Messages From Spirit for July 13, 2023

Messages From Spirit for July 13, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July13 #ThingsAreNotWhatTheySeem #Good #Bad #FaceValue #LookDeeper #FindHumor #Difficult #Situations #HaveFun #MakeLifeFun #StepOut #Old #Outdated #Beliefs #Perceptions #SeeYourselfInANewWay #New #BreakFree #Habits #Routines #Stagnant #Stuck #Change

Messages From Spirit for July 12, 2023

Messages From Spirit for July 12, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #July12 #Trust #DivineTiming #AllWillBeWell #Time #Pieces #FallIntoPlace #DontOverthink #SelfDoubt #TakeYourTime #Allow #Unfold #PushThrough #Insecurity #Focus #You #Others #Create #Good #Karma #Dreams #Manifest #MakeSpace #Embrace #Flow #Life

Messages From Spirit for August 15, 2022

Messages From Spirit for August 15, 2022 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #August15 #Aug15 #BeInspired #Radiance #Shine #Release #Worries #Concerns #Fears #Enjoy #Present #Appreciate #Good #LoveYourLife #RadiateLove #Love #Life

Happy Diwali – November 4, 2021

Happy Diwali and New Moon! 🌑✨🙏💫🪔

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a Hindu celebration that occurs on the New Moon called Amavaysa, known as the darkest night. Diwali symbolizes the triumph of light over dark, goodness over evil. It is a time to celebrate our freedom and the end of the summer harvest season. The lights illuminate the path forward. Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of wealth is celebrated during this time. Houses are cleaned, lit up, and decorated. Traditional food dishes are prepared. Gifts and sweets are exchanged.

#Diwali #FestivalOfLights #Religious #Celebration #Light #Lightness #NewMoon #EnjoyLife #Celebrate #Goddess #Lakshmi #Wealth #Home #Illuminate #Decorate #Food #Dishes #Gifts #Sweets #Fun #Love #HappyDiwali #Blessings #BlessingsToYou #CarrieGallopSpiritualAdvisor

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Card Reading for Beginners Course:

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of August 20, 2017

The crystals I am working with for the week are Rhodochrosite, Shattuckite and Mangano Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystals to you. 

Rhodochrosite – Dispels insecurities, increases love, power, and improves self-worth. Enhances dreams and imagination. Helps us to face problems in a positive way without avoidance or denial. It balances and enhances love on all levels. It balances the mental and emotional processes. 

Shattuckite – A strong psychic communication stone. Facilitates a stronger connection with your Spirit guides, teachers, and loved ones that have passed on. Assists in the development of psychic visions, intuition, Mediumship and channeling. Assists with reconciliation and renewal. Used to channel information, particularly from extra-terrestrials, and is used for automatic writing. It is said to calm the mind and create harmony.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and  tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been dreaming like crazy the last few nights! I also noticed myself daydreaming yesterday, so it’s funny to see that with the Rhodochrosite. There have been no nightmares either, so thank you Mangano Calcite! 😋 Everything I am seeing from the crystals is very aligned with the astrology and readings I have watched for this week. If you haven’t seen Nicole Oman on Facebook, I suggest you check out her weekly readings and specials. She is amazing and is some of the best guidance I receive. We are going into the Solar Eclipse tomorrow, and this is where we have the choice to face our issues, and decide how we are going to handle our lives going forward. This is a new starting point for us, and it’s all about how we handle it. Are you going to run and hide from the shadows? Or are you going to face them, and embrace them! Appreciate them, for their own beauty and relevance. The universe wants to communicate with us! It is begging us to find our self-love, so we can have the energy and vibration we need to communicate and evolve with the universe. The crystals are helping us manage some of the stress, tension and anxiety we may have going on. What should we do? Take care of yourself. Truly love yourself. Treat yourself. Make yourself laugh. Enjoy something just for you. Live your life. See yourself and your future in the most positive light, and choose to see that going forward. The time is now to move toward that new you! Your spiritual gifts and connection are awaiting you. Choose love always, and you will see it resonate in positive ways in your life. You don’t have to be perfect! Just do your best to make the most loving choices and behaviours that you can! If you are moving in a positive direction, it will continue to spin off in more positive ways. There is no reason to live in fear.. it just pulls you under… we are here to love! And the universe will fully support you when you live a positive life of love. Let’s see what the cards say! 

I’m gonna switch it up a bit this week, and choose from a few different decks. The By The Book card is asking you… What do you want for your future? Do you want to go by the book? Conform to other people’s expectations of you? Or do you want to blow that out of the water and start on your own path of freedom? If the Universe works on the Law of Attraction, then what has been working for you? What ways should you stick to what’s working? What makes you happiest? What makes you feel accomplished? What hasn’t been working? What pulls you down and throws you off? What changes can you make to positively impact your life going forward? I also feel like the book reference is a reminder for us.. to write stuff down, to make a plan. You want to workout regularly? Meditate regularly? Put it on your schedule and do it. Get yourself organized so your future can be that much smoother and more successful. There is gonna be lots of things coming at us, so it would be a good idea to get organized so you can cope with the stress better. As Nicole Oman said today, go about your day and do what you have to do, just do it with joy. The Protection Message of the By The Book card is truly perfect… Be authentically you with no regrets. You have special gifts that await you, that the mainstream might not fully understand yet, but that doesn’t give you the right to shy away from your true power… From what you know as truth. Greatness awaits you… You need to let go of the fear and stop conforming. This is a time of transformation, and I love how it says, “your intuition will lead you through the darkness”, how perfect for the eclipse!! Take today to think about what you really want, so you can make your plans, decisions and declarations on Monday during the eclipse. Weigh all your options and think about the best ways to move forward. Claim your right to be fully you, and be full of love. There is a lot of things going on right now, and they may be quite challenging and stressful. The Eight of Spring reminds us that we can successfully deal with any challenges that come our way. If we plan well, the multi-tasking can be that much easier. This card is so beautiful, as it represents all the wonderful things that are coming! Yes, we may have to juggle and be a bit stressed, but it is going to be because of all the amazing things happening in our lives. There are going to be many wonderful opportunities, so keep the positive energy flowing, and handle what comes your way. The crystals and Angels are helping us heal from any stress, and anxiety that we are experiencing from all this. Keep having faith and trust in the Universe, trust that the light will always return. Trust in the dawn. Beautiful light is coming, to shine on you so brightly. There is no turning back now. Just remember to love yourself and be positive, and the future will be all the more amazing. ❤️

By The Book – 

Essential Meanings: Abiding by social rules; conformity; respecting cultural or family customs; universal laws.

The Oracle’s Message: The Universe works within the structure of Divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The law of abundance, the law of prayer, the law of karma, the law of attraction, the law of thought, the law of compensation, and the law of nature are only a few that are known. These principles create perfect order and operate with a kind of precision beyond human understanding. Even revolution has its place in universal law. Human beings, in turn, have their own laws and customs that vary from culture to culture and family to family. Laws keep social order and govern behavior, reflecting an instinctive understanding that harmony is important. This is the time to learn these laws and conform to them, rather than being the rebel and flouting them. When this card appears, submit to structure and follow the rules even if they seem to make no sense. Release resistance, for universal laws will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws, and it will be easier to go by the book at this time.

Relationship Message: Getting along with others entails understanding and respecting who they have become as a result of their environment, culture, and experience. Find the middle ground that allows the relationship to flourish while honouring the individuality of the other person. Play things by the book instead of trying to break the rules or pressure others to conform to the way you want to do them. Your connection will deepen as a result.

Prosperity Message: At this time, you can expect a return on your investment. Whatever you have pursued – be it a dream you’ve long cherished, a skill you’ve cultivated, or a service your called to – will come to you if you’re willing to go by the book. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to be successful. Follow in the footsteps of others who have already achieved the things you’re striving for. You can learn a lot by observing the structures that are already working. Your creative projects and commitment to prosperity are in alignment with the needs of the world, but impatience may tempt you to cut corners to get there more quickly. Stick with what you know works, and you will attract abundance.

Protection Message: Now is the time for a real change in consciousness as you are incited to revolt. Challenge the structures that are limiting authentic progress. It is not enough to rebel in small ways – this is a call to revolution! Focus on what you really want to achieve, regardless of whether it feels so far outside the box that the established order may reject it. Genius, invention, and transformation are rarely comfortable, and less likely to be accepted by the mainstream. It maybe time for you to say no to the way of your group, take a stand, and make real changes. It could be that the structure of your inner world is alerting you to the need for a complete overhaul. This is a time for transformation, so let go of the fear of change. Your intuition will lead you through the darkness. There is no turning back now. Trust that light will dawn. Epiphanies will surely lead to miracles.

Think About It – This card asks you to step back from your current path or thought process and review the situation you’re asking about. There’s an unseen aspect, and the Angels guide you to slow down so you can move forward with the whole picture in sight. This card can also be cautionary, if you were about to make a radical change impulsively. While it still may be the best path, this card asked you to look into the alternatives first. You are exquisitely sensitive to energy, and your mission is to heal and transform negative energy into positive. However, there’s always a better way to do so. This card ask you to research your options for making helpful changes that are part of your life’s mission.

Eight of Spring – There are many varieties of stress. This card reflects the kind that comes from having a lot of wonderful things in your life at once! You may be juggling a family, new career opportunities, seeing to your fitness, decorating your home… Of course, you wouldn’t wish away any of these lovely things, yet it’s a great deal to have on your plate! This is the card of successful multitasking. If things have been quiet for you, expect to see a big increase in the action. Make sure you have every task prioritized. Whenever possible delegate items from your to-do list to others. And be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life while you juggle them. Our fairy in the image tries to simultaneously manage eight magical dandelions. It’s a lot to handle at once but thankfully the dandelions represent wishes come true! Additions meanings of this card: Being confident! Sudden events or rapid changes. Instantaneous results. Business travel.

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Angel Card Reading – Week of Jan 3, 2016


Sorry I missed last week’s reading.. I forgot my cards at my parents house over the holidays! I feel like it was a sign, to take a break and enjoy the season and New Year’s with my family. 

This week’s card reading to start off the year is just beautiful. Love and compassion for ourselves and others, blessings after the storm, and spiritual unfoldment. For anyone who had a bit of a rough year last year, it appears the storm is over, and if we give ourselves and others the love we all deserve, then there are wonderful blessings that will show up. Most importantly, in the form of our spiritual growth. We are all beautiful, and once we can embrace our love and compassion, most importantly for ourselves, that beauty will unfold in our lives. It is inevitable if you trust in our Creator and give the love we were meant to. Love yourself and others is the message for this week, and really is a message to kick off our New Year! 

Love (Compassion) – In this beautiful Image, we see hands reaching toward each other through a heart. The Green field surrounding them is the color of the fourth, or heart, chakra. It’s when we feel love in our heart center that we not only naturally emit the healing energy of compassion, but we also attract love and compassion. Studies by the Heart Math Institute reveal that the electrical signals from the heart are up to 60 times stronger than the brain’s, and the magnetic field is as much as 5000 times more powerful. It’s a given that are thinking patterns affect our feelings and, in turn, our reality. What we put out, whether it’s love, fear, empathy, sadness, and so forth, contains an incredible amount of power to shape and influence our reality. When the focus of our attention and intention is love and compassion, we recognize no separation between self and other.

All wounds stem from the illusion of separation from Source and all of creation. The route to healing this wound is through cultivating love and compassion for every being on this planet, including yourself. Not a bland standard of unquestioned acceptance, but a heartfelt sense of profound relatedness to whatever you perceive as apart from yourself. True compassion requires not only the feeling of warmth that emanates when you are in touch with your heart center, but in act of kindness, even if this simply means being a fully attentive listener. Respect the fact that your heart is a giver (putting out electrical energy) and a receiver (drawing in magnetic energy). These energies are best sensed by attending to the steady flow of your breathing, while also noticing your heart area. Righteousness, fear, anger, and judgment are some common ways to block your natural desire to love. Forgiveness is not only letting go of judgment, but also seeing through the illusion, that you and all-that-is are separate. Look about you and inside of you, and do your best to love whatever you see.

Rainbow (Blessings) – A rainbow is created by the collaboration of sunlight and water in the atmosphere. The water droplets become tiny prisms that collectively diffuse and disperse light into a ribbon of colors that is the essence of every hue we’re capable of perceiving on this planet. Rainbows symbolize many things, including good luck, a bridge to heaven, and abundance. It’s difficult for any of us to ignore the majesty of a rainbow and the gentle power inherent in it’s display. It’s such a simple blending of the elements coming together in perfect visual harmony to create one of the most beautiful sights in all of Creation. Although there are diverse meanings attributed to the sight of a rainbow, a common thread is that it offers blessings. The artist of this image created this rainbow to commemorate a friend who had just died. She worked on it whenever she felt her love and appreciation for her friend, the blessings he brought to the world and into her life, often after a spell of tearful grief.

The storm has passed, and it is time to enjoy the refreshing beauty of the cycle, even though it has been difficult to appreciate any sense of purposefulness in what you have endured lately. You can now, as they say, count your blessings. Do not just look at the “brighter side” adhering to some academic mantra that has no heart or depth, but do so slowly and with genuine gratitude that is expressed up close and personal. This ever-evolving process of life itself is a blessing, and opportunity to exist as a human being on earth. The planet is a beautiful garden, even if it does not always appear to be so. Sometimes it is only when you look back at a memory of an experience that you can truly see the blessings that have come from them. Bless your difficult or painful experiences, and let them go.

Lotus Flower (Unfoldment) – The lotus flower sits upon one of its leaves, having risen to the surface as the sun – held in the hand of God – invites it upward toward the light. This unique plant is rooted in the mud and muck at the bottom of the water, it’s stem reaching up to the surface, where it’s leaves rest quietly. At night the flower sinks below the surface, only to rise with daylight. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path unfolds and opens to the light, then at times gently folds in on itself for a proper rest when the daylight fades. This period is just as necessary for growth, for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment that day. It’s also just as important that it is rooted, and it is yet another miracle of nature that something so exquisitely beautiful is formed from the mud and silt at the water’s bottom.

Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times, wether or not you are aware of it. It is inevitable as long as you put your trust in the hands of the Creator, the one who holds the light. Like the lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light to fulfill its karmic destiny, but even in that process there are periods of darkness and times to rest. It is a natural cycle, one that cannot be truly coerced or halted. It has an intimate rhythm of its own, one that is unique to you. You do not need to strive for spiritual growth, or be driven by spiritual ambition. It does no good to try to force growth upon yourself. Just be your beautiful self, and love yourself and the world around you as much as you can. Allowing is the key here. Allow the place in you that naturally wants to follow the light, to do so, while recognizing that even when you have complete faith, you will face challenges and, occasionally, suffering. Your steady faith and love will guide you on your journey of returning to the light.


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