Micro Full Snow Moon in Virgo – February 24, 2024

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, we have a Full Snow Moon peaking at 5:30am MST at 5°22’ in the sign of Virgo. 🌕✨♍️

This Full Moon is a Micro Moon, meaning that it is at apogee or in the orbit farthest away from Earth. It appears smaller and dimmer than a Super Moon.

This is the last Full Moon for the astrological year and the last Full Moon before eclipse season begins.

This is an important time to release and let go of the things that no longer serve you.

The sign of Virgo is all about hard work and cleanliness. She is pure, she is the maiden and virgin.

This Full Moon calls us to clean up our lives. Not only our physical homes, but also our bodies, our inner emotions, our mindsets, and our daily routines.

This is an important time of change. There is a strong desire for freedom and fresh starts. People may be leaving relationships, taking new paths, or moving to new homes.

The upcoming Eclipse energy will really shake things up. Organize yourself and be prepared. Know that you are safe and secure on your own, and you can handle whatever is coming your way.

We are strong and we are going to get through this. We will be better because of it all. Trust in your knowing. Trust yourself. Let go of resistance and live with a sense of ease.

Virgo loves to work hard, which is why it is so important to take time to rest. Give yourself the love you deserve. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take time to bend so you don’t break.

Only you can give yourself the love and the life you deserve.

What do you need to let go of and change?

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨♍️

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Virgo? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF you can look over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Virgo, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #MicroMoon #Snow #Moon #Astrology #Virgo #Wellness #Balance #Work #WorkHard #Play #Rest #Organize #Clean #Declutter #LetGo #Release #MakeChanges #Daily #Routines #BeTolerant #AcceptImperfections #Trust #Growth #TakeABreak #MakeTime #Fun #Refresh #Rejuvenate #FillYourCup

Animal Spirit Card Reading

A card of guidance for anyone that resonates with it. 💗🙏🐎

All the planets are now direct and this is a time of forward movement, new freedom, and adventure.

I know a lot of people are going to be travelling soon, and this is a perfect time. 🛩️🚘

This message can also be about setting yourself free… from perspectives, expectations, perfectionism, control tactics, and perceived limitations.

This is a reminder of your free will, to make the choices that will lead to your empowerment, happiness, and freedom. Sometimes, we do need to make the hard decisions and let go of things that may not be easy for us. You can lead yourself to a better situation and brighter pastures with the choices you make for yourself.

Horse Spirit carries us forward when we are weary. It’s giving us the gentle nudge we need to run free on our own, in whatever direction we choose.

Make a move and enjoy the freedom of letting go of the need to control.

Heal your spirit and remember that your power is greater than you think.

Loosen up, drop the reigns, let go, and prance with others for the fun of it. ❤️💃🚗

Your time is now. Enjoy it. Live life like it’s a vacation. 🕶️🌞💐

#General #Guidance #Oracle #Card #CardReading #Message #Messages #Spirit #Animal #Horse #Freedom #Adventure #Happiness #Fun #Enjoyment #Choice #MakeGoodChoices #Improve #MakeChanges #ForTheBest #NewPossibilities #Travel #Exploration #Life #LiveIt #Now

Messages From Spirit for September 8, 2023

Messages From Spirit for September 8, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #September8 #Sept8 #End #Tough #Cycle #New #Fun #Fresh #Start #ComingYourWay #Release #Control #Trust #PrioritizeYourself #Meditate #Contemplate #MakeAPlan #Commit #Wish #Manifest #Dreams #Create #Reality #Luck #Energy #Gift

New Moon in Gemini – June 17, 2023

On Saturday, June 17, 2023 we have a New Moon peaking at 10:36pm MDT at 26°42’ in the sign of Gemini. 🌚✨♊️

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on this day, so we are doing a lot of soul searching and reevaluating what is next for us.

Mars is in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo which should enhance the friendly vibes and bring fresh ideas.

This is a very social Moon, so get out and connect with friends and other like-minded people.

Two heads are better than one. Chat with others for inspiration and connection.

Make sure you are setting boundaries and communicating what you need to live the life you desire.

If something isn’t making you happy, it’s up to you to change it.

Look deep within to truly see yourself and love all parts of you.

Know that you have what it takes and you have everything you need. You just need to believe it for yourself.

Trust your ideas and inspirations and take a chance on them. Put some effort and energy behind them.

Get out there and live a life you love. Experience the pleasure, abundance, and wonder that life has to offer. Set your intentions to bring in even more greatness and joy.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑👯‍♀️🪞

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Gemini? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Gemini #Astrology #Energy #Twins #Enjoy #Joy #LiveInTheMoment #MakeSpace #BeCurious #Change #Spontaneity #Desires #Transformation #SoulSearching #Unknown #Align #Truth #Trust #ShareYourFeelings #SetIntentions #Creativity #Ideas #Plans #Connections #Fun #Friendly #LoveYourself #ShareYourLight

Messages From Spirit for April 10, 2023

Messages From Spirit for April 10, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Messages #MessagesFromSpirit #April10 #Apr10 #WorkWithOthers #Teamwork #MakeThingsHappen #Share #Work #Fun #Consider #Feelings #BeAGoodTeamPlayer #AskForHelp #Receive #Accept #Help #Support #Offer #Ask #Angels

Messages From Spirit for February 9, 2023

Messages From Spirit for February 9, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #February9 #Feb9 #YouAreCapable #JugglingPriorities #YouCanHandleAnything #Accomplish #Dreams #MakeItFun #Fun #Humor #Concerns #Fade #EnjoyLife #Light

Messages From Spirit for January 15, 2023

Messages From Spirit for January 15, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #January15 #Jan15 #JustSayYes #Yes #HaveFun #Celebrate #DontBeSoSerious #Rest #Play #Laugh #Spirit #Fun #Enjoyment #WhatLightsYouUp

Messages From Spirit for December 10, 2022

Messages From Spirit for December 10, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #December10 #Dec10 #GoAfterYourDreams #ExpandYourHorizons #BeCreative #Creativity #Joyful #Playful #Life #LightHearted #Fearless

Card Reading for the week of October 10, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Nuumite, Oregon Icicle, and Crazy Lace Agate. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Nuummite – Nuummite, the Sorcerer’s Stone, draws from the fiery energies of ancient Earth and combines with the elements of Storm. Black as midnight shadows on moonlit water, this talisman shimmers with mystical gold light, lifting the murky to see what lies beneath. It is a stone of personal magic, increasing the frequency of synchronicities and luck, clairvoyance and intuition. It enhances personal power and clears blockages. It allows for journeying deep into the personal psyche, offering a clear vision of one’s true Self. It helps to release energies trapped in the subconscious and brings the gift of inner power, healing, and self-mastery. Nuummite is a grounding stone. It is an excellent source of energy, restoring your energy, with a strong electro-magnetic field. It aligns the subtle bodies, strengthens the auric shield, and is fiercely protective against negative energies, manipulations, and environmental pollutants.

Oregon Icicle – Used for protection, strength, good health, good fortune, and long life. Grounding. Gives courage and helps banish fear. Increases self-esteem. Promotes mental processes and inner talents. Enhances analytical abilities, precision, and perceptiveness. Brings vitality. Helpful to those who are recovering. A nurturing stone. Absorbs and transmutes negative energies.

Crazy Lace Agate – The stone of laughter. It is also called Happy Lace Agate because it is believed to absorb negative feelings and to bring happiness. Its flowing energy is helpful to overcome depression and despair. It is a calming stone, helpful for anyone suffering. It promotes positive thinking and uplifts self-esteem feelings. It is also believed to be a stone which brings good luck and helps overcome obstacles. It balances body and mind, helping make wise decisions. Also, it is believed to promote mental agility and dynamic thoughts. Crazy Lace Agate encourages flexibility in thinking and communication.

I started looking ahead to the energy of the New Moon, and we have only began this time of transition and change. We are moving into Scorpio season soon, and with the fiery Full Moon in Aries we just had, we are working our way through the fire and transmuting, so we can come through on the other side as changed people. Although these crystals seem a little intimidating, we are being reminded that there are gifts and beauty that come as a result of the storms we endure. We will get through on the other side of this. Watch for the signs and synchronicities. Listen to your intuition. You are being guided onto a path that serves you better, if you will keep your heart open and choose better for yourself. This isn’t just a quick rainfall we are enduring right now… this is an intense hurricane that knocks out power for weeks while we clean ourselves up and straighten out our lives… while we remember our true priorities and what really matters. It’s not going to be a quick cry and move on… we are going to have to dig deep and really look at the trauma and pain that we don’t want to acknowledge. We have to take our power back and clear out these blockages that have been holding us back and keeping us down. We do have the power though. We are strong enough and we can get through this and overcome this. Stay grounded through the ups and downs. Know that you have an important purpose and trust that everything is working out as needed. We need to shield ourselves and protect our energy. We need to reinvest our energy back into ourselves. We need to invest our energy in taking care of our physical health. Getting exercise helps keep us grounded and our energy regulated. We have to let go of the fears that have been holding us back. We are so worthy and we have a huge purpose… it would be a shame to let life pass by while we stay small and hidden. Believe in yourself and your abilities and have confidence. You have all kinds of abilities and talents, so put them to use! We have been beat down a bit, and our energy is a bit low. Now is a time to get rejuvenated and let your energy recharge. Nurture yourself and take good care of yourself. Stay away from negative energy and surround yourself with positive energy. Take time to laugh as much as possible. Watch a funny movie or some funny videos. Let yourself feel happy as much as you can. Life wants us to be happy, and we don’t need to take everything so seriously. Everything always does find a way to work out. Instead of stressing, replace it with calm and trust. We don’t want to be miserable or cynical, so make sure you get your laughs in. It’s time to be smart about the future and stop playing a victim to life’s circumstances. We have that it takes to communicate effectively and achieve our goals. Flexible and calm. Flexible and calm. Lol. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

It feels like a lot of people are questioning where their home truly is… or where is home for their heart now. Spirit is watching over us as we move through these Moon cycles, and everything is destined. Our light has grown and we are ready to shine it out into the world, but we are suspended or stuck somewhere that once was home for us. This card, No Place Like Home, is a reminder that what YOU want matters too. The life, dreams, desires, and goals you want to achieve, you deserve to be able to go take your shot. This does feel a bit like we are trapped and it’s going to take a lot of work to get ourselves out of this situation. It doesn’t matter what others have done to you. You know who you are, and you have to claim your truth. Only you can look at your challenges with power and strength and make better choices for your future. This phase of our lives is all about us. It’s all about what we want and making sure we make the most of it. Be exactly who you are. Live your authentic truth. Stop staying in something that you wish felt like home, when you know deep in your heart it’s not what is right for you. You know what’s coming… you already know. Listen to your intuition. Trust your vibes. They are always right. Know your worth and know you don’t deserve anyone who hurts you repeatedly. We know that more is meant for us out there, but we can’t be out there doing that, if we are stuck at home chained up. Trust your heart to lead you now. Know that any space you make, any hard decisions you have to make, are going to be worth it in the end. You already know how it’s going to end up, and you can consciously choose your part and show the Universe you have learned and are ready… or you can keep staying chained up until the earth quakes. Either way, the Universe will find a way to help you be free. Say no to the people and things that take your energy from things you want to do. Get grounded and recharge your energy. Dance is perfect for that. Dance helps us connect to the Earth and the heartbeat. It helps us feel joy and movement. Dance helps us celebrate life and how far we’ve come. It’s all about how much love you want to exude in your life. You can sit on the sidelines, or you can dance. I hope you dance. Celebrate being alive and this beautiful existence we are blessed with. Connecting through music and dance is going to be extra powerful this week, for our own personal happiness. Remember that your most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Make sure you are happy, calm, and replenished. Remember that all love that we attract into our life, stems from how much we love our own selves. Do you love yourself enough to say no? Are you willing to say no, even if it’s hard, so that you can be ready to say yes when the time is right? Whatever you choose, Spirit is finding a way to work things out in our favour. If you have been hurt, maybe it’s your time for new happiness. No matter what is going on, hang on a little longer, because things are continuing to shake themselves out. Karma is coming for those that deserve it. Make sure you are following your intuition as much as you can too. Things are going to be on the way up. We are moving through the storm and we are almost there. Keep hanging on and finding your happiness! Have a wonderful week! 💕🤗

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:


Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:


Moon Magic Worksheet:


Angel Card & Crystal Reading:


Dream Interpretation:


Astrology Natal Chart:


Card Reading for Beginners Course:


Messages From Spirit for July 31, 2022

Messages From Spirit for July 31, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July31 #IAmLove #LovingEnergy #TheUniverseSupportsMe #Support #IAmSupported #Relax #HaveFun #Experience #Fun #Joy #Bliss #Trust #Abundance #Abundant #Life #Manifesting