Messages From Spirit for August 26, 2023

Messages From Spirit for August 26, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #August26 #Aug26 #Reflect #GoWithin #Contemplate #Seasons #Feel #Renewed #Dark #Acknowledge #Experience #Work #Source #Gratitude #Forgiveness #LetItGo #Solitude #Reflection #Grateful #Possibilities #Potentials #Exist #Allow #Imagination #Patience #Stillness

Messages From Spirit for June 4, 2023

Messages From Spirit for June 4, 2023 ✨

#Daily #Guidance #Message #MessagesFromSpirit #June4 #Stillness #GoWithin #DecisionMaking #Action #Balance #Reflection #Depth #TruePassivity #Strong #Fertile #Mistaken #Weakness #Inertia #Spiritual #Ceasing #Drivenness #EverydaySelf #OpenUp #Dreams #Intuition #Allow #Mysteries #Unfold #Strength #Wisdom

Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of September 15, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Chevron Amethyst, Rainbow Moonstone and Ametrine. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Chevron Amethyst – Combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. Great for seeing some of the hidden meanings in life. Use it to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.

Rainbow Moonstone – Has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance, harmony, and hope. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes. Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. Increases synchronicities. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

Ametrine – A natural combination of amethyst and citrine. Stimulates the intellect and helps you stay focused. Rids the aura of negative energy. It is also helpful for releasing negative emotional programming. Helps with meditation and boosts psychic abilities. Relieves tension. Unites masculine and feminine energy. Assists with weight loss and addictions.

Well, how was that full harvest moon in Pisces for you all?! I knew when I prepared my post for the full moon, that emotions would be coming up for me. It wasn’t the easiest full moon for myself and those around me. My son was quite anxious for school this morning, then I was experiencing some anxiety… I’m just going to blame it on the throws of the full moon energy. Nonetheless, we survived… and we are still thriving! We have been trying to let go of our old ways of being, and hopefully some of that went out with the full moon. Now it’s about allowing and making room for a new and exciting future to come. These next 2 weeks are a great time to do clearings on our energy, on our home.. making plenty of space for beautiful things to enter our lives when we manifest on the new moon. We are in this window of “Palindrome Days” where the date is the same backwards and forwards. It’s a perfect representation of how we are getting ourselves on course for the future. We are strong now… we can handle the stress that comes in life. We are done playing the victim or feeling small. Once you know that there is nothing you can’t overcome, you realize there is nothing stopping you. The only person who thinks twice is you. The Chevron Amethyst is here to help us see these imaginary boundaries where we keep ourselves contained. We are seeing there are unlimited possibilities, and that life is too short to be fearful. We are understanding that change, although it can be hard, is good for us and something we can’t always control. The Chevron Amethyst is sending tons of energy, to heal you, protect and cleanse you, and help you to be more open to change. Also, with fall in the air and kids back to school, I know my son already has a cold… this Chevron Amethyst reminds us to take care of our physical bodies and do what we can to protect ourselves from and fight off germs and illnesses. The Rainbow Moonstone is here to help us calm our shit. Things have been tense lately. There has been a lot on our plates. We find ourselves resenting the phase of life we are in, which really is our ego playing the victim mentality. The Rainbow Moonstone just wants us to chill out, man. Life isn’t all that bad. It allows us to look at our experiences from a wiser perspective, and not only appreciate where we’ve been and what we’ve learned.. but to also enjoy where we are now. This week, find ways to express yourself… try new things. Let yourself sink into a deeper space of patience and relax in your knowing that everything is always going to be ok. If you are feeling stressed out or weighted down by life… getting a Rainbow Moonstone to hold and place on your body can be very helpful. I’m going to work with mine today to bring in a little more joy and playfulness. Watch for synchronicities this week too. I was going to say, I haven’t seen many synchronicities lately… but that isn’t true. It’s probably more so that I haven’t taken the time to appreciate and enjoy them. You have to take the time to see the magic in life and to really appreciate it. As I said, we need to spend these next couple weeks letting go of all the old mental programming we carry. We have to make space in our lives in every way. Show the world you are brand new and ready for something different to show up. Let’s see what the cards say.

There are 3 beautiful scenes here.. and what do I immediately notice? That there is nothing to fear. This week is really about finding our calm and happy place. Meadow is so beautiful. It’s about being our true selves, even when we feel vulnerable. We have so much beauty to offer the world, but we have to be willing to show up and be seen. It’s about being open to life, and not being scared of what direction to go. Just wander the fields and appreciate the beauty, that is all that is required. Relax, and stay a while. There is no right way or wrong way, but we can still see where we are headed in the distance. This is about letting go of the technicalities, and the “how” of all we want to achieve. This is about allowing the Universe to guide us while we appreciate the experience of this life. This card tells me that there are so many times we find ourselves living in fear. Especially as a woman, I know there are many places I’m fearful to go alone. The question is, are these fears truly serving me? The truth is, they aren’t. They are holding me back from living life. I’m missing this beauty because I hold myself back. Yes, there might be risks, but I can trust I will be able to deal with whatever may arise. Remember, there is nothing we can’t handle. The cards just confirm that there is so much beauty we miss out on.. and there is very little to fear. Vulnerability is about putting yourself and your talents into the world, without fear or worry. Who cares what people have to say. You don’t have to listen to the people who are negative. They probably have their own issues they are looking at. All you have to do is shine your light in any way you feel you can. Things will work themselves out. There is so much opportunity when you put your talents into the world. You can no longer live your life to the standards others expect from you… you have to be happy with yourself. Especially doing Spiritual work, I have these negative thoughts and worries all the time… Will someone not like me? Will they not resonate with my message? Will they tell others and now everyone will hate me? And the honest truth? Yes, this could very well happen. But I cannot live in fear and hold myself back, when I know how much my messages help and heal. I have seen the changes in people. I have seen them in myself. I have seen so much beauty in my life. I never want to stop this flow of beauty and blessings, just because someone didn’t like me. Who knows what they have going on. This is about blocking out the naysayers and doing you! The best way to get your own mind right, is to take time for moments of stillness. Take time for you, to truly enjoy this beautiful existence.. to truly appreciate you. This is about allowing yourself time to rest. This is about awaiting what is to come… what passenger will show up to take you on the next adventure. This is about combatting the stress and fast pace of life. Don’t allow yourself to be held prisoner in an unlocked cell. Take some time this week just to allow life to be. Find a place where you can enjoy stillness for a moment. The Stone People represents our strength and how strong we’ve become. Where we used to be washed away so easily, we now know we aren’t going anywhere. This card tells me, that while we need to find stillness in our life, we also have to be vigilant and complete our duties. We are strong and we can handle what comes our way. In all 3 of these scenes, the pathway isn’t very clear, but that is ok. As long as we remain vigilant on our path of good, working hard and making time for freedom, then we don’t have to know all the details. We can allow the Universe to guide us through the beauty, knowing we can handle any change in directions that come our way. This is about detaching and being still, while still being strong in our grounding of who we are. Have a great week!

I chose an extra card of guidance for the week, from the Universe:

My one story of synchronicity this week, was about a butterfly that landed next to me while I was listening to David Palmer’s Deep Astrology for the week. It sat there the whole time and seemed as if it was listening too. 😊 It was a perfect confirmation of beauty and growth that awaits us. Let go of the negativity and allow the Universe to show you the beauty! 💗💫🙏

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Weekly Angel Card Reading – Week of January 20, 2019

The crystals I am working with for the week are Apricot Agate, Angel Aura Quartz and Rose Quartz. I use these crystals to connect to your energy, to connect to the message meant for you, and to send the healing properties of the crystal to you.

Apricot Agate – Balances Yin/Yang energy and helps emotional, physical and mental balance. Helps relieve distress when things seem beyond our control. Strengthens the bond between parent and child. It is a protector of relationships, people and objects.

Angel Aura Quartz – A stone of high spiritual energy. It is said that it is very helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. It is said to help with Angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings.

Rose Quartz – A stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. Enhances every type of love. Bringing love into life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz inspires the love of beauty, in oneself and others, in nature, and especially that which stimulates the imagination – art, music and the written word. A very happy stone. It is used to raise self-esteem and gives a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves and thereby find ourselves more worthy. It is used to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief and easing of anxiety. All these things carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, and compassion, enabling us to see the good in both ourselves and others.

With this big full super moon there is a lot of energy. So much, that it can feel uncomfortable. Things may seem out of control right now… like there is nothing you can do to feel better, and things are piling up. I know this because I’ve been going through it too. It’s been a tough week for me, and no matter how many times I try to feel good, something goes awry. Every time I try to get on top of things, life has other plans. I have had this feeling of fear creeping over my shoulder the last couple days… like something is bound to go wrong… like things are going to fall apart at any moment. I have a lot on my plate this week! Yesterday, I started listing off my problems and worries, and I hated the way I sounded! I became so conscious of the energy I was putting out by complaining…. what I was telling myself over and over in my head… and honestly… what was it helping? Worrying truly just perpetuates negative energy! There really is nothing to worry about ever! Yeah, I got a ton on my plate, but I will get through it! I always do. I will try to be prepared and do the best I can, and that is all I can do! I will try to enjoy what I can along the way, and appreciate the connections and synchronicities! The planets right now are in a very special alignment, with all planets moving in a direct forward motion, and 5 of them in their home signs. It’s time for us to get aligned too. Even just closing your eyes for 2 mins and envisioning 7 lights at your chakras moving into perfect alignment down your body and shining bright. Wiping them clean and seeing them shine brighter and brighter. You can envision them coloured or not. Usually I do, but right now, I see them as bright white lights, all in alignment. Spend some time working on your emotions this week, having fun or talking to a friend, whatever you need to do to express yourself. Spend sometime working on your physical body, making healthy food choices or working out. Have a good mental balance too, working hard but taking breaks when you need them. Find a healthy balance. When you feel yourself falling out of alignment, feel out which area you need to focus on. When you can be more aligned and balanced, you reflect that for your kids too. They see how to behave in a balanced manner. I was lucky enough to watch a presentation this week by Dr. Jody Carrington called “It Takes a Village”. She talked about how the most important thing we can do as parents is teach our kids to emotionally regulate, and demonstrate what it looks like to be emotionally regulated. We all need other people we can rely on to help us in life. We need our friends, family, and community, and our kids need all of us too. We have to learn to calm ourselves (or our children) before we (or they) can learn from it. We have to calm ourselves (or them) over and over again to enforce those responses. Also, it’s harder to do for your own kids, so spend time with your friends and help them with their kids! Let them help you with yours! We are all truly connected and meant to work together. So it’s not surprising to see messages of alignment and children here. When we can have better relationships with our selves, we can have better relationships with our kids, or any kids for that matter! Everything starts with our own choices. The Angel Aura Quartz is a crystal I use often, and it is a sure sign that the Angels are with us. They are helping us and protecting us. They was us to be peaceful and enjoy tranquil lives. It all starts and ends with loving ourselves. The Rose Quartz is THE crystal for love and self-love. Bring love into your daily life. Bring yourself flowers for your desk. Have a delicious coffee. Listen to music while you do chores. Take breaks. Be loving to others too. Help other people’s kids. Help a stranger. See the beauty around you, and see what a blessing it is to be alive. Believe in yourself and see the good in yourself. There truly are unlimited potentials!! Unlock more and more as you shift to a more positive vibration! Let’s see what the cards say for the week!

We all want to know where we are going. We want to know how things are supposed to be in some ideal, perfect, fantasy kind of way. What would we ever learn if we knew everything? If things were perfect? If we knew how everything was going to go? If we knew exactly what was right for us and wrong? Life is about the journey, and the only moment that truly matters is this very one. How are you choosing to act in this very moment? Are you appreciating the beauty that surrounds you? This card, Mintakan, is another representation that the Universe is here supporting us. This card is about finding the things and places that give you peace in life. Create peace and tranquility for yourself. If things are hard and unfair, do what you can for yourself to make life good and find balance. Spend time where you feel calm and get realigned. Take charge of your life and your happiness. Set boundaries where you need to help with your happiness and alignment. Don’t be afraid to say no, or find a sitter and have quiet time. Find more balance in your work schedule, maybe scheduling personal days just for you. Fill your cup as much as you can. Allow yourself to feel held by others. It’s just like Dr. Carrington seeing me in the crowd… trust that other people will listen to you and offer support and love.. trust that they truly see you. I see a lot of moms charging through, working so hard and not wanting to burden or rely on others. I’m the worst!! For a while, you can do it, but over a period of time, your energy gets depleted and you get out of alignment… your lights get dim. Do what you need to do for you. Cord cutting treatments and energy clearings are perfect for this time during the intense super moon. Don’t Dim To Fit In is a repeat from last week, so it’s a very important message. You have energy this world needs, so shine and allow yourself to be seen. However you feel inclined to put yourself out there, please do it. Speak up and be heard. Your opinions and thoughts matter. You matter. We all matter. How can you love someone else and not love yourself? You are them and they are you. We are all valid. We all have gifts to share. All you have to do is try your best! When you feel fearful, replace it with thoughts of love. When you are stressed out, find ways to replace it with feelings of relaxation. Use meditation and stillness. Have a bath. Work out. Do whatever you need. Calm yourself and then learn from it. Thanks Dr. Jody Carrington!!

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