Messages From Spirit for February 15, 2023

Messages From Spirit for February 15, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #February15 #Feb15 #TrueSelf #Rise #Darkness #Light #Stars #Shine #Opportunity #NewBeginnings #RoomForImprovement #Challenges #Obstacles #Strong #Powerful #Focused

Messages From Spirit for February 13, 2023

Messages From Spirit for February 13, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #February13 #Feb13 #Listen #Wisdom #Heart #Soul #Remember #Know #Power #BeHeld #StarAncestors #Stars #LookDeeper #DoThingsDifferent

Reading for the week of January 30, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Blue Goldstone, Blue Tigers Eye, and Chert. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep some Blue Goldstone with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection.

Blue Tigers Eye – Also called Hawks Eye. High vibe, yet grounded. Enhances connection to personal power and strengthens resolve. Gives insight to help with mental clarity, honesty, and resolve issues. Helps to gain perspective. Reduces stress and attracts abundance.

Chert – Changes a passive life into active. Lets you move forward without being bothered by what’s around you. Good to use when you want to get back into fulfillment of daily life. This stone helps you receive guidance from Heaven and provide you with information at the right time. It will give you the right guide and a lucky chance. Helps improve ability and talents. Stops hesitation.

My interpretation of the crystals:

I feel a lot of gentle empowerment this week. It feels like we are being picked up after a period of exhaustion and/or low energy. The Leo Full Moon is coming up soon, and these crystals are really resonating with the energy we are moving into. Things have been dark and they have been hard. It feels like we are coming out of this darkness and by next week we will be so much more in the light. This β€œdarkness” doesn’t feel bad, it’s not dark in a bad way.. it’s dark in a beautiful and magical way. It’s a feeling of inner reflection, calm, and peace. We have been doing the work and going within to listen to our hearts and intuition about what the next steps are for our lives. We have been questioning what it is we want out of our career, and where we have been placing our energy. We have been asserting our independence, and rightfully so. The only time is now. We are moving forward, and we must do it in our full power. It’s interesting that there has been so many references to night and day, to the sun and the stars lately. We are in the thick of Aquarius season and just came from an Aquarius New Moon, which is very much nighttime, dark, starry sky energy. As we move into the Leo Full Moon, I do feel like our world is going to get brighter. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and we know from the messages lately that the Sun will come out again, that things are going to get better, and hopefully very soon for us. It feels like dreaming a beautiful dream, and waking up to find it manifesting in your reality. I really feel like so many of us are going to see our dreams come true, and that is all because of what you believe about yourself. If you believe you can do something, you can absolutely make it happen. If we can face our fears and allow ourselves to be seen and heard, magic can unfold. Lately the energy has been to rest and get ourselves re-energized, and now it is time to take some steps forward. The time is coming very soon. God knows what our deepest wishes are and I do believe we are going to see some dreams coming true in the next while. Manifesting starts with releasing and making space. I think it’s time for us to gain a new perspective on life and realize how blessed we are. We need to truly see our power and our worth. We need to understand our ability to create real change. We have the power to get through any challenge. It’s time for us to start doing things differently and with more love. When we give love, we receive love. We all deserve to be abundant and well-cared for. What we definitely DO NOT need is stress! This world is trying to stress us out around every corner.. but the truth is, we don’t have to buy into it. We don’t have to buy into the societal conditioning and expectations. We don’t need to assume stress is normal or suffer throughout life. We deserve to be the free, nature-based beings we were put on this Earth to be. Not ruled by the almighty dollar.. only ruled by the Sun and Moon. How do you want your life to be? How do you want to live? This is about putting your head down and doing you. It really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Is your heart happy and stress free? That is what matters. You deserve to feel happy and fulfilled every day. Believe in yourself. Believe in the gifts and talents you have to offer this world. Believe that opportunities lie around every corner, and be ready to say Yes. No more hesitating…. Just doing. Even if you are scared, do it anyway. You’ll be proud of yourself and you will grow so much. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards:

The Listen to Your True Feelings Card is all about not being bothered about what other people say or think. Be true to yourself and stand in your own power. You don’t have to do things (or not do them) just because that’s what you think other people want or expect of you. When we find our own unique path, we understand how important and special we truly are. We understand that our happiness matters because we matter. Nobody could see my light when used to hide behind others. Was it a safe place? Maybe. Was it somewhere I was going to grow or find myself? Not really! We have to stop giving in to the peer pressure that pulls us away from our own truth. We have to be strong and make good choices for ourselves. We have to push ourselves to share our unique light and inspirations, it’s where all the growth and beauty is. It’s important we push ourselves to come out of our shell, but we also have to remember that we can’t force things in life. We can do our part and encourage things, but we also have to surrender to the flow of life. Sometimes, when we push too much, we just create more resistance, blockages, and energy drains. This reading is strongly encouraging us to let go of worries and surrender in trust. There is this worried feeling.. like we have lost people, or that we will lose people when we travel down a certain path. Yes, this might happen, but the people that truly love you will always be there for you no matter what. The people that are meant to be in your life will be there. It’s ok to let people go, because if they are meant to return in your life, they will. Surrender. Surrender your expectations. Surrender to the path you are being guided down. Trust in your own purpose and power. It reminds me of the story we read in class today, about a young girl who recognizes everyone else’s abilities and talents, but can’t figure out her own. It spoke to my inner child and reminded me of how I felt most of my life.. like I didn’t fit in… like I was messed up.. like I was unworthy.. and like I would never have an important purpose. After everything I’ve been through, and the beautiful gifts and abilities my eyes have been opened to, I feel incredibly special and worthy. If only I had been able to know this earlier in my life. I am telling you now! Yes, you! Reading this right now! You have an incredible purpose and gifts and abilities to share with the world. If you know what those are, share them! If you don’t, trust that you will soon be shown. By believing in your own self, you inspire and lift others to believe in themselves too. It sounds corny, but it’s absolutely true. It’s our nature as human beings, we are connected. As one of us heals, all of us heal. We have to get out of stress mode, out of fight or flight mode, for our bodies and minds to be healthy. Release the need for certainty and control. Trust that everything always works itself out perfectly. Banish the β€œshoulds” and the β€œmusts”. Free yourself. Enjoy whatever you find yourself doing in this moment. Make changes in your life that support your well-being. You are not a machine, and nobody should treat you as such. If you need a break from something, speak up. Make your needs heard. You do not want to be burned out. Channel your energy in a variety of ways and change things up a bit. Shake the energy up. Bring back a little fun and joy just for you. Care about your own health and happiness, so that others can care for themselves too. Approach others with compassion and kindness. Build self-esteem and positivity in yourself and others. Heal the connection with our fellow brothers and sisters. Life feels so much better when you can approach it from a positive perspective. Getting down on yourself or stressing out just doesn’t help. Find proactive things you can do that will help. Don’t try to control or force others. Just do you, put good out into the world, and trust that it’s all coming back to you in good ways. Accept responsibility and find peace in your heart. Know that whatever you are going through will eventually resolve and everything is going to be ok. When one door closes, another one opens. It’s the cycle of life and nature. Allow it to keep flowing and turning. Be willing to receive the nourishment you deserve and desire. Onward and upward into the next phase of your life! Have a beautiful week and get out and enjoy the stars if you can! Oh, and don’t forget to make a wish!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Reading for the week of January 8, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sunshine Aura Quartz, Goldstone, and Citrine. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Sunshine Aura Quartz – Heals old hurts and traumas and overcomes a sense of disappointment or bitterness with life. Inspires optimism, joy and spontaneity. It helps to bring the body into balance.

Goldstone – Helps with attaining goals. Helps one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can deflect unwanted energies, making it a protection stone. It is used to revitalize one’s energy field. It allows the flow of energy between the spiritual and physical realms. This stone brings good luck and attracts abundance. It enhances confidence. This stone is a great stone that exhibits positive energy. It makes the person creative so that he may improve his life and get it on track. It makes the person happy by inducing positive and happy thoughts.

Citrine – Cleanses and rejuvenates your Spirit. Assists with self-improvement and self-healing. Increases energy and motivation. Encourages a fresh start. Holds the energy of the sun, and helps you feel cheerful.

My interpretation of the crystals:

I wasn’t going to do a Weekly Reading because I recently did the Yearly one, but then I felt I needed some inspiration and I thought about just pulling 1-Card and 1-Crystal, and I would’ve chose the Goldstone. I was thinking about the energy coming up this week, and with the Goldstone it felt very positive. Then I started hearing the song β€œTomorrow” from the Annie Soundtrack, β€œThe Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow, Bet Your Bottom Dollar That Tomorrow There’ll Be Sun, Just Thinking About Tomorrow, Clears Away The Cobwebs And The Sorrow ‘Til There’s None, When I’m Stuck With A Day That’s Gray And Lonely, I Stick Out My Chin And Grin And Say, The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow, So You Gotta Hang On ‘Til Tomorrow, Come What May Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love You, Tomorrow, You’re Always A Day Away”. I also saw the Sunshine Aura Quartz crystal in my minds eye, and I knew that I might as well just do a Full Reading! Ha ha. These crystals are so positive to me. The future is bright. They are happiness, pure joy, abundance, and success. They are confidence. They are pure and powerful like the Sun. This week does feel like a fresh start. Whatever has happened, leave it in the past and move forward. Keep doing to best you can to be balanced and successful in as many areas of your life as you can. It feels like, the weight and darkness of Christmas and winter is waning, and we are now looking forward to a new year with new resolutions and goals and looking forward to the light and sunshine returning. We are ready to get moving again and pursuing the things that are important to us. We can be mad and hurt and resentful to life forever if we want, but that only makes us feel crappy. You can move on from your traumas. You can find happiness and joy again. Be optimistic and spontaneous and try to remember to have fun. We are very creative and intuitive now, so use your skills to improve your life. Build a life around what you love. Keep thinking happy thoughts and attracting more happiness into your life. We can rejuvenate our energy. We can be cleansed and heal. We can improve our lives. We are feeling so motivated. Sit down and write about what you want and make a plan. Be inspired to take action steps. Feel refreshed and view everything as a fresh start. Remember that you hold the power and energy of the Sun.. you have the determination it takes to get where you want to be. Make it as fun as you can to make life so much easier! Cheerful optimism is contagious. Exude cheerful energy and make everyone’s New Year better! Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards:

Positive changes are on the way. There is going to be some relief in our lives. There is going to be some adventure and travel. I have seen a lot of other Readers mentioning people relocating right now! Travelling or relocating can offer a new perspective or fresh start. It is a way we can take charge of our happiness. We are the Captains of our own ships. We have to light the way for ourselves. Even though it looks dark around the Fairy, there is so much beautiful light and Spirit that is right there with him, lighting up his energy and Spirit and guiding him towards the dawning of a new, sunny day. The night has to pass eventually. The Mountain tells me that we will have some obstacles that we have to deal with, but if we can be strong and endure, we can make it through and continue growing. The Six of Winter Card tells me we can and will surpass the challenges into more ease. Leave your troubles behind and start fresh. That can be as simple as making a decision to. I think there is a misconception that healing has to be a process and is hard. In reality, it can be a simple as a choice to let go or see things in a new light. It can be a matter of facing our fears because we trust what the future has in store. Set sail for happier shores. If you have an opportunity to move, this would be an ideal and favourable sign to do it. The future holds so much warmth and light and love, believe it and be optimistic about it. Trust that you are moving in that direction. Even if there seems to a Mountain in front of you. You will eventually get past it. You may even see some beautiful and magical sights along the way and learn many important lessons. The Mountain and the Endurance card seem to come through together a lot. Be inspired to reach for greater heights. Know that challenges are only steps that form part of the journey to get to the beauty at the top. Don’t be scared to make a change or face a challenge. You are strong and there is no need to be fearful. Try to stay grounded and be patient. Slow and steady has been coming up a lot. We don’t have to take grand leaps, all we have to do is take small steps. The obstacles are a part of the journey. Everything is connected and serves a purpose in the grand scheme of things. All in all, we are headed in a beautiful direction, so keep going! Have a great week! πŸ’•πŸ€—βœ¨

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Messages From Spirit for March 11, 2022

Messages From Spirit for March 11, 2022 πŸ’•βœ¨

#WeAreAllConnected #Connection #Connected #Stars #Earth #Work #OpenMind #BeOpen #RiseInConsciousness #Conscience #Rising #Wisdom #Journey #Share #Energy #Connect #Heal #Nature #Healing #Messages #MessagesFromSpirit #March11 #March

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of June 16, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Pink Opal, Sunstone and Pink Agate. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Sunstone – Dispels fears and phobias. A leadership stone. Used to decrease stress and lift depression. Brings good luck and abundance, and turns negative energy into positive. It is said to be helpful in contacting animal or spirit guides.

Pink Agate – Pink Agate affects the heart like a stone thrown into a pool, sending rings and ripples radiating out to heal old pain, despair and heartaches. It replaces pain with joy. Pink agate calms, comforts and provides security. It eases stress, promotes unconditional love for others and the understanding that you are loveable. Pink agate offers positive self image. 

This past month, we have been asked to go inward and look at our own inner motivations. I know it’s been true for me. I’ve been feeling the need to take a step back and consider all the pathways before me, and where I want to be focusing my energy going forward. The energy has been tough for all lately, but the most beautiful transformations are the most painful. We grow through pain, and we change because of it. The readings lately keep saying that a more positive energy is coming, so I’m hoping by the summer solstice on June 21, that we will start walking in a more positive light. We are making our way there, slowly but surely. These beautiful pink, dreamy and calming crystals are here today to help us with that healing process, and help us with getting things turned around. It’s time to heal those subconscious wounds, truly letting them go and no longer identifying with them. It’s time to let go of the fears, worry and anxiety. It’s time to bring more joy into life. Yoga and meditation would be very beneficial now, to help you find calm and be centred. Also, reiki and energy clearing treatments can help with this as well. We need to incorporate peace and tranquility in our daily energy. We need to live in the vibration that we want to experience. If you want to feel happy and tranquil, make it a priority to do the things that make you feel happy and tranquil. Its time to take the lead in your life. People are looking to you for inspiration. Show them how to be resilient. Show them how to pull themselves out of depression. Show them that there is so much happiness in this life. Be an example for others just by helping yourself and living your best life. This is about knowing your worth. When people are depressed, they think the worst about themselves. All you need to do is recognize when you are feeling this way. Recognize when you say these things to yourself. Face those thoughts and call them out, because they are never truthful. Replace them with the truth, that you are beautiful… that you are worthy of great love as abundance.. that you are capable of anything and that life is wonderful. It doesn’t matter what any other person on this Earth thinks. It matters what you think about yourself. Remind yourself, that everything is ok, and in fact… amazing. Allow yourself to heal, and feel calm, comforted and secure. Love yourself so much this week!

I knew these cool, dreamy pink crystals called for some beautiful pink cards, and wow… these cards are so freaking beautiful. The Initiation… we are in this dark tunnel right now… unsure of where we are going, or what is going to be on the other side. We are so close to getting there… and there are fears and worries we have to get through. Snakes are a huge fear of mine, so it’s fitting they lay all around the exit of passageway. It’s going to take a little work to gain the courage and self-confidence to walk by them. We may even endure a little rain… but there is sunshine and beauty that awaits us. Where we are going, is somewhere truly beautiful. We have to go through these lessons in life, it’s all a part of the path. We all wish life could be easy, but what would we ever learn. Only when you conquer you fears, can they be overcome. When you have nothing to fear… imagine the endless possibilities. We have to let go of the past, and our expectations, to have room for new things to enter. New things we may have not even saw before. I love how it says, β€œIt is through seeming hardship that our heart cracks open and our spirit is invested to step forward.” It is such truth. The most painful life experiences I’ve endured have let me to the most beautiful spiritual awakenings. When we realize that nothing can hold us back, and that we are free to be exactly who we are, we can experience true security, peace and freedom. I thank the Universe every single night, for everything. All of it. Life is worth it… and we are so close to breaking through to the beauty and abundance that awaits us. I love the Sisterhood of the Rose Card. I often consider, when I was young, my parents loved being in nature. They hauled me around everywhere with them, skating, skidooing, cross-country skiing, hiking.. you name it. It amazes me how I never truly understood my appreciation for nature as a child. It is so obvious to me now. I connect with animal and nature Spirits everyday. I surround my life with beauty, because I’m a Libra and that’s what makes me feel good. I never used to think of myself as a β€œnature person”, but now I’m the craziest nature person I know. Lol. The Earth has so much to show us and tell us. There is great wisdom all around us. When you pay attention to those feelings and tune into them, you see more and more how amazing this existence truly is. The full moon was absolutely radiant last night. I felt so cleansed by her light. This card is all about seeing the beauty in your life, and doing what you can to make it beautiful. When you live in a vibration of beauty and love your life, that vibration radiates. People can feel your vibe and become inspired by it. Today, I ask you to please see how beautiful you are. Know it in your heart and feel it. Treat yourself like you would treat someone else you adore. Be devoted to loving yourself and life, and you unlock miracles! The Creator, the Angels, all the beings that are with us and watch over us can see us for our true beauty. If you realized how many people and spirits truly love you right now, you would never feel lonely or unworthy again. Star Mother is here to comfort us and ease our burdens. Find your security in knowing that we have all these amazing deities and entities that watch over us, guide us and love us. She begs you to stop carrying the guilt from your past. To stop believing the stories you tell yourself. She reminds you of the Divine being you are, and asks you to treat yourself as so. You are pure love. You are made in the image of God. There is nothing you can do that is unlovable in the eyes of God. All you have to do is try your best. God knows our true intentions. Be a good person and do good things. Everyday you have a chance to make new choices. Be compassionate with yourself. The past was hard, and you had to endure those things to be here now. β€œTreat yourself like the beautiful Spirit that you are.” How can you create beauty in your life today? How can you heal and nurture yourself? How can you let go of the past and move forward in a positive light? You are beautiful, and truly deserving of amazing things. Have a wonderful, healing week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 16, 2017Β 

The crystals I am working with for the week are Cats Eye, Snow Quartz, Labradorite and Blue Goldstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Cats Eye – Stimulates intuition and enhances awareness. A grounding stone with protective energy. Dispels unwanted energy from the aura. Amplifies good luck and fortune. Transforms negative thoughts into positive energy. Brings happiness and serenity, along with optimism, generosity and confidence. Enhances creativity and kindness. Treats eye disorders and improves vision. It relieves headaches, facial and sciatic pain. 

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels. Said to be beneficial for the immune system. 

Labradorite – A stone of transformation and magic. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura, and bring protection. Provides clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attracts success. Used for dreamwork. Reduces stress and anxiety. Enhances self-confidence. Increases intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with subconscious issues, and provides mental illumination. Said to help with eyes, sight, diagnosis, brain, digestion, metabolism.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection. Eases headaches/migraines, helps with eye ailments such as glaucoma or tunnel vision, and alleviates allergies derived from pet dander or dust.

What are we not seeing? Do you know why you can’t see it? Because what your looking for, you can’t see in front of you. What your looking for is within you. Things have been a little hectic lately, and we have been carrying some negative energy around. Maybe rehashing some past hurts, stress patterns, or maybe just feeling low energy. I have a feeling many people have been experiencing headaches, back pains, anxiety, depression and possibly eye or vision issues. Time has been going so quickly, and I feel like this is a week where things can finally slow down, where we can find some calm and peace, and prepare for the season to come. We will always go through patterns of learning and lessons in our life, and things aren’t always going to be smooth. It’s just the way life is. There is always light and dark, black and white, yin and yang. There is always a balance. This week you are going to swing in a more positive direction, finding balance in life by loving yourself and being true to who you are. We are still being protected and working on removing negativity from our lives. Try to live your life as purely as possible, what you eat, what products you consume, what words you listen to and speak. You are transforming in beautiful and magical ways. This week has a calm, feminine energy, and will be perfect for taking time to meditate. You will be given clarity and insight into your destiny, possibly through meditation and/or dreams. Keep a journal beside your bed and jot your dreams down first thing. Creativity is afoot and Divinely inspired ideas will be coming to you, to be expressed through you. You will know these by the way they make you feel, in your heart. You have wonderful and abundant opportunities that will bring good fortune. Make a wish upon the stars, and have faith that your dreams are coming true. Let’s see what cards we have for the week. 

Spider tells us that we need to trust the creative endeavours we are being guided to pursue. Feel like painting? Go buy some paint and canvasses. Don’t wait anymore. Write… write, write, write. Write whatever is in your heart to be shared. Your life experiences inspire and help others. Now is the time for healing. The Spider also represents feminine energy, so there is going to be a lot of sensitive emotions and loving energy this week. The Seagull on the card is just like my vision from two weeks ago. It is time to fly free. It is time to find where YOU want to go, and free yourself from any restrictions you currently feel. Let go of the negativity that keeps you trapped. You will find healing through expressing yourself creatively. Automatically writing what comes to you, without judgment or control, will allow you to bring some issues to the forefront to be healed. By inspiring and enlightening others, you heal yourself. This week is about us taking the time to find our direction, to really consider where we want to go and do. The Cheetah tells us to get clear. Above I just mentioned how I felt like there was no time, but the Cheetah reminds us these are just excuses that hold us back. Get clear on what you desire and want to work towards. Take some time to meditate or dream…  to write… and decide exactly what you want to pursue and get going. Focus on your intentions because things will move quickly. Fortune is going to follow! Don’t be afraid any longer. Be creative and alluring like the Spider. Be free like the Seagull. Be powerful and focused like the Cheetah. Find your light and step into it with confidence. The stars are guiding your path, and the universe is on your side.

Spider – The pulse of creativity is especially strong right now, triggering a not unfamiliar and compelling desire to express yourself through creative writing. Whether or not the tales you weave are true, whether they’re based on actual experience or the imaginings of your fertile mind, each day sit yourself down and pour out the words that come to you. Don’t ponder each sentence or paragraph, just write whatever wants to be written through you. To inspire and enlighten others, you don’t need a profoundly complex tale. Start by describing a personal experience, one where you gained some insight that may also be useful for others. However, don’t focus on how people will respond to your story. Instead, just enjoy the process of writing without judging your work or yourself. Write to express, not too impress. In attempting to write, you may find yourself easily distracted, either with others’ need for your time and attention or with those negative thoughts and beliefs that are the product of judgements and shame that you were subjected to during childhood. A powerful way to release these habitual and self limiting thoughts and feelings is to write about them in story form. As you do so, don’t hold back anything. Through such a catharsis, you heal those words that had originally wounded you. Associations: Creativity. Wisdom. Weaving. Balance. Storytelling. Writing. Connectedness. Inspiration. Femininity. Nurturing. Communication. Imagination. Individuality.

Seagull – The emotional sea that’s hovering just below your consciousness is a well of feelings that needs to be acknowledged and expressed. Expressing emotions doesn’t mean indulging in them compulsively or creating drama around them. If there are tears, let them simply be tears and allow them to flow. Cry or laugh as much as you need to. Explore these feelings by sharing them with someone you trust, or write about them in a journal, paying particular attention to the sensations in your body. These sensations are clues to the layers of emotion that are just below the surface of your awareness. By either talking or writing them down, you bring them into your awareness, find relief, and create an opportunity to release them. Don’t let this be a theatrical exercise, one where you act or try to force yourself to feel something you’re not. Make sure that you include a good dose of humour from time to time, particularly if you’re dealing with darker and scarier emotions. It’s not necessary to cleanse the emotional and psychic scars that remain from earlier experiences too frequently, but now is the time to do so. Should you find yourself starting to get lost in the whirlpool of traumatic memory, change the scenery by physically moving or intentionally distracting yourself in someway. It isn’t necessary to cure yourself of all the feelings associated with these memories all in one setting; instead, simply relieve some of the pressure that lurks below the surface. Associations: Observant. Swift. Opportunistic. Carefree. Versatile. Resource full. Intelligence. Scavenging. Communication. Sociable. Protective. Messenger. Emotional. Respect. Fairness.

Cheetah – Stop deluding yourself by thinking that there isn’t enough time, there are too many other things to do, or you’re not up to the mission that’s calling you to action. These and many other beliefs are delay tactics that keep you from accomplishing what you’re here to do. It’s much too easy to play it safe by staying caught up in the mundane dramas of life rather than honouring Spirits purpose for you by making a run for it. The first step is to write out your intentions as clearly as possible. Keep it nearby and create an appropriate affirmation that you can repeat several times over the course of the day – one that states your intention as if it has already occurred. Then write out a sequence of action steps that will help you move toward your ultimate goal. Don’t be shy or hesitant to think big – bigger than you’ve previously allowed yourself. Once you set the wheels in motion by doing the steps, it’s time to move – not in some frenetic, hurried way, but steady and purposeful, designing much of your activity to support what you need to do. In all this movement, once you’ve successfully achieved a significant piece, take a breather and look back on how far you’ve come. Give yourself a pat on the back with each step that’s accomplished as a way of acknowledging your progress. Go for it! Associations: Speed. Focus. Insight. Passion. Swiftness. Elusiveness. Flexibility. Efficiency. Self-esteem. Powerful. Graceful. Purposeful. Energetic. Sensuous. Accomplishment. Directness.

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Join me with Younique! Let’s create a beautiful abundant team of fabulous spiritual people! The best makeup around and they just released a newer and better Presenter kit! You can buy the kit and do as much or as little with it as you like. Keep it for yourself, make a bit of extra cash and savings on purchases, or go full out! 99$US/119$CDN 

Also, get in on this month’s Kudos special! The Liquid Touch Foundation, Foundation Brush, Concealer and Face Primer for $99US/$119CDN! Available while supplies last!

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Angel Card Reading – Week of July 31, 2016

I could never have known when I did my last card reading, that I would be asking for prayers to get through a difficult situation with my family. The cards are so clear when you look back. It has been almost 2 months since my son was diagnosed with leukemia. He is only 3 years old, and is such a bright soul. I have always been a shy person, and asking for help and assistance is not something I do particularly easily. I never thought I would be that person having to ask for money on a go fund me page.. I was always the kind of person who supported myself, and I don’t like to rely on anyone else. I had the best job of my life lined up, and was going to be able to afford all the things I have worked so long for.. A vacation (since I have never been on an airplane, or seen the ocean since I was young..) I need braces and have waited my whole life to be able to afford them, and I am in need of a new vehicle (especially now with all the long trips to the city)… And then this happens, and changes everything. I know there are many lessons I am learning throughout this. I have been trying to maintain a level of normalcy, while nothing about this time has been normal. Not every day is easy, but not every day is hard. It’s so nice to be home, where I’m comfortable. Although we will be in the city a lot, the times we are home make me so happy. I love my home, I am connected to nature so strongly here. I love to cook and being home brings out my creativity. With that being said, it felt like a good day to try to get back to my readings. Although they may be more sporadic than my previous schedule, I hope they are welcome none-the-less. 

Should you feel inclined to donate to my son’s Go Fund Me page, it’s . We thank everyone for the prayers and donations for my son. β€οΈπŸ’—πŸ’

The crystals I am using this week are as follows. I use these crystals to connect with anyone reading this post, and send their healing properties to you. 

Aqua Aura Quartz – Can enhance communications of all kinds. It can help one both speak and see the truth. This also assists with growing and using self-expression in a calm and loving manner. Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. It is said to attract success to all who use or carry it, and help them understand that it is indeed success. Aqua Aura is an outstanding tool for people wishing to increase their psychic skills and awareness. Aqua Aura strengthens meditation which can enhance any psychic endeavors. 

Amazonite – Balances feminine and masculine energies. Encourages trusting behaviour. Stimulates both sides of the brain. Encourages both intuitive perceptions and reasoning. A good stone for artists. 

Angelite – This stone helps one connect with Angels and Spirit Guides. It unblocks communication barriers. Can dispel fear and anger, and encourages forgiveness. 

Rose Quartz – With its gentle pink essence, it is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort.

Angel Aura Quartz – Can help one meditate on finding the proper course of action in life. It is said to help with angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used by mystics to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings. Physically, mystical lore reputes that angel aura is helpful for general health, vitality, and miraculous cure of illness. 

Aquamarine – Aids in compassion and tolerance. Facilitates communication with others and with the deeper self. It favours creativity, confidence, serenity and attunement to the spiritual realm. 

Flame Aura Quartz – This crystal is excellent for use in spiritual initiations and rituals, and for deepening meditation and spiritual attunement. Flame Aura stimulates the Third Eye and Higher Crown Chakras, enhancing focus and increasing the ability to β€œread” people at an energetic and subtle level and to understand the information that was communicated. It is a beneficial stone for creating and maintaining a state of homeostasis within the physical and emotional bodies.

The cards seem pretty straight forward this week. Wish upon a star means just that. Think of the things you wish to attract in your life. Visualize all that you wish for, and know in your heart it is on the way to you. Maybe your wish is for a pet? You love, understand and connect to animals. It’s funny, I’m not much of a pet person, but I have been guided to start looking for a puppy lately. Every puppy ad is pulling on my heart strings, and I have been seriously considering it! We have a perfect dog pen here, and I think a pet would be a wonderful distraction in our life right now. I guess this is a sign! Even if your not ready to sign up for a pet, going to a petting zoo or out to feed some horses, anything to connect to the animals would be beneficial for you now. Look into their eyes, and feel connected to their energy, and to the medicines they have to offer you. This card also is a reminder to have fun and be playful. It’s a great way to raise your vibration and increase positive energy. How perfect for the long weekend, to be playful, shine your light, and wish upon the stars. The Light Card reminds us we all have beautiful light. Share that light when you can. No, everyday might not be easy.. But that does not mean you are any less deserving than anyone else, and good things are coming for you too. It does not mean you have any less to give than anyone else. You are made from the light of our Creator. You have things to give to others even in the darkest of times, and in fact, that is where the light is needed the most… That is where it is truly understood. Don’t be so hard on yourself, and know that better days will come. For now, try to see all the good in yourself, in others, and in life. Focus on the positives as best you can. Keep choosing to see the light. Keep on the path to the light. Better days are coming, for all of us.. All we have to do is wish, and have faith. 

Wish Upon A Star – Here’s the secret to a happy life: Expect the best. That’s because life gives you what you expect. So, if you have fears about your future, your fears may come true. It’s so much better to feel happy about your future. You can do this by looking for stars in the sky and making wishes. Trust that they’ll come true (But maybe in a different or better way than you expect). Your trust is the “magic” that makes wishes happen. The more trust you have, the better. You can ask God, the Angels, and the unicorns to help you trust. They can help you heal from any fears or pain from your past so that your heart is filled only with love and happiness. Don’t worry that you may be disappointed and that your wish won’t come true. This worry can block wishes from happening! So, make your wish and then believe it will come true. Ask for your heart’s desires – they’ll come to you at the perfect time, in the perfect way. You don’t need to know how your wishes will happen… All you need to do is make the wish. Then, your inner voice may tell you to take action to help make the wish come true. The inner voice always gives you positive words and feelings, and you must listen to it so that you can help yourself and others. Enjoy making and receiving your wishes! 

Pets – Animals love you. They know that you understand their special voice and that you reapect them and their needs. Your pets especially love you, and they really appreciate it when you give them extra time and attention. This Card is a message from all animals and your own pets to let you know how much they appreciate you. Spend more time with animals, as they help you feel a sense of love that is safe and sweet. Animals also help you play and have fun. So, take your dog for a long walk, pet a kitten, feed some wild birds, or brush your little animal friend. And be sure to give your pet fresh water and food every day. This card also suggests you would be very happy and good at work involving studying or helping animals. This card can also be a message from pets who have passed on. They want you to know they’re happy in Heaven, and that they still love you very much. Tune in to feel the love from those pets right now, and know that you’ll love each other forever.

Light – Everyone has a beautiful light within them, no matter what they look like or how they act. This light is pure. The more you focus on the light within others, the more you can help them be healthy and happy. You can also protect your loved ones, yourself and your belongings by imagining them surrounded by light. This card may mean that you or someone you love is in a situation with harsh energy right now, and they need extra spiritual protection. Imagine them in an eggshell covering of light in your choice of color. White light for protection, green light to heal, and purple light for a better nights sleep. As you focus on seeing and feeling light within yourself and everyone, you’ll notice a positive change in your life. For example, people will treat you better, your family members will seem happier, and you’ll sleep better at night.


Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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Find me on, Twitter @Carriegallop and check out my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels