Messages From Spirit for June 25, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 25, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June25 #Heaven #Earth #You #Perfect #Expression #Conduit #Light #Heavens #Rainbow #Oracle #Angels #Voice #CoCreate #Spirit #Guidance #Within #Heart #Vibration #Rising #Create #HeavenOnEarth #Clear #Vision #Future #Manifesting

Card Reading for the week of November 20, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Oregon Icicle, Green Onyx, and Fancy Jasper. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Oregon Icicle – Used for protection, strength, good health, good fortune, and long life. Grounding. Gives courage and helps banish fear. Increases self-esteem. Promotes mental processes and inner talents. Enhances analytical abilities, precision, and perceptiveness. Brings vitality. Helpful to those who are recovering. A nurturing stone. Absorbs and transmutes negative energies.

Green Onyx – Green Onyx embodies the meaning of growth and patience in equal measure. Green Onyx promotes good health and well-being. It encourages self-love and helps people rediscover their purpose for existing. Brings together the mind and body. It helps with meditation. It is said to keep the person hidden from those who seek to harm them. Peace, purity, and mental support. Grounds heart centre. Helps relieve stress, worries, tension, and grief. Associated with intelligence, brain power, memory, increased focus, and awareness. Speak your truth from the heart.

Fancy Jasper – Brings wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. Helps with letting go of bitterness and resentment. Eliminates negativity and strengthens insight. Promotes forgiveness, peace and tranquility. Helps you to lighten up and enjoy yourself more. It can also relieve fear, guilt and frustration, building inner strength and confidence. Helps one to better connect with nature.

My interpretation of the crystals:

I wanted to do my weekly reading today to get some insight into the week ahead, as I am starting a full-time position tomorrow. With my children and my business, it’s going to be a lot! Especially with my kid getting sick on Friday after school! I think he is feeling better though and should be good to go in the morning. It can all be a lot sometimes, but you just have to trust that you can do the best you can and that everything will work out. Health is coming up a lot this week, and I am taking it as a sign that our health will improve and things will be good. Everything is happening for a reason. Things happen in perfect time, so that we can be provided with the abundance and support we need in life. We need to trust that we are protected and guided, and stay grounded. Look ahead to this week with courage, no fear. Believe in yourself and your ability to handle everything in your path. You are capable, competent, and talented. Believe in yourself fully and share your light. You are smart and you do have a good perspective. You will have the energy you need to make it through. Do make sure you are taking the appropriate time to rest and heal yourself too. Try to have some level of healthy balance. Nurture yourself and know you can heal and grow. Transmute any negativity you accumulate in healthy ways, such as through self-care, meditation, and spiritual healing. Maybe when you get home from the day, you spend 20 mins listening to a meditation or sound bath, just to release any negativity and stress from the day. Be patient with yourself and with others. Take life with ease. Rediscover your passion and your reason for living, and walk that path. When you are living in purpose, life doesn’t feel like work or a chore. Stay in your safe, happy bubble and protect your energy. Try to stay away from people who bring negativity. It’s ok to cut people from your life for your own peace and mental well-being. Let go of stress and worry, and know that you can handle whatever comes your way this week. There is no need to be stressed or tense, just focus on what you can bring to life. All you have to do is be yourself. Speak your truth from your heart, and everything will be just fine. Focus on the positivity and peace. Forgive others so you can let go of resentment and fully find peace. Lighten up and enjoy your life. Make it as fun as possible. When we embrace fun, life happens with ease and joy. Having fun helps us let go of the lower emotions, like stress, worry, and resentment. If life feels hard, make it more fun. Make your days enjoyable for you. Enjoy your drive there. Make a delicious coffee. Smile and receive positive energy from others. Be strong and confident in yourself. You are not only going to get through this week, but you are going to rock it like a champ. Take some time to connect and appreciate nature and the beauty of life. Remember how truly blessed you are for all of it. Let’s see what the cards say!

I wanted to use my new deck, The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. This is such a beautiful deck, I really resonate with all her decks. There is a lot of water on these cards, and water is another message that’s been coming up strong for this week. Drink lots of water and spend time in or near water. Water is cleansing and healing and can help us flow with life. There is so much healing happening now. We are being cleansed from the pain of the past. We are being nourished to move ahead on our journey. I love the rainbow energy. Rainbow represents joy, especially after a period of hard times. I have been seeing rainbows a lot, even psychically. The Iris flower was on the Moon Magic Worksheet for the New Moon this week, and it is represented by the Goddess Iris, the Rainbow Messenger of the Gods. She represents new endeavours and links the seas with the sky, the spirit world with the physical world. The Iris flower represents reaching a new level of enlightenment. We have learned from what we’ve been through, and we are healing and growing. There is joy, happiness, and abundance on the horizon. There is a silver lining. Find relief and have hope. Let go of everything you’ve been holding onto and find release. What was once overwhelming will now seem possible. We are growing from the nourishment of the storm, even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. Trust that the times of trial are over and that relief is on the way. The things that have challenged us have finish lines in sight. We are going to experience more ease when we help ourselves heal and choose to release the negativity and pain of the past. Hope is here. You’ve endured the rough seas, and it’s time to enjoy some calm waters. What you’ve learned and how you’ve grown can never be taken from you. Enjoy the warmth of the blessings that life has an in store for you. This phrase was interesting to me, because we have a Sagittarius New Moon this week and it is a Fire sign, all about loving and joyful warmth. New beginnings are not only possible, they are here. Healing is happening now. There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not broken. You are human. Trust the process. Trust that it is safe to trust life again and believe in positivity. Sagittarius is very positive and optimistic, I love to compare it to Santa’s energy. It believes and trusts in the magic of life. Santa eats good food by the fire and enjoys a jolly smile and laugh. We are being reminded that there is so much healing to receive through joy. Things are always going to be ever changing, so embrace it and flow with it. Trust that life is bringing you where you need to be. Let your heart open wider and be authentically who you are. Surround yourself with supportive people who lift you up on your path and believe in you. Embrace all parts of life. Even the hard parts have served you in some way. Take the positivity and the lessons, and wash away anything that doesn’t serve you such as pain, fear, and resentment. No one is immune to the experience of life. We must embrace all parts of it. The only way to the light is to embrace the shadows within. To embrace the storms of life and see the good they serve. Sometimes the challenges liberate us, because they teach us to choose differently. You are not broken. You are healing. Trust in the timing of life. A lot of the healing that is happening is related to our ancestral trauma and to our inner child. We are mending the chain by mending ourselves. By learning to fully love and nurture ourselves, we nurture our inner child. When we experience more joy in life, so does our inner child. So many of us were not taught to see the sacred beauty of life. Every choice you make to see the beauty and appreciate it, to love yourself and your life more fully, the more you grow and heal. Healing is possible, and it is happening. Our Ancestors are watching over us and are so proud of the work we are doing, not only for ourselves, but also in the way we positively impact others and the world as a whole. Healing isn’t one and done… it’s circular, or like a wave. It may come back around again for release. Trust you have what it takes to do the work. Treat yourself with the love you have longed for. Meet yourself where others could not. Treat others with compassion and understanding. The Ancestors are blessing you on your path and in your work. Heal your energy and let it flow. Pray for the guidance and support you need. Trust that you have everything you need to move forward on your path. It is all in perfect timing. Have a beautiful week!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

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Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

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Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Card Reading for the week of September 25, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rainbow Moonstone, Celestite, and Aqua Aura Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

Celestite – Connects you to Angels and your Spirit Guides. Brings calm and clarity. Relieves stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviours. Provides courage where there are fears. Beneficial for those who are shy. Brings harmony and balance. Opens your mind to communication with higher realms. Helpful during dream time.

Aqua Aura Quartz – Enhances communications of all kinds. This also assists with growing and using self-expression in a calm and loving manner. Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. Helps enhance psychic abilities. Aqua Aura is said to assist in conscious awareness of one’s own motivations and patterns. Aqua Aura is used by crystal healers and others to calm the emotions and the emotional body. It is a powerful stress reliever. It is also a strong energy for reducing or eliminating anger.

We are being reminded that everything in life is a cycle. Especially during the fall season here in North America, you really notice the falling of leaves and the chill in the air as winter approaches. This is naturally a time where we let go, shed the past, and go within as we hibernate and rest for the next season to come. It’s not bad, it’s just natural. Stop putting so much pressure on life, and just appreciate it. Appreciate your body and appreciate being alive. Appreciate your loved ones and enjoy this day while it is upon us. We are so strong. We’ve been through so much. Now, we just have to utilize that strength while also coming from a place of calm and peace, so that we can stand in our full power and manifest the life and opportunities we deserve. Happy New Moon by the way! It is an important time for manifesting our future and finding balance. Balance doesn’t mean spending equal time on all areas each day. Balance is more about a general sense of your life. What area overall in your life needs a little more attention and love? Maybe it’s your physical health, or maybe it’s connecting with friends for more social time. Whatever you are longing for more of in your life, put in some work to bring more of that in. Our intuition has been very strong, and although things haven’t necessarily been easy, we do know that everything has its perfect place and time in the cycle of life, and everything is happening for a reason. Balance means that things can’t always be light. We have to move through the darkness sometimes. Keep listening to your heart and soul and letting it lead you. Know that you can trust in the guidance and direction you know is right for you. Use your creativity and confidence to bring your ideas to life. Do not be afraid to be seen. Sharing yourself and your skills and abilities with pride creates opportunities. Walk the harmonious life you have dreamed of. Go for a walk and listen to some tunes or a good podcast. Enjoy the beauty of the day. Enjoy the moments and be inspired to create more harmony. There is so much hope for the future. The Rainbow energy in the Rainbow Moonstone is helping clear and uplift our energies. Rainbow is the ultimate sign of joy and abundance, and I’ve been seeing Rainbows a lot. Keep choosing to shift and level up. Do the work and focus on the good in life. Express yourself and share what’s on your heart. Let yourself be free, free to be fully you. Be so grateful for this life. When you live in a state of gratitude and appreciation, you will notice the signs and synchronicities in return from Spirit. There are so many beautiful signs everyday, make sure you are noticing them and appreciating them. I had the same butterfly fly around me yesterday, and the day before that. When I did my Moon Magic Worksheet yesterday, I looked up the meaning, and it said the Ancestors were sending me a message of joy and hope. How beautiful. We are reminded that despite the way things appear right now, everything is working out in its perfect divine timing. We need to be patient and allow life to change and flow, and show us where we need to be. The most important thing we need to be doing, is letting go of the stress and replacing it with love and joy. We need to keep our bodies out of fight or flight mode, and find ways to relax and be peaceful and calm. I’ve been enjoying Sound Healing a lot lately, so try googling β€œSound Bath” and try some and find what you enjoy. Our Angels, Ancestors, and Spirit Guides are here with us. They are working with us, helping us find ways to let go of the stress. If we want to heal, we have to stop stressing. We also have to be courageous and face our fears, because everything we desire, the growth we seek, is on the other side of that fear. We need to overcome our fear in order to grow. How freeing, when we truly understand that there is nothing left to be afraid of. Just because you feel shy, doesn’t mean you don’t have important and incredible things to share with the world. Are you going to keep yourself trapped and give in to the fear? Or are you going to bust through it and fly free from the cage of fear? Only you keep yourself in there. Pay attention to your dreams too. I’ve been dreaming a lot lately. Communication is big right now too. Make sure you are expressing yourself and communicating your needs. People can’t support you if they don’t know what you need. They also won’t hear you well if you are communicating with calm assertiveness. Express yourself in loving ways. Pour love into yourself, because you are worthy and deserving. We do have so many opportunities for success and abundance. The only thing holding us back is ourselves and our limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns. Calm the emotions and the physical body, and let go of anything holding you back. Know that in spiritual truth, you are a limitless being. Face your fears and do the things anyway. You might even come to love what you once feared. When you find yourself feeling frustrated, angry, or fearful, ask yourself how you can turn that energy around into love for yourself. For example, if you are mad at someone for not doing something, what can you do for yourself that would make you feel good? You have the power to make your life amazing. You are a co-creator; and you do have control and choice. How can you shift your choices to include a little more love and enjoyment of life? Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Spirit has our back. Trust in that. We are being guided. We are safe and protected, and we can trust in our future. It’s funny, because just before I pulled the cards, something touched my right arm like 3 times. I thought there was a hair, but no. Then, my right foot just got really itchy. Apparently, that means not to be complacent, and that things are going to be smooth and positive. The right arm represents our legacy. What kind of work and energy are you leaving behind? In spirituality, you sometimes see the idea that the past, present, and future are all one, and I’m feeling that sense now. It’s like, what we do now, impacts our trajectory for the future, and the legacy we leave behind. We need to trust in the Universe right now, and make sure we are doing our part to do the best we can. You are more protected than you can imagine. It’s funny, I know for me, I always think like, why can’t I win the lotto? Why can’t I have everything I want? But there is a reason I can’t, and that’s because I have to understand the lessons that I’m being taught. If I had everything on a silver platter, what would I learn? It’s enduring the hard stuff, and loving ourselves anyway, where the best growth and lessons are. I’ve been doing trauma healing sessions, and realizing the issues I’m dealing with go back my entire life and beyond. It’s no wonder nothing can come easily, because I do have patterns to look at and traumas to heal. If you don’t do the work, nothing can ever change, and the patterns continue to repeat themselves. Then, what happens when you do the work? When you finally acknowledge the traumas that have affected generations of Ancestors? I free us all and lighten the Spirits of the generations to come. I learn to stand up for my worth and the things I deserve, which helps me manifest them. Be open to receiving a new level of support, based on how far you’ve grown and the work you’ve done. Let the blocks to receiving abundance be dissolved. Love yourself so much to know that you are truly deserving. Welcome the guidance and direction of Spirit, and understand how blessed you are to experience and be aware of this connection. Trauma has taught us that we are alone, that the world isn’t safe to put our guard down and open our heart… but it is time for a new experience for all of us as we awaken and become conscious of our patterns. Instead of feeling fearful, we are going to choose to feel deeply secure and safe, no matter what is going on. The Star Brothers Card references opening the back of our hearts. This is asking us to allow ourselves to be more vulnerable and trusting towards life, knowing, with certainty, that we are always safe. We are going to choose trust and faith over fear. Fears are showing us where we need to bring in more love. Fear as an opportunity is a huge message right now. It was my daily Message From Spirit for today, Sept 25th. I don’t know why I feel so surprised to see that message again here… it is Spirit confirming that are here and they see us and they do offer us their guidance. The things that scare us, are exactly what we need to pursue. Whenever you are feeling scared or fearful, use it as an opportunity of awareness, and replace the energy with love. Keep your heart open to receiving a greater level of support than you could ever imagine. Soften through life’s ups and downs, and keep your heart open. How can you open yourself up to receiving more support? Things have felt very lonely and we have felt alone lately. Yet again, we are reminded that we are never truly alone. She had the support of the Animal Spirits guiding her, and she is connected to the energy of the Sun. I love how the Sun is shining, but so is she. She may seem alone, but she is enjoying her life, swinging playfully amongst many opportunities and making beautiful growth. She is dressed in a beautiful gown. Even though life appears barren, it really is so beautiful. Instead of feeling lonely, choose to enjoy your time alone and make the most of it, pursuing dreams and goals that resonate with your beautiful spirit. Enjoy the simple happiness of life. See that you don’t need so much. There is so much more to life than accumulating objects. Be resilient and adapt to your circumstances and make the best of them. When you find yourself alone in the desert, swing in the sunshine. Take only the things you really need to carry as you move forward. Let your heart be cracked open. Remember that life isn’t happening to us, it is happening for us, to teach us something. Yes, things get hard sometimes, and you could close up and barricade yourself from the world, but is that helpful? Stop returning to your cage and keeping yourself there. Let life do it’s thing, and trust that everything is happening for a reason. There is a lesson in every single thing. Being human is a courageous act. Remember that we need a storm to enjoy a rainbow, and that there is balance in everything. As much as you want to close up, keep letting yourself open. As much as you want to give into the fear, choose love and courage and keep growing. See difficulty as a blessing. It helps us appreciate this life that much more. One day in the future, you will see how that lesson has served you. Be gentle on yourself. It has been a tough journey. Give yourself the love you need and the comfort you deserve. The seas may not all be smooth sailing, but you are protected. You are safe. One day you will look back on how far you’ve come, and see all the beauty it has brought to yourself and your life. One day, you will fully bloom into the beautiful person you have dreamed to be. Keep growing. Everything is going to be ok. Have a beautiful New Moon today and a wonderful week ahead! Set those intentions for self-love, courage, and trust!

If you would like to have a personal reading, email me at, message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or use the Stripe links below.

Tips & Donations:

Moon Magic Worksheet Yearly Subscription link:

Moon Magic Worksheet:

Angel Card & Crystal Reading:

Dream Interpretation:

Astrology Natal Chart:

Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Rainbow Energy

Rainbow energy is strong for this Super Full Moon in Sagittarius! πŸŒ•βœ¨πŸŒˆ

Let go of your worries and embrace joy, optimism, color, and lightness. πŸ’•

Make sure to get a Moon Magic Worksheet if you want to learn more cool stuff like this! πŸ“

#SuperFullMoon #Moon #FullMoon #MoonMagic #Rainbow #Colors #Energy #RainbowEnergy #Profound #Mystery #Glory #Power #NewBeginnings #Hope #Believe #Blessings #Desires #FollowYourHeart #StayOnYourPath #NoRush #Treasures #Beauty #Creativity #Gifts #Peace #Joy

Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 11, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Aventurine, Fancy Jasper, and Prehnite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Aventurine – Known as the β€œStone of Opportunity”. Thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions to be favourable for opportunities. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.

Fancy Jasper – Brings wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. Helps with letting go of bitterness and resentment. Eliminates negativity and strengthens insight. Promotes forgiveness, peace and tranquility. Helps you to lighten up and enjoy yourself more. It can also relieve fear, guilt and frustration, building inner strength and confidence. Helps one to better connect with nature.

Prehnite – Boosts prophetic abilities. Enhances visualization and spiritual “knowing” and aids in connecting with higher realms. Helps induce lucid dreaming. Prehnite is said to “heal the Healer,” and can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Fosters a strong sense of trust in the Universe. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and of love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. It clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians. It helps you say β€œno”. Prehnite encourages acceptance, emotional release, forgiveness, and compassion. It helps you to remain true to self, uplift the spirit and find clarity of heart and mind.

Honestly… we are undergoing such beautiful transitions right now. It is the New Moon in Aries today, and there is so much power in the air. One of the Angels that came up on my Moon Magic Worksheet was Guardian Angel Malahidael – β€œAngel of Courage”, who summons the power of the sun and imparts a ray inside each person, giving them courage, stamina, and hope during difficult times. I was lying in my bed this afternoon, listening to music with my eyes closed, and then all of the sudden, the sun got so bright in my room and I felt a spear of sun go right into my heart. I could feel the light in my heart. Maybe it just felt like that because I was aware of this information, but that is pretty coincidental to actually happen to me physically, out of nowhere, on the New Moon. I really believe it is Spirit’s way of confirming that they are happy with what I am doing in sharing what I learn. These experiences are such gifts, and if I don’t document it, I might forget it! I have a lot of experiences every day, and I should document them more, but that’s another story for another day! This New Moon has brought movement, drive, and motivation. There are so many opportunities for us to pursue! This New Moon in Aries was very competitive and athletic, so it’s nice to see the Aventurine crystal here telling us that we will come out on top as winners. This is a time for us to go out there and get it. Not only are we lucky, we are prepared… we are ready… we are open and willing to accept the abundance and gifts that are coming our way. Sometimes life can be so hard… but it can’t stay like that forever…. and sometimes, it can be crazy good. Expect the miracles and blessings that are coming for you. Release those old patterns that hold you back. This is going to be good to do, especially as we lead up to a Full Scorpio Moon later this month. We have grown so much. We have to keep treating ourselves healthfully and beautifully so that we can continue to unfold. We have to believe in ourselves and in our gifts and talents. We have to believe that we are deserving of all the goodness life can bring. Be ready to move forward and embrace change. Yes, obstacles might arise, but you have what it takes to deal with them. Don’t let fear and worry hold you back from opportunity. We are healing. We are forgiving. We are learning to love ourselves better. Lighten up and enjoy yourself and your life as much as you can. If you’ve been working too much, you need to take some time to connect back to yourself and your true nature. The Prehnite is here to offer us energy for where we have felt depleted. Please accept this energy of renewal and healing. Trust in the Universe. Things are happening. Things are moving forward. Things are gonna be amazing. Let go of the fear and believe in the abundance. Know that your needs will be met and you will be provided for. Take back your power and let yourself be realigned. Say no to the things that aren’t helpful to you. Come to terms with where you’ve been and what you’ve been through, and who you are. Find clarity of what you want and be true to yourself. Uplift your Spirit and remember that it’s all good. Everything is always all good. The Unicorns have a message for us this week, so let’s see what the cards say!

Wow, such a beautiful message. The first step is the forgiveness and letting go… seeing the light within your heart and all the people around you. Understanding that we are all the same, and we are all learning the best we can. Things are you might appear dark right now, but you have so much light within yourself. Everyone has light, and they have the potential to glow like this Unicorn. The more you focus on being healthy and happy, and sharing in the health and happiness of others, the more you will see the light shine. People see you, and they can empathically know how you feel. If they see someone radiating joy and positivity, it is going to be contagious. If there is someone you are worried about, see them surrounded in light (white for protection, green for healing, blue for calm, pink for love). When you focus on seeing and feeling light, you’ll be able to tune into messages from nature even easier. I love the One Step at a Time Card, there is a fire burning within the circle of stones. This is perfect with this Aries fire energy we are in now. Our inner flame is burning bright. We are spiritually protected. Rainbows always represent joy, and good things to come after a storm. We have to take it easy on ourselves. Things have been super hard and exhausting. We have big dreams and places we want to go. Patience is one of the hardest virtues, but we have to have patience on our path and trust that we are getting where we need to be. We can’t force things or push too hard, or nothing positive can come from it. So take your time. Take in the Rainbow. Tend to your fire. We don’t have to know the whole way and have it all figured out right now. We just need to keep taking steps in the right direction. We just need to focus on ourselves and what we can do to be better today. We do not have to live life by anyone’s else’s perceptions or expectations. Listen to your intuition and what it wants to do. Do you need to relax? Do you need to get creative? Do you need to workout? Do you need to get working on a project? What do you feel inspired to do right now? Get doing it! Just keep being you and walking your path, and you will be seen, noticed, and acknowledged. The best way you can keep walking a path of good? Share. When you share, everyone feels happy. These are hard times we are in, and the way we get through them is together. Share what you have with others. Don’t hesitate to be generous. When you give away old things, new things come to you as if by magic! This is also about sharing our hearts with each other. If we keep ourselves closed off, nobody gets to see the beauty. What we have to share doesn’t have to be of of monetary value. Sharing smiles can mean everything. Let’s keep spreading the light. β€οΈπŸ™ Have a wonderful week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 31, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Yellow Jasper, Red Jasper, and Amber. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Yellow Jasper – A stone of protection. Provides inner strength and mental clarity. It holds a deep connection to the Earth and is good for grounding. Amplifies self-confidence and courage, bringing energy and enthusiasm. Deflects jealousy, and makes an excellent shield if you are the object of petty gossip. Eases chronic worries and self-consciousness about what others say or think, and helps to overcome fears of being alone in public. A good stone for dieting, it lends emotional support and strength in self-discipline, as well as boosting physical energy levels. Soothes the digestive system. Promotes inner strength, helping one to bear life’s frustrating experiences and providing the tenacity and perseverance to overcome them. It encourages enthusiasm and joy, and helps attract positive friendships. Yellow Jasper brings new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light. It adds clarity, zest, optimism, and meaning to your life.

Red Jasper – A stone of fairness and justice because its energy is used to decrease injustice and help in unfair situations. Helps you take all of your energy and use it in a balanced manner. Used for protection. It is said to be outstanding for promoting survival and overcoming survival issues. It has very nurturing energy and can help with ancestral/inherited issues. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion.

Amber – Gives a soothing light energy that is both calming and energizing. Helps manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. It is reputed to cleanse its environment by drawing out negativity, and to relieve physical pain the same way. It is used mystically to bring the energies of patience, protection, psychic shielding, romantic love, sensuality, purification, balance, healing and calmness. It is considered a good luck charm for love and marriage. Amber is excellent in crystal healing for inner child work and past life work.

Even though things have been tough, we have what it takes to survive and make it through. It’s hard not to feel frustrated and like we are running out of energy. Sometimes, life isn’t fair. It’s just the way it is. In my personal belief, God sees us endure these hard times, and rewards us with good karma for overcoming them, and not letting them break our spirit. If this pandemic has taught us anything, I hope it has shown us that we are as delicate a species as any other, and our environment must be protected for future generations. We are deeply connected to the Earth and we need remember and honour this connection. We need to stay grounded during times like these. Letting fears and negativity take over is not going to help anything! We are being protected and guided by spirit, and spirit asks us to do the same for the Earth. We are all part of this reciprocal cycle. What is our job if not to love the Earth we were born upon, that provides us our every need? We have everything we need, in the most basic and simplest of ways… we need to stop complicating life. We don’t need to have it all… we just need to be happy right now. We definitely need to stop worrying about what others think. There is always going to be someone who has something negative to say. Don’t even listen. Be you, and be confident in who you are. Be flattered that they feel the need to talk about you… because you are beautiful and talented. Remember that next time you feel threatened or jealous. Maybe there is something you admire about that person, and maybe you’d benefit more from having love for them, than jealousy. You can wish negativity upon others, but it really just comes back to you like a mirror. The only real answer is love. It’s always love. This applies to your body too. Thinking negatively about it doesn’t help anything… but loving it, appreciating it, and treating it well really does. We are being guided and supported on our journey, and we will have the energy to achieve what we set out to achieve. This is a great time to watch what you eat and work out more. Watching your diet can help your digestive system recover. We have grown so strong, and we can overcome any challenges that we face. We also can’t let these obstacles beat us down. There is so much more of life left to live…. friends to make… romances… laughter and joy… don’t let what you’ve been through make you hard or cold. Keep your heart open. Feel that spark and zest for life. There are so many opportunities to come… so much meaning left to experience. Keep a positive optimistic attitude so you can be open to these opportunities. You can’t meet anyone if you don’t talk to people or try. One conversation could change your whole life. You are responsible for your life. You are responsible for your choices. Yes, things might have been unfair, but remember that karma is coming to balance things out for you. Let it go. Be responsible and choose a positive way to move forward. This week, we need to find a way to get our spirit calm, while reenergizing our body and mind. We need to continuing putting the work in towards our goals and dreams. Let your life exude an air of love and passion… for yourself.. for others.. for Earth. Let there be so much love. Let’s see what the cards say.

The Nightingale Spirit card is so beautiful to me. Love is all around. Even during these hard times.. there is still so much love. This is about loving the life you live. Surrounding yourself with music and joy. Wearing the crown and owning your life with beauty, grace, and confidence. Letting your song be heard… and received with love. This bird is reminding us that our troubles will be over soon. The sun will rise again. This bird is calling you to rise to a new level of self-awareness and connect to your light. Not only connect, but shine your light brightly. Yes, there are shadows and darkness, but love exists everywhere. Have trust, faith, and optimism in the future. Remember that it all comes back to love. Do whatever you need to do to feel happy and joyful in your soul. Do whatever it takes to truly love yourself. It’s worth it. Karma is real. God is real. How you treat yourself matters. The Eagle and The Rainbow are 2 cards I get often, and they both came flying out together. The Eagle is spirit watching over us, guiding us through this darkness… to find our light again. The Rainbow reminds us the storm will pass, and we will be blessed because of it. The Eagle reminds us that we need to get back to our connection to nature. We can’t let our egos drive our lives, when all we need is our most simplistic nature to find happiness. This is about being confident and letting our spirits soar. We have so much potential… it’s time for us to step into that potential. If we do the hard work to get through this storm, we will be blessed with beautiful lives. This card is my sign that everything is going to be ok. I always see a rainbow when I need it most. This planet is a beautiful garden, even if it does not appear so. We need to treat it as such. To exist on this planet is a miracle, not to be understated. Feel blessed to be alive, and to be able to make a difference. Stop letting your past hold you back, and use it as a springboard to help others. There is a reason for the Chaos and Conflict. Even if we can’t see it or don’t understand it. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. Maybe we aren’t appreciating our lives, maybe we aren’t appreciating our partners, maybe we aren’t appreciating ourselves, maybe we aren’t appreciating our planet… There is a reason for the things that are occurring, and to think that we are above the order of nature is just plain egotistical. Consider that the value of this chaos might end up serving you well. Scattered to the winds, you leave behind parts of yourself that no longer serves you. All these cards have been reminding me of last week, when I stood outside in a blizzard, and just let the wind whip around me. As much as I was despising the weather, I stood there and just smiled, because I knew that the weather would be nice again soon. Feel comfort when things are crappy, because it means good times are coming. Every storm passes, and sometimes it is necessary to re-order things. Conflict provides a way to see another side of a situation. Sometimes, airing out a conflict can be eye opening and very healing. This is a time to understand. Understand what other people are going through. Understanding what you are going through, and how it can work in your favour. Try not to be stubborn or make the negativity worse. Be present in the chaos and see it for it’s true value. Let yourself transform into the person you were always meant to become, and don’t try to fight it. Remember that the storm will pass and blessings are on the way. Do your part to be on the good side of karma!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of November 9, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Citrine, Bumble Bee Jasper and Angel Phantom Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Citrine – Cleanses and rejuvenates your Spirit. Assists with self-improvement and self-healing. Increases energy and motivation. Encourages a fresh start. Holds the energy of the sun, and helps you feel cheerful.

Bumble Bee Jasper – Clears sacral and solar plexus chakras. Increases manifestation and opportunities. Growth in personal power. Inspiration and creative energy. Try new things and have persistence. A stone of adventure. Quick thinking, decision making, and inner knowing. Enables acceptance of change. Eases stress and worry. Positive disposition. Increases self-esteem. Finding beauty in endings.

Angel Phantom Quartz – Angelic vibration, assisting you to connect with higher realms. Connects you with your higher self, to receive Divine guidance. Gets you closer to inner peace and universal love. Calmly protects, balances and stabilizes. It can help you solve unresolved issues of your past and improve your present life. Breaks you free from thoughts of guilt, negativity, and blame, and helps you move forward.

The energy has been very up and down for me. I have been feeling so inspired creatively, but seem to lack the time and energy to work on anything. I have enough things to do, that I don’t spend enough time doing! I’ve been struggling a bit to balance all the plates and try to remember where my focus truly is. The awesome thing, is that these crystals make me feel like everything is going to be ok. That is the message I’ve been receiving over the weekend too… Every message I saw reminded me to relax and that things will be ok. The Citrine is absolutely stripping us of the people we used to be. I feel like it’s shaking me up, getting me dressed, and taking me out for a night on the town, lol. It’s reminding us of all the joy that still exists… that we don’t have to take everything so seriously. It encourages us to start fresh, with new, vigorous energy. Imagine that your stomach has a sun inside of it. What does that sun look like? Is it burning bright? Let your personal power be recharged, and feel cheerful about life again. Our Solar Plexus Chakra is the stomach Chakra, and the Bumble Bee Jasper is coming in to clear any stuck energy. We have such an amazing ability to manifest everything we desire, are you seeing all the opportunities and possibilities? This crystal again, is about growing in who we are, in what we love, and in what we create in this world. Our creativity is heightened, how can you use that to your advantage? Maybe you can meet people through a hobby, or start a small business. All it takes is that one connection and everything can change. I used the Bumble Bee Jasper 2 weeks ago, so it really wants us to get out there, try new things, and have some adventure. We need to ease our stress and worry, and stop taking life so seriously. Have a positive self-esteem, love yourself, and feel good about your life. Find beauty in the things that are changing. We can’t feel bad about the past. We’ve done all we could… we did the best we can with what we knew. There is no point beating ourselves up over those mistakes anymore. We have to break free from the past. It’s over… it’s so far gone… yet still we dwell and worry. It’s time to move forward in new ways. Look at all the Divine reasons why things went like this. Maybe it taught you humility, honesty, compassion. There is always a reason for what we go through, and we are meant to experience all the things we do. The thing is… we can’t stay there forever. Things are always changing and evolving, so it’s natural for people and things to change in your life too. We are learning that the only person we have to rely on for a good life, is ourselves. We get to choose our energy and disposition. The Angel Phantom Quartz is connecting you to your higher self, so you can receive the Divine guidance and clarity you require to move forward. Just keep going… and try to be happy about it. Let’s see what the cards say!

The first thing I felt from the Yin card was a loving energy being washed into our lives. Look at the beautiful pink colors and flower petals, and the fountain flowing abundantly. We are being Divinely guided and protected by the Angels and our loved ones. They watch down upon us from the Heavens. Yin is the card number 2, and tells me this week has a lot to do with love, romance and partnerships. This card is about receptivity… being graceful as we await what is coming to us, and also being ready to accept it when it appears. This is about consciously allowing things to flow to you. Remember, you must make space for miracles to appear, so when things are changing, it’s usually a blessing in disguise. This is about not having to force your way through life, but only having to be your true self and seeing the bounty of your authenticity. Let the Universe have it’s way with you. By letting go of control, you allow the Universe to shift things into place for you. You can’t always be the giver… you can’t always lead, always give, always teach. You must also be the student, the open vessel. The one who receives the gift, gesture, or offer in equal measure. Be yourself, and let people come to you. Open up, without demand or expectation. Blessings are on the way. Spirit is showing us again, right now. Rainbows symbolize good luck, abundance, and a bridge to Heaven. We do have what it takes to have everything we ever wanted. If we are honest with ourselves, how much of that do we already have? Appreciate all the blessings in your life, and graciously await all the beautiful blessings to come. This card reminds us that we don’t need to worry. The storm has passed and the beautiful weather is coming. Even though it has been difficult, appreciate all the lessons and purposeful was in what you have endured. It might be hard to understand why we’ve had to go through these things, but have trust and faith in their Divine purpose. Bless your painful experiences and let them go. Rewards are coming for you, be ready to receive them, and don’t feel guilty about it. I find it interesting that the Yin Card looks like an Angelic Heaven, which is bridged by the Rainbow Card to the Tracker Card, which is all about our Earthly pathways. The Tracker Card wants you to focus your energy on the things that make you feel good and creative. If something doesn’t feel good, it’s time to evaluate it’s place on your path. This is about letting go of the past, so we can be carried clearly forward without being side tracked. We have things to do and places to go. Remember what’s truly important to you, and what your truth is. Where your focus goes, energy flows, so make sure you are focused on positivity and abundance! When you direct your thoughts towards good things, it attracts wonderful people and opportunities into your life. Stop focusing on everything that’s challenging you! Concentrate on what you desire. The rest will fall away. I find it funny that I was saying how I’ve been all over the place, and the Tracker Card shows up. Find ways to free up your schedule to include more creativity and joy, and be happy! Have a wonderful week!!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of March 9, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rainbow Moonstone, Mangano Calacite and Quartz Seer Stone. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

Quartz Seer Stone – Clear Quartz works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz provides clarity in thinking and awareness, improving your memory and providing clarity of thinking.

There is so much power around healing this week. For me, my life has been all over the place. I have been riding some rocky waves lately… but yet, I still feel a sense of calmness and trust. I am happy to report I am feeling much more optimistic today! I am a day later doing this reading than I would’ve liked, but like I said, life has been a little crazy. It is now Tuesday March 10, and the energy is calming down from the Full Moon we had yesterday. Although it’s energies are still strong, for me, they feel more mutable today. When I touched the Seer Stone today, it felt like it was melting (crazy right!), but I think it was a sign of us moulding and shaping our lives, and also a sign of Spring and things melting, changing and growing. Not only is the Moon energy calming, but we are being called to calm our own energy. I get signs all around me everyday, and meditation is a huge message I’ve been getting. We need to do it more! I’m not great at meditating, but I have to try to do it more… and actually, that is my plan for the rest of the day when I am done this. I am going to relax, rest, meditate and heal. Meditating is going to help us feel more balanced. It’s going to help us heal. Healing is another huge thing we are going through now. We truly are learning to heal ourselves, especially our hearts and our minds. We have this new awareness and it is helping us to grow and blossom. I was getting some art supplies out for my son’s school project, and I came across a bunch of magazine clippings I had from doing collages and vision boards. I sat down right then and there are threw together a beautiful piece of art. One of the main images was of a heart with a bandaid. It is amazing how much we have healed and how far we’ve come. The potential we have is incredible. If we can only believe in ourselves. If we can only let go of the ego that shadows us with doubts and hesitation. We have a creative vision that desires to be expressed. If you hold yourself back out of fear of what people might think, you are suppressing your gifts and your true nature. The Rainbow energy is coming in today to sweep us off our feet and give us a much needed pick me up. It’s going to help us clear our energy and uplift us. There is harmony. There is hope. Our wishes can come true. We just need to continue to believe and take steps towards them. We deserve the best, and we need to keep telling ourselves that until we truly believe it. Until it resonates deep in our heart. That’s when things will shift. Great prosperity and abundance is available to us, and we need to keep our thoughts positive to help our manifestation. I’ve been saying it and feeling it for a while, that wonderful things are coming, and it still feels true. Great things are coming.. we must have faith and believe. We must trust that our Angels are with us, guiding us, and helping us on our path. Also, your Spirit Guides too. Ask them to uplift you when you are feeling down. We need to truly love ourselves to be able to give and receive love to others. Loving yourself is what will help you heal from the trauma. When I was sitting down with the crystals, my heart chakra tightened up and felt like it was full of cement. Where we have been hard in our lives, we need to learn to soften. Where we haven’t been able to offer love, we need to try. Mangano Calcite is going to help us heal and open our heart chakras. Be good to yourself because you deserve it. You are a Divine being. Never forget your power in this life to be a force of love. Living in a loving way, and giving that love to the world… being the best person you can be… it will make you feel better and more complete. It will give you the power you desire. Let go of the fear. Know that it is safe to love and be loved. The Seer Stone is helping us to see. There is much more clarity coming this week. Spending time in meditation is going to help that along immensely. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

The first message we get is of the heart chakra. ❀️❀️❀️ It is safe for you to love and be loved. It is a safe to open your heart. It is safe to soften yourself and be vulnerable. The Angels want you to step forward into a life filled with love… a life that you deserve. Everything you need to know, is already within your heart. You just need to trust. The more you open your heart, the more love and joy you will feel. Ask the Angels for their healing. Visualize your heart and life in a beautiful pink bubble of love. Get some rosewater and spray yourself frequently. Keep some roses around. Keep a Rose Quartz near by, or even better, lay with it on your heart and meditate. Let your heart find healing. Focus on being in a state of loving energy as much as you can in your life. You never know who you can help or inspire, just by offering a loving energy. Take care of yourself physically too. Love yourself in all aspects and all ways. Love your life. Love your job. Like Ram Dass says, just love everything. It’s really a key to Spirituality! I have been told I am a Dream Walker, and dream time has been intense this past while, so I am not surprised to see the Dream Traveler card! So many messages are coming through in dreams, so make sure to try to jot them down in the morning. This card is about trusting your intuition more. It’s about trusting that you are on the right path, and that your heart always knows the way. Everything is always in Divine perfection. Even when things feel tough, there is a purpose and a lesson. These are opportunities to prove how you have mastered your emotions and thinking. You are blessed and you are a blessing. I just love that. I truly know in my heart I am blessed, and I recognize blessings all around me. Even though my life didn’t go as I maybe would’ve hoped it did, I know it was all for a reason, and was exactly how it was supposed to be. I am more than blessed and grateful. To show my gratitude, I must co-create with the Universe. I must not hold back my talents and gifts. I must not hide myself away. Sometimes you have to go out onto the wire. You may be vulnerable to others around you. You might also see things from a new point of view. You might see that the things you once feared are more beautiful than you could’ve ever imagined. I always say it, but life is what me make of it. This is a fertile time of opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted. We are being called to follow the inspiration within our hearts to create, however that feels for you! Creating at work, creating content, creating art and music, taking photos, working out, shopping, dressing, visualizing, dreaming… This is about understanding that we are creating at all times. Our Earth was created, and we must continue to create. What do you want to create in your life? Create a reality that you love. Open your heart and allow for inspiration of all kinds. Your love alone is a unique work of art. Keeping your heart open will pay off. Use your talents and explore new ones. Never be fearful of trying! That is how we grow. See yourself in new and exciting ways. Ask Spirit for inspiration. Always be grateful to a higher power for gifting you with this ability to co-create. Align with love to create miracles. It is possible. It’s all possible.. and you have the power to create it! Get out of your head and into your heart, and let the inspiration flow. Have a wonderful week!

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 29, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Pink Opal, Opalite and Rhodochrosite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Pink Opal – Heals the emotions and subconscious pain. It helps for emotional balance and for healing the heart. Offers gentleness and compassion. Clears and calms the heart. Tranquil and peaceful. Encourages the release of fears, worry and anxiety, which will allow you to be more centred and calm. Brings joy back to your life.

Opalite – Harness your personal power. Increases self-esteem and self-worth. Unleash your inner strength. Calming and soothing. Connects you to the Spirit world. Balances energy and removes blockages. Heals emotions. Clears trouble from your heart and creates peace. Resolves hurts by helping you to let go. Offers compassion, kindness and gentleness. Promotes a positive outlook.

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes.

We continue to work on releasing our fears, anxieties, worries and burdens this week. We are finding ways to heal and move on from our pain. It’s not always easy… in fact, it’s really tough. Things can be hard to let go of, when you have saw them a certain way for so long. To change your perspective now may bring up some fears for you… but please remember, you deserve healing. You deserve to live with peace in your heart. We mustn’t live this life wishing it away. We have to appreciate it for all that’s it’s been… all that it is right now… and all that is to come. Every moment, every interaction serves a purpose. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Be gentle with yourself. It’s ok to not be perfect. You had to do what you did to learn and grow. But now… now that you know how much your worth? Now that you know what you truly deserve? Now you can look at everything through a whole new lens. You deserve happiness. The Universe wants us to be happy! Allow some joy back in your life. You are strong. You truly are realizing your full power and potential. Use this strength to remove the troubles from your heart. Allow yourself to let go. Live with peace in your heart and look forward to the future with optimism. We don’t have to hide the things we’ve been through. We wear them as a badge of honour, lifting those along the way who are stuck in pain too. Nobody will love you any less, in fact, they will love you more for your honesty and compassion. Nobody can give you love if you hide away in denial. The more open and honest you are, the more you are open to connecting with others. Allow yourself to be supported and seen. It really opens up a lot of opportunities for love and friendship when people share their honest pain, and support each other in positive ways. When you support others, and also allow yourself to receive, there is a beautiful balance of energy. Let’s see what the cards say.

Too often, our fears and worries get wrapped up in situations, and we ruminate on what we did, what someone else did, how we acted, how we could’ve done better, etc. This is all the ego mind, telling you that things should’ve been a certain way. What if you let go of those expectations and failures? What if you accepted that everything has always been for a reason… to bring you now to this moment. What if all you really need to do, is be your authentic self? You are already loved. Not for things you bring to the table, not for your talents or money, not for what you do for others. You are loved simply for existing and being a beautiful piece of this world. Do you think we could live in a perfect harmonic existence, and mean nothing? I don’t see how that could ever be possible. You are an important piece of this puzzle, and you can bring so much more love and light if you are happy. Make the most of life and enjoy it. Use that optimism. When you can let go of the expectations and just exist, you will truly be set free. Rainbows are such a positive sign of joy and abundance. The One Step at a Time Card reminds us that we don’t have to have it all together right this minute. We just have to keep working toward our dreams and living our best life. You will get there if you keep trying! (I find it quite synchronistic to receive this card, as my son is finishing his 3+ years of chemo treatments this week!! πŸŽ—πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ It has been many small steps, but have gotten us to this big goal. β€οΈπŸ‘) It’s True, we all have the innate knowing of where we are going and what is right for us. We know that our dreams are meaningful. We know that what is meant for us will always find a way. Trust your heart and intuition. Don’t ever let anyone look down on your dreams or ideas. Take note of all your inspirations and make progress where you can. Great inspiration comes from intuition, if we listen and follow it. The World needs what you have to offer. Be true to yourself. πŸ’—πŸ™βœ¨

I pulled an extra card from the Universe:

If you are living your life in a way that is honest and authentic… if you are living with joy and optimism… your outer experiences will reflect that. I’m not saying you won’t go through crappy stuff, but the crappy stuff will be much easier to handle and get through if you can handle it well. Don’t let life or other people bring you down. Maintain a beautiful, joyful, peaceful internal condition. Have a great week! πŸ’—πŸ™βœ¨

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 15, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Chevron Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Chevron Amethyst – Combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. Great for seeing some of the hidden meanings in life. Use it to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

Well, how was that full harvest moon in Pisces for you all?! I knew when I prepared my post for the full moon, that emotions would be coming up for me. It wasn’t the easiest full moon for myself and those around me. My son was quite anxious for school this morning, then I was experiencing some anxiety… I’m just going to blame it on the throws of the full moon energy. Nonetheless, we survived… and we are still thriving! We have been trying to let go of our old ways of being, and hopefully some of that went out with the full moon. Now it’s about allowing and making room for a new and exciting future to come. These next 2 weeks are a great time to do clearings on our energy, on our home.. making plenty of space for beautiful things to enter our lives when we manifest on the new moon. We are in this window of β€œPalindrome Days” where the date is the same backwards and forwards. It’s a perfect representation of how we are getting ourselves on course for the future. We are strong now… we can handle the stress that comes in life. We are done playing the victim or feeling small. Once you know that there is nothing you can’t overcome, you realize there is nothing stopping you. The only person who thinks twice is you. The Chevron Amethyst is here to help us see these imaginary boundaries where we keep ourselves contained. We are seeing there are unlimited possibilities, and that life is too short to be fearful. We are understanding that change, although it can be hard, is good for us and something we can’t always control. The Chevron Amethyst is sending tons of energy, to heal you, protect and cleanse you, and help you to be more open to change. Also, with fall in the air and kids back to school, I know my son already has a cold… this Chevron Amethyst reminds us to take care of our physical bodies and do what we can to protect ourselves from and fight off germs and illnesses. The Rainbow Moonstone is here to help us calm our shit. Things have been tense lately. There has been a lot on our plates. We find ourselves resenting the phase of life we are in, which really is our ego playing the victim mentality. The Rainbow Moonstone just wants us to chill out, man. Life isn’t all that bad. It allows us to look at our experiences from a wiser perspective, and not only appreciate where we’ve been and what we’ve learned.. but to also enjoy where we are now. This week, find ways to express yourself… try new things. Let yourself sink into a deeper space of patience and relax in your knowing that everything is always going to be ok. If you are feeling stressed out or weighted down by life… getting a Rainbow Moonstone to hold and place on your body can be very helpful. I’m going to work with mine today to bring in a little more joy and playfulness. Watch for synchronicities this week too. I was going to say, I haven’t seen many synchronicities lately… but that isn’t true. It’s probably more so that I haven’t taken the time to appreciate and enjoy them. You have to take the time to see the magic in life and to really appreciate it. As I said, we need to spend these next couple weeks letting go of all the old mental programming we carry. We have to make space in our lives in every way. Show the world you are brand new and ready for something different to show up. Let’s see what the cards say.

There are 3 beautiful scenes here.. and what do I immediately notice? That there is nothing to fear. This week is really about finding our calm and happy place. Meadow is so beautiful. It’s about being our true selves, even when we feel vulnerable. We have so much beauty to offer the world, but we have to be willing to show up and be seen. It’s about being open to life, and not being scared of what direction to go. Just wander the fields and appreciate the beauty, that is all that is required. Relax, and stay a while. There is no right way or wrong way, but we can still see where we are headed in the distance. This is about letting go of the technicalities, and the β€œhow” of all we want to achieve. This is about allowing the Universe to guide us while we appreciate the experience of this life. This card tells me that there are so many times we find ourselves living in fear. Especially as a woman, I know there are many places I’m fearful to go alone. The question is, are these fears truly serving me? The truth is, they aren’t. They are holding me back from living life. I’m missing this beauty because I hold myself back. Yes, there might be risks, but I can trust I will be able to deal with whatever may arise. Remember, there is nothing we can’t handle. The cards just confirm that there is so much beauty we miss out on.. and there is very little to fear. Vulnerability is about putting yourself and your talents into the world, without fear or worry. Who cares what people have to say. You don’t have to listen to the people who are negative. They probably have their own issues they are looking at. All you have to do is shine your light in any way you feel you can. Things will work themselves out. There is so much opportunity when you put your talents into the world. You can no longer live your life to the standards others expect from you… you have to be happy with yourself. Especially doing Spiritual work, I have these negative thoughts and worries all the time… Will someone not like me? Will they not resonate with my message? Will they tell others and now everyone will hate me? And the honest truth? Yes, this could very well happen. But I cannot live in fear and hold myself back, when I know how much my messages help and heal. I have seen the changes in people. I have seen them in myself. I have seen so much beauty in my life. I never want to stop this flow of beauty and blessings, just because someone didn’t like me. Who knows what they have going on. This is about blocking out the naysayers and doing you! The best way to get your own mind right, is to take time for moments of stillness. Take time for you, to truly enjoy this beautiful existence.. to truly appreciate you. This is about allowing yourself time to rest. This is about awaiting what is to come… what passenger will show up to take you on the next adventure. This is about combatting the stress and fast pace of life. Don’t allow yourself to be held prisoner in an unlocked cell. Take some time this week just to allow life to be. Find a place where you can enjoy stillness for a moment. The Stone People represents our strength and how strong we’ve become. Where we used to be washed away so easily, we now know we aren’t going anywhere. This card tells me, that while we need to find stillness in our life, we also have to be vigilant and complete our duties. We are strong and we can handle what comes our way. In all 3 of these scenes, the pathway isn’t very clear, but that is ok. As long as we remain vigilant on our path of good, working hard and making time for freedom, then we don’t have to know all the details. We can allow the Universe to guide us through the beauty, knowing we can handle any change in directions that come our way. This is about detaching and being still, while still being strong in our grounding of who we are. Have a great week!

I chose an extra card of guidance for the week, from the Universe:

My one story of synchronicity this week, was about a butterfly that landed next to me while I was listening to David Palmer’s Deep Astrology for the week. It sat there the whole time and seemed as if it was listening too. 😊 It was a perfect confirmation of beauty and growth that awaits us. Let go of the negativity and allow the Universe to show you the beauty! πŸ’—πŸ’«πŸ™

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