Full Beaver Moon in Gemini – November 27, 2023

On Monday, November 27, 2023, peaking at 2:16am MST, we have a Full Beaver Moon at 4°51’ in the sign of Gemini. 🌕✨♊️

It is called the Beaver Moon because this is the time of year when Beaver’s begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead.

The Farmer’s Almanac also lists other names for this Moon including: the Digging Moon (a Tlingit name), Deer Rutting Moon (Dakota and Lakota), Whitefish Moon (Algonquin), Frost Moon (Cree and Assiniboine), and Freezing Moon (Anishinaabe).

Gemini is a sign of duality. You can’t have one without the other. It’s imperative that you understand all sides of the coin to be successful. You can’t just pretend things are ok, if they aren’t.

The Moon is opposite of Mars and this can bring the potential for arguments and power struggles. We may be feeling controlled or unheard. This Moon is an important time for us to reestablish and maintain boundaries in a compassionate way.

This is your life and you get to choose what you hold on to, and what you let go of. What are you going to do to make the most of your life?

The work is never truly done. When you think you’ve surrendered, surrender more.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🦫

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Gemini? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#Astrology #FullMoon #Moon #Gemini #BeaverMoon #MoonMagic #Twins #Duality #Perspectives #SeeAllSides #FaceTheTruth #Concentrate #HardWork #Success #Desire #Change #Spontaneity #Harmony #StayTrueToYou #Clarity #WhatDoYouTrulyWant #WhatIsntWorking #Info #Light #Dreams #Needs #Plan #Reevaluate #Reestablish #Boundaries

New Moon in Gemini – June 17, 2023

On Saturday, June 17, 2023 we have a New Moon peaking at 10:36pm MDT at 26°42’ in the sign of Gemini. 🌚✨♊️

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on this day, so we are doing a lot of soul searching and reevaluating what is next for us.

Mars is in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo which should enhance the friendly vibes and bring fresh ideas.

This is a very social Moon, so get out and connect with friends and other like-minded people.

Two heads are better than one. Chat with others for inspiration and connection.

Make sure you are setting boundaries and communicating what you need to live the life you desire.

If something isn’t making you happy, it’s up to you to change it.

Look deep within to truly see yourself and love all parts of you.

Know that you have what it takes and you have everything you need. You just need to believe it for yourself.

Trust your ideas and inspirations and take a chance on them. Put some effort and energy behind them.

Get out there and live a life you love. Experience the pleasure, abundance, and wonder that life has to offer. Set your intentions to bring in even more greatness and joy.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑👯‍♀️🪞

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Gemini? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email: carrielynngallop@hotmail.com! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Gemini #Astrology #Energy #Twins #Enjoy #Joy #LiveInTheMoment #MakeSpace #BeCurious #Change #Spontaneity #Desires #Transformation #SoulSearching #Unknown #Align #Truth #Trust #ShareYourFeelings #SetIntentions #Creativity #Ideas #Plans #Connections #Fun #Friendly #LoveYourself #ShareYourLight

Card Reading for the Week of December 4, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Lemurian Aquatine Blue Calcite, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Kyanite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Lemurian Aquatine Blue Calcite – Connects to the Throat Chakra. Promotes clear, optimistic, peaceful communication. Develops psychic intuition and clairvoyance. Attunes to Lemuria. Increases emotional intelligence, wisdom, enlightenment, and consciousness. Helps attain emotional balance. It brings deep emotional healing, along with happiness and peace. Harmonizes family energies.

Blue Aragonite – Associated with the Throat Chakra. Encourages you to vocalize your feelings and emotional pain in times where you would normally bite your tongue. Soft and comforting energy. Helps calm and soothe emotions. Helps with facing difficult situations or dealing with traumas. Helps you to become more open with yourself and your hidden emotions, slowly over time releasing these weights. Softens emotional transitions. Helps us to get over things we can’t seem to let go of. Offers patience, intuition, and insight into our emotions. It has a comforting, optimistic, and joyful vibration.

Blue Kyanite – Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages.

My interpretation of the crystals:

My plate is getting a little full lately, so I am not sure how consistent my Weekly Card Readings will be, but I am going to do my best to keep them up because I do look forward to the guidance they bring. It has been a difficult week.. my family is getting over being sick, the weather has been unbearably cold, and my son has a hospital procedure coming up very soon. Along with other personal difficulties I’ve been dealing with… It’s a lot sometimes. I have been feeling like I’ve had to fight for my rights and my needs lately.. there has been more anger and resentment in my life than I would prefer… but these crystals are making me feel like this week with be much more calm and soothing. Communication is coming up big for the Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, so it’s not a surprise that I chose 3 Blue Crystals that have to do with the Throat Chakra. I have been working hard at releasing trauma from my past too, so these crystals are very relatable to me personally. What we communicate and how we do so is very important to our overall energy. What we say and how we think, affects our reality and how we feel. If we think everything is hard and the the world sucks, you can guess what your experience will be. The crystals and the coming Full Moon are asking us to take a more optimistic and positive approach to our communication and thoughts. It’s important to vocalize our feelings, but we have to make sure we are doing it in ways that will be received the way we need them to be. As my Full Moon post said, being aggressive won’t get us what we want, and we need to take a more subtle approach. We have to look for more ways to find peace within, despite whatever we have going on around us. Although I wish my son didn’t have to go through another procedure, creating resistance doesn’t help. All I can do is embrace the days as they are and get through them as positively as I can. If we want to be happier, we have to find more emotional balance and inner peace. Your spiritual connection and tools such as meditation or sound healing can help you feel more calm and soothed. We have to let go of the heavy emotional burdens from the past, especially with the Full Moon coming up. We don’t need to keep dragging around the past. We have to let our hearts be free to pursue what makes us truly happy. Pray to God, the Angels, your Spirit Guides and Ancestors for guidance and protection. Ask for the help you need to get over the things you are struggling with. Gemini is all about duality and the Yin Yang, so be comforted that when things are hard, that better days are on their way. Trust that love, happiness, and joy will fill your heart again. Think joyful thoughts and live as joyfully as you can. Let the Kyanite remove any blockages and stagnancy from your life. Feel aligned and balanced so that you can experience more tranquility. More importantly, be honest with yourself and live an honest life. God sees the truth of all things, and sees you giving your best and most honest effort. Karma will come to those who deserve it, but that is not for us to judge. All we have to do, is the best we can do for ourselves. I have had the most vivid dreams the past week, and they have been fabulous and so full of love and passion. Make sure you are writing your dreams down in the morning so that you can decipher the symbolism and see the pattern of the messages. Be comforted by your dreams. Trust that what you give, will always be returned to you ten-fold. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

My interpretation of the cards:

I really, really love Rebecca Campbell’s Oracle Card Decks. The Reunion Card reminds us that we have so much support around us. Even if it’s hard for you to see now, we do have Spirits that guide our path and bless our dreams. We are co-creating our lives everyday with the help of Spirit, so we need to appreciate our blessings and the gifts we receive, even if they are as simple as a happy dream. There are also people in our lives that can help us and collaborate with us. You really aren’t alone, and you don’t need to do everything alone or feel alone. The Pink is a very soft and comforting color. It reminds us to love ourselves and appreciate ourselves fully. It reminds us to share our beautiful light, and be people that others can look to for friendship and collaboration. The way the world is now, it feels like it is set up for us to compete with each other. We need to create new ways of living that allow for supporting each other. In spiritual truth, we are not in a competition, we hold keys for each other. The Rose is a prominent symbol on these cards, to remind us of all the love around us, and to appreciate how beautifully we are blooming. We are reminded to bloom bravely, despite the ways of the 3D world. When we see others blooming, we should be proud and supportive, and not jealous or competitive. This comes back to lower forms of thinking. The example I like to use, is sometimes I find myself thinking, “Oh it must be nice to have this or that… your life must be so easy….” But that is such a low-vibe thought. I can create anything that anyone else has ever had, the only one who really holds me back is me. Nobody has it easy, which is why it is so incredibly important that we support and uplift each other. It’s important that we understand our own value, that we are as worthy as anyone else. We do deserve a beautiful life with good things, and we can attain it. It’s starts with how we think and feel about ourselves and our life. You don’t get to blossom and bloom at will… you don’t get to pick and choose how people see you. You have to be authentically you and bloom always. You are just as beautiful and capable of blossoming as any soul. I always say, people can’t know your story or who you are, if you aren’t willing to tell them. I am a very private and introverted person, it wasn’t easy to share my life when my 3 year old son got cancer. It wasn’t easy to share my story or receive support. A lot of times, it’s not easy to share my personal struggles in these readings. I would rather not mention how hard my life can be, but it’s important that I do, so others know they aren’t alone, and that they are as capable as I am to make the changes they need and enlighten their own lives. People can only see your light if you are willing to share it. I don’t do all this spiritual work to prove that I am better than anyone else. I do it to show everyone that they are capable too. Life is not always easy… but we have to maintain our faith and trust. We can go about our lives not trusting others, but that will keep us closed off, and that is not what we really want. What we really want is love, beauty, and openness. Trust that if you keep giving and sharing, that others will do that for you too. The message I’m getting here is that it’s so important for us to keep our hearts open, despite what we have been through. It’s safe to love and trust again. The Holy Grail Card is showing how important it is for us to feel rooted and secure in life. Even if we have reasons to feel insecure, that’s not where our energy or thoughts need to be focused. That isn’t how we bloom. No matter what is going on around us, we always need to derive our safety and security from within. We are always safe in spiritual truth. The Eagle shows that we are being guided and shown visions of where we need to go. It reminds us that we are always protected and watched over. The Eagle is definitely a sign from the Ancestors. The Deer reminds us to have patience and be gentle with ourselves. The Woman holds deep reverence for life and is praying and putting her faith in Spirit. She is spiritually connected and her energy is flowing freely. She is calm and at peace. The Holy Grail Card asks us to go within and derive our peace and security there. We have to connect with grace within ourselves, to see it reflect in the world around us. We can’t hide our intentions or our true thoughts and feelings, that is why it is so important to do the work and truly heal and find the security, beauty, and optimism for yourself. If we keep searching outside of ourselves to be fulfilled, we may never find it. We need to do the spiritual work within. Focus on what really matters. Communicate to yourself with love and positivity. Your life is your canvas. It’s up to you how you live it and create it. Some people don’t want to hear that it is ultimately up to us as how we perceive things… trust me, I know. I could go into victimhood about all the things that have affected me that are beyond my control…. But that does not empower me, nor make my life more beautiful. I have to take accountability for how I want to create my life going forward, and how I want to feel about it. If things aren’t working, it’s up to me to change them. It’s up to me to be open to new adventures. You can stay closed up, or you can bloom. The choice is yours, which is actually very freeing and empowering. Your Life Is A Canvas is the last card in the deck, so it does tell me that we are moving into a new phase with new beginnings, which we can make the most of when we come from an empowered place within. We are manifesting based on what we think and believe. Where do you need to make changes in your thought patterns and the way you communicate about your life? If you think life is crappy, that will come to fruition. It’s never too late to work on shifting your thoughts. When you find yourself thinking a low-vibe thought, imagine a bright red X through the thought and replace it with a positive thought. Keep an open heart and keep working on yourself. Be grateful for all the good that is around you right now, and expect more of it. Are your thoughts dark and lonely? Or are they bright and full of love? What future do you want to create? Work towards creating the life you most long to live. Remember your power to create a beautiful life, and use your creativity to take steps forward. This is a new time, we are birthing a new age. The more we can all come from a place of love and collaboration and not competition, the better our entire world can be. Birth the creations that are in your heart. Create a life full of love and happiness and fulfillment. Dream a new world into being. This doesn’t mean everything is going to be easy. Sometimes, the hardest choices are the ones that are the most fulfilling or rewarding. If we want to step into new ways of being, we have to be willing to do things in new ways. We can’t keep thinking and behaving as we always have, and expect different results. The choice is yours. Will you step into your power and create the life you deserve? It really is up to you, it all starts with you and comes from you. Be of service to the world in a way that delights your heart. Ask for Spirit to show you the way. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:


Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:


Moon Magic Worksheet:


Angel Card & Crystal Reading:


Dream Interpretation:


Astrology Natal Chart:


Card Reading for Beginners Course:


Full Moon in Gemini – December 7, 2022

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, we have a Full Moon at 16°07’ in the sign of Gemini peaking at 9:07pm MST. 🌕✨♊️

The Sun is in Sagittarius opposite the Moon and Mars in Gemini. We may be feeling forced to stand up for our needs, but being aggressive won’t get us what we want. We need to be direct, yet patient, and utilize more subtle approaches.

We need to transcend duality and see beyond the ego and emotions to view life from a soul-centred, higher perspective.

Gemini is all about communication and has many ideas and pursuits, so it’s important to take time to rest the mind and relax. Continue to prioritize your health and wellness and let go of stress.

Don’t focus your energy on the setbacks, just keep moving ahead and taking steps towards your goals. Use your creativity and bring your ideas to life. Trust that the hard times are part of the process and are teaching us the lessons we need to move forward.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🙏

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Gemini? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email carrielynngallop@hotmail.com if you are interested! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #Gemini #Astrology #Duality #Perspective #Searching #Safety #Security #Goals #Moves #New #Prosperity #Optimism #Believe #Faith #Direct #Patience #HigherPersective #SoulCentred #Health #Wellness #Communication #Perspective #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

Messages From Spirit for May 30, 2022

Messages From Spirit for May 30, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #May30 #NewMoon #Gemini #Cycles #Balance #Reason #Seasons #DoNotBeAfraid #Darkness #Light #Time #Healing #Rest #Plan #FindStability #SetPositiveGoals #Positivity #Optimism

New Moon in Gemini – May 30, 2022

On Monday, May 30th, 2022, we have a New Moon at 09°03’ in Gemini peaking at 5:30am MDT. ✨🌑♊️

This Gemini New Moon is focused on emotions and communication. Where are you being lead to make changes in your life? What is holding you back? What do you want to feel and experience going forward?

We are communicating our needs and speaking our truth with authenticity. We are embracing the sides of ourselves that we used to hide away. We are healing and evolving in healthy ways.

The darkness is getting shorter and the Sun is getting brighter. Energy is getting lighter and easier. We are regaining our ability to be happy and whole.

We are ready for something new. Make important changes in your life and let go of unhealthy patterns. Adjust your schedule to include more joy, balance, and mindfulness. Shift the way you consume and process information, and look at things from a higher perspective.

There are many opportunities and new beginnings available to us. Share your ideas with people who inspire you or that have similar goals. Collaborate with others. Make new friends and partnerships that support you.

Mercury retrograde is over on June 3rd and its shadow period can be felt for the next couple weeks. Take things slow until that is over. Saturn goes retrograde on June 4th in Aquarius, reiterating the need to let go of negative thinking, set healthy boundaries, and appreciate your worth.

Reflect and be calm. Find balance. Be at ease and experience peace. Reconnect with yourself and love yourself. Set your intentions on a positive and beautiful future ahead.

Have a wonderful New Moon! 🌑✨♊️


Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Gemini? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Contact @carriegallopspiritualadvisor or you can purchase at Elf Angels Creations store in Lloydminster! 🤗

#NewMoon #Gemini #Astrology #Forecast #Guidance #Communication #Connection #Changes #Healing #Freedom #Truth #Embracing #SelfLove #Balance #Darkness #Light #Intentions #Manifesting #Positivity #Spirituality #Spiritual #Moon #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

First Quarter Moon in Gemini – March 10, 2022

The First Quarter Moon is generally a time of action and facing obstacles. It can be seen as a time of strength, determination, focus, and commitment. The First Quarter Moon asks us to find balance between our light and shadow. Don’t get lost on your path just because things get dark for a minute. Go with the flow and embrace whatever comes your way. Stay committed to your goals, no matter what challenges arise. Decide what you want to carry forward with you, and let go of what you don’t. This is a great time to gain clarity on the next steps to take. Connect with others and enjoy their company and conversation. Be open to change and spontaneity! 🌓✨♊️

#FirstQuarterMoon #Gemini #March10 #Moon #MoonPhases #Astrology #Guidance #Energy #Change #Spontaneity #Curiosity #Conversation #Clarity #Clarification #Flow #Growth #Obstacles #Challenges #Changes #Redirection #Growth #BeOpen #Guided #EverythingHappensForAReason

Micro Full Cold Moon in Gemini – December 18, 2021

On Saturday, December 18th we have the last Full Moon of the year! We have a Micro Full Cold Moon in Gemini peaking at 9:37pm (MST) here in Alberta. 🌕✨♊️

It is called a Micro Moon because it as at its furthest point away from Earth, called Apogee.

Gemini, being the sign of the twins, asks us to acknowledge other sides of ourselves and send love to them, especially the sides we deny and hide. This can take the form of shadow work and inner child healing.

This Moon is asking us to take a broader perspective of our lives and who we are, and to find balance between the physical world and the spiritual. We are being asked to have compassion not only for ourselves, but for everyone and everything on our planet.

Gemini is a sign all about thinking, communication and mind power. This is a great time to use your thoughts and ideas as a force of good, as a catalyst for positive change in your life. As our perspective expands, so do opportunities.

Let go of the past and release any bad habits you are looking to shift. Look forward to the future with confidence and trust.


Want to learn more about this Full Moon?

Get the MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET from Carrie Gallop Spiritual Advisor 📝

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about and work with the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Gemini, colors, crystals, Angels, Gods/Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

It’s like Moon Ceremony on paper! 📝

$5/Worksheet or sign up for a year for $100 (CAD) – Released every New & Full Moon!

Moon Magic Worksheets are available at Elf Angels Creations store in Lloydminster, AB or message me or email carrielynngallop@hotmail.com if you want one! 🙋‍♀️🙋

FullMoon #Moon #Gemini #Guidance #Balance #Compassion #Twins #OtherSides #Love #Forgiveness #LetGoOfThePast #Release #LetGo #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet #Energy #Power #Healing #Selfcare #Confidence #Perspective #Spiritual #ThingsToDo #SpiritualWork #Easy #Learning #Fun

Thank you for visiting my page! I hope you enjoyed this post!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or 


Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.htm

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, message me on Facebook or Twitter, or purchase through the links below!

Moon Magic Worksheet Subscription link:


Moon Magic Worksheet:


Angel Card & Crystal Reading:


Dream Interpretation:


Astrology Natal Chart:


Card Reading for Beginners Course:


New Moon in Gemini with Total Solar Eclipse – June 10, 2021

We have a New Moon in Gemini with a Total Solar Eclipse coming up June 10th! 🌚✨ Peak time for the New Moon in Alberta (MDT) is 3:54am, with max eclipse time 4:41 am, although it will only be visible if you are far enough North. It will be fully visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial eclipse.

Our New Moon is at 19 Degrees Gemini. It’s Gemini season! Gemini deals with intellect, curiosity, communication, and play.

Solar eclipses are like a New Moon on steroids. Make sure you are setting clear intentions for the type of life and energy you want going forward. This is another chance to start again… and yes, we’ve had lots, and we will continue to have lots, but every small change you make matters.

We have been pondering and evaluating who we are now, and what do we want out of life? Things are going to be actively shifting and changing, and there are going to be discussions and decisions to be made. We have a lot of options though, so it’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed.. especially when we wish we could see the complete picture right now. Get comfortable being a little uncomfortable.

Try to let go of the stress by holding faith in the Universe. There is no rushing ahead, we must have patience. We are extra intuitive and sensitive with the opposition of Neptune in Pisces. Keep reminding yourself that things are coming together, and feel your way through it. Follow your intuition when it encourages you to try new things.

Mercury is conjunct to the Sun and Moon on this day, meaning right next to them, and Mercury is currently retrograde. This is going to intensify communications. It’s up to you if you allow that to be in a positive or negative way. Stay out of the arguments and power struggles. Remember that there is nothing to be won or lost. Stay in your own energy and keep it as high as you can.

This is a time to have patience and to go with the flow, as the pieces start coming together. We can’t see the whole picture now, but we can choose to put together the pieces we do have with love and intention.

This is going to be a good time to chat with your friends and ponder all the questions of life. It’s also going to be a good time to be creative and read or write… or do a Moon Magic Worksheet!! Learning should be enjoyable and fun.

Things are going to be speeding up, so try to enjoy a little rest, relaxation, play, and exploration while you can.

If you want a Moon Magic Worksheet, let me know! carrielynngallop@hotmail.com

Have a magical New Moon Eclipse! 🌑✨💫

Moon #NewMoon #Gemini #Astrology #SolarEclipse #Guidance #NewBeginnings #FreshStart #Changes #Shift #Love #Gentle #SelfCare #Relaxation #Social #Friends #Thinking #Pondering #Communication #Learning #Reading #Writing #MoonMagic

Thank you for visiting my page! I hope you enjoyed this post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Full Beaver Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse in Gemini – November 30, 2020

We have some big energies upon us, with a Full Moon in Gemini, with a partial Lunar Eclipse coming on Monday! Gemini is airy and logical and has themes of the mind and communication. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that we’ve had an eclipse in the sign of Gemini. The Moon is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, and is connected to Venus opposite Uranus by two quincunx aspects. This can create tension and anxiety. Tension forces us to rethink our strategy. This energy can affect relationships and money… and how they do so depends on how you are adapting and working with the energies and opportunities present in your life. Where is your mindset? Are you stuck in negativity? Are you neglecting yourself or your inspirations? Or are you ready to overcome fears and obstacles and chase your dreams? If you can have patience and take the long way around, if you can make the hard choices, you can make your way to the life you dream of. We are going to need to be flexible and adapt, as things shift and change. We need to work with the changes and stay positive. That is why we are going to do the work now to clear away any baggage (physical, mental, and emotional) that we have accumulated, so that we can use this energy to our best advantage!

This is why I have created something NEW to support you through the Moon phases! I have developed a Moon Magic Worksheet, so you can make the most out of working with the energy of this Full Moon!

The Moon Magic Worksheet includes tons of information about what relates to this Full Moon, and helps guide you to work with the energy.

For only $5 (Canadian) you can get your copy of the Moon Magic Worksheet! Please email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com if you are interested!

Have a magical Full Moon Eclipse! 🌕🙏✨

#FullMoon #Eclipse #Moon #Gemini #LunarEclipse #November #MoonMagic #Magic #Worksheet #LetGo #Nature #Cycles #Release #New #Changes #Adapt #Shift #Flow #Positivity #SelfLove #Power #Affirmations #Energy #Monday #ThankYou #Gratitude #Grateful #Empower #SelfCare