Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 15, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rhodochrosite, Pink Opal, and Rhodonite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Rhodonite – A sister stone to Rhodochrosite. Clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. It eases doubts about personal abilities and helps in achieving one’s highest potential. It builds confidence and alleviates confusion. It calms the heart and soothes the mind. Focuses one’s gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. A stone of purpose, cooperation, community, and generosity of spirit. Brings one back to centre during stressful times. Gently releases self-destructive tendencies and festering resentments. Providing a wake-up call to do something positive about things.

The message this week definitely resonates with the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio that we just had! It’s all about balancing and clearing our emotions, having confidence and boldly moving forwards, using our gifts and talents for the betterment of all (especially ourselves). We are seeing things so much more clearly. No longer are we taking a blind eye. The things that once bothered us… the things we thought we would never get over… we are starting to overcome. There will always be challenging days, but things are getting easier! We are starting to see how far we’ve come. The joy is returning, as the Rainbow showed us last week. We truly are healing our subconscious pain. We are facing fears, putting ourselves out there, and making changes in our lives. My spouse always complains about social media… but to me, it truly is what you make of it. My feed is filled with amazing healers and like minded souls, and I feel so much inspiration and a sense of community here. I learn from all of you, and there is a TON of great resources. It’s means so much to be able to share my gifts and help anyone that I can. That’s what this week is about. It’s time to get real with yourself. Are you going to keep dragging your feet and complaining? Or are you going to pick yourself up and start focusing on the positives of life? You are living right now, and that in itself is a miracle. You are here for a reason. What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Do you want to leave behind a Facebook feed of bitching and complaining? Or do you want to leave the World with inspiration and beauty? It’s not up to the Internet… it’s up to you. It’s a choice you make every day. If you are in a habit of thinking negatively, you have to do everything you can to change those thought patterns. Ask yourself when you have those thoughts, are they really true? And are they serving me? Chances are probably not, and probably not. What positive things can you focus on now? What are your gifts? How can you give, and help the people around you? In person, or online! These times have been so stressful and exhausting.. and it’s made me think a lot about how we need to get back to a community way of life. We need to get back to living a more honest and trust worthy way of life. One where we can really rely on all the people around us. It starts with each one of us… working as hard as we can to let go of our own toxic traits and unhealthy belief systems. I see people changing everyday. More and more, I see people caring… I see people believing… I see people truly loving themselves. The more of us that can do this, the more we can change our whole world and way of life. If you are struggling in your life, this is your wake up call. YOU have to make better choices to improve your life. Nobody else can do this for you. It’s interesting because I’ve had the Rhodonite for a long time, but I can’t find any evidence that I have ever used it in a reading before! Give your soul what it needs to heal. Give your soul the love it deserves. Spread that love to others. Let’s spread the love to the whole world. We can do it, together. Let’s see what the cards say!

Mintakan is the very last card in the deck. I always find that to be an auspicious sign. It’s like, we are looking back on our past, longing for the ways things were, or the way they could’ve been, or should’ve been. We long for a time, that isn’t this present time. We long for a place, that isn’t where we are. The thing is… if we wait to feel like we truly “belong”… we might wait forever. Look around you. The place where you are, is actually pretty beautiful. There are many reasons to feel joy and happiness in this space. You create your life, make sure you are creating in a way that feels joyful to you. Make sure you are noticing the beauty and focusing on what’s positive. I was watching The Leo King, and he was talking about going to an astrology conference, and he said, “If you want to be into astrology, just show up and go be that person”. Whatever you want to do, whoever you want to be, just do it! I’m sure some people find new age spirituality to be overwhelming at first, but the more you notice, the more you pay attention, the more things just make sense. It’s a natural growth and learning process. Maybe more of a remembering. I think we all have this internal crisis of feeling like we don’t belong, and that’s a major lesson in life. Can you take responsibility for your life? Can you take your power back and create a life you love? How much abundance and happiness and joy and beauty and wonder can you create for yourself? The bar will just keep getting raised, and it’s such a beautiful thing. There is so much lately about personal power, and taking our power back, using it to our full advantage. We have the power to create the lives we desire, and deserve. Krishna is recognizing our devotion to our Spirit. He reminds us that we can trust in this guidance. We can believe in the beauty and the magic. We can trust in Spirit and the Divine plan. You will be recognized for the hard work you put into changing your life. You are loved by the Universe unconditionally, and you are special. Please see yourself as so. He wears a Peacock Feather, which reminds us to be proud of who we are, and to show our true beauty. Krishna is about choosing love over fear. We will be rewarded when we overcome what scares us. Our worst limitations arise in our own minds, and if we can overcome that, we unlock unlimited potential. It may feel as if you’ve been on a battle field, but Krishna brings us sweet messages of hope. Make the best decisions to honour your life. Trust in your connection to Spirit, because we are all being led on a path of enlightenment to share our gifts and wisdom. The Shekinah Card is our Sacred Self, she is the female voice of Spirit who is here to bring about equality, reminding us that God’s image is not only masculine. We are here to make change, use our voices, and change the world. We are here to unite all of our hearts. This is also about just enjoying life. Bringing joy back into your days. We are here to enjoy life and be happy. We should celebrate our lives and how lucky we are. If you are struggling, you need to channel your emotions into something positive. We do have work to do here on this Earth, but we don’t need to put so much pressure on ourselves. We have to channel our passions and voices in positive ways. We all have to work to make this world more peaceful. Don’t be so hard on yourself.. in fact, go very easy. Things don’t have to be so challenging, and it starts with your perspective. Let it go, and relax. Be guided by your soul with ease and joy. Have a lovely week!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

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