Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of July 19, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Aquamarine, Larimar and Apatite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Aquamarine – A stone of courage and power. It brings inner peace, hope and self-love. It shields the aura, and is said to bring Angels for guidance and protection. Used to dispel anger and fear. Used for past life recall. A stone of good luck. Helps with calming communication issues.

Larimar – Known as the “Dolphin Stone”. It is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue color of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. It has ability to enhance communication in general, with animals as well as people. A stone of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming and balancing energies. It can help one maintain one’s personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional but inducing calm and finding solutions.

The crystals have very watery energy, and it’s fitting as we start this week off with the 2nd New Moon in Cancer on Monday the 20th. We have so many things we are worrying about. I could start listing them off, and I did… but then I realized that focusing on what’s negative isn’t helping anything. Surely, there have been positive things happen for me this year, despite the happenings of the world! These crystals are reminding us (and especially me) to not give in to fear-based thinking. Don’t listen to the lies your ego tries to tell you. Try not to let things bother you. This New Moon is in Cancer, which is a water sign, and it’s all about going with the flow. You can either flow, or you create resistance. Let go of the things, the beliefs, the fears, that don’t matter. Pray to the Angels for guidance and protection. We are entering a new phase of life where we are taking back our power and our freedom. We deserve to live peaceful lives. Speak your truth when necessary and with grace… but also remember to let some things slide with compassion and forgiveness. We are all in this thing called life together.. whether we want to accept that or not. My quality of life directly affects yours. We all deserve equality. Our consciousness is evolving together. My inspiration and love spreads to others, as their do to others. Make sure you are spreading light and love. We are seeing the truth of ourselves and the truths of others. We have come to an acceptance and we are ready to move forward. We are standing up for what we deserve and what we need. Communication is a huge theme this week. Before you communicate anything, make sure you are in a place of calm and peace. Don’t let your emotions take away from how you feel and what you want to communicate. We are rising up from the poor choices of the past, and the more of us that can change and make this world a better place, the better we will all be for it. We are manifesting on this New Moon, so make sure your intentions are set, and they are clear. Voice them out loud. Say them with acceptance and gratitude, as if the plans are already set in motion. There is a reason for all the crazy stuff happening in the world, and it isn’t all bad. Remember to focus on the positive aspects as much as possible. Let see what the cards say!

Wow. These cards continuously amaze me. As I was saying, there is purpose in all that is going on. If you aren’t happy in your home life, you are going to be facing that… If you have other dreams to chase, this may be a perfect opportunity… Maybe you being stuck at home is keeping you away from harsh energies and allowing you time to heal. Not only are we facing things we need to heal, but our Angels and Spiritual Guides are sending us healing energies. They are surrounding us and protecting us right now. We are in such disharmony with our great Mother Earth, and it is reflected in the disharmony we are experiencing with ourselves, physically and emotionally. How can you allow your body to heal naturally? Letting go of fears, worry and anxiety is the best thing you can do. Get some relaxing healing treatments. Listen to some meditation or music. Visualize yourself surrounded, protected, and energized by Divine light. We have to live with calm and contentedness. We have to soothe our nervous system and have a tranquil heart. Repeat after me: “I take back my vitality and energy and feel more and more healthy each and every day. My body knows how to heal. My body knows how to heal”. Support your mind and body and nourish them well. I know it seems all so overwhelming, but all you have to do is take baby steps. One thing at a time. Small action steps. We can’t exactly see the full picture yet, but we are making our way towards somewhere great. I will always stand by that. I know it and feel it as truth. If you think life isn’t good, I think you need to look at it again. Our soul is calling us to get out there, and we can’t keep playing small. What is one step you can take today to put yourself out there or work towards a dream? What are you waiting for? If it is a message from the Cosmos; consider this it. All this stuff we are going through now, is going to usher in a new time of harmony and balance. The power has been out of control for too long, and karma is coming in to say NO. Those of us who care and who are here to do good for the world, are the light workers that are going to create change. All of us have to say no to the way things have been. We want to live a harmonious existence. We can’t do that now with the restrictive ways of government. We need equality for everyone. When one person gets left behind; we all do. Use your voice for good.

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of June 14, 2020

The crystals I am working with for the week are Shungite, Specularite and Apache Tears. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Shungite – It is an extraordinarily positive stone, and using it may bring you a variety of blessings. This is an amazing stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is one of the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers.

Specularite – Grounding, yet has a high vibration. It helps us identify our talents and put them to best use. Dissolves negativity. Balances the meridians and Yin/Yang energy. Assists mental functioning, memory and development. Calms the mind and brings inner peace. Boosts confidence and self worth.

Apache Tears – The Legend of the Apache Tear is this: One day a group of Apache was ambushed by an enemy calvary. The Apaches fought bravely but were greatly outnumbered and driven to the top of a high bluff. Their arrows gone and unable to fight and unwilling to be taken captive, they leaped from the cliffs to their death. Their women were understandably grief-stricken and wept over the bodies. Their teardrops froze when they hit the ground to become the lovely stones we know today as Apache Tears. It is said that whomever owns one of these stones will never cry again, for the Apache women shed enough tears already. Apache Tears are said to relieve grief and sadness. They assist in giving and accepting forgiveness. They can help release negative emotions and balance one’s emotional state. They are good luck stones. Apache Tears are a gently grounding stone.

I haven’t done a weekly reading in months. Having everybody home all day… it’s just been a lot. We have been going through such crazy times, experiencing so many extremes. Honestly, after not doing weekly readings, and with everything, I was not sure what this reading would be like! What I am getting from these crystals, is a sense of more stability. There is a lot around grounding here. We need to keep our feet strongly planted in reality. Not only do we need to stay grounded, but we also need to reach higher. When we have some stability, we can grow higher and higher. The crystals are asking us to live our best lives, in the healthiest ways possible. For me, I’ve been replacing my cleaning, beauty and healthcare products with cleaner and greener alternatives. Our bodies are sensitive and absorbing everything around us, and I want to do the least harm I can. We are really learning that in order to heal; to be truly well; we need to eliminate sources of toxicity in our life. This means toxicity of all forms. I find it interesting that I chose the Apache Tear crystal, as I have a few black ones that look similar. The Apache Tear is representing the emotional pain we are all experiencing as a human race. Corona virus, racial issues, prejudice, injustice, police brutality, suicide, depression, anxiety, mental health issues, abuse, genocide, inequality…. The list goes on and on, and none of us are unaffected. The Apache Tears beg us to come together, instead of creating a further divide. Enough tears have been shed. We cannot get to a new future if we continue to drag the past behind us. We have to let it go and start anew. People being held accountable for their choices and actions, proper justice, policing and politics that actually help people… that is the way forward. People in the past got away with so much because there was no accountability, but now, that is all changing, and it’s actually a huge blessing. This is how we create change, by understanding what isn’t working and how we can make it better. Governments need to ensure equality, fairness, and a quality of life that allows people to enjoy their time, instead of wanting to end their life due to the stress and pressures of society. We need a society where we can rely on each other, and I truly believe we are starting to get there. We all have to forgive each other, and we also have to be willing to accept the forgiveness. This means fully accepting it, and letting go. Dwelling on all the wrongs takes the focus off what we need to be doing right. We have to learn to forgive because we are imperfect human beings, and we will always fail at some point. You might as well accept that right now. We all will make mistakes. You will get it wrong sometimes. As long as you are trying… as long as you are living with love in your heart… that’s all that matters. Even though things have been hard, there is still this excitement for the future in the background. There are still possibilities and potential that awaits us. Recognize all that you have to offer, and put yourself out there to help how you can. Together, we can all make a difference. The more you put yourself out there, and the more you accomplish, the more happy, confident and peaceful you will feel. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Wow. These cards never cease to amaze me. Karmic Relationships is about all the conflict we are experiencing now. It confirms it is all a part of our soul growth. It is believed that the constellation Orion was once a place of great polarity and eventual unity. Polarity causes conflict and highlights separation. However, because of this, conflict can also result in unity and growth. Too many misunderstandings are caused when we don’t open our heart and mind and see things from a different point of view. We don’t need to always be right-fighting and defending our beliefs. It’s ok to understand that people sometimes do not get it, and send them love anyway. I truly believe that the people posting All Lives Matter are wonderful people. I see their point of view and understand their perspective. What these cards are asking is for us to soften our hearts, and accept that we don’t always understand the perspective of others. Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter, yes this is true, but people that have been marginalized need your support right now, and that’s what makes All Lives Matter an insensitive term. It marginalizes the rights of people who have already been marginalized. It’s ok if you don’t fully understand, all that matters is that you try to have an open heart. That you are willing to consider other opinions and perspectives. We all want to be seen and heard, understood and cherished. We can’t be reactive and take things personally. We need to find common ground we can grow from. We need to challenge ourselves to rise up through this conflict. Your Life is a Canvas reminds us that no matter what is going on, we have the power to create our own reality. We are responsible for the life we live and how we live it. It highlights the word “accountability”. You are accountable for everything you accept as truth in your life. You are accountable for your actions. You are accountable for your energy. Take responsibility for what you are creating. If you think positively in this moment, the next moment is bound to be even better. What kind of life do you want to create? It’s never too late to try again. You can start by feeling grateful for everything you have now. Inner Earth tells us that we can let go of worries, because we will survive this. There will be new solutions and new beginnings created because of this. Some of these solutions, are beyond what you can perceive right now. Surprising outcomes and resolutions could present themselves. This is about having faith in the Universe, knowing it’s always working in your favour. Shake up your life and shift your thinking. Try things you don’t normally do. Put yourself out there! You will notice in doing so, that helpful people and signs from the Universe will show up in all kinds of ways. Make sure you shift your focus so you can see the blessings, and be open and willing to receive them. Remember, you create your reality. If you walk around angry at the world, you are going to miss many opportunities. Open your heart and shift your outlook!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html

New Moon in Aries – March 24, 2020

The Coronavirus has taken over the Planet, so I guess it wasn’t surprising to see a lot in the astrology about sickness, loss, grief, pain, wounds, fear and restraint. This is the hardest time we have probably ever been through. I have 2 kids with special needs and I have known anxiety and depression, so I can understand the fear people are experiencing. The problem is that we can’t let the fear control us. That’s exactly how we conquer the anxiety. I have said it for a while, and I still feel in my heart, that this will pass and we will get through this time. We have been through a lot of energy from the astrology lately, with Spring Equinox March 19, Mars Jupiter Conjunction March 20, and Saturn moving into Aquarius March 21. Saturn is the Lord of Karma. There has been a lot of Karma at work behind the scenes of everything going on in our lives. It guides us to look at our lives in new ways and live more responsibly. Saturn brings us challenges so we can figure out what we truly want in life. If life was easy, we would never learn and grow. We may not be able to understand why things are the way they are. All we need to do is trust that they are happening for a reason. Trust that everything is going to be ok. Trust that life will go on. Do what you can to make the most of this time. Take good care of your families and communities. Learn some new things. Meditation and prayer is going to be beneficial to help with healing and to keep our mindsets positive. Aries can be a fiery sign, so watch out for anger and rage, and try to stay level headed. It’s hard to be patient, but we can and will get through these times.

Sending you all strength and love 💕 🌑✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Aries #Astrology #March #Coronavirus #Challenges #Emotions #Fear #Health #BeBrave #Faith #HaveFaith #Heal #Healing #Patience #Perseverance #Safety

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed the post!

Make sure to like my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at carrielynngallop@hotmail.com, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

Find me here:

http://www.facebook.com/Carrie.gallop or http://facebook.com/carriegallopspiritualadvisor

Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html and Pixels http://pixels.com/profiles/carrie-gallop.html