Messages From Spirit for August 24, 2023

Messages From Spirit for August 24, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #August24 #Aug24 #Ask #AskForHelp #Help #Angels #AskOften #Assistance #Life #Ideas #Courage #Faith #Confidence #Clarity #MaterialNeeds #Money #Time #Health #Vitality #Work #Working #OnYourBehalf #Gratitude

Messages From Spirit for March 19, 2023

Messages From Spirit for March 19, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #March19 #Mar19 #Proclaim #Truth #BeTransparent #Honest #Open #Communication #Surrender #Peel #Layers #Illusions #SetYourselfFree #BeTrue #Calling #Authentic #Flawed #Spirit #Miracles #Look #Thoughts #Beliefs #Feelings #Money #Prosperity #Key

Card Reading for the week of September 19, 2022

The crystals I am working with for the week are Cinnabrite, Snow Quartz, and Mangano Calcite. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Cinnabrite – Attracts money and wealth. Willpower to attain and maintain inner freedom. Helps us to fulfill our dreams. Gives strength. Encourages development of intuition and increases spiritual insight. Enhances and invigorates creativity.

Snow Quartz – Brings good fortune. A calming and soothing stone. Helpful for meditation, and looking within. It can be considered a very yin, feminine type of quartz. Often used for purification on spiritual and other levels.

Mangano Calcite – Connects you to the Angelic Realm. Sometimes called the “Reiki Stone”, due to its healing capabilities. It amplifies energy in a gentle but powerful way. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal and self-love. It offers hope for the best in all things. It is a nurturing stone that helps us take care of ourselves. It enables us to accept love and have self-love, and act with loving behaviours. It is a high powered stress reliever that relieves anxiety, stress and tension. It heals trauma. It is used to remove fears of all kinds and reduces nightmares.

All white crystals represent purity, and the pink represents sweetness and beauty, which is perfect as we have a Libra New Moon coming up on Sunday. It’s time to refresh and purify our lives. It’s time for new beginnings. Many people have been worried about finances. Trust that if you keep putting the work in and moving forward you will see the rewards more and more. Abundance, money, wealth, fortune… it’s all on our side this week. Keep taking those steps toward earning more money or saving. Keep using your creativity to create more. Let your creativity be reinvigorated. We do have lots of good ideas and inspirations that we can build upon to earn income. Don’t be afraid to start small. Use your willpower to build a life that is more aligned with what you want. If you want more freedom, find more ways to be and feel free. Be strong and keep making the changes you need as you go. Keep growing as a person and allowing yourself to shift and change. See the beauty that you bring to the table as a unique and individual human. It all starts from within us, the white colors of the crystals represent our spirit. Take time for meditation and for going within. I’ve really been enjoying Sound Baths lately… something about the vibrations really allows me to open up, connect, and make those shifts. Google Sound Baths and find one that works for you. The vibration of the sound really clears the energy. Don’t be afraid to look within and see what’s coming up for you. I started Trauma Healing Sessions last week, and that’s been very eye opening for me about how much I do stuff down and not want to talk about… but acknowledging these things and giving them a voice will hopefully allow me to release them for good and feel a lot lighter! Not everyone has to do deep trauma work, but I do believe that it’s in the energy right now for us to look at what’s bothering us deep within, and be able to release some of it and make space for what the Universe is desiring to deliver to us. So we can rise into our power and serve our purpose here on Earth. The Fall feeling in the air is really calling me to go within as well. It’s time to shed our proverbial leaves and bare our branches, ready to tackle the winds of winter and soak up the sun with new growth in spring. Be calm and trust that the Universe has its perfect cycles and everything is in perfect divine timing. Let yourself heal so you can love yourself and your life so much. When we take care of ourselves and give ourselves love, we are better able to receive love from others. Act with loving behaviours towards yourself, others, and your life as a whole as much as you can. Hope for the best in all things. Let go of the anxiety and stress for good and allow yourself to heal. There is nothing to be scared of.. and so many beautiful and wonderful things yet to come. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

I love these cards. You’re Not For Everyone has been coming up a lot in the past 6 months. We can never find true happiness and fulfilment if we are trying to be someone we aren’t. If we are trying to fill certain expectations or moulds that others have set before us. Life is going to be a lot harder to live, if you are living unauthentically. It’s so much easier, and a lot more rewarding, just to be who you are. To be the person you came to this Earth to be. You have nobody to impress. The only person who has to believe in you, is you. You know in your heart what is right for you. Everyone may not understand you… not everyone may like you… but that is perfectly ok, as long as you know who you are. You are the superhero of your life. Your the one who gets to set the GPS and decide on the adventure. You get to create this life however you see fit for you. You have the whole world in front of you. Honestly, that’s such a beautiful thing. My weird life is so beautiful because it’s mine. Stars to me, represent opportunities, and you can see she is creating them from her fingertips, just like magic. When you live your truth authentically and do work that matters to you, you build on a more solid foundation that you can grow and grow from, until the sky is the limit. It doesn’t matter who you think is watching, because people will notice you when you are living in your power and purpose. When you share your heart, you connect with other like-minds and find your people. You don’t ever have to convince anyone of your value. Those who appreciate you will benefit from the gifts you offer… and you have so many gifts to offer the world. You have a trunk full of love, opportunities, abundance, experience, and spiritual connection. You might not even be able to see how much you offer or have accumulated because you’ve been working so hard. Yes, there has been a lot to carry in this life, but Spirit is watching over you and ensuring you are blessed even through all that you endure. See your life as the treasure that it is. Treat people like the treasures they are. Do what you can with what you have, and work on creating and building more. Trust your intuition to guide you towards where you need to be and what you need to do. The hard work you do on improving your inner self will pay off externally. Make sure you share your blessings with others, and let it multiply, like magic. Keep your heart open to love and be willing to learn the lessons. Stop believing that you are “not enough”, which creates the blocks to abundance. Instead, see your true, powerful nature as the energetic creator and manifestor that you are. Stop listening to all the expectations of people around you, and start filling up your own heart. Live your amazing life. Appreciate nature. Appreciate the gift of life. Experience adventure. Explore the world outside of your home and workplace. Get out of your normal routine and find some new inspiration. Allow yourself to be immersed in the Earth’s energy to cleanse, ground, heal, and let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of the past and see today for the treasure that it is. Step into your natural power, and guide energy back into yourself and your life. Have an inspired week and a beautiful New Moon this weekend!

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Messages From Spirit for May 3, 2022

Messages From Spirit for May 3, 2022 💕✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #May3 #LetGo #Release #Worries #BePatient #Patience #Believe #DontStopBelieving #Rest #SelfCare #TakeTime #Plan #InvestTime #Time #InvestMoney #Money #Investing #HardWork #PayOff #Harvest #Finances #Abundance #Manifesting #Spiritual #Positive #Energy

Weekly Card Reading – Week of Aug 29, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Oregon Icicle, Septarian Dragon Stone, and Shiva Lingam. I use these crystals to connect to the energy, to connect to the message meant for everyone who reads this, and to send you the healing energy of the crystals.

Oregon Icicle – Used for protection, strength, good health, good fortune, and long life. Grounding. Gives courage and helps banish fear. Increases self-esteem. Promotes mental processes and inner talents. Enhances analytical abilities, precision, and perceptiveness. Brings vitality. Helpful to those who are recovering. A nurturing stone. Absorbs and transmutes negative energies.

Septarian Dragon Stone – A healing stone, beneficial for overall health and well-being. Gives relief for muscle spasms. Nurtures and grounds. Brings calming energies and can bring feelings of joy and spiritual enlightenment. Septarian is used to communicate with Mother Earth. Said to bring unconscious foreknowledge needed by the user to help him or her always be prepared for what is coming up.

Shiva Lingam – Charges the Chakras and activates kundalini energy. Boosts vitality. Enhances inner transformation. Helps you to break old patterns and open up new pathways. Strengthens and balances the whole body. Helps to feel unity and the duality of both masculine and feminine.

I feel like, as a collective, are just tired of everything we have been going through. It’s been a long road. Not only Covid, but my son going through leukemia since 2015. I am just feeling tired I guess.. We have all been through our own struggles. These never ending worries of the safety of our world is getting very exhausting. When I look to the crystals for answers, they remind me that we can’t let fear dictate our lives. We can’t worry all the time. It truly isn’t healthy for us, and isn’t helping anything. We are protected, and we should feel blessed for the good health we have. We must continue to look to the positive. Stay grounded and banish fear from your life. Put yourself out there as best as you can. You are being blessed with vitality, and should feel yourself being more energized soon. We have a New Moon coming up Sept 6th and the energy coming up is really beautiful. Our ability to manifest is powerful. The intentions we set matter. If we want to truly heal and be happy, we have to stay focused on cutting out negativity. We are healing in many ways right now, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. We need to ground and connect with Mother Earth… connect with the Universe.. and be reminded of who we are and why we are here. We are not here to sell our souls or pillage the earth dry. We are here to walk as lightly as possible upon this earth, as a community, together. When we remember our true connection, to each other, to nature, to the universe, we are gifted with calm energy and feelings of joy, contentment, and enlightenment. We understand how special we are, when we remember our connection. When we remember that we are one with everything. We are being given information to help us prepare for what is coming up, so please… pay attention to nature. When we walk good with nature, nature is good to us in return. We are gifted with vitality and energy to create, manifest, and transform. We are changing and shifting so much. You can step into the person you are meant to be. We mustn’t be scared or fearful. We will be given all that we need and more. Own your power and your worth. Know that you are deserving and an integral part of this universe. You are money. You are love. You are happiness. Believe it, know it, vibe with it. Attract it all to you, because it is you. Let’s see what the cards have to say!

This deck was very strong, and these 3 cards came out so simply and easily. Solitude is the loneliness we’ve been experiencing, particularly during these times. It reminds us that even when things look barren and hopeless, there is still beauty. There will always be beauty. The illumination from the beam of light reminds me that Spirit is always with us, shining down upon us and guiding us, especially in our darkest times. Enjoy some peace and solitude. Spend time in silence. Listen to what your soul has to say to you. Honor your need to pull back from time to time, and get clear. We are never really isolated… only fearful. Let go of the fear. Be happy in each and every moment. The only fears that exist are the ones you believe in. Enjoy being with yourself, and hearing what your inner soul has to say. Green Man is nature!! It’s literally nature saying hello! Hi!! I’m here! Spend time in the grass, garden, or against a tree this week. Meditate outside. Nature is about rebirth. This card is a reminder that nature is in control, and if we aren’t doing what’s good for her, she will make it known. When we don’t treat the earth well, we don’t treat ourselves well! Sucking in chemicals and poisons all day.. it’s really not a good look for us humans, and we really do need to get it together. If we don’t play our natural part with nature, then a piece of the puzzle is missing and it just can’t work. We are a part of Earth’s synergy. We are a part of nature. We can tap into the unlimited nature of the Earth too. We can flow with life and work with it, letting it help us. Align your will with Spirit… with nature… and watch your life bloom and grow. Have good synergy and balance in all areas and relationships in your life. Be aware of your ego, and stop taking it so seriously. Stop taking everything so seriously. Trust that you are being guided and your higher self is always looking out for your best interests. Who do you imagine your higher self to be? Why is she higher than you? How can you align with the vibration of your higher self? If you allow life to communicate with you, you will express yourself so beautifully. Move through life with greater ease, as you synergize with nature around you. Autumn Equinox is coming up this month, and the weather is definitely shifting. This card tells me that we still have things to release. I know I’ve been feeling stuck on letting some things go. We still have time. We still have time to do the work of really letting go, before the New Moon comes. Google some meditations about letting go, or cutting cords, etc. Book a treatment with a healer to do some subconscious releasing work. It’s interesting, because a few of my plants are dying, and I’m usually such a good plant mom! I had to cut the light out during the heat spells, and I’m sure that’s what’s done it. They just didn’t get enough light. It’s a natural process, one that leads into the next. It may even get colder and darker. Yet, still, we will have our moments of beauty there. It feels to me, like something has to die, something has to be cut away and released. There is just no more energy for it right now, and if we want to conserve energy, we have to let some things go. We need to focus our energy and use it to our best advantage. Shed the person you no longer are. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. Let go of fears and worries. Embody your true power and self. Allow yourself to rest, while you prepare for the next season. Clean out your home, declutter, and get organized. Let go of people that are no longer on the same frequency as you too. With release comes a sense of lightness. There is space and freedom. There is room for new to grow. Let go of whatever has outlived its purpose, and make room for the new to enter. Have a wonderful week!

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New Moon in Cancer – July 9, 2021

We have a New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 9th, peaking at 7:16pm here in Alberta. 🌑✨🙏There are positive aspects to this New Moon, but also some challenges. This New Moon is all about family, friends, and the home. It’s about being comforted by what we have in our life. We may have some emotions coming up around things we want to change in our home, or bringing up issues from our own childhood. Stay open minded and try to go with the flow. Forgive and let go of resentment for your own sake. Thinking and dwelling too much on the past can worsen depression. The way you perceive the world can be very subjective. If things aren’t looking great for you, how can you see things from a different angle, or pivot your stance to make things work better for you. You have what it takes to overcome any potential problems, and you will be better for it. Try not to get bitter. We need to keep our emotions as positive as possible, so we can exude the loving, happy energy that we intend to. Set healthy boundaries and know which situations or people affect your emotions negatively. Trust your intuition, and trust that everything is happening in Divine timing. Trust that everything is working out for you, especially if that is hard to see right now. Help yourself find more balance and bring more light into your life. Have a little fun and enjoy summer! Things should be heating up a bit with Mars and Venus conjuncting in Leo. 😘❤️🙏✨

Do you want to work with this energy further? Get my Moon Magic Worksheet! Only $5(CAD) or sign up for the year for $100!

The Moon Magic Worksheet is a 6-page Printable PDF that tells you all about the sign on Cancer and things that relate to this New Moon. You can learn what Colors, Crystals, Gods/Goddesses, Essential Oils, Flowers, Plants, Herbs, Metals, Charms, and Animals that resonate with this Moon energy. There are affirmations, activities, goal setting questions, journal prompts, prayers, a card of guidance, upcoming astrology, and more!! I call it a Moon Ceremony on paper, that you can do how you want!

Let me know if you want one! 🥰🤗

Astrology #MoonMagic #Moon #MoonMagicWorksheet #Cancer #NewMoon #MoonCycles #Guidance #July #Home #Family #Passion #Relaxation #PositiveChange #NewBeginnings #FreshStart #Spiritual #Summer #Stability #Love #Money #Relocation #Renovations #Flow #UnconditionalLove #Forgiveness #Intentions #Manifesting

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Card Reading – Week of April 18, 2021

The crystals I am working with for the week are Apatite, Blue Goldstone, and Fluorite. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Blue Apatite – Known to be a hunger suppressant. Eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Renews the body by cleansing the aura. Enhances manifestation. Brings clarity of mind and expansion of insight. Helpful for uncovering truths. Enhances communication and self-expression. Encourages openness and ease. Works during dream time to form solutions to issues. Helps those who are overly emotional by inducing calm and finding solutions.

Blue Goldstone – The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are reminiscent of stars in the night sky. Use Blue Goldstone to make a wish. Keep a piece with your resume or at your work desk to increase job opportunities or better advancements in your career. It is a helpful aide for children who are afraid of the dark. A good deflector of unwanted energies, and for protection.

Fluorite – Promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development. Brings protection and peace. It is used to clear energy fields and aura. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Relieves anxiety, tension, and stress. Fluorite can reduce fear of the future, as well as ease anger and depression.

Stress and anxiety has been very high this past while. We have to be careful when we get into these patches, that we don’t give in to the temptation to try to soothe these issues with negative solutions, such as food, drugs, alcohol, etc. I feel like I’ve been doing better controlling what and how much I eat, but it always seems to be a phase. Eventually, I slip back into using food to cope. We have to be aware of these temptations so that we are ready to consciously choose how we are going to handle them. We have to find better ways to heal ourselves. We have lots of great tools that are readily available and easily accessible. Spending time in nature, placing crystals on you, meditating, exercise, herbs, hands on healing… we have so many things we can do that are much healthier than the coping mechanisms we’ve chosen in the past. A healing treatment is going to balance you and revitalize you! It’s going to feel much more amazing than a hangover. I feel like there is just so many things going on now, inside of us, and outside in our world. We need to make sure we are taking care of both of those things. We are creating our future and the world we live in with each day, with each action and each choice. We have the power to manifest, and the energy is strong for that now. We have to make sure we are focusing on the strength we have now, and not what was lost to the past. The truths you need to see, they will come to the light. You will get the clarity you need. Try to stay calm, and know that you can overcome any challenges that arise. Be open and express yourself. Don’t be scared to try new forms of therapy if you are needing help. Also, look to your dreams when you need answers. Try to keep a dream journal and see what your dreams might be suggesting to you. Try to think positively, because we are manifesting, and our wishes are going to come true. Start preparing yourself now. Start doing things you would need to do if you were in your desired career. Keeping Blue Goldstone at your desk is always a great idea! We are learning and growing, and we are becoming more whole. We are taking a wider view of life and becoming more accepting of all things. We are making better decisions. This is helping us to manifest better lives. We are bringing our dreams, goals, and plans to life. The future is very bright and full of love. Let go of the fears and worry. Everything is going to be amazing. Let’s see what the cards say.

The Five of Autumn reminds us to reach out when we need help. Please remember, that when you purchase a reading from me, I send it by email in writing, so you don’t ever need to have an appointment with me. It can be a great pick-me-up if you are in need of something to reinvigorate you. Also, I ALWAYS offer 1 card for free, so if you are struggling and don’t know if a reading would help, you can always try a 1 card mini reading, all you have to do is reach out and ask. Covid has us all struggling, and money is a real issue, even more than it was prior to Covid. We tend to forget that, even in the worst of times, we have the most amazing beautiful guidance that we can call on for support. Our Angels, Guides, fairies, loved ones that have crossed over… they are around us and they will do what they can to help if you ask. There is this message, not only from me but from other healers too, that Divine support is available to us. Our prayers are being heard. Help can just suddenly appear. Keep watching for the signs of what to do next. Keep asking for help and thanking the Universe for the blessings that show up. By focusing on the negative things in life that make you unhappy, it sets you on the path for more difficulties. Keep your thoughts positive and focused on what you want. Remember that you are manifesting! Don’t fall into the trap of believing you are alone. I have been falling into the loneliness self-pity trap lately, but we can’t give into untrue thinking. In reality, I am blessed with an abundance of amazing friends that support my work and my life. We have to trust in our inherent knowing of what we need for our life. No book or research can tell us the things our heart knows. We already know where we are heading, we’ve been on our way there this entire time. You can trust yourself and your choices. You can trust that you are just as capable as anyone who’s come before you. We can look for answers outside of ourselves all we want. Sometimes, all it takes is looking within. You are listening to your soul now and uncovering the truth of who you are and what you need. You are letting go of the societal conditioning and reverting back to your inherent nature. The fog is clearing and the light has come… and it is shining on you! Follow the yes’ in your soul. It’s interesting this Kuthumi card references Madame Blavatsky, as I was just learning about her in one of Sylvia Browne’s books 2 days ago.

“The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.”

“Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.”

⁃ H. P. Blavatsky

So… how do we overcome getting stuck in patterns of negativity? We have to choose to see only love. We have to have more love for ourselves. We have to give ourselves the love we aren’t getting from others. We need to make ourselves happy. This comes back again to healing ourselves. If you need something, you need to reach out and ask for help. You need to fulfill your needs. You need to get yourself what you need and make it happen. When you are finding yourself in a negative mindset, you will notice your thoughts are revolving around self-talk that’s probably not useful nor true. What is the truth? Ask yourself how you can see the situation with love. How can you see every situation with love? How can you filter your thoughts with love? It will take time, but you can improve your thinking patterns. Catch yourself when you are thinking negatively and cross it out. Replace it with a positive thought. When you focus on love, anything that’s unloving falls away. Turn on the light to diminish the darkness. Remember that you have a choice. Call upon the Angels to help you. Please remember that I am here to help you too. Have a beautiful week!

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Full Beaver Moon with Partial Lunar Eclipse in Gemini – November 30, 2020

We have some big energies upon us, with a Full Moon in Gemini, with a partial Lunar Eclipse coming on Monday! Gemini is airy and logical and has themes of the mind and communication. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that we’ve had an eclipse in the sign of Gemini. The Moon is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, and is connected to Venus opposite Uranus by two quincunx aspects. This can create tension and anxiety. Tension forces us to rethink our strategy. This energy can affect relationships and money… and how they do so depends on how you are adapting and working with the energies and opportunities present in your life. Where is your mindset? Are you stuck in negativity? Are you neglecting yourself or your inspirations? Or are you ready to overcome fears and obstacles and chase your dreams? If you can have patience and take the long way around, if you can make the hard choices, you can make your way to the life you dream of. We are going to need to be flexible and adapt, as things shift and change. We need to work with the changes and stay positive. That is why we are going to do the work now to clear away any baggage (physical, mental, and emotional) that we have accumulated, so that we can use this energy to our best advantage!

This is why I have created something NEW to support you through the Moon phases! I have developed a Moon Magic Worksheet, so you can make the most out of working with the energy of this Full Moon!

The Moon Magic Worksheet includes tons of information about what relates to this Full Moon, and helps guide you to work with the energy.

For only $5 (Canadian) you can get your copy of the Moon Magic Worksheet! Please email me at if you are interested!

Have a magical Full Moon Eclipse! 🌕🙏✨

#FullMoon #Eclipse #Moon #Gemini #LunarEclipse #November #MoonMagic #Magic #Worksheet #LetGo #Nature #Cycles #Release #New #Changes #Adapt #Shift #Flow #Positivity #SelfLove #Power #Affirmations #Energy #Monday #ThankYou #Gratitude #Grateful #Empower #SelfCare

Black New Super Moon in Leo – July 31, 2019

We have a New Moon in Leo coming up. It’s called the Black Moon because it is the 2nd New Moon this month, and it is a Super Moon because it is closer to Earth. There has been a lot of dark, challenging energy lately. This New Moon is here to remind us, that we have the power to choose what we do with the energy. Do we wallow in the darkness? Or do we dust off our boots and shake things up? Unexpected changes will occur.. are you going to freak out? Or handle it with poise and determination? You have the choice. Plan to be proactive for any challenges that arise. There is nothing you can’t handle. Try your best to stay positive, and not engage in any drama. Set positive intentions for your life. If you’ve been feeling blah, it’s a great time to have some fun. Go shopping, get your hair done, go on an adventure… Take care of you and make sure you feel good! The rest will work itself out. 🌚💫🦁

#NewMoon #BlackMoon #SuperMoon #Moon #Leo #July #Intention #Anxiety #Challenges #Positivity #Determination #Mindset #Changes #Stress #StressRelief #SelfCare #SelfLove #Makeover #Patience #Leisure #Social #Creativity #Love #Money #Finances #Values #Drama

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If you would like to book a personal reading, email me at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

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Twitter @carriegallop

View my art & photography on Fine Art America and Pixels

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of April 7, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Sardonyx, Zebra Jasper and Snowflake Obsidian. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Sardonyx – A stone of protection and strength. Holds a vibration of happiness, optimism and confidence. Increases stamina, vigor and self-control.

Zebra Jasper – Encourages us to stop considering failure as an option. Holds the energy of balance, uniting masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies. An anti-apathy stone. It allows you to be optimistic, despite life’s stresses and gives you more initiative to tackle those problems. Encourages you to dream and turn those dreams into reality. A grounding stone, allowing you to tune into Mother Earth and find joy in your surroundings.

Snowflake Obsidian – A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease. Volcanic in origin, Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns.

There has been a strong energy of wanting to give up.. Feelings have been surfacing, asking us to examine our thought patterns and emotions. The crystals make me feel like things are complicated, yet simple at the same time. Things are mostly black and white.. but there are some shades of grey we can’t deny. There is always good within the bad, and bad within the good. This week is about embracing the duality of life, in all aspects. Embodying both masculine and feminine qualities. It’s an understanding that choices can be simple.. but feelings and emotions are not. It’s important that you feel and honour the emotions you experience, while having a higher knowing that this experience also serves you in some positive way, with lessons always being learned. No matter how tough things have been for me, the readings all say we are moving into a positive, abundant and joyful time of life. I choose to believe that and expect that. I have to trust that the energy will pass and work itself out. That things aren’t as bad as they seem, even if they feel really horrible at that moment. When you start to feel renewed, you can look forward to this week with optimism and hope. Yes, things might still get stressful at times, but you will be feeling much better and ready to overcome any hurdles. There is so much optimism for life. Look around and enjoy this moment, enjoy the day, enjoy the week. Get as much joy as you can out of it. Appreciate the beauty and wonder that is life. Allow yourself to be happy, whenever you can, as often as possible. The energy of giving up will be replaced this week with increased optimism and enthusiasm. Keep working on the projects that resonate with your soul.. the ones that truly make YOU happy. Let’s see what the cards have to add.

I’m excited to use these astrology cards. I used them last night doing a reading for myself, and they were amazing. I’m hoping to do some free 1-card readings with them soon, so stay tuned for that!

I feel like Spirit is making us take a deep look at what is and isn’t working in our lives. If there was ever a time to make a change, it is in this fresh Aries New Moon energy! The way you feel about situations gives you insight into things you may need to change or look at differently. What are you asking for and manifesting in your life? What intentions did you set for the new moon? Which way are you trying to move toward? Let your emotions guide you, by clearly showing you what you want and don’t want. There are some domestic issues, making us consider where (and what) home truly is for us. This could indicate a good time to move. It could also mean you have been spending too much time on the home and family matters, and less on the things that give you personal joy and happiness. Maybe you just need to get out of the house for a while! The Fourth House is about who you are at the core, that only a few people in the world truly know and see. Its about accepting yourself as a whole, the good with the bad, the pretty and the ugly.. loving yourself fully and completely.. and considering this same acceptance for those you love and share your home with. Feel what you have to feel, and get over it and get back to love. This is also a message about connecting to your ancestors that contributed to who you are today. I have tracked back my ancestors to the 1700’s, and it’s so interesting to piece together the story of how I came to be, and how it relates to who I am today. I can see how they guide me. Spend time with your parents and take in as much knowledge as you can. There may also be potential issues with financial matters. Make sure you aren’t living in a “lack” state of mind and worrying too much. Trust that abundance and opportunities will present themselves in the best way for your highest good. This week, we need to get in touch with our true selves. Pay attention to dreams as there is a lot going on with them now… integrating past lessons, highlighting trouble areas, and helping us find pathways to move forward. This is about allowing yourself to be seen, especially when you feel vulnerable. Make some space and take some time to process all the things you have been going through. Your feelings will help you understand what’s going on. Find ways to release the energy and get balanced. Let your instincts guide you, and allow your family to support you. Repeat the manta, “Everything is working out for my highest good.” A sincere Thank You to the Universe never hurts either!

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