Messages From Spirit for March 23, 2023

Messages From Spirit for March 23, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #March23 #Mar23 #Learn #Past #MoveForward #DontBeHeldBack #Attachment #Blocks #Progress #Joy #Release #LetGo #Endings #Exciting #New #Direction #Possibilities #Opportunities #Freedom #Choice #Choose #Change #Future #Bright #Magical #Happy

Messages From Spirit for December 6, 2022

Messages From Spirit for December 6, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #December6 #Dec6 #DontBeHeldBack #LetGoOfThePast #Release #Learn #LetGo #Endings #NewBeginnings #Opportunities #Exciting #NewDirections #TakeChargeOfYourLife #YourFutureIsBright #Magical #YouCanDoAnything #YouCan #Manifest #WhatYouNeed #Success #Visualize #Hopes #Dreams #TakeSteps #Forward #Happiness

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 13, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Turquoise, Malachite and Blue Apatite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Turquoise – Represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Connects you to the Spirit world. A symbol of friendship that brings peace to the home. Brings luck, success, ambition and creativity. A stone for self-forgiveness and self-acceptance, and the release of useless regrets. It encourages us to honor ourselves as a creation of the Divine.

Malachite – A stone of transformation, good fortune, prosperity & abundance. This is a transformation of lack into abundance. Invites business opportunities. Brings self-confidence and success. These vibrations release and diffuse those of victimization by demonstrating the power of oneself. It helps balance pure love, romance, and one’s own well-being. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It brings inner peace and hope, including relief from anxiety and stress.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

We kick the week off with a New Moon and total Solar Eclipse on Monday morning, although it is not visible from here in North America. This Eclipse is helping us let go of some stuff for good. We’ve earned it! We’ve been through enough. We’ve learned enough lessons. You can let go of the baggage for good. Feel free and weightless. Feel how abundant the possibilities are for you. Maybe the past wasn’t ideal. Maybe you didn’t act the way you intended to looking back, but it’s all a lesson. It’s helps us see who we want to be… who we truly are. We are wise now. We are so ready. We are being blessed with peace, friendship, abundance, and good fortune. You are lucky. You are lucky. You are lucky. You are incredibly lucky. (Speak it into existence!) There are so many opportunities on the way, and you have the ambition and creativity to be successful. Right now, on this New Moon, we need to release any regrets and come to full acceptance of ourselves and our lives. We have to truly forgive ourselves and let the past be the past. Dragging it around is not helping anything, in fact, it is exactly what is hurting you. We are beautiful expressions of the Divine, and we need to treat ourselves as such. We are here…. we are at the doorway to our transformation. Where we have felt lack, we are going to see lush abundance. Believe it to be true. Be confident in yourself and your ability to be successful. We can no longer be a victim to our past. We need to take full responsibility, because it’s up to us. The only person who can change things for you, is you. You have the power to create the life you desire and deserve. Things have been stressful, there is no way around that… but it’s time to let that go and find some peace. You deserve relief. You deserve to feel emotionally stable. The Blue Apatite is assisting our health as we move into this New Moon. It is going to help us to eat less, and healthier, to remove any blockages, and return the body to balance. It’s giving your aura a lovely cleanse. This is going to help increase your manifestation abilities! It is going to help us have more clarity and insight. We are seeing the truth and we aren’t afraid to express ourselves. Our digital world really helps us be able to do this. Be open and do things with ease. Life doesn’t need to be so serious. We can just enjoy it and be who we are, with no expectations. When things get tough, just stay calm and find a solution. It’s really is as simple and as complicated as that. Stressing doesn’t help anyone or anything, and actually amplifies negative energy. Our dreams have been telling us a lot. If you are looking for answers, pay attention to your dreams. Our dreams are going to give us hints as to what is to come, and help us to know where we need to go. Let’s see what the cards say!

I just love these cards… as always! Wishes come true! Dreams fulfilled. A magical time of life. How much more magical does the Nine of Summer get? Look at all the magic swirling around her. She is beautiful, radiant, and protected. She is ready. This is the card of wishes come true. Make sure to set your intentions tonight or tomorrow! If you want my Moon Magic Worksheet to help you do that, email me at We are entering this new Age of Aquarius, and we have to decide how we are walking through that door. Are we going in haggard and beaten down? Or are we going in feeling primed and ready? We are setting the intentions for the future with our energy, so make sure yours is set to magical. On my Moon Magic Worksheet, the Ferret was coming through for me, and he is all about playfulness. This is another recurring theme this week, bringing joy back into our lives, living joyfully every day. My friend and I were just talking about romanticizing life and making small things something to look forward to… finding reasons to look forward to things instead of dreading them. Allow life to be playful and try to have some fun. What do we want in our future? More fun!! More magic! More play! More abundance! The Two of Autumn encourages us to bring fun into our work and everyday life. You have been doing an amazing job juggling it all, so make it fun for yourself. There is so much going on in this card… but it’s really so beautiful. You have been proving yourself, showing you can do the work. Not only to your boss, or your family, but to the Universe. The better you handle your responsibilities, the more opportunities the Universe will deliver to you. It will all be so much easier if you are enjoying what you do! Make everything joyful and seek out the fun in each moment. Even if pleasures are small, they can lead to greater and greater happiness. The law of attraction sees you happy, and delivers you more of that. The Universe loves to see you happy. It makes it feel happy… We are a reflection of it after all. Find the humour in any situation and let your cares fade away. Nothing is really that serious. Make sure you are having fun with it. The Walrus reminds us that we have to stay vigilant. We have to stay positive. We can’t be spreading negativity around or we might as well welcome it on our doormat. The Walrus foretells us of the signs and omens we will see in the coming days. Pay attention to your dreams. Pay attention to what they mean for you, and you will be the one who knows. They will guide you. Last week, I was having a tough week, and I saw a rainbow. It’s always my sign that everything is going to be ok, and to remain joyful. Someone could say, “ah, it’s just a piece of a sun dog, and a coincidence”, but to me, it’s the perfect sign. I feel it to be true. Signs can be anything that means something to you. You can ask for a specific sign, or you can just let things show up and notice them when you see them. You will be able to put the pieces together, and you will gain clarity. Trust the signs that come for you. I love how this card references watching for animal signs, and that’s part of my Moon Magic Worksheet. Spirit wants you to know, that it’s ok to not be perfect. Positivity is not about perfection. Positivity is loving ourselves as we are. Positivity is believing in our natural talents. Positivity is leveraging what makes us unique. You truly are perfect just as you are. Don’t let anyone ever tell you different. Everyone wants to be liked and to “fit in”, but that is not where your uniqueness lies! The magic is in what makes you different. You are needed in this world. You, in your most genuine form. You, sharing your gifts and talents to the world. As long as you feel good about yourself, you are doing good. The best way to feel good about yourself, is to live an honest and clean life. You don’t need to be perfect, just trust that God made you to be exactly who you need to be. You will impact the right people at the right time if you are confident in yourself. Get your energy ready for this New Moon Eclipse and prepare yourself for who you want to be! It’s here and happening now!

It’s not too late to get my Moon Magic Worksheet if you want one! Just email me at!

I hope you have an amazing and magical week! 💗🌑💫

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 27, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Mookaite, Amber and Rutile Quartz . I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Mookaite – It carries an invigorating frequency of strength and vitality, and increases Life Force within the physical body. An Aboriginal Mother Earth stone, it is a healing stone, and empowers one to feel and connect with the electromagnetic energy currents of the Earth. It enables one to utilize these positive energies to increase one’s will and focus one’s personal power. Mookaite promotes an ageless spirit willing to accept change and seek new experiences, and awakens one’s natural instincts in knowing the right direction to take.

Amber – Gives a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the same time. It is said to help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. It is reputed to cleanse its environment by drawing out negativity, and to relieve physical pain the same way. It is used mystically to bring the energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, romantic love, sensuality, purification, balance, healing and calmness.

Rutile Quartz – Is reputed to be an energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Assists with mental focus. It is said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz said to be particularly effective for getting things moving energetically. It can help slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance. It is reputed to diminish fears and be excellent at assisting with decision-making processes. It is said that it can also ease loneliness and relieve guilt thereby bringing happiness. It can help get out of a rut in life. Used for meditation, spiritual communications, and dream work. 

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been experiencing a lot of physical pain, especially last night and today. The Mookaite is here to heal our body and soul. The Amber is going to draw out the pain and assist with healing. The Rutile Quartz is here to balance our chakras and stabilize energies. I also had crazy dreams last night, and I believe the Rutile Quartz is here to help understand the dreams, and also give us protection. Let’s see which card I will pull for today. 

Again, two cards wanted to come. I pulled it out and I was sure there were 2 stuck together. They did not want to come apart! I debated on putting one back, but was reminded they are both there for a reason. I liked doing the readings weekly, as it gave a good overview of what we were going through at that time. Doing the readings daily, you do see a lot of the same messages carrying over, as we continue to deal with certain situations in our life. Honeybee is here today to remind us again, to give compassion and forgiveness freely to others. This is really a key to happiness. If we can just let go, forgive and heal, we can focus on moving forward in a positive manner. The crystals are definitely here today to help with healing yourself and regaining some balance in your energy. Another thing that helps with healing? Expressing yourself creatively. That is the message the unicorn delivers for us today. Have fun. Enjoy the weekend. Do something that indulges your creativity and imagination. Do something that brings out the magical side of you. Express yourself through whatever art you enjoy, such as singling, painting, ceramics or pottery, working with crystals, Christmas crafting, whatever it is that fills your heart up. Maybe it’s time to turn on the Christmas tunes and do some baking or crafts. I love the message the Unicorn brings. People always ask me why I don’t turn my photography or spiritual work into a business. I have gotten my feet wet, and learned exactly what the Unicorn is reminding us. We don’t always need to do things for money, money is not the reward. The reward is being able to express ourselves for who we are, instead of who we are expected to be. Once you make something a job, it takes the fun out of it. So today, no matter how you are choosing to express yourself, do so without any expectations and just enjoy the time you spend doing something you enjoy. Let go of anything that is holding you down, forgive yourself and others, and lift yourself up by being creative and indulging yourself! 

Honeybee – To reap all the sweetness that life has to offer, focus on compassion and forgiveness. Compassion means that you have heart felt empathy for the suffering and misfortune of others, yet remain somewhat detached so that you don’t take on their sorrow and distress as your own. Forgiveness requires that you first acknowledge and accept responsibility for your judgments, rather than pretending they don’t exist or professing to always sustain a nonjudgmental attitude. The next step is to release those judgements. To do so, think of someone, past or present, with whom you have judgements or criticisms. Trust that the first person that comes to mind is the appropriate one to start with. Consider two or three specific criticisms that you have about this individual, preferably captured with one word, such as selfish or cold. Find a quiet place, go inside yourself, and look for that part of you that’s exactly like what you’re judging in that other person. It may be a very prominent part of yourself or a rather small aspect. You may identify it by recalling times when you behaved in ways that resemble what you’re criticizing. Once you discover that part of you, simply say to it: “I love you and forgive you”. If necessary, repeat this two or three times and notice any emotions that come up. In the coming days, be aware of any feelings that arise that may be associated with this experience. Practice this at least once daily for the next few days, and watch what happens. Associations: Productivity, community, cooperation, sweetness, love, compassion, forgiveness, rhythm, awakening, nature, poetry, mother goddess, royalty, nutrition

Unicorn – Whatever the artistic vehicle through which you express your most creative self, whether it’s drawing, poetry, painting, music, acting, or any other form of creative expression, make it a priority in your life by devoting some time, energy, and perhaps even money towards this artistic pursuit. Let the longing of your heart determine what the form of your imaginative expression is, but let it be one that elicits passion and purpose. Allow it to evolve as needed, without exceeding to any internal perfectionism about the end product. The process itself is where the magic is. Left that alone be your satisfaction and delight and you’ll be pleased with the results. Whether this avocation continues as a hobby or turns into something you receive compensation for, never do it only for the money. There’s no need to act out the starving artist scenario, but when you make monetary rewards your primary goal, you risk stifling the creative pulse that emanates from the core of who you are, potentially compromising the integrity of your artistic gift to the world. Should you ever be uncertain about following your passion with this kind of expression, take some time to observe children. Notice how innocently and imaginatively they play in their world, particularly when unhindered by social restrictions and artificial boundaries. This is a reflection of the magical child who’s inside you, begging to explore and be expressed. So have fun! Associations: Magic, mysticism, virtue, honesty, purity, inspiration, protection, restoration, manifestation, power, gentleness, humility, healing, unity

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