New Moon in Capricorn – January 11, 2024

On Thursday, January 11, 2024, we have a New Moon peaking at 4:57am MST at 20°44’ in the sign of Capricorn. 🌑✨♑️

This year is calling us to get down to business and get going. We can’t waste time being shy or fearful. We have to understand what we truly deserve and be confident about making it happen for ourselves.

We need to stop underestimating ourselves. We are wasting our lives away, underutilizing our talents and gifts because we are scared to be seen, to be rejected, or to receive harsh criticism. What have you really got to lose? Who cares who doesn’t like you, when you have the ability to help so many.

I almost quit my spiritual work this past year. I just don’t want to juggle so many things, and something had to give. I want to focus my efforts and energy where they are most appreciated and reciprocated. I had a psychic/medium reading recently, and she said that I should be using my powerful psychic gifts and helping others. She told me to get a Mentor and that my business would be thriving in a short amount of time with the right support and effort. It’s not surprising to see the message of getting a Mentor in this New Moon energy as we plan for the year ahead and work towards our goals and dreams.

We are so close to the success we seek. We can’t give up right before the dawn. Don’t turn the movie off before it gets to the best part. Do what you need to do, for you, to make your dreams come true.

It’s all possible. Set your intentions for the year ahead. Keep your mindset positive. Make a plan to work your way towards your goals. Keep things simple, practical, and attainable. Focus on what really matters, on what you truly want, despite any obstacles that may present themselves. Know that you can overcome anything.

Things are shifting and changing. You, the world, and society as a whole are transforming. Pivot yourself in a direction that serves your highest good and greatest purpose, and you will see the path appear ahead of you. Trust it will be filled with blessings along the way.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 🌑✨🐐

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet! Email:! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Capricorn #MoonMagic #NewYear #Intentions #Manifesting #Happiness #Joy #Abundance #Obstacles #Challenges #Trust #Faith #Positivity #Optimism #Goals #Dreams #Desires #Plans #Skills #Focus #WorkHard #LawOfAttraction #BeHappy

Super New Moon in Capricorn – December 23, 2022

On Friday, December 23, 2022, we have a Super New Moon at 1°32’ in the sign of Capricorn peaking at 3:16am MST. 🌑✨♑️ Chiron also goes direct on this same day.

This is a New Moon, so it’s the perfect time to set intentions, especially for the year ahead. With Chiron going direct, it shows us that we are ready to take charge and heal. Trust that everything you’ve gone through is leading you towards your destiny.

We have some squares and less-than-ideal conjunctions that can seemingly work against us during this New Moon. We may be feeling a little empty or needy, like we have given all we have.. and for what? It may be easy to let our minds wander into chaos and overthink.

It’s all about what we do with the energy and the persective we view it from. We always have a choice. We have to take our power back and have the courage to make the changes we need. We have to be willing to put in the hard work and be responsible so that we can live the kind of lives we want and deserve. We have to use the hard times to inspire us to create the changes we want to see going forward.

It’s only when it rains, that we grow. It’s only when we can gain the contrast and perspective that we truly understand and see the big picture. Usually when we are stressed out, we are micro focused on our issues. Zoom out the lens and take in the beauty that has been your life. Appreciate it all.

Celebrate who you are. Take the time you need to do the things you want. Rest and recharge. Make new plans and pursue new opportunities. Have some fun and experience joy. Let yourself flow with life and be inspired. Welcome change instead of resisting it.

Look for the light and the magic. Look for the inspiration. Embrace spiritual pathways for healing, guidance, connection, and direction. Remember that this Universe is a magical manifestation of your perception, and it is all about what you make of it.

It’s all possible. There’s a whole new year ahead of us. Put your energy to good use and see your dreams come to fruition. You have the strength, determination, and tenancy to create the happy life you desire.

Keep doing your best and doing what’s right for you, so that you can heal and move forward in a positive direction.

Have a Happy New Moon! 🌑✨🙏♑️

Want to learn more about this New Moon and the sign of Capricorn? Get my MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET!

The MOON MAGIC WORKSHEET is a 6-page PDF that prints onto 3 pages and you can look it over as a way to learn about the energy of the Moon.

This edition includes: Info about the sign of Capricorn, colors, crystals, Angels, Goddesses, essential oils, plants, flowers, trees, herbs, metal, Feng Shui charms, animals, numbers, and more! It has affirmations, personal questions, goals, intention setting, ideas of things to do, a prayer, do’s & don’ts, a card pull, upcoming astrology, and more!

Only $5 per worksheet or sign up for a year for $100! Email! 🙏✨

#NewMoon #Moon #Astrology #Capricorn #Energy #HardWork #Responsibility #Balance #Rest #Recharge #Plan #NewBeginnings #NewYear #Intentions #Manifesting #Change #Growth #Flow #Trust #Happiness #Joy #Motivation #Inspiration #Innovation #Invent #Discover #Destiny #Spiritual

Chinese New Year – Year of the Metal Ox – February 12, 2021

Chinese New Year is on February 12, 2021 and is celebrated for up to 16 days. The festival signifies the beginning of spring and a new year according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. We are transitioning from the Year of the Rat to the Year of the Ox. The message for this year: Success will come to those who work hard. 🎎🐂🧧

The story of the Ox: According to some old mythological traditions, there was a race held by a great deity to determine which creatures, in which order, would be the namesakes of the twelve-year cycle. The race was run, and swum, the finishing line being across a great river. The Rat and the Ox crossed easily enough, the Ox due to being large, powerful, and adept both on land and in water: the Rat asked the good-natured Ox for a ride on its back, but then ungratefully jumped off at the last minute to cross the finish line first. 🐀🐂

In preparation for the new year, the Chinese will clean their homes and put up red decorations and lanterns. The celebrations will then officially kick off with a New Year’s Eve family dinner, with fish and dumplings being served to encourage prosperity. Shou Sui, which translates as “after the New Year’s Eve dinner”, follows the traditional feast, where families stay awake throughout the night and gather for fireworks at midnight to banish evil. Adults typically give children red packets containing money at Chinese New Year, to help them avoid evil and wish them good health. 🏘🎇🏮

These are things to try to avoid during Chinese New Year: Taking medicine, eating porridge, doing laundry, washing hair, using knives or scissors, leaving the house, sweeping, theft, debt, an empty rice jar, damaged clothes, animal blood, white or black clothing, giving gifts of clocks, scissors, and pears.

#ChineseNewYear #YearOfTheOx #SpringFestival #NewYear #NewLunarYear #ChineseTradition #Learning #Celebrate #Spring #Ox #HardWork #Rewards #Stable #Positive #Longevity #SelfCare #Strength #Strong #Dependable #Support #Grounded #Methodical #Wealth #Planning #Overspending #Business #Harvest #Fertility #Nurture #Guidance

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Reading for the Year 2021 – January 1, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the year are Aventurine, Blue-Green Onyx, and Blue Chalcedony. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Aventurine – Known as the “Stone of Opportunity”. Thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions to be favourable for opportunities. Releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.

Blue-green Onyx – Opens the chakras. Brings good fortune and Spiritual encouragement. Helps shift negative perceptions. Helps you to move forward from grief and depression. Increases happiness and contentment. Helps with public speaking. A symbol of restfulness and purity. Invites more calm and relaxation in your life. Relieves worries, tension, stress and fears. Enhances love, affection and friendship.

Chalcedony – A stone for speakers. A stone of peace, it encourages stillness and calm. Eases self-doubt. It can remove hostility and encourage a light-hearted optimism. Calms and centres emotions. Helps worriers live in the present. Calms anger, fear, panic and anxiety. Enables us to communicate and express our truth. Blue Chalcedony is the color of water reflecting the sky as winter gives way to spring, and is a color of faith and trust. The light blue color helps us reflect on, question, and relax in our acceptance of the life we have. Helps us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers, and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

To be very honest, I pulled a card of guidance for us all yesterday, for New Year’s Eve, but then I didn’t post it. I’ve been struggling a little bit, with ongoing health issues in our family. It was hard getting a call the day before New Year’s, reminding me that all our problems haven’t disappeared. It was fitting with the full moon, as it brought up a lot of emotions for me, but they dissipated just as quickly. I was reminded that we are always going to have appointments and procedures and issues to deal with, and that I can’t keep waiting to be happy until everything is perfect. Nothing is ever going to be perfect. I almost let it ruin my New Year’s, but then I reminded myself that we were ok in this moment and that it was ok to be happy and feel joy now. The card I had pulled yesterday was “The Universe is always conspiring to support me, guide me, and lead me compassionately towards my highest good”. It was a reminder, that even amongst the challenges in life, that everything is serving a purpose. I’m always wanting life to be easy for me… and that’s exactly how I create resistance. Life is never going to be easy. The more you can handle and let bounce off you, the easier (and more joyful) life is going to be. The more you can flow with life, no matter what it brings, the better off you will be. Yes, I’m dreading going to the hospital, but when I’m there, I always have beautiful conversations and interactions. I have to look for the positives, and the moments of joy, in every day. No matter what.

So, of course these vibes continue for the reading for the year of 2021. I have seen a lot of astrology posts calling for an even more tumultuous year than 2020. It’s apparent, we are going to have more challenges to face and overcome… but just like the hospital procedures, it’s really not all bad if you can see the big picture. I looked back at my reading from 2020, and you could see the foreshadowing of the challenges to come, but my readings are generally quite optimistic. I wish I could say this was always my personal outlook, but this is the guidance I get from my Spirit when I do my readings. This is I why I trust in the need to remain optimistic and positive. It is obviously very important to our well-being. What else is there to do? Dwelling on our problems doesn’t not serve us at all! It actually creates more problems, like depression and anxiety. I’m not saying to carelessly ignore your problems, but to handle them with intelligence, and not attach to them emotionally. We are not our problems, or what happens to us. We are so much more than that. So, in my usual fashion, I can already tell this reading is going to focus on the positives 2021 is going to bring. Opportunities are the biggest theme that has been coming up. There are so many opportunities and ideas for us. One of the things about people being home for the last year, is that people have been spending the time working on their creative passions. There is tons of opportunities around creative pursuits. Not only is Aventurine bringing so much luck, but it is also doing so much more than that. It is aligning our life in better ways, so that we can overcome our fears and challenges and be happy and successful. When we align our energy and our life in more positive ways, it opens up so many opportunities. I always say, the world is smaller than it seems, so let yourself be seen. The right person might just notice you. Part of aligning, is truly letting go of the past for good. Letting go of old beliefs, habits, disappointments, and patterns, so that we can grow. We need to stop inhibiting our growth, and give ourselves the light, water, love and nutrients we need to thrive. The Aventurine reminds us there are always going to be challenges to overcome. Get good at it. Be creative with your problem solving. Be confident and motivated. The Blue-Green Onyx is encouraging us to shift from negative perceptions. Running around like a chicken with your head cut off, stressing yourself out, isn’t helping anything. We need to focus more on stress relief and relaxation. We need to let go of the hurt, pain, and depression. There is good fortune on the way for us, and we must stay positive. We have to be happy and content with our life right now, as it is. When we truly love ourselves and our life, more love and affection grows, and more people come into our life to bring us love and affection. This year, we need to keep our calm. We have things we will need to speak out about. Be confident and allow yourself to be heard. It might be time to re-read The Power of Now, because living in the moment is going to be crucial to enjoying our lives and being happy. What can you do to make this moment happy and enjoyable? Being mad, fearful, or anxious isn’t going to help the situation. Be calm and have trust and faith. Be happy with who you are and what you have. Be patient with life, and with yourself. Yes, it would be nice to have unlimited resources, but we have to be grateful for what we have right now. Trust that life is working out in your highest good. Do your part to help yourself get to a good place. Find the calm in your heart. I feel like a lot of social change is going to happen this year, and we are going to make better choices for our world. Be a part of this change and do good with what you can. Use your talents and your voice to create positive change. If you do this, you will find so many opportunities unfold for you. Let’s see what the cards say!

I love these cards. Spirit wasn’t even waiting for me today, the cards just came falling right out. To The Sea is all about being in the flow of life. Rowing against the current gets us nowhere…. but if we flow with life, we get moved out of the rough waters and taken somewhere beautiful. She’s not micromanaging her direction, she’s not even looking out. She’s looking down at her own plan, doing her own part preparing herself, and letting life lead the way. The bubbles to me represent opportunities, and you can also see Spirit watching through the clouds, guiding us all the way. We are starting to see how all the pieces have fit together so far… and we are understanding that no matter how the pieces appear now, they will fit together eventually. Everything seems to work out when you stop scrambling. Allow a sea of opportunities to wash over you and wake you up to your most prosperous potential. Give without expectation, and you will see miracles. We need to stop resisting and flow. Mending is about fixing the parts of our life that aren’t working. Our negative beliefs, especially about ourselves. This is the last card in this deck, and one I receive often. We are putting closure to our past for good. We are forgiving ourselves and others. We are finding healing for our soul. If we go through painful experiences and don’t process them, integrate them, and take only the positive lessons, then you will accumulate trauma and heaviness. We carry this trauma around and stay chained to the very thing that hurt us. Reclaim your power by letting go of these things, and stop replaying them in your mind. We’ve all made mistakes. We are all human. Set yourself free from the chains of the past. This is not who you are any more. If you are in a rocky relationship, letting go of the past can help you truly move forward, whether that is with your partner or not. Either way, the energy needs to clear, and keeping your heart closed is not the answer. You have the power to heal this wound. Yes, we have probably made so many mistakes in the past, but now is our chance to move forward and make new choices. You get to start again, wiser and more mature. Forgive those who have taken advantage of you. Let go, and learn from this. Nothing is ever lost or wasted. Everything serves a purpose and a lesson. Pain and suffering is a part of life, and none of us are immune to it. Can you view this pain as a way back to your spirituality? Let your sorrow break your heart wide open. You will never be left behind. You are loved, now more than ever. One day you will look back and know this as truth. This is your chance to make a new choice. To make changes that resonate with who you are now, and who you strive to be. The choice is yours. You can choose to stay where you are, doing things as you’ve always done, or you can take a new path. This time, Spirit is inside you, guiding you from within. The owl shows how much wisdom you hold. The banners remind us that we only have so much time here on Earth, and we must use it to our greatest advantage. I just noticed the turtle on the antler. The turtle is a symbol of creation. We have so many ideas and inspirations that are going to lead to opportunities. Every choice has a consequence. He also has an apple with him, a sign of abundance and good health. Are you making choices that will lead to positive consequences? Will you further your dreams by taking a path unknown? Or will you stick to what you have known? There is no wrong choice, but it is important that you do consciously recognize you are making a choice, that you DO have a choice. If you want to change, you have to choose it. Who do I need to become, and what do I need to believe, in order to live a life of prosperity? Know that abundance is all around you. Choose to see it and reach out for it. Work towards it and make things happen. The more opportunities you recognize around you, the more you can reach out and grab them. Yes, this year might have challenges, but know that you have the strength and choice to overcome them in positive ways. Heed the lessons and leave the rest behind, as we enter a new year of opportunity.

Wishing you unlimited blessings and prosperity in 2021! 🙏🥂🎉

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Yearly Angel Card Reading – 2020

The crystals I am working with for 2020 are Bismuth, Tanzine Aura Quartz, Amethyst, Orange Calcite & Blue Flame Aura Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Bismuth – Rainbow colored Bismuth can be a wonderful stone to use for focus, visualization and shamanic journeying. It can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities while at the same time increasing your energy levels to deal with them. Bismuth relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. It is a stone of transformation and change, helping to adapt to change with calm assurance. Bismuth encourages cohesiveness in groups and relationships.

Tanzine Aura – Holds a high level of Spiritual awareness. Powerful when developing psychic abilities. Enhances connection to Spirit. Raises vibration. Opens the 3rd eye. The gateway to astral travel, it induces lucid dreaming to experience blessings, gain knowledge and reach enlightenment. Places the mind’s knowledge under the possession of the heart’s wisdom. Connects with nature Spirits to accumulate wisdom.

Amethyst – A meditative and calming stone which promotes calm, balance, and peace. It is used to eliminate impatience. Beneficial for legal problems and money issues. Increases spirituality and enhances intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It is used to open one’s channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. It is a stone of protection. Promotes peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. Brings emotional stability and inner strength and helps to enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength. Well known as a sobriety stone. It is used to assist in getting rid of addictions and compulsive behaviours of all kinds.

Orange Calcite – Energizing and cleansing. Helping mentally, it relieves emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, traumas, harmful thoughts, etc. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Restores mental and emotional equilibrium. Enhances creativity. Helps you take back control of your life. Brings optimism and joy.

Blue Flame Aura Quartz – Excellent for use in spiritual initiations and rituals, and for deepening meditation and spiritual attunement. It creates a multi-dimensional energy shift, drawing kundalini energy up the spine and through the subtle bodies, adjusting its effect to provide what each soul needs for evolution. Stimulates the Third Eye and Higher Crown Chakras, enhancing focus and increasing the ability to “read” people at an energetic and subtle level and to understand the information that was communicated. It is a beneficial stone for creating and maintaining a state of homeostasis within the physical and emotional bodies. It has a high energy and is helpful for removing energy blockages, especially those impeding creativity.

Hi friends! I wanted to be prepared with my reading for this week, and with this reading for 2020, but it didn’t seem to happen as I would’ve liked! As most of you know, my son has had some health issues and the rest of my family has been sick over the holidays too. Someone thought it was a great idea to get a puppy, so I’ve been busy caring for our new addition as well. My limited spare time has gone from doing readings to spending time outside with my pup! He is pretty cute, and I’m not complaining! I’ve been trying to go easy on myself and not worry about “expectations”… we’ve been through a lot these past few years. I’ve been feeling pretty depleted in many ways lately, but I do know the energy is starting to look up. I chose the crystals a few days ago, so I already had a feeling of what to expect for this coming year, and let me tell you… it’s awesome. Even though I’ve been struggling, I can feel the greatness that’s coming. Every year we hope for a better one than the last, but I really do believe this is going to be a year of serious evolution and abundance. My big piece of Amethyst normally sits in my display cabinet, and I had put it away after my son was playing with my crystals that had been sitting out for the last 3 days… but today again, I heard Spirit say I needed the BIG Amethyst because it was going to be a BIG year. When I look at these crystals, I see color, magic and happiness. I see romance and connection. I see beauty and grace, even if there are some moments of rockiness. It’s funny how I was just saying how depleted I’ve been feeling, and that the energy is looking up, because that’s exactly what the Bismuth is saying! The Bismuth is helping us to not feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities we have in our lives. Sometimes, you just can’t get around all the things you need to do. The Bismuth is helping us to have the energy to get it all done. When we are so overwhelmed with responsibilities, it can be easy to isolate ourselves and feel lonely. This year is going to feel much less lonely. I feel like there will be lots of connection, friendships and relationships this year. There is also going to be better communication within existing relationships. We are all growing and evolving and learning how to work better together. There is going to be lots of changes, and we will need to be flexible and adapt. We also need to have calm assurance that everything is always working out for the best. When you run into hurdles this year, remember in your heart that it is going to be ok. We are going to receive lots of Spiritual knowledge this year, especially in our dreams. Spirit comes to us in dreams because it’s when we have our guard down the most. It’s an accessible place to give us messages. If possible, keep a dream journal and try to note all of your dreams. It’s really quite fascinating to look back on. The BIG Amethyst says that this year is going to bring us much more peace and calm. Where we have been worried about money or legal issues, we should see some resolution this year. It doesn’t necessarily mean you will win the lottery or get rich quick, but it means you will be taken care of, and you will feel satisfied by what is yours. We have learned so much about loving ourselves over this last year, and that is going to pay off for us this year. We genuinely want to be better to ourselves, so a lot of people are going to be eating healthier and exercising. We are stronger now, and we have what it takes to overcome unhealthy addictions. We are also stronger mentally. We are overcoming challenges of feeling depressed or fearful. We are ready to take charge and take back our happiness and live life to the fullest. We are going to feel optimistic and very creative. The only thing on my New Years resolutions is to learn pottery and stained glass this year. I keep saying I’m going to do it, so I really want to make an effort this year! Meditation is also going to be very important this year. I’m not much into “meditating” in a traditional sense, and was feeling guided to meditate a couple nights ago. I looked up some guided meditations, but they just aren’t for me. After trying a few videos, I threw on my playlist and let my mind and heart wander. It’s going to be very important for us to take time to connect with our mind and hearts in this way. To let them dream and wander. To feel the creativity and love. We are moving into a huge year of creation and expansion! Let’s see what the cards have to say!

I usually only choose 3 crystals and 3 cards, but sometimes more just want to come. This is a BIG reading for 2020, so the Universe is sending us lots of crystals and cards of guidance. This is a time of great evolution and change. We are all here for a reason, and we are ready for what’s to come. Everything we have been through has brought us here today, and given us the strength to step into our power and light. Most of us had a very overwhelming year in 2019, but this card reminds us that it is all in preparation. You can handle everything that’s coming for you, you are ready. We have learned and grown so much. Honestly, this card to me, is God telling us he is proud of the work we have done and everything we have endured and overcame. I am always amazed how I can be a piece of all my Ancestors. I look at my son, and see my Aunty when he laughs, I see myself in his hands, I see his Dad in his face, I see my Dad in his hair, I see my Grandfather in his personality… We are a beautiful culmination of unimaginable means… a mixture of so many people and things and energy. So many things had to come together for you to be here now… We are here for important reasons. Now is the time to step into your power and be seen. To do what you came here to do, and give your love fully. If you look at The Age of Light card you can see how she is engulfed in a pyramid of beautiful light. This is a great visualization you can do, seeing yourself protected by light, wether that is a pyramid or a bubble, and visualizing your chakras being charged with light energy. Break The Chain is all about our purpose here on Earth. We are here to evolve human kind. We are finally learning the truth… that love is stronger than fear… that truly loving ourselves is the key to overcoming anything. That seeing everything through the eyes of love is how we move forward and make a difference. When we heal ourselves.. when we free ourselves from our internal shackles… we free our Ancestors and we rewrite what the future possibilities can hold for us. We are truly letting go of the way we used to be, and stepping into who we are now. When we exude our confidence, happiness and power, other people are inspired to do the same. We literally heal the world by healing ourselves. In what ways do you feel like you are inspiring? How can you build on that? How can you share yourself more? How can you allow yourself to live with more freedom? This card is telling us to shake off the past, and dream a new future into being. The Thinker card is all about what we are creating and thinking into existence. You truly are what you think about, which is why dreaming and daydreaming is so important! I love how this is card number 44, a sign that the Angels are guiding us, especially within our thoughts and dreams. We don’t have to dream up some great invention or get rich quick idea to be successful. We will find our success in the obvious, in the logical. What are you good at? How can you help and show love? It doesn’t have to be a big show, it can be simple everyday things you do to make life better for everyone. Your path is usually pretty obvious when you look back on it.. so try to use that for logical projections. Dream your own dream. You have everything you need. You don’t need more courses or education. You just need to put yourself out into the world and do your best. It’s a good time to start a list of things you would like to do. A bucket list, or short term goals, or things you’d like to try. Make some lists you can refer back to. Use your logic, but also try not to overthink. The choices you make this year should be fairly obvious. If you want Peace, you know what you have to do to have it. Wether that is internal work, or choices in your life. This year is going to bring more Peace. We are freeing ourselves from society’s ideals and expectations. We are freeing ourselves from our own expectations. Radical allowance is what is being asked for this year. Just allowing everything to be as it is, and using your logic to make choices that are best for you. Find ways to feel more harmonious in your day to day life by incorporating things that make you feel happy and peaceful. Just be who you are and do what you feel inspired to do, and be at peace. Always remember that everything passes. Don’t let people upset your inner peace. When things do get rocky, try to remember there will always be peace again. Everything passes. The beauty will always return. Be patient. The Universe rewards patience because it shows how much you have grown. Things may have been tough, but with patience we will see everything resolve. When things get tough again, show your patience and commitment to inner peace. When you live in an alignment of love, nothing can disturb your inner peace. Everything is always beautiful, and everything is always working out as it should. Have a wonderful 2020!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 30, 2018

The crystals I am working with for the week are Lepidolite, Blue Quartz and Angelite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Lepidolite – A stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. It brings hope in dark times by lending a sense of balance and calm. Lepidolite is a stone of transformation in that it helps one get through transitions with trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. It engenders and enhances self-love, patience, and optimism. Psychically, lepidolite is used for dreamwork, rebirthing, and is also good for dream recall. It softens the impact of these experiences so they can be easily received. Lepidolite is also a protective stone that brings success in business or career. Emotionally, lepidolite is one of the best healers. It decreases stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, and other traumas, panic attacks, and addictions. It brings gentleness and balanced energy to all these and other emotional issues.

Blue Quartz – Clears away the toughest energy blockages. Relieves fear. Helps you to reach out to others. Calms the mind. Assists in understanding your Spiritual nature. Inspires hope. Enhances organization and self-discipline.

Angelite – Brings light and love into your life. One of the best stones for improving Spiritual awareness. A deeper sense of your Spiritual connection allows you to feel calmer and more energized, and relieves anxiety and depression. Helpful for healthy communication.

It’s been tough out there. I can feel it for so many people. We are in such confusing times of transformation… relationships falling away, people passing… The crystals are asking you to trust in the Universe, that everything will work out as it should. They offer you hope in these dark times. It is so important that you try to maintain your calm, and take care of yourself and love yourself. You can and will get through this, so you might as well make the best of it and try to do things for you. You have wonderful people that surround you, turn to them when you need someone to talk to. It is very important that you let go of fear and stay calm. Go to counselling if you need… do whatever it takes to love yourself and conquer fear when it arises. Remember you are loved and never alone. Turn to your faith and Spirituality. The more connection you have to your own Spirituality, the easier it will be to handle the challenges ahead. All you have to do is worry about yourself. The things other people do are not your fault or concern, just get yourself organized and be the best person you can be. Try to be patient and understanding, especially during the times you would rather lose your cool. You will feel better about yourself in the long run. You are never going to be without love in your life, and there is so much coming for you! Let’s see what the cards say!

I apologize, I am a little behind this week. I try to do my weekly reading on Sundays, but my son got sick and then passed it on to me! So I’ve been trying to take it easy the last couple days. Since it’s already January 1, it’s fitting the Awakening Card is speaking about new beginnings and new ways of being. I love the fresh energy of January 1. Not only do we have a choice of how we intend to utilize the year ahead, but we also have received many energetic upgrades over the last year and now are integrating those into our lives. This card is about being true to yourself and discovering more about yourself. You can do your part to make this year amazing, and especially this week, by having fun and raising your vibes. Do things you don’t normally do. Turn on some music and dance around the house. Allow yourself to feel happy! Joy is the best way to bring positive energy into life. All the things that have happened are for a reason. You might not be able to see the whole picture. The Universe is asking you to trust that it’s for good reason, and you will end up benefitting and growing from the challenges you have faced. Just try to keep your heart open. Try to see the blessings. The future is beautiful, there is so much magic and happiness. You are still a beautiful rose… perhaps even more so. 🌹

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of December 31, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Celestite, Smoky Quartz and Galena. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you.

Celestite – Connects you to Angels and your Spirit Guides. Brings calm and clarity. Relieves stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviours. Provides courage where there are fears. Beneficial for those who are shy. Brings harmony and balance. Opens your mind to communication with higher realms. Helpful during dream time.

Smoky Quartz – Protective and grounding. It removes negativity and transforms to positive energy. Enhances survival skills and helps one reach personal and business goals. It is used in making wishes come true by grounding their essence in reality. Therefore, it is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck. It fosters cooperation in groups and supports their efforts energetically. It engenders creativity by bringing imaginative efforts to fulfillment. It also works energetically to assist in prioritizing needs and wants, and brings wisdom to every day life. Excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and is considered a stone of serenity. It can be helpful in relieving grief.

Galena – A stone of harmony and self-transformation. Said to bring healing, calmness, efficiency, receptivity, communication and insight. Provides courage and strength. It is used for detoxification of all kinds.

I took a few weeks off from doing readings, as we went on a Make-A-Wish trip for my son. I started to worry that I haven’t been feeling as “connected”, and asked for a sign. My ego always tries to take over and cause doubt. Maybe my cards won’t mean anything or maybe I’m not doing it right. Oh the criticisms we tell ourselves. How the ego runs and runs and tries to keep the reigns in control… but the signs… they are all around me, as always. I see them in people, in numbers, in animals, in music, in dreams… the signs are everywhere, for you to communicate if you just believe and trust in yourself. In truth, Spirit knows what’s in our hearts, without us saying or thinking a word. They know who we are deep down. They know what we want and need in our life. So connect with Spirit in whatever ways feel right to you, and believe those signs and feelings when you experience them. Trust in them, and remember them when your connection feels weak. Things have been stressful lately, but the Angels are here to help us stay calm and find the clarity we need to overcome any issues that arise. The stress and anxiety may be manifesting itself in compulsive behaviours, so the Angels are sending you healing and relief for those as well. This year is a big year, filled with so many opportunities. They may seem scary and overwhelming, but it is time. It is time for you to come out of your shell and live your full life. There is so much success to be had if you can put yourself out there. It may not be easy… but it’s all a part of the plan. Have courage to pursue you dreams. Find ways to ground yourself. When life gets hard, make sure to find balance and find ways to experience life in rich and full ways that make you happy. The Smoky Quartz is my favourite crystal. It will help you look at like from a more wise and mature point of view. We are being asked to have courage as we enter this new year. Face whatever is coming at your with strength, power and resilience, and that positivity is going to pay off. Let’s see what the cards say for the week.

Well, I asked for a sign! 🙏 The Indigo Angel deck was the first deck I was guided to purchase, and I feel so very connected to it. I was shuffling for the middle card and at the last second I noticed one card facing up, which I don’t ever usually have them like that. I would’ve stopped the shuffle to fix but was already mid-shuffle, so I continued and the card came flying out the deck and I caught it 😳 I was like, is that the card that was facing up? Sure enough, it was! What an undeniable sign! 🤭 Normally I don’t take the cards that come flying out, but this was certainly a sign that this card is for us. Not to mention, the Make A Wish Card after we just went on a Make A Wish trip. Unbelievable! We are entering into the new year, and we need to clean ourselves up to get ready! Clean out the old stuff you don’t need, mentally, emotionally and physically. I know I cleaned my house top to bottom yesterday to get ready! Not only is it a new year, but it’s also a magical full moon. A perfect time to manifest what you desire for your life. Make sure to wish upon the full moon tomorrow! Also, think about the dreams you wish to manifest in your life all throughout the coming year. Think about your dreams as often as you can. Wishes will be fulfilled. There is also a message here about clarity and discerning truth. I had a fox in my yard today, which is a sign to watch out for deceptive people or circumstances. I think it’s all a part of the lessons we are here to learn. We find ourselves in a bad situation, that we have to find a way to overcome. We then have to view those situations from a positive place of love, so we can truly heed the lessons they have to teach us. This Full Moon really feels like it is about going within, and finding who we really are. Finding what it is we dream about, without being altered by other people’s perceptions. Be true to yourself. Don’t give away so much of yourself. I love the Clean It Up Card where it says, “you don’t need to be needed to be loved”. It’s about cleaning ourselves up, dusting ourselves off, and making a new Wish for our own future. What is it that truly makes you happy? How can you take steps toward making that happen? Have courage and put yourself out there. Your Angels and Guides are supporting and guiding you!

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Find me here: or Twitter @carriegallop View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 3, 2016


Sorry I missed last week’s reading.. I forgot my cards at my parents house over the holidays! I feel like it was a sign, to take a break and enjoy the season and New Year’s with my family. 

This week’s card reading to start off the year is just beautiful. Love and compassion for ourselves and others, blessings after the storm, and spiritual unfoldment. For anyone who had a bit of a rough year last year, it appears the storm is over, and if we give ourselves and others the love we all deserve, then there are wonderful blessings that will show up. Most importantly, in the form of our spiritual growth. We are all beautiful, and once we can embrace our love and compassion, most importantly for ourselves, that beauty will unfold in our lives. It is inevitable if you trust in our Creator and give the love we were meant to. Love yourself and others is the message for this week, and really is a message to kick off our New Year! 

Love (Compassion) – In this beautiful Image, we see hands reaching toward each other through a heart. The Green field surrounding them is the color of the fourth, or heart, chakra. It’s when we feel love in our heart center that we not only naturally emit the healing energy of compassion, but we also attract love and compassion. Studies by the Heart Math Institute reveal that the electrical signals from the heart are up to 60 times stronger than the brain’s, and the magnetic field is as much as 5000 times more powerful. It’s a given that are thinking patterns affect our feelings and, in turn, our reality. What we put out, whether it’s love, fear, empathy, sadness, and so forth, contains an incredible amount of power to shape and influence our reality. When the focus of our attention and intention is love and compassion, we recognize no separation between self and other.

All wounds stem from the illusion of separation from Source and all of creation. The route to healing this wound is through cultivating love and compassion for every being on this planet, including yourself. Not a bland standard of unquestioned acceptance, but a heartfelt sense of profound relatedness to whatever you perceive as apart from yourself. True compassion requires not only the feeling of warmth that emanates when you are in touch with your heart center, but in act of kindness, even if this simply means being a fully attentive listener. Respect the fact that your heart is a giver (putting out electrical energy) and a receiver (drawing in magnetic energy). These energies are best sensed by attending to the steady flow of your breathing, while also noticing your heart area. Righteousness, fear, anger, and judgment are some common ways to block your natural desire to love. Forgiveness is not only letting go of judgment, but also seeing through the illusion, that you and all-that-is are separate. Look about you and inside of you, and do your best to love whatever you see.

Rainbow (Blessings) – A rainbow is created by the collaboration of sunlight and water in the atmosphere. The water droplets become tiny prisms that collectively diffuse and disperse light into a ribbon of colors that is the essence of every hue we’re capable of perceiving on this planet. Rainbows symbolize many things, including good luck, a bridge to heaven, and abundance. It’s difficult for any of us to ignore the majesty of a rainbow and the gentle power inherent in it’s display. It’s such a simple blending of the elements coming together in perfect visual harmony to create one of the most beautiful sights in all of Creation. Although there are diverse meanings attributed to the sight of a rainbow, a common thread is that it offers blessings. The artist of this image created this rainbow to commemorate a friend who had just died. She worked on it whenever she felt her love and appreciation for her friend, the blessings he brought to the world and into her life, often after a spell of tearful grief.

The storm has passed, and it is time to enjoy the refreshing beauty of the cycle, even though it has been difficult to appreciate any sense of purposefulness in what you have endured lately. You can now, as they say, count your blessings. Do not just look at the “brighter side” adhering to some academic mantra that has no heart or depth, but do so slowly and with genuine gratitude that is expressed up close and personal. This ever-evolving process of life itself is a blessing, and opportunity to exist as a human being on earth. The planet is a beautiful garden, even if it does not always appear to be so. Sometimes it is only when you look back at a memory of an experience that you can truly see the blessings that have come from them. Bless your difficult or painful experiences, and let them go.

Lotus Flower (Unfoldment) – The lotus flower sits upon one of its leaves, having risen to the surface as the sun – held in the hand of God – invites it upward toward the light. This unique plant is rooted in the mud and muck at the bottom of the water, it’s stem reaching up to the surface, where it’s leaves rest quietly. At night the flower sinks below the surface, only to rise with daylight. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path unfolds and opens to the light, then at times gently folds in on itself for a proper rest when the daylight fades. This period is just as necessary for growth, for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment that day. It’s also just as important that it is rooted, and it is yet another miracle of nature that something so exquisitely beautiful is formed from the mud and silt at the water’s bottom.

Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times, wether or not you are aware of it. It is inevitable as long as you put your trust in the hands of the Creator, the one who holds the light. Like the lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light to fulfill its karmic destiny, but even in that process there are periods of darkness and times to rest. It is a natural cycle, one that cannot be truly coerced or halted. It has an intimate rhythm of its own, one that is unique to you. You do not need to strive for spiritual growth, or be driven by spiritual ambition. It does no good to try to force growth upon yourself. Just be your beautiful self, and love yourself and the world around you as much as you can. Allowing is the key here. Allow the place in you that naturally wants to follow the light, to do so, while recognizing that even when you have complete faith, you will face challenges and, occasionally, suffering. Your steady faith and love will guide you on your journey of returning to the light.


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