Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 22, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Dragon’s Blood, Larvikite, and Yellow Feather Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Dragon’s Blood – Manifestation tool for financial abundance and personal happiness. Helps us to feel more positive and optimistic about the future, especially when suffering from grief and sadness. It urges us to step into our personal power and be bold. Helps stimulate creativity and achieve goals. Provides strength, courage, and purpose to help face difficulties and to heal repressed emotional issues.

Larvikite – A wise and protective stone. Repels all forms of negativity. Cleanses old energy, including karma and past lives. Helps us process the past and release trauma and pain. Gives the gift of self-confidence, self-reliance and resiliency. Strengthens intellectual ability and sharpens psychic powers. Enhances vitality and youthfulness.

Yellow Feather Jasper – Stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra. Amplifies self-confidence, courage and empowerment. Facilitates the release of toxins. Provides protection during Spiritual work. Wind, faith, lightness, mobility, air, flight, joy, contemplation.

I couldn’t help but notice it’s November 22. Number sign 1122 means to trust that life is unfolding in a way that is right for you. You might feel uncertain, but you are not alone. Safely forge ahead at your own pace. You are on the right track and everything is going to be alright. Focus on positive thoughts toward solutions. Your thoughts are the blueprints of your life. Have faith in the Creator’s plan. Concentrate on finding and understanding your purpose in this world. This is a chance for a new beginning. You can move on from the mistakes of the past and build a new life. Keep working towards your dreams. Anything is possible.

This is why I love crystals. I didn’t research the crystals at the store, I just grabbed these ones, and they are so perfect. The Dragon’s Blood is all about personal power, and that has been a huge theme for us! Have you been following through on your intentions? I know for me personally, the process is slow-going, but I have been making progress. I touched my new Calcite crystal when I was choosing crystals, and it felt like it was “almost ready”, maybe it will be next week’s crystal, but it had an explosive change of positive energy. Things are happening, even if we can’t see the whole picture right now. I feel like we are very close to seeing some real results. Connections are forming, here on 3D Earth and also in the Spiritual Etheric Realm. Dreams have been very intense lately! Things are going to be shifting for the better, very soon. Things have been hard, there’s no denying that… and not just for some of us… we are literally ALL going through it. We’ve had to face a lot of issues and go through a lot of challenges. We may be experiencing grief or sadness over a number of things, in any area of your life. These ups and downs, these challenges, are a normal part of life. The stronger you become, the easier it will be to handle any challenge that arises. Think about a powerful CEO. They deal with challenges all day every day. When something arises, they take care of it and handle it. They get it done and off their plate. They work hard, and they don’t complain about every hurdle, because hurdles are not only normal, they are necessary. We are becoming conditioned for greatness… you must not hide yourself away. You must find your gifts, how you can contribute to the world, and share that with authenticity. It makes me unbelievably proud to see people that I’ve done readings or healings for, changing their lives and spreading positivity. It truly is magic when we realize that the only person standing in the way of our happiness is our own selves. When we take responsibility for our own happiness, we can be happy! That is the only thing holding you back from putting yourself out there… worrying what so-and-so might think of you… but this is energy from the past that you need to let go of. You don’t need to feel bound to the past anymore. You’ve paid your dues. You’ve proven yourself and the choices you’re willing to make. Your karmic debt is paid, and we are preparing for life to vault us forward. Who cares what anyone thinks of you anymore. Those people don’t even know you now. We don’t need to carry around guilt or shame anymore. We get to be free and new. It doesn’t matter who wants to be negative, because that energy is on them. We have Spirit on our side! That’s all that matters. Everything we have been through has shaped who we are today, and that is a beautiful thing. You are incredibly resilient, and can achieve any goal you set your mind to. You have the energy, vitality and intellect to overcome anything. This is exactly why you are deserving of all these great gifts. The Larvikite is getting rid of any negativity that may be in your energy, or that anyone has projected on you. It is going to protect you as you move forward. Have confidence in yourself and your gifts. Again, the Yellow Feather Jasper is about confidence, personal power, freedom and happiness. It empowers us to change what isn’t serving us. The lightness of the wind and air in the feather Jasper tells me things are swirling, shifting and changing. Each leaf that falls might not be noticed, but when they are all gone, there will be nothing left to hide. We have to be ready because our time is coming… We are going to have to bare it all. Be ready, and do it with confidence. When in life were you most happy or most confident, and why? How can you live like that again? Or think about life in reverse. Imagine yourself as a senior… what are you most proud of? What did you accomplish? What gifts did you share? How did you impact the world and those around you? Think about the person you would’ve wanted to be, and be that person today. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

The By The Book and the Yang Card came flying out, and I wasn’t going to keep them, but they felt as part of the reading. The By The Book Card tells us that we don’t need to do things by the book. Just because other people think your life should look a certain way, does not mean that it needs to. This also means, we have no right to tell anyone else how to live their life. This card tells us that if we keep putting in the work, we will make our way to success. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to be successful, simply follow in the footsteps of others who have done it before you. Learn from other structures that work. Don’t be impatient. Put the work in and trust the rewards are coming. This is the time to create and put our energy out there. We had the Yin Card previously, and now we have Yang. We are preparing for a big moment. We need to be confident, take action, and make things happen. We are manifesting our thoughts and ideas into form. This is a sign that we have overcome the obstacles and we are now ready. I couldn’t help but notice they were cards 11 and 1. We do have a Deep Knowing of where we are going. I was just chatting on Facebook last week about Owl sightings, then saw another beautiful Owl, so it’s no surprise to see him in this reading. We are so much wiser now. We are intelligent and creative. Our intuition is strong as ever. We are seeing things from all sides, and navigating our journey naturally. Keep opening the door wider and wider. This Deep Knowing card is about encountering people on our path in life that are meant to be. Destiny is occurring, especially in our connections to others and the Spirit world. Follow your inner knowing, and take the risks when you feel guided to. This week is about singing a song only you can sing. It’s about finding what’s right for you, what works for you, what resonates for you. Our inner light is begging to shine. Please don’t let it be dulled by the negativity of others. Now is the time to let the world know who you are. There is so much magic to be experienced. You do not have to meet anyone’s expectations. Don’t get caught up in what is right for others, focus on what is right for you. Living your dreams is all you need to do. Claiming your true, inherent power, is all you need to do. Expressing your full self, no matter who feels fearful. You are created by the same power that creates lightning. Do you see how powerful your potential is? You have the choice in life to harness your power, or not. What you do with your life is up to you. Are you going to let the storm make you feel fearful and scared? Or are you going to enjoy the show? Get prepared, because your act is coming soon! Have a wonderful week!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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