Animal Spirit Card Reading

A card of guidance for anyone that resonates with it. πŸ’—πŸ™πŸŽ

All the planets are now direct and this is a time of forward movement, new freedom, and adventure.

I know a lot of people are going to be travelling soon, and this is a perfect time. πŸ›©οΈπŸš˜

This message can also be about setting yourself free… from perspectives, expectations, perfectionism, control tactics, and perceived limitations.

This is a reminder of your free will, to make the choices that will lead to your empowerment, happiness, and freedom. Sometimes, we do need to make the hard decisions and let go of things that may not be easy for us. You can lead yourself to a better situation and brighter pastures with the choices you make for yourself.

Horse Spirit carries us forward when we are weary. It’s giving us the gentle nudge we need to run free on our own, in whatever direction we choose.

Make a move and enjoy the freedom of letting go of the need to control.

Heal your spirit and remember that your power is greater than you think.

Loosen up, drop the reigns, let go, and prance with others for the fun of it. β€οΈπŸ’ƒπŸš—

Your time is now. Enjoy it. Live life like it’s a vacation. πŸ•ΆοΈπŸŒžπŸ’

#General #Guidance #Oracle #Card #CardReading #Message #Messages #Spirit #Animal #Horse #Freedom #Adventure #Happiness #Fun #Enjoyment #Choice #MakeGoodChoices #Improve #MakeChanges #ForTheBest #NewPossibilities #Travel #Exploration #Life #LiveIt #Now

Messages From Spirit for May 26, 2023

Messages From Spirit for May 26, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #May26 #Sweetness #Life #Rest #Softness #Enjoy #Delicious #Fragrances #Relish #WhatItMeans #BeAlive #Embrace #Beauty #Bliss #Experience #Joy #Right #Peace #Enjoyment #YouDeserveIt #EmbraceIt #Safe #Enjoy #Delight

Messages From Spirit for January 15, 2023

Messages From Spirit for January 15, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #January15 #Jan15 #JustSayYes #Yes #HaveFun #Celebrate #DontBeSoSerious #Rest #Play #Laugh #Spirit #Fun #Enjoyment #WhatLightsYouUp

May 2020 Astrology

May is shaping up to be a much better month than March and April were. We are moving from Capricorn to Gemini energy. Capricorn is very serious and responsible, while Gemini is much more fun and light-hearted. May is all about Gemini energy. Gemini is the sign of the twins, and brings a balanced energy. It’s all about reclaiming balance in your life by setting boundaries where you need them and removing them where you restrict yourself. Saturn in Aquarius is a big focus in the current astrology. It is about reevaluating the current structures in our life. It’s themes involve social distancing and working from home. Aquarius is all about innovating our lives. Saturn moved into Aquarius on March 21, and because of retrograde it dips back into Capricorn from July 1-December 17, and then will move back into Aquarius again. This is important because it indicates that the things we are going through now, may be more ongoing than we might hope. There is going to be a new normal, and we are rebuilding our lives from the ground up. The Lunar Nodes changing are also a big event. They change signs every 18 months. They are telling us that our lives are changing. They are reminding us to appreciate the people and places that are close to us. We always need to appreciate where we are and what we have. Wonderment doesn’t always have to be found in the exotic… it is right here and now, in this moment, begging to be acknowledged and seen. Wanting you to truly understand what a gift this life is. Gemini is about communication, and it’s about us standing up for what we need, in order to create the life we desire. Gemini’s are very social and outgoing, and now is a great time to make new friends. Gemini’s are also very curious, so it is a great time to learn new things, and remember to learn by doing. Gemini’s are also very fun loving, playful, flexible and adaptable. Get out there, have fun, and try something new! If you have been feeling stuck or boxed in, getting out and having fun can help you regain the freedom you seek. How can you inject more playfulness into your life? With the mix of Capricorn and Gemini, it’s going to be a balancing act of responsibility vs enjoyment. Yes, these are trying times, and we have to take things seriously, but we must also remember that this life is about enjoyment. What is life if it doesn’t feel good? We are here to be happy, so don’t let anything get you down. Have fun and make the most of it! πŸŒΈπŸ™βœ¨

#Astrology #May #Forecast #Gemini #Capricorn #Saturn #Aquarius #Retrograde #Fun #Enjoyment #Balance #Responsibility #Learning #Try #Stuck #Curiosity #Joy #Positive #Positivity #LunarNode

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of February 9, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Epidot, Prehnite and Fancy Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Epidote – Enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. Increases perception and brings spiritual growth. Helpful for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Brings a sense of hopeful optimism, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Clears congestion and energy blockages. Helps to balance and stabilize energy. An excellent stone for connecting with nature and her healing qualities.

Prehnite – Boosts prophetic abilities. Enhances visualization and spiritual “knowing” and aids in connecting with higher realms. Helps induce lucid dreaming, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced. Prehnite is said to “heal the Healer,” and can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Fosters a strong sense of trust in the Universe. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and of love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. It clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians. It helps you say β€œno”. Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps to remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind.

Fancy Jasper – Brings wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. Helps with letting go of bitterness and resentment. Eliminates negativity and strengthens insight. Promotes forgiveness, peace and tranquility. Helps you to lighten up and enjoy yourself more. It can also relieve fear, guilt and frustration, building inner strength and confidence. Helps one to better connect with nature.

This week, we continue to work towards healing. We have been feeling stuck in patterns of negative thinking. For me, I’ve just been feeling so exhausted trying to keep up with life. When I ask for help, I mostly just feel unheard, which then turns into resentment, and my exhaustion marches on. How can you heal when it feels impossible? How can you get unstuck, when everything in your life is keeping you stuck? We have to keep working on tweaking our perception. Remember all the reasons you have to feel good and grateful. We have to look at life through a lens of optimism if we want to feel good and have energy. We have to increase our vibrations. Music is a great tool to get your energy up and turned around. Although I’m exhausted this morning, I’m going to get ready for work and rock out on my way there. I’m going to handle my day and come home to enjoy the evening, doing what lights me up. Crystal or reiki healing is a great way to release blockages and balance your energy. Crystals also help us connect to the healing qualities of nature. Although I’m tired and feeling low energy today (I couldn’t sleep with that full moon energy last night!), I truly believe good things are on the way for us this week. We are going to be rewarded from the Universe for all our hard work and dedication. God has seen how much we give. All that you do does not go unnoticed. We have to have wholehearted trust that the Universe will provide for all of our needs. We have to stop holding so tightly onto possessions and money, and even relationships. When we hold on too tightly, we create blockages and a sense of lack. We have to give freely and trust that the energy will be returned to us. While we should give of our energy freely, we also have to make sure we have some balance. It’s ok to say no if you don’t have the energy. Listen to your heart and your needs. Allow the Fancy Jasper to help you heal your environment and your situation. When you feel the resentment arising, do what you can to have compassion, and shift gears so that you can make the most of your energy. Sitting in negativity isn’t going to help anything. Find ways to shift into the energy of peace and contentment, of trust and faith. Lighten up a bit. Enjoy your days. Rock out. Laugh at stuff. Find ways to radiate the energy that feels good. Always remember, the wound is your gift, because it helps you find the way to healing. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

I love this deck. If I had to use one deck for the rest of my days, it would probably be this one. When you aren’t feeling your greatest, the best thing to do is find what lights you up. What makes you feel good? Is there a special place you like to go? Maybe out in nature? Is there an activity that makes you feel alive? What music makes you feel happy? This is how we raise our vibration, and in turn how we raise the entire consciousness of the planet. We are here to enjoy life and have fun. We only get one chance to live this life… do you want to spend it exhausted and resentful? Or do you want to spend it being happy? Filling it with beauty. Always remember how blessed you are to be here and enjoying this existence. The Mintakan card is the last card of this deck. It is asking you what you chapter you need to close? Where do you feel like your life doesn’t work for you? This card represents a need to belong and feel secure. We all would like to believe that some outside factor needs to be changed so we can find the place where we truly belong, but the truth of the matter is that we need to reconnect with our inner world, with our inner child, and create the life we want for ourselves. It doesn’t really matter what is around us, it matters how we feel inside. It matters how we connect to ourselves and what we believe. Connect with nature today, and remind yourself that whenever you are, you fit there, and you can make it wonderful for you. If you are waiting to feel like you belong, you may be waiting forever. You need to find the space in your heart where you have always belonged. Flip the energy from longing for more, to knowing your life is so good that people will be longing to share it with you. This is also about compassion. Some people don’t realize how they make you feel. Understand that and have compassion, and then make the space you need for your self. Stand in your power and know that you have always belonged… not only that, you have an important role to play on this Earth. We all do, so try not to take it too seriously. Enjoy this life. Take a break. Show others how to be happy and enjoy life. What if our most important purpose here on Earth is just to be happy? Enjoy the life you have created. My kids have a 5 day weekend, and I’m planning to get off of the treadmill of life, at least for a day or two. When we enjoy our life, that is when we show the Universe how grateful we are. When you feel happy and joyful, ask the Universe for more of that. Celebrate all of your hard work. Enjoy yourself and your life. Have a wonderful week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 10, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Dioptase, Ruby on Matrix and Peacock Ore. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Dioptase – Encourages compassion and forgiveness. Encourages you to be aware of the abundance and richness in your life. Helps you to live in the moment, and access past life memories. It will help you more forward if you’ve been feeling stuck, by helping you let go of the past. Help you to find your freedom. Helps you release the things that hold you back from living a full life. Helps you let go of undesirable emotions, such as anger, jealousy and hatred. Powerful for those overcoming abuse or trauma.

Ruby on Matrix – Helps you find new paths in life and gives you the energy you need to walk them. Helps to transform one’s life to a more desirable state. Useful when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. Helps you to realize love within yourself and express emotion.

Peacock Ore – Enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness.

When I look at these crystals.. the energy I feel is… rough. Things have been cold, hard and tough…. dull and dreary. It’s the people who can see beneath the surface and appreciate the little things, that see the gems hidden with the hard rock. There is beauty and abundance within all the hard times we experience. There is always an unseen gift or benefit. Finding ways to look at the bright side is how we shift our perspective. The Ruby is no less a Ruby, just because it is stuck within the rock… it is still beautiful Ruby.. waiting to be uncovered and appreciated. Have compassion for yourself for everything that isn’t seemingly going β€œright”, and instead, choose to focus on everything that is. Recognize how truly beautiful you are, and what a gift it is to walk on this Earth. I have been watching One Strange Rock on Netflix, and I always love a good reminder of what an extraordinary gift it is for us to be alive and experiencing this reality. Make sure you don’t waste it. Find your freedom and experience everything you can. Live your life to the fullest, as much as you possibly can. This isn’t about doing extravagant things, it’s about appreciating this moment right now, whatever you are doing. How can you make the best of it? We are still working through our past traumas, and we are almost there… we can sense the freedom. Keep letting go of the past and seeing yourself as being healed. Forgive yourself. You can’t afford to hold yourself back anymore. There is so much more to life, that is longing for you. You have so many wonderful things to accomplish and experience. The Ruby on Matrix is giving you energy and helping you to recognize all the new paths that lay ahead. It is helping us to transform our lives into a more desirable state… and the key to that is to truly love ourselves… to see what you truly deserve. To love our lives and all that we are so blessed to experience. Trust in yourself and what is right for you, and make your way to that reality. It’s been tough, but we are getting there. Spring is on the way and that is sure to bring a burst of vitality! No matter what is going on for you, try to make the best of it. Let’s see what the cards say.

I know I say it every week.. but these cards are so perfect. DNA is all about creation.. about life, death and rebirth. It’s about the never ending cycle of life that we are blessed to be a part of during this time. Every thing you do matters. Every choice you make has a repercussion. Yes, the weight of that is quite heavy… I immediately think of everywhere I have gone wrong in my life. You can hang on to the past and focus on what went wrong, but it’s never going to change anything, and it takes away from the joy of this moment. You have a choice to make a change. What are you missing when you look at those experiences? Yes, I’ve had a lot of hard times in my life.. but in the grand scheme of things.. they have brought me to who I am today. My struggles have blessed my life and allowed me to seek my Spirituality, which has changed my life so incredibly much for the better. There is so many positives. Focus on them. It’s ok to forgive myself for not knowing better, and to allow myself to heal that wound. When you can integrate the lesson, and the see positive aspect, that’s where you can unlock healing and forgiveness. That’s when you understand the full circle and see the big picture. God doesn’t want us to live here in misery. Life is a gift… open it and embrace it. Let the old you die away, and rebirth into your full power. The Change in Direction Card is so cute.. it wants us to look at life from a newborn perspective. See things in ways you didn’t before. Allow your heart to be open to love and life. The stork is showing you the map of all the pathways…. they are endless… and the beauty is that YOU get to decide what it is you want. This life is what you make of it. Follow your heart and happiness, treat yourself like a child and allow yourself to feel joy. I know my readings are all about positivity… and people hate hearing that all the time. I understand we need to embrace all of our emotions.. but the more we can focus on what’s positive, the more we can shift our perspective, and affect the karma we put out into the world. God wants us to embrace positivity as much as we can. What does it help to insist on wading in negativity? The less we focus on the negative; the more positive we see. Six of Winter is confirming that positive changes are on the way! We are going to feel relief from the stress we have been experiencing lately. Here in Canada, warmer temps are finally on the way, and after this last month of extreme cold, I think we are all ready for some warmer weather. Get out there and appreciate where you live. Appreciate Mother Earth. Appreciate how your body serves you. Appreciate how your mind co-creates this reality. The challenging times are going to fade away, into a sunnier horizon and happier shores. Leave the troubles behind and look to the future with

wild abandon. It’s going to be amazing.

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