Messages From Spirit for June 15, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 15, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June15 #Recognize #DontHoldBack #Powerful #Voice #Spirit #StandUp #Equality #BeAChangeMaker #God #AllLoving #Accepting #Unite #Hearts #Everywhere #Rest #PaidOff #Connection #Connected #AllThings #Awakening #Thought #Actions #Create #Transcend #Limits

Card Reading for the week of September 12, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Fulgurite, Selenite, and Chrysoprase. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Fulgurite – Formed from lighting strikes hitting the sand. Awakens one’s sense of higher purpose. Helps with manifestation of one’s power. Kundalini awakening. Purification. Used to “blow one’s prayers through”. Clears dysfunctional patterns in emotions.

Selenite – Cleanses and filters your energy. A helpful crystal when there are a lot of things going on in your head. It’s a good stone to have to help you quiet your mind and give you mental clarity. People have a way of filling your head with bad ideas, thoughts, and perceptions. Having selenite in your possession will help cleanse your mind of all this negativity. It balances and stabilizes your body and emotions.

Chrysoprase – Connected to nature. Profoundly mood-lifting, cheering, supportive, and healing for the spirit. Helps in times of depression, sadness or coping with the darker, more challenging periods of life. It can help us to let go of anger, and focus on the positive, rather than being overwhelmed by the negative, and remind us of what we have to be grateful for – definitely a “glass half full” sort of crystal. For acceptance and self-acceptance.

It feels like we are wading in some deep waters right now. We are still moving, but we have to get through some stuff and put in some hard work to get where we want to be. The Fulgurite is bringing in some balance and revitalization. It reminds us that yes, things get hard sometimes… Yes we have to work to get where we want to be… but that sometimes Spirit does show us that wishes can manifest. Sometimes, miracles do happen. Dreams can come true. Especially when we speak about it and make our intentions known. The Fulgurite also reminds me that we can let go of things… the past, our intentions, etc., by breathing them out, and in this case, through the Fulgurite. I feel very cleansed and purified by the Fulgurite, and the Selenite is also here to do the same. We need to cleanse our energy and let go of as much emotional baggage as we can. Breath work and meditation can be very helpful now. I’ve been obsessed with Sound Baths lately, try searching them on the internet, or better yet, find an in-person event happening in your area. The Sound Bath vibrations work so well to clear out the stuck energy and you feel so calm and peaceful, yet vibrant after. We need to find some way to calm our minds and stop overthinking things as much as possible. We worry way too much. I am the most guilty person of this, but it is true and we need to stop worrying unless there is a legitimate need for it. We need to make room in our mind and in our physical bodies for new energy and ideas. We definitely need to stop living by anyone else’s expectations. We need to be balanced and stable on our own. Get out into nature if you can, and get grounded. We have to look towards the future with optimism instead of dread. When I envision what each of those pathways look like, I know a vision of optimism is definitely where I want my energy focused. We have so much to be grateful for… so much to live for and work hard for.. so much to enjoy life for.. Accept the things that happen for what they are and deal with them. Try to do your best and to stay out of trouble and live a good life. We can get through these hard times and see the sun again. Help yourself by allowing yourself to receive joy and be grateful for what you have. Let’s see what the cards say!

We are going to have to be assertive and speak up for what we need and believe in. We will have to stand up for ourselves and fight for what we deserve. Defend the things you are passionate about. Don’t allow people to intimidate you or make you feel a certain way. Pay attention to what’s happening and learn from it. Become a better person because of it. We are going to have to use our wisdom to it’s best advantage. Get out in nature and connect to the signs. Reflect within to find the answers you seek. Meditation is going to be very important to get our mind clear and receive the insights we are searching for. We will have to trust our intuition to show us what to build and where to go. If we use our creativity and work hard, and also let others support us, we can build a bright future. The pink and purple tones on the Two of Spring tell me there is so much love, especially self-love, and spiritual growth in our future. We can make great progress if we are willing to put the work in. Find like-minded people with similar goals to share your dreams and offer support and guidance. Know that it is safe to take a chance, and you are worth all the effort you put into your life. Never let anyone make you question your worth. As long as you know it in your heart, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or believes. We just had a powerful Pisces Full Moon, and we are wrapping up a phase of our life. Things are shifting and changing as we move forward, so make as much space as you can by letting things go and clearing things up. Make a plan and be prepared. So many new opportunities are coming our way. We do have power in numbers, so find the people who you can work with and collaborate with. If we work hard, we will be seeing the fruits of our labour very soon. There absolutely is a bright future on the way. Yes, lots of things haven’t gone as we’ve planned or expected, but they have led us here now, and there are so many happy, positive, and exciting opportunities for the future. All that matters is that you are proud of yourself and how far you’ve come. Know that you are deserving of everything amazing and good, just by being your authentic self. Not everyone might appreciate you, but that’s ok. As long as you love yourself and you know you’ve done the best you can, that’s all that matters. Getting up and trying again tomorrow is all that matters. You deserve self-respect, so make sure to stand up for your with assertiveness when necessary. Act with integrity at all times. Stay in your power. Let the Moon guide you through times of darkness. Know that the light is never lost, and we need to keep it burning bright in our soul. Change is inevitable, and all we can do is keep moving forward and trying to do better. Feel contentment with where you are now. Take some time to relax before you move on to the next thing. Give proper time and space to natural cycles. Release, relax, and make space for what’s to come. Have a beautiful week!

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Messages From Spirit for March 12, 2022

Messages From Spirit for March 12, 2022 💕✨

#Messages #MessagesFromSpirit #March #March12 #StandUp #BeSeen #BeHeard #UseYourVoice #UseYourWisdom #Medicine #Heal #Connect #Consciousness #HigherPurpose #AllowYourselfToBeSeen #Shine #TellYourStory #BeAuthentic

Messages From Spirit for March 12, 2022

Messages From Spirit for March 12, 2022 💕✨

#Messages #MessagesFromSpirit #March #March12 #StandUp #BeSeen #BeHeard #UseYourVoice #UseYourWisdom #Medicine #Heal #Connect #Consciousness #HigherPurpose #AllowYourselfToBeSeen #Shine #TellYourStory #BeAuthentic

Messages From Spirit for March 10, 2022

Messages From Spirit for March 10, 2022 💕✨

#HardWork #PayingOff #ProtectYourEnergy #ProtectYourGoals #YouCanDoIt #YouCanHandleIt #Tasks #ToDo #KeepGoing #TakeCareOfYourself #SelfCare #StandUp #ImportantCauses #Beliefs #Power #BeHeard #Spiritual #Guidance #Inspiration #MessagesFromSpirit #Daily #Message

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 18, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Desert Rose, Smoky Quartz, and Garnet. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Desert Rose – A stone of the mind, as well as Angelic stone. It is said to bring mental ability and clarity, as well as perception of all kinds, including intuitive perception. It helps you to make sense of things. Quiets worries and stills the mind from distractions. It rids the mind of outdated thought processes. A stone of strength and standing your ground. Helps you to have heart-centered thoughts and brings understanding one’s own emotional body.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Garnet – A stone of regeneration and energizing. Boosts and revitalizes energy. A protective stone. Excellent for manifestation. It is used to ground one’s dreams in reality, bringing abundance, prosperity, and realization of those dreams. Builds one’s self-confidence, inspiration, and creativity. Considered a stone of increasing commitment, honesty, hope, and faith. It is a stone of positive thoughts which is said to dispel and relieve depression.

We are feeling so stuck. I know for myself personally, I’m a homebody, and there are a lot of aspects I love about being at home. My son went through 3 years of treatment for leukemia and he still has some health issues going on, so we try to stay home as much as possible and take very little risk. No matter how you feel about what’s going on in the world, it is taking a toll us all. We have been restricted for so long… but this… this is the age of Aquarius, and we are now moving into the sign of Aquarius. Hopefully we will see some progress in many aspects of life. We have work to do. This is a time to put your ideas to paper and get creating. Get innovating. We’ve been in survival mode for too long. We need to see the way forward and work together to get there. We need to help each other. We need to demand a new way. Quiet your mind and see how you can shift your perspective, and what inspirations flow. Worrying is just a distraction, and serves no positive purpose. Quiet your mind. Centre your body. Shift your perspective to one of positivity. We are what we wish for. If you believe in magic, you will surely have a magical life. Have courage and strength. Make sure to take care of yourself. You can overcome this depression. The day will come when you have clarity, and you feel happy. Harness that and try to feel it more in your days. Remember that everything is going to be ok. It’s all going to be ok. The Garnet is helping you to get your spark back, to ignite your beautiful flame. It gives us the energy to move forward, create, love, and enjoy life. Our dreams really can come true, so make sure you keep dreaming. Dream and visualize all the time. Also, pay attention to dreams. I feel like people will be having lots of dreams, visitations and astral travel experiences. The Garnet wants us to stop thinking negatively about our lives. Embrace what we have. Keep building it up and staying positive, especially when it’s hard. Our dreams are coming true, so stay positive! Do your manifestations on the moon! Manifest your life everyday through your choices and actions. The Garnet to me feels like romance.. I feel like there will be lots of physical romance, but also feeling romantic about our lives… truly learning to love them deeply. That’s a beautiful thing. Can’t wait to see what the cards say!

Wow… these cards. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the open window and all the rose petals on the last card… so much romance! You have to be willing to do things your own way.. a new way. You have to go against the grain and do things different. You might have to walk the path alone. It might appear very lonely. In truth, your path is filled with stars… with magical opportunities, love, happiness, joy… and you are making your way to a new reality… to an open window where you are free… where you are loved… where nobody wears a mask (figuratively or literally). The Elephants are a symbol of your hard work. You’ve stayed in line and done your part. You put the work in. With the Age of Aquarius, we are in a new time, and we need to challenge the status quo. We need to reinvent, reinvest, and reignite our passion for our lives and this planet. We are stuck because we’ve been forced to conform for so long, and it’s not going to be easy to break. It’s going to take time to travel a new journey, but it is Time to Go. It can feel scary taking a new path. It can be hard to let go of what we thought we knew… of what we thought was “right” for us. Everything isn’t lost though. In fact, nothing is truly ever lost. We always carry love in our hearts, like beautiful rose petals, that you can let flow anytime you feel. We are always connected on a deeper level, even when something appears to be gone. Look at everything you’ve learned. You’ve gained your wings. You are ready to fly… and your almost there. Your energy is electric and glowing, full of love for self. Walk forward with confidence and bravery. You are almost there. Bless where you have came from. Be thankful for the lessons and wisdom. Your destiny is calling you… be ready to answer the door. If there are things in your life, or people, that aren’t positive influences, it may be time to leave them behind. Endings are always a sign of new beginnings. Change your life and make space for new. If there is a situation you feel the need to leave, this may be your sign. What is going to be, will be. Destiny is always charting it’s course. Follow the signs and guidance, and be brave to make the choices that are best for you. Truth Be Told is about expressing your honest truth. This card makes me feel like people will be expressing emotions towards you, and how fitting with Valentine’s Day approaching. Accept your life. Come to complete acceptance of where you’ve been, and where you are going. Stop living in denial over the past. It’s time to get clear. The best policy is always an honest one. You can’t live an authentic life if you have things to hide. There is freedom in sharing the deepest parts of yourself. There is so much love for you, when you are willing to open up. The Owl is about communication, so expressing yourself is important, but it’s equally important to listen. Be confident and be you. Peel off any layers of fear or insecurity, and be authentic and gloriously flawed, and Spirit will answer with miracles. This is about letting go of limiting beliefs, especially about being deserving of love or money. You deserve to make your life a priority and fill it with abundance. Say no to dishonesty in all forms. Always acknowledge the truth. Set yourself free. Fall in love with your life, and be ready for the door. Have a beautiful week!

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Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius with a Lunar Eclipse – June 5, 2020

We have a Full Moon in Saggitarius with a Lunar Eclipse coming up on June 5th! The eclipse will not be visible in North America. The effects of the Full Moon/Eclipse will last 2 weeks until the New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Summer Solstice on June 21. Even though there is so much craziness going on in the World… there is still so much good. Each one of us has a responsibility to contribute to the greater good. We are being called to step out of our comfort zones, and move forward. To stand up for our beliefs and to harness our full power. We are seeking a more Spiritual understanding to help us navigate these times and challenges. Listen to your emotions and find the underlying issues. Do the work to release them and allow yourself to be cleansed and refreshed. This Full Moon is the time when we need to let go of everything that isn’t serving us, so we can make room to manifest new opportunities and set new intentions when the New Moon comes on June 21. These next 3 Moons all have eclipses with them, so this is a perfect time to reset and charge forward. Relationships are going to be a point of contention, which is no surprise with everything else going on. We need to honour, express and respect our emotions, in a way that isn’t destructive towards anyone else. We need to find patience and unconditional love. True compassion is the kind of love that forgives the unforgivable. That’s how relationships will stay strong through the clearing of new pathways that is preceding us. Follow your intuition to help you recognize doors that are being opened up for you. Communication is very important, so make sure to put yourself out there and meet new people. I always say, every person you meet matters. The Lunar Eclipse is occurring at 14 degrees Sagittarius, which happens to be the direction in which our galaxy is being pulled towards, also called The Great Attractor. I feel like this is an important time in our evolution and we are attracting the energies we put out. The more of us who can stay positive and peaceful, the more peaceful existence we can experience. Nobody is doing themselves any good by looting the city they live in, in the country they should love… and they definitely aren’t putting out an energy of positivity! We have a choice that we have to make. Do we want to go down this path? Or do we choose something else for our future? You get what you give and you attract what you put out there. I guarantee if you follow the path of positivity, so many doors will be opening for you. As always, we can and will get through this rollercoaster of an eclipse season, and we will be better off for it. Do the best you can to make the most of it! ✨🌕🙏

#FullMoon #Moon #Astrology #Sagittarius #June #Eclipse #Lunar #LunarEclipse #Attractor #Strawberry #Positivity #Spiritual #Energy #Vitality #Adventure #Obstacles #Relationships #New #Anger #Irritation #Release #Listen #Understanding #Social #Responsibility #Behaviour #Choice

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of June 11, 2017

Oh my gosh you guys! I’m so sorry I’ve been on a hiatus again.. for over a month! It’s now been one year since my son was diagnosed with Leukemia, he was 3 at the time. I just happened to be organizing pictures from my cell phone, and it was like re-living those days. We are still living those days, although things are going well and we get are getting through this thing. I have been feeling so overwhelmed with how far we’ve come, and how far there is yet to go. I guess I was feeling a little overwhelmed with life in general. Just the everyday mom duties were taking a toll, and I was feeling uninspired and run down. I just knew in my heart is was ok to take a break. I know nobody probably cares anyway!! I didn’t know how long I needed, but I knew I would be back when I was ready. Let me tell you, it’s been a slow process getting this reading done. The energy is still a bit heavy. I have been learning a lot lately, I have been taking a Certified Mediumship Course with Carmel Baird, and I think my mind and body just needed time to integrate everything I’ve been learning. It’s been a lot. The astrology readings I’ve seen lately go along with this energy, so I’m just trying to accept it how it is and try to nurture myself (I wrote this before doing my reading… nurture is definitely a key word this week!). So thank you for your understanding! Thank you for being here to read my blog! I truly appreciate it!! Let see what the message is for the week. 

The crystals I am working with for the week are Tree Jasper, Lava Rock, and Rainbow Moonstone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Tree Jasper – The “supreme nurturer”. It holds and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity. Used to help with dream recall and shamanic journeying, it is a stone of protection and absorbs all types of negative energies. Balances the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is a stone of strength, courage and determination. Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging ideas into action. It can really assist people who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation. 

Lava Rock – Grounds and calms the emotions. A stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment. Lava stones are good for stabilizing and grounding because of the strong connection to the Earth and it’s creation within the centre of Earth. In folk remedies, it was given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle. A stone of courage and gives people stability as they go through changes in their lives. When a person is drawn to lava rock it might be because they need the fire or energy in their life.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. This is enhanced by Rainbow Moonstone’s ability to open one up to increased synchronicity that we often cannot see due to being wrapped up in our daily routines. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing, so those newly found synchronicities can flow into our lives unimpeded. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

The crystals are telling me we’ve been a bit stressed out.. We need to cool it and calm down a bit! We need to ground and nurture ourselves. We are working and pushing so hard, there’s a lack of balance. What we need to do is find our calm. Our inner zen. Our place where we can just let life and inspiration flow. We need to spend more time nurturing our creativity. That’s how the heart expresses itself and releases energy. There is a lot of Earth energies within the crystals too, so we need to be nurtured by the Earth, and in turn be inspired to create. Relax a bit. Stop and smell the flowers. Feel the breeze on your face. Don’t be so wrapped up in life that you miss the synchronicities, because they will be there! Watch for the Earth signs, the animal signs, the songs, the things that mean something to you. I promise there is a deeper meaning, and all you have to do is be open, notice, and appreciate the signs. We are changing and growing and birthing new ideas, and that can always be scary and stressful. Find ways to get creative and release that stress, and share your creations with world! Let’s see which cards are chosen for this week.

The cards confirm that we are in a period of transforming and growing, shapeshifting. Every moment we move, learn and grow. Try not to worry when things get tough, because just like the clouds, things will continue to shift. I love that there was the Moonstone crystal and a Moon card! The New Moon card show us there is so much beauty and promise on the horizon. Just try to relax and enjoy the view! We don’t need to be so angry and worked up all the time. We can calmly speak up and express ourselves. We can make our boundaries clear with those around us who push us and try to take advantage of us. Do not internalize this anymore. Speak up for yourself. Take your power back. If we don’t speak up for ourselves, who will? How will people know how to treat us or what to expect from us? Are you just going to keep letting life and other people take control? Or are you going to take your power back, and do what it takes for you to be whole, and happy? If you don’t ask, nobody will ever answer you. Although this week is still a bit rocky, things are shifting, and there is beauty and promise of new beginnings on the horizon. Just try to stay calm and let the dark clouds dissipate, and stay in your power by being true to you. 

Clouds (Shapeshifting) – When tiny droplets of water or frozen crystals are surrounded by billions of other droplets or crystals, a cloud is formed. Each of these tiny droplets diffuse and scatter light so that the tops of the clouds are white then fade to gray towards the base. The nature of cloud formations affects our mood as well as the temperature on the ground and in the air. Their shape, movement, and colouration tell us what weather to expect in the near future, and they nourish our visual hunger during breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. Most of us have had an opportunity at one time or another to notice the shapes and forms clouds take as a drift gently or boldly across the sky, constantly shifting and changing, adjusting themselves to the requirements of their nature. When we take time to simply observe, we can see the cloud people – images that are an elegant collaboration between nature and our imagination. In both subtle and more dramatic ways, you can shape shift your choice of clothing, hairstyle, adornments, and even mannerisms (such as facial expression, gestures, and the way you walk). By adjusting these along with your internal attitude, you can actually display different personas. When you experiment with these variations of self-expression that are not how you ordinarily present your self, others will react to you, depending on the degree in which your persona contrast with the one they are most for familiar with. Be like the clouds as you try out different forms, stretching your limits at times, willing to move and adjust as necessary. Lift your head up, square your shoulders, and stand tall such that your chest and heart open to the world, and note how this feels. You may feel vulnerable at first, but stay with it. Then let your shoulders fall forward slightly, pull your chest inward an inch or two, and let your head drop a little, observe how this feels. Experiment with contracting your aura, (your energy field), then expand it as far as you comfortably can. By this kind of shape shifting you can consciously choose your expression into the world. Just remember who you are at the core.

New Moon (Promise) – Gazing at the sliver of the new moon smiling down upon them, the couple embraces each other, welcoming the promise of their love. The fading sun drapes the clouds and waters with a tinge of luminescence, as the crescent opens its arms to the nearby planet Venus, named after the Roman goddess of love. This is a time for manifestation, beginnings, and renewal, with the promise that our desires will come to fruition. Here Grandmother Moon initiates another lunar cycle, moving from darkness to fullness and back again over approximately one month. Her promise of what is to come is embedded in the first glimmer of her light as she emerges from behind the curtain of darkness that had recently encompassed her. It is a promise that has been kept for as long as she has existed. This is the time to launch and project, a new relationship, or renew something that has been put aside for a later date. With your intention and willingness to allow a full cycle to complete itself, that which you desire will manifest. The seed of that idea is ready to emerge from the darkness of your subconscious into your full awareness. The next step is to put into action what is required to fully realize this idea. A promise has two meanings: It can be a commitment and guarantee to yourself (or someone else) that a particular thing will happen, or it can apply that something specific is expected to happen. When your will is aligned with the will of Spirit and your attention is focused upon what you wish to have happen, there will be fulfillment, and the promise is kept.

Polar Bear – When you express yourself from your heart AND from a place of power, it’s an unbeatable combination. You don’t need to growl or bully, nor do you need to fade into the background and deny yourself the opportunity to directly affect the situation. By showing up and being completely present, even when you’re simply listening, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Ask for what you want, and see what happens. Don’t get worked up about how it turns out. You may or may not get what you want, but at least your chances are much better if you ask. As for setting boundaries with others (such as saying no to request or demand) when you do so, they may respect those boundaries or try to test them. If they do test the limits you’ve set, stand your ground, be clear, and don’t apologize. Approach the situation with the purity and innocence of a child and the focussed intensity of a true warrior – one who doesn’t speak or act from anger, but from a place of truth and dignity. Know that when you do so, you’ll have nothing to fear. Associations: Fearlessness; Purity; Leadership; Powerful; Provider; Self-control; Strength; Wisdom; Nobility; Conservation; Intensity; Playfulness; Adaptability

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Join me with Younique! Let’s create a beautiful abundant team of fabulous spiritual souls! The best makeup around and they just released a newer and better Presenter kit! You can buy the kit and do as much or as little with it as you like. Keep it for yourself, make a bit of extra cash and savings on purchases, or go full out! 99$US/119$CDN 

Also, get in on this month’s Kudos special! Buy 3 Liquid Splash Lipsticks and get a Moodstruck Precision Pencil Lipliner for FREE! There are also 6 EXCLUSIVE colours available this month! (And they are already selling out!!) Available while supplies last!

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter! 

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Daily Angel Card Reading – November 29, 2016

The crystals I am working with for today are Jasper Mookaite, Leopard Skin Jasper, Dalmatian Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Jasper Mookaite – Use to connect with elemental Earth powers for increasing self-confidence, self-worth, and to realize one’s full potential. An ideal tool for overcoming procrastination by revealing the true reason for avoiding certain tasks and bringing the motivation needed to resolve the issue. Its constant energy keeps one focused and grounded while soothing the mind and quieting distracting thoughts. It is great for focusing on a specific goal or for a motivational boost in the workplace. It emanates the energy of animal knowing, or instinct, and may be used to amplify one’s own instincts when making decisions.

Leopard Skin Jasper – Is a stone of shamanic journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect with one’s animal totems or “power” animals. It makes it easier for one to take proper responsibility. It is said to bring energies of success in work or business. Helps with creative visualization. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone.

Dalmatian Jasper – Is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. It increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun. 

The crystals have been suggesting we are in need of protection lately. I was guided to use 3 types of Jasper today, and Jasper are stones of protection. There has been a lot of fear, worry, depression, negative thinking and nightmares lately. I know.. I have been experiencing all of the above, very much so the last couple days. I also see discussions surrounding these feelings within my spiritual groups, so I know it’s an energy we are all experiencing in our own ways. I know for sure that one of the reasons I have felt so down is because I lack proper balance in my life when it comes to having fun. I am on duty 24/7 and even when I have a few mins, I’m so tired, I have given up even trying to have fun. When you live in an unbalanced state, negativity and physical issues are bound to occur. I’m currently experiencing back spasms, and I know this is a physical manifestation because I don’t ask for help or delegate enough. It is the universes way of saying, I’ll make you stop going and make you have to ask for help. When you are unbalanced, it also affects your relationships with others. Today, we need to take proper responsibility for our lives, and our happiness. I see this applying to work too, we may need a motivational boost. We may need to set some boundaries with those around us. Try to have some fun in your work day and at home later. Try to find some balance. Believe me, I’m the worst for this, it goes in one ear and out the other, I think it’s a mom thing. I guess that’s why I need to keep hearing it and working on this. With the Leopard Skin Jasper and it’s ability to connect us with our power animals, I think I will use the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer. Let’s see which card is for today.

The card for today is Polar Bear. Again, this is symbolizing us taking responsibility for ourselves and speaking our truth, with respect. Show up, be present and ask for what you want. Don’t get upset over the outcome, even if things don’t work out how you would want, you are still expressing your needs and making them known. I feel like today is another struggle for balance. We want to have certain things in life, but yet someone else has power to help facilitate our needs, or not. I feel like by the end of the day, things will be smoothed over and there will be some fun to be had… but likely there will be some type of conversation or struggle before things work themselves out. Dalmatian Jasper will help you see things clearly, ground you, and protect you. Leopard Skin Jasper will help you accept responsibility. The Jasper Mookaite will remind you of your self-worth and help you with decision making. Mookaite activates the Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of will and personal power, therefore assisting you to express yourself from your heart and from a place of power. Remember that things will work themselves out, and that you will get passed this, so maybe knowing that, it can help you avoid over-reacting, and calmly assert your needs. 

Polar Bear – When you express yourself from your heart and from a place of power, it’s an unbeatable combination. You don’t need to growl or bully, nor do you need to fade into the background and deny yourself the opportunity to directly affect the situation. By showing up and being completely present, even when your simply listening, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Ask for what you want, and see what happens. Don’t get worked up about how it turns out. You may or may not get what you want, but at least your chances are much better if you ask. As for setting boundaries with others, such as saying no to requests and demands, when you do so, they may respect those boundaries or try to test them. If they do test the limits you’ve set, stand your ground and be clear. Approach the situation with the purity and innocence of a child and the focused intensity of a true warrior – one who doesn’t speak or act from anger, but from a place of truth and dignity. Know that when you do so, you’ll have nothing to fear. Associations: fearlessness, purity, leadership, powerful, provider, self-control, strength, wisdom, nobility, conversation, intensity, playfulness, adaptability

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