Super New Moon in Pisces – March 10, 2024

On Sunday, March 10, 2024, peaking at 3:00am MST, we have a Super New Moon at 20°16’ in Pisces. 🌑✨♓️

New Moons signify new beginnings and fresh starts and are ideal for manifesting. A Super New Moon enhances that energy even more. It is a perfect time to set the tone for what you want to receive and accept in your life going forward.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, so we are currently in a time of change and transition. We are seeing things from a larger perspective and understanding how all things come together. We are wrapping up what has been and looking forward to the future. We are finding our own way and deciding what the next cycle of life can be for us. We are being reminded that anything is possible.

Pisces is a very sensitive and spiritual sign. This is a time to look deep and be honest with yourself. Be honest about what you truly want and need to be happy. The truth will always set you free.

Things are going to be moving ahead very soon with Spring Equinox and the Sun moving into Aries on March 19. Aries is the sign of the battering Ram and isn’t going to take no for an answer. So what are you going to charge ahead for this year?

There are still changes and shake ups to come. March 25th we have a Full Moon in Libra with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse which will be seen here in Alberta. Max Eclipse time is 1:12am MST. Things may need to be let go of or removed from your life to allow for new energy. We are going to have to go with the flow or face resistance.

Mercury will go retrograde on April 1st after the nice couple months we’ve had with no retrogrades.

April 8 there will be a New Moon with a Total Solar Eclipse. Here is Alberta it will only be seen as a partial Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are not a great time for spiritual work or manifesting because the energy can be unstable. Hopefully the foundation you have set and the work you have already done will carry you forward toward your dreams and goals.

All we can do is be well-intentioned, keep the faith, and trust in what we deserve. The Universe will always have the final say on how we continue to be blessed in this life. Life may unfold in mysterious ways, but it will all make sense eventually.

Set your intentions now and plant them with love and hope. Be willing to be flexible. Embrace the changes and the outcomes as we prepare to move ahead and “March” forward.

You are the dreamer of your dream. What is your vision?

Have a powerful New Moon! 🌑✨🌊

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Pisces? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Pisces, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Pisces #Manifesting #Intentions #Sensitivity #Perception #Imagination #Depth #Intensity #Spirituality #Reflection #EnjoyYourLife #MakeTheBestOfIt #BeCreative #Innovative #Ideas #Dreams #Vision #Meditate #Direction #Commitment #PersonalGrowth #Change #Transformation #Serendipity #Opportunity #Trust #AnythingIsPossible

New Moon in Capricorn – January 11, 2024

On Thursday, January 11, 2024, we have a New Moon peaking at 4:57am MST at 20°44’ in the sign of Capricorn. 🌑✨♑️

This year is calling us to get down to business and get going. We can’t waste time being shy or fearful. We have to understand what we truly deserve and be confident about making it happen for ourselves.

We need to stop underestimating ourselves. We are wasting our lives away, underutilizing our talents and gifts because we are scared to be seen, to be rejected, or to receive harsh criticism. What have you really got to lose? Who cares who doesn’t like you, when you have the ability to help so many.

I almost quit my spiritual work this past year. I just don’t want to juggle so many things, and something had to give. I want to focus my efforts and energy where they are most appreciated and reciprocated. I had a psychic/medium reading recently, and she said that I should be using my powerful psychic gifts and helping others. She told me to get a Mentor and that my business would be thriving in a short amount of time with the right support and effort. It’s not surprising to see the message of getting a Mentor in this New Moon energy as we plan for the year ahead and work towards our goals and dreams.

We are so close to the success we seek. We can’t give up right before the dawn. Don’t turn the movie off before it gets to the best part. Do what you need to do, for you, to make your dreams come true.

It’s all possible. Set your intentions for the year ahead. Keep your mindset positive. Make a plan to work your way towards your goals. Keep things simple, practical, and attainable. Focus on what really matters, on what you truly want, despite any obstacles that may present themselves. Know that you can overcome anything.

Things are shifting and changing. You, the world, and society as a whole are transforming. Pivot yourself in a direction that serves your highest good and greatest purpose, and you will see the path appear ahead of you. Trust it will be filled with blessings along the way.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🐐

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Capricorn #MoonMagic #NewYear #Intentions #Manifesting #Happiness #Joy #Abundance #Obstacles #Challenges #Trust #Faith #Positivity #Optimism #Goals #Dreams #Desires #Plans #Skills #Focus #WorkHard #LawOfAttraction #BeHappy

Messages From Spirit for September 9, 2023

Message From Spirit for September 9, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #September9 #Sept9 #Throw #Cards #InTheAir #SeeHowTheyFall #DontTryToControl #Allow #Release #GoWild #EnjoyTheRide #HaveFun #Manifesting #Desires #DistanceYourself #Negativity #LiveInThePresent #LetGo #PastPain #Focus #Positive #Trust #Universe #DivinePlan

New Moon in Cancer – July 17, 2023

On Monday, July 17, 2023, we have a New Moon peaking at 12:31pm MDT at 24°55’ in the sign of Cancer. 🌑✨🦀

The next Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st also peaks at 12:31pm MDT. 1231 is a sign that the manifestation of our goals and desires is supported, and to trust in your creative manifesting abilities. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your desires with confidence. Stay focused on what you want and keep your thoughts positive. Believe that you will find success and fulfilment.

This New Moon and the Sun is in the home and family sign of Cancer. There is a lot coming up around inner child healing, and healing mother and father wounds.

It’s not by chance that Drake’s recent concert performance included his younger self. He has come so far in his career. He’s been acting since he was young, and it’s taken him many, many years to get to the status he’s at today. He never gave up on himself.

It’s so important that we use our grit to stay determined towards the things we dream about. Even if those dreams shift and change along the way.

We have to heal so that we can give ourselves and those around us the love they deserve, and find our own joy and freedom again.

Set those intentions and keep working towards them in meaningful and inspired ways. Show the Universe you are ready to share your talents with the world.

Stay true to yourself and love yourself. Never stop believing in yourself and your ability to make your dreams come true.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🌊

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Cancer? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Cancer #July #Manifesting #Intentions #Home #Family #Clarity #Relationships #Intuition #Emotions #ForgiveAndForget #SelfReflection #SelfCare #InTune #Needs #TakeAction #Bold #Ambitious #Desires #Achieve #Greater #Challenges #Communication #Focus #Blessings #Strength #Support

Reading for the week of July 3, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Tigers Eye, Blue Kyanite, and Hematite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Tigers Eye – Also called Hawks Eye. High vibe, yet grounded. Enhances connection to personal power and strengthens resolve. Gives insight to help with mental clarity, honesty, and resolve issues. Helps to gain perspective. Reduces stress and attracts abundance.

Blue Kyanite – Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

Hematite – Helps absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. A protective stone and very grounding. Hematite is good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Due to its magnetic nature, it brings balance to the etheric and physical body. It helps us to see the silver lining around grey clouds and to find the strength to try again. Hematite increases our self-confidence. It briskly removes any self-limitations we have placed on ourselves and shows us that we are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.

My interpretation of the crystals: It’s been a really long time since I’ve done a weekly reading. My business is so important to me… doing readings is something beyond me. It’s something that works through me. It’s something so much greater than just the 3D version of me. I am able to truly help people. I want to be able to do readings and use these beautiful gifts that the Creator has blessed me with. I believe that’s why I get put through hardships. It’s like a test. What really matters to me in my life? When the plates are piling up, which do you choose to put down? Putting myself first is a hard lesson I’m struggling to learn.. but I’m trying to listen. We are all undergoing these changes, making new choices, and transforming into new ways of being. We’ve all been put through a lot.. and what we do with it shows whether we are ready for more, or something different, or more of the same. Maybe you just want to keep accepting the same because it’s safe and what you’ve always done. The choices are up to us. It is so important to work hard, but we also have to be realistic that our energy is not unlimited. We have to consciously choose where we invest it. We are being called to stay grounded and strong during this time and through these changes. You are powerful and you can make changes in your life that can give you more happiness and energy. Things have to play out as they will, so try to maintain a positive perspective and reduce stress in your life as much as possible. Keep your energy open and flowing freely so you can receive abundance from the Universe. If your energy is clouded and muddy, the blessings won’t be able to flow to you.. you will be blocked. Clear the energy all around you and inside of you. Let go of any negativity in your life. The Kyanite is helping to cleanse you and remove any blockages or stuck energy. Let yourself be balanced and aligned so you can attract blessings and live a more tranquil life. Dreams have been vivid lately, so try to write them down when you wake up. Take lots of time to meditate and rest. There might be a lot of things to stress and worry about, but honestly, it just doesn’t help. Everything will find a way. Try to relax and enjoy your life. Do the simple things that bring you joy. Keep yourself grounded. Try to stay out of the mind and be present in your body. You are protected and things are shifting for the better. Remember that your energy is magnetic. What are you attracting and what are you repelling? What inherent beliefs keep you from being able to easily receive? What fears do you hold that could actually be blessings? See the silver linings in all your life experiences and keep moving forward. Ultimately, everything is happening for a reason, as it was meant to. Keep moving towards your dreams, even if you need to take the long way. Believe in yourself and your ability to create an amazing life. The only one who can limit us is our own selves. Where are you subconsciously limiting yourself? Where are you settling in life? What beliefs are you holding onto about yourself and how you see yourself? Remove those self-imposed limitations. This is your life, and you are free. What would you do with unlimited freedom? If you had everything you needed right now, what would you do? Go out and start on doing that. Be your tenacious self, and you’re going to get there. Give yourself the credit you deserve! You are a powerful, magical, unlimited divine being!! You can create the life you dream of. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

My interpretation of the cards: We have a Capricorn Super Full Moon upon us, so it’s not a surprise that there is so much Earth energy and a message of staying grounded. Elk is on my Moon Magic Worksheet! Elk embodies strength, resilience, ambition, determination, pride, power, and perseverance. They have enormous reserves of strength and admirable tenacity. The Elk reminds us that everything we need will come. All That Glitters card is asking us if we want to wear the masks and hide our true self and sit on our pile of riches? Or do we want to drop the masks and shine in our authentic truth, light, and freedom? Is being spiritually free worth more than being financially prosperous? You don’t necessarily have to make a choice between one or the other, but the one you choose first might dictate how the other shows up in your life. Do you put your spirit first or your 3D expectations? Maybe if you put your own spiritual needs first, the prosperity will follow. Maybe if you show the Universe that money isn’t what’s most important, maybe that’s when more will show up for you. Things aren’t always what they seem, and that’s what this card is all about. The people around you, the experiences you have whether positive or negative, they aren’t always what they seem. The toughest lessons might bring us the greatest gold. Life has a funny way of reminding us that no matter how much control we perceive we have, we really have very little other than our how we choose to deal with each moment and the perspective we look at it from. Maybe our life is already rich and we never needed the mask to begin with. Maybe we have become so accustomed to the mask, accustomed to the expectations of wearing a certain mask, that we are struggling to take it off. There is just lots of things happening right now, within us and outside of us in our lives. There are lots of changes, transformations, and choices to be made. The All That Glitters card asks us to look at the honest truth. Look at the people around you, who they truly are, not just who they pretend they are. Do you have the support you need? This is why choosing my business as a priority is so important to me. This work, this light, it is my choice. It is authentically me without any masks. All I can do is be me when I read, and that’s what I love the most about it. I know it’s what I was created to do. I can’t hide my truth anymore. I can’t hide who I am. This is about us getting over our fears of not being perfect enough, or pretty enough, or skinny enough, or put together enough. Who you are is enough. The glitz and glamour may be desirable, but it’s not who that person truly is. Authentic relationships are not about what the other person can give you. It’s about loving someone for their soul. It’s about wanting and needing for nothing more than all that we already have. Make sure you are seeing deeper than the surface level, and not being distracted by what looks good. Be very decisive about the decisions you make going forward. Make sure they are absolutely 100% right and authentically for you. You are in synergy with the Earth, so make sure you are balanced with it and contributing towards it in good and healthy ways. You are part of Earth’s synergy and what you do matters. Let the flow of life guide you and let things fall into place as they are meant to. Don’t force things just because you want something shiny. Be authentically you and everything else will fall into place. Be aligned with Spirit and with your true purpose. Stay out of your ego and connect to your higher self. Make choices for your highest good. Tune into life and see what it’s showing you, where it’s leading you. Be open to the new. Know that you are connected to Earth/Spirit/Universe and the signs you receive are real and very much guided specifically for you. You are growing so much and you can’t even see it. There are opportunities all around you, just waiting for you to connect to them and receive them. You are magical!! (See, I told you!!) There is magic in this life, in the everyday things. I love looking back to special moments in my life that I know were aligned and were truly magical. They remind me that magic can happen on any day, at anytime. You can be where you are and still create magic. Do what you can with what you have. Know that everything is going to be ok. Just keep letting yourself grow and blossom! Let your magic be seen and shared with the world. It’s your time to be seen and to shine. From small things, big things can grow, so just keep going as best as you can. Plants can support you on your journey, utilize plant medicine and eat healthy. Boost your creativity and find solutions. You are going to get through this, just as you’ve gotten through many things before. Live everyday like it’s a magical one. Have a beautiful week! 💖🙏✨

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Moon Magic Worksheet Subscription link

Moon Magic Worksheet

Angel Card & Crystal Reading

Dream interpretation

Astrology Natal Chart

Card Reading for Beginners Course

Messages From Spirit for June 26, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 26, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June26 #Consciousness #Expanding #Recognize #Connection #AllThings #Connected #Thoughts #Actions #Create #Life #Manifesting #CoCreation #CreateYourLife #Uncover #Truth #Soul #Trust #Wisdom #Inner #Knowledge #YouHaveTheAnswers #YouKnowWhatYouNeedToDo

Messages From Spirit for June 25, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 25, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June25 #Heaven #Earth #You #Perfect #Expression #Conduit #Light #Heavens #Rainbow #Oracle #Angels #Voice #CoCreate #Spirit #Guidance #Within #Heart #Vibration #Rising #Create #HeavenOnEarth #Clear #Vision #Future #Manifesting

Messages From Spirit for June 7, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 7, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June7 #Manifesting #Receiving #HighestGood #Connect #Spirit #Receive #Divine #Guidance #Direction #Wisdom #Accept #GoodThingsComeEasily #DoLess #AttractMore

New Moon in Aries – March 21, 2023

On March 21, 2023, we have a powerful New Moon peaking at 11:22am MDT falling at 0°48’ in the sign of Aries. 🌑✨🐏

This is the 1st of two New Moons in Aries, and the last New Moon that falls at 1 degree. The next New Moon in Aries on April 19 also is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse which won’t be visible in North America.

Now is the time to manifest. Now is the time for focus on the things you desire, the things that make you happy, and the things that make you feel good.

What lights you up? What would you be doing if you were living your best life? How can you make changes and take steps to live in closer alignment to that energy?

The coming eclipses are going to shake things up. We have to be ready with our vision clear and our emotions in check. We have to be strong and solid in our vision for the future. When things crumble, we need to be ready to rebuild our lives the way we want.

Just like the Ram, we have to be tenacious and push through any obstacles that get in the way of our happiness. Aries is all about the self. This New Moon is about finding what we need for our own personal happiness going forward.

Let everything else burn. Only we can do this and choose this for ourselves. Stand in your power and strength and know what you deserve.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🔥

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Aries? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Aries, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #MoonMagic #Aries #Astrology #March #March21 #Fresh #Energy #High #Driven #Progressing #Desires #Manifesting #NewBeginnings #MoveForward #Magic #Receive #Accept #CallIn #Create #Wishes #BeOpen #SolveProblems #Obstacles #Ram #Overcome #Changes #NoRush #Proceed

Messages From Spirit for March 14, 2023

Messages From Spirit for March 14, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #March14 #Mar14 #Consciousness #Expanding #Understand #Connection #AllThings #Retreat #InnerRest #PaidOff #Connection #God #Inspire #Fire #Union #Transformation #Thoughts #Actions #Create #Reality #Energy #Manifesting