New Moon in Leo – August 16, 2023

On Wednesday, August 16, 2023, we have a New Moon peaking at 3:37am MDT at 23°16’ in the sign of Leo. 🌑✨♌️

We are right in between two Super Full Moons, with the closest Super Full Moon coming on August 30th, and it is also a Blue Moon because it is the second Full Moon this month.

This is an important time to focus on ourselves and the way we are thinking about and looking at our life. It’s a perfect time to reevaluate our trajectory and the strategies we have been using thus far.

This is a time to set new intentions for the future, to focus on new ways of living and perceiving life. We are being guided that we can have it all, if we are willing to make the hard choices and changes that we know we have to make.

Things can stay status quo if you want, but then you will get the same things you always have. We have to decide if those are things we even want anymore.

This New Moon is about appreciating who we are as individuals, and what we uniquely bring to the table. You could go along like everyone else does, but what good do you do by living like that? What change do you inspire?

It’s not easy to go against the grain and do things differently, but it’s worth it. If we want to see change in this world, it has to start with us. We have to be the change we seek.

We have to unsubscribe to unhealthy ways of living and being, and do things in a way that feels right for us and makes us happy. Sometimes we have to stand our ground before the rest of the world catches up and realizes that it is for the best. Resisting societal conditioning is how we evoke change.

Mars is in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus which is encouraging us to take these risks for the greater good. To stand by our choices and trust our intuitive knowings. This transit is known to bring surprising and happy results. Mars is giving us the courage and drive to move ahead with our plans, despite any opposition we may be facing.

Leo is all about courage and determination. The only thing that can truly stop us, is our own selves. The future is ours to create. Be strong, and do the best you can. Make all the changes you can to live a happier, healthier life. Most importantly, love yourself, your life, and all that you bring to this world.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🦁

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Leo? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Leo, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#Astrology #NewMoon #Moon #Leo #August #SettingGoals #Goals #EnhancingLives #Creativity #Confidence #Healthy #Pride #Responsibility #GiveYourself #Generosity #ImpressingOthers #Praise #Admiration #LetGo #Fear #ImproveYourself #PutYourselfFirst #OpenYourHeart #ExpressYourself #SpeakYourDreamsIntoReality #Commit #Fulfillment #Changes #Choices #Plans

Super Full Buck Moon in Capricorn – July 3, 2023

On Monday, July 3, 2023, peaking at 5:38am MDT, we have a Super Full Buck Moon at 11°18’ in the sign of Capricorn. 🌕✨♑️

This Moon is also known as the “Hay Moon”, “Thunder Moon”, “Blueberry Moon”, “Salmon Moon”, “Wyrt Moon”, and “Mead Moon”.

This is the first of 3 Super Full Moons. Expect it to be powerful. Over the next month, leading up to the closest Full Moon, we will likely see some big changes and shakeups. There are some big things we are working through, to overcome and let go of… hopefully for good!

The greatest challenges lead us to our greatest good. The laws of the Universe never leave your efforts unrewarded.

It’s ok to fall down. It’s ok to stay down as long as you need. What’s important is that when you are ready, you dust yourself off and keep going.

It’s up to us to find the courage we need, to make changes and adjustments to get us where we want to be. We have to find ways to overcome any limitations or challenges.

You can climb that mountain. You can reach the top. All of the experiences that happen in your life contribute to your mastery and perspective. Focus on the silver lining. There is nothing you can’t handle. Just keep going.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🐐

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, letting go, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #SuperMoon #Capricorn #Buck #BuckMoon #Astrology #July #July3 #SelfReflection #Change #NewPaths #Development #Progress #Challenges #Rewards #Grow #GetStronger #DontUnderestimateYourself #MakePlans #PursueGoals #SelfDiscipline #Actions #Consequences #Responsibility #TrustYourself #Values #HonorYourSoul #SlowDown #Rest

Messages From Spirit for January 30, 2023

Messages From Spirit for January 30, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #January30 #Jan30 #Earth #Seasonal #Cycles #Rest #Refuel #Restock #Replenish #TakeCare #Respect #Body #Responsibility #WellBeing #Live #Sustainable

Full Wolf Moon in Cancer – January 6, 2023

On Friday, January 6, 2023, we have a Full Wolf Moon at 16°21’ in the sign of Cancer, peaking at 4:07pm MST. 🌕✨🦀

Cancer is a Water sign that highlights emotions. The Full Moon is a time to release and let go of the past.

We are going to be feeling very sensitive, longing for romance, and feeling nostalgic over the past.

We have to remember that we can’t always get what we want, and we need to trust that there is a reason for everything.

It is important we make responsible, healthy choices for ourselves and prioritize our self-care to get us through challenges and trying times.

We need to lean on the people we do have around us and appreciate the life we live now. We need to treat our home, family, and bodies well.

Let go of the past and stop romanticizing it. Move forward and create an even more exciting future. Believe in your abilities. Focus on all the possibilities that lie ahead of you.

Have a beautiful Full Moon! 🌕✨🙏♑️

Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Cancer? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Cancer, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #Moon #Cancer #Astrology #Home #Family #LettingGo #Release #Past #Responsibility #SelfCare #Love #Attraction #Emotions #Commitment #Sensitivity #Nostalgia #Ideas #Inspiration #Discover #Invent #Communication #Truth #Consideration #MoonMagic #MoonMagicWorksheet

Super New Moon in Capricorn – December 23, 2022

On Friday, December 23, 2022, we have a Super New Moon at 1°32’ in the sign of Capricorn peaking at 3:16am MST. 🌑✨♑️ Chiron also goes direct on this same day.

This is a New Moon, so it’s the perfect time to set intentions, especially for the year ahead. With Chiron going direct, it shows us that we are ready to take charge and heal. Trust that everything you’ve gone through is leading you towards your destiny.

We have some squares and less-than-ideal conjunctions that can seemingly work against us during this New Moon. We may be feeling a little empty or needy, like we have given all we have.. and for what? It may be easy to let our minds wander into chaos and overthink.

It’s all about what we do with the energy and the persective we view it from. We always have a choice. We have to take our power back and have the courage to make the changes we need. We have to be willing to put in the hard work and be responsible so that we can live the kind of lives we want and deserve. We have to use the hard times to inspire us to create the changes we want to see going forward.

It’s only when it rains, that we grow. It’s only when we can gain the contrast and perspective that we truly understand and see the big picture. Usually when we are stressed out, we are micro focused on our issues. Zoom out the lens and take in the beauty that has been your life. Appreciate it all.

Celebrate who you are. Take the time you need to do the things you want. Rest and recharge. Make new plans and pursue new opportunities. Have some fun and experience joy. Let yourself flow with life and be inspired. Welcome change instead of resisting it.

Look for the light and the magic. Look for the inspiration. Embrace spiritual pathways for healing, guidance, connection, and direction. Remember that this Universe is a magical manifestation of your perception, and it is all about what you make of it.

It’s all possible. There’s a whole new year ahead of us. Put your energy to good use and see your dreams come to fruition. You have the strength, determination, and tenancy to create the happy life you desire.

Keep doing your best and doing what’s right for you, so that you can heal and move forward in a positive direction.

Have a Happy New Moon! 🌑✨🙏♑️

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Capricorn #Energy #HardWork #Responsibility #Balance #Rest #Recharge #Plan #NewBeginnings #NewYear #Intentions #Manifesting #Change #Growth #Flow #Trust #Happiness #Joy #Motivation #Inspiration #Innovation #Invent #Discover #Destiny #Spiritual

Super Full Buck Moon in Capricorn – July 13, 2022

On Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, we have a Super Full Buck Moon at 21°20’ in the sign of Capricorn, peaking at 12:37pm MDT. It is the largest Full Moon of the year so it is going to be very powerful for releasing and letting go!

We are feeling focused and driven towards our goals. We are seeing the truth more fully. We appreciating who we are more deeply. We are realizing that we are in control of our lives. We are putting in the work to shift our choices and eliminate bad habits now, so that our future can be more healthy and abundant.

Don’t be scared to be bold or try something new. You never know where it might take you or what you might learn. When you gain new skills, you can become stronger, powerful, and more resilient.

The only way to grow is to stretch your comfort zone. Expect the unexpected and shake things up a bit! Don’t be scared to face challenges head-on. You can overcome them.

We are not who we once were… and we are not who we will be in the future. We are a beautiful balance of both. Celebrate your uniqueness and individuality.

Be flexible and willing to see things from new perspectives, because there is new scenery on the horizon for us.

When you are honest about who you are… when you share your light and shine with pride… the Universe takes notice. You will be comforted with everything you need if you have been loving yourself and staying positive.

If you feel like things are not happening for you, ask yourself where you are resisting or self-sabotaging.

We have to be responsible to change ourselves, if we want our lives to change. Honor where you are on your journey. Let go of what isn’t working or holds you back. Focus your attention on what you truly want.

This Full Moon can have some harsh energy, but it also has good energy too. As I always say, it’s about what you do with it. You can focus on the negatives, or turn everything into a positive.

Keep being driven towards your goals and highest good, and let go of the things that try to bring you down. Know that you are worthy and deserving and accept no less.

Have a beautiful Super Full Moon!


Want to learn more about this Full Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, releasing, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email! 🙏✨

#FullMoon #SuperMoon #Capricorn #BuckMoon #Astrology #Earth #Grounding #Releasing #LettingGo #Security #Drive #Dependability #Trust #Responsibility #InnerValues #Awareness #News #Change #NewDirections #Opportunities #Readiness #Learning #Conversations #Friendships #Growth #OvercomingChallenges #WorkHard #Determination #Moon #MoonMagic

Weekly Card Reading for the week of April 10, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Red Jasper, Lava Rock, and Banded Agate. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Red Jasper – A stone of fairness and justice because its energy is used to decrease injustice and help in unfair situations. Helps you take all of your energy and use it in a balanced manner. Used for protection. It is said to be outstanding for promoting survival and overcoming survival issues. It has very nurturing energy and can help with ancestral/inherited issues. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion.

Lava Rock – Grounds and calms the emotions. A stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment. Lava stones are good for stabilizing and grounding because of the strong connection to the Earth. In folk remedies, it was given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle. A stone of courage and gives people stability as they go through changes in their lives.

Banded Agate – Called the earth rainbow. Increases concentration, honesty and memory. It helps bring spiritual experiences into everyday reality. Brings love to the chakras to rid negative energy.

It’s important that we are staying strong and grounded through these trying and transformational times. Things are shifting and changing, and we have to make sure we are standing in our own power, making responsible choices for the sake of our future and our goals and dreams. I can’t speak for everyone, but personally, and maybe it’s my Libra Sun, but I feel like I have had to fight for fairness always in my life. I’ve gone through so many things that felt completely unfair. I have been in survival mode for a long time. If I don’t take back power and control over my choices, then I continue letting life happen to me, instead of working for me. We truly are co-creators of our reality, and there is so much power in that. We have choice every single day. We are trying to enjoy our lives more and appreciate the beauty, and that can be hard when our energy is pulled elsewhere and pulled down. You deserve to be loved and supported… you do. The things that haven’t killed you made you stronger, this is completely true and a blessing we can take forward on our path, but in order to manifest the energy we truly deserve, we have to stop fighting for it and claim it. You deserve to put your energy into yourself and your dreams. Your dreams and goals are worthwhile and attainable. We have to keep moving forward and believing in ourselves. We need to take care of ourselves. I’ve been praying for protection, guidance, and clarity, and these crystals are here to confirm that Spirit is here with us, they hear our prayers, and karma will protect us. All we have to do is what is best for the highest good, and let Spirit take care of the rest. It’s interesting for the Ancestors to come up with the Red Jasper, because these limiting beliefs about my worthiness stems back beyond my 6x Great Grandfather, one of the first Map Makers of the interior of Canada. He was always giving more than he received, and was undervalued during his lifetime for his contributions. I see my beautiful relations all around me, and each one of them deserves the world. Why wouldn’t I see myself in that same way? Spirit keeps bringing me this message that I am here to break these limiting systems, but in order to do that, I have to make powerful choices and decisions to overcome these fears and beliefs. Have compassion for how far you’ve come to get here. It is all a part of our perfect path, despite the challenges that seem unfair. Know that if you keep giving and serving others with your beautiful heart, that karma will play its part in you reaping the rewards you deserve. Shed the unneeded layers of emotional attachment. Take back your power to choose for yourself. Stabilize and prepare yourself for the battle that may come. Have strength and courage. You’ve survived every day of your life thus far, and tomorrow should be no different. Make the best of it that you can. Recognize the signs and guidance from Spirit. Whenever you are feeling down, resentful, or angry, ask the Angels to surround you with protection and calm. Remind yourself that it will pass. Give yourself the love you seek and hope for from others. Bring in love to get out the negativity. There is so much love and abundance to go around, tap into that instead of the fear or negative energy. Good things are coming from all of this, no matter how hard it seems sometimes. Keep marching on. Enjoy the Full Moon in Libra coming up this Saturday, it’s the perfect time to let go of what isn’t serving you. It’s no wonder there are such themes of battle, fairness, and justice, with the Sun in Aries and with the Moon going to be in Libra. I’m certainly feeling it! Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Wow. I say that every week, but honestly wow. Spirit is absolutely here with us. Look at all this beauty. Look at Spirit looking down on us from the sky, through a rainbow of joy and abundance. There is so much promise to come. There is love, beauty, abundance, and fertility. Everything we hope for can come true, if we work for it, if we co-create it. I actually laughed when I saw the Co-create Card, I knew when I said it earlier that it was going to come up! Spirit is confirming that we absolutely need to do our part in all of this. You might have to step out onto the wire and take a chance. You might feel scared and vulnerable. There is something so much bigger at play going on behind all of this, behind each of our lives and the choices we make. I was lucky my Ancestors on my Dad’s side are so well documented due to their history with the HBC, and to be able to read their words and understand their sense of duty and responsibility, and also to see their humanness and their love and compassion for their families. Those are also traits that have carried through the generations. I always admired my Grandfather and my Father, they always kept their cool dealing with others, and always offered compassion and understanding. Learning about my Ancestors these past couple years, I see these traits carry back as far as I can tell. My Ancestors laid a foundation for me of love, compassion, and empathy for all. I think their humble nature is what created blocks from receiving abundance, or believing they are worthy or deserving. I see these blocks still popping up in my life. The owl is wise and the cheetah is powerful, with the strength to go the distance. Use your smarts and strength to break through these blocks and repair any cracks in the foundation. See a new fertility in your life and be willing to receive in ways you haven’t been thus far. Believe you are worthy and deserving of all the great things… success, abundance, riches, joy… and keep sitting on that egg and helping to enrich it and grow it. You will be reaping rewards in your future. You have creative ideas in your mind, make sure you are writing them down and giving them the consideration they deserve. Spirit is supporting you through all of this. Trust in the signs and inspirations you receive. You are a part of Spirit, a part of this Universe, a part of everything that exists. You are a paintbrush that creates beauty with your own unique individual expression. You are the only one who can contribute to this world in your way. You are the inspiration of the Divine. You exist on this Earth to help manifest the ideas of our Creator. You are a miracle, with the ability to create more miracles. Keep creating beautiful things in your life, and you will be happy with how everything turns out. Keep your heart open to love and friendship connections too, which can enhance beauty in our life and inspire creative ideas. Apply yourself to your goals and dreams. Believe in their worthiness. The potential for manifestation is unlimited, believe this to be true with your whole heart. Do you believe Spirit deserves to be blessed? Then believe that you do too. You are not alone and you do not have to carry it all alone. Reach out for support from your friends, those you love, and from Spirit. You can keep trying to do everything on your own, and continue struggling.. or you can let it go to Spirit and allow for their support. Stop being hard on yourself and get out of your own way. Let your life be blessed. Trust that your needs will be met, especially when you stand in your authentic power and chase your dreams with relentless passion and fearlessness. Keep creating the beautiful artwork that is your unique life. Let your thoughts and feelings be sweet with gratitude and you will be nourished with the honey of abundance. You are a unique, deserving, expression of the Divine. Let the authenticity of your soul illuminate your purpose. What lights you up inside? What work can you do that will impact the world in positive and beautiful ways? It might not even matter what work you do, but how you do it. Miracles are a choice and a way of seeing the world. Everything is a miracle if you think about it. It’s a miracle I am here today, and that I can experience the gift of love. Embrace your destiny and say yes to opportunities. Be open and willing to receive. Make sure to nourish yourself, before you feel empty. You are so loved. Feel love and compassion for yourself and all you’ve been through. Turn your troubles over to the Divine for healing, and remember how much beauty already exists. I LOVE the New Moon Card, it’s one that comes up often for me, and I just noticed it is written on page 111 in the book. This is a time of new beginnings, and there is so much opportunity, promise, support, and love on the horizon. This is a time that our desires are manifesting to fruition. We need to fully realize our ideas and inspirations. We must keep moving forward, while finding balance by stopping to enjoy and appreciate the beauty we’ve co-created. When you see the Moon and the Clouds and the Trees, know they are just like you and just like me, full of deserving abundant beauty. Align with the will of Spirit and believe your desires are worthy of fulfillment. The promise will be kept and karma will come full circle. Have a beautiful week!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Messages From Spirit for April 3, 2022

Messages From Spirit for April 3, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Messages #MessagesFromSpirit #April #April3 #Sunday #LetGo #Anger #Resentment #Blame #Power #TakeYourPowerBack #Victimhood #Responsibility #Choices #ChooseHappiness #Learn #Grow #Strength #Inspiration

Saturn Square Uranus – February 17, June 14, & December 24, 2021

February 17, 2021, we have our first of three Saturn Square Uranus transits for this year. Saturn Square Uranus is a major planetary aspect that occurs every 14 years. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and has a huge impact in the astrology of 2021.🪐✨

We can’t keep escaping life and the damage we’ve done. When life would get too much… when we didn’t want to face reality… we would escape it and get away. Now…. we can’t really do that. We have to face ourselves and our lives. The Universe is forcing us to get in check with what is really happening in our life. We have to face our truth and really work towards what makes us happy. If you weren’t happy with your home life before Covid, it’s probably not been a very fun time. That’s what this is all about. Forcing us to face what needs changing, wether we like it or not. It’s time to do things differently, and we can’t ignore the message. We have to make the changes we need… especially if they are hard. If we keep doings things the same way we always have, then nothing changes… We have the capability to make things better, so why waste the opportunity? Are you truly happy with yourself and your life? What could you do to feel happier? What could you do to help the Earth or make the world a better place? What is possible for you? Find the opportunity within the restriction.🌸💐

This is a new time! This is the Aqe of Aquarius. This is the time to stand in your power. You DO have the power to create the life you desire.🌹

Whatever themes or projects you start around the date of this first direct square, will be part of your life throughout 2021.👫🪴🏡

Pay attention to the houses Saturn and Uranus are transiting in your Natal chart, if you want to know which areas of your life might be impacted. (If you want help with this, message me!)

For example, for myself, my Saturn is in the 4th house of Home and Family. I can worry too much and I have a need to control everything and protect my home. Uranus is in my 5th house, the house of Pleasure, Knowledge, and Creativity. This helps me find the pleasure in the small things. This is definitely a theme for me… that I have a lot of responsibility to home and family, but yet, I seek that balance of freedom and personal happiness. I know I need to have more fun and joy in my life. I do find joy in my creative endeavours, which I definitely plan to do more of in 2021! The lesson for me… is more joy. That, I can try to do.😎

Face whatever challenges you and adapt to it. Create a structure and routine that incorporates the changes you need to make. Get creative and innovate. Try new things. You never know where it might take you. Change is not only possible… it’s inevitable. Find some ways to make it fun!🌈💃

#SaturnSquareUranus #Astrology #February2021 #February #Learning #Growing #Resistance #Change #New #Progress #Creativity #Balance #Responsibility #Work #Freedom #Joy #Fun #Ideas #Inspiration #ForwardThinking #Aquarius #Rebellion #Revolution

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

New Moon in Cancer with Annular Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice – June 21, 2020

We have a New Moon in the sign of Cancer, with an Annular Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice! 🌑🌞🦀 It sounds as special as it is. It’s not going to be easy though. It’s going to highlight areas of our life that are out of balance. Emotional energy is going to be high, so be cautious of how you react to situations, especially as things change. The power is shifting in your life. This is the time to take your power back. Set intentions and affirm how you want to move forward in your life. This is a new phase, where the focus is on us. Where we find happiness for ourselves. Where we live a life of independence and freedom. What choices do you have to make? Make sure you are making them for you. Make sure you are still having fun with it. Make sure you take time for you. Burning yourself out isn’t going to help. Put yourself first. Find the balance that works for you, to help you move forward with stability and happiness. This eclipse is a “ring of fire”, a portal to a new way of being. Utilize it to your highest advantage! 🌑✨💫

#Astrology #NewMoon #Cancer #Moon #Solar #Eclipse #Water #Flexible #Flow #Balance #Independence #Freedom #Allegiance #Change #OpenMinded #Patience #Responsibility #Restriction #Power #Shift #Transfer #Focus #Energy #Progress #Support #Positivity #Solstice

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here: or

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels