Messages From Spirit for September 25, 2023

Messages From Spirit for September 25, 2023

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #September25 #Sept25 #Intuition #GutFeelings #Dreams #Signs #Ignoring #Neglecting #Rationalizing #Numb #Feelings #Exhaustion #Burnout #FaceWhatYouNeedToFace #LifeWillMakeYou #Awaken #TakeAction #Trust #YouAreCapable #WhatIsStandingInYourWay

Messages From Spirit for September 20, 2023

Messages From Spirit for September 20, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #September20 #Sept20 #Incredible #Synergy #Flow #Life #GuidingYou #ThingsFallIntoPlace #MutuallyCooperative #Interaction #Spirit #TuneInto #Signs #HigherSelf #LookingOutForYou #BestInterests

Reading for the week of July 16, 2023

The crystals I am working with for the week are Peach/Pink Agate, Mangano Calcite, and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Pink/Peach Agate – Gentle and nurturing. Boosts creativity. Initiates transformation. Helps resolve emotional issues. Helps overcome negative emotions. Soothes depression and anxiety. Assists with stability and balance. Encourages changes and lasting transitions. Increases friendliness and happiness.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

My interpretation of the crystals: We’ve been in a phase lately where we have needed a lot of rest, self-care, and nurturing. We’ve been through a lot. It is ok to take time to regain your strength and energy. It is not only ok, it is necessary. Things are preparing to move forward though and our energy is increasing again. We have been feeling like being more physically active and health conscious. We have also been finding more peace and calm. This goes hand in hand because if you are stressed out and exhausted all the time, you body will hold onto weight and negativity. When you can find that inner peace and calm, you can allow the energy to flow in ways that serve you much better. Your body can function in healthier ways due to not being in stress response all the time. You will want to eat better because you love yourself and want to feel better. Things don’t have to be perfect, but when you do feel like doing some exercise or eating healthier, make sure you follow through. I do feel like we are moving out of the funk that we have been in. We have to be gentle with ourselves because it has been a lot. We have to resolve those emotional issues so that our energy can flow smoothly and so that we can overcome negativity. If we are stressed out and exhausted all the time, it’s going to be very hard not to feel depressed or anxious. Not everyone can just drop their lives or take a vacation, so it’s important when you find yourself thinking, “well, what am I supposed to do not to feel this way?” It’s important to focus on your mindset and what you are choosing to focus on and think about. Are you dreading life? Or are you choosing to make it fun? When things seem dark or gloomy, become aware of why you are thinking that way and what you could focus on instead. Music is always a big help. We are going through these huge changes and transformations that are going to lead us to happier lives. Keep making positive decisions and being aware of your mindset and your freedom to choose. You have to take care of yourself and make your own happiness a daily priority. The Angels calming and soothing presence is with us today, helping us to find lasting healing. They want us to heal the trauma for good. Let it go with love. The things we’ve done, the things we’ve gone through, they don’t matter as long as we love ourselves. Forgive yourself and love yourself. Stand up for the life you deserve. Have hope for the best in all things. There is nothing to fear in this life, only things to look forward to. Catch yourself when you find yourself experiencing fearful thoughts and question them. Are they truthful? And even if they are, is that where you want to focus your energy on? When you catch yourself thinking a negative or fearful thought, stop yourself and say no to that thought. Call it out for being false. Imagine a big red X through the thought, and then re-frame it. Think of something positive instead to replace it with. I catch myself often saying “it must be nice to have (whatever it is)”. It’s really such a negative statement. I notice it, say no to it and imagine the red X through it, and replace it with “I am deserving of having (whatever it is)”. We deserve to receive and live abundant lives, and we need to truly believe it and see it for ourselves. Stay focused on the positive and pursuing your dreams. Don’t let negative belief systems hold you back. It’s important during this time that we balance our masculine and feminine energies. We need to be able to give, but also receive. We need to go within but also share ourselves in the world. Use your gifts, talents, and intuition to express yourself creatively. Shine your light into the world like a rainbow coming from your heart, and do it fearlessly. You are ready and the world wants to see who you are and they need what you have to offer. Let’s see what the cards have to add!

My interpretation of the cards: The signs are all around us and we’ve been seeing them. We know we are being guided by spirit. Appreciate the signs and trust in them. Trust in yourself and where you know you are going. I love how there is a dark Moon behind her, and we have the New Moon upon us. The Moon’s energy is strong now. It sees our intentions and what we are releasing into the world. Make sure you are keeping your thoughts and intentions positive and beautiful. We have been feeling a bit stuck. The signs are going to show us which direction to go in. Ask Heaven and the Angels for a sign to guide you, and most importantly, don’t ignore it or brush it off when you receive it. There is a lot of change upon us… especially changes that we are consciously choosing. I feel like there are huge blessings waiting for us, but we have to make the hard choices and make the changes spirit wants us to before those stars can align. We have to really think about where we are putting our energy and efforts, and if that is truly leading us where we want to be. It’s ok if things haven’t worked out the way you expected, you always have the freedom to choose again. It can be hard to walk away and go on your own, but sometimes, that’s what’s best. This is about being honest with ourselves, and listening to our intuition. It’s about truly understand what is best for us. Not what makes us look the best. It’s about being able to admit what isn’t working, and what you truly need to be happy. It is hard because things aren’t clear yet. We are in this in-between time where we have to rely on our intuition. It can feel scary and uncertain. We may want to stay where it’s cozy and comfortable, but it may be dark and lonely there. We can’t keep living in this state of fear and worry. It’s not going to help us attract the future we deserve. If we stay stuck away in our rooms, closed off to the world, nobody sees our talent or our truth, and nobody else can help us get where we want to be or offer us the abundance we deserve. Life will pass you by if you stay in this fear. Most, if not all of it, is completely unfounded. You could be happy, but you are choosing fear. You can’t see how bright the future is going to be, so you stay in the dark and miss the opportunity. The world is a vibrant place for you to explore. There is so much to celebrate and enjoy. Stay in your integrity and kindness. Good karma is going to come back to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and express gratitude to those who have helped you along the way. Align yourself with people who have high morals and values. Release yourself from people who don’t. Avoid negativity as much as possible, but it’s important to maintain connections. You don’t have to be alone or feel alone. You can feel healthy and happy and vibrant, like the Queen/King you are. Let go of the worries and things will resolve themselves much easier. Don’t let the stress build up. Take lots of self-care and get lots of rest. Combat the stress with the exact opposite which is nurturing. Try new ways to relieve stress, like healing treatments or body work. Peace is possible, but you have to come out of the fear mindset. We can’t see all of what’s ahead of us, but we have to trust and have faith that it’s going to be beautiful and abundant. Be curious and open to life. Trust in this process of change and growth. We have completed the lessons we have gone through, and it is time to let them go and move forward in a lighter way. It’s ok to not know. There is freedom in not knowing. We have so much power that we can’t even see or realize yet. Tap into the Divine matrix of positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires, and decisions. The seeds we have planted are going to grow in bigger ways than we could imagine. This, or something better. Thank you Spirit. Look at the world through fresh eyes with the spirit of a child. Let the relationships around you mirror truths back to you. Is this what you need? Does it support your values and the energy you want to hold? Keep going and trust that every experience has a purpose and value. Bet on yourself and show your skills and talents. Everything is happening for a reason in perfect Divine timing. Keep going and keep working on the changes you need for yourself. Let go of the expectations and keep your heart open. What is coming is going to be better than we can imagine. Have a beautiful week!

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Moon Magic Worksheet

Angel Card & Crystal Reading

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Card Reading for Beginners Course

Messages From Spirit for May 25, 2023

Messages From Spirit for May 25, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #May25 #WhatYouWantWillCome #Proceed #Confidently #NewBeginnings #New #Life #Signs #Obstacles #Overcome #YouAreTheShaperOfYourDestiny #MakeAMove #HighestGood #Trust #Energy #Vitality #Accomplish #Goals

Messages From Spirit for November 6, 2022

Messages From Spirit for November 6, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #November6 #Nov6 #Compassion #Understanding #Compromise #GetInvolved #Culture #Creativity #MeetNewPeople #Trust #Share #Hopes #Dreams #Fears #Insight #Advice #Heart #Rich #InnerLife #Maintain #Integrity #Relationships #Roses #Signs

Messages From Spirit for May 18, 2022

Messages From Spirit for May 18, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #YouAreNeverAlone #SpiritGuides #Angels #Ancestors #HigherSelf #GuidingYou #Signs #Messages #Plant #Sacredness #SeedTheLight #Light #Connect #Share #Balance #Harmony #Feminine #Masculine #Energy #Creation #Peace #Heart #Love #Flow

Messages From Spirit for May 5, 2022

Messages From Spirit for May 5, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #May5 #Thursday #Truth #Honesty #Revealed #Insights #Signs #Symbols #Heaven #AstralRealm #SpiritWorld #Trust #Faith #Remember #Connect #Spirit #AllThatIs #Share #Divine #Love #Reach #New #Understand #Grow

Messages From Spirit for April 28. 2022

Messages From Spirit for April 28, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #April28 #Spirit #SpiritGuides #TuneIn #Spirituality #Align #HighestTruth #Manifesting #Reality #CoCreate #Signs #Symbols #BeOpen #Welcome #Change #Flow #Receive

Weekly Reading for the week of January 3, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Angel Aura Quartz, Amethyst, and Hematoid Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. It is said that it is very helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings.

Amethyst – A meditative and calming stone which promotes calm, balance, and peace. It is used to eliminate impatience. Beneficial for legal problems and money issues. Increases spirituality and enhances intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It is a stone of protection. Brings happiness and contentment. Brings emotional stability and inner strength and helps to enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. Well known as a sobriety stone. It is used to assist in getting rid of addictions and compulsive behaviours of all kinds. Due to being “coated” amethyst, it enhances the energy and makes it a little more magical with its iridescent sheen!

Hematoid Quartz – Assists with self-worth and self-esteem. Helps with patience and attention span. Accelerates healing and pain relief. Helps to maintain emotional balance during times of stress, and helps you to think clearly.

It’s funny because I’ve looked at my Hematoid Quartz lots of times, and never really noticed the iridescent inclusions until today!

I also felt guided to use my Angel Aura Quartz which looks very similar and also has an iridescent rainbow sheen to it. The coated Amethyst also has a rainbow sheen! Rainbows are my personal sign of joy. The Angels are definitely here and guiding us now. I have been learning more about specific Angels from my Moon Magic Worksheet I have been creating with each Full/New Moon, so make sure to watch for that next week! This week in general, feels like it’s going to be a good week. A lot of people are back to work and school, but it feels very positive to get back to structure and routine. We may have some things testing our patience, but with everything we have learned and gone through, we are better able to go with the flow and be flexible and adapt. Routine and structure are good if you have been getting carried away with habits that aren’t the best for you. This is going to be a great week to get back to a workout routine, learning, or working on business pursuits. You may have to harness your self-confidence, but if you put yourself out there, you will receive the abundance you require. Patience, patience, patience. Try to always have patience, in every situation. Patience and flexibility. When you show these qualities, you will over come challenges with ease. People will notice your power and composure. Visualize yourself as the boss of your life, making the best decisions you can at a fast rate without overthinking. Less emotional attachment, more handling business. Being happy now, in this moment, no matter what your outer circumstances look like, will help you find peace and calm. We are very connected spiritually, and I have a feeling you will notice many signs and witness a lot of beauty this week. Enjoy the moments. Be a boss, handle what you need to, and enjoy your life. Let’s see what the cards say!

The Angels are reminding us that we are consciously manifesting our life. If your life isn’t working, or if it could be better… it’s up to you to make changes! What are you creating in your life? We are powerfully manifesting, so it’s very important we keep our thoughts positive and love ourselves at the highest level. If you are thinking negative thoughts, it’s easy to not love for yourself or your life. If you have positivity and love for yourself, you only want to create beauty, happiness, and health. Your thoughts and feelings affect your reality, and don’t you want your reality to be a beautiful one? You have to stop thinking negatively. You have to believe in yourself. You have to show love to yourself. You can make the changes you need to. You can create the life you deserve. Every single day, you have the opportunity to make positive choices… what you eat, what you consume, how much you sleep, who you surround yourself with, how much you allow yourself to stress and worry. It all matters. When things get tough, remember, you are not alone. You have coworkers, friends, and family that love you and understand you. You have Spirits that unconditionally love you and generations of Ancestors watching over you, rooting for you to see your true beauty. Keep a light on when things get dark. Do what you can to remember that life does not require fear. We think we are so different from one another, but we are really all just the same. We all suffer, so have compassion and patience. If you need help, just ask. Ask people you love and trust. Ask a stranger. Ask Spirit. Ask for the signs. You will be receiving a lot of signs this week! Watch for whatever resonates with you. Trust that they mean exactly what your heart feels that they do. For me, the butterfly is one of my personal signs. I noticed the first pic I took of my crystals looked like a butterfly. I have a tattoo of a butterfly on my leg. It is my sign of transmutation, of transformation… of coming into a new version of myself. Thank you Universe for guiding us on our path always. 💗🙏✨

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Twitter @carriegallop

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