Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of June 16, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Pink Opal, Sunstone and Pink Agate. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Sunstone – Dispels fears and phobias. A leadership stone. Used to decrease stress and lift depression. Brings good luck and abundance, and turns negative energy into positive. It is said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides.

Pink Agate – Pink Agate affects the heart like a stone thrown into a pool, sending rings and ripples radiating out to heal old pain, despair and heartaches. It replaces pain with joy. Pink agate calms, comforts and provides security. It eases stress, promotes unconditional love for others and the understanding that you are loveable. Pink agate offers positive self image. 

This past month, we have been asked to go inward and look at our own inner motivations. I know it’s been true for me. I’ve been feeling the need to take a step back and consider all the pathways before me, and where I want to be focusing my energy going forward. The energy has been tough for all lately, but the most beautiful transformations are the most painful. We grow through pain, and we change because of it. The readings lately keep saying that a more positive energy is coming, so I’m hoping by the summer solstice on June 21, that we will start walking in a more positive light. We are making our way there, slowly but surely. These beautiful pink, dreamy and calming crystals are here today to help us with that healing process, and help us with getting things turned around. It’s time to heal those subconscious wounds, truly letting them go and no longer identifying with them. It’s time to let go of the fears, worry and anxiety. It’s time to bring more joy into life. Yoga and meditation would be very beneficial now, to help you find calm and be centred. Also, reiki and energy clearing treatments can help with this as well. We need to incorporate peace and tranquility in our daily energy. We need to live in the vibration that we want to experience. If you want to feel happy and tranquil, make it a priority to do the things that make you feel happy and tranquil. Its time to take the lead in your life. People are looking to you for inspiration. Show them how to be resilient. Show them how to pull themselves out of depression. Show them that there is so much happiness in this life. Be an example for others just by helping yourself and living your best life. This is about knowing your worth. When people are depressed, they think the worst about themselves. All you need to do is recognize when you are feeling this way. Recognize when you say these things to yourself. Face those thoughts and call them out, because they are never truthful. Replace them with the truth, that you are beautiful… that you are worthy of great love as abundance.. that you are capable of anything and that life is wonderful. It doesn’t matter what any other person on this Earth thinks. It matters what you think about yourself. Remind yourself, that everything is ok, and in fact… amazing. Allow yourself to heal, and feel calm, comforted and secure. Love yourself so much this week!

I knew these cool, dreamy pink crystals called for some beautiful pink cards, and wow… these cards are so freaking beautiful. The Initiation… we are in this dark tunnel right now… unsure of where we are going, or what is going to be on the other side. We are so close to getting there… and there are fears and worries we have to get through. Snakes are a huge fear of mine, so it’s fitting they lay all around the exit of passageway. It’s going to take a little work to gain the courage and self-confidence to walk by them. We may even endure a little rain… but there is sunshine and beauty that awaits us. Where we are going, is somewhere truly beautiful. We have to go through these lessons in life, it’s all a part of the path. We all wish life could be easy, but what would we ever learn. Only when you conquer you fears, can they be overcome. When you have nothing to fear… imagine the endless possibilities. We have to let go of the past, and our expectations, to have room for new things to enter. New things we may have not even saw before. I love how it says, “It is through seeming hardship that our heart cracks open and our spirit is invested to step forward.” It is such truth. The most painful life experiences I’ve endured have let me to the most beautiful spiritual awakenings. When we realize that nothing can hold us back, and that we are free to be exactly who we are, we can experience true security, peace and freedom. I thank the Universe every single night, for everything. All of it. Life is worth it… and we are so close to breaking through to the beauty and abundance that awaits us. I love the Sisterhood of the Rose Card. I often consider, when I was young, my parents loved being in nature. They hauled me around everywhere with them, skating, skidooing, cross-country skiing, hiking.. you name it. It amazes me how I never truly understood my appreciation for nature as a child. It is so obvious to me now. I connect with animal and nature Spirits everyday. I surround my life with beauty, because I’m a Libra and that’s what makes me feel good. I never used to think of myself as a “nature person”, but now I’m the craziest nature person I know. Lol. The Earth has so much to show us and tell us. There is great wisdom all around us. When you pay attention to those feelings and tune into them, you see more and more how amazing this existence truly is. The full moon was absolutely radiant last night. I felt so cleansed by her light. This card is all about seeing the beauty in your life, and doing what you can to make it beautiful. When you live in a vibration of beauty and love your life, that vibration radiates. People can feel your vibe and become inspired by it. Today, I ask you to please see how beautiful you are. Know it in your heart and feel it. Treat yourself like you would treat someone else you adore. Be devoted to loving yourself and life, and you unlock miracles! The Creator, the Angels, all the beings that are with us and watch over us can see us for our true beauty. If you realized how many people and spirits truly love you right now, you would never feel lonely or unworthy again. Star Mother is here to comfort us and ease our burdens. Find your security in knowing that we have all these amazing deities and entities that watch over us, guide us and love us. She begs you to stop carrying the guilt from your past. To stop believing the stories you tell yourself. She reminds you of the Divine being you are, and asks you to treat yourself as so. You are pure love. You are made in the image of God. There is nothing you can do that is unlovable in the eyes of God. All you have to do is try your best. God knows our true intentions. Be a good person and do good things. Everyday you have a chance to make new choices. Be compassionate with yourself. The past was hard, and you had to endure those things to be here now. “Treat yourself like the beautiful Spirit that you are.” How can you create beauty in your life today? How can you heal and nurture yourself? How can you let go of the past and move forward in a positive light? You are beautiful, and truly deserving of amazing things. Have a wonderful, healing week!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 28, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Unakite, Shiva and Smoky Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Unakite – Helps you to visualize the things you desire in your life. Helps balance your emotions, bringing you more into alignment spiritually. It will assist you to sleep better, and will also help to relieve stress. It will help any addictive habits that you have had difficulty dealing with, as it helps you to break through the barriers that are keeping you down. It brings serenity and optimism about the future. This is a good stone to use during the difficult situations the world is undergoing right now. If you have been feeling depressed or feeling that you don’t know what the future holds for you, this stone is here to help you. A stone of love, especially self-love.

Shiva – Charges the Chakras and activates kundalini energy. Boosts vitality. Enhances inner transformation. Helps you to break old patterns and open up new pathways. Strengthens and balances the whole body. Helps to feel unity and the duality of both masculine and feminine.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Sorry I missed doing my reading last week! We were visiting family for Easter and my son (who has leukemia) got sick. Things have been a little crazy and busy and hard for me lately. In April, Jupiter and Pluto went retrograde. Tomorrow, Saturn goes retrograde. All this retrograde energy is forcing us to look at how we deal with situations. They make us go back over things we thought we had dealt with. I am from North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. From January to March 2018, they experienced a suicide epidemic, losing 8 people in the community during that time. A video series was recently released, titled “In My Thoughts” and I’m sure that is forcing a lot of people to have to go back over pain and trauma. Suicide is one of the main reasons I do this work today… it brought me to my spirituality. I lost my Uncle to suicide when I was a teenager. It was my first Mediumship Reading I had that opened my eyes to the truth of the Universe. There is no way that woman could’ve known about those private moments when I was alone… There has to be more to life. Not only that… but how could I have taken it for granted for so long? How could I have not cared about myself or my life? This is why I love that more people are open about spirituality. I truly believe it’s the key to our healing and evolution. We are not hamsters meant to tread on a wheel all day.. we are Gods and Goddesses and should treat ourselves as so. Please, do not listen to false beliefs that tell you that you aren’t good enough. You are so much more than you know…. you are amazing, magical and meaningful. You matter so much to the entire story of life. You deserve everything wonderful. We all feel lost sometimes… it’s easy in a world with 7.7 billion people…. but please know there is so much more to this existence, and your life is absolutely significant. There are good things to come… things will get better. The Unakite is reminding us to focus on everything positive.. on everything you are grateful for. Trust the Universe has a plan for you. We have to break out of addictions and old patterns of thinking. We truly are our only enemy… the only thing to fear is yourself. Once you realize there is nothing to fear, and the only thing stopping you is you… the opportunities become limitless. We have to overcome our mind… our programmed patterns of thinking. Imagine yourself revitalized… full of energy.. ready to create, pursue and crush your goals. We are gearing up for manifesting on the new moon next week, so visualize and wish for everything you want to create in your life. Things might seem hard… but you can do it… and it will be worth it. You can reach your goals and they will bring abundance. Find ways that work for you to heal depression and overcome addictions, and see the world from a calm, serene point of view. Thank the Creator for this existence and be grateful. Use your grief as fuel to power your strength, make a difference and grow. Let’s see what the cards say.

We stress and get depressed because we want life to always be perfect. We want to know where we are going, how we are getting there, how long we are gonna be there, and who we are going with. We want all our activities scheduled and executed accordingly. We want to know how things are going to turn out. We want to trust the people we think we can trust. We can be so sure that we are right sometimes…. but change is inevitable. The more you ignore it, the harder Spirit works to shake your life up for you. That’s the beauty of Spirit. It will turn your life upside down and make you question everything you thought you knew. We want to ignore our intuition when it tells us something or someone isn’t right for us. We want to continue doing what society perceives as perfect or right. The truth is… there is so much beauty in the imperfection. There is so much growth in change. Trust that there is more to life, and that there is a plan for you. Trust that things will always work out. Trust and nurture yourself… allow yourself to feel safe. The world can feel scary sometimes… but we only get 1 short life… are we going to spend it in fear? Or would you rather explore? What would it be like to see things beyond what you have seen? What if you go beyond your boundaries and find a whole new world? Maybe even a whole new you? You can stick to who you have always been and what you have always done, but where is the growth in that? How can you accept more if you do not open your heart to more? Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Be the person you want to be, and do what you want to do. We have to face what scares us and be willing to lose it all in order to gain a new way to being. Don’t waste this life, or waste time being scared. Let life crack you open. Live it as freely and fully as you can. Do everything your soul is calling you to do. We can trust in this guidance. There is so much trust and faith being called for now. There is so much opportunity awaiting us to pursue it. Will you answer the call? Will you actually do something? Will you put yourself out there and try? I hope you do… because you are capable, competent and deserving.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html