helping you to recognize all the new paths that lay ahead. It is helping us to transform our lives into a more desirable state… and the key to that is to truly love ourselves… to see what you truly deserve. To love our lives and all that we are so blessed to experience. Trust in yourself and what is right for you, and make your way to that reality. It’s been tough, but we are getting there. Spring is on the way and that is sure to bring a burst of vitality! No matter what is going on for you, try to make the best of it. Let’s see what the cards say.

I know I say it every week.. but these cards are so perfect. DNA is all about creation.. about life, death and rebirth. It’s about the never ending cycle of life that we are blessed to be a part of during this time. Every thing you do matters. Every choice you make has a repercussion. Yes, the weight of that is quite heavy… I immediately think of everywhere I have gone wrong in my life. You can hang on to the past and focus on what went wrong, but it’s never going to change anything, and it takes away from the joy of this moment. You have a choice to make a change. What are you missing when you look at those experiences? Yes, I’ve had a lot of hard times in my life.. but in the grand scheme of things.. they have brought me to who I am today. My struggles have blessed my life and allowed me to seek my Spirituality, which has changed my life so incredibly much for the better. There is so many positives. Focus on them. It’s ok to forgive myself for not knowing better, and to allow myself to heal that wound. When you can integrate the lesson, and the see positive aspect, that’s where you can unlock healing and forgiveness. That’s when you understand the full circle and see the big picture. God doesn’t want us to live here in misery. Life is a gift… open it and embrace it. Let the old you die away, and rebirth into your full power. The Change in Direction Card is so cute.. it wants us to look at life from a newborn perspective. See things in ways you didn’t before. Allow your heart to be open to love and life. The stork is showing you the map of all the pathways…. they are endless… and the beauty is that YOU get to decide what it is you want. This life is what you make of it. Follow your heart and happiness, treat yourself like a child and allow yourself to feel joy. I know my readings are all about positivity… and people hate hearing that all the time. I understand we need to embrace all of our emotions.. but the more we can focus on what’s positive, the more we can shift our perspective, and affect the karma we put out into the world. God wants us to embrace positivity as much as we can. What does it help to insist on wading in negativity? The less we focus on the negative; the more positive we see. Six of Winter is confirming that positive changes are on the way! We are going to feel relief from the stress we have been experiencing lately. Here in Canada, warmer temps are finally on the way, and after this last month of extreme cold, I think we are all ready for some warmer weather. Get out there and appreciate where you live. Appreciate Mother Earth. Appreciate how your body serves you. Appreciate how your mind co-creates this reality. The challenging times are going to fade away, into a sunnier horizon and happier shores. Leave the troubles behind and look to the future with

wild abandon. It’s going to be amazing.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html